Wonderfully Made

Vitamin D

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lee Wellard & Dr. Scott Grivas


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000424

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 designed to promote good health and is not
00:04 intended to take the place of
00:06 personalized professional care.
00:08 The opinions and ideas expressed
00:10 are those of the speaker.
00:12 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own
00:13 conclusion about the information presented.
00:35 Welcome to Wonderfully Made.
00:37 My name is Lee Wellard, a Lifestyle
00:40 Educator from Wildwood Lifestyle Center.
00:42 And today we have with us Dr. Scott
00:44 Grivas, welcome Dr. Grivas.
00:46 Thank you so much Lee. We're gonna be
00:48 looking at a very important topic today,
00:50 one that effects every one of us at some
00:52 point if we don't get enough of it,
00:55 today's topic is Vitamin D.
00:58 Dr. Grivas how important is Vitamin D
01:01 with regards to health? Very important Lee,
01:06 Vitamin D which by the way it's not really a
01:10 Vitamin, that's right, it's a hormone,
01:12 steroid likehormone. It's responsible for up
01:17 regulating the last count I got over 200 genes in
01:22 the body that regulate normal body metabolism.
01:26 In fact now we found Vitamin D receptors in
01:30 almost every organ system and every cell,
01:33 so for optimum health, we have to have
01:37 sufficient qualities of Vitamin D.
01:40 Now, how common is Vitamin D deficiency?
01:43 Vitamin D deficiency is now consider to be
01:46 pandemic worldwide, not just in certain
01:50 countries but in almost all countries.
01:53 And it's interesting that even in those tropical
01:56 countries where you would think there's
01:58 plenty of sunlight that most people are so
02:02 clothing themselves that they are limiting how
02:06 much sun they actually do get, and so even in
02:09 some countries like the Saudi Arabia in this at
02:14 least half of the population still are
02:17 Vitamin D deficient. That's amazing, yeah,
02:20 and there's been a lot of discussion about how
02:23 much Vitamin D should we take, what do we see
02:28 as safe guidelines. I know science is
02:30 constantly changing, and we just want,
02:33 they want to know that this isn't an exact science,
02:36 there's still lots of things to be yet
02:38 discovered when it comes to Vitamin D
02:40 and across the board with all kinds of
02:43 nutrients, but just to get a safe idea what do you
02:47 see as ideal serum level? What we're measuring
02:52 now is 25-hydroxyvitamin D that's the name of the
02:58 Vitamin D that we're measuring in the blood.
03:01 And probably the best way to look at what is
03:06 the best level is to look at serum levels and
03:09 individuals who are getting adequate sun exposure.
03:13 And in those countries where there is plenty of
03:16 sunlight all through the year and people are
03:18 outdoors a lot their levels may run 50 to 70,
03:23 alright, you know nanograms per
03:25 you know deciliter, the optimum is still being
03:31 discussed alright but I think most recently
03:38 their recommendations at least get that Vitamin D
03:41 level over 40. You know, on laboratory
03:46 charts for reference ranges it used to be 22
03:49 to 100, then 32 to 100, right. And now we are
03:54 recognizing that bone mineral density actually
03:57 increases up to levels of about 40.
04:02 Now how often should we as individuals go
04:05 and get a Vitamin D test at a clinic or hospital?
04:11 Well, if you get a Vitamin D check and it
04:14 is low, then you're going to need to follow
04:17 up on that deficiency state.
04:19 In normally if it's low will replace for about
04:23 two months, and then will recheck the level.
04:26 Now, if you're in normal range to begin
04:29 with probably no more than a couple of times a
04:32 year where it's available. And which we check in
04:36 more as we go into the winter months, are there
04:41 specific times of the year that would be
04:43 better to get a Vitamin D check?
04:45 Almost everybody Lee drops the Vitamin D
04:48 during the winter time, right, so you know that
04:50 is going to drop and that's where perhaps an
04:53 intelligence supplementation
04:55 program would be advisable.
