Take it to the Bank

Living Beyond Your Means

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cordell Thomas


Series Code: TITTB

Program Code: TITTB000019

00:01 On Take it to the Bank,
00:02 you'll find ways to get out of debt,
00:09 solve your credit card problems,
00:14 how to make and stick with the budget,
00:19 simple ways to save,
00:24 buying or selling a home,
00:26 and many more financial matters on Take it to the Bank.
00:32 Hi, my name is Cordell Thomas
00:34 and I'm so glad you're here today.
00:36 We're talking about a variety of things
00:38 that I think will interest you.
00:40 One of the things that we're talking about
00:42 are the top 10 financial difficulties,
00:47 top reasons for financial difficulties
00:49 that we all come across.
00:50 And today we're gonna look at one specific item,
00:54 which is living beyond your means.
00:58 One of the key things
01:00 that most people don't think about is,
01:04 one of the major ways we think about money.
01:09 How do you think about money?
01:11 I was interested today over the past couple of weeks,
01:14 I think it was on February 28 that I found this article.
01:17 What happy people know about money?
01:20 What happy people know about money?
01:22 And if you read the article,
01:23 which I can actually provide for you,
01:25 if you'd like to get the information is,
01:27 they don't look at it in the same way
01:30 most other people do.
01:32 Money is not the important facet of life.
01:34 It's the happiness that the money
01:37 or the financial situation that those people in,
01:43 the security they probably have with their finances
01:45 that gives them,
01:47 the happiness of that gives them.
01:48 So they spend their money,
01:49 they allocate their money for correct expenditures
01:51 that they have,
01:52 but they don't worry about the money
01:54 and where it comes from.
01:55 Many of these individuals are not wealthy.
01:57 They indicate specifically in the article
01:59 that these are not wealthy individuals.
02:01 If they need more money, they can go out and make it
02:02 if they need it.
02:04 But they're living well within their means
02:05 and they are happy, and they travel,
02:08 and they do what they need to do with their money
02:11 to make their happiness
02:12 exhibit itself in how they live,
02:14 what they do, their philanthropy,
02:16 a very interesting read, which takes me to a verse
02:20 that we should all get very accustom to,
02:23 it's in Luke 12:15
02:25 and it says, "Hey, take care and guard against greed.
02:31 Life does not consist
02:34 in the abundance of one's possessions."
02:37 It doesn't really make a difference
02:40 how much you have,
02:41 God doesn't look at that, He looks at your countenance,
02:44 and looks so much how you are using the talents
02:47 that He's given to you to use.
02:49 And that may be in your support of philanthropy,
02:53 the support of nonprofits such as 3ABN,
02:55 and many other organizations
02:57 that are providing a service to our communities.
02:59 What we do is provide financial literacy training
03:03 to our youth,
03:04 we provide it to adults,
03:05 and we try to provide them information,
03:09 useful information that they can benefit from
03:12 and utilize in an ongoing basis.
03:16 What do happy people know about money
03:22 that we may not, that you may not?
03:25 And I think it's something
03:26 that we need to begin the process of discussing
03:29 as we dialogue about this issue called money.
03:32 There was another article that came out
03:34 that I'll remind you of too
03:35 is send it I think around the same time
03:40 that wealthy people are more likely to cheat.
03:47 I guess what does that mean?
03:48 I mean, just from a negotiation they may mislead the truth.
03:51 They might take candy from a child.
03:53 I mean, these are little things
03:54 that they talked about in the article.
03:56 So wealth does not make you
03:58 the greatest person in the world.
04:00 Wealth takes a certain level of integrity
04:04 and it takes planning to get to that point.
04:07 But do you have to be wealthy to be happy?
04:09 Well, based on the previous article
04:11 wealth is not happiness.
04:14 Happiness is not focused on money.
04:17 Happiness is focusing on using the time
04:19 you have to utilize the funds
04:22 that are available to do things,
04:24 to go places,
04:26 to enjoy the life that you've been given
04:28 and to give back by sharing with others
04:31 the wonderful benefit that you have in Christ.
04:34 And another benefit that people don't think about
04:37 is when you're not worried about money then you relax
04:41 and then stress does not become an issue,
04:43 which is what we are talking about.
04:46 What is the biggest stress in life today?
04:49 There are about 66 stressors
04:52 that are exhibited from external factors in life,
04:55 what are they?
04:56 Well, I'm not gonna give you the full 66,
04:58 but the top three have everything to do with money.
