Ultimate Prescription

Frequently Asked Questions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP180117B

00:01 Welcome back to "The Ultimate Prescription"
00:02 On today's program, we're answering some of the most
00:04 commonly asked questions that Dr. Marcum receives
00:06 to the website at: HeartwiseMinistries.org
00:09 People can submit their questions and Dr. Marcum
00:12 or someone from his team will give some general advice to
00:15 steer them in the right and find solutions.
00:16 And remember, these are opinions,
00:18 they're not convictions. Yes, that's right.
00:20 I'm just doing my best to help people and, like I said...
00:23 You really need to see your doctor that knows
00:25 all the details but these are just steering people
00:28 in a direction to help them out based on where I'm at
00:32 with the knowledge that I've learned in trying to balance
00:34 all of these factors that we've talked about...
00:37 you know, the modern medicine factors; the when to
00:40 use lifestyle, but I also want everyone to ask
00:43 The Ultimate Physician for help in every problem first.
00:46 You know, and He can sort of guide you where you need to go
00:49 realizing that not every problem needs to be fixed,
00:53 and not every problem is fixable right now. Yeah.
00:57 So that's one thing and people think, "Oh, I need to be
00:59 perfect; I need to feel young again; I need to not have pain."
01:04 But remember, when we have bad genes that are ageing,
01:06 sometimes this is not possible.
01:08 That doesn't mean we can't come into a safe place
01:11 and have a good place to be, but we just have to
01:13 sometimes be realistic about life. Yeah.
01:16 Well, you get questions on a broad variety of topics,
01:20 but here we've got one that's right up your alley;
01:22 it's about a pacemaker. Okay.
01:24 This person writes in and says, "My doctor says I need a
01:26 pacemaker; is there any natural alternative
01:29 that I can use instead?" Okay.
01:30 Well that's a great question and I tell people that
01:33 everything gets old at certain speeds - based on
01:36 our genes and the stress.
01:38 For instance... If everyone in the Nick Evenson family
01:42 had to wear glasses at an early age, and you put stress
01:46 on your eyes with a lot of eyestrain, or maybe a lot of
01:49 sunlight which damaged your eyes and triggered different changes,
01:52 you might have visual problems at a younger age,
01:55 and thank goodness, we have modern medicine with glasses
01:58 so you can see and do things, okay?
01:59 That's a great place for modern medicine. Right.
02:02 Sometimes, just like your eyes get old, sometimes the wires
02:06 of the heart get old too, and sometimes it's genetic;
02:09 sometimes it is lifestyle and genetics; sometimes there's
02:12 other causes as well.
02:13 But when the wires start going too slow,
02:16 their parts are wearing out.
02:18 And you have a choice, either let the heart go slower,
02:21 slower, slower until it stops...
02:23 Now I'm assuming that it's not something that's reversible,
02:25 it's just an ageing process or you can have a pacemaker.
02:29 So thank goodness we have pacemakers.
02:32 I tell this story... I had a patient, one time when I
02:35 practiced in the Philadelphia area, that had a heart rate
02:40 that went slower and slower and slower and it was a genetic
02:42 thing - the wires just wore out quick in his family and he
02:45 wasn't on a medicine that did it; he wasn't of a thyroid
02:48 that did it; he didn't have Lyme disease or any infection;
02:51 he had not had surgery that could slow the heart.
02:53 It just got slow and it got down to 30 and he had the
02:57 choice to either have a pacemaker or it get slower
03:00 and eventually he would pass away. Right.
03:02 So this is a good story... so he got the pacemaker
03:05 and he has been spreading the gospel in his
03:07 church for years now.
03:08 You know, his body is not perfect because a pacemaker
03:11 is never good as what God gave you,
03:12 but for him, it was better than the alternative.
03:15 Yeah, there are a lot of cases where modern medicine has
03:17 just amazing tools to help us. Yes! Yes!
03:19 And you were telling me, just recently, about a pacemaker
03:21 that was incredibly smaller, right?
