Wonderfully Made

High Blood Pressure

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Christine Salter


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000339

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 designed to promote good health and is not
00:04 intended to take the place of
00:05 personalized professional care.
00:08 The opinions and ideas expressed are those of
00:10 the speaker. Viewers are encouraged to draw their
00:13 own conclusions about the information presented.
00:37 Welcome to Wonderfully Made.
00:39 Our topic today is High Blood Pressure.
00:42 My name is Dr. Christine Salter. I'm board certified
00:46 in Family Medicine, and I'm the medical director
00:48 of Vibrant Health Family Medicine in St Louis,
00:50 Missouri. High blood pressure otherwise know
00:54 as hypertension. It affects 15 million people in the
00:59 United States and is known as a silent killer.
01:02 Why a silent killer? Because many people do
01:06 not have any symptoms of high blood pressure,
01:09 but it contributes two of the three major killers
01:14 in the United States. The number 1 is heart
01:18 disease and number 2 is stroke.
01:25 High blood pressure is defined as a systolic
01:29 blood pressure 140/90 or greater.
01:32 What do you mean by systolic blood pressure?
01:36 When the heart pumps it generates a pressure we
01:40 call that systole or systolic pressure when it relaxes.
01:44 There is a resting pressure we call that diastole or
01:48 diastolic pressure. So, when you go to a
01:51 doctor they say your blood pressure is 160/90
01:55 that means that your heart generated a systolic
01:59 pressure of 160 and when it relaxed it had a
02:03 resting pressure of 90. Why do we even care
02:08 about high blood pressure? Well it silent and it will
02:15 kill and people just don't realize that they
02:18 have the problem. So, how is it diagnosed?
02:23 You have to see your doctor or at least visit a
02:26 practitioner that can take your blood pressure.
02:30 They use a cuff around your arm. And they are
02:33 able to pump that cuff up and generate that
02:37 pressure and tell you if your blood pressure is normal.
02:42 And you may ask what is normal?
02:46 Normal is less than 140/90, but that is not
02:51 optimal. What is optimal? We would like to see
02:56 your blood pressure at 110/70 or even 60.
03:05 Now for some people if they have a blood
03:06 pressure of 90/60 they may get disease and so
03:10 that's not normal for them. On the other hand,
03:16 if you have a blood pressure of 90/60, but you
03:19 are exercising and you feel just fine and that
03:21 blood pressure is just fine for you.
03:24 As the blood pressure increases 90/60, 100/70,
03:31 120/80, 130/85, 140/90 that's generating higher
03:40 pressures and that cause the problem with the
03:44 blood vessels in addition with the heart too.
03:48 What does the heart do? The heart gets bigger
03:54 and fatter, what happens to the blood vessels.
03:59 When that pressure is generated damages the
04:03 blood vessels and if you have an addition to high
04:06 blood pressure, high cholesterol also then that
04:11 high cholesterol building up along the vessels,
04:15 along with this high pressure causes damage
04:20 and clots like to form there. Hence high blood
04:25 pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke.
04:32 It also contributes to heart attack
04:35 and congestive heart failure.
04:39 So, what can you do about it, either to prevent
04:43 having high blood pressure or to treat it
04:46 once you have it. Recent guidelines call the JNC 7
04:52 Guidelines have told us that the foundation for the
04:58 treatment of high blood pressure as was for the
05:01 prevention lifestyle factors.
05:05 What all those lifestyle factors?
05:10 Weight reduction, unfortunately
05:14 obesity and overweight is increased in an alarming
05:18 rate not only in the United States,
05:20 but worldwide. By 2030, they estimate that there
05:26 will be 300 million people who have obesity.
