Body and Spirit


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kim Rogers, Dick Nunez, Madison Turner


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000080

00:02 The following program is designed
00:03 to demonstrate simple workouts
00:05 that you can use to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician
00:10 before beginning any exercise program.
00:15 Hypertension is called the silent killer.
00:17 We can eliminate that killer
00:19 by a proper lifestyle and good exercise.
00:21 Find out how next on "Body and Spirit."
00:53 Hello, I'm Dick Nunez, exercise physiologist
00:55 and Principal of Miracle Meadows
00:56 and Mount State Leadership Academy in West Virginia.
00:59 Welcome to "Body and Spirit."
01:01 Today, we're gonna be talking about hypertension.
01:03 Much has been made out of hypertension
01:05 because it affects so many people
01:07 and they don't even know they have it
01:09 that's why it's called the silent killer.
01:11 However, research has shown
01:12 if people get in a good exercise program,
01:14 they can drastically reduce the effects of hypertension.
01:18 In fact, there've been many studies that have been done.
01:20 They have shown that if you give somebody a beta-blocker,
01:23 which is to slow their heart down,
01:24 a diuretic to reduce blood fluid, and a placebo,
01:28 and have all three groups exercise,
01:30 they all show equal progress in reducing hypertension.
01:34 So it isn't the beta-blocker. It isn't the diuretic.
01:37 It's the exercise that's really the key
01:39 for reducing hypertension.
01:41 So we're gonna go through a program today
01:43 that would do two things.
01:44 It'd help hopefully prevent hypertension
01:47 and also for those who already have hypertension,
01:49 it'll be a program that you can do without having to worry
01:52 about elevating your blood pressure.
01:54 I believe we're ready to start.
01:56 Helping me out today will be Kim and Madison.
01:59 Kim is a student in Miracle Meadows.
02:01 Madison is at the Mountain State Leadership Academy.
02:05 And they're both willing, ready and able
02:08 to get into a good exercise program today.
02:10 All right. We're gonna start with some easy warm-ups,
02:14 making some nice circles.
02:17 A big key when we're doing exercise
02:20 with people with hypertension
02:21 is not to create a lot of intracranial,
02:24 intrathoracic stress.
02:25 We wanna keep them away from any type
02:27 of Valsalva maneuver where they're cutting off
02:29 the air as they try hard to do something very strenuous.
02:34 We're gonna be careful with positioning as well.
02:37 In other words, we're gonna avoid
02:38 certain exercises like pushups and so forth,
02:41 things that I may think might raise the--the pressure, okay?
02:44 Let's go the other direction.
02:46 And a lots of other good exercises
02:48 we can do to help eliminate the hypertension.
02:53 Okay, keep going.
02:59 And three more. One, two, and three.
03:04 Good. All right.
03:06 What I wanna do is I wanna take our fist
03:08 and put it into our hand.
03:09 We're gonna push out across to our body and back.
03:13 We're gonna do that 20 times.
03:16 There's three, and four,
03:20 and five, six, seven.
03:24 Your hands are giving you the resistance.
03:27 Eight as we work the chest.
03:30 What we find by doing it this way we actually
03:32 get more of the chest as we go across the trunk.
03:36 There's 13, 14, 15,
03:41 16, 17, 18,
03:46 19 and 20. Good.
03:49 Switch the other side.
03:51 And press. And press.
03:55 There's three, four,
03:58 five, six, seven,
04:03 eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.
04:10 Eight more. One, two, three,
04:15 four, five, six, seven, and eight. Good.
04:23 Shake it out. All right. Let's stretch back.
04:27 Hold your stretch.
04:30 Hold it 10 more seconds.
04:32 Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
04:39 Cross, pull your shoulders blades out. Pull it.
04:43 Pull it, 10 more seconds.
04:45 One, two, three, four, five,
04:50 six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
04:54 Kim, you wanna get us the towels, please?
05:01 And these are just basic hand towels
05:02 that anybody I'm sure has.
05:04 What I like you gals to do is lay down on your backs
05:07 with your head up that way, please.
05:12 What I want you to do is take your towel,
05:14 pull it apart, hold it up,
05:16 straight up like you bench pressed it.
05:17 Now bring it back.
