Unshackled Purpose

Messy Situation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: USP

Program Code: USP210003S

00:01 Have you ever found yourself in a messy situation
00:04 that you couldn't clean up no matter how hard you tried?
00:07 Well, stay tuned to learn about the ultimate cleaning solution.
00:15 They try to change us from the outside in,
00:17 and that's never going to work.
00:20 Because I know that no matter
00:22 how hard and cold the exterior may seem,
00:25 I know that inside we hurt.
00:29 So we just want to come and share some hope with you
00:31 and let you know that we love you,
00:33 and that Jesus loves you
00:36 beyond anybody in this world.
00:40 I'm not here today to judge you or condemn you,
00:42 we're today to tell you that we love you
00:44 and we understand the situation that you're in.
00:52 Hello, I'm Jason Bradley,
00:54 and I'm so glad that you joined us once again.
00:57 I'm here with Lemuel Vega,
00:59 founder of Christmas Behind Bars.
01:01 And, Lemuel,
01:03 I'm sure you've come in contact with a lot of people
01:06 that have been incarcerated
01:07 and you have a multitude of stories.
01:10 You know what, Brother?
01:12 Whether they're incarcerated or out there in the world,
01:14 sometimes our life is so hopeless.
01:16 I was out of prison for 12 years.
01:18 I was sick and ready to die.
01:20 I was more in a derelictic condition out there in society
01:23 than I was behind these bars.
01:25 But God is good, He meets us where we're at,
01:27 whether we're behind bars or in the free world
01:29 and God has plans for our lives.
01:31 I'd like to just read a scripture.
01:33 Jeremiah 29:11.
01:37 It says, "For I know the thoughts
01:38 that I think towards you, saith the Lord."
01:41 So He has a plan for our lives,
01:43 He has thoughts for us.
01:45 He says, "To give us peace and not of evil,
01:49 to give you an expected end."
01:51 So, "For I know the thoughts
01:52 that I think towards you saith the Lord,
01:54 thoughts of peace."
01:55 Amen? Amen.
01:56 "And not of evil."
01:58 So this great controversy that's going on
01:59 between good and evil is not God's design.
02:01 Yes.
02:03 But He has a remedy, He has a way to help us
02:04 through this time of trouble in which we live.
02:07 To give us an expected end and that end is eternal life.
02:10 He said, He went to prepare a home for us.
02:12 Now here it is in Jeremiah 29:12.
02:15 Messy situation in prison, out of prison,
02:18 no matter where there is.
02:20 "Then shall ye call upon Me."
02:24 So we call out to God, say, Lord, I need help,
02:26 I've tried everything else, doctors, lawyers,
02:28 whatever it is, family maybe let us down,
02:30 so we've tried everything else.
02:31 Jesus said, "Then shall ye call upon Me
02:34 and ye shall go and pray unto Me
02:35 and I will harken unto you."
02:37 He'll take your call.
02:39 Amen.
02:40 He'll listen, there is no busy signal.
02:41 Amen.
02:43 There is no bad connection, can you hear me now?
02:44 It says, "Then shall you call upon Me,
02:46 and you shall go and pray unto Me
02:47 and I will harken, I will listen,
02:48 I will pay attention."
02:50 And so that's the power of the gospel.
02:52 And, you know, I like to use analogies, like,
02:54 just something simple that we have around us.
02:56 Do you have any toilet paper in there?
02:58 No, sir.
02:59 You ain't got no toilet. You got any toilet paper?
03:01 Jason, this is just a simple roll of toilet paper.
03:04 Uh-huh.
03:05 And this is something that people normally,
03:09 probably use 99.9 percent
03:12 people probably use this on a daily basis.
03:14 Yes.
03:15 Why do we use toilet paper?
03:17 Clean up messy situations.
03:19 Clean up messy situations.
03:20 Amen.
03:21 Toilet paper cleans up messy situations.
03:23 Amen?
03:24 Amen.