05:32 So, obesity and overweight contribute to high blood
05:36 pressure. And so if you have high blood pressure,
05:40 we would like you to work on losing just 10%
05:45 of your weight. So, if you are 200 pounds
05:49 would like you to lose about 20 pounds or just
05:52 a little more. So, weight management that's the
05:56 first lifestyle factor known to prevent and
06:00 treat high blood pressure according to the JNC 7
06:04 Guidelines. What is the second? Physical activity,
06:11 unfortunately in the United States and other
06:14 developed countries, where used to being
06:16 inactive. We sit in front of the TV, we use the
06:20 remote control, we roll around on stools, we take
06:24 the escalators, we take the elevators.
06:28 We need to have a more physically active lifestyle.
06:33 So, park little farther from work and walk,
06:38 take the stairs, instead of the
06:39 elevator or the escalator. Get up and change the
06:44 TV channel or better still go for a walk instead
06:48 of watching the TV. We would like you to
06:52 have physically active lifestyle.
06:55 I would like you to engage in exercise that
07:00 is moderate and intensity, that's about 3 miles per
07:04 hour walking. So, if you can do that for about
07:08 30 minutes at least 30 minutes ideally
07:13 60 minutes that will help lower your blood pressure
07:20 and independently help you lose weight,
07:24 it's all the balance in act. If you are taking more
07:29 calories then you put out you are simply going to
07:32 gain weight. If you are taking the same amounts
07:36 of calories as you put out, your weight is gonna stay
07:39 the same. If you are taking less and put out
07:43 more, it's simple mathematics you will lose weight.
07:47 So, you either decrease your caloric intake or
07:50 increase your physical activity.
07:54 Let's recap, weight reduction, physical activity,
08:00 that's moderate in intensity for at least 30
08:03 minutes a day. What's the third thing?
08:08 Salt restriction, unfortunately again in the
08:13 United States and other developed countries,
08:16 we like to use lot of salt, that salt shaker is used
08:21 while cooking, it's used after cooking and we like
08:25 to go to restaurants that have a lot foods
08:29 that have lot of salt in them. We like to use
08:32 ketchup, we like to get French Fries, we like to
08:34 add salt to the French Fries that will raise the
08:38 blood pressure by increasing amount of sodium and
08:43 where sodium goes water follows.
08:46 And so we have an increase in volume
08:48 resulting in an increased pressure.
08:52 So, we would like you to decrease your salt intake.
08:56 We only need about a teaspoon of salt or 2.5
09:01 or 2.4 grams of sodium a day. So, how you're going
09:06 to know if you are getting too much salt?
09:10 You have to read your labels. When you go to
09:13 the store read your labels and find out how much
09:17 salt is in a serving. Some people are getting
09:23 all the salt they need just at one meal and clearly
09:27 that is a problem. So, we would like you
09:30 to put down the salt shaker and not add salt
09:34 to your cooking and ideally eat foods that are
09:39 not high in salts. Some of the cheeses are very
09:41 high in salt, tomato sauce, tomato ketchup these are
09:45 high in salt. Chinese food in particular is
09:49 fairly high in salt. So, we hope that's not your
09:52 regular fare. And so we said weight reduction
09:57 is one of the lifestyle interventions,
10:00 physical activity, and salt restriction.
10:05 What is the fourth one? The fourth one is referred
10:08 to as the Dash Diet. What is the Dash Diet?
10:14 Dash stands for the dietary approach to stop
10:17 hypertension and is composed
10:20 of several food groups. Whole grains, fruits,
10:24 vegetables, low fat dairy, lean meats, nuts, and
10:29 legumes. Why do we need these food groups?
10:35 They supply fiber. Fibers been shown in
10:39 clinical trials to lower blood pressure.
10:42 They also supply essential fatty acids.
10:47 They decrease the inflammation in the blood
10:50 vessels and also help to lower the blood pressure.
10:55 What about the fruits and the vegetables
10:58 they supply potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
11:04 What did they do? They also lower the
11:08 blood pressure. Now if you are eating a lot of
11:12 salt that might cause an imbalance with the
11:15 potassium because it's the potassium to sodium
11:18 ratio that is really important.
