Wonderfully Made

Weight Loss

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: George Guthrie, Tim Arnott


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000329

00:35 Welcome to Wonderfully Made. My name is
00:39 Dr. George Guthrie. I am here from Lifestyle Center
00:42 of America at the 3ABN studios to talk
00:45 to you today about weight loss.
00:49 About two and half years ago I changed
00:52 the focus of my practice from treating sick people
00:55 to helping to treat the cause of the problem
00:59 rather than just the symptoms.
01:03 Now with me to discuss this topic
01:06 with us today is Dr. Tim Arnott.
01:09 Hello I am also working with Dr. George Guthrie
01:15 at Lifestyle Center of America,
01:17 been there for about 5 years and a I am married,
01:22 I have a three lovely daughters,
01:24 Jena, Hana, and Heidi and my wife name
01:26 is Sylvia and its good to be here on Wonderfully Made.
01:29 Well Tim we are here to talk about weight loss
01:32 and there you are all slim and trim and
01:35 well I will comment on myself here.
01:38 What right do we have to talk about weight loss?
01:42 Well Dr. Guthrie even though it may look like we
01:46 have never had a weight problem or may be can't
01:49 identify with our audience in that area,
01:52 the truth is that both of us have stories
01:55 that we'd like to share this afternoon,
01:57 and I think that if you listen to this stories
02:01 you probably can learn something about some of the
02:03 principles of weight loss. Many people
02:07 are interested in this whole topic and they are
02:09 searching for a better solution, I think we have
02:12 found some interesting and exciting things
02:14 at the Lifestyle Center of America
02:16 that we like to share. But I like to go
02:18 back to 1983 when I was a student missionary
02:23 in South Thailand and if you ever visited Thailand
02:27 you know that they like to eat a lot of
02:30 fried food, and so we were are eating fried rice
02:34 another fried food probably at least twice a day
02:37 over there in South Thailand, and I found that
02:40 my weight actually over the period of that year went up
02:44 actually to 40 pounds heavier than I what I am right
02:48 now. And so I discovered that if you
02:51 want to gain weight which is something my wife
02:54 is often wanting me to do. Fried food
02:57 is something that can help you gain weight
03:00 and on the converse if you like to loss weight
03:02 moving away from fried food
03:05 can also be a very helpful tool.
03:08 Good, good my own experience of growing up
03:13 as I was always a short fat kid in the class.
03:15 Really got tired of being called fatso
03:19 and so I was got into high school, my mother
03:23 recommend that I stop eating suppers
03:26 as a way of helping to control my weight and that's being
03:30 something is being really important to me as well as
03:32 of course cutting down on the amount of fat
03:36 I was taking. Tim I was thinking the other day about
03:40 the fastest way I know how to loose weight.
03:43 People always interested in loosing weight
03:45 but the fastest way to loose weight that I have
03:48 ever heard of is to have a baby.
03:50 You know that's like 20 pounds gone.
03:53 That's correct and you know that's one of the
03:57 exciting things about Lifestyle medicine is it you
04:00 get to work with individuals who have a breath of
04:04 experiences and sometimes that experiences comes
04:06 little bit of sense of humor. Okay I appreciate it
04:09 Dr. George Guthrie's so his humor over the years.
04:13 Tell us a little bit more about some of the things
04:16 that you have learned Dr. Guthrie about weight loss
04:20 and this whole issue. Well as I explained it first
04:27 my focus was actually on when someone
04:31 actually eats. I know growing up it was generally
04:35 three solids meals a day and those meals
04:41 tended to make me gain weight. When I start
04:44 leaving off evening meal of course I was good and
04:48 hungry for breakfast and I had a good lunch,
04:50 by the time supper time came around.
