Ultimate Prescription

Diagnosing A Weak Heart

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP190128A

00:14 Shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling in your legs,
00:18 ankles and feet,
00:19 and a rapid or irregular heartbeat
00:21 are just a few of the symptoms that might indicate
00:24 an issue with your heart.
00:26 Stay with us, and learn more about
00:27 how doctors diagnose a weak heart today
00:30 on the Ultimate Prescription.
00:53 Welcome to the Ultimate Prescription.
00:54 I'm your host Nick Evenson, here with Dr. James Marcum,
00:57 Speaker and Director of Heartwise Ministries
01:00 and practicing physician,
01:02 Cardiologist with Chattanooga Heart.
01:03 Yes.
01:04 Dr. Marcum, welcome to the program.
01:06 Well, thank you, Nick.
01:07 And we have a very interesting and important topic today.
01:11 We're gonna be talking about weak hearts.
01:14 But before we explore that, in general, you know,
01:17 in a short period of time,
01:19 it's hard to get anything into in depth.
01:22 But we just wanna give broad brushstroke
01:25 so people can understand their health is important
01:28 little things that we can do to get more information.
01:31 And if nothing else,
01:32 we can always go to the website,
01:34 HeartWiseMinistries.org
01:37 and ask our specific questions.
01:38 That's right.
01:39 We have a number of resources there,
01:41 health articles, radio program, television programs.
01:44 We also have an app that there's information
01:46 on the website that you can find out about
01:48 to find daily worship routines that you can take part in,
01:51 and we just wanna help people learn
01:53 where they can find good advice,
01:55 where they can get more connected
01:56 with our Creator and live more in harmony
01:58 with God's design for our lives.
02:00 Yeah, and unfortunately, every day,
02:03 all of us get a little bit older,
02:05 more chance that our parts might malfunction,
02:08 develop a symptom like you talked about.
02:10 And then we need help.
02:12 But I wanna focus a little bit on it's very important
02:15 that as we go through life, we understand the reason why.
02:19 Right.
02:21 Do you ever ask yourself that question, why?
02:22 Yeah, yeah, sure do.
02:24 Now people like scientists, explorers, doctors,
02:26 theologians, everyone,
02:29 that's a key question
02:30 'cause if you understand the reason why,
02:33 you're more likely to have a successful solution.
02:36 So if a person comes in with high blood pressure
02:39 or high blood pressure is a number.
02:41 I wanna know why the blood pressure is high.
02:43 Right. Is it 'cause of stress?
02:46 Is it too much salt in the diet?
02:48 Is it because of lack of exercise?
02:51 Is there a problem with stress on the body
02:53 causing to be high like sleep apnea,
02:56 problems with the kidney, problems with the thyroid?
02:58 Why is important?
03:01 Someone carries extra weight, okay?
03:03 And they wanna lose weight.
03:04 Well, I wanna say that,
03:06 "Well, why do they carry extra weight?"
03:07 Is it a metabolic problem?
03:09 Is a problem of too much calories?
03:11 Understanding the reason why is very important.
03:13 Right, right.
03:15 So when it comes to weak hearts,
03:16 you're saying,
03:18 we need to not just treat the symptoms,
03:19 not just take a pill, but really figure out
03:21 what's going on
03:23 and treat the underlying cause of the problem?
03:25 And that goes with really every problem in life,
03:27 you know, you have a relationship problem.
03:29 Well, you wanna know
03:30 why you have a relationship problem,
03:32 whether that be with a friend, a spouse, a loved one, a doc...
03:36 Well, why do we have the problem?
03:38 'Cause if we can understand why,
03:40 we can get at the core of existence.
03:41 Right.
03:42 So if you think about that for a second,
03:45 you know, we've talked a lot about...
03:47 And I'm very interested in genetics.
03:49 Okay, we call that genomic medicine.
03:51 Why does our DNA get old? Why does it mutate?
03:54 Why do we have disease in the first place, you know?
03:58 Because we have bad genes, okay?
04:00 Well, why do we have bad genes?