11:21 So, not only do we want you to increase those
11:24 fruits and vegetables, we also want you to
11:27 decrease the sodium as we have said previously.
11:32 Dash might also be used to say Dash to exercise.
11:40 Use just a dash of salt, implement the Dash Diet.
11:47 This will apply whether you eat meat or whether
11:50 you are vegetarian or whether you are vegan.
11:55 What about alcohol? Alcohol is the problem,
12:02 although the JNC 7 Guidelines says for men
12:05 want no more then one to two drinks a day
12:07 and woman no more than one drink a day.
12:10 As in the Adventists and quote to biblical
12:13 principles, alcohol is not good for the heart,
12:17 for the brain. It is one of the number reasons
12:21 for car accidents and so we do not endorsee
12:24 alcohol at all. And so we will talk about a
12:28 modified JNC 7 Guideline that says no
12:32 alcohol, lose weight, increase exercise and
12:38 physical activity, decrease salt and
12:41 implement the Dash Diet. But, there are some other
12:45 factors that affect blood pressure.
12:48 The use of caffeine, tea, coffee, soda.
12:53 Some people drink these beverages
12:55 through out the day. If you have high blood
12:59 pressure, we want you to eliminate those beverages.
13:03 And you may see your blood pressure come down.
13:06 What about nicotine that we find in cigarette smoke?
13:10 That can also raise the blood pressure again if
13:14 you are a smoker and your blood pressure is not
13:17 controlled, we want you to quit smoking and there
13:20 are several other reasons why you
13:22 should quit smoking. High blood pressure
13:25 is just one of them. Medicines can also be
13:30 used to treat high blood pressure, but the all
13:33 medicines that you maybe taking that maybe
13:36 aggravating your blood pressure and what are they?
13:41 I said general class they are called nonsteroidal
13:44 antiinflammatory drugs, nonsteroidal
13:48 antiinflammatory drugs; Motrin, ibuprofen, Aleve,
13:56 Advil, Celebrex, Vioxx these are all nonsteroidals
14:00 and they cause sodium to be retained and as we
14:03 said earlier, where sodium goes were to
14:07 follows we get an increase in blood pressure.
14:12 I have had patients who ordinary have been
14:14 controlled with their blood pressure and then
14:16 all of a sudden that blood pressure has gone up to
14:19 190/100. And it was found that they just
14:26 recently had a root canal done and the
14:30 dentist prescribed ibuprofen and they
14:34 were taking this two or three times a day for
14:37 several days and as result the blood pressure went up.
14:41 If you are using Advil, Motrin or any of the
14:45 nonsteroidal antiinflammatories
14:47 talk to a doctor about changing to another
14:50 pain medicine. But, there are some drugs that
14:55 are used to treat blood pressure and if you
14:58 present to your physician with a blood pressure
15:01 of 160/100 or higher in addition to the lifestyle
15:08 measures, your physician may also start you on
15:11 some antihypertensive medicines.
15:15 We want you to understand that those
15:17 medicines are only a temporary measure to
15:20 get your blood pressure controlled while you are
15:22 implementing those lifestyle measures.
15:28 Again lifestyle is the foundation for the
15:31 treatment of high blood pressure.
15:35 What about stress? How does that implement
15:39 or affect high blood pressure?
15:44 Stress can cause an increase in blood pressure
15:49 and it doesn't mean that you are necessarily an
15:51 anxious person. People who internalize stress
15:55 and on the outside look calm may also have
15:59 high blood pressure or what we call increased
16:02 sympathetic tone. The heart may rise little
16:07 faster instead of resting heart rate of maybe 70
16:12 beats per minute. The heart rate is run about
16:14 90 beats per minute. Clearly not abnormal, but
16:19 really isn't normal either. So, if you are somebody
16:24 who internalizes stress that you are not able to
16:28 cry or verbalize, we will need to do something
16:32 about that. You may need to see a counselor
16:36 to talk about the stressful events that's going on
16:40 in your life. What about the way that we breathe,
16:45 how does that effect blood pressure?