05:01 Number one is finances,
05:04 the number one stressor in life is finances
05:08 that's key to understand.
05:09 The number two is work environment,
05:12 people are stressing out right and left
05:14 about their work environment
05:15 and they don't know how to deal with it.
05:16 People are having problems with being,
05:20 they're focusing on getting the next promotion,
05:23 they're willing to climb over everyone to get that promotion,
05:26 they're willing to lie, steal, and cheat
05:31 to get to that next level in their work environment,
05:35 they're willing to do whatever it takes,
05:36 and it creates a lot of stress.
05:38 Other things that are associated with work
05:40 is transportation costs
05:42 that are now going over $4.50 in California.
05:46 People are traveling long distance in California,
05:48 it's costing them more to get to work,
05:50 they have to get to work to pay for those costs,
05:53 and so now they're focused on the money
05:54 to help take care of the expenses.
05:56 Remember happiest people in life
05:59 are not focused on money, they're not.
06:02 The happiest people are know,
06:05 what they know about money
06:06 and how to use money is key to understanding
06:09 what you can do.
06:10 So that is number two is the work environment
06:12 and a lot of things associated with the work environment
06:15 include transportation, you know,
06:17 getting in the car making sure you're insured,
06:19 making sure you get there safely,
06:21 the stress about getting to work
06:22 and getting home at night,
06:23 and those long commutes
06:25 that people have in the California areas
06:26 as I'm aware of.
06:28 And then, of course, the third one
06:30 is personal relationships.
06:33 If you don't communicate in your relationship,
06:34 if you have financial difficulties in relationship,
06:36 what is the top cause for divorce?
06:41 Finance.
06:43 Finance is the top cause
06:44 and you can see it getting involved
06:48 in every different facet of our lives.
06:50 The top three issues,
06:51 the top three things that cause stress
06:53 are finance, work environment,
06:56 as well as personal relationships.
06:58 And if we can figure out a way to get around all of that
07:01 we'll understand our capacity
07:04 to be in control of our lives and understand
07:08 how we can be at peace
07:09 and enjoy that life that we're giving all the more.
07:14 Now what we're talking about number one,
07:17 will be living beyond your means
07:19 and this will talk through several different elements
07:23 to include, the ease of access
07:26 that we have to consumer credit,
07:27 it will talk about advertising
07:30 that is hitting us from all of the perspectives.
07:32 We'll talk about the lack of financial education
07:34 that most people don't have,
07:36 and distinguishing between your needs versus your wants.
07:41 This is a very, very important topic to talk about
07:47 because many people don't want to address it,
07:50 people don't want to talk about it,
07:52 and people feel uncomfortable dealing with it.
07:55 But we will talk about it
07:56 and I ask you to engage with me.
07:59 At the end of the program,
08:01 we will have information
08:03 that we'll provide you with email address,
08:05 as well as website that you can go to,
08:07 if you want to provide feedback or ask questions.
08:11 Write those questions down as I go through the program
08:14 and send them to me
08:15 because we're always interested to find out
08:17 what your thoughts are, what your concerns are,
08:20 and how we can be of benefit to you in future programs?
08:23 Okay, so we've gotten that out of the way,
08:26 so let's begin the process
08:28 of talking about this issue called,
08:32 the first of the top 10 reasons
08:34 why we have financial difficulties.
08:36 This first one is living beyond your means,
08:41 living beyond your means.
08:44 There are lots of things I can tell you
08:46 about living beyond your means,
08:48 but one of the things that I think are critical
08:51 to understanding about what it means to live
08:53 beyond the means is the fact that people overspend.
08:55 It's a simple word overspending.
08:58 We spend more than we have.
09:00 And that has a lot to do with you
09:02 as a single individual,
09:04 you as married couples,
09:06 you as an individual that's going towards retirement,
09:09 you as an individual that have medical costs.
09:12 Now in many different aspects of our lives
09:16 we think about those emergencies
09:18 that could come up and make them self available,
09:20 what could those emergencies be?
09:22 Well, we know we're talking about transportation issues,
09:24 we talked about that, those are critical
09:26 because we have cost of living that is going out of the roof.
09:30 We can't, if we're not budgeting
09:32 and understanding where we're at,
09:34 we are setting ourselves up to be in those
09:37 in the capacity of overspending,
09:39 and spending money we're not supposed to.
09:42 What other things can cause an emergency?