03:24 Yeah, technology is improved so much and in the old days
03:27 Alfred Hitchcock had one of the first pacemakers.
03:30 It was huge and it was put in his belly.
03:32 But before that, you know, the 20s and 30s,
03:34 we didn't have pacemakers. Right.
03:36 If someone's heart wore out, they were finished. Yes.
03:40 So that's when we hope that have
03:41 the Ultimate Prescription too.
03:44 So now they have a battery
03:47 with leads that go into the heart.
03:48 They had that for numerous years but now they've
03:51 come up with this leadless system and it's just like a
03:54 tick that you implant into the heart; there are no
03:56 leads, there are no batteries and it's there
03:58 until it basically wears out. Wow!
04:00 And it's just tiny.
04:01 Yes, it's about the size of a tick. Wow!
04:03 And they plant it in the heart, it has little things that
04:05 stick in there.
04:06 So what if you're not ready to go and it wears out?
04:09 Well, they can monitor it and they could
04:11 put another tick in there. Yeah.
04:12 They could put numerous ones inside the heart.
04:14 It's like having a tick in your heart
04:15 that keeps it going. Amazing!
04:17 We sure are thankful for the creativity that God gave us
04:20 to be able to reason and discover these new technologies
04:23 and make them even easier to put in and administer.
04:27 But you know what, Nick, it just reminds me
04:29 someday... sometimes I think about the magnificence of God.
04:35 You know, if He allows man to do these things,
04:38 how much more can be done? Yes.
04:40 How much greater. Yeah, how much greater!
04:42 We can't even imagine - when we see the vastness of the
04:45 universe of how things come together...
04:47 You know, if man has the ability to do these things,
04:50 how much more is out there that we can't even imagine!
04:54 Can you imagine your whole existence be turning into a
04:56 beam of light - zooming across the universe transforming
05:01 when you got to places?
05:02 You can't even imagine the greatness of God!
05:05 All you can do is praise Him and thank Him and thank Him
05:08 for allowing you to have a relationship with Him. Yep.
05:11 Let's move on to our next question here...
05:13 Lots of folks have written in and asked about "osteoporosis."
05:17 How can they strengthen their bones?
05:20 Well yeah, osteoporosis, bones getting weak,
05:21 and I tell them there are lots of ways to do it,
05:23 but, Nick, here's a quiz question...
05:26 "What animal do you think has some of the strongest
05:29 bones in the earth?"
05:31 You've probably heard this one before.
05:32 And you've said it's an elephant which is
05:36 probably strong but I'd say the
05:38 giraffe is probably right up there.
05:39 Yep, giraffes, elephants... I go with the elephants, okay,
05:43 because I've never known an elephant that broke a hip
05:46 or broke a leg.
05:48 They have strong tusks that people really want
05:50 to collect and they make things out of these tusks.
05:53 But let's see, what does Mr. Elephant do
05:55 to keep his bones strong?
05:57 He walks - okay, many people don't walk enough today.
06:00 He drinks water - many people don't drink enough water today.
06:04 He eats greens - now he eats lots of greens, lots of greens!
06:09 Greens have magnesium, potassium, you get your
06:13 calcium in greens - those kinds of things and he stays
06:16 out in the sunshine, vitamin D!
06:19 So those are four things that I think people can do
06:22 to help their bones.
06:23 Now sometimes the bones wear out genetically,
06:25 but those four things can do it.
06:27 Now if a person has pathological fractures,
06:30 then let's say they're doing all these things
06:31 and in their genetics where their bones break early,
06:34 they have fractures a lot which cause lots of pains.
06:37 For spinal cords, we got some neat things that
06:40 we can do now, medically, to help with that pain.
06:42 One of them is called a "kyphoplasty" where we can
06:45 cement the bones.
06:47 Another - sometimes they have some supplements
06:49 that can help genetically, bones build up.
06:51 But the people that need that are in the minimum.