16:50 Most people breathe shallowly. So, as we take
16:56 a deep breath up go the shoulders.
16:59 That's not the way to take a deep breath.
17:02 If you are going to take a deep breath, we wanted
17:03 to be diaphragmatic breathing so that when
17:06 you inhale your diaphragm flattens, the breath is
17:11 taken deep and the chest expands.
17:16 What does that have to do high blood pressure?
17:19 When we breathe deeply it actually decreases the
17:24 sympathetic tone and we have just mentioned that
17:29 an increased sympathetic tone can raise
17:32 the blood pressure. And so as we can see a
17:38 whole lifestyle the way that we eat, the way that
17:43 we move, the toxins that we may take into our
17:47 bodies such as caffeine, alcohol, cigarette smoke,
17:54 the way that we think and the way that we handle
17:56 stress will all affect the blood pressure.
18:01 And so we don't want you to look for that magic
18:04 bullet to treat your high blood pressure.
18:07 Don't think of you are a diuretic or your calcium
18:11 channel blocker that your physician is prescribing
18:14 as the only way to treat your blood pressure.
18:17 You have to look it in an integrated fashion
18:21 looking all the different aspects that will affect
18:25 your blood pressure. Even the way that we sleep
18:29 and getting an adequate amount of sleep will also
18:33 affect our blood pressure. So, we want you to go to
18:37 bed on time at a regular time and also wakeup at
18:44 a regular time. Why is that important?
18:46 Because the body is clearly, fearfully,
18:50 wonderfully made as the Bible says and is
18:53 created to operate on circadian rhythms.
18:57 There are rhythms for us to sleep, there are
19:00 rhythms for us to eat, there are rhythms when
19:03 then hormones are released. If we are doing things
19:07 irregularly going to sleep at irregular times not
19:10 exercising then that hormone release goes into
19:14 a state of dysregulation and that can also affect
19:19 the blood pressure. And so we can see that
19:24 just simply doing some simple
19:26 lifestyle interventions. You will lower blood
19:30 pressure and decrease your chance from
19:35 sudden death, congestive heart failure, and stroke.
19:42 Unfortunately, stroke of course may not kill the
19:47 person right away, but it causes major morbidity.
19:53 What do we mean by morbidity?
19:56 A person who was ordinarily functioning
19:58 well now is not able to walk properly, may not
20:02 be able to speak properly, may not be able to use
20:05 their hand and be able to write all because that
20:11 uncontrolled high blood pressure.
20:16 And so the first step to take is to find out do you
20:23 have high blood pressure. Visit your physician go to
20:27 the mall where they can check your blood pressure.
20:30 And find out do you have high blood pressure,
20:32 if you do go to your physician and follow your
20:36 physician's guidelines. The lifestyle and if
20:40 needed medicines. Let me give you a case study.
20:46 An African-American gentleman who is about
20:48 50 years old who came in for a cold and of course
20:54 as part of our routine evaluation we took his
20:57 blood pressure. It was 170/100.
21:05 What was that to do with this gentleman?
21:07 I treated his cold of course, but he had to stay
21:11 a little longer while I counseled him about high
21:16 blood pressure and the fact that he is
21:18 African-American increases risk even more
21:23 and so we talked about losing weight.
21:30 We talked about exercise, he smiled, he laughed,
21:35 I don't have time to exercise,
21:37 I'm too busy working. I told him he does have
21:42 enough time not to exercise.
21:45 We talked about the Dash Diet. Oh, but he likes
21:50 his pork and he likes his Chinese food and he
21:55 likes his French Fries. Fruits and vegetables,
21:59 oh he doesn't like those. He can't afford not
22:04 to like those. And I counseled him to this effect.
22:10 Hypertension is a killer, it kills by causing
22:16 strokes, it kills by causing heart attacks,
22:21 it kills by causing congestive heart failure.