03:26 It says in the Word of God, "Then shall ye call upon Me,
03:28 and ye shall go and pray unto me
03:29 and I will harken unto you."
03:31 He'll come, He'll listen.
03:32 He says that, "Ye shall seek me
03:34 and find me when you search for me with all your heart."
03:36 When we come to God just as we are,
03:38 He cleans up the internal.
03:41 And when we come to Him,
03:43 He wants to come into our heart.
03:44 We make a decision to call unto Him.
03:46 He wants to come into our heart
03:48 and as we invite God into our heart, our mind,
03:52 our intellect becomes clear,
03:54 our heart becomes warm
03:56 and then we begin to feel
03:57 and sense His blessings for our lives.
04:00 And when the internal begins to change,
04:03 the external comes into conformity
04:06 with the internal.
04:07 Amen.
04:08 So that's the power of the gospel.
04:10 And so something as simple as toilet paper
04:11 to clean the internal, the external,
04:14 we use that to clean the external,
04:16 but God wants to come into our heart
04:18 and clean the internal.
04:20 Amen? Amen.
04:21 You know, I love that.
04:23 I think about Daniel, you know, Daniel in Daniel 1:8,
04:27 and it says, "But Daniel purposed in his heart
04:30 that he would not defile himself."
04:32 You think about a messy situation.
04:34 A messy situation can defile you.
04:37 "But he said that he would not defile himself
04:40 with the portion of the king's delicacies
04:42 nor with the wine which he drank.
04:44 Therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs
04:47 that he might not defile himself."
04:49 I think about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
04:52 so think about someone
04:53 who gives their heart to the Lord,
04:55 they're walking with the Lord, they're,
04:57 you know, they're serving the Lord wholeheartedly.
05:00 Amen.
05:01 And that doesn't mean
05:03 that we don't encounter trials, right?
05:05 Do you think Christians...
05:07 Brother, you are so absolutely right.
05:08 You know, with the Corona pandemic and the virus,
05:11 I just had a dear friend,
05:13 he just buried his wife of 49 years,
05:15 just buried yesterday.
05:17 And so, but she died victorious in Jesus.
05:21 She'll be resurrected in Jesus.
05:22 Amen.
05:23 And they'll be reunited in the kingdom of heaven.
05:25 So even though we as Christians experience
05:27 these troublous times, we need to hold on to Jesus.
05:30 Amen? Yes.
05:32 Amen.
05:33 And that's exactly what these three Hebrew boys did here.
05:35 When they were faced with the situation
05:37 where the king wanted them to bow down and worship
05:40 this statue anytime the music played
05:42 and they basically told the king,
05:44 you know, look, our God can deliver us
05:46 from this situation
05:47 and if He does or if He doesn't,
05:50 basically, we're still going to serve Him.
05:52 We're not going to worship you.
05:53 That's right. Amen.
05:55 We're not going to worship any other god.
05:57 So they got cast into the fiery furnace.
06:00 Three of them went in,
06:03 but there was a fourth one in there
06:06 with the appearance of the Son of man.
06:07 Powerful, powerful story.
06:09 And that's what God does, He stands with us
06:11 in the midst of our trials.
06:13 Amen. You know what I like about it?
06:14 The king says, "Who is this God
06:16 that's able to deliver you out of my hand?
06:17 Who is this God?"
06:18 But not very long later,
06:21 he said, "Looks like one like the Son of man."
06:22 That's right.
06:23 So he had some kind of knowledge of who that was.
06:26 That's right.
06:27 It was a great witnessing opportunity, you know?
06:29 And we always have these witnessing opportunities
06:31 and if we're going through a trial,
06:33 how do we respond in the midst of adversity?
06:35 Amen.
06:36 That makes a huge difference.
06:38 You know, we have the cross here,
06:41 we use toilet paper for the internal analogy
06:44 of how He comes into our heart.
06:46 You know on the cross of Calvary,
06:48 Jesus died, He shed His blood there for us.
06:51 And it's His righteousness that covers all iniquity,
06:56 all sin, it's His righteousness.
