Body and Spirit

Pain In The Neck

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: William Brauer, Dick Nunez, Kim Rogers


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000085

00:01 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:04 simple workouts that you can use to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician
00:10 before beginning any exercise program.
00:15 Have you know woke with a pain in the neck.
00:17 No, I'm not talking about the person you wake up next too.
00:19 I'm talking about the actual physical pain
00:21 that can be incapacitating.
00:23 Find out what you can you do about it next
00:25 on "Body and Spirit"
00:55 Hello, I'm Dick Nunez, exercise physiologist
00:57 and Principal of Miracle Meadows
00:59 and Mount State Leadership Academy in West Virginia.
01:01 Welcome, to Body and Spirit.
01:03 Today we're gonna be talking about neck pain.
01:05 That's something that's very near and dear to my heart.
01:07 One time when I was 30 years old I was out digging fence holes
01:11 and they were very deep and very rocky soil
01:13 and I had to work very hard.
01:15 Shortly before that I had tweaked a muscle in my back
01:17 playing racquetball and I was walking around
01:19 kinda cockeyed and crooked.
01:21 And I kept working anyway.
01:22 I just put on a weight lifting belt,
01:23 I was young and not various smart certain issues
01:26 and so I just kept working away.
01:28 When I went to bed that night I slept on my right side
01:31 because there was comfortable and during the night
01:33 I felt this weird sensation, this burning pain sensation
01:36 and I never experience before, down my right side.
01:39 I simply kept going and did about--
01:41 went about my things the next day.
01:42 I lifted weighs some and play racquetball again.
01:45 And that night when I went to bed,
01:46 I slept on the same shoulder.
01:48 It kept--this time the pain came more frequently
01:51 and more intensely and sooner.
01:53 When I got up the next morning.
01:55 I crumbled to my knees in pain.
01:57 I could hardly raise my arm.
01:59 I'd lost 90% of the strength in my right arm overnight.
02:02 I went through a physical therapy,
02:04 orthopedic surgeon, neurologist.
02:05 I went to everybody trying to find out
02:07 exactly what happened to my neck.
02:10 And nobody could really give me any clear answers.
02:12 Till one day I discovered that the levator scapulae
02:14 had knotted up and was putting pressure on axiliary nerve
02:17 running from my--around my fifth cervical vertebrae
02:20 down to my shoulder and was causing immense pain.
02:23 It took me 10 years to rehabilitate to my right arm.
02:27 I'm very sensitive of what the takes
02:29 to keep a neck healthy and strong.
02:31 And what to do once you do have problems.
02:33 It's a very delicate and sensitive area
02:36 and often times people don't know how to train it
02:38 or what to do once they does hurt.
02:40 So we're gonna focus on that today.
02:42 I believe the way to get started.
02:43 Helping me out today will be Kim and Will.
02:46 Kim is a student in Miracle Meadows.
02:48 Will is a student in Mount State Leadership Academy.
02:51 And let's go ahead and get started.
02:54 Whenever we look at neck injuries,
02:57 sometimes there's limitation in movements
02:58 so we're gonna start by just doing a gradual easy warm up.
03:03 And from here just take it as much as you can.
03:10 This should be a fairly safe exercise,
03:13 if your neck is hurt.
03:14 We're trying do all exercises today
03:17 that will be easy on the neck but yet still give us
03:21 a type of workout that we look to get on this program.
03:24 Okay, ten more time as one, and two,
03:29 three, four, five,
03:34 six, seven, eight,
03:39 nine and ten good.
03:42 Okay, just kinda shake it out.
03:43 Okay, Will, what I'd like you to do is
03:44 turn around just for moment to the front.
03:47 We're gonna use Will as a little bit
03:48 of anatomy chart here. Just like that hold on.
03:52 The levator scapulae start up here in the C1-C4 area
03:57 and then they come on down on each side
04:00 up until the superior angle of the scapula,
04:02 right about here.
04:04 These muscles run just like this.
04:05 And then on top of that is the trapezius muscle,
04:07 it stops-starts from the occipital protuberance
04:09 and goes down to T-12
04:11 and the muscle comes out like this,
04:13 and comes on down like a big diamond in your back.
04:17 And it covers up a lot of other muscles
04:18 that are in there as well, okay?
