Ultimate Prescription

Improving Our Mental Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nick Evenson (Host), Dr. James Marcum


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000069B

00:02 Welcome back, today we're talking about
00:03 mental health and, Dr. Marcum, we received a lot of questions
00:06 on our website at heartwiseministries.org
00:09 about this topic and what are some of the basics?
00:12 If someone is not sure about their health,
00:14 if they're wanting to see if their mental function
00:17 is where it should be, how do we go about that?
00:19 That's a great question because we see so many...
00:23 you know, 1 in 3 people, 1 in 4 have mental health problems.
00:26 You know people, we need to talk about it,
00:28 and getting back to the basics like we talked about.
00:31 We talked about the food, the nutrition, the water,
00:35 putting good things in our brain,
00:36 getting our brain back to the way it was designed to be.
00:40 Another thing we didn't mention earlier was rest.
00:43 How many people get adequate rest every day,
00:45 and we're just going 24/7, too much stimulation.
00:49 And if we can just rest our brains,
00:51 you know, the God of the universe worked 6 days,
00:53 take a day off and let the brain rest at night.
00:56 We were designed to work during the day and rest at night.
01:00 And, old Edison sort of messed us up when he invented
01:03 the light bulb and now we're up all the time;
01:06 we're stimulated all the time; the brain doesn't rest;
01:08 the brain can't recover; all these stimulations;
01:11 all the things we're putting in it and sooner or later
01:14 some people have better coping skills than others and then
01:17 BOOM, overload - we get into problems!
01:19 Now I am not a psychiatrist,
01:21 I'm not a mental health expert, per se,
01:24 but I think it's something that we need to talk about
01:27 and get people an awareness of where to go for help,
01:30 and, you know, the first place we talked about is go to the
01:33 Heavenly Father for help.
01:35 Now, what would be symptoms of mental health?
01:38 How would a person know they're having mental health problems?
01:42 It might be symptoms like not interested in things.
01:45 Tired all the time.
01:49 Feeling like, "I don't want to live,
01:51 I don't have any purpose in life."
01:53 Those are symptoms of sort of depression.
01:56 Being scared all the time, worried and then,
01:59 of course, when the brain malfunctions,
02:01 sometimes the body malfunctions too. Right
02:03 You know, you can't sleep, you're bowels run all the time,
02:07 have headaches, have a fast heart rate, aches and pains
02:10 that can't be explained all over the body.
02:12 Then the more serious things is when people see things
02:16 and hear things.
02:17 You've heard the term, "schizophrenia,"
02:19 those are some of the most serious mental health problems.
02:23 And then, there are all sorts of varieties of anxiety and stress,
02:26 you know - post-traumatic stress, anxiety, phobias, fears,
02:31 all those fall within mental health.
02:33 Then there are the types of things like paranoia...
02:35 thinking people are always trying to get ya.
02:37 And then there's people that have their ups and downs,
02:40 you know - the bipolar... one minute they're manic
02:42 and pumped up and the next minute, they hit the rocks
02:44 and bottoms... they call that "manic depression,"
02:47 then there's that type of mental problem.
02:49 And then there are many that overlap,
02:52 so mental health problems runs the full gamut
02:54 so if you're having symptoms like this,
02:56 go see your doctor and get some help and see if there might...
03:00 But a lot of times I see the brain malfunction after,
03:05 you know, they come with something else...
03:07 recurrent headaches, heart beating fast,
03:10 can't sleep at night.
03:11 Other symptoms develop because the brain turns on these
03:14 chemicals - adrenalin and cortisol and it affects
03:18 the body downstream. Right
03:19 So if the brain is happy, that's going to improve the
03:22 health dramatically.
03:24 So we have people that have extreme stress
03:27 and extreme stress and anxiety and trigger a heart attack.
03:30 because it makes adrenalin and adrenalin
03:32 makes the arteries constrict.
03:34 So I think that these are great questions that sort of
03:36 get other people involved in learning about their
03:39 mental health and knowing that
03:41 it's a priority for the entire body.
03:44 That's some great advice.
03:45 You know, we have another question that asks...
03:47 "I think I might be depressed?"
03:49 "Are there other options to taking antidepressants?"
03:52 What are some of the treatments?
03:53 Well there are many different treatments out there
03:55 for depression and, first of all, they need to see
03:58 a professional about this.
04:01 And you've heard about the antidepressants, okay?
04:04 But I read a study not too long ago that said...
04:07 "If you will get outside in the sunshine and exercise,
04:10 that can help fight depression the equivalent of taking
04:14 an antidepressant. Wow!
04:16 And it makes more sense to me because that will change
04:19 the chemistry of the entire brain and not just
04:22 one chemical pathway.
04:24 So, that's one thing, is get the things the brain needs.
04:28 I don't know if you've heard about it but...
04:29 I know your folks live up in Alaska. That's right, they do.
04:32 In Alaska, it's dark most of the year.
04:35 And when it's dark, you don't get out in the sunlight,
04:37 you don't make vitamin D,
04:38 so you have a serotonin deficiency.