04:57 Okay, let's just talk a minute about
05:00 supplementation, there are different kinds of
05:03 supplementation that we can take,
05:05 what would be, what was you recommend is
05:07 one of the better supplementations.
05:10 Well, first of all let me state what is the most
05:12 commonly prescribe supplementation and
05:15 that's Vitamin D3, right, Vitamin D3 comes from
05:20 an animal source usually the sheep lanolin.
05:24 And it is the more potent of the
05:26 two replacement types. The other Vitamin D2
05:31 comes from the plants it's ergocalciferol,
05:36 but it's only about one third as potent,
05:38 one third is effective in raising serum levels.
05:43 So, you have to take more, right, but I,
05:46 myself I have the preference of wanting a
05:49 plant based supplement, and if my patients are
05:54 open to that I will prescribe Vitamin D2.
05:58 And in situations where people are profoundly
06:03 depressed in their levels, they have a nice
06:07 high potency Vitamin D2 that you can take by
06:10 capsules just once a week. And it's easy for people
06:14 to take rather than having to take it every day.
06:16 Now, can one have a Vitamin D deficiency
06:19 and not even be aware they have it,
06:21 they have no symptoms, is that possible?
06:24 It's possible certainly. Is that common?
06:27 Well, most of the people that we screen
06:30 are Vitamin D deficient, and so they come in
06:33 with a variety of different medical
06:35 problems, and they also turn up with
06:38 Vitamin D deficiency. And as we talked about
06:42 a few minutes ago Vitamin D is so
06:44 important in prevention of disease in so many
06:48 areas, that they may present with one disease
06:52 that maybe fueled by Vitamin D deficiency.
06:54 Right, let's talk for minute about this
06:57 certain diseases and disorders that could
06:59 arise from Vitamin D deficiency, if you
07:03 would like to share many of these
07:05 conditions that we're seeing resulting from this?
07:07 Sure, one of the big problems we have here
07:11 in our aging population is osteoporosis,
07:16 and we know that Vitamin D which is
07:20 helpful in absorbing calcium, okay,
07:24 through the gastrointestinal tract.
07:26 That it is necessary to be able to mineralize
07:30 normally the bone structures, so if we lack
07:34 Vitamin D we're going to have a progressive
07:38 decline in the bone mineral density until we
07:41 reach the, what is refer to as osteopenia or
07:44 lessening of that mineralization to frank
07:49 osteoporosis which is more severe forms of
07:51 demineralization, fracture risk increase in,
07:55 in that setting. But Vitamin D is also
08:00 very helpful to prevent the muscular skeletal
08:06 types of aches and discomforts
08:08 that people have. You may have heard
08:12 the term fibromyalgia, you know people just
08:15 hurt, they are sore in different areas.
08:18 And so many of these people now,
08:20 now that we recognize Vitamin D deficiency
08:24 have been shown to be Vitamin D deficient.
08:26 You replace the Vitamin D and
08:28 "fibromyalgia" disappears.
08:32 Vitamin D is responsible for the
08:34 regulation of blood pressure to help keep
08:39 pressures in the normal range, blood sugar,
08:42 insulin resistance. Vitamin D is key in
08:45 those situations. Vitamin D plays a very
08:50 important rule in immune function and
08:53 helps to suppress these autoimmune type
08:57 disorders that we see psoriasis for instance,
09:02 psoriatic disease and Crohn's disease and
09:05 these autoimmune you know fuel diseases.
09:08 Vitamin D helps suppress that and it is
09:11 also been shown now to be protective against
09:15 cancer, as well as infectious diseases,
09:18 tuberculosis and so forth. I remember we had a,
09:22 lady came to our Lifestyle Center,
09:23 actually she is one of your patients,
09:26 and she was writing a book, and she was,
09:29 for few months just sitting at
09:31 home writing this book. She was actually health
09:34 educator, and she ended up with multiple
09:37 sclerosis, if you remember that,
09:39 and she came, actually my wife was her
09:41 lifestyle counselor at that time.
