Ultimate Prescription


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nick Evenson (Host), Dr. James Marcum


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP000071B

00:05 Welcome back, on today's program,
00:07 we're talking about pain management,
00:09 and we've received some questions from our website:
00:11 heartwiseministries.org
00:13 And Dr. Marcum, we'd like to get right into those... Okay
00:16 So, the first viewer asks: "I have pains all over,
00:19 how can I tell if pain is something
00:21 I should worry about or not?"
00:22 That is a great question because all of us in life have little
00:26 pains every now and then, and, you know...
00:29 Should I worry about it? Should I go see a doctor?
00:32 Do I try to handle it myself?
00:34 What's the cause of the pain? Right
00:36 Of course, I'm a cardiologist so I see lots of people
00:39 that have chest pain and there are certain patterns of pain
00:43 that alert me that there might be a problem.
00:47 For instance, in the chest... if a pain does not go away,
00:51 lasts prolong periods of time, above the waist,
00:54 that could be the heart attack or something else.
00:58 So that pattern of pain, I would say, if I don't know what it is,
01:01 I wouldn't want to miss a heart attack... Right
01:02 So I would go to the hospital, and have someone
01:05 evaluate you with some EKGs and some blood work.
01:09 And, unfortunately, women... it's very hard for them
01:12 to evaluate pain - sometimes they can feel very atypical.
01:15 So anything above the waist that you can't understand,
01:19 you know, is a problem.
01:20 Pain is not normal, Nick. Right! Okay - pain is not normal.
01:23 If I started taking this and started whacking you,
01:26 you would hurt and you would figure out the pain
01:28 was from me whacking you here. Right
01:30 So if a person can figure out if a trauma caused the pain,
01:34 that's very reasonable. Sure
01:36 It was maybe not dangerous, maybe a trauma,
01:38 the way I was sitting, the back pain - maybe that
01:41 caused it, but above the waist, between the waist and neck,
01:44 if I have pain, that could be very serious,
01:47 including a heart attack.
01:48 The other type of pain that comes from the heart
01:50 is a pain or discomfort when someone is doing something
01:53 because that is when the heart works...
01:55 So if you're going up a hill and it hurts - that's bad. Right
01:58 How about headache pain?
02:00 You know, lots of people have headache pain,
02:02 but if it's a new pain, the worse headache
02:04 you've ever had, that might be
02:06 something you need to look at.
02:07 That might be a serious cause of headache pain
02:09 like an aneurysm or something terrible inside the brain.
02:13 Now sometimes, we just have stress headaches...
02:15 that's not as bad of a pain to worry about. Right
02:18 Pain that tends to go away,
02:21 tends to not be as big of a problem.
02:24 Pain that gets worse over time, tends to be a worse problem.
02:29 So that's a pain to even be more concerned about.
02:32 It seems like people don't worry about
02:35 pain that is far from the brain, you know, pain in the wrist,
02:39 because they know it's not dangerous,
02:41 but pain in the chest, pain when you go to
02:43 the bathroom - that's not a good pain to have. No
02:45 You know, pain that suggests a urinary tract problem.
02:49 Pain when you go to the big commode,
02:52 that should suggest a GI problem.
02:55 Pain when you touch on the bowels,
02:57 that might be a problem too,
02:58 or it might just be an air bubble.
03:00 Also, so pain is something that's not normal,
03:04 that you need to sort of evaluate yourself,
03:06 but if it's not going away, it's worse,
03:08 it doesn't follow a pattern that you know about,
03:10 and it's new - that's when you should get help right away.
03:14 Now chronic pain is a little bit different bird. Okay
03:18 That is pain that will not go away,
03:21 it's been there for a long time.
03:23 Hopefully, it's been evaluated.
03:25 We've talked about the most common cause of chronic pain is
03:28 back pain - sometimes that can be helped quite a bit.
03:32 Sometimes it cannot be helped quite a bit.
03:35 I was reminded, during our break, that one of the best
03:39 things for chronic back pain can be hot and cold,
03:42 alternating it, but there are many other modalities
03:44 to work on chronic pain.
03:46 But I think that so many people are having chronic pain now
03:49 that it's something we're not doing well. Yeah
03:52 And the most common cause of chronic pain is back pain.
03:56 And the most common causes of
03:58 that is - we're not lifting correctly,
04:00 we're not having correct posture,
04:02 we're not exercising well, we have too much weight on,
04:05 and we're trying to do too much.
04:07 All of these things damage our back and once our back
04:09 is damaged, we're not allowing it to heal.
04:11 We're not getting help right away.
04:13 So another thing that's important in chronic pain
04:15 is when you have a new pain, don't ignore it.
04:18 Get some help - don't let it go on and on until it's a
04:21 big problem - it might not be a life-threatening problem now,
04:25 but if it goes on long enough, it could be.
04:27 So have chronic pain evaluated by your doctor.
04:30 And that's some good advice...
04:32 When I was a kid, if we would get hurt,
04:34 we would always try and decide, "is this something we need
04:35 to go to the hospital for or not?"