04:03 You know, why do we have bad genes?
04:04 Because we've reproduced
04:06 from parents that had bad genes.
04:07 So it goes back far enough.
04:09 And it ultimately it gets back to well,
04:11 who had perfect genetics?
04:13 Adam and Eve, right? God's original creation.
04:16 Until they put stress on those genes
04:18 by turning away from God, then the mutation started,
04:22 and then eventually,
04:23 we started to have more and more problems, right?
04:24 Right.
04:26 So understanding the reason why it's very important.
04:28 Yeah, not something we can undervalue.
04:30 You know, too often, we just want the easy route.
04:33 As patients, we want the easy route.
04:34 We don't wanna necessarily do the hard work sometimes,
04:37 but sometimes the hard work is necessary.
04:39 Now what's difficult is my son, Jake, was Jake and Kelly.
04:43 And they always ask why? Why? Why?
04:46 Oh, yeah. Why?
04:48 It's like the first thing out of their mouth.
04:49 Why? Why? Yeah.
04:50 But as we get older,
04:52 I don't think we asked that question as much.
04:54 We accept things. This is the way things are.
04:57 I'm not gonna ask why. Why is that world broken?
05:01 You know, why is this going on?
05:02 Because, you know, it's tough to ask,
05:05 to answer those questions.
05:06 So we're gonna understand the reason why,
05:08 why heart is weak.
05:10 Yeah.
05:11 So let's start with heart failure.
05:12 Yeah. What does heart failure mean?
05:14 Well, heart failure just means just what it says.
05:17 The heart is not doing its job. It's failing, okay?
05:21 Just like if you were sitting there, Nick,
05:23 and all of a sudden you quit talking.
05:25 And, you know, didn't do anything.
05:27 I'd say this is Nick failure. Nick failure.
05:29 Yeah. Let's not do that.
05:30 We don't want Nick failure.
05:32 If the people that are operating
05:33 the sound and the cameras,
05:35 if all of a sudden everything went black,
05:36 I would say, "This is production failure."
05:38 Right. Right.
05:39 So all it means is the heart failure.
05:42 Does this tell us why? Tells me nothing about why?
05:45 Got it.
05:46 But the heart is not doing its job, okay?
05:48 Just like if you quit doing your job,
05:51 I would say, "Well, you quit doing it, but why?"
05:53 You know, is he sick in his stomach,
05:54 you know, does the mind go blank?
05:56 Did he eat too much for lunch? Does he feeling bad?
05:58 Is he having pain? Why? Well, that's what I...
06:00 The approach we take with the heart.
06:02 So what heart failure
06:03 is the heart's not doing its job.
06:06 When it doesn't do its job, the organs malfunction, right?
06:09 'Cause the heart is in charge of getting oxygen,
06:11 nutrients of blood,
06:13 and different organs might malfunction.
06:14 So we might have a symptom first,
06:16 like shortness of breath, swelling, palpitations,
06:20 kidneys not working as well,
06:22 fatigue that just means the heart's not doing its job.
06:25 Sometimes, when we say the word heart failure,
06:28 because it's not pumping enough blood,
06:30 that's the strength of the heart,
06:32 the strength of heart goes down,
06:33 it malfunctions 'cause it's not as strong
06:35 as it should be, right?
06:37 The other time is sometimes it's perfectly strong,
06:40 but it doesn't know how to relax, okay?
06:43 It's a stiff heart. Right.
06:45 You know, everything gets stiff if it's not used.
06:48 So sometimes hearts even though they're strong, they get stiff,
06:52 they lose efficiency, and pressure backs up
06:54 and you can have a completely normal strength of the heart,
06:57 but it malfunctions because it's too stiff
07:00 or it's going too fast.
07:01 If you have a fast heart rhythm 300 beats a minute,
07:03 200 beats a minute, right?
07:05 The heart's strong enough, but it's not efficient.
07:08 Right.
07:09 And then it so it can't pump blood the way
07:11 even though it's perfectly strong.
07:12 So that makes sense to you?
07:14 Yeah. So we got that.