04:41 So some people get depressed
04:42 just because a serotonin deficiency. Right
04:45 They take vitamin D - serotonin improves.
04:47 Yeah, it's really common in the wintertime.
04:48 Yes, and some people get cabin fever, so-to-speak.
04:52 Then there are situations where people get depressed,
04:54 you know - a loved one loss and sometimes that can
04:57 be worked through with cognitive therapy,
04:59 talking, making sure their nutrition is good,
05:02 exercise - those things too.
05:04 So there's lots of other alternatives to taking
05:07 antidepressants, but this is when you want to see your
05:10 doctor about - ask him what the situation is...
05:14 What I try to do is - if it's mild forms,
05:16 I recommend to try to do these things first,
05:20 and then if that's not working, then see a mental health
05:23 professional about getting some professional advice on
05:26 the way they can help with depression,
05:28 but there are lots of ways...
05:29 We talked a little bit about cognitive therapy,
05:32 and then they help people think better.
05:35 You know, how do you cope with things.
05:37 Sometimes just having friends, you know, what do they say,
05:41 just having some friends to talk to and talk to you about things,
05:44 and help you out.
05:46 We know that the Scripture is a great way to help.
05:50 The Bible says "Come unto Me all ye that are worried
05:52 and are burdened and I will give you rest."
05:55 So we know that worship is a
05:56 proven way to help the brain improve better.
05:59 And you would have to think, you know, if it's going to help
06:01 anxiety, it's going to help other types of brain problems.
06:03 There are a lot of researchers that thought, David
06:06 maybe had bipolar and by coming to God and
06:10 worshiping and through music, that helped
06:13 sort of settle down his highs and lows.
06:15 But it's natural for people to have highs and lows.
06:18 Now how much of that is an organic problem
06:22 and how much of that is a real structural problem,
06:26 that's sort of hard to figure out sometimes,
06:28 and I'm afraid that sometimes the quickest thing is
06:31 to say, "Oh, there's nothing I can do to help,
06:35 you know, I have to accept this way in life."
06:37 But I want people to look at all the inputs and maybe if they
06:39 can put in more positives and less negatives,
06:43 maybe the brain can help heal itself in many circumstances.
06:47 That sounds like some great advice.
06:49 Another viewer has written in: "I worry so much about
06:51 everything - my health and my family, I know this
06:54 makes the situation worse."
06:56 "My doctor gave me an anti-anxiety medication."
07:00 "What other suggestions might you recommend?"
07:02 Well, I think one of the best...
07:04 and you think about anxieties, you worry about things,
07:08 and there are also phobias, you fear things and then the
07:12 most serious anxiety is post-traumatic stress.
07:15 You know that's a very serious form of anxiety.
07:18 And, the body, when it's under anxiety, it makes chemicals
07:21 we talked about some of the chemicals it makes already.
07:24 But I think where I would start is - I would go to the
07:27 text where it says, "Be anxious about nothing,"
07:33 in the Bible it says, "Be anxious about nothing."
07:35 God doesn't want us to be anxious.
07:37 He just tells us - "Don't be anxious about nothing." Right
07:39 And then, the next sentence, He starts giving the answers.
07:42 You know - "Come to Me, pray with Me, be with Me,
07:44 worship Me; turn your burdens over to Me;
07:47 let Me handle that for you."
07:49 So for people that are anxious, I think that's a great place
07:52 to start because God will take you to the people
07:55 and the lessons you need to go.
07:58 He might take you to a mental health professional;
08:00 He might take you to a doctor; He might give you
08:02 other things that you can do to get over
08:04 your anxieties and fears.
08:06 One of the things that I've noticed that helps fears
08:08 and anxieties is serving other people. Yeah
08:11 Sometimes that helps get over anxieties where it's
08:15 not all about you, it's not all about the selfishness.
08:17 Start thinking about other people. Yes!
08:18 You start putting love into the equation. Right
08:21 See anxiety, you know you're so focused on me all the time,
08:24 sometimes when you focus on others,
08:25 you start learning to love more and you start learning
08:28 to help more - sometimes that helps with it.
08:31 Now, anxiety medicines - this person is on anxiety medicines,
08:35 what are they going to do, take anxiety medicines
08:37 the rest of their lives?
08:39 And I guess there might be some people that might benefit
08:42 if they had organic problems, but I would, again,
08:45 I would hopefully use this medication only as
08:48 a bridge to help them over the hump until they can
08:52 get at the cause of the problem. Right
08:53 You know, help them get over the rough spot in the road,
08:56 until we can help them - we do that in hearts all the time.
08:58 You know, you're having a heart attack - I want a stent.
09:00 The stent doesn't fix the problem, but maybe now the
09:03 person will say, "Well what caused me to have the
09:05 problem and let me reverse that;" we talked earlier about
09:08 charcoals, someone getting a poison - well the charcoal
09:11 helps get you over the poison hump,
09:12 but let's not do the poisons anymore! Right
09:14 So I think the same thing - if we can find the things
09:17 that are damaging our brain and correct that,
09:19 letting God lead us, I think that's a great place
09:23 to start in recognizing that we don't want to live
09:26 years and years with mental health problems.