04:20 Those are areas we're gonna focusing in on,
04:22 because those muscle help keep our head erect,
04:25 keep our neck in proper position.
04:26 And if we loose those and we get the spasm in there like I did,
04:29 it can cause damage beyond our wildest dreams.
04:33 We don't want that at all.
04:34 So we're gonna be focusing in on that.
04:36 Lets squeeze our hands together and we're gonna push out
04:40 and draw back in, push out,
04:43 and back in, use pain as your guide.
04:46 If this really hurts then be careful with it.
04:48 In fact even still if I do something not quite right,
04:52 if I'm staying over night some place
04:54 and not very comfortable bed or very comfortable pillow,
04:57 I can start to experience neck pain again.
04:59 And I am very aware what a feels like
05:01 so I take precautionary messures right away.
05:06 And let's do about five more one,
05:10 two, three, four and five.
05:16 Let's go down now press and press, press,
05:21 we're gonna do fifteen of them four, five, six,
05:27 seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven,
05:36 twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen.
05:41 Now we're gonna go up one and two and three,
05:47 and four, five and six and seven
05:55 and eight, nine, ten,
06:00 eleven, twelve,
06:04 thirteen, fourteen one more time
06:08 hold squeeze, squeeze hard.
06:10 Squeeze for ten seconds one, two, three, four, five.
06:16 Start lowering down six, seven, eight, nine and ten. Good.
06:23 All right stretch back.
06:25 Let me get back behind you here so we don't ram into each other.
06:31 Okay and cross, pull the shoulder blades apart.
06:38 All right back again.
06:43 You're both popping.
06:46 Okay and across.
06:52 Okay, good relax.
06:55 Will, I'm gonna have turn around again for a moment.
06:58 One thing you do if start to get a lot of neck pain.
07:00 If you go to a massage therapist or something like that
07:03 they'll be pushing around in here
07:05 and they'll go, "Oh, does that hurt right there?"
07:07 You'll be like, "Yep, you found the spot."
07:09 What happens that levator scapulae starts to knot up
07:12 you can find little points in the insertion area
07:15 where you'll find that it hurts.
07:17 And if you put a little pressure on there
07:19 and just hold that it will-- and then it'll start to release
07:22 and start to relax it.
07:23 Many of the modalities out there,
07:26 if you have neck pain, go to a, like a, medical doctor
07:29 they may give you some type of muscle relaxers
07:31 or other type of anti-inflammatory
07:33 to try and reduce the inflammation
07:35 thus making it more comfortable.
07:36 If you go to chiropractor
07:38 they'll do some type of manipulation.
07:40 Some will do more of an aggressive manipulation.
07:42 Some will use more passive manipulation.
07:44 But the bottom line is they're trying
07:46 to make the muscles here relax so that the pain will go away.
07:50 Or also we look at somebody who like--
07:52 who's a massage therapist
07:53 they're gonna be working on this area
07:55 or a physical therapist they're gonna try
07:56 and also create relaxing they'll might use Galvanic Stim
07:59 or ultrasound or some type of modality to help relax that.
08:03 And so we look at the neck,
08:04 we want to have it in proper line.
08:06 If you Will here, just stand normal, Will. Okay.
08:09 He put his head up. Exactly.
08:12 He was standing with little bit of a forehead tilt.
08:14 When he straightened back up he was a little bit better.
08:16 But we still we can straighten him up
08:17 just a little bit more. Okay, good.
08:19 Having proper neck posture obviously will be very helpful
08:22 when it comes to preventing various problems, okay?
08:25 So lets work a little bit on the area that involves the neck.
08:28 And that's gonna basically be the entire shoulder girdle.
08:30 And so we're gonna start out by just doing some arm circles.
08:37 These arm circles will work many of the muscle
08:40 in throughout the back.
08:42 The muscles of that rotator cuff,
08:45 supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres, minor
08:47 and subscapularis were called the six muscle STIS
08:51 which represent T2 muscles on the rotator cuff.
08:54 Okay let's go larger.
08:59 Okay and smaller and larger again.
09:07 All right, I didn't ask.
09:12 Okay, now go the other way.
09:15 Okay, Kim, if you need to drops your arms
09:17 for a second, go ahead.