06:54 Most of the people just need to do the
06:55 four things I talked about, similar to what elephants do.
06:59 Sounds like some easy to implement advice there,
07:02 but stuff you have to be intentional about.
07:04 Yes you do! You know, you gotta move.
07:05 But people don't move as much; they don't eat the greens;
07:08 they don't drink enough water,
07:09 and they don't get out in the sunshine.
07:11 You put all those four things together
07:12 and the bones get weaker quicker. Yeah.
07:14 Alright, how about this one...
07:15 "What suggestions do you have for dealing with hair loss?"
07:18 That's one that I deal with myself sometimes.
07:22 Okay, hair loss.
07:24 So what are we going to do about it, doctor?
07:25 Yeah, I get that one fairly often and I'm not going to give
07:29 the right answer - I'm going to give different options
07:32 and people can choose from this. Alright.
07:34 First of all, most of hair loss is genetics, okay?
07:39 It runs in families, so it's in your genes,
07:42 so it's going to happen, okay?
07:43 Sometimes it can be due to a medicine.
07:47 We call the medical term for this is "alopecia." Alopecia.
07:52 Sometimes it can be due to rarely infections,
07:58 and thyroid abnormalities.
07:59 So those are some things it could be.
08:01 I'm sure there's many that I missed, but most of the
08:02 time it's male pattern baldness.
08:06 Here are some options the man has:
08:09 Do nothing - let the hair fall out. Sure.
08:11 Try not to be vain, it is what it is type of thing, okay?
08:15 Option #2... I've seen this one work very well.
08:18 Have your head shaved!
08:20 You know, shave your head and grow some things on the front
08:22 of your face that takes people's
08:24 attention off the top of your head.
08:25 You've got it growing down around
08:27 your chin, just let it grow there.
08:28 Yeah, that's one option. Okay?
08:30 #3... Some people do get hair transplants, the plugs.
08:34 They get some plugs put in there for that.
08:36 Now some of these ones that I don't recommend highly
08:39 that some people do, okay?
08:41 I don't recommend highly... is the special devices
08:45 that they put on their head, they get different special
08:47 devices - I don't really recommend that,
08:49 but there are some weaves that they can get in the head,
08:52 that if they're going to do that, the weaving ones
08:53 where they stitch it in seem to be more appropriately
08:56 than some of the old ones.
08:57 That is an option for some, I don't really
09:00 recommend it but it's some.
09:01 But what I want to talk to people about hair loss is...
09:04 why do you want the hair?
09:06 Is it to glorify yourself?
09:08 Is it to glorify God?
09:10 Is it to help what you're doing out and that's a
09:12 really good cause - if you need it to provide for your
09:14 family; if you need it to make your wife happy;
09:18 if you need it to seem younger, more vital to your children
09:21 so you can have a better...
09:22 Those are good reasons, to serve God,
09:24 those are good reasons, but I tell them - be careful
09:26 if it's about vanity.
09:27 If it's about, you know, just looking good on the outside,
09:30 you know, maybe you should reconsider some of those
09:33 things but there's lots of things on the internet and
09:37 TV you see about hair... "Put this, rub this
09:41 combination on and it will grow."
09:43 Whether that be Rogaine or any of the different
09:45 hair tonics - you know, Uncle Joe's Hair Tonic,
09:48 that you see a lot of commercials and guys will
09:51 come in and show - "This is what I was before;
09:53 this is what I was after."
09:54 Most of those, I've heard from my patients, that have tried
09:57 that do not work - do not work.
10:01 I'm not going to say all of them don't work,
10:04 but some of them might work because the people
10:06 believe they're going to work, but most of them
10:07 do not work and they do have side effects. Right.
10:10 They do have side effects.
10:11 So that's sort of my approach to hair loss.
10:14 I get that fairly often.
10:16 I just wish in my own personal life, I could transplant
10:19 the cells in my ear and my nose on to my bald spot
10:23 because then that would take care of that problem,
10:25 but so far, we don't have the technology to do that.
