Body and Spirit


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tony Hall, John Dinzey, Dick Nunez


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000021

00:02 The following program is designed
00:03 to demonstrate simple workouts that
00:05 you can use to improve your health.
00:09 Be sure to consult your physician before
00:10 beginning any exercise program.
00:14 Stay tune for Body and Spirit,
00:16 today's topic is gonna to be diabetes.
00:47 Hello, I am Dick Nunez, Wellness Director
00:48 at Black Hills Health and Education Center.
00:50 Welcome to Body and Spirit.
00:53 Applying one of the topics I have to deal
00:55 with the most is diabetes. People come to our
00:58 center all the time, in centers all around
00:59 the country to hopefully reverse their condition.
01:02 And we can have great success with that.
01:04 I found even when I was in the athletic club industry,
01:07 I had a man who was a former pharmacologist,
01:09 who is coming to our center and working out,
01:11 and while we're doing the workouts, he told me,
01:14 I really got an issue when my levels can be leaving,
01:17 because three times a week I never have to use
01:20 any medication for my diabetes and he goes,
01:22 those are the three days I workout with you.
01:24 And I realize right then and there,
01:26 there when you stimulate muscles especially to
01:28 resistance exercise, it drives glucose into
01:31 the cells like nothing else. And the stronger we get,
01:34 the better it seems to make us. So regular exercise
01:37 and proper diet has been very beneficial
01:40 and we have seen so many people reverse the condition
01:43 of diabetes. So, if you're ready we will go ahead
01:46 and get started. Helping me today will be Tony and John.
01:56 And we're gonna start by just warming up
01:58 a little bit and by doing that we're going to
02:00 just circle the arms around.
02:06 Whenever we deal with diabetes,
02:10 we're dealing with the blood sugar condition.
02:12 The Bible tells us in proverbs, not to have
02:14 too much honey. So, people today get a lot of
02:20 refined foods in their diet; let's go the other
02:22 way now. And those refined foods convert
02:26 into fats and keep the blood sugar levels high
02:30 and exercise does wonders for reduce for reversing
02:34 this condition. Okay, and relax, okay fellows
02:42 we're gonna get in pushups position here.
02:45 Might be something you may have done in a while.
02:48 Okay, we have there is two ways we can do pushups,
02:50 we can do them in a military fashion,
02:52 or we can do them off the knees.
02:55 So, let's go and start with military fashion
02:57 first okay. Let see we can do there, okay go ahead
03:04 and up and down. Pushups are an
03:08 excellent overall upper body exerciser.
03:14 Okay there we start to feel little too much
03:16 fatigue go head and drop down to the knees
03:18 and keep going. Keep the body straight,
03:22 okay let's try and straight the body out real more
03:23 there Tony. There we go now down, that's better,
03:28 okay keep going John good.
03:35 This is an excellent way to do pushups because
03:37 when you have, when you get fatigue,
03:38 there after doing them in the regular way
03:40 then you can always switch over to this way.
03:43 And as you do them, you will find the stronger
03:46 you get the more you be able do in a
03:48 regular fashion. But whenever we do
03:51 resistance exercise after we have finish the body
03:54 still burning fats and calories at a higher level.
03:56 In fact, you'll be burning fats for higher level
03:59 for next five to six hours after you done.
04:01 Okay, let's do a couple more,
04:10 okay, good. and go partly way down and hold,
04:12 you're gonna hold for 15 seconds.
04:16 This is just a static contraction, make sure
04:19 we get good continuers, 5, and 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
04:29 good job guys. Okay, up on the feet,
04:32 although pushups are an exercise we tend avoid,
04:35 reality is it's an excellent one to do.
04:37 Even if you have to just do them against
04:38 the wall at first, stay with it and eventually
04:41 you be pros just like this guys are right.
04:43 Okay, let's stretch out now, let's reach back
04:48 and just feel the chest stretch
04:51 and now we're gonna reach across.
04:54 And you're gonna try pull the shoulder blades
04:56 forward now again reach back.
04:59 Just feel it stretch and then across, pull forward.
05:09 Okay, during this workout we're gonna be
05:12 focusing little bit on strength and reason
05:14 why is when we increase the muscles
05:17 to go to our fatigue point. That's way we really
05:20 get the most benefit as far as driving glucose
05:22 into the cells. So, those who are diabetics
05:24 don't be afraid to give yourself a little bit
05:26 of a push. In fact, I have seen people get off
05:28 their insulin within a week. One man was injecting
05:31 2 and 3 times a day for 20 years and get off
05:34 his insulin in the first week so we have seen
05:35 it's happen. So, let's not be afraid to work
05:37 a little bit okay so what we're gonna do
05:40 is we're gonna bend the legs a little bit
05:42 and we're gonna reach out. Like a shake
05:44 somebody's hand, put you're gonna grab wrist
05:47 and we're gonna pull back and then you're gonna
05:50 pull back out. So, just like sawing type motion
05:55 and you controlled the resistance.