09:19 Okay, that's long enough now you can get back
09:22 into it again. Okay.
09:25 You know, you get 50% of your strength back
09:26 after just two seconds so, might as well keep...
09:30 Yeah, it's pretty amazing you bounces back pretty quickly.
09:33 Okay and small. Let's go the other way.
09:38 How about you, Will, how're you holding up?
09:40 I'm all right. Okay, Will's fine.
09:42 Yeah. And I am fine.
09:43 Okay. Okay.
09:45 I'm sorry, I'm a weakling. Okay.
09:48 Well, we're gonna hold it here in just a moment
09:50 and just do a nice static hold, shorten them down.
09:53 Get ready to hold and now we're holding.
09:56 We're gonna keep the palms down.
09:59 Try and keep the arms parallel to the ground
10:01 and just think of pleasant thoughts.
10:04 Claim scriptural promise,
10:06 "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me."
10:08 Which is one of our key texts
10:10 for this program in Philippians 4:13,
10:14 God will not put us to anything we cannot bear
10:17 including this exercise program.
10:19 Turn in off things necessary out.
10:23 You don't get a way out, not this time.
10:25 30 seconds. Okay hang in there.
10:33 We're down to twenty seconds,
10:36 nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen,
10:40 fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten.
10:46 It's gonna feel good when put your arms down, Kim.
10:48 Eight, Seven, six, five, four,
10:52 three, two, one good.
10:55 That's, you know, a relief there. That's right.
10:58 Okay, let's roll the shoulders up around.
11:02 Now we're putting into our trapezius muscles.
11:06 I was talking about it few moments ago.
11:12 Keep going, up and around, and around.
11:18 Okay, five more one, two, three,
11:23 four, and five up around the other way.
11:26 I'm going around and around and ten more
11:32 one, two, three, four, five,
11:38 six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
11:44 Shrug up hold and relax.
11:48 Trying not to stretch down as much as possible.
11:50 Up and relax.
11:54 Up and relax and up and relax,
12:01 up, relax five more times.
12:05 Up, relax, up, there is two,
12:11 up and three, up four, up five.
12:19 Now go up and just hold that, now hold for fifteen seconds,
12:23 contract the muscles.
12:24 Hold ten more seconds one, two, three,
12:29 four, five, six, seven, eight, nine
12:35 let it stretch good, good, okay.
12:39 We reach on your shoulder and just push down,
12:41 on that shoulder to stretch a little bit more.
12:44 Keep your neck over to the side.
12:48 Five more seconds one, two, three, four, five switch.
12:56 Stretch and five more seconds
13:01 one, two, three, four, and five good.
13:07 Okay, now we're doing a little direct neck exercise.
13:09 Be careful with this one.
13:11 Only take it to a range of motion
13:12 that you're comfortable with.
13:13 We're gonna look down and look up,
13:16 and down and up, down, up,
13:22 down and up, down and up.
13:26 Ten more one, and two,
13:32 three, four,
13:36 five, six, seven,
13:42 and eight, nine, ten.
13:46 Chip from ear to ear.
13:49 One, going for fifteen, two, again be careful
13:53 three, four, five, six,
14:01 seven, eight, nine, ten,
14:08 five more eleven, twelve,
14:13 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.
14:17 Turn the head to the side
14:19 and turn, turn, turn, good. Keep going.
14:30 Ten more each way.
14:33 One, two, three, four,
14:40 five, six, seven, eight,
14:48 nine and ten, good.
14:52 All right just lets pull an arm up and pull it across.
14:55 How'd that feel on your neck, Kim?
14:57 My neck is a little bit sore but I am okay.
14:59 Okay. Will? Feels good.
15:01 That's why I used you for this show
15:02 because I know you have neck problem every now and then.
15:06 I was having a little neck problem
15:08 earlier in the week and I was doing this routine
15:10 will definitely help me out. Okay, switch.
15:18 And let's hold for ten more seconds.
15:20 So this work out now I use as a rehabilitative type work out
15:24 but it's also a preventative type work out.
15:27 If you've never had neck problems praise the Lord.
15:29 You don't ever want them.
15:31 Five more seconds four, three, two, one.
15:35 Okay shake them out.
15:37 Take a nice deep breath and out and in
15:44 and out and in and out.