09:44 And you ran a check on a Vitamin D levels and
09:48 they were quite low, and when she made
09:51 those changes and she took supplementation at
09:55 the time, then things started to improve and
09:58 to this day she hasn't had that MS back, no, no.
10:02 And so we see that there could be a lot of
10:04 disease perhaps we are not even aware of
10:07 that could be a contributing factor that
10:09 are yet to be discovered. Right. Now, let's talk
10:13 for moment about the amount of Vitamin D,
10:17 obviously we, we get different amounts with
10:19 different colored skin. How do we know how
10:24 much that we personally need?
10:26 It is so variable Lee depending upon like
10:29 you said skin color, even the degree of body
10:34 weight, because as people tend to get over
10:37 their ideal weight, increased fat stores,
10:40 Vitamin D is stored in the fat, it is not
10:43 available for use. So, it's, it's very
10:47 important that a person who let say is aged,
10:51 they don't produce as much Vitamin D as the
10:54 younger person, they are darker skinned,
10:57 or they over their ideal weight, these people are
11:00 gonna need more Vitamin D and there's
11:02 no way to predict, you have to measure serum levels.
11:05 Right, right, so we could be actually
11:08 getting enough sunlight and yet still be
11:12 deficient, well, in some instances.
11:14 Well, you're getting sun exposure, but obviously
11:17 it's not enough. Right, okay, okay, so as
11:19 we get older we have a harder time producing,
11:23 yes, the Vitamin D, okay. And so I believe
11:25 by the time we're about 70, we have a 75
11:31 percent reduction, exactly, of production
11:33 of that Vitamin D level. Let's talk a minute
11:37 about sunbathes at Wildwood and other
11:39 lifestyle centers you have solarium where
11:42 you sit down and I've had this myself,
11:45 sometime don't workout there and I just took of
11:49 my shirt and got that direct sun exposure,
11:53 how important would sunlight therapy like
11:56 that be to someone who is deficient?
11:59 Well, it's very important, the more we
12:03 get the greater we can raise serum levels.
12:06 I think it's been estimated that with a
12:08 more full body exposure like what
12:10 you're talking about in, in a private solarium
12:13 setting, that you after about maybe 15
12:17 minutes, 20 minutes of sunlight exposure in
12:21 the middle part of the day, you can generate,
12:24 the body will generate maybe up to 10,000
12:27 international units of, of Vitamin D, 30 minutes
12:31 maybe up to 20,000, so you can really boost
12:35 your levels by sun exposure in proper settings.
12:38 Now, you don't wanna get burned, that's very
12:41 important, we're not encouraging people to
12:43 take what we're saying and then go out in the
12:45 sun and then get your sun burn, right,
12:48 because that's then increasing
12:49 your risk for skin cancer. Right, and we could
12:52 equate having sun, sunlight or sunbathes
12:56 like food, is the certain amount that you wanna
13:00 eat and once you reach that limit you don't
13:02 want to overindulge, exactly, and
13:05 overindulging under sunlight can produce lot
13:08 of cancer. In fact we know today that
13:12 melanoma is one of the fastest growing cancers
13:16 in, in North America and around the world.
13:19 So, obviously we're not quite finding that
13:22 balance somehow between getting enough
13:25 and also having too much. You know Lee, it's also
13:29 important for us to recognize that with this
13:33 rising incidence of skin cancer melanoma and
13:37 the other skin cancers. It's not just the sunlight
13:43 as people have adopted more and more animal
13:47 fats into their diet, it is these animal fats that
13:51 are deposited in the skin that when radiated are
13:55 much more likely to produce the cancerous
13:58 changes, than someone on a plant based diet,
14:01 so we need to recognize that also.