04:37 But if it's continual pain or if it's unexplainable, or if it's
04:40 getting worse, then you probably ought to get it checked out.
04:43 Yeah, and I've had so many people, through life,
04:45 that they have pain week after week...
04:47 They know it's not dangerous pain,
04:49 but they never do anything about it. Right
04:50 And, before long, it becomes a big problem,
04:53 and then it's much harder to take care of,
04:57 it's much harder to get to the bottom of...
04:58 They hurt their nerves, so it would be a
05:01 chronic issue for them.
05:04 It's just a real hassle, but it's such an
05:06 important topic.
05:07 At our ministry, we sort of track all the different
05:11 callers that come in and chronic pain is one of our
05:15 leading questions that come and it's usually not acute pain.
05:19 People usually know they need to go for help,
05:21 but what I've seen is that one time it is acute pain,
05:24 and they ignore it, and that's when acute pain
05:26 develops into chronic pain.
05:28 Now, we have another question that says:
05:30 "I go to a pain management clinic and the doctor
05:33 wants me to take narcotics, is this a good idea?"
05:36 I think, in my opinion, that narcotics is a last resort. Okay
05:42 And if you do, for whatever reason, have to take a narcotic
05:45 which is a medicine that blocks pain, then you want to take
05:49 as little of it as you can.
05:51 Narcotics over a long haul has side effects of the entire body.
05:55 It makes us not think as good; it depresses our respirations;
06:00 it slows down our bowels; it lowers our blood pressure;
06:04 and what it does is - a little bit of it works for a while,
06:08 but then we get sensitized to it.
06:10 So we need more and more and more to achieve the
06:13 pain effects, but at the same time,
06:16 it's hurting other parts of the body.
06:18 So we build up an immunity to it, it stops working,
06:21 and then it has to be in higher doses which hurts other parts.
06:24 And that's, you know, I wrote a book called:
06:26 "Medicines That Kill," and in my research for the book,
06:30 that was one of the #1 causes
06:32 of medications that kill is narcotics...
06:35 And unfortunately, people use it for pain and some people
06:38 take it and they don't even have pain.
06:40 You know, they don't have that. Right
06:42 And then, we talked about, "Is narcotics a good idea?"
06:46 For mental pain? No, it's not a good idea for mental pain.
06:49 Now, when are narcotics useful?
06:53 I think they're very useful for people that have cancer pain.
06:57 I think people that have cancer pain - cancer is growing
07:01 in the nerves that's causing chronic pain that won't go away,
07:05 whether that be in the brain or other parts of the body...
07:08 That here's nothing else that can be done,
07:10 we can't get at the cause, I think that that case
07:13 the risk of the pain outweighs the risk for the narcotic. Right
07:17 Because when you have chronic pain...
07:19 we talked about all - you don't think good,
07:21 raises the risk of heart disease,
07:23 it weakens your immune system.
07:24 You know, it tears up your body too
07:26 because your body is not made to have chronic pain,
07:28 that's not good either.
07:30 So it's a very good balance and unfortunately,
07:32 not too many people have the right balance...
07:35 And, unfortunately, many people just want the quick fix.
07:38 You know, I want to be out of pain right now!
07:40 I don't want to go through the steps either the
07:42 lifestyle or dealing with it or even resting.
07:45 You know, "I want to keep my busy, fast-paced job.
07:47 Oh, I can't quit work or slow down for a month
07:50 because if I do, something bad is going to happen,
07:52 so just get me through today,"
07:54 and they never let their bodies heal. Right
07:57 And there's so much importance from this rest...
08:00 You know, the God of the universe, Nick,
08:02 He worked 6-days and He rested.
08:04 Rest is very important and it's not only the physical rest,
08:08 but the spiritual rest - coming and meeting with God specially,
08:13 and letting Him work in healing you. Yes
08:15 And then there's things that we can do...
08:17 You've heard of "endorphins." Right
08:19 There's natural pain medicines that our body make
08:22 by being happy, by having service.
08:25 There's another pain medicine that helps called, "Oxytocin."
08:29 People with pets and people that love each other
08:33 increase that chemical that can also help with pain. Right
08:37 And now, they are inventing some medications
08:40 that block certain pain receptors.
08:42 That might help if it can block discrete causes of pain,
08:46 and not cause other problems,
08:48 but it doesn't make sense to me just to turn off one receptor
08:51 if we can get at the cause of the pain. Sure
08:53 So these are all really good questions.
08:55 Now, what is a "TENS unit?"
08:57 Yeah, a TENS unit... When a person is diagnosed
09:01 with chronic pain - that means they can't get at the cause,
09:04 that, you know, the pain is going to be there.
09:06 We want to have people have pain relief because
09:09 the risk of the pain is not worth it.
09:11 That's one of the modalities we use.
09:13 It's not a narcotic and there are different types.
09:16 It's sort of a nerve stimulator.
09:18 It stimulates the nerves and it helps them
09:21 maybe not have chronic pain.
09:22 And there are different types that do it.