09:45 While a breakdown of a car, a medical emergency,
09:49 get in a car accident,
09:51 and all of these things cause stress
09:52 in the work environment,
09:54 and at home you also have those specific concerns
09:57 when you're looking at a broken water heater,
09:59 and we need the extra funds to pay for those things,
10:02 but yet we haven't just taken a step back
10:04 and look at what we do with our funds,
10:08 what we do with our money,
10:10 how we track our money, and understanding
10:13 how we evaluate where our money comes from
10:16 and where it goes.
10:17 If we have an understanding of where those things are
10:20 and how these things impact our lives,
10:22 then we won't know
10:24 where we're going on the road map of life.
10:26 So if we're planning to save $5,000 this next year,
10:30 we need to sit down and plan that roadmap to $5,000.
10:34 And I ask you all to sit down,
10:36 sit down today
10:38 and begin the process of assessing your debt,
10:40 where are you right now?
10:42 And then, of course, creating that budget.
10:45 What is a budget?
10:47 A budget is simply your income subtracting your expenses
10:53 and then you have a number, that's your budget.
10:56 Basically your income minus your expenses
10:59 that gives you an idea of where you're at,
11:01 it starts the process of developing
11:03 a number of where you wanna to be,
11:05 your roadmap, where you wanna go.
11:08 If you are in a negative situation,
11:11 where your income is less than your expenses,
11:15 then you have a concern and you need to start
11:17 looking at how you can take out those elements of your expenses
11:21 that can help you bring you back in line.
11:24 For example, do you really need to have cable TV?
11:28 Do you need to have satellite TV?
11:31 Can you cut that expense
11:32 and use something a little less expensive?
11:34 Do you need to spend $135 a month on your cell phone?
11:38 Could you get rid of a landline
11:39 and just go with your cell phone?
11:40 Can you cut expenses in specific areas
11:43 that will generate a little bit more income
11:46 or the stability that you're not spending
11:49 as much money on a monthly basis?
11:52 So a budget is critical,
11:54 assessing your debt is critical,
11:56 knowing where you're at is critical,
11:59 and that means you need to have that type of budget.
12:02 Now when you get experienced in doing a budget
12:05 and you get experienced in figuring out
12:07 where you're at and tracking your expenses
12:09 and getting your road map in place
12:11 to saving $5,000 or $10,000 a year
12:14 then you begin to understand why people
12:17 who are not focused on money are happy people.
12:21 They're not worried about the money,
12:22 they're not worried about what they do with the money,
12:25 they enjoy the benefits, and the blessings
12:28 that God gives them.
12:30 They're not necessarily wealthy.
12:32 They just utilize their money
12:35 and make sure they're not spending
12:36 more than they have to spend.
12:38 I know of people.
12:39 I've run into people for example, an older lady,
12:43 more mature lady who lives out in the Midwest
12:46 has said that in her ability to support
12:49 a nonprofit organization,
12:51 she does something that we don't even think of doing
12:54 during the winter time.
12:55 But she shuts down different portion of her home
12:58 and to save that expense on the gas bill
13:01 to heat those portions that she doesn't necessarily use,
13:04 and she uses that savings to maintain her support
13:08 of a nonprofit organization.
13:11 It takes that creative mindset to say,
13:13 "I may not make that much but what I do make,"
13:19 The Widow's Mite is a story that comes from the Bible,
13:21 "but what I do make,
13:22 I'll make it useful to the use of Christ's Work."
13:27 So daring is the first step.
13:29 Take a look at where you're at and make sure
13:32 that you're in line with your roadmap
13:34 and your budget
13:36 because your budget will be different
13:37 than everyone else's.
13:39 But it takes you taking the time
13:41 and looking at where you're at and where you wanna go.
13:45 There are many things we're gonna talk about today,
13:47 but I'd like to make you aware of a couple things
13:50 before we moved forward.
13:53 The number one thing is, I got this in the mail,
13:57 major cause of heart attacks, Christmas, avoid Christmas.
14:01 "Oh, we can't do that Christmas comes every year."
14:04 But the statistic is this,
14:07 more Americans die from cardiac arrest
14:10 on Christmas Day than on any other day of the year.
14:14 Doctors have long speculated
14:16 on the cause for this holiday heart syndrome,
14:20 guess why this occurs?
14:23 They blame it from cold weather to financial issues,
14:29 family stress.
14:31 What are the top two reasons for financial stress
14:34 or for stress in general?