07:15 We understand why something's occurring.
07:17 And heart failure...
07:19 This means the heart's not doing its job.
07:20 Yeah.
07:22 So once a person comes with those symptoms,
07:24 and I say, "Wow, they have heart failure."
07:26 Then we start understanding why.
07:28 And that takes us to testing. Yeah.
07:30 Now a couple of years ago,
07:31 I had the opportunity to come to your office,
07:33 and we discussed a little bit
07:34 about how you diagnose heart failure.
07:36 Let's take a look at the clip from that visit,
07:38 and you can talk through some of the visits
07:40 that you diagnose.
07:41 Most of these tests that we use,
07:43 this is an echocardiogram,
07:44 it shows the heart beating, and the valves opening,
07:46 and that would tell us if the heart's weak,
07:48 if the valves might be clogged.
07:50 This is an electrocardiogram.
07:51 It looks at the electrical system of the heart
07:54 that might give us clues
07:55 to if the hearts going slow or fast.
07:59 There's others tests that we can use,
08:01 we can look and see if the hearts enlarged
08:03 or if there's fluid in the lungs,
08:05 that would give us a clue.
08:06 And here I am looking at a pacemaker
08:08 seeing whether the pacemaker might not be working.
08:10 Right.
08:11 There's the heart's going too slow,
08:13 it can't pump well,
08:14 that's a reason that the heart might fail
08:16 and the rhythm's too slow.
08:18 This is a nuclear stress test it looks to see
08:21 if the arteries might be causing it.
08:23 This is probably the most common cause of heart failure
08:25 is the arteries become blocked,
08:27 they don't work well,
08:29 we don't get enough oxygen through it.
08:31 So we want to know if that's the reason for heart failure.
08:34 We have fancy nuclear test,
08:36 we actually can see how much the heart squeezes
08:39 in every segment of the heart so we can diagnose exactly
08:43 which artery might be causing the problem
08:45 or which artery might be contributed to heart failure.
08:48 So there are many different reasons.
08:49 these are just a few of them.
08:51 We have more besides that, we got angiograms.
08:54 We have CAT scans, we've PET scans,
08:57 we've MRIs.
08:58 Sometimes we can actually do a biopsy of the heart
09:01 to see if the heart might have
09:03 some type of disease in the heart.
09:05 And there are certain conditions
09:06 like amyloid,
09:07 sarcoidosis that these diseases
09:10 have infiltrated the heart
09:12 and made the heart not function leading to heart failure.
09:15 So there's many different diagnostic tools
09:18 to look why a heart might be weak
09:20 and leading to heart failure.
09:23 Now you've already covered some of what causes a weak heart.
09:26 You mentioned rabbit heartbeats and things like that.
09:28 But what are some of the common things
09:29 we need to know about causation for a weak heart?
09:32 So if a person comes in, and they've had heart failure.
09:36 Let's say they're in the hospital.
09:37 And they had a symptom.
09:38 And we say, "Well, the heart wasn't working well."
09:40 And one of the most common ways we measure
09:42 it is fluid in the lungs, okay?
09:45 Fluid backup, we have a measurement
09:46 we can do called a proBNP
09:49 which is a hormone that goes up
09:51 when the heart's malfunctioning.
09:53 So we had that diagnosis that,
09:54 yes, you indeed have heart failure.
09:56 So the heart condition actually causes this BND...
10:00 proBNP, it's a hormone to go up in the bloodstream.
10:03 And that causes fluid in the lungs because...
10:05 No, it's a marker of heart failure.
10:07 Okay. Okay.
10:08 Now when fluid gets in the lung,
10:09 that's a marker that the heart's not doing its job
10:11 'cause normally fluid should not get in the lung.
10:13 Right. Fluid should be pumped out of the body. Right.
10:14 But when fluid backs up in the lungs, in the legs,
10:19 you know that could be a sign
10:21 that you're developing heart failure.
10:22 Just basically a sign of the circular system,
10:24 just not doing the job.
10:26 Malfunctioning, right? Malfunctioning.