05:58 You can make it a real deft struggle if you want
06:02 or just a range of motion, good okay let's keep it up.
06:16 Okay, and I check your form good John that's
06:19 excellent and the good stimulation right there,
06:22 that's excellent, how we're doing there Tony,
06:24 not too bad good. Five more, good, good, good
06:35 and last one, okay rotate to other side now,
06:45 good focuses in that, scapula area
06:49 and feel the muscles pull together as we go forward
06:52 and then when you reach out John stretch
06:54 through hip good. Okay, we're squeezing here now
06:58 reaching out we're try stretching this muscle here,
07:03 good. It's so helpful whenever you do
07:08 an exercise to know which body parts are working.
07:11 Because when you know what body parts working
07:14 then you can think about that muscle and isolate
07:17 the contraction other. And that's way you get
07:19 your most benefit, just going through quickly
07:22 and running through the range of motion this.
07:24 This is it gonna give you any of the benefit,
07:25 if you're just really focus in however we try
07:28 and accomplish here. Okay, let's do five more,
07:36 okay and reach around that straight there you go.
07:39 Try and real extend that arm out there very
07:42 good two more. Okay, good job, alright now
07:49 we wanna stretch that area and the way
07:50 we're gonna do that, just put an arm up over
07:52 the head, grab an elbow and pull.
08:00 We're gonna hold it for about 10 second
08:02 time period, very good, now switch the other side.
08:13 You feel right into there excellent, excellent good.
08:16 You guys are unticklish, okay now we're gonna
08:21 do some shoulder work here.
08:23 And the way we're gonna do this is we summing up
08:25 with the arms out and we're gonna make circles
08:28 with them, we just start the circles small,
08:32 now we're gonna make them larger and larger.
08:38 Now, we're gonna go smaller, now really small.
08:44 Now, we're gonna reverse it and larger,
08:50 larger still and small. For those at home,
08:56 if you need to put your arms down fine,
08:59 for splendid specimens here, they need to keep
09:02 going with me. Okay, reverse it and reverse it
09:07 again and reverse it again.
09:12 Now, let's make little larger good now small
09:18 and larger the reason why when we do these
09:20 circles is because now we can tighten in all the
09:23 muscles of that shoulder girdle, okay and smaller.
09:27 We have it's called the rotator cuff
09:29 and those muscles of the rotator cuff
09:31 are being stimulate by doing this. Okay,
09:33 reverse it and reverse it and reverse it
09:40 and reverse it and by reversing it like
09:43 we're doing here, reverse it again,
09:48 reverse it we change the stimulus just a little bit
09:51 and add to the fatigue factor, okay reverse it
09:54 keep the palms turned down. Okay, now we're gonna
09:57 hold it out steady for 30 second; keep the arms nice
10:01 and parallel. Okay, there is 5, it's gonna feel
10:08 really good when we put our arms down,
10:09 I'll guarantee you. There is 15, keep holding it,
10:16 there is 20 and 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, good
10:29 let's go and put them down doesn't it. Okay,
10:32 let's take one arm and pulled it across,
10:35 now we're gonna stretch the shoulder,
10:39 okay now switch pull the other side okay good job.
10:53 Now, we're gonna do the biceps where we can do
10:55 that is we're gonna turned our palm up,
10:58 put our wrist on oh! Excuse me hand on top of
11:01 the wrist and we're gonna curl the arm up
11:04 and then back down. So, it's similar to what
11:06 we're doing on the rowing exercise
11:11 we dictate how hard we work.
11:12 Try and get your arm all the way straight
11:14 as you go down and then contract the muscle hard
11:17 at the top, good.
11:28 Even though I can curl lot of way
11:29 this is still hard even for me.
11:31 It's sound like make sure I put a good pressure
11:34 little bit with my other hand. Obviously you can
11:36 treat yourself for not get the type of workout,
11:38 if you would if we really put something into it.
11:41 And just gonna how life is,
11:42 let you put into it you get out of it.
11:49 Okay, we're gonna do 5 more
11:59 and one more time okay good.
12:03 Okay, now, that here let's go the other side now
12:07 and often time you do fine one arm will be stronger
12:09 than the other. That's not unusual and it's little bit
12:13 hard to tell, when we're doing it manual like this.
12:15 If you use dumbbells then you can have a better
12:18 clear indication of which arm might be weaker
12:20 and it is important to try and get your arms
12:22 as balance as possible. Just because you
12:25 dominant arm might be the one you use all
12:26 the time doesn't mean your off arm has to go
12:30 without you can easily strengthen that to be
12:32 very close in strength to your dominant arm.
