Body and Spirit


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez, Chirsty Sodering, Brittany Nunez


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000078

00:02 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:04 simple workouts that you can use to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician
00:10 before beginning any exercise program.
00:15 Over half of all American women
00:17 will eventually have to worry about
00:18 decalcification of their bone matrix known as osteoporosis.
00:22 Stay tune next to find out
00:23 how you can avoid it on Body & Spirit.
00:55 Hello, I am Dick Nunez, exercise physiologist
00:58 and principal of Miracle Meadows
00:59 and Mount State Leader Ship Academy in West Virginia.
01:01 Welcome to Body and Spirit.
01:03 Today, we're gonna be talking about osteoporosis.
01:05 Its the disease that virtually
01:07 every woman does not want to have,
01:09 because they picture themselves as being all stooped over,
01:12 large hump on their back
01:13 and not be able to do the things they once want to do,
01:16 they have to worry about taking step
01:18 and breaking a hip.
01:19 And the reality is unfortunately
01:21 it's going to happen to over half of the American women.
01:23 What can we do to prevent it?
01:25 Obviously what we eat has a lot to do with it.
01:27 Research has shown time and time
01:29 again that a high protein diet
01:30 will definitely lead to the problems like osteoporosis,
01:34 and the amount of pop
01:36 and diet pop is constant being consumed
01:38 specially by our young girls, it's so high in phosphoric acid.
01:42 Phosphoric acid is similar in chemical structure
01:44 to phosphorus which that and calcium plays
01:46 see-saw battle,
01:48 and it draws calcium from the bone matrix.
01:50 And we also look at the amount of alcohol and caffeine
01:53 that people take in.
01:55 And the diuretic affect that it has causing
01:57 once again leaching of calcium from the bones.
02:00 And finally one of the biggest causes is lack of exercise
02:05 especially weight bearing exercise,
02:07 and that's one of the things
02:08 we can really focus in on to help prevent this condition
02:10 known as osteoporosis.
02:12 I think we're about ready to start.
02:14 Helping me out today will be
02:15 my daughter Brittany and Christy.
02:18 Brittany is a student at Mount State Elementary school,
02:22 and Christy at Miracle Meadows.
02:25 So I think we're ready to go and get started.
02:29 And we're gonna start by just bringing out arms up.
02:31 We're gonna squeeze together, and we're gonna come back.
02:34 We're gonna squeeze and go back.
02:37 We're gonna squeeze and back and squeeze,
02:41 again squeeze in and squeeze.
02:48 I'm talking about squeezing,
02:49 I'm referring to squeezing the muscles,
02:51 flexing the muscle as we do this.
02:53 Well, I can be flexing aggressive right now,
02:56 but we want to keep it going.
02:59 Whenever we deal with something like osteoporosis,
03:02 obviously people are going to be at various levels of it.
03:05 The best time to stop...
03:07 to start preventing osteoporosis
03:09 is when you are the in the age of the girls
03:11 that are at my sides here.
03:13 Getting a good regular exercise program
03:16 and changing your lifestyle habits to being
03:18 very healthy will help these girls.
03:20 Never have to worry about being part of that 50 percent.
03:26 Okay, and relax.
03:27 Obviously, genetics do play some role in it,
03:30 but you also find that if you take certain cultures
03:33 and you find that there is no osteoporosis in that culture,
03:35 and you put them into a culture that does have it,
03:38 it definitely crosses over and you see
03:39 that it start to happen.
03:41 Conversely, you find that if somebody
03:43 who is in a high prevalent osteoporosis culture
03:46 and they go to one that does not have it.
03:48 They too will then lower the risk factors of doing it.
03:51 So genetics will play some part,
03:54 but lifestyle is very, very key.
03:56 In fact they find that osteoporosis
03:58 is really not a disease of vegetarian females.
04:01 It's a disease of those
04:02 who have very high protein intake.
04:04 Okay, we're gonna do some chest exercises,
04:06 and we have to be somewhat careful.
04:08 Some will have to do a modification
04:10 of what we are doing.
04:11 I like you to push your hands together.
04:13 For those at home,
04:15 or may have problems with that,
04:16 you may have to go like that.
