Body and Spirit

Slow Training For Women

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez, Kim Rogers, Madison Turner


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000104

00:02 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:03 simple workouts that you can use to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician before beginning
00:10 any exercise program.
00:15 So, training is a very effective way of going.
00:17 And we are gonna try and design one today
00:18 especially for women, stay tune find out
00:21 what it is like on Body and Spirit.
00:52 Hello, I am Dick Nunez, Exercise Physiologist
00:54 and Principal of Miracle Meadows in
00:55 Mountain State Leadership Academy
00:57 in West Virginia. Welcome to Body and Spirit.
01:00 So, training has been found to be extremely effective.
01:02 It stimulates the muscles far beyond
01:04 in any other type of workout that I have ever experienced.
01:06 In fact, its most intense workouts I have ever done.
01:09 So, intense that I don't even do them on regular basis.
01:12 We can't really emulate it totally with no exercise
01:15 equipment or weights, but we can get pretty close.
01:18 So, we gonna do is just now, helping me out today
01:20 will be Madison and Kim. Madison is a student
01:23 at Mount State Leadership Academy
01:24 and Kim is at Miracle Meadows.
01:28 Thank you. And we wanna make sure
01:31 we're getting warmed up for this one.
01:34 So, we are gonna reach out. We are gonna switch.
01:37 Go upon the toe as we do it and reach,
01:41 little slower. Up, up, it's pretty much
01:47 the only thing we will do it at normal speed today.
01:49 You get nervous already Kim. We haven't started yet. No.
01:56 I got it nervous when you said the most intense workout
01:58 that you are going to do. Oh, okay. Yeah,
02:01 I am old. You haven't yet started. You still a kid.
02:09 8 more each way.
02:29 Alright, we'll start out by doing our hands squeeze
02:33 and turn to the front, bring it out slowly.
02:36 Push hard the whole time all the way out and back in slow.
02:43 Push hard, now back out.
02:47 Keep it tends the whole time.
02:50 Good, all the way out. Back in slowly and out slow.
03:01 We get slow. And then slow, oh really, think so.
03:05 Two more, out slow. Slide over and making
03:09 them going slow. And one more,
03:13 out slow and in slow. Now, we got to press down,
03:22 slow and back up slow, that's good
03:29 its what we are looking for and back up slowly
03:34 and down slow 2 more push slow and up slow
03:45 and down slow and up slow now we gonna turn
03:50 upwards here we go up and down and up
04:02 and down slowly and 3 more up put attention on
04:09 which way up high and down slow and up,
04:17 stay tight, stay tight, stay tight and down.
04:24 I know it makes you tremble and up and up
04:28 and up now hold out squeeze it hard, squeeze,
04:34 it's making me tremble too.
04:37 Squeeze 5 more seconds 4,3,2,1 good.
04:50 Alright, now we are going to take our hands
04:51 like this like we are going to do a bench press
04:54 and press out we got a heavy weight
04:56 when it come together in the middle
04:59 and back and push, oh your weights
05:04 are heavier in that Kim. And back and push
05:11 good Madison, and two more press, press,
05:18 press, press, good and back and press,
05:25 press, press, press. Good, alright.
05:30 Relax, shaking them out. Alright, lets stretch back,
05:35 put your arms back, put your shoulder blaze
05:43 come together as much as possible on this,
05:46 10 more seconds. Alright, now switch around
05:56 and pull our shoulder blaze out.
05:59 Steady pull out as much as you can.
06:10 And five more seconds 1,2,3,4,5.
06:16 Good, alright. Now bring the hands over the head.
06:23 And you gonna pull over slowly, pull over.
06:26 And then back up and pull good, and up and pull,
06:49 pull, like you are pulling out a heavy hard rope
06:56 and up and pull, pull, pull, pull, good and up.
07:12 And pull, pull, pull, good, good down back up.
07:22 Three more pull, pull, pull, pull, good and up and pull,
07:35 pull, slowly, slowly, and up last one and pull,
07:46 focus, focus, good, excellent.
07:52 Alright, now we gonna pull back.
07:56 Drive the elbows back, squeeze your shoulder blades
07:58 as much as you can, out slow come together,
08:02 pull back. Drive the elbows back.
08:04 Now pull out slowly and back.
08:09 Good, remember you got a heavy weight out
08:13 in front of you, you are pulling slow.
08:16 Squeeze the shoulder blades together.
08:19 And back out. Now pull squeeze back there
08:26 and back out and slow, good.
08:34 Lets do about three more. Pull, pull, squeeze back
08:41 and out two more times. Squeeze it and out, last one.