04:52 I really didn't need to eat to it, it was
04:55 more social sort of a thing I found as I left that off
04:58 it was little difficult at first but over the
05:02 couple of weeks that's followed my stomach began to
05:06 get use to new pattern and I wasn't having
05:08 any problem at all. So you found that meal
05:11 timing is actually very important for, yes, those
05:14 who want to loss weight. Yes, yes as a matter of fact
05:16 I found the study actually done in the late 70's
05:19 by fellow with the name of Dr. Hulbert
05:22 that look at a group of people in the
05:25 a metabolic word and they were given
05:27 a 2000 calorie meal once a day either in the
05:32 morning or in the evening. Those people
05:35 who had the meal in the morning lost significantly
05:39 more weight and those who had the meal in the evening
05:41 so. Even though they had the same number of
05:43 calories. Even though they had the same number
05:44 of calories, and this kind of make sense.
05:46 You know if you take a big meal like most American do
05:50 just before you lay down at night,
05:52 what can your body do but store it.
05:55 One of the things I would like to say is
05:57 if you are gonna get on an airplane and fly
06:00 from here to Honolulu would you want them to
06:03 put the fuel in the airplane here after you got
06:05 to Honolulu, there is just thought to it,
06:07 it make sense to put the fuel in the plane
06:09 now and indeed while we were flying through
06:11 the day we are more likely to burn the calories.
06:14 And actually there is evidence that the body
06:17 actually burns calories at a higher rate
06:21 earlier in the day and as the day wears
06:23 on its actually less likely to burn those
06:26 calories at least not up the same rate.
06:29 So meal timing is important. Sure.
06:32 Any other principles that we can share with
06:35 our listeners. Well I think another
06:40 important principle is that long slow
06:43 graduate weight loss is better than rapid
06:46 weight loss. You know the proverbial weight loss
06:49 from delivering a baby is impossible
06:54 this quick rapid stuff actually causes problems
06:58 in the physiology if we loss weight really fast.
07:02 So long slow gradual is the safest and best way
07:06 to loose weight. So we are talking about
07:08 a pound or pound in a half a week is that,
07:10 would that be a good ballpark. That's pretty
07:13 reasonable, sure. Well Dr. Guthrie let's bring
07:17 it little bit closure to the Lifestyle center
07:19 of America. We've got some interesting things to
07:23 talk about in that venue where we are doing
07:27 our business. That's right
07:28 that's right. And you know we actually
07:31 found some very exciting things happening.
07:33 We have actually had patients that we have been
07:37 following not just for 19 days. Right.
07:38 Not just for 11 days but we have being doing
07:42 some follow up research where we have been
07:44 following patients for up to one year.
07:46 Many individuals say yes Lifestyle medicine
07:50 is wonderful but people don't stick to it
07:53 or you never follow them long enough to know
07:56 if it's really beneficial for the long term.
07:59 And so we have also been interested in
08:02 some of those questions and we have been looking
08:04 at some of the data that our guests have been
08:07 giving to us and we have some exciting things
08:09 to share this afternoon.
08:11 Before you actually switch to the long term data
08:14 because the long term data is the most important.
08:16 People usually loose weight when they come
08:20 to our centre. There is a change of lifestyle.
08:23 We make a change in their diet.
08:25 We teach them about exercise and kind of
08:27 put the whole thing together, and the
08:29 average weight loss is about 9 to 10 pounds
08:31 for the two and half weeks that they are
08:34 with us. Our curiosity of course has been
08:38 great about what happens into the future.
08:39 What happens a year later and that's the
08:42 exciting data that we have here.
08:44 That's right. One of the things that we are
08:45 learning at the Lifestyle Center of America
08:47 is that people that adopt a lifestyle change
08:51 program. They adopt a plant based diet,
08:54 exercise, drinking water and getting sunlight
08:57 the different health remedies that
09:00 are available from our creator.
09:01 They actually all of them on average loose
09:06 weight even for a period of up to one year.
09:09 They are all have a lower weight at the end of
09:13 one year than when they started the program.
09:15 But we also Dr. Guthrie as you know
09:18 discovered that some people loose more
09:20 weight than others. That's right.
09:22 As you might expect and so what we are going
09:25 to be sharing during this program is
09:27 what gave that group that lost more weight
09:31 and advantage. What were they doing
09:33 that the other group was not doing.
09:34 What made them successful.
09:36 Exactly, and the first thing that we want
09:40 share this afternoon is the differences
09:42 in the weight loss for those who lost the
09:45 most weight and those who lost less.