04:19 If you can, we will go ahead, and go here.
04:21 We're gonna press up and bring it back down.
04:24 We're gonna be focusing on the chest as we do this.
04:27 Pressing up, bringing it down, pressing it up,
04:31 bringing it down, push hard,
04:34 bring it down to the middle and press and press.
04:41 When we work, the muscles, the bones also take tension.
04:45 And by doing that the bones
04:48 want to take in any nutrient
04:50 they can to help them to be able
04:53 to with stand the stresses
04:54 that we are now placing upon the body.
04:57 In this case, we'll be looking to pick up more calcium,
05:00 so that it can remain strong and healthy.
05:03 The reason why men do not have osteoporosis
05:06 as frequently as women is because by enlarge men
05:09 are larger in the first place.
05:10 Their skeletons are larger and they intended to do
05:12 more physical activity.
05:14 The hormones obviously do play a factor
05:17 especially in women but both males and females
05:20 produce both hormones; testosterone and estrogen.
05:23 So even males although they have no still produce
05:26 some estrogen and females obviously
05:29 produce some testosterone.
05:31 Okay, push out, draw in, push out,
05:34 draw in, keep going.
05:41 Keep the tension on the hands as we do this.
05:44 Press out draw in, press out draw in,
05:48 press and in, and press and in.
05:53 And ten more.
05:54 There is one, and two, three,
06:00 four, five, six, and seven
06:08 and eight, nine, last one, ten, good.
06:14 Let's stretch out. Let's lay back.
06:19 Just like you are taking a nice big good morning yawn.
06:21 Don't yawn, don't yawn, don't yawn.
06:24 Okay, over and across.
06:27 Pull the shoulder blades out.
06:32 Okay and again, reach back, feel the chest stretch.
06:37 Its just too tempting, isn't it, Christy?
06:39 You just want to bring that big yawn into it.
06:41 Yeah. And across.
06:48 Okay, we will get back to upper body
06:49 again in a moment,
06:50 but we need to do some leg work.
06:51 So let just loosen legs up by stepping.
06:57 Just add rhythmic,
06:59 bouncing and moving around will help that.
07:02 They find even when astronauts go up in outer space.
07:05 They start to get
07:07 a decalcification of bone matrix,
07:08 because they no longer have gravity
07:10 and they no longer going through any resistance.
07:12 And when they come back down to good old earth,
07:15 start moving round again, their bones start to recalcify.
07:21 So the age old question is?
07:24 Can a woman who is lost calcium out
07:26 of her bones bring it back?
07:28 Much research has shown that, yes, they can.
07:31 However, if somebody is all stooped over already,
07:35 they're not gonna automatically
07:37 stands themselves back up again,
07:39 because the damage is permanent.
07:40 But much evidence does show
07:42 that the bones will recalcify.
07:44 Okay. Let's pick it up just little bit for a moment.
07:52 Again the bouncing and bounding,
07:54 it's very helpful.
07:56 They actually causes the bones to bend a little bit
08:00 and release charges that will want to draw in.
08:04 And they like once again we're drawing in the calcium.
08:09 Okay, good.
08:11 All right, we're gonna do some easy squats.
08:15 Let's cross your arms,
08:16 squat down just a little ways, and up.
08:20 We can go deep on the squats, but often times for those
08:25 who would have osteoporosis,
08:27 they need to be careful about how deep they go.
08:29 If you don't have any problems with that,
08:32 then you go ahead and squat deeply.
08:35 Remember the body does not respond to overdoing
08:39 something just because we might think
08:40 that calcium is necessary for the bones.
08:43 We take mega doses of calcium.
08:45 And the body does not respond that way.
08:47 The body bases upon need.
08:49 It's just like if somebody wants to build a lot of muscles,
08:52 they take a lot of protein in,
08:54 but they are not exercising.
08:56 The body is not going to be interested
08:57 in taking all of that protein which is not necessary.
09:00 Same thing with calcium,
09:01 if we are not creating a need in the body
09:03 just 'cause we are taking lot of calcium
09:05 isn't going to help us out that much.
09:08 They have found if you are on a typical American diet,
09:10 you are better off to take large quantities of calcium.