14:03 Sun doesn't need to get the bad press that it has
14:08 over these years, okay, so that people are so
14:10 afraid of, okay. Let's talk for moment
14:12 about sunblocks, I come from Australia,
14:17 we love the sun, and we love to go to the beach,
14:21 and I know we have highest incidence of
14:23 skin cancer in the world, but do these things
14:27 really protect us or are they just a way to be
14:32 intemperate with getting that sunlight.
14:36 You know, I think the sunscreens they are
14:38 protective, they have a place, sure we wouldn't
14:41 say we would never use them proper clothing,
14:44 you know, for excessive exposure in the sun,
14:47 but what I would recommend is that get
14:51 at least that amount that you're going to need 20
14:55 to 30 minutes a day of direct sun exposure to
14:58 as much of the body as you can, then you can
15:01 use your cover, okay. So, when you are out
15:04 longer periods then you know you are protected.
15:07 Now what would be one of the best times of
15:09 the day to get your sunlight?
15:12 In the northern hemisphere between
15:15 let's say 10 in morning and 2 to 3 in the
15:18 afternoon, that's when the sun is more directly
15:23 you know over head and you're getting those
15:25 rays that will give us the best radiation exposure.
15:29 Okay, now there is probably lot of people
15:31 watching that live up there north like Michigan,
15:36 Canada maybe even Antarctica who would
15:39 say well that's alright for you, but you know
15:41 the sun doesn't get that high to often for us,
15:45 what can we do to help with Vitamin D deficiency?
15:48 If the person is tested and they are deficient
15:52 then I would recommend some form
15:54 of supplementation. So, that we can get
15:57 those levels up to at least optimum for health.
16:01 Okay, now are there any medications that
16:05 can interfere with Vitamin D metabolism.
16:08 Yes, we recognize that, a number of agents,
16:13 the steroids for instance can, can interfere,
16:17 birth control pills, medications that we use
16:21 sometimes to control seizer disorders,
16:23 or to treat tuberculoses, I mean there are lots of
16:26 different agents that are out there
16:28 that can play a role. Sometimes I deal with
16:32 patients who say to me you know I can't
16:34 tolerate the sun too much, you know it
16:37 has an effect on me they have autoimmune
16:40 conditions, would we discourage them to get
16:43 out in the sun or would we use a more
16:46 temperate approach? Well, I would
16:49 encourage them to begin trying to get some
16:52 sun exposure; you have to work with
16:55 individuals with their own fear factor, right.
16:59 And if they are afraid we certainly don't want
17:01 to push them out to where they become
17:06 distressed and stressed over that, we might use
17:09 the supplementation now. But I try to encourage
17:13 people to understand the principle that God
17:15 made the sun, that it is good.
17:18 It's a natural remedy, it's a natural remedy,
17:20 it's not something to fear but like anything
17:23 that's good it can be taken to extremes, right,
17:26 and that's when we get into trouble.
17:28 Exactly, so the message we want you to
17:31 remember is one of temperance, moderation
17:34 in that which is good and absence from that
17:36 which is harmful. Let's talk for a moment about
17:40 the effect that Vitamin D has on the mind,
17:42 I remember many years ago I was in Japan and
17:47 I was stationed in the place where for six
17:49 months had very little sunlight.
17:52 And I just remember feeling that depression
17:55 and when the sunlight would come out,
17:57 it was just like living in another world, sure.
18:00 And I just wanted to rip my shirt off and get that
18:02 sunlight, what effect does Vitamin D
18:06 deficiency have on the mind?
18:09 Studies have demonstrated a marked increase in
18:13 depressive illnesses with the lack of
18:16 Vitamin D, lack of sunlight exposure.
18:20 Now, we even recognize that certain
18:22 illnesses that effect thought process in such
18:25 us schizophrenia much more common in
18:30 individuals who have been deprived of sunlight.