09:48 We would like to share that graphic at this time.
09:50 Okay. And just it will help us to see there was
09:53 indeed the difference. You can see
09:56 those who lost the most weight lost about
09:59 30 pounds at the end of one year, they were
10:01 30 pound lighter, and those who have lost the
10:06 least weight after going through this
10:09 Lifestyle Center program and being on it for
10:11 year they lost about two and half pounds
10:13 not quite two and half pounds. So that was
10:16 definitely a highly statistically
10:18 significant difference. And so what we are going
10:22 to try to do is to find out what made the difference
10:24 between these two groups as far as their
10:26 Lifestyle choices. Exactly. What did those
10:28 who lost nearly 30 pounds do that helped their
10:31 weight come off and stay off that was different
10:34 from what those that they had only lost two
10:37 and half pounds. But as we go through
10:39 this we want to emphasize that all of the
10:41 participants lost weight, and we simply wanted
10:44 in this program highlight what those individuals
10:47 who lost the most weight were doing,
10:49 what made the difference. Yes.
10:50 And so first thing we want to look at
10:53 is how much weight they lost during the program,
10:57 did that make a difference. Was one group more
11:00 successful during the program so we would like to
11:02 show that data at this time. And as you
11:06 mentioned earlier you actually referred to
11:07 this that the average weight loss
11:10 during a program is about 9 pounds,
11:13 and you can see here that those individuals
11:16 who actually the top performers, those who lost
11:20 the most weight at the end of one year,
11:23 they lost about 8 or 9 pounds at the end
11:27 of the 19 day session. And this was not
11:30 statistically significant difference.
11:32 That's right; basically the individuals who
11:35 lost the most weight at the end of one year
11:37 didn't loss any more weight than those
11:39 who lost the least weight at the end
11:42 of one year. That is during the program.
11:43 During the program they had the
11:45 similar weight lost, so that's actually
11:47 good news. I mean you don't have to
11:49 have a lot of weight loss in a short period
11:52 of time if you are going to be highly
11:53 successful over the long term. Right,
11:56 right. Well the next thing that we
11:58 like to share is probably the most important
12:01 piece of information that we've learned
12:03 during this follow up study and we'd like to
12:07 share that at this time and this actually
12:09 shows that the individuals who lost nearly
12:13 30 pounds at the end of one year,
12:16 they were doing something more than the
12:20 individuals who only lost about two and half
12:23 pounds at the end of one year.
12:25 Share with us Dr. Guthrie what was
12:27 those individuals doing. Well its looks like
12:30 that the difference was simply that they
12:32 were taking a 100 percent plant based diet.
12:35 They were avoiding all animal products.
12:38 That's right, if you look at the data again
12:40 who can actually see that the individuals
12:43 who lost 30 pounds approximately at the
12:46 end of one year, they were on a
12:48 total plant diet nearly 6 days of every week
12:53 or about twice as many days as
12:55 those who only lost about two and half pound
12:57 at the end of one year.
12:59 So what is it Dr. Guthrie about a plant based diet
13:03 and perhaps we should talk a little bit
13:06 also about what it means to be vegan
13:08 just flush that out a little bit. What is it about
13:11 this kind food that helps individuals
13:14 loose weight. You are right that word vegan
13:16 sometimes just almost means a religion,
13:19 and we are really not dealing with it that
13:20 way, we saw the word on the slide
13:23 and the slide means really it's a hundred percent
13:27 plant based diet. What makes the differences
13:29 in plants? Well there is a lot of thing in plants
13:32 that are of benefit I think water is probably
13:35 a real good one to point out.
13:37 There is awful lot water in 100 percent
13:40 plant based diet, and water has no calories.
13:43 So you can eat it, it fills you up
13:45 and there is no calories from it.
13:47 So barring the nuts and seeds, plant foods
13:52 are about 80 percent water, of course the
13:56 nuts and seeds about 10 percent water.
13:58 So you want to use them sparingly.
14:00 In moderation. But what else the plants
14:02 have that can actually help us
14:05 trim our weight over the long haul.