09:13 But research has shown, if you are on a low calcium diet
09:17 and low protein diet, you're just fine.
09:21 Okay, keep going.
09:26 We're gonna do a lot of reps.
09:27 We're not going very deep.
09:28 So we should be able to do little more, right?
09:32 Okay, good. While you agree,
09:33 you don't have any choice anyway.
09:37 We're gonna do 20 more.
09:40 It's one, and two, and three,
09:45 and four, five,
09:49 six, seven, eight, nine.
09:57 Ten more, one, two,
10:03 three, four, five,
10:09 six, seven, eight, nine,
10:16 and ten, good.
10:18 All right, we want to stretch out the quadriceps now.
10:23 Best thing to do would be to use a wall,
10:25 since you don't have one, you can use me.
10:26 I'm the next best thing to being there.
10:28 So put your hand on my shoulder, grab a hold of an ankle.
10:36 We want to maintain our flexibility.
10:38 After doing those squats,
10:41 we want to stretch out the quadriceps.
10:44 Ten more seconds.
10:45 One, two, three, four,
10:49 five, six, seven, eight,
10:53 nine, and ten. Switch.
11:00 Okay, both our young ladies
11:02 are showing how balance they are.
11:04 They are doing that without support, good.
11:11 Okay, good. All right.
11:13 What I like you to do now is back up.
11:16 Have your toes on the edge of the platform.
11:21 Put your hand on me again.
11:23 Here I want you do some calf raises.
11:25 Push way up high on the toes and back down,
11:28 and way up high and down, up high and down,
11:33 up high down, up high down, good.
11:39 Go high as you can.
11:40 And stretch down, way up high and down, and down.
11:46 Okay, way up and hold it, now back down,
11:50 way up high and hold it,
11:52 and down, up high, hold, down,
11:56 ten more times, up and hold,
12:00 up and hold, there is two.
12:02 Down, up, and hold, there is three.
12:06 Down, up and hold there is four.
12:10 Down, up, hold, down, up,
12:16 and hold, there is six.
12:17 Down, up, and hold, there is seven.
12:20 Down, up and hold, eight.
12:24 Two more, up and hold, nine.
12:27 Last one. Up and hold it,
12:30 hold it, hold it. Ten more seconds.
12:33 One, two, three,
12:36 four, five, six, seven,
12:40 eight, nine, and ten, good.
12:44 All right, we want to stretch the calf.
12:46 Step back, press the heel to the ground.
12:52 Hold that for ten more.
12:54 One, two, three, four,
12:58 five, six, seven,
13:01 eight, nine, and ten.
13:03 Let's switch it around.
13:07 Press the foot down or you could be
13:09 pushing against the building again or the wall.
13:12 Ten more seconds. One, two, three, four,
13:17 five, six, seven,
13:20 eight, nine, and ten.
13:23 Put one leg out up on the heel, lean forward into it.
13:27 If you want to, you can grab your ankle
13:29 and pull your head down more towards your leg.
13:30 I'm not going to do that, my arms are too short.
13:35 Okay, ten more seconds.
13:37 One, two, three, four,
13:41 five, six, seven,
13:44 eight, nine, ten.
13:47 Switch over and hold that.
13:54 Ten more seconds.
13:56 One, two, three,
13:59 four, five, six,
14:01 seven, eight, nine, ten.
14:06 Okay, what I like you ladies to do now
14:08 as I want you to do the side lunge exercise,
14:12 where you go from side to side except
14:14 don't go real deep because the ladies at home
14:16 apparently won't be able to do that, okay.
14:18 So hands on the hips.
14:19 Let's just go from side to side, good.
14:24 This is gonna be working the adductor muscles
14:27 on the inside of the legs as well as bringing
14:30 some stimulus on to the thighs again.
14:33 They can go much deeper.
14:36 I want you girls go and do a few deeper
14:37 ones just like I can see it.
14:46 Okay, you can work towards that,
14:49 or you can just stay up higher.
14:50 Okay, that's good to stay up higher now.
14:55 Okay, let's go ten more each way.
14:58 There's one, and two,
15:02 three, four, five,
15:07 six, seven, eight,
15:14 nine, and ten.