18:33 And so, I think we recognize that yes
18:35 indeed mind function is also
18:38 regulated by Vitamin D. Let's talk about the
18:42 immune system, Vitamin D's role in that
18:45 in protecting the body against things like
18:49 arthritis, and I remember years ago
18:52 it wasn't that long ago where people who had
18:56 tuberculoses, their treatment was open air
19:00 and sunlight, and we seem to have forgotten
19:04 this blessing that God has given us.
19:07 The immune system needs the sun and
19:12 Vitamin D it as we had mentioned up regulates
19:17 genes for the production even singularly of
19:20 certain types of we called them cytokines
19:23 or cell chemicals that are helpful in
19:26 combating infectious diseases
19:29 such us tuberculoses. And so the history of
19:33 our old TB sanatoriums where we used to put
19:37 people out in the sun to recover, that had a lot
19:41 of scientific physiologic basis, because indeed
19:45 that helps the immune system fight against
19:47 infectious diseases, those cells that are set
19:51 into the area of infection can function
19:53 can function best when they have ample
19:56 amounts of Vitamin D. And you know we now
19:59 recognize too that the body itself produces
20:04 antibiotic and antiviral like substances that are
20:09 inherent in the organism when it is expose to
20:13 Vitamin D. So, some are even now
20:17 suggesting that with colds and with other
20:20 infections to take added doses of Vitamin D.
20:24 Do you think we are at a point you know in
20:25 history where it necessitates use of
20:29 supplementation, can we get away from that,
20:33 we just have to have a perfect environment
20:35 and live a temperate lifestyle?
20:38 Well, I wouldn't want to press everyone into the
20:41 supplementation route, I would tell people to try
20:45 to get as much sun as is possible, especially
20:49 during the summer months, I think
20:51 supplementation is much less needed,
20:55 but if you are doing all that you can and your
20:58 Vitamin D levels are still low don't be foolish.
21:03 It's not assent to take a supplement if you need
21:07 it in order to get the levels
21:09 up to optimum levels. Let's talk about that
21:12 about the low side of things, when do you as
21:15 a physician start to get very concerned about
21:18 someone's Vitamin D levels?
21:20 Well, I've seen Lee patients come in and
21:23 their Vitamin D level is less than 4 wow, okay
21:26 and they are usually hurting, they have many
21:30 medical problems. And so I will try to get that
21:33 level up fairly quickly and I will use a high
21:37 potency replacement 50,000 international
21:40 units of Vitamin D once a week, I'll check them
21:44 two months later if its still low I'll continue for
21:47 another 8 weeks. But the more common
21:51 scenario is someone will come in and their
21:54 Vitamin D levels are in the low 20s, okay.
21:57 They maybe feeling pretty well, but we're
21:59 checking their Vitamin D levels and they are
22:01 low and so for that person I will be more
22:04 moderate and temperate with my replacement,
22:07 I'll encourage them to get more sunlight,
22:09 but I may use a small amount of
22:12 supplementation maybe 2 to 3000 international
22:16 units of D2 a day to gradually
22:19 build that level up. And that would
22:21 correspond with what is currently being
22:24 recommended of 800 to 1000 international units
22:30 of Vitamin D3 daily. Right, okay so what
22:34 you're saying is we have to moderate the
22:37 amount according to the deficiency and perhaps
22:41 even the person himself, the age level,
22:44 right, and what conditions we are
22:46 working with, yes, so there's no exact amount
22:49 really is there, no, we have to look at each
22:52 individual case. Let's talk about Vitamin D
22:55 and its role when it comes to even the
22:59 digestive system I believe, it has an effect
23:02 upon absorption of, of calcium, yes, certainly,
23:06 are there any symptoms that may occur in that
23:10 úarea as a result of lack. Lack of calcium well
23:14 certainly you know that's when we get into
23:16 the problem with bone pain and
23:19 increase fracture risk. And the lower the
23:23 levels of Vitamin D you can even get into a
23:25 syndrome called osteomalacia which is