12:35 Even though won't have the nerve muscular
12:37 coordination, okay keep squeezing it up and try
12:48 and make sure you go all the way down straight
12:50 when you go down so your arm must come
12:52 all the way down here like this good and curl up
12:57 good keep the elbow in just a little bit more
13:01 excellent good you got some good forearms
13:03 there make Papa Jaws, good okay let's do
13:14 five more 1, 2, 3, 4, one more time 5 good.
13:27 We can do the triceps as the same way
13:30 we're gonna put our hand for elbow to into a side
13:33 our hand just like we're gonna reach out
13:34 and shakes somebody's hand. We're gonna block it
13:36 with the palm in hand and we're gonna push down
13:40 and then pull back up and you wanna resist
13:43 on the way up as well good. And you feeling
13:52 in the back the arm there push hard on the way
13:57 down give yourself some good resistance
13:59 on the way down. Let's we're gonna block hard
14:02 here as you go down push, there you go
14:07 and then you resist on the way up as well.
14:10 Good. John's over here in destroy, really you really
14:19 working hard, you doing excellent. I haven't had
14:23 anybody work a quite that hard that's great.
14:29 Okay and let's try and do about three more,
14:39 okay and last one okay that's fine.
14:41 Go and switch over, okay I want each one you try
14:46 and do about 20 of them okay and push,
14:50 okay go just here slow right Tony, okay push good.
14:57 As you can see if you can get a close up
14:59 on John over here, you really see the muscles
15:06 going into action here and once again
15:09 he simply just using his own body to work out
15:12 but you can see how the forearms are working
15:13 nicely and we will see if we can give a little
15:16 shot of shot of his triceps. But you see the triceps
15:19 working nicely here as you go through that
15:20 range of motion makes it good anatomy chart
15:25 for us good. Okay, keep pushing, okay let's do
15:42 about five more, good, stronger we get,
15:53 better we are metabolizing calories to come away
15:58 okay go and rest. Now, right now you're resting
16:01 your burning fats, so that's a good thing
16:02 right now we really gonna create some metabolic
16:06 action we're gonna start working the legs
16:08 and the way we're gonna do that as we can do
16:09 some squats. Where we can do that as we gonna
16:15 feet just little wider in shoulder width.
16:18 We're gonna cross our arms, across your chest,
16:20 our first motion is gonna be sitting back
16:22 we don't want our knees to go over our feet at all.
16:24 So, we are sitting back into our squat
16:27 and then back out. Now, if you feel fit enough
16:30 you can go down little deeper as you control
16:34 how hard you go. Let's try and stop a little
16:38 shorter walk out, that way we keep the tension
16:41 on the knees more okay or excuse me
16:43 pressure keep on thighs we really wanna keep
16:45 the tension on knees, we're on keep the
16:46 quadricep muscles. And down slowly,
16:51 okay here let me get in between you guys here,
16:54 okay we're all gonna phase together.
16:55 Okay, ready toes down, okay now up
16:59 slow and down and up slow and down and up slow,
17:08 remember we're not gonna go all the way up
17:10 keep the knees slightly bent.
17:17 okay, keep it going and down, good, okay
17:30 we are going to do ten more, focus on the thighs
17:41 doing all right, right over there, right,
17:48 five more and two more, and we are going to go
18:04 down and hold for thirty seconds, and just like
18:10 the shoulders, you'll feel good when we are done,
18:16 there is 10 and 15 and 20,
18:27 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, good. Now, whenever
18:39 we do our muscle we still want to stretch it out,
18:41 so I would like you to do, just turn and face me,
18:43 put your hands on my shoulder and grab the hold
18:46 of your ankle and pull your knee up,
18:50 good. Okay, at home you want to be using
18:54 a wall since we are not close enough
18:56 or just use me, some I can do.
19:05 Okay, nice steady stretch there, okay now switch,
19:19 and now we are gonna hold for ten more seconds,
19:24 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, good. Okay, now we're gonna
19:34 step out to the side stretch inside the thigh,
19:40 now we're gonna shift toward the other side
19:43 for the stretch and again shift, stretch inside
19:50 the thigh and shift and do two more times each way,
20:00 shift and shift and one more shift and shift,
20:14 good. Okay, now we want stretch the
20:16 hamstrings out, where we can do that,
20:18 as we're gonna step out and go up on the heel
20:20 and then lean forward into it.
20:23 Come on get up on the heels Tony, here we go,
20:29 good just feel that stretch to the back of your leg.
20:36 Okay and just hold up for five more seconds.