08:53 Squeeze it together and out. Alright, good.
09:00 Arm up over the head stretch your latissimus area.
09:08 Here, Kim does the conventional way
09:09 and turn Madison around, you can see
09:11 how she does hers. I came and come close to doing that.
09:18 Okay, Madison, no problem. Switch over.
09:22 You did both sides of that Madison and no,
09:25 obviously she can't. Alright, you have no problems
09:30 scratching your back. It's nothing worse
09:33 when you have to scratch your back and you can't
09:35 reach that spot. Five more seconds
09:41 4,3,2,1 good. Alright. Oh boy,
09:49 ready for the next one. Now we gonna take
09:52 like we got really heavy dumbbells
09:54 and we'll do some lateral raises with them.
09:55 So, we gonna up slow, contract the shoulders
10:02 at the top and we are going back down
10:09 and up, up, up, up, and back down and up pull it
10:24 squeeze your shoulders and back down and up,
10:31 up, up, up squeeze at the top. Back down.
10:37 Again let's go up, up, up, up, up, good.
10:48 Back down. Three more times,
10:51 up, up, up. Good. Back down.
11:00 Two more, up, up, up, focus on what you are doing.
11:07 Squeeze your shoulders. Back down.
11:12 One more time, up, up, up, up.
11:17 Steady, squeeze your shoulders. Back down.
11:22 Okay, from here we gonna pull up and down.
11:29 And up and down up, up, up, slowly.
11:42 Good. Back down. Good, we looking good
11:53 and lets do three more times. Up and up and last one
12:13 pull up then move your arms out and hold.
12:26 Everyone thinking we are spinning there. You welcome.
12:30 And it's 10 seconds. No, it's like I can't trick
12:34 you in getting out of that spot though.
12:35 Yes, you do. Now, its 20.
12:42 Okay, just a little simple thing, just.
12:45 Those are fun too. There's 30, 30 more seconds.
12:58 Holding on to it. 40. Those hands down,
13:08 why are you waiting for?
13:09 My arms feels like a fascinating.
13:11 50. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, good.
13:23 Alright, grab a hold of an arm, pull it across,
13:27 stretch your shoulder area. Five more seconds
13:38 1,2,3,4,5 switch it. Hold 5 more seconds 1,2,3,4,5.
13:58 Okay, arms up. Now, we gonna flex it down.
14:04 Again, we are going to do it slowly and squeeze,
14:11 and squeeze, and squeeze, and squeeze, good.
14:26 Let's go five more like that. Slow.
14:29 1,2,3,4,5 now drop them down from here.
14:49 Slow and down. Good, and up and down,
14:58 up and down, up and down, up slowly, and up and down,
15:14 Three more and its 1, 2, and 3. shake them out. Okay.
15:30 Ready for some more. Good. Oh, sure.
15:34 Take your hands like this, press down slow
15:38 all the way out to side and now back up to the center,
15:43 push down slow and back up slow. And down slow.
15:52 And up slow. Down slow. And up slow. Down slow.
16:05 Flex. Up slow. Push down, way down hold, up.
16:14 Slowly press, press, press all the way down way,
16:18 down, flex. Back up slow good. Again tight, tight, good,
16:28 back up slow and down, slowly, push, push, push.
16:34 Good. Up, let's do 3 more, push, push, way down,
16:41 flex, up slow. Two more push, push, push, way down, flex.
16:50 Back up. One more time push, push, push,
16:56 flex, flex, relax good.
17:01 Okay. Let's do few breathes in and out.
17:07 In and out. In and out. Alright, lunges.
17:17 Hands on you hips, want your step out with your right leg
17:22 go down slowly touch your knee to the ground,
17:25 come back up and go right back down
17:26 again without there you go, also down again.
17:30 Up slow down again, 2 more, down, and down.
17:41 Good, switch. Left leg out there now.
17:45 Down, touch your right knee to the carpet.
17:48 Up, and twirl down, good, up and down,
17:56 and up and down, and up and down.
18:02 Back, right leg again, and down and up, down, good,
18:13 down, 3, down, 4. Again, step back now with the left.
18:25 Again down and up, down and up, down and up,
18:33 2 more, slow. Good. One more time step back,
18:41 right leg, we are doing five on each side.
18:45 Okay, down and up. This is the third one,
18:49 down, there it's 2, down its 3, down its 4, down 5.
19:00 Switch, you doing great girls. Down.
19:05 Up, control down, and down and down.
19:16 You could slow. Good. Step back right leg,
19:20 its number 4. Down and down and down, 2 more,
19:31 down, good and down. Excellent. Left leg again,
19:38 almost done, good, down and down and down
19:53 one more good. Got one more time each
19:55 side and we are done with this.
