Body and Spirit

Willing To Change

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez, Kim Rogers, Madison Turner


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000113

00:02 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:04 simple workouts that you can use to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician
00:10 before beginning any exercise program.
00:15 Any successful exercise program takes a willingness to change.
00:18 That's what we're gonna discuss next on Body and Spirit.
00:50 Hello, I'm Dick Nunez,
00:52 exercise physiologist and principal of Miracle Meadows
00:54 in Mountain State Leadership Academy in West Virginia.
00:57 Welcome to Body and Spirit.
00:59 During my career working with exercise,
01:01 I found a lot of people that are unwilling to change.
01:04 They're stuck in their ways if you will.
01:06 Well, I've seen a lot of character virtues
01:07 that have been listed in the Bible,
01:09 but being stuck in your ways is not one of them.
01:11 In fact, I find it very sad when somebody
01:13 says that they are that way.
01:15 I find that often times when people come
01:17 to our program and lot change,
01:19 some will come kicking and screaming.
01:21 Many times just the wife who has been--
01:24 she has been challenged by the fact that
01:26 she needs to change her lifestyle
01:27 and she wants her husband to come along.
01:29 No way, they don't want to come.
01:31 I remember a couple came to our Wellness Program
01:33 in the Black Hills a few years ago.
01:35 he wanted to go on Alaska Cruise,
01:37 she wanted to go to the Wellness Program.
01:39 He came kicking and screaming. By the time--the time was up,
01:42 he had been totally convicted that
01:44 a lifestyle change is very important.
01:46 And now he was a zealeth [13150] for going out there
01:49 and telling other people they need to change as well.
01:51 Well, I had another couple come out. He was diabetic.
01:53 The wife wanted to come.
01:55 He was coming along for the ride,
01:56 but while he was there his diabetes totally reversed
01:59 and he thought, wow.
02:00 With such great results
02:02 why would I wanna go back to my old ways?
02:04 So it really does take a willingness to change.
02:06 Sometimes people even in their 80s and 90s are willing
02:09 to change their lifestyle to try and make what little time
02:11 they have left of the greatest value.
02:14 So we're gonna talk a little bit about that today
02:16 while we get into our exercise program.
02:18 I believe we're ready to start.
02:19 Helping me out today will be Kim and Madison.
02:22 Kim is a student of Miracle Meadows
02:24 and Madison at the Mountain State Leadership Academy.
02:28 Thank you.
02:31 Okay, let's go ahead and have a seat.
02:36 We're gonna reach back and start warming up.
02:39 And squeeze together and back, and squeeze and back.
02:44 Just doing as lightly as a warm up.
02:53 And let's go five more.
02:55 One, two, three,
03:00 four, and five. Good.
03:04 Squeeze the hands together in the middle.
03:06 Let's turn and press out and draw back.
03:10 Press out and draw back.
03:13 Press out and draw back.
03:15 Just keep going.
03:18 What I find is people get preconceived notions
03:20 of how much they should do, what they should do,
03:23 what they should eat.
03:24 And when somebody comes in with light
03:26 that would actually help them,
03:27 they become resistant because they are set in their ways,
03:31 they don't want to do anything new.
03:32 They only want to hear what they want to hear,
03:34 and that's so sad.
03:36 Even when we study the Bible,
03:37 we should be always looking for truth not try
03:39 and prove what we already believe.
03:41 Let's go few more.
03:42 One, two, three, now let's go down, press.
03:49 Keep the hands pushing together.
03:51 And often times there are people who think
03:53 they don't even need to exercise, because they say,
03:55 well, I have a healthy, active life.
03:57 I remember a story of a man who was a stockbroker
04:00 in New York on Wall Street and he was very successful,
04:03 multimillionaire, very fit.
04:05 He got tired of the-- of the doggy-dog world out there
04:09 and decided he was going to go out to Montana
04:12 and buy a farm and become a rancher.
04:14 A few years later one of his good friends
04:16 went out there and saw him,
04:17 he couldn't believe how fat he was.
04:19 He was working all day long,
04:20 but he had stopped doing a regular exercise program
04:23 and he had gotten fat.
04:24 Okay, let's bring the hands up and press up and down,
04:27 and up and down, up and down,
04:32 up and down, up and down.
04:37 Good. Keep going.
04:39 Up and down, up and down,
04:44 up and down, up.
04:47 Ten more times.
04:49 One and two and three
04:55 and four and five, six,
05:02 seven, eight, nine.
05:08 Push hard together at the top, push it,
05:10 push it, push it,
05:12 push it, push it,
05:13 push it, push it.
05:15 Good and relax.
05:17 Now that we have our chest warmed up,
05:19 let's stand up.