20:41 Now, switch if you are flexible enough you can
20:50 just reach out and grab you your foot,
20:51 you can use that for little extra hold,
20:56 oh! Sure, because you both making me feel
20:58 that why I'm too short, Okay, relax,
21:08 now we're gonna press the foot back
21:12 and press the heel to the floor. Now, we're gonna
21:15 push up on to the toe and back down and press up
21:19 and down good, we wanna go way up on to the toe
21:25 and then back down again. Stimulating the muscles
21:31 of the lower body creates a lot of energy demand
21:33 on the body, the more energy we demand
21:37 the more glucose goes to the cells.
21:46 And ten more and five more
22:06 we're gonna switch. Even people who have
22:16 Juvenile-onset diabetes have been found to be
22:19 very much helped by good regular exercise program.
22:23 When we talk about diabetes you hear about
22:25 type I and type II. Type one being called
22:28 insulin dependent and the other one being
22:30 non-insulin dependent, Type II is that
22:33 one that strikes most people as they start
22:35 to get older, diabetes is becoming very epidemic
22:39 in our culture, but doesn't have to be that way.
22:45 We can do a lot to reverse that, they find about
22:47 80 to 90 percent of all people who get that,
22:50 can reverse that with just good diet and exercise,
22:55 and three more, good. Okay, well I like you guys
23:03 do now as lay down on your backs,
23:06 and we're gonna do some adnominal work
23:09 and something is important for all people,
23:10 and I know men especially like to get some good
23:12 workout in. Okay, lay down, we're gonna bend
23:16 the knees, have the feet on the floor,
23:18 hands behind the head, excuse me,
23:19 let's go behind the neck, if you go behind the head
23:22 we can't do pull on the neck and we don't want
23:24 to do that so what we're gonna do is,
23:26 we are going to do crunch up just to here,
23:28 you now blow out crunch the abdominal wall,
23:31 try and lift the chin towards the ceiling
23:33 as you do it and do all that at the same time,
23:35 okay good, come on up. Okay we don't need
23:39 to go up that high, we are just going this much,
23:41 we are just going this much, see what I am doing here,
23:44 you just go like this, good, okay, go
23:47 and lay back down okay just crunch right
23:51 there and back down, good.
23:56 To come all the way up we have to use the muscles
23:58 at the early so as, the hip flexures and we don't
24:01 wanna do that we just wanna get a nice
24:02 abdominal crunch, good keep it going
24:17 and let's do six more in that position
24:27 and two more. Okay, now we're gonna shift positions
24:34 we're going to draw the feet up off the ground,
24:36 keep the knees bend across your ankles,
24:39 across with the ankles okay do some more.
24:44 Again we want to blow out as we come up
24:48 encourage the abdominal wall to flatten
24:55 doing them right is a big key,
24:56 because often times people are pushing abdominal wall
24:59 out as they crunch and if you do that you encourage
25:01 it to go out. We don't want that good let's do
25:07 few more and three more;
25:18 okay let's put the leg straight up now,
25:21 okay and go. Starting to feel them, good,
25:35 let's just do five more good, two more.
25:46 Okay, let's back up on the feet again,
25:50 now we're gonna finish it off by just doing some
25:52 trunk rotation and turn from the waist
25:56 and turn and turn and turn, good, we're gonna
26:10 do three more each way and there is 2 and 3,
26:24 good, okay good, we all done thanks a lot fellows
26:30 Diabetes doesn't have to be the scary word
26:33 that so many people make it out to be.
26:35 When some body starting to get high blood sugar
26:37 do something about it. Find the life style center
26:40 they can help you out, we find as blood fats
26:42 increase to triglyceride level. It really is a
26:45 precursor to see what's in the future
26:47 and that's diabetes, but by getting in a good
26:50 exercise program, eating lot of raw
26:52 fruits and vegetables. We find that the blood sugar
26:54 will come down nicely; I have seen people come
26:57 to our center before and after we do
26:59 blood screening, we got to tell them,
27:00 we got good news and bad news.
27:02 But what's the bad news, well your glucose
27:04 level is 180 and you really diabetic.
27:06 Oh! No, but what's the good news,
27:08 the good news as you come to the right place,
27:10 by changing your life style you're gonna find
27:12 that within just short in period of time.
27:14 There is not going to be problem anymore
27:16 and sure enough this one fellow who was exactly
27:19 to have from Michigan. His blood sugar
27:21 was a 180 when he came to the program,
27:22 three weeks later without any medication
27:25 at all he was down to almost a 100.
27:27 I have seen people drop their blood sugar level
27:29 as much as 150 points in just a three week
27:32 time period. So, getting on a good program
27:34 and staying with it, that's a big key because
27:36 if you go away from it. Then the problem
27:39 is gonna come right back because it still there,
27:40 the environmental was there to get in the
27:42 first place it still there. Remember to claim
27:44 the promises; you can do all things through Christ
27:47 who strengthens you. God bless
27:48 and we will see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17