05:19 Now pull it all the way over to your trunk.
05:21 Okay. Let's get together. Okay. Back.
05:25 And pull. Good. Back and pull.
05:30 And back. And pull. Keep going.
05:34 We're gonna try and do 30 of these.
05:36 It's five, and six, and seven, eight.
05:42 Keep your arms straight.
05:44 Nine, ten, eleven,
05:51 twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
05:58 sixteen, seventeen, eighteen.
06:03 Good, you're doing fine.
06:04 Nineteen and twenty.
06:06 Ten more. One, two,
06:12 and three, four, five.
06:17 Good. Six, seven, eight. Little slower.
06:24 Nine and ten. Good. Up on the feet.
06:31 Take your towels from the chest and press it up.
06:35 Let's go up here. And back down.
06:37 Do that 30 times.
06:39 Madison, you go ahead and count.
06:42 Keep going.
06:44 When somebody does regular exercise
06:46 with hypertension, you'll find a decrease
06:48 of vasodilation of the artery walls.
06:51 And when you're finished exercising,
06:53 you actually find that it helps to lower
06:54 that blood pressure as the body gets more used to that.
06:57 Go a little bit slower.
06:58 Obviously, certain things like reducing sodium intake
07:01 and actually it isn't just sodium
07:03 or it isn't just chloride, but it's sodium chloride
07:05 working together as we see it in regular table salt
07:09 that's causing the problem.
07:10 Also we wanna reduce the amount
07:12 of high cholesterol foods we would eat.
07:14 How much we got, Madison? Twenty six. Twenty six?
07:17 Push all the way up, back to the chest. Good.
07:22 Okay, now let's hold it up here
07:26 and come side to side.
07:32 Yeah, we want to get rhythm here.
07:34 Otherwise we'll be cocking each other over the head.
07:39 And again, we're gonna do 30 of them.
07:41 We're doing high repetitions without much resistance,
07:45 keeping the body moving.
07:47 And we're not gonna be doing any real straining today.
07:52 For those who do not have hypertension,
07:54 you can still work this pretty hard
07:56 by pulling as hard as you want to.
07:58 You can do the movements a little bit slower.
08:00 It isn't the amount of repetitions that's the big key.
08:02 It's the intensity with which you do those repetitions. Okay.
08:08 And I think we got about 10 more to go.
08:11 There's one, and two, and three,
08:18 four, five, six, seven,
08:25 eight, nine and ten. Good.
08:30 May I have the towels? All right.
08:32 I want you to stretch out the latissimus area.
08:34 Reach up, grab your elbow and pull.
08:39 Okay. We're gonna hold that for 15 more seconds.
08:43 Stretching is a good way of helping us relax.
08:45 And often times people who have hypertension
08:47 are also very tense individuals.
08:50 Of course, neither Madison or Kim are tense, right? No.
08:53 Stress free and ready to go, okay. Switch over.
08:57 Stress is obviously another big cause of hypertension.
09:01 People like to carry the weight
09:02 of the world on their shoulders.
09:04 And that's why a good prayer life is very important.
09:06 Okay. Five seconds. Four, three, two, one.
09:11 Bring one arm across.
09:13 And pull on the back of the elbow.
09:15 Again, we're gonna hold that for about 15 seconds.
09:20 We want to keep our minds from heavy loads.
09:23 When that load is too big,
09:24 Jesus will carry it for us, okay?
09:30 And switch over the other side.
09:33 And hold it. Steady hold.
09:37 Ten more seconds.
09:39 One, two, three, four, five, six,
09:44 seven, eight, nine and ten. Okay.
09:49 We wanna roll the shoulders now.
09:50 Up and around. Roll up, and up, and up.
09:55 Good. Up. Again, this will help for relaxing us.
10:02 And we're gonna do five more.
10:04 One, two, three, four and five.
10:10 The other way. One, two, three, four, five,
10:17 six, seven, eight, nine,
10:22 ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen.
10:27 Let's work the neck a little bit.
10:29 Up to the ceiling. Down to the floor.
10:32 Up to the ceiling.
10:34 Down to the floor. Keep going.
10:35 Up, and down, and up, and down. Keep going.
10:41 Up, down. Up, down. Up, down.