19:57 You are doing great. I don't do this right after.
20:00 Yeah, right. Now, you know I'm not doing right now.
20:02 I was going to say that you are not doing now.
20:08 Control, control, slow. Good. Switch and down,
20:22 and slow, and slow and slow, excellent.
20:33 You take you feel like more than regular lunges,
20:34 I tell you. Yes.
20:36 Madison feel those pretty well.
20:37 Just a little. Just a little. Alright.
20:41 Actually, just kind of flashing give us some more.
20:42 No no. Go and lay down on your side.
20:49 Alright, I want you do is raise your leg up
20:51 slowly from the side, slow and down slow,
20:55 and up slow, pull, down slow. Good.
21:01 Up slow and down slow, up and down, up and down.
21:12 Five more, up, slow and down, up slow and down.
21:21 Three more. Good. Up, pull and again,
21:28 up and pull. Alright, turn over on the other side.
21:38 Alright, raise up, down slow, up slow, flex, down slow,
21:44 up slow, down slow, up slow, down slow, up, down, up slow,
21:58 down slow, five more, feel a lot more
22:01 this way don't you? Yes. Up slow, down slow,
22:06 two more, up slow, down slow, one more up and down, good.
22:13 Why do we have to slow down than fast?
22:15 Just the way muscle fibers work.
22:17 It brings in more fast twitch fibers actually
22:20 by doing it slow. Fast reps actually,
22:22 fast reps work slow twitch fibers,
22:25 slow reps work twitch fibers, just the opposite.
22:29 And the twitch fibers are the ones
22:30 that get the most fatigued, need the most rest
22:33 and recovery. Once you fatigue
22:34 a fast twitch fiber, it just needs to rest.
22:37 So, that's why people when who do set after
22:39 set after set after set, they are really just being
22:41 into themselves and cutting in their recovery time.
22:44 My key to strength is not how often
22:47 I work out or how long I work outside
22:49 by working hard and then rest.
22:51 Okay. Okay. I like you to lay back
22:54 on your side and get hold of your ankle
22:56 and that was an excellent question,
23:02 and you certainly have deserved a stretch break now.
23:04 Yes, thank you so much. When you work this hard
23:08 doing stretching feels so rewarding,
23:11 you know, one feels like it's a treat
23:14 to be able to stretch these muscles after working
23:15 that hard. Five more seconds 4,3,2,1. Switch over.
23:30 Both Kim and Madison are very flexible. Good.
23:37 Five more seconds 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Good.
23:47 Have a sit facing me. Legs apart.
23:52 Reach out to your left leg and pull down, steady, pull,
23:59 don't want to bounce your stretch that all,
24:01 wanna hold them statically. 10 more seconds
24:04 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Switch over. Good.
24:22 Hold, excellent. 10 more seconds
24:26 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, reach forward. Good.
24:43 Now, all of you can do that home don't feel bad
24:45 because these girls are very flexible.
24:47 I am doing good just to get beyond 90 degree angle
24:51 with my Torso. Five more seconds
24:54 1,2,3,4,and 5. Lay back in abdominal position.
25:07 Alright, hands binding the neck crunch slowly,
25:11 up slow, down slow, up slow, hold, down slow, up slow,
25:22 good, down slow, up slow, slow, down slow. You can try
25:29 and do one vertebrae at a time. Up slow, good Madison,
25:34 excellent, good, back down slowly.
25:41 Up slow and down slow. Five more times,
25:48 up slow and down slow, up slow and down
26:01 there is going to three more up,
26:05 slowly squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, down slow,
26:10 and two more up, up, up, contract,
26:19 down slow, excellent. One more time up, up,
26:26 up, up, up, and down slow. Excellent.
26:31 Okay, on your feet. Oh, yes. Let's do some nice turns.
26:39 Yeah, this one. Felt those pretty well too.
26:42 Oh, yeah. Good. 10 more each way.
26:54 Nice relaxing way to finish the workout. Oh, finishing.
26:58 and 10. Good ladies.
27:24 Thank you. You did a good job. See you.
27:29 As you can see a slow workout can be a very,
27:31 very effective one. These girls did tremendous
27:33 as they went through the phases to get much
27:35 more thorough workout, but it may not be for everybody.
27:38 But, here on Body and Spirit
27:39 we are here to reach as many people as possible.
27:41 Remember whatever exercise you do,
27:43 you always want to do it for the right reason.
27:45 Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all of things
27:48 through Christ who strengthens me.
27:50 That's a promise we can count.
27:51 God bless you happy exercise, see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17