05:22 And we're gonna do a few pushups off our chair.
05:25 You can use these two over here.
05:26 I'll make sure they don't slide anywhere.
05:31 All right, down and up.
05:33 Good. Good.
05:36 The chest should already be a little bit tired.
05:39 This just helps to finish it off. Five more.
05:42 One, two, three,
05:46 four, five. Good.
05:49 All right. Yes.
05:51 Felt good, didn't it? Yes, it did actually.
05:54 Okay. Go and have a seat back in the chair.
05:59 Let's put our hands behind our head and stretch back.
06:06 Hold it for ten more seconds.
06:07 One, two, three,
06:10 four, five, six, seven,
06:14 eight, nine, and ten. Now across.
06:17 Pull your shoulder blades apart and pull.
06:22 Ten more seconds.
06:23 One, two, three,
06:26 four, five, six, seven,
06:29 eight, nine, and ten.
06:33 All right, now we're gonna reach out and pull back.
06:37 Squeeze your shoulder blades together
06:39 and reach back out again.
06:41 Squeeze together and out.
06:45 Focus what you're doing.
06:47 You should feel your shoulder blades go in.
06:51 Try and feel the muscles in your mid back,
06:53 tighten up as you're here and then pull them out.
06:56 Squeeze it back and out.
06:59 And back and out.
07:03 Squeeze back, push out.
07:06 Squeeze back, push out.
07:08 Good, keep going.
07:11 Did you feel the muscles in your back, Kim?
07:13 Yeah, my shoulders are popping.
07:15 Your shoulders-- you're always popping.
07:18 They're falling apart.
07:21 Sixteen and falling apart, that's not a good sign.
07:25 Wear and tear of the body already.
07:32 And let's go, five more.
07:34 One and two,
07:39 three, four.
07:43 Hold the last one, flex back.
07:46 Flex the muscles in your back as you do it.
07:48 Hold it, hold it.
07:50 Ten more seconds.
07:51 One, two, three,
07:54 four, five, six, seven,
07:58 eight, nine, and ten, good.
08:01 Arm up over the head.
08:03 Get a hold to your elbow and pull.
08:10 Hold it. Ten more seconds.
08:12 One, two, three,
08:15 four, five, six, seven,
08:19 eight, nine and switch. Pull.
08:28 And hold for ten more.
08:32 One, two, three,
08:35 four, five, six, seven,
08:39 eight, nine, and ten. Good. Shake it out.
08:44 Let's get a couple of breathes,
08:45 in and out, in and out.
08:52 One more time. In and out.
08:57 Knee forward. Hands down to your side.
09:01 Let's raise up. Try not to hit each other.
09:05 You have enough room, Madison?
09:06 I could scoot up little more. There we go.
09:11 We're gonna try and do it on all aspects of the shoulders.
09:14 This one is working, the posterior part
09:17 or the rear part of your shoulders.
09:19 Shoulder is broken down into three different bundles,
09:21 posterior, medial and anterior.
09:26 Ten more. One, two,
09:29 three, four, five,
09:33 six, seven, eight,
09:38 nine, and ten. Good.
09:41 Now let's go out front.
09:43 Raise up and down,
09:45 up and down,
09:48 up and down,
09:50 up, down,
09:53 up and down,
09:55 up and down,
09:58 up and down.
09:59 Keep going. Up, down,
10:02 up, down,
10:05 up, down,
10:07 up, down,
10:09 up, down,
10:12 up, down,
10:14 up. Five more times.
10:17 Up, down,
10:19 up, down,
10:21 up. Two more.
10:23 Up, one more.
10:26 Up. Okay, and at your side.
10:28 Up and up.
10:31 And up and up. Good.
10:38 Up, up, and up.
10:46 Ten more. Two, three,
10:51 four, five, six, seven,
10:58 eight, nine and hold for one minute.
11:05 When I was working in the fitness industry
11:07 and at the Wellness Center
11:09 and people would call in and ask,
11:11 "can you help me change this bad habit I've got?"
11:14 Whether it be drinking, smoking, drugs, whatever.
11:17 My first question is always, do you want to quit?
11:20 And if they said, no, then I would always say, then,
11:22 we really can't help you.
11:24 And if they said, well maybe I want
11:25 to quit then answer will be,
11:27 well, maybe we can help you.
11:28 And only when they would say, "yes, I want to change,"
11:31 only then would I be sure that we could actually help them.
11:34 Because if somebody does not want to quit smoking,
11:37 if somebody does not want to quit drinking or whatever--
11:40 What's going on over here?
11:42 there is nothing we can do to make them change.
11:44 I saw something flick by.
11:46 That would be her.
11:49 Okay, she got too much energy then.