10:48 Up, down. Ten more. Up, down. Up, down.
10:54 There's three, and four, and five,
11:01 six, seven, eight, nine.
11:08 One more. Ten. Side to side.
11:11 One, two. We're gonna do 15.
11:14 Three, four, five, six. Good.
11:22 Seven, eight, nine, ten. Five more.
11:30 One, two, three, four and five.
11:37 Now let's turn the head side to side.
11:39 Turn. Turn. We're all going different directions.
11:46 We are south, east and west.
11:52 At least they know we haven't spent
11:53 a lot of time choreographing. That's right.
11:56 Ten more times. There's one, two,
12:00 three, four, five,
12:05 six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
12:12 Good. Take one arm.
12:14 We're gonna turn the palm up.
12:16 We'll do curls and down.
12:18 We'll do 30 of them.
12:21 We're not gonna go with a lot of tension.
12:22 We're just gonna pump off the reps.
12:25 Concentrate on keeping your palm up.
12:27 Supinate the wrist out.
12:30 This is supination. That's pronation.
12:32 You wanna keep the palm up.
12:35 You're counting, Madison?
12:36 Of course, not. Of course, not. Kim?
12:39 Eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Ten more.
12:43 One, two, three, four, five, six,
12:51 seven, eight, nine and thirty. Good.
12:57 Switch sides. And up, and up, three, four,
13:12 One, two, three. All the way down.
13:16 Four, five, six, seven,
13:22 eight, nine, ten.
13:25 Ten more. One, two, three, four, five,
13:33 six, seven, eight, nine and ten. Good.
13:40 Just take a few deep breaths into the nose.
13:44 Out through the mouth.
13:46 In through the nose.
13:49 Out through the mouth.
13:51 Again, in and out.
13:55 One more time in and out.
14:00 All right. We're gonna do some triceps.
14:03 And take the hand like this
14:04 like we're gonna go straight down here.
14:06 Block it with the other hand.
14:08 Down and up. Thirty of them.
14:12 Keep counting, Kim, just in case
14:14 I get distracted and start saying some stuff.
14:21 Okay, and nine. Good. Ten.
14:25 Remember we're not looking to do
14:27 a lot of excessive straining here.
14:29 We just wanna keep the movement going,
14:32 pump the blood into the muscles.
14:34 Keep yourself moving. And as you get stronger
14:37 and the blood pressure starts to go down,
14:39 you can increase the intensity then.
14:41 Many people who've had high blood pressure
14:43 can certainly get into regular workouts.
14:44 How many we're on? Twenty one. Okay.
14:47 We've taken six more reps
14:49 and still doing okay, huh?
14:56 Okay, is that 30 there? Okay.
14:57 Switch over the other side. Push.
15:05 In fact, it's very reasonable for people especially
15:07 if they change the type of fatty acids they're eating.
15:10 When people eat a lot of hydrogenated fats,
15:12 they actually have the wrong chemicals being produced.
15:15 The prostaglandin series is totally off.
15:17 And so, instead of having flexible arteries,
15:19 they have stiff arteries.
15:21 And just by giving up stuff like margarine,
15:23 and mayonnaise, and skipping peanut butter,
15:27 we can start reducing the blood pressure right away
15:30 by getting the proper fatty acids back into the cells.
15:34 How many is that?
15:37 Good. Okay. Shake them out.
15:41 Let's get a couple breaths again into the nose.
15:44 Out through the mouth.
15:47 Again, in through the nose.
15:49 Out through the mouth.
15:52 All right. Time for some legs.
15:54 We're gonna do some squats.
15:55 But we're not gonna do them very high intensive.
15:57 We're just gonna do partial squats.
16:00 Cross the arms. Squat down and up.
16:03 Push the hips back.
16:05 Now squats can be a very difficult exercise.
16:08 But we're not gonna go that deep.
16:10 We're gonna do a lot of reps.
16:12 Kim, we want 40 of them.
16:15 Five. Okay.
16:18 But the leg muscles are a key players
16:21 in the overall structure of the body.
16:24 Very important for the return of venous blood flow.
16:26 So we wanna have good strong healthy legs.
16:31 And as we get stronger,
16:32 we can start doing deeper squats with more intensity.