15:16 Lay down your side for a moment.
15:20 Okay. I want you to raise the leg up
15:23 and down, up, down, good.
15:27 Up, down. This is working the abductors,
15:30 the opposite muscles on we just worked.
15:33 Good, keep going.
15:36 We're gonna do 20 of them.
15:40 Eight, nine, ten.
15:43 Ten more.
15:45 One, two, three,
15:50 four, five, six, seven,
15:55 eight, nine, and ten.
15:59 Switch over. Okay, 20 of them.
16:04 We can also do this from a standing position
16:06 if you want to brace it up on the wall,
16:08 then you can just raise your leg out to the side.
16:11 You get more resistance doing it this way
16:13 because gravity will effect it more.
16:15 Also you can put some ankle weights on your ankles
16:18 if it's too easy, Christy,
16:19 then you can make even harder still.
16:21 No, it's not too easy, okay. How many we're on?
16:25 Okay, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.
16:31 Five more. And one, two,
16:35 three, four, and five.
16:39 Good. Brittany, we need the towels.
16:46 Okay, we just do our lower body work,
16:49 but we never want to deemphasize
16:51 the importance of upper body work
16:53 when it comes to osteoporosis,
16:54 because the spinal column needs to be stimulated in that,
16:58 again will cause a systemic affect throughout the body,
17:01 making the whole body want to take in that calcium
17:05 into the bone matrix, just stay strong.
17:07 So we're gonna try and work some muscles
17:09 now around that spinal column.
17:10 We're gonna come up, and we're gonna go down.
17:14 We're gonna come up, and down,
17:17 and up and down.
17:20 Try and pull your scapula out as you do this.
17:29 And we're gonna do 20 more.
17:33 There is two, and three,
17:38 four, five, and six.
17:44 Keep the tension on the towel.
17:45 Seven, eight, nine, ten.
17:52 Ten more. One and two and three,
18:00 four, five, six,
18:06 seven and eight,
18:10 nine, last one, ten.
18:12 Hold it up.
18:14 Over to the side, over, and over.
18:19 Good. Pull and pull,
18:24 pull, pull. Keep it going.
18:33 Let's go ten more each way.
18:36 There's one, and two,
18:41 and three, four, five,
18:48 six, seven and eight.
18:54 Two more, nine and ten, good.
19:00 All right. Let me hold
19:01 your towel for a moment.
19:03 Reach up, grab, hold of your elbow,
19:05 stretch your upper back area. Ten more seconds.
19:12 One, two, three,
19:15 four, five, six, seven,
19:19 eight, nine and switch.
19:25 Steady pull, hold it.
19:28 Ten more seconds.
19:29 One, two, three,
19:32 four, five, six, seven,
19:36 eight, nine, and ten.
19:38 Here is your towel back.
19:40 Okay. I want you to bend over
19:43 just a little bit at waist.
19:45 I want you to grab the end of your towel,
19:47 so your hand is in.
19:49 Get hold of it fairly close to your hand,
19:51 gonna raise up and pull down, up and pull down.
19:56 You want to have your hand staying like this.
19:58 See how my hand is.
20:00 Okay, which side you're doing?
20:01 You are doing your left side.
20:02 Okay, turn it just a little bit there.
20:06 Okay, now grab it. There you go.
20:08 So one you'll have the hand like that the whole time.
20:14 Okay, keep the arm little straighter, Brittany.
20:21 And give yourself some resistance there.
20:24 Which side you are doing? The left side.
20:27 Okay, then you want to...
20:28 you want to be coming up like this.
20:30 Come up there. There you go.
20:34 That's why we're looking little bit backwards there.
20:39 And we're gonna 20 on each side.
20:42 Focus on your shoulders as you do this.
20:44 We want to be bent over just a little bit.
20:50 Now we'll give just a little bit of different
20:52 emphasis on the shoulders as we do the exercise.
20:55 Do 20? Okay. Okay, switch over.
21:01 Okay, up. Okay, count them.
21:05 I want you to get 20.
21:06 You're doing your right side now.
21:07 Yes. Okay.
21:10 There you go. That's better.