15:49 Okay, Will, I'm gonna have you turn around
15:50 again for a moment.
15:52 Use him as our anatomy chart one more time.
15:54 These are the scapula, if I can I isolate it here,
15:59 the scapula runs on each side.
16:02 And we've talked a lot about the rotator cuff muscles
16:04 and let's just give you a brief education on where they go.
16:07 There's a process in the scapula,
16:10 it divides it basically from an upper and a lower
16:12 and the infraspinatus is the underneath part
16:16 that comes over into the shoulder
16:18 supraspinatus comes on top and comes down to the shoulder
16:21 and there's another muscle called the teres minor
16:23 down around here comes up into the shoulder.
16:26 And then on the front side,
16:28 if we could look right through Will's chest
16:31 and look at the under side scapula,
16:33 there's one more muscle called the subscapularis
16:35 who comes out and attached into the humerus out here.
16:38 And that's who it makes up the rotator cuff
16:41 'cause it capsules the shoulder and allows it to move.
16:43 Okay, so that's your anatomy lesson for the day.
16:46 All right now we're gonna do some upper back work.
16:48 And we're gonna do this by simply reaching out,
16:51 grabbing our arm pull back.
16:53 And we're gonna drawing back on the various muscles
16:55 we were just talking about
16:56 because as we draw our scapular together
16:59 all those muscles come into play,
17:01 including latissimus dorsi, which is the big muscle.
17:04 It sweeps down the side.
17:08 Doing twenty of them.
17:09 Here's six, seven, eight, nine,
17:16 ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,
17:23 fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,
17:29 eighteen, two more, nineteen and twenty, good.
17:34 Switch over and pull and pull.
17:40 There's three, four, five, six,
17:47 seven, eight, nine, ten, ten more
17:54 one, two, three, four, five,
18:02 six, seven, eight, nine, and ten, good.
18:11 Arm up over the head.
18:13 Grab a hold of the elbow pull, hold it tight.
18:18 We're gonna hold tha for ten more seconds
18:21 one, two, three, four, five, six,
18:27 seven, eight, nine, ten. Switch.
18:33 Hold ten more seconds one, two, three,
18:39 four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten.
18:47 Okay, deep breathe and out. In and out.
18:55 One more time in and out. Grab palms up.
19:02 Okay, curl your arm. Let's do twenty on each side.
19:05 Will, you count.
19:06 When you do your curl make sure your hand is supinated position,
19:10 this is pronation, this is supination.
19:12 So you wanna have the thumb turned out.
19:14 That gets the maximum contraction of the bicep.
19:16 If we do it from this position then we're getting
19:18 little more the brachioradialis into play.
19:20 So this way we do direct biceps
19:22 and the brachioradialis will still
19:24 get some benefits from this is well.
19:25 How many are we on? Fourteen.
19:27 Okay, six more one, two, three,
19:34 four, five, one more time, and six.
19:37 Switch over and curl. Good.
19:43 Up, up very important to have the balanced workout.
19:47 Keep going.
19:51 Wanna work as many body parts as we can.
19:56 Ten more? What're we on?
19:58 Six more. Six more?
20:00 One, two, three, four, five, six. Good.
20:08 Triceps, block here, press all the way down, back up.
20:13 Again we're going for twenty.
20:15 You might have to watch the form all way down, Kim.
20:17 There we go. Much better.
20:19 The arm should go totally straight each time you do it.
20:23 You should be focusing on the triceps
20:24 which is big three-headed muscle on the back the arm.
20:27 Now you have your biceps which two-headed muscle
20:30 and then the triceps is three-headed muscle.
20:31 That's why they got their name Okay.
20:34 How many are we on? Thirteen.
20:36 Okay, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,
20:44 eighteen, nineteen and twenty. Good.
20:47 Switch to the other side. Press all the way down.
20:51 This is probably your offside, or your weaker side.
20:54 Everybody usually has one dominant side.
20:56 So the tendency on your off side
20:57 is not to get the full range of motion.
20:59 So you wanna be extra cautious about that
21:02 and try and make sure that you get all the way down each time.
21:07 Turn them like fighting against
21:08 wrist stuff turning all the way down.
21:09 Yeah, that's not potentially go against natural tendency
21:12 would you want to focus on make that arm go all the way down.