16:39 For now, we'll just work on pumping the blood through.
16:45 Push your hips back.
16:48 Push your hips back. That's important.
16:50 The knee should not just over your feet at all.
16:53 Keep going. Ten more.
16:58 One, two, three, four, five,
17:06 six, seven, eight, nine.
17:11 Now we're gonna hold this here.
17:13 We're gonna do our breathing as well.
17:14 Into the nose. Out through the mouth.
17:18 Into the nose. Out through the mouth.
17:22 Into the nose. Out through the mouth.
17:27 Into the nose. Out through the mouth.
17:30 Two more. Into the nose.
17:33 Out through the mouth.
17:35 Into the nose. And out through the mouth.
17:39 Okay. Relax.
17:41 The reason why we did it that way
17:42 is because we wanna give
17:44 a little bit of stress on the legs.
17:45 But we also want to make sure
17:47 they're not holding their breath.
17:48 So I figured if we do both the breathing exercise
17:50 and the holding exercise, we'll be all right.
17:53 We made it go faster. Good.
17:55 That's important too. Oh, yes.
17:57 Okay. And we're gonna stretch the quadriceps now.
18:00 For those at home, you wanna use a wall right now.
18:02 You don't have one. I'm the next best thing to being there.
18:04 So I want you to put your hand on my shoulder.
18:06 Grab a hold of your ankle and stretch your quadriceps.
18:13 Okay. Again, for Kim this is no big deal.
18:17 She will wrap around her head and come up the other side.
18:21 But that won't be real practical for our viewers at home.
18:24 10 more seconds. One, two, three, four,
18:28 five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
18:34 Switch hands. Switch legs.
18:37 Would you believe I used to be able to do that, Kim?
18:40 Seriously? No.
18:42 I just asked if you'd believe it.
18:43 I didn't say I could.
18:48 Ten more seconds. One, two, three, four, five,
18:54 six, seven, eight, nine and ten. Good.
18:59 Now we're gonna do some calf raises.
19:02 Step off the edge there. Not all the way off.
19:05 Use me again as your brace.
19:06 For those at home you wanna use a stair or a piece of wood.
19:09 Okay, up on the toes way up high.
19:11 Back down. Okay.
19:15 And this one is an important one because it--
19:18 it helps pump the blood back up to the heart.
19:20 The calves have been called the second heart.
19:22 So we're gonna pump that heart as well.
19:25 We're gonna do 50 of them, Kim.
19:26 I think that was seven there, eight, nine, ten. Okay.
19:33 You keep counting. And I'll keep talking.
19:38 Now, this is really a good exercise to do
19:41 'cause it keeps the blood flowing nicely.
19:44 It's important to have strong calves especially for those
19:46 who walk around in high heel shoes
19:48 who start reducing their amount
19:50 of flexibility in that Achilles tendon.
19:53 And this will help that area.
19:55 And it's a nice relaxing exercise even though
19:58 you do start getting burning in the gastroc area.
20:01 It actually feels kind of good as well.
20:03 How many we're on? Thirty three.
20:05 Thirty three. Okay. Thirty four.
20:07 Good. Keep going.
20:10 And up, and up, and up, up.
20:15 Forty. Ten more.
20:17 One, two, three, four, five,
20:23 six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
20:29 Good. All right.
20:31 We're gonna stretch these muscles out.
20:35 Step back. Press heel to the ground.
20:38 Even though I didn't do them I'll stretch them with you.
20:42 Hold your stretch. 10 more seconds.
20:47 One, two, three, four, five,
20:52 six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
20:57 Switch. Foot back.
21:01 Press the heel to the ground.
21:06 And hold it. 10 more seconds.
21:09 One, two, three, four, five,
21:14 six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
21:20 Let's step out to the side.
21:23 And shift over. And shift.
21:27 Not too deep, ladies.
21:30 Folks at home won't be able to do
21:31 that especially those with hypertension.
21:35 Okay. Keep going.
21:40 We'll do 20 more each way.
21:43 There's one, and two,
21:48 three, four, five,
21:54 six, seven, eight,
22:01 nine and ten. 10 more.
22:05 One, two, three,
22:12 four, five, six.
22:16 What's going on back there?