11:56 Okay, let's go for 15 more seconds.
12:01 And ten seconds.
12:02 One, two, three,
12:05 four, five, six, seven,
12:09 eight, nine, ten.
12:12 All right, roll your shoulders.
12:14 Up and around, up and around. Good.
12:24 Kim, have you ever given up anything you want,
12:26 didn't want to give up?
12:27 Yeah, drinking. Oh, drinking.
12:32 When I came to Miracle Meadows. Okay, let's go the other way.
12:38 I don't mean to laugh at you.
12:40 Usually when you ask a 16-year-old,
12:41 what you have given up you didn't want to.
12:43 I already give up the booze.
12:48 When I said I had a lot of wear and tear in my body--
12:49 Yeah, I guessed so. I wasn't kidding.
12:55 Good. Okay, put your arm up across.
12:58 Madison, have you given up anything
12:59 you didn't want to give up? Yeah.
13:07 Okay, hold for ten more.
13:08 One, two, three,
13:11 four, five, six, seven,
13:15 eight, nine. Switch over and pull, good.
13:23 And hold for ten more.
13:25 One, two, three,
13:28 four, five, six, seven,
13:32 eight, nine. Swing forward.
13:35 Okay, we're gonna block a wrist
13:38 and curl our arm up, down, slow,
13:41 and up and down, slow,
13:44 up, down, slow.
13:47 It's four and five, six,
13:54 seven, eight, nine,
14:00 ten, eleven, twelve.
14:05 Eight more. One, two, all the way down,
14:10 three, four, five, six,
14:18 seven, and eight. Switch.
14:22 Curl and down, curl and down.
14:26 Up and up and up, up, and up.
14:35 Eight, nine, ten. Ten more.
14:41 One, two, three,
14:46 four, five, six,
14:51 seven, eight, nine, and ten. Good.
14:58 Shake them out. Let's get a couple of breaths.
15:02 And out, in and out. Okay, Kim, we need our towels.
15:15 Thank you. You're welcome.
15:17 There you go, Madison.
15:20 All right, what we're gonna do is gonna
15:22 take our right hand here like so,
15:25 bring your left hand up right next to it.
15:27 Palm up, bring it upover your head,
15:30 you're gonna bring it down and push up
15:33 till you go all the way to the extended position.
15:36 And up and up and up.
15:41 This is an excellent tricep isolator.
15:45 Six, seven, eight, nine.
15:52 Way up high, Kim, way up high. Ten. Good, that's better.
15:56 Eleven, excellent, twelve,
16:00 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
16:06 sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
16:13 nineteen, and twenty. Good.
16:17 I even that--I even feel that in my poor little arms. Right.
16:20 Okay, grab over and then under like that,
16:24 up to the other side and up
16:28 and up and up and up and up.
16:37 Keep going. Seven, eight, nine,
16:46 ten, eleven, twelve. Eight more.
16:52 One, two,
16:56 three, four, five.
17:01 Way up high, way up high.
17:03 Six, good, Madison. Seven, one more time and eight.
17:08 Good. I'll take the towels. Okay, let's get up.
17:13 Now as a finisher, we're gonna do some bench dips.
17:17 I'll make sure the chairs are [17:18].
17:18 Come over here. Oh, yeah.
17:20 Okay. Put your legs out in front of you
17:22 straight up on your heels, lower yourself down, push up.
17:27 The triceps, they're already little bit fatigue.
17:30 This will just make sure they're fatigue. Up, up, five more.
17:36 One, two, three, four,
17:44 and five. Good job. Okay.
17:48 Just go and take those off over there, Kim. Thank you.
17:55 Just put your leg out.
17:57 Now we're gonna put the other leg on top of it.
17:59 We're gonna extend up and up and up.
18:04 We're gonna do 20 of those.
18:06 Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
18:13 Ten more. One, two, three, four, five,
18:20 six, seven, eight, nine, twenty. Switch over.
18:27 And up, two, three, four,
18:33 five, six, seven, eight, nine,
18:39 ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
18:47 seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Good.
18:52 All right, ladies, I'd like you to stand up.
18:55 And I want you to cross your arms across your chest
18:58 and I'd like you to squat down
18:59 and just barely touch the chair and go back up again.
19:02 Good, good. Keep going. Three. We're gonna do 20.
19:10 Four, five, excellent, six.
19:15 Using the chair helps give you gauge of how deep you're going.
19:19 But you don't want to sit in the chair,
19:20 you just want to barely touch and then come back up.
19:24 Also it gives you a security blanket
19:26 just in case your legs do give out,
19:28 you'll just land right back safely in the chair again.
19:32 There is 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
19:39 Two more. Nineteen and twenty. Good.