21:13 Good. Give yourselves some resistant,
21:17 don't just swing it. If we really work it hard,
21:22 we will be like that.
21:24 So we don't need to go quite that hard,
21:26 but let's get at least some semblance of the tension aspect.
21:31 As we can make this exercise real difficult
21:33 if you want it, okay.
21:38 And it's important for those at home to see,
21:41 in actual exercise not just swinging the towel.
21:48 Okay, you're done.
21:49 Okay, good. All right.
21:50 Let me hold the towels.
21:52 Let's roll the shoulders. Up and round.
21:59 Gives much movement as you can.
22:07 And let's go five more.
22:14 Now let's go the other way.
22:20 And ten more times.
22:22 One, two, three,
22:26 four, five, six, seven,
22:32 eight, nine, and ten.
22:35 Shoulders straight up, back down,
22:38 up and down, up and down, up down,
22:43 up down, up down, up down,
22:49 up down, up down.
22:53 Ten more. One, and two,
22:58 and three, four,
23:01 five, six, seven, eight,
23:08 nine, and ten.
23:10 Let's work the neck.
23:11 Look down, look up, look down, look up.
23:16 Keep it going. We gonna do 15 of these.
23:20 And neck area is also
23:21 very important area to keep strong.
23:23 When dealing with osteoporosis
23:25 that's cervical region needs to be stimulated.
23:31 There is eight, nine,
23:35 ten, eleven, twelve,
23:40 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.
23:45 Let's go ear to ear. Over and over.
23:51 Fifteen each way.
23:53 It's three, and four, and five,
23:59 six and seven
24:03 and eight, nine, ten.
24:09 Keep it going eleven,
24:11 twelve, thirteen, fourteen,
24:16 and fifteen, good.
24:18 Okay, let's just turn the head to the side,
24:21 and turn, and turn,
24:25 and turn, turn, turn.
24:31 Keep going. Upper more and last one.
24:37 Good, great.
24:40 Let's put the hands behind the back.
24:43 We want to contract the abdomen,
24:44 bend over, up, lay back, contract,
24:50 over, up and back, contract,
24:54 over, up and back, contract, over, up, and back.
25:01 When you do this, we want to make sure
25:03 you crunch the abdomen, bend over,
25:05 keep it crunched and then lay back,
25:07 crunch, over, keep it crunched and back,
25:11 crunch, over, up, and back, crunch,
25:17 over, up, and back, again, over, up,
25:22 back, crunch, over, up, and back.
25:27 Keep it going.
25:29 Up and back, crunch, over, up, and back,
25:36 over, up, back. Ten more.
25:40 Here is one, contract, over, up.
25:44 There is two, and three,
25:51 and four, five,
25:57 six, seven, eight.
26:03 Two more. Nine, last one.
26:08 And ten, good.
26:10 All right, let's finish up with some trunk rotation.
26:14 Just make it slow and easy.
26:17 Okay, and turn, and turn, and turn,
26:24 turn, turn, turn.
26:29 Ten more each way.
26:32 There is one, and two,
26:39 three, four, five.
26:45 Almost done, six,
26:49 seven, eight,
26:54 nine, ten. Good.
26:58 Thank you, ladies. Well done.
27:03 God did not make a mistake
27:04 when He created women to allow them
27:06 to become brittle bag of bones when they get older.
27:08 It's not by His original design.
27:10 If we follow His natural remedies,
27:12 we get out there and get lots of exercise,
27:15 we get plenty of water, lots of rest, air,
27:19 have a good nutritional diet.
27:21 We don't have to worry about conditions like osteoporosis.
27:23 It doesn't have to be a terror for a woman.
27:26 Now if you are slighter build
27:29 and you don't have big bones in the first place,
27:31 please be aware that you need to get
27:33 on a good regular exercise program.
27:35 Don't delay, get on today.
27:37 Even if you feel like you have osteoporosis already,
27:39 get on an exercise program.
27:41 Stop it where it's at. Get yourself stronger
27:43 and you will improve.
27:45 And also claim the promises of God.
27:47 Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things
27:50 through Christ who strengthens me." Claim that.
27:52 God bless you. We will see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17