06:58 So whether people find themselves
07:00 in a suicidal situation,
07:02 a hopeless situation, incarceration,
07:06 maybe they can't make their house payment,
07:08 whatever it is, they need to continue
07:10 to look at the cross and realize
07:12 what our heavenly Father did
07:13 through the gift of His Son Jesus.
07:15 Jason, you know, when I got locked up
07:18 as a young man in a jail like this,
07:21 I remember that we set the jail on fire.
07:25 How can you set a jail on fire?
07:27 'Cause after all it's all steel.
07:29 But we stuffed, there was a hole up there
07:30 and we almost all died that night
07:33 because the smoke filled the jail
07:35 and there we were in a bad situation.
07:38 People do things,
07:40 not to really hurt other people,
07:42 sometimes it's just misguided energy.
07:45 You know the people in Florida, the young people in Florida
07:47 that took a stop sign down,
07:49 all they wanted to do was see a car crash.
07:51 They didn't think somebody would get killed.
07:53 And so, you know, as a young boy,
07:55 we used to put boulders on the railroad track,
07:57 boulders in...
07:58 What I wanted to do
07:59 is I wanted to see the train come by
08:01 and fall off the track.
08:02 Wow.
08:04 I didn't do it to hurt anybody.
08:05 And so without Jesus, without purpose in our lives,
08:08 there is no purpose in video games,
08:11 there is no purpose in secular music,
08:12 there is no purpose in secular TV,
08:14 there is no purpose working all of our life
08:16 for some big retirement,
08:18 there is no purpose in this life outside of Christ.
08:20 Amen? Amen.
08:22 How is it that you gave your life to Christ?
08:24 Your life was full of all kinds of,
08:26 you were going and moving and doing fancy things,
08:28 but at some point you were empty inside.
08:30 How did you give your life to Christ, Brother?
08:32 Well, I found myself in a very messy situation.
08:35 My appendix had ruptured, I was misdiagnosed.
08:37 I remember lying in the hospital bed
08:39 thinking that I was going to die,
08:41 not knowing whether or not
08:42 I was going to live or die.
08:44 And if I would have died right then,
08:45 I would have died in my sin.
08:47 So I had my mother
08:48 who was there helping me do things
08:49 that I couldn't even do for myself,
08:51 such as brush my teeth and walk over there.
08:53 So she was walking me to the sink
08:55 to go brush my teeth and I remember her crying
08:58 because I had become flesh and bones,
09:01 I was so skinny.
09:02 And this was at a time
09:04 where I had made a promise to God.
09:05 I didn't even serve God at the time,
09:07 I didn't want anything to do with God.
09:09 But as we often do,
09:11 when we find ourselves getting into these horrible situations,
09:15 self inflicted trials, we say to God,
09:18 "God, if You get me out of this,
09:20 if You get me out of this, I'll change,
09:21 I'll do something different."
09:22 And I believe you really meant that,
09:24 but on our own we can't.
09:26 That's right.
09:27 My stomach was left open.
09:28 Opened, closed, they didn't stitch me up
09:30 or anything like that.
09:32 I had gauze pads covering my stomach.
09:34 Couple of weeks into recovery,
09:36 I ended up going back to a known drug area
09:38 to purchase some drugs to sell.
09:41 Ended up getting arrested that day
09:43 and I just spent the night in jail,
09:45 but I was looking at a potential
09:47 maximum prison sentence of 15 years.
09:50 In a place like this?
09:51 In a place like this.
09:52 But God saw fit to give me a second chance.
09:55 And so I didn't accept Him right then,
09:57 but I made behavioral modifications
09:59 and then eventually He grabbed a hold of my life.
10:02 My mother never stopped praying for me,
10:04 and those prayers really helped to transform my life.
10:09 God heard her prayers.
10:10 As you're willing, He's able.
10:12 Amen.
10:13 As you're willing, He's able.
10:15 Amen.
10:16 The Bible says, "For I know the thoughts
10:19 that I think toward you, saith the Lord."