10:27 If we have kidneys that are failing,
10:29 if we have no energy, those are all signs
10:31 that the hearts getting weaker,
10:33 and sometimes it can lead to failure.
10:34 One of the markers that go up sort of clue us,
10:38 when a heart failure makes one of these pro BNP.
10:41 So these are all clues.
10:42 It tells me, "Yes, you do have heart failure."
10:44 'Cause sometimes people have symptoms,
10:46 shortness of breath, tired
10:47 that are unrelated to heart failure.
10:49 Right.
10:50 And we wanna check that one off the list, right?
10:52 So once you have it,
10:54 then we do these diagnostic tests,
10:56 and then we say, "Well, I go through the list.
10:57 Well, we determined it's the heart.
10:59 What are the many causes of it?
11:01 And we talked about these before."
11:04 Probably the most common cause of a weak heart
11:07 are blockages in the arteries.
11:09 Fat gets in the arteries. They get clogged up.
11:11 If that's the case, we wanna help the arteries
11:14 as much as we could, if possible a bypass surgery,
11:17 if possible stents,
11:19 medicines that make the heart not have to work as hard,
11:22 different things that would help
11:24 if they had blockages in the arteries.
11:25 We've talked about rhythms going too slow,
11:28 that could lead to heart failure.
11:29 Rhythms going too fast
11:31 the electrical system could cause heart failure.
11:34 Remember, the heart muscles fine,
11:35 but the electrical system is messed up.
11:38 The valves of the heart malfunction
11:41 that could lead to heart failure.
11:42 The echocardiogram usually tells us that.
11:45 Sometimes it can be just stress in general,
11:48 we have too much stress in our life.
11:49 We call that the broken heart syndrome,
11:52 you know that can cause it.
11:54 And we just...
11:55 We would measure that by looking at everything
11:57 and we see that frequently in females
12:00 that have sudden stress usually, the loss of life,
12:04 you know, the grief sometimes.
12:06 Sometimes it could be hormones that cause it.
12:08 Sometimes the thyroid can be too low,
12:11 that can lead to heart failure.
12:13 Sometimes infections can cause inflammation.
12:16 You know, how sometimes when you get the flu,
12:18 your muscles get weak?
12:19 Well, sometimes in genetically predisposed heart,
12:22 the heart can get weak as well.
12:25 Sometimes other diseases can also affect the heart.
12:28 Sometimes it can be medicines like chemotherapy
12:30 or certain medications can make a heart weak.
12:33 So once we diagnose heart failure,
12:36 we start looking at the tests
12:37 because we want to understand the reason why?
12:41 And these are just a few of the many different
12:43 causes that can look nutritional deficiencies,
12:47 lots of things can make and we base it on a history
12:50 physical in our initial diagnostic test
12:52 to determine what might be the cause
12:55 if we can get cause
12:56 treatment's going to be much more successful.
12:59 Now sometimes we never find out the reason why.
13:01 And that's usually a genetics remote infection.
13:04 And we call that a weak heart.
13:07 We don't know why. Yeah.
13:09 So it sounds like a lot of times the quick fix
13:12 for emergency care will be a procedure,
13:14 but then you really get down to the reason why.
13:16 And that often comes down
13:17 to either genes or lifestyle choices.
13:20 Is that way? Well, not necessarily.
13:22 It could be a genetic problem. Right.
13:24 It could be a part just wearing out of the body.
13:27 It could be an infection of the heart.
13:29 It could be someone was experimenting
13:31 with medications they shouldn't be.
13:33 It could be a nutritional deficiency.
13:35 It could be lots of different things,
13:37 including what you said.
13:38 So everything, it's sort of like
13:40 when you look at weak hearts,
13:41 you almost like an investigator,
13:44 you wanna understand the reason
13:45 why so you got to get looking
13:47 'cause if you understand why treatment
13:49 becomes much more successful.
13:51 All right, we're gonna talk about
13:52 more about treatments in just a moment.
13:54 So stay with us here on the Ultimate Prescription.
13:56 We will be back right after the break.


Revised 2020-02-17