14:08 Well as we talk about calories vegan
14:11 of course focusing on the fiber.
14:13 A fiber by definition you cant really digest,
14:16 it has no calories you put the food in
14:19 your mouth and it travels through and
14:21 comes out the other end, so calories zero
14:24 fills you up, no calories and it help
14:26 to ensure weight loss or at least
14:29 continued maintenance of a weight loss.
14:31 So plants are high in water, they are
14:34 high in fiber and neither of those things
14:37 contribute to weight loss or weight gain
14:39 I should say, and they do contribute to
14:41 weight loss. Right. And so just
14:43 remember if you want to be successful
14:46 not just over a short period of time but
14:47 over a long period of time, you
14:49 may want to increase the number of total plant food
14:54 days that you are eating
14:56 and you might be able to share similar results.
14:59 What about exercise Tim.
15:01 Well you know we are gonna talk little bit about
15:05 of exercise and we learnt some
15:06 actually some very surprising things
15:08 about exercise and many people probably
15:12 thinks Dr. Guthrie that you could
15:15 have a high energy snack and than go out
15:19 for walk for few miles and that can sort of
15:22 cover the high energy snack. What
15:25 would you say to that thought process?
15:27 It doesn't work really well, I know
15:32 I wrestled with that as well, I thought
15:34 I will have this peace of cake, if I can
15:36 just play basketball for an hour whatever it is,
15:39 may be I can get rid of it. The problem
15:41 is not all calories are the same from that direction.
15:45 Our bodies don't continue to use them,
15:50 exercises is not being as good at helping people
15:53 to actually loose weight at the onset.
15:55 Probably one of the most important things
15:58 to remember is once you have lost weight exercise
16:02 can help you to keep that weight off
16:05 but it may not be as powerful as a total plant diet,
16:11 that's the kind of thing that is coming out of
16:13 this research. Now we want to look at
16:15 another important dietary principles
16:17 if you want to have sustain weight lost
16:20 and that's bring us to our next slide,
16:22 our next peace of data that we discovered
16:25 there at the Lifestyle Center of America
16:27 in our follow-up study was that there was
16:30 a difference in number of days of red meat
16:33 consumption between those who lost
16:36 about 30 pound at the end of one year
16:38 and those who lost just about two and a half pound
16:41 at the end of one year. This was
16:43 statistically significant difference in the
16:46 number of days eating red meat.
16:48 As you can see those who lost about
16:52 two and half pounds at the end of one year,
16:53 they were eating red meat about, staying
16:55 away from red meat I should say about
16:57 six days a week, but those who had
17:01 the greatest weight lost at the end of one year
17:03 almost 30 pounds, they were essentially off
17:06 red meat every day. 6.9 is awful close to 7,
17:09 that's the whole week isn't that. And it's
17:11 lot of difference there as you can see
17:13 only really about one day but it made it differences
17:15 statistically.02 p- value so there is something
17:21 going on there with red meat and those who stayed
17:24 away from it essentially the entire week
17:27 for a year, they actually had the greatest
17:30 amount of weight loss. So that's something else
17:32 you may want to consider. What is it about
17:34 the animal products that tend to make it
17:36 hard loss weight? Well of course one of the
17:40 things Dr. Guthrie is that animals products
17:43 are much higher in fat content typically
17:46 and they are also much lower in water
17:49 content and they have absolutely no fiber,
17:52 and so those are the secret ingredients
17:56 of the plants, the water, the fiber, and the
17:59 low amount of fat that can actually help
18:02 you sustain weight loss not just for a short period
18:06 of time but for the long haul.
18:07 Basically the only plant foods that are
18:09 high in fat are the nuts and seeds.
18:12 They are about 80 to 90 percent fat,
18:14 so that's why you want to use them more
18:15 sparingly. But looking at the beans,
18:18 the whole grains, fruits and vegetables
18:20 they are actually less than 10 percent fat
18:23 and only one percent saturated fat.
18:26 So plants are really works out.
18:29 Now I am sure a lot of our listeners
18:32 have may be thought themselves to be vegetarians
18:37 and what we call a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.
