Ultimate Prescription

Supplement and Nutritional Prescriptions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nick Evenson (Host), Dr. James Marcum


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000068A

00:16 Are you interested in foods that change your body
00:19 and can dramatically improve your health?
00:21 You won't want to miss today's program - stay right there.
00:25 I'm Dr. James Marcum, are you interested in
00:28 discovering the reason why?
00:30 Do you want solutions to your health care problem?
00:33 Are you tired of taking medications?
00:36 Well, you're about to be given "The Ultimate Prescription"
00:41 Hippocrates said, "Let food by thy medicine."
00:45 When it comes to supplements
00:47 and nutritional prescriptions, Dr. Marcum,
00:49 how does that apply?
00:50 Well that's great, Nick, because I get a lot of questions
00:53 at our website at heartwiseministries.org
00:56 regarding nutrients and supplements. Right
00:59 It's probably the most common thing I hear about,
01:02 and everyone wants to take
01:04 something natural, a natural remedy...
01:06 You know, is there some type of herb,
01:08 some type of extra vitamin that I take,
01:10 and I wanted to address these things today,
01:12 and give a balanced perspective.
01:14 There's a place for taking supplements and nutritional aids
01:18 but usually it's in a disease state. Okay
01:21 For instance, if you were floating around in the sea,
01:24 and didn't have vitamin C, you know you've heard of
01:26 these diseases like scurvy and pellagra and things like that.
01:30 Those are big deficiencies.
01:32 If you're iron-deficient, you need iron.
01:35 So if you're deficient in a substance,
01:37 then you might need to take supplements...
01:39 But most people, if they eat a well-balanced diet
01:43 with lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains,
01:46 hydrate themselves well with water,
01:49 they don't need to take many supplements
01:51 because God has given us everything that we need
01:54 to keep our body running pretty smooth.
01:56 Now some people I've noticed that are on a whole food
01:59 plant-based diet, do need a little bit of supplements
02:03 with the B vitamins, B6 and B12. Why is that?
02:06 Because they don't get it in the food sources they eat.
02:09 But your doctor can check you for that
02:11 or you can just take a... I just take a B6 or B12
02:14 occasionally and I have plenty of high enough levels.
02:18 So where does B6 and B12... where do these come from?
02:21 Well, it's in animals, but it predominantly comes from
02:25 the soil - it comes from that, but nowadays, our soil is not
02:29 as healthy as it used to be, and you know of course,
02:31 animal products have that, but a lot of people don't
02:34 want to take that in because of the bad that they get with it,
02:37 so they can take supplements and a lot of the
02:39 foods we eat, the soy products, the different types of
02:42 you know, are supplemented with supplements as well...
02:45 So they don't even have to take a pill,
02:47 you get it as some of the food
02:48 we eat have these supplements in them.
02:50 Now I see a lot of marketing about this supplement
02:52 or that supplement... if I'm young and healthy,
02:55 and I don't feel any symptoms, I'm not feeling any real needs,
02:59 should I buy into the idea that maybe I need a
03:01 a supplement or should I talk to my doctor?
03:02 If you have a deficiency, if you have a disease state,
03:05 you might need a supplement. Okay
03:07 But if you're eating a whole food diet, plant-based diet,
03:11 maybe get a little B6 and B12, you're getting everything
03:14 you need and you don't have a deficiency. Okay
03:16 Now if you have a disease state like you have a GI bleed,
03:20 for instance, then you'll lose extra iron,
03:23 then you might need supplemental iron in your body.
03:25 If you have certain problems with a gland,
03:28 then you might be short on something.
03:30 So there are some cases where you do need some things.
03:33 If you don't eat fruits and vegetables,
03:35 you might need a supplement if you don't take those things in
03:38 because you might be short on a nutrient and those people
03:42 do need supplements, but I look at it this way...
03:44 Everything that we put in our body has a chemical reaction,
03:48 and the supplements and the herbs have chemical reactions
03:50 just like other things too. Sure, yeah!
03:53 And sometimes we take in too much of them and it
03:56 saturates our enzyme systems.
03:58 Now what happens... can you take
04:00 too much vitamin C, what happens?
04:01 Well, if you take too much of any good thing,
04:03 most of the time, the body handles it. Okay
04:05 But it's like - if you have an orchestra with lots of
04:08 French horns... let's say you have 50 French horns...
04:11 French horns are great, but if you have too many
04:14 French horns, you can't hear the trumpets.
04:16 Sometimes it blocks the receptors
04:18 when other needed nutrients can't get in.
04:20 So you want to balance... Yes
04:22 Not just a whole lot of one instrument but a balance.
04:25 And that's what we want in life, we want a balance.
04:28 And you know, there's a place for medicines...
04:30 you know, when we need medicines mainly to get us
04:33 over an acute crisis.
04:35 There's a place for nutrition, but more than that...
04:41 what I like to think is, there's a place for God
04:43 leading us in the learning about our bodies
04:46 because we're our best physicians. Right
04:48 So we have a lot of questions that we're going to get to
04:50 in a minute about this, but before that...
04:52 you know, we've been talking about our first aid kits.
04:55 So let's talk about another thing that our viewers
04:58 can add to their first aid kit to help them be healthier.
05:01 So, we're building our first aid kit at home...
05:03 what are some things that we're going to put in there today?