10:27 Well, that's all the questions we're going to cover for now,
10:30 but if you have questions, we invite you to go to the
10:31 website: HeartwiseMinistries.org
10:34 There's lots of resources there that you can use.
10:37 There are radio programs; television programs;
10:39 we have a prayer form where you can list your prayer
10:41 requests and join in praying for others.
10:43 Dr. Marcum writes a monthly newsletter and offers
10:47 current ideas about health and lots of good ideas
10:51 there that you can use to help change your lifestyle,
10:54 better connect with worship to help improve your health...
10:56 And, Dr. Marcum, what's another
10:58 resource that you'd like to mention today?
11:00 Well there's just so many others and the one I want to
11:02 emphasize more than any other resources they've heard...
11:05 You know, you've heard about the website;
11:07 you've heard about this, but this is the resource
11:10 I want to refer people to, it's the Bible.
11:13 I want to encourage people every day to open this Book
11:17 and to read something and to learn and to apply it
11:21 to their lives and to share it with someone.
11:23 I want this to be the medical textbook,
11:25 the resource that we turn to first for our health
11:28 problems, for our relationship
11:30 problems to our financial problems.
11:32 I think this is a great resource - I turn to it.
11:35 It has really changed my life and I think if people
11:38 will do it just like they eat breakfast every day,
11:40 if they will turn to Christ every day; live in a state of
11:43 worship - it will change your life too.
11:45 Yeah, you know, when we find our identity in Christ,
11:48 we don't have to worry about hair loss;
11:49 we don't have to worry about death even because
11:51 we know that eternally, our salvation
11:54 is secured with Christ.
11:55 Well said, Nick - well said.
11:56 Dr. Marcum, thank you for answering these questions.
11:58 I know our viewers appreciate it.
11:59 And thank you for joining us today.
12:01 Dr. Marcum will conclude the program
12:03 in just a moment with a prayer.
12:12 We spent a lot of time today answering
12:15 people's medical questions, and you might have some
12:18 questions that I can help you with,
12:20 and I want to encourage you to go to the sites we
12:21 mentioned, especially the HeartwiseMinistries.org site.
12:26 But greater than that, I want to refer you to the text
12:29 in James where it says, "If any of you lack knowledge,
12:33 let him come to God."
12:35 What a wonderful text!
12:36 What a wonderful God we serve that we can
12:39 come to Him for anything!
12:41 You know, we can come to Him with any of our questions
12:44 regardless what it might be, and I want to encourage
12:46 you, if you have a health question;
12:48 a lifestyle question; want to know how to use
12:51 a medication or which doctor to go to or which
12:53 provider to see - go to God, He is going to
12:56 promise that He is going to help you along the way.
12:59 Now as we end today, let's bow our heads and thank Him
13:02 and praise Him for all He has done for us.
13:06 Heavenly Father... Thank You for giving us the minds
13:09 that we can ask questions and that You will let us
13:12 come to you with our questions in life and You're
13:15 always there for us.
13:17 We want to thank You for that.
13:18 We want to praise Your name and thank You for
13:20 Your Son that gives us life and that gives us truth, Father.
13:24 And we want to pray for every person out there,
13:27 their health needs, be especially close to them,
13:29 and help them to feel Your presence
13:31 at this very moment, Father and Your healing power.
13:34 Now go with us this day and help us to be happy
13:37 and spread Your love to all we meet... Is our prayer, Amen.
13:42 Well thank you for joining me and, hopefully,
13:45 we answered your questions.
13:47 There are going to be more questions and there are
13:49 going to be more programs that we have to answer.
13:51 So if you have a specific question, don't be
13:53 hesitant to ask because, remember, there are no
13:56 stupid questions - we all want to help each other
13:59 in this journey that we're going through.
14:00 I'm Dr. James Marcum wishing you the best of health!


Revised 2019-04-11