09:24 It helps with maybe relaxes the muscles
09:27 so the muscle doesn't push on the nerves as much...
09:29 But there are TENS units that we can put topically on us. Okay?
09:33 There are TENS units that can actually be implanted in us.
09:38 That helps quite a bit - people with chronic pain,
09:40 because then they don't have to maybe use narcotics as much.
09:44 Other things we talked about, laughing and having happy things
09:48 happen in service, those help our bodies
09:50 make pain killers, but good posture...
09:52 we talked about water, a healthy diet,
09:55 more of a plant-based, it lowers
09:57 inflammation on the body.
09:59 So treating pain is like treating...
10:01 you know, you want to treat the entire body.
10:03 Do everything that you possibly can do to help the body
10:06 help turn off the pain. Right
10:09 And we have another viewer that asks:
10:10 "What about D-Ribose?"
10:13 D- Ribose... There are lots of different chemicals out there
10:17 that are non-narcotics that help with pain. Okay
10:20 We hear about the anti-inflammatories,
10:25 and we have pain blockers like Tylenol,
10:27 anti-inflammatories, even steroids help with pain
10:30 because it blocks inflammation.
10:31 Well, D-Ribose is another chemical that's been shown
10:35 to help with pain.
10:36 It's usually something that's a natural
10:39 thing that's given that helps.
10:41 There are also creams that help.
10:43 There seems to be some healing power in Aloe vera.
10:46 There are a lot of things out there that have Capsaicin in it.
10:50 Menthol sometimes will help.
10:51 They help these nerves help deal with
10:54 the pains a little bit better...
10:55 This is just one of the many different natural pain relievers
10:58 that are out there that seem to help some people.
11:01 Okay, now here's another question that you kind of
11:03 touched about earlier, but - "Is exercise
11:05 good for chronic pain?" How can exercise help?
11:08 Exercise and movement are very good
11:10 in a couple of different ways.
11:11 One is it helps bring a better blood supply to the area. Okay
11:17 Blood supply is good because within the blood
11:19 comes oxygen and, you know, your healing.
11:22 If you had no blood supply, that causes a lot of pain
11:28 because the nerves don't get the blood it needs
11:29 to function well. Sure
11:31 So nerves need blood to function well.
11:33 Diabetics - you've heard they have a neuropathy,
11:36 they don't get good blood supply to the nerves.
11:39 So the nerves need good blood supply.
11:41 So exercise will help with that.
11:42 Whole food plant-based diet
11:44 will help the nerves get better blood flow.
11:45 It will also improve our posture and our muscles and take
11:49 pressures off that - it also can help us make endorphins,
11:52 and it helps to do a lot of things,
11:54 but we want to do smart exercise.
11:55 If exercise is causing excruciating pain,
11:59 it might not be of benefit.
12:00 You know, massage - that's a very beneficial
12:03 help for pain too because it helps bring extra blood
12:05 into the area and things of that nature.
12:07 That's the whole hot and cold,
12:09 more blood comes in, more blood comes out.
12:11 It brings good things in and it helps our body that way.
12:14 Now, what do doctors do if they
12:16 can't identify the source of the pain?
12:18 Well, what I do is I pray. Yeah
12:22 That's the first thing I do is I pray and then what I do is
12:25 I make sure I've looked at every possible cause of pain first.
12:29 And then I really explore - could there be some
12:31 mental aspects that is triggering pain...
12:34 Because we know that "As a man thinketh, so he is."
12:37 So the mind and the body
12:39 interact very close with each other,
12:41 and we want to make sure that, you know, there could be
12:44 mental pain that's causing physical pain,
12:46 and physical pain that's causing mental pain and vice versa.
12:50 This is a very tough area that needs some expertise help. Sure
12:53 Well I think there is some great advice there,
12:55 and finding alternative therapies besides narcotics,
12:58 I think that's a really important key. Yeah
13:01 Thank you so much for sharing with us about
13:03 pain medications and what the options might be for us.
13:07 Stay with us... Dr. Marcum is going to close
13:08 the program with prayer in just a moment.
13:16 There are many out there that are suffering from chronic pain,
13:21 and I just want to let you know that we feel for you,
13:24 and we want to pray for you.
13:25 And, I hope you can go somewhere that you can find some help
13:29 and get some good doctors and good providers
13:32 that will help lead you in the right direction.
13:34 We want to pray for you right now...
13:36 Father in heaven, There are many that are
13:38 suffering from both acute pain and chronic pain.
13:42 We want to pray that they find rest so that their bodies
13:46 might heal and find the providers that you lead
13:49 that can help them.
13:50 We want to pray for miraculous healing at this point
13:52 in those lives, is our prayer, Amen
13:55 You know, God can still perform miracles today.
14:00 Sometimes He heals right away,
14:02 sometimes He heals through modern medicine providers,
14:05 sometimes He heals from lifestyle changes.
14:08 But He has promised to heal us all some day
14:11 if we continue in that relationship with Him.
14:13 Thanks for joining us "The Ultimate Prescription"


Revised 2016-07-18