05:06 Well today, we're going to talk about "bandages." Okay
05:10 Bandages help if you're having a situation where
05:14 you're bleeding or you're wounded or the tissue
05:16 has been damaged.
05:18 I don't know if you have ever seen it,
05:20 but we have all sorts of bandages to help,
05:22 not only keep the area clean so it doesn't get infected,
05:25 but also to keep, if you're losing lots of blood,
05:28 to help with that situation.
05:30 Let's say that you're in a first aid situation,
05:34 and someone is losing a lot of blood...
05:37 what should you do?
05:38 You need to stop the bleeding first, right?
05:40 And a lot of people, I would recommend putting a glove on,
05:43 and we want to put a glove on your hand so a first aid kit
05:47 should have some gloves. Right
05:48 They don't necessarily have to be sterile,
05:50 but some gloves that will help protect you and then
05:53 depending on how much bleeding is,
05:55 we want to stop the bleeding.
05:57 But a general principle to stop bleeding
05:59 we want to put pressure on it. Okay
06:02 And of course, the more bleeding,
06:04 the more pressure you need. Right
06:06 And if you usually put pressure hard enough for a prolonged
06:09 period of time, the body will bring in clotting factors,
06:13 it will stop the bleeding on its own.
06:15 Now I've had arteries that were completely severed
06:18 sometimes that I've had o put tons of pressure on
06:21 to stop the bleeding. I imagine...
06:23 Of course we just stop the bleeding until we can get
06:25 a surgeon or someone that can ligate that or fix the problem.
06:29 So if it's severe bleeding, and you've seen people
06:31 that had a bullet wound or gunshot wound
06:34 where they put a lot of pressure.
06:35 But a lot of pressure can be lifesaving if they can stop
06:38 that bleeding until help arrives and keep the blood
06:41 in the intravascular space where it can carry oxygen around.
06:45 Keep the blood pressure up, we need pressure
06:47 throughout the body to take oxygen and nutrients.
06:50 So putting pressure and it depends on how much you need.
06:53 Now some people don't need much at all,
06:55 and here are just some little band aids.
06:56 Every first aid kit should have some band aids too.
06:59 This is a butterfly band aid to help keep a wound closed
07:03 so it doesn't bleed very much.
07:06 Then I've thrown in my kit, I have some tape.
07:10 Well, why would tape be beneficial?
07:13 Well let's say you hold pressure on a wound and then later on
07:17 you have to put a bigger bandage on it
07:21 and you might wan to wrap the tape around it
07:24 many times to help put the pressure on the wound
07:27 so the wound doesn't continue to bruise.
07:30 So a bandage will help stop bleeding,
07:32 but you have other parts of your body that might not
07:34 be bleeding that also might help with the bandage...
07:37 And I've had some other things down here...
07:40 What if you have something in your foot?
07:43 Very important - these are if you have a blister,
07:48 a corn or something on your foot that causes a lot...
07:51 you can put this over it, it's not bleeding,
07:54 but it can help protect it against rubbing and pain
07:57 that will keep you from walking
07:58 until it can give it some time to heal.
08:01 Probably keeps a little protection
08:02 from infection as well.
08:04 Yes, that will help with that. Okay
08:06 There's lots of other little things I've thrown in here.
08:09 This is a bigger triangular bandage that we can
08:13 put and wrap it if someone has a big damage to the skin
08:17 to help put pressure on it, mainly to help the bleeding
08:19 stop until you can get some permanent help.
08:22 So I think every first aid kit needs to have
08:25 an assortment of bandages.
08:26 Bandages in case you have big bleeding
08:30 where you put pressure on until you stop it,
08:32 then you wrap it - you know some tape around it until it stops.
08:35 Lesser bleeding problems might can just get by with
08:38 band aids and then also this very important too...
08:41 we have some sterile things that we can add to it.
08:45 And you know if you have to put some things
08:47 around the bandage, you can have some Betadine,
08:49 some alcohol to help keep it clean as well.
08:52 That's something that's very useful for a wound.
08:55 And then until you can get to a situation
08:57 where you can really keep it clean.
08:58 So for everyone's first aid kit today... Nick, I think it's
09:02 very valuable to add some type of bandage to that
09:06 to cover every type of scenario in case you're
09:09 out far away from home, you can have this done
09:12 until you can see a provider.
09:14 Sometimes it's so little
09:15 that you don't even have to see anybody.
09:16 Right, yeah - that's some great advice,
09:18 and you know, it's important just to have a glove available,
09:20 don't be afraid of people, do the best to
09:23 protect yourself, but use whatever gloves you have
09:25 available to help take care of people.
09:27 I see some people, you know, kids that fall down
09:29 and they are bleeding and they really need a stitch
09:31 that you have to put a bandage on it and hold pressure
09:33 until they can get a stitch or something like that.
09:35 You don't want them to have blood everywhere,
09:38 and, of course, that's not a good situation.
09:40 So every first aid kit needs an assortment of bandages.
09:43 Don't forget to put pressure on the wound if it's bleeding
09:46 until the bleeding stops or you can get
09:48 further help - very important!
09:50 That's some great advice and I'm going to add some more
09:51 bandages to my first aid kit at home. More bandages!
09:54 All right, we're going to be right back in just a moment
09:56 with some more questions from our website
09:58 heartwiseministries.org
10:00 And today, we're talking about supplements
10:02 and nutritional treatments,
10:03 so we'll be back in just a moment.


Revised 2016-06-22