18:41 Did we find any thing about that in our
18:43 follow-up data. Well yes we actually looked
18:47 at that, Wonnie Carbow is actually the individuals
18:51 who does our follow-up studies there at the
18:54 Lifestyle Center for America and he actually
18:56 tracked this. He actually found the number of
19:00 individuals who were loosing the most weight,
19:02 how many days they were on a lacto ovo
19:04 vegetarian diet which is of course plant
19:06 based diet where you eat milk and eggs
19:09 and perhaps cheese and he compared that
19:11 with individuals who lost the least weight,
19:14 and really that was no statistically significant
19:17 difference. So in another words being on a
19:20 lacto ovo vegetarian diet or using milk eggs and
19:24 perhaps cheese and even though you are
19:26 vegetarian that wouldn't give you an edge
19:29 as far as our individual patients are concerned.
19:33 Able to keep the weight off over a whole
19:35 years.Over a long period of time, I don't know
19:38 you may not be entirely aware of nutrition
19:42 research but a year follow-up is quite a
19:45 good period of follow-up for a dietary
19:48 type study. Yes.
19:49 So this is some significant findings
19:52 and actually was kind of exciting about
19:54 this data is that it came at the suggestion of
19:57 one of our guests. You know we were collecting
19:59 this data, one of the guests said have you
20:02 ever looked at what the differences are between
20:04 those who loose the least amount of
20:07 weight over time and those who loose the
20:09 most weight over time and it can a hit us
20:12 wow we haven't, lets do that and so this
20:15 are some of the things that we are learning.
20:16 Exciting to see it happen not just
20:19 that rapid weight lost but a long term
20:22 keep it off kind of a weight loss.
20:24 There is some problems from crash dieting,
20:27 getting the weight off to fast. I remember
20:32 we had a guest at the Lifestyle Center here
20:35 over a year or so ago, middle age teacher
20:39 who came in with diabetes and obesity.
20:42 He wanted to loss weight, that was
20:45 his goal and he said I paid my money
20:47 I am really going to get to it. He threw
20:49 himself at it, he was exercising because he knew
20:52 that was important and he really stopped
20:54 eating as much as he had been before.
20:58 So much so that it look like he was taking
21:01 just bird size portion at meals.
21:03 He came in to see me after a week of the program
21:08 and was so discourage because he had
21:12 after a week of working so hard had
21:15 lost absolutely no weight.
21:17 He said this is terrible, I am putting all
21:21 this effort in and no weight loss.
21:23 Why what's wrong. And I explained to him
21:26 that when people try to loose weight too
21:29 fast their body actually goes into emergency
21:31 mode and starts to fight, wait a minute this is
21:33 danger, this is starvation.
21:34 The next week he said fully he kept
21:38 exercising but he kept, he went back
21:40 to eating normal amounts, the amounts
21:42 everybody around him was eating of
21:43 this plant based diet. Over the next week
21:47 his frown turned to a smile as he lost
21:50 6 pounds. I am sure some of that
21:53 was water, but it finally kicked in.
21:55 You see pulling to many calories away,
21:58 pulling too much food away pushes the
22:01 body into an emergency mode, and it won't
22:03 let people loose weight nearly as easily.
22:07 You can actually decrease the body's metabolic
22:11 rate, yours body's ability to burn calories
22:15 just resting, and that actually can't be
22:18 a sustained effect if you are not careful.
22:21 So you know it's absolutely true that the
22:24 creator invites us to taste and see that the Lord is
22:29 good. We don't have to be deprived.
22:31 We don't have to eat tiny amounts in order
22:36 to be successful at weight reduction.
22:39 We simply need to choose the right categories
22:42 of food and that would be of course the beans,
22:44 the whole grains, fresh fruits vegetables
22:48 and nuts and seeds in moderation.
22:51 so to eat adequate amounts of good quality food,
22:56 we call in nutrient dense because it has
23:00 a lot of nutrition but its calorie weak,
23:03 there is not as many calories in it.