14:36 Finances, work, and family.
14:40 That's it.
14:41 This is what the cause.
14:42 And then, of course, on Christmas Day,
14:44 Christmas Day the best day of the year
14:48 people are dying
14:49 because they're stressed out of about
14:50 how I'm gonna repay that debt?
14:52 How I'm gonna take care of all of these things
14:54 that I'm trying to make everyone happy with?
14:56 And we end up making people sad
14:58 because this is a crisis
15:00 that most people don't think about.
15:03 Avoid heart attacks.
15:05 Simply by planning, planning is the key.
15:10 And so we take a look at distinguishing
15:13 between your needs versus your wants.
15:15 What is a need?
15:18 What is a want?
15:20 This is a simple kind of question
15:21 but it can go into many different directions
15:23 because many of us think that we need certain items.
15:26 I remember, I was saying to my wife way back
15:29 when we were first married, "I need this."
15:32 And she, you know, of course, with her psychology
15:34 she is saying things like, "Do you really need it, honey?
15:36 Is it something that it's that important to have it?
15:39 And is it really a need
15:40 because do we need it to survive?
15:42 Think about that."
15:43 Is it something that you need to survive?
15:45 The things that you need to survive are shelter,
15:49 food, clothing.
15:51 Shelter, food, and clothing.
15:54 That's it.
15:55 That's really it. Everything else is a want.
15:58 And we can pretty much think that a car is a need
16:00 because you need it to transport yourself
16:02 to do work, the necessary work.
16:04 Yeah, we can begin to talk about
16:06 those other elements of needs,
16:07 but when we look at a need versus a want,
16:10 take a look at it if it's something
16:12 that we need to put on the table,
16:13 keep our roof over our heads,
16:15 and making sure that we are in a safe environment.
16:19 That's what we do for our kids and for the family.
16:21 So we make sure the mortgage is paid,
16:24 we make sure that we have the clothing in place,
16:27 and you don't necessarily have to go out and buy new clothing.
16:30 One thing I really liked about my generation
16:32 is we went through that phase called the grunge look.
16:34 You know, Gen Xer was the type that we had,
16:36 we didn't really care about how we looked,
16:38 you dress in jeans,
16:39 and you dress in T-shirts,
16:41 and you went did which you had to do.
16:43 The millennials are somewhat of the same.
16:45 It's not about the look, it's really about who you are,
16:48 and what you're trying to accomplish.
16:49 You're not really focused on the clothing,
16:52 but the clothing is kind of important also,
16:54 so you make sure you maintain the needs associated with that.
16:59 Now when you go and buy clothing ask yourself,
17:02 to ask yourself three questions.
17:04 Is this something I need?
17:07 Is it necessary?
17:08 Or is it something you want?
17:11 Do I need the clothes?
17:12 Or do I already have five pair of jeans
17:14 at home in my closet
17:15 so I don't really need it but it's something I want
17:17 because it's a trend, people are buying,
17:19 and I see all the friends with it.
17:20 You know, our kids come back
17:22 and talk about that all the time,
17:23 which is the next year I wanna go in is advertising.
17:26 But the key is this,
17:28 is it something I really need or is it something I want?
17:32 Ask yourself that first question.
17:34 Now if it's a want, can you afford to pay for it right now?
17:38 Goes to another issue of credit, immediacy,
17:41 gratification I can go on
17:42 and put it down on the credit card
17:44 and then I'll pay the minimum payments
17:45 over the next few months and pay it off.
17:48 Don't get into that habit, get away from that habit.
17:50 We should all have a kumbaya moment together
17:54 where we come together with all of our credit cards
17:58 and then we cut them up.
17:59 That would be a wonderful experience
18:01 and if you're interested in doing that,
18:02 we can all do it together.
18:04 But the issue is to get away
18:06 from that thought process of I can put it on a credit card
18:10 because I'm ending up
18:11 continuing the process of paying a company money
18:16 that I don't necessarily have to,
18:18 if I'm prepared to pay for it now.
18:22 Have I saved for it?
18:23 Have I planned for it?
18:24 Was it part of my budget?
18:26 Have I assessed this?
18:27 Have I talked to my spouse about it?
18:29 Is this something we're prepared to go and get
18:31 at this point in time?
18:33 And the third question is if you can't afford it now,
18:37 will you be able to save money to purchase it in the future?
18:41 I always love that is, all right,
18:43 we don't have the money now
18:45 so we can prepare to buy it in the future and guess what?