23:28 a, a syndrome, a condition where people
23:34 actually, they just have a lot of bone pain
23:37 rickets, is the childhood kind of presentation for
23:42 extreme osteomalacia involving the long
23:45 bones, or the cartilage here in the, in the chest,
23:50 so yes there can be very significant problems
23:53 with low levels. Now, from your studies,
23:56 you find that the first 12 has the majority of the
24:00 problems with Vitamin D deficiency than more
24:04 native people who are out more, do they have
24:06 less of a problem? Less of a problem,
24:09 yeah because the more sun exposure that that
24:12 they are getting, and they are working
24:13 outside and they also have the other
24:16 balancing things of being outdoors in the
24:18 fresh air, they are exercising, right,
24:20 these are God's answers to, to disease, in other
24:26 words to be outdoors. So we get in a, a triple
24:29 blessing really when we, when we get this
24:32 sunlight, we're usually outside getting the fresh
24:34 air, we're getting the exercise, working and
24:39 it's just enhancing everybody function
24:41 really that's what you're saying the Vitamin D is
24:44 helping every cell of the body is helping all the
24:46 tissues, it's helping the organs, and most
24:49 importantly it's helping the mind to be at
24:52 function, right, more coherently.
24:54 And we are, I believe is God originally intended
24:58 us to be we're outside in touch with God's nature
25:03 and we can commune better with him as we
25:07 are in that environment. So, our minds are
25:09 drawn to the creator, and so there are many,
25:12 many benefits spiritually, physically, mentally
25:15 from, from the outdoor life.
25:19 Now, is that any danger in getting too much
25:23 Vitamin D from a supplementation, is that
25:26 any concerns? There is a theoretical
25:30 concern in all of the exposures I've had to
25:34 Vitamin D supplementation in
25:37 patients, I've rarely seen that and that is only in
25:42 individuals who have been very intemperate.
25:46 Studies have shown that you can take up to
25:48 10,000 international units of Vitamin D
25:51 daily for months and never have any adverse
25:55 consequences with that. You'll never get too
25:59 much from sun exposure because the
26:00 body regulates that you cannot get an overdose
26:04 of Vitamin D from sun. But yes we just tell
26:08 people you know follow up with your Vitamin
26:11 D, you know we don't need to run it to that
26:13 high extreme either because there can be
26:16 problems kidney stones, metastatic calcification
26:19 throughout the body, but that's rare it's not a,
26:22 it's not a common problem. So, we don't wanna
26:25 scare people away from taking needed
26:27 supplements because of this very uncommon
26:31 problem of excess. Right, right now can
26:33 people get enough Vitamin D in their foods?
26:37 It's very difficult because even in the
26:39 fortified food you are only talking about
26:41 maybe 100 units here or there.
26:46 And it just doesn't give enough adequacy
26:52 for the serum levels to raise.
26:57 So, that's something that some people are
27:00 using instead of supplementation,
27:02 so it would be more encouraging in getting
27:05 sunlight and on top of that where need be
27:08 a healthy amount through supplementation source.
27:11 Well, if they're taking it in fortified foods they're
27:14 still supplement, I see okay.
27:16 In their mind they may think not, right, but they
27:19 are still supplementing. Right, very good,
27:22 well we would like to thank you for coming
27:23 today on the program. I hope you've enjoyed
27:27 today's program and the information has been
27:29 useful to you. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes
27:33 chapter 11 and verse 7: How pleasant it is for
27:39 the eyes to behold the sun; and as we looked
27:43 at Vitamin D today I hope it's been an
27:45 encouragement to you to bring about changes
27:48 in your life that could enhance your Vitamin
27:51 D levels. My name is Lee Wellard, a health
27:55 educator from Wildwood Lifestyle Center,
27:58 I really hope you've enjoyed today's
27:59 program. Please join us again next time for
28:03 another program on Wonderfully Made and
28:05 just keep in mind that your body is God's temple.


Revised 2014-12-17