09:27 We want to do something right now because the brain
09:30 might interrupt the function of the body,
09:33 and it might lead to other problems,
09:34 and we might mask that...
09:36 Well let's focus on this where the real problem was the brain..
09:39 It's been estimated that 80-90% of doctor visits now, Nick,
09:43 are caused by stress, world stress - lots of anxiety,
09:46 so it's a big issue and we need to talk about it,
09:49 and, unfortunately, the world is not getting any better. Right
09:52 Now what about someone who has a family history of Alzheimer's?
09:56 Is there something they can do to lower their risk?
09:57 Yeah, anything that's going to improve the function
10:01 of the brain like we talked about
10:02 will help Alzheimer disease. Okay
10:04 Exercising the brain - a lot of people have Alzheimer disease
10:09 because of vascular problems, blood vessel problems.
10:12 We talked about how blood vessels can be enhanced by
10:16 going to a whole food plant-based diet
10:19 with lots of greens, an exercise program, a hydration program.
10:23 One of the things that has been shown in the literature
10:26 to help very well is to read out loud for 10 minutes.
10:30 That's exercise for the brain.
10:32 Unfortunately, I've seen some people, when they get older,
10:35 their brains aren't as active. Right
10:37 They retire and they just sit at home,
10:39 and they don't do anything.
10:41 Well the brain is like any other part of the body,
10:43 it requires movement or activity on a regular basis. Yes
10:47 If you don't use those neurons, you LOSE those neurons.
10:50 So the brain is designed to do things, to be functioning...
10:54 NOT to be entertained! Right
10:55 Unfortunately our modern media entertains our brains,
10:59 and that sort of hurts our brains and it changes
11:01 the way we think and the way the neurons work.
11:03 But so the more our brain can stay active...
11:06 And I think if you read the Scripture out loud
11:08 10 minutes a day, that's a great thing because you
11:10 see it, you say it, you hear it, you think about it,
11:14 you come in to worship, lots of things can happen
11:17 good for the brain when we do that.
11:18 You throw in some service, eating the right foods,
11:22 doing the right exercise, staying away from
11:24 vascular problems and all of a sudden,
11:26 you've optimized your brain function.
11:29 We've got time for one more question here...
11:31 It's about someone whose son has ADD.
11:34 "What are some ways to help with ADD?"
11:36 A lot of people now have "attention deficit disorder,"
11:40 and unfortunately, many children
11:42 are placed on a medicine right away. Yeah
11:44 I had a lady that came to me and she didn't want
11:47 to be placed on this medicine and she said,
11:50 "Well, what can I do for my child?"
11:51 I said, "Well just try this for 10 days - No processed
11:55 food or sugar, exercise every day, no media,
12:00 and in 10 days, tell me how that child is doing."
12:03 Ten days, Nick, she came back... she got rid of all that stuff,
12:08 the child was doing fine, settled down,
12:10 put some limits on him, started taking control
12:13 and his brain had improved.
12:14 He is exercising every day... all that change.
12:17 They did not go on the Ritalin and some of those medicines
12:20 which really are stimulants...
12:22 Because it never makes sense... what are the people going to do?
12:24 Take the medicines the rest of their lives?
12:26 Or try to fix the problem?
12:28 Well in this child work, I think it's definitely a
12:31 good place to start and I would start in this route
12:34 before I would jump on the bandwagon
12:36 with all the medicines.
12:37 That's incredible, you know, just a few small lifestyle
12:40 changes is going to change his life forever.
12:42 But I think the place to start on the brain is prayer. Right
12:46 Well we hope you've benefited from our thoughts and
12:49 discussion here today and we want to be right back
12:52 in just a moment - Dr. Marcum is going to lead us in prayer,
12:54 so stay right with us.
13:00 Thank you for tuning in today on "The Ultimate Prescription"
13:05 If you might be someone out there that has a
13:07 mental health problem, please get help and the first
13:10 place I'd like to turn is turn to God, your Creator,
13:14 the Ultimate Physician who has the prescription for your life.
13:18 And if there's someone out there with mental
13:20 health problems, we want to pray for you
13:22 that you might get better and encourage you to get your
13:25 brain back to functioning the way that God
13:27 originally designed us, let's bow our heads.
13:29 Heavenly Father, There are some out there that
13:32 need Your help especially in a special way today.
13:36 We pray for that listener who might have a mental
13:38 health problem - please lead them to Your word.
13:42 Please lead them to the power that You give,
13:44 and the people that You might provide in their lives
13:47 to help turn things around.
13:49 And we just want to thank You God for the love You give us,
13:51 and for the promise that if we walk with You,
13:54 You will heal us permanently in Your time.
13:56 This is our prayer... Amen
13:59 Well, we're glad you joined us today on
14:01 "The Ultimate Physician"
14:03 Stayed tuned and if you have questions,
14:04 send them to our website: heartwiseministries.org


Revised 2016-06-21