22:26 In elderly individuals, congestive heart failure is
22:29 one of the commonest reasons for hospitalization.
22:34 And so I have to impress up on him as I now
22:37 impress upon you that if you have high blood
22:41 pressure it is nothing to smile or laugh about,
22:45 it is something very serious. We want you to
22:50 exercise, treat exercise as though it was a medicine.
22:59 I actually write prescriptions for my
23:01 patients as I did for this gentleman.
23:04 30 minute five times a week at least and he is
23:12 given a written prescription. He is given a prescription
23:14 to eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains.
23:19 In fact, I encourage him to become a vegetarian
23:22 if possible because that would be healthier for him.
23:29 By becoming vegetarian, he would decrease the
23:32 salt and increase the potassium and
23:36 magnesium or fiber. Let's keep in mind for
23:39 those vegetarians, who use a lot of the protein
23:42 analogs that they are also high in salt.
23:45 So, be careful read your labels.
23:50 When you go to the store try to stick to the
23:54 parameter of the store. Where you find the fruits
23:58 and the vegetables and the whole grains, try and
24:01 avoid those middle sections where you find
24:04 the canned products that are so high in salt,
24:09 where you find the processed products that
24:12 are so high in salt. Stick to the periphery,
24:16 make a plan as you go to the store this what
24:21 I told this gentleman also. Plan to exercise, plan to
24:26 implement that Dash Diet. And if you drink alcohol
24:30 now is the time to stop, if you smokes now is the
24:36 time to stop. Caffeine, I ask this patient to
24:43 replace the Pepsis that you drinks 12 ounces or
24:49 16 ounce a time by plain water. Water is the best
24:56 beverage for the body. So, what prescriptions did
25:03 he have when he left my office indeed he did have
25:07 a prescription for a diuretic,
25:13 he had a prescription to exercise, he had a
25:16 prescription to implement the Dash Diet, he had
25:20 a prescription to strictly avoid alcohol, he had a
25:24 prescription to strictly avoid caffeine.
25:28 I also asked him to replace the Motrin that
25:33 he was using for his occasional headaches
25:37 with something like Tylenol.
25:42 All these things together will work together to
25:48 lower his blood pressure and indeed after about a
25:51 month of therapy, he came back and his blood
25:54 pressure was down to 150/80. Now what that
26:01 is better then the original blood pressure,
26:04 it's clearly not at goal. And so I can reiterated
26:10 the importance for him to implement those
26:12 prescriptions the same way that he takes the
26:14 diuretic faithfully he is to also implement the
26:18 exercise faithfully. He is also to implement
26:21 the fruits, vegetables and whole grains faithfully.
26:25 He is to replace the caffeinated beverages
26:29 with water or at least diluted juices that are
26:34 non-caffeinated. Again after a month of
26:39 therapy that blood pressure came down
26:42 some more 130/80. That's much better,
26:48 but again we know that it's still not at goal,
26:52 the goal is to get him down to about 115/75
26:58 that's way we need to be because at levels about
27:01 that, that's where we get increased risk for
27:05 cardiovascular events for stroke, heart attack,
27:11 and also kidney failure. So, the blood pressure
27:16 again is not just affecting the brain not just the
27:20 heart, but it also affects the kidneys.
27:23 And so all these lifestyle interventions together in
27:27 addition to carefully chosen medicines is
27:31 what bring his blood pressure down.
27:34 Truly we are fearfully wonderfully made,
27:37 the Lord our creator made the wonderful circulatory
27:39 system to pump blood to the brain, to the heart
27:43 and to the kidneys to supply these vital organs
27:46 and other vital organs not to have high blood
27:50 pressure that can cause rupture of the vessels or
27:53 to cause rupture of the major vessels running
27:56 through the chest and abdomen or to cause
27:59 kidney failure. Truly, he is woven us in our
28:03 innermost being. I wish above all things that
28:06 you will prosper being in health even as your soul
28:10 prospers, the Lord be with you.


Revised 2014-12-17