22:17 Seven, eight, nine, ten.
22:23 Hold. Hold it. Hold it.
22:26 Hold the stretch. Hold it. Holding.
22:33 Five more seconds. One, two, three, four.
22:37 Switch over. Hold that.
22:41 Hold it. Hold it. 10 more seconds.
22:45 One, two, three, four, five,
22:50 six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
22:55 Good. All right.
22:57 We're gonna do some ab exercise from a standing position.
23:00 I really don't wanna do it from a lying position
23:02 because if we do that would create
23:03 some of that intracranial pressure that we don't want.
23:06 So we're just gonna put our hands on our abs,
23:08 gonna contract. Contract the abs first.
23:11 We're gonna bend over slowly. And up.
23:15 The abs should be contracting still.
23:17 Now lay back. Contract your abs.
23:20 Bend over. Up. Lay back.
23:24 Contract over. Up and back.
23:30 Contract over. Up. Lay back.
23:35 Contract over. Up and back.
23:41 Contract. Over. Up. Back.
23:45 Contract that and hold it there for a moment.
23:47 Now go over. Up. Hold it there.
23:51 Now lay back. Contract.
23:54 Hold it over. Up. Hold it.
23:59 Lay back. Contract. Over. Up.
24:03 Hold it. Lay back. Contract.
24:07 Over. Up. Lay back. Again, over. Up.
24:14 And back. 10 more. Over. Up.
24:20 And back. Contract. Over. Up. And back.
24:26 Here's number three. And back.
24:30 And four. Keep it slow and back.
24:35 Number five. Back. And six.
24:41 And back. And seven. And back.
24:46 Three more. Eight. And back.
24:51 Nine. And back. And 10.
24:56 And back. Good. All right.
24:59 We're gonna do some twisting now.
25:02 Now twist and hold.
25:03 Hold it. Now the other side.
25:06 Hold. The other side.
25:10 Hold. Turn. And hold.
25:15 10 more each way. Turn.
25:20 There's one, and two,
25:28 and three, four,
25:35 five. Good.
25:39 Six, seven, and eight.
25:46 Two more. Nine and ten.
25:52 Let's take a few more deep breaths into the nose.
25:57 Out through the mouth. Into the nose.
26:02 Out through the mouth. Three more.
26:04 In and out.
26:09 In and out.
26:14 In and out.
26:18 All right. Good. Thanks a lot, ladies.
26:20 We're all done.
26:23 For those that have hypertension,
26:25 you wanna be careful on how you start your exercise.
26:27 You don't wanna just jump into a weightlifting program
26:30 and start pushing heavyweights
26:31 because it could be very harmful for you.
26:33 You wanna get in a light exercise program.
26:35 You can use weights but exercise with weights.
26:38 Don't really get into the weightlifting aspect
26:40 unless you find yourself where your blood pressure
26:42 is normal again, and you can push yourself.
26:44 And just because you are on medication,
26:46 does not give you a green light to go ahead and push like that.
26:49 Because the medication says you still haven't.
26:52 I talked to people before and say,
26:53 "I don't have high blood pressure medic--
26:55 high blood pressure anymore because I'm on medication."
26:57 You know the medication is asking
26:59 the blood pressure problem, but it's still there.
27:01 So you wanna be careful and take your time with it
27:04 'cause you get into the regular exercise program,
27:06 cut down the amount of salt you're taking in.
27:10 Eat a lot of plant based foods. Drink a lot of water.
27:13 And you'll find that blood pressure start to climb down.
27:16 And really important is to be aware
27:18 of the fatty acids you're taking in.
27:19 If you see something on a label
27:21 that talks about being hydrogenated
27:23 or hydrogenated fats and oils,
27:25 stay away from it because it has been found
27:27 to alter the chemical structure of the cells
27:30 and cause the wrong chemicals to be produced.
27:33 And you don't want that.
27:34 The silent killer should have no effect on you
27:36 if you do things right.
27:38 Get into a good program, get the arteries to vasodilate.
27:41 Give yourself some rest.
27:43 And also make sure you have that good walk with God
27:46 because that will truly reduce the stress in your life.
27:48 Remember Philippians 4:13 says,
27:51 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
27:53 God bless you, and we'll see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17