19:44 Come back over here.
19:46 Over, come back behind your chairs. All right.
19:49 Let's push them forward a little bit.
19:53 And while you're holding on to that, reach back
19:55 and get hold of your ankle and stretch your quadricep.
19:59 Okay, good.
20:05 And hold that for ten more seconds.
20:07 One, two, three, four, five,
20:12 six, seven, eight, nine, and ten.
20:18 Switch over. And pull. Good.
20:26 Does that feel good? It does. Good. Ten more.
20:30 One, two, three, four, five,
20:35 six, seven, eight, nine, and ten.
20:41 We're gonna put our left leg out
20:42 and back and we're gonna curl and out,
20:47 and curl and out, curl, out. We're gonna do 30 of them.
20:53 There is five, six, seven,
20:59 eight, nine, ten, eleven,
21:06 and twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.
21:15 And isolate the hamstring. Eighteen, nineteen, twenty.
21:21 Ten more. And one and two,
21:26 three, four, five,
21:31 six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Good.
21:39 Other side, leg out.
21:42 Flex, flex, reach, flex and reach.
21:47 Four, five, six,
21:52 seven, eight, nine,
21:58 ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,
22:04 fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
22:09 seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.
22:14 Ten more. One, two,
22:18 three, four, five, six,
22:25 seven, eight. Two more. Nine, ten. Good.
22:31 All right, what I'd like you to do there,
22:33 stay behind your chair.
22:34 Kim, come behind this one.
22:36 I'd like you to put your leg up here.
22:39 Put your heel up on, back your heel up there,
22:40 and you stretch your hamstring,
22:42 and make sure the chair doesn't flip.
22:44 Lean forward into it. Good.
22:52 And ten more seconds. One, two, three, four,
22:58 five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, switch.
23:13 Hold. Ten more seconds.
23:17 One, two, three, four, five,
23:22 six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Good. Excellent.
23:31 All right, while we're back here,
23:33 come off here, put your toes up on the edge there, heels off.
23:37 We're gonna do some calf raises.
23:38 Up and down. Okay, let's go slower.
23:42 Up and down, up and down, up and down, up.
23:48 Now give me ten fast ones. One, two, three,
23:51 four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Slow.
23:58 Up and down, up and down.
24:01 Good. Down, up, down, up, down, up. Now fast ones, go.
24:10 Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and slow.
24:15 Up and down, up and down, up, down.
24:20 Up, down, up, down. And fast, two.
24:26 That's real fast. Okay, slow.
24:31 When you do the fast ones, you still want
24:33 to get your range of motion.
24:34 Up and down, up and down,
24:38 up and down, up and down, up and down, up.
24:44 Now ten more. Fast. One, two, three, four,
24:48 five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Good.
24:53 All right, push forward on your chair.
24:56 Push your heel down to the floor and stretch.
25:02 How far you're gonna push that thing?
25:06 Until I stretch. Until you stretch. Okay.
25:12 And five more seconds. One, two, three, four, five and switch.
25:20 And hold. Ten more seconds.
25:24 One, two, three, four, five, six,
25:29 seven, eight, nine, ten. Good.
25:33 Pull your chair back, Madison. Okay, let's get these two back.
25:36 Okay, both of you get over here.
25:38 Lay down your back. Put your legs up on the chair.
25:42 Oh, no. I know what's coming.
25:44 What, Kim? Crunches
25:46 Okay. Hands behind the neck. And crunch up.
25:54 Good. Keep going. Good.
26:01 Keep going. Eight, nine.
26:03 We're gonna do 50. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen.
26:08 You heard right. Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
26:12 seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.
26:18 Two, three, four, five, six,
26:23 seven, eight, nine, thirty.
26:27 One, two, three, four, five,
26:33 six, seven, eight, nine, forty.
26:38 One, two, three, four,
26:42 five, six, seven, eight, nine.
26:46 Hold the last one for ten. One, two,
26:49 three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
26:56 nine, and ten. Good. Up on your feet.
27:02 Let's just gently do some turns.
27:05 And turn and turn. Good.
27:12 And turn and turn. Two more.
27:18 There is one and two. Good. Thanks a lot, ladies.
27:25 Whatever you do in your exercise program,
27:26 be willing to look for new ideas.
27:29 Don't be stuck in your ways.
27:31 Listen to advice from those
27:32 who make sense and go boldly forward in a new life.
27:35 You'll find the benefits are tremendous,
27:38 maybe even out of this world.
27:39 But remember, whatever you do, do it to the glory of God.
27:43 In Philippians 4:13, it gives us a promise saying that,
27:46 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
27:50 Claim that promise. Keep exercising.
27:52 God bless you. We hope to see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17