18:48 When we do that and we walk out of the store
18:50 without purchasing it that day
18:51 because it wasn't a part of our plan
18:54 it goes away.
18:55 The need to buy goes away.
18:58 I don't even think about it anymore because remember,
19:01 I had those five pair,
19:02 extra pair of jeans in the closet
19:04 that I can always go back to and wear
19:05 if I really need something at that point in time.
19:07 So it turns out that it really wasn't a need, it was a want,
19:11 and the want that I came up with wasn't that urgent
19:14 at that point in time.
19:15 Okay.
19:16 So we're talking about these simple issues
19:19 but they're complex
19:20 because you're dealing with, if you're married,
19:22 with a spouse, if you have kids,
19:24 you're dealing with the kids, and the kids,
19:26 oh, my goodness think about this.
19:29 Advertising is one of the things
19:31 that we were talking about in reference
19:33 to living within your means.
19:36 From the moment your child is born,
19:39 advertising agencies are going after him.
19:41 I believe it was Reagan in the early 80s
19:46 that deregulated the advertising industry.
19:49 So now they could go after your kids
19:51 in so many different ways and it is very deep.
19:54 Watch what your kids are watching
19:56 on the television screen
19:57 because it's all about advertising to them
20:02 and getting them to get into the habit
20:04 of becoming consumers,
20:06 becoming a consumer and that is a critical issue.
20:10 We have to protect them against the advertisers
20:13 because we are bombarded on a daily basis,
20:15 you can't avoid advertising,
20:17 if you don't even have a TV, you can walk out the front door
20:21 and you'll see a billboard, you can drive different places
20:24 and you see all of these different ads
20:27 that are available to get you to buy something.
20:30 If you go into a store,
20:31 they have new forms of advertising
20:34 that try to get you to buy certain things.
20:37 I ask you to go to a store
20:39 and when you look at buying something,
20:40 look up above, and below that product
20:44 because what they do strategically
20:46 is put the product that they want to sell
20:49 or the manufacturer
20:51 who pays the most for the ad space.
20:54 So you can probably find something cheaper,
20:56 if you look above or below that specific product.
21:00 Advertising is there to change your mindset
21:03 of how and why you purchase for your kids.
21:07 The other thing is that kids are coming to you every day.
21:10 I have a child that will not stop asking,
21:13 "But, Daddy, I want it.
21:14 But, Daddy, Daddy, can I have it?
21:16 Can I have it, Daddy?"
21:17 It gets to the point
21:18 where they're teaching your children to ask
21:22 because when you ask repeated amount of times
21:25 you break down that wall of resistance
21:28 that the parent has.
21:29 And finally, out of exasperation,
21:32 "All right, let me give it to you."
21:33 But let's get it.
21:36 And then you get away from your whole context of,
21:40 is this something we planned for?
21:42 Or is it something that we actually need?
21:44 So now you're teaching your kids
21:47 to behave in a way
21:49 that you're trying to get away from.
21:51 So it becomes a very difficult process
21:55 of maintaining that focus on a budget,
22:00 that focus on a budget.
22:01 So when we talk about incorporating the whole family
22:05 in this budgetary process that is essential
22:08 and there's no age limitation.
22:10 My son is seven, my daughter is five,
22:12 we sit and say we're going to the store today
22:17 and we're planning to purchase this item.
22:21 We've budgeted for this
22:22 so that's what we're going to do.
22:25 Now have you any money saved up?
22:28 What are you planning to ask when we go to the store?
22:30 Or we just say there's nothing else over there,
22:33 we're going to the store for the journey,
22:35 and the experience,
22:37 and make it exciting for the kids.
22:38 But we try to make sure
22:39 that unless they've saved for something
22:41 and it's a part of the budget
22:42 and we try to stay away from these purchases
22:45 that are not necessary.
22:47 Again it goes to those questions.
22:49 Do I need this?
22:51 Is this something that I really need?
22:52 Or is it something that I want?
22:54 Ask the child the same question.
22:56 Two, if it's a want can I afford to get it today?
22:59 Do you have the funds to buy this item today?
23:02 Ask the child the question because they know,
23:05 they begin to understand the context
23:06 of this consumer driven society.
23:10 And then, of course, if I can't buy it today,
23:12 if you don't have the money today son,
23:15 then maybe we should wait to get it.
23:17 And guess what happens?