10:21 He was with you, He abide with you,
10:23 He walked with you,
10:24 He encouraged you, He called you.
10:25 As you was willing to surrender,
10:27 He was there for you.
10:28 "For I know the thoughts that I think towards you,
10:30 saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil,
10:32 to give us an expected end."
10:33 There was an incarceration, it wasn't death,
10:36 that's not His design for humanity,
10:38 but it's eternal life.
10:39 "Then shall you call upon Me," you called upon Him,
10:42 you prayed unto Him, He heard you,
10:44 He harkened with you.
10:46 "And you shall seek Me and find Me
10:47 when you shall search for Me with all your heart."
10:52 So every day in our culture as we use toilet paper,
10:55 paper towel, napkins to clean up
10:57 external messy situations.
11:00 Would you encourage our world today
11:02 to ultimately think of Christ?
11:04 Oh, absolutely, 100%.
11:07 If you accept Christ in your life,
11:10 you won't regret it.
11:11 You have somebody who you can take your burdens to,
11:14 who you can pray to, who wants to hear from you,
11:17 who loves you so much,
11:19 even more than your parents love you.
11:21 Jesus loves you so much.
11:23 You can't say that anybody else died for you,
11:26 but Jesus did that for your life and for mine.
11:29 Jason, I believe there's somebody at home right now,
11:31 perhaps incarcerated.
11:33 Would you have a prayer, Brother,
11:35 for the appeal you just made?
11:36 Absolutely.
11:38 Dear heavenly Father, we just want to lift up
11:40 that individual that may be incarcerated
11:42 or that is living in the free world,
11:44 but a slave to sin and bondage to sin.
11:48 And, Father, we just ask
11:49 that You would please break that bondage
11:52 that the devil has on his or her life,
11:55 and that You would grab a hold of them
11:56 and that You would draw them to you
11:59 as time is short and save their soul.
12:03 In Jesus' name we pray.
12:04 Amen.
12:06 I've been here in this,
12:08 I think in this jail eight times.
12:10 Been battling addiction most of my life.
12:13 I lost my mom before when I was 13,
12:15 so that kind of did the spiral for me.
12:18 It was just my dad raising nine kids.
12:20 He wasn't always there
12:21 'cause he was always at work or whatever.
12:24 It's been a struggle,
12:26 I've tried to quit and tried to quit it
12:30 and some leads me back to those streets
12:32 and unfortunately that's why I'm in here now.
12:36 I relapsed again and now,
12:42 I'm going to probably do the next 20 years in prison.
12:45 I just met with my lawyer yesterday,
12:46 so, yeah, I just got this bad news yesterday.
12:51 That reconnection with God, it came to me a year ago,
12:54 when the chaplain of the jail could come in here
12:57 and he came in here and we did classes
12:59 like every Wednesday or every Thursday
13:00 or it depend on what day he came in here.
13:03 I hate to say this,
13:04 but in jail is where I seem to get close to God.
13:07 And when I'm on the street,
13:09 I'm there, but I'm not all there,
13:12 you know, I've done a 360 around, so.
13:17 And I don't want to live in that lifestyle anymore,
13:21 I want to live for the Lord.
13:25 It's going to be a new beginning wherever I go,
13:28 whether it's on the street or whether it's in prison.
13:31 I mean, I don't have to live this way anymore
13:34 and I refuse to live this way anymore.
13:37 I can't believe, Lemuel, that our time is almost up.
13:41 What's the final thought that you have?
13:43 Final thought is there's hope in this troublous time
13:46 that we live in Jesus.
13:48 Amen? Amen.
13:49 Amen. Praise the Lord.
13:51 I want to thank you, Lemuel,
13:52 for the job that you are doing with the men and women
13:54 that are incarcerated, and what you're doing
13:56 with Christmas Behind Bars,
13:57 and ultimately winning souls for the kingdom.
14:02 We invite you to tune in next time.
14:04 Till then, God bless.


Revised 2021-10-28