21:16 How many have we got, Will? That's twenty.
21:18 Okay, good. Shake them out.
21:21 Okay, couple of breathes.
21:25 Feels good, doesn't it?
21:29 All right now we're ready for some leg work.
21:31 We're gonna do some squats.
21:33 Okay, feet apart.
21:36 Your toes are gonna be slightly out.
21:37 When we do our squats the first thing we do
21:40 is we sit back into the squat,
21:42 we do not wanna jut the knees over the feet.
21:44 You wanna sit back into, okay?
21:46 And you can vary the depth.
21:48 We can go till your thighs of parallel to ground if you want.
21:52 Or if you're not that skilled on it
21:54 then you can do more of a modified squat
21:56 like I'm doing right now. Will's going little deeper.
22:00 Kim's kinda staying in my range right now. Okay.
22:05 Go ahead and go a little deeper, Will.
22:08 Okay go down, down.
22:11 There. Down. Good.
22:17 We're gonna do thirty of these. What's that, two?
22:21 I don't know.
22:24 I think that's about ten and let's go twenty more.
22:27 One, and two, little slower
22:30 three, four, five, six, good,
22:38 seven, eight, nine, ten more.
22:46 One, and two, and three,
22:52 four, five, six, seven,
23:00 eight, nine and ten.
23:04 Okay, hands on your hips, give me ten lunges each side.
23:07 Step out with your right leg first.
23:08 Way out. Good.
23:10 Keep your head up. Two, two. Good.
23:16 Three, not to fast, three, we're not in a hurry.
23:19 Four, four, five, five,
23:27 six, six, seven, seven
23:33 three more times.
23:36 There's one and two,
23:43 and three. Good.
23:45 All right use me as your wall, grab a hold of my shoulder.
23:49 Grab a hold of your ankle and stretch your quadriceps.
23:59 Okay, ten more seconds
24:01 one, two, three, four, five, six,
24:07 seven, eight, nine, switch.
24:14 Kim is our school gumby.
24:16 We tie her up every now and then and just leave her there.
24:20 Kim is very flexible.
24:21 She did a lot of gymnastic when she was younger
24:24 and that certainly helps.
24:26 Ten more seconds one, two, three,
24:29 four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
24:36 Feels really good to stretch those thighs
24:38 after you do your squats, isn't it? It does.
24:40 All right now we gonna stretch the hamstrings.
24:42 Gonna put your leg out upon the heel,
24:45 lean forward into it so you feel it stretch
24:47 in the back of your leg. Hold that.
24:56 Ten more seconds one, two, three,
25:00 four, five, six, seven,
25:04 eight, nine, ten. Switch.
25:10 Lean forward into it
25:16 and hold ten more seconds
25:19 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
25:26 eight, nine and ten. Good.
25:30 All right hands behind the back.
25:33 We're gonna do some abdominal crunches.
25:35 Crunch the abdominal, bend over.
25:37 Up, keep it crunched and all the way back.
25:39 Crunch bend over, up and back,
25:43 crunch over, up and back. Let's keep going.
25:48 This is an excellent one for people that do-
25:50 that have a bad neck because you don't have to put
25:52 any pressure behind your head.
25:55 And if you focus on contracting the abdominal
25:57 it's actually a very good exercise.
26:00 Contract over, up and back and back,
26:07 contract over, up and back. Good.
26:15 Could be good for about ten more.
26:18 Keep it controlled there's one, and two,
26:25 three, four,
26:31 five, six, seven,
26:39 and eight, two more times,
26:42 nine, last one, and ten. Good.
26:46 Let's do some trunk rotation.
26:49 And turn and turn. Good.
26:59 Ten more each way.
27:01 One, two, three,
27:08 four, five, six,
27:15 seven, eight, nine, last one and ten. Good.
27:23 All right thanks a lot, well done.
27:28 This simple program should be very beneficial for helping you
27:31 take care of the pain in the neck in your life.
27:33 It doesn't have to plague you.
27:35 You simply by getting into a regular program
27:37 and claiming the promises of God.
27:39 Knowing that if we follow His natural ways
27:41 and exercise is part of that and in Philippians 4:13 it says,
27:44 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
27:49 God bless you. Keep on exercising.
27:52 Hope to see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17