23:06 So you can eat plenty before not get
23:08 hungry between meals, not have that
23:10 drop in blood sugar and actually do well
23:13 over the long haul. I have like to tell people
23:15 to aim for about a pound a week that's
23:20 50 pounds a year if you take a week off
23:22 for your birthday and Christmas.
23:25 And its only 500 calories either burned off
23:28 or left out every day about 3500 calories
23:33 per week will be a pound of weight lost
23:36 that's only 500 calories that you either you have
23:39 burned or that you have to reduce
23:41 as far as intake and the best way I tell the
23:45 individuals that the best way to reduce
23:46 your intake by 500 calories is to switch
23:49 to foods that's are 80 percent water
23:52 and are in rich in fiber, its very easy
23:55 to do that. Now Dr. Guthrie we actually have
23:58 another peace of data that we like to share
24:00 about exercise. Many individuals
24:02 are interested in exercise if you just get out
24:06 there and jog more days or walk at a faster
24:10 pace, can you have more sustain weight loss
24:13 to the end of the one year. Well if we look at
24:15 the, at the results of our follow-up study
24:18 over again a one year period what you find
24:21 is that both groups, those individuals
24:24 who lost about two and half pounds
24:26 and those individuals who lost about
24:29 30 pounds at the end of one year,
24:31 they both exercised about the same number of days.
24:35 In fact there was no statistically significant
24:38 difference as you can see here between
24:41 the number of days that the individuals exercise
24:45 who didn't loose so much weight
24:46 and those who did loose a lot of weight
24:49 about three and half to four days of exercise.
24:52 Incidentally that's pretty good for a year
24:56 follow-up individual exercising three and half
24:59 to four days a week, but the point is that exercise
25:02 probably isn't going to give you an additional weight
25:05 loss advantage unless you are out
25:07 there about an hour a day and doing about
25:10 two and half to three miles per hour.
25:12 I would like to point out Tim that
25:15 the medical literature points to long term
25:18 exercise as being very important for keeping
25:21 weight off but our group of people
25:24 had been so well educated that they were
25:26 actually making that change in their life
25:29 and that was not what made the difference
25:33 between the two groups. That's right. Exercise
25:35 is still important. Exactly we want to point out at
25:37 that all of our participants had lost weight at the
25:41 end of one year that is abnormal, its not normal
25:43 to be at lower weight at the end of one year
25:46 in America than when you started.
25:48 And so exercise is important but it may not
25:52 be giving you an edge as far as total weight
25:57 lost at the end of one year. What gives you the
25:59 edge apparently at least from the data
26:02 that we looked at here is it number of days
26:05 on a plant based diet about 6 out 7 on
26:08 a total plant diet and essentially completely off
26:13 of red meat, those with the most powerful indicators.
26:16 Well Tim as I think about being over weight.
26:22 You know sometimes our motive for actually loosing
26:26 weight is so we can look better.
26:28 I mean I want to loose that weight,
26:31 so I can look better. Now may it should
26:33 be different motive may be we should be
26:35 thinking more, so I can actually be
26:37 healthier. But we often look at the external,
26:42 I am thankful that scripture tell us God looks
26:47 at the heart, man looks at the outside.
26:50 I know from studying the physiology that people
26:55 who go into this long slow gradual weight lost
26:59 a pound or so a week using a plant based diet.
27:02 They actually have improvements
27:04 in their physiology. So they are much healthier
27:09 long before they have ever look healthier.
27:13 Well that's actually very true Dr. Guthrie.
27:16 In fact there is a study out of the
27:18 University of Toronto that shows the individuals
27:20 on a total plant based diet for several weeks
27:24 drop there total cholesterol about as much
27:27 as the drug Zocor drop total cholesterol
27:30 about equal in their effect, and also it dropped the
27:34 amount of inflammation in the blood about as much
27:36 as the drug Zocor which is statins like
27:38 medications similar to Lipitor.
27:40 And so a plant based diet brings internal results,
27:44 a long before as you mentioned any external
27:47 result might be seen. We are excited about
27:50 what a plant based diet can do to get
27:53 people healthier. We are indeed Wonderfully Made.


Revised 2014-12-17