23:18 The same thing that happened to me
23:22 in giving up that option of buying it
23:24 because I didn't have the funds to buy
23:26 or I didn't really need it happens to my child,
23:29 he forgets about that item.
23:33 And then what he does is we leave and go home
23:36 and it's no longer part of his mindset.
23:38 It seems as if that when we see something,
23:42 this thing called greed,
23:44 this thing called thinking about that I need to keep up
23:47 with the Joneses on the other side of the fence,
23:50 it's not that important.
23:51 And going back to the initial conversation
23:53 about what happy people know about money
23:56 is that they're not focused on money,
23:58 they're not focused on buying things,
24:00 and acquiring things.
24:02 But they're focused on using the money
24:03 in an appropriate way
24:05 that keeps them stress free
24:07 and has them providing benefits to whomever it could be,
24:11 nonprofit organizations, philanthropy,
24:13 going on mission trips
24:15 all of these elements are part of how happy people
24:18 now focus on how they use the money.
24:21 They're not focused on the money.
24:27 One of the major other issues
24:28 that, and we'll talk about two more,
24:30 one is the specifics about access to consumer credit.
24:34 We've talked about this
24:35 and I continue to repeat it over and over again
24:37 is consumer credit
24:39 is one of the most dangerous areas
24:41 that we could deal with.
24:43 Right now your bank is expanding,
24:46 trying to expand its market share
24:48 by extending credit to more risky clients.
24:52 And what they're doing with those future payments
24:55 on those credit cards is they're bundling those assets
24:58 and they are selling them to investors.
25:01 So it frees up the capital for themselves,
25:03 but guess what?
25:04 This freed up capital is not really a free way
25:07 of giving you credit,
25:08 there are costs associated with credit.
25:11 So they look at assessing you in a variety of ways.
25:14 Yes, they still look at your credit report,
25:16 they'll look at character,
25:17 they still look at if you have a savings account
25:19 so they look at capital,
25:20 and they still look at your ability to pay back
25:24 'cause if you don't have a job,
25:25 they probably not gonna look at you as favorably.
25:27 But if you do have a job they say, "Yes,
25:29 he has the capacity to payback on this account."
25:32 Okay, but they are looking at riskier clients.
25:35 They'll look at that and give you a card.
25:39 And they give it to you
25:41 saying you are now having the capacity to buy,
25:44 what you need to buy, when you need to buy it.
25:46 But they don't tell you that I am a business
25:48 and this business is in business to make money.
25:52 So they're gonna make money off of your acquisitions
25:54 and your purchases.
25:55 I advise that you get away from credit cards
25:59 and the use thereof.
26:01 And if you can't pay back the balance within 30 days,
26:04 why are you gonna use it.
26:05 It means it's not necessarily a need, it's a want,
26:09 and unless I save for that need
26:11 then I won't respect the acquisition
26:14 that I purchased.
26:15 So I ask you to look at that in a serious way
26:18 and consider that credit and the access
26:21 that people are giving you to credit
26:23 is something you should think about very carefully
26:27 and be very hesitant in getting indebt
26:30 from that standpoint.
26:31 The last point I'd like to talk about
26:33 in reference to living beyond your means
26:36 is understanding
26:38 what financial education is about?
26:40 We don't teach it in schools.
26:42 We don't teach as a part of college courses,
26:44 we don't teach as a part of elementary school classes.
26:48 We talk to our young people at home at times about finance
26:52 when we give them a small allowance,
26:54 but do we teach them about saving?
26:56 Do we teach them about investing?
26:58 Do we talk to them directly about their capacity
27:01 to acquire specific goods and products?
27:04 But do we also talk to them
27:06 about getting away from being a consumer
27:09 and think about becoming a producer.
27:12 Do we think about teaching our kids
27:14 about owning a business
27:16 and developing a business idea, a business concept.
27:19 My daughter is planning to open up her own jumper
27:25 or this pullover type of business.
27:28 She likes these little things, the cute little pink things,
27:32 and she has her own, her own creative design for it.
27:35 What I ask you to do is teach your kids about finance,
27:38 talk to them about it directly.
27:40 Make it a part of your ongoing conversation.
27:42 Remember, that there are a lot of people stressing out
27:45 about what life is about
27:47 and unless we educate ourselves,
27:50 stress will kill us.
27:54 So let's stop living beyond our means, start saving,
27:58 and Take it to the Bank.
27:59 Thank you. God bless.


Revised 2017-05-11