Body and Spirit

Lower Body

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez (Host), Alex Hinez, Jonathan Hopkins


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000119

00:02 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:04 simple workouts that you can use to improve your
00:06 health. Be sure to consult your physician before
00:10 beginning any exercise program. One of the areas
00:15 that's most neglected in exercise program is the
00:17 lower body. Today, we're gonna focus on how to
00:19 work your lower body and give you some
00:21 variety of exercise you can do and find out why
00:24 this is such an important area. Stay tuned with
00:26 Body and Spirit.
00:52 Hello, I am Dick Nunez, Wellness Director of the
00:55 Black Hills Health and Education center.
00:57 Welcome to Body and Spirit. I spent years working out
01:01 in gyms and being in body building and so
01:03 forth and often times I would see people with
01:05 wonderful upper bodies, but when they take their
01:07 sweat pants off something was seriously neglected,
01:10 their legs. And when your legs are strong you feel
01:13 really good, because you can move around well
01:15 and get up out of chairs, you can standup
01:17 whenever you need too. You can run, you can
01:18 jump, so many things that we take for granted when
01:21 we're young. But as we get older, those legs start
01:24 to go. In fact this is one of the first things to go. As
01:27 we get older, we find our running ability and our
01:30 jumping ability drastically reduced, but we can
01:34 fight times by getting into a good
01:35 exercise program. So, today we're gonna focus
01:37 on legs. Helping me out today will be Jonathan
01:40 Hopkins, who is a fitness trainer at the Black Hills
01:43 Health and Education Center and Alex Hynes,
01:46 who is a physical therapist from Wanachi,
01:49 Washington, out there in apple country. So, we're
01:52 gonna start by warming up our legs, we're gonna
01:54 do some hip thrusts to start out with and the way
01:57 we're gonna do this, is we get in our semi squat
01:59 position and we're gonna start down and we're
02:02 gonna come up, then through and down and up
02:06 and through and up and through and up, okay
02:13 fellows keep going. Good. Want to do twenty
02:16 on each side, focusing on extending all the way
02:20 through and reaching up as we go. Very good,
02:23 very good, if you have problems with your range
02:28 of motion at home, then you can vary this a little
02:30 bit and not go quite as deep in your squat. Okay.
02:33 Where we are at Jonathan? Okay. And here is 13 and
02:39 14 and 15, good. For golfers this is going to be
02:45 an excellent exercise to do, they start to get a lot
02:48 of problems with one side or another because it's so
02:50 dominant. Okay and one more time, okay let's go
02:56 the other way. Then we start out the right side and
02:58 up; in my years of track and field this is a motion
03:07 that we focus in on as far as having good extension,
03:10 whenever you do an athletic event. Good, keep
03:13 it up, reach way up with it. Make sure you get a
03:21 good breath exchange; don't hold your breath
03:23 along while you're doing it. Whenever you're a
03:28 golfer, it's really important to do both sides
03:30 of your body, 'cause if you're swinging in one
03:31 direction all the time, also you find one side starts to
03:34 hurt there is a reason why? You take some
03:36 swings the other direction; you find yourself doing
03:39 a lot better. Where we at Jonathan? Twenty, okay
03:43 good, okay. Now, what we're gonna do is, we're
03:47 going to do some lunges. And the way we do that is
03:49 whenever we step out we're gonna make sure
03:52 that our knee does not go past our feet, okay. So,
03:55 when we go down, we're gonna come down into it
03:57 and make sure that knee stays over the foot. Okay,
04:00 then we're gonna comeback and we're gonna step out
04:02 to the other side. Okay, go ahead, good and out.
04:08 Try to keep the chest up as we're doing this. We're
04:12 gonna try and do twenty on each side. Now, for
04:13 gonna try and do twenty on each side. Now, for
04:14 those at home, lunges can be a difficult exercise, so
04:18 you might wanna do a modified lunge and the
04:21 way you do that is just go part way down. So, you're
04:25 not going all the way down, you're just going
04:27 the little bit, good. Alright, we're looking
04:36 good, keep going. You guys keep doing the fold
04:38 and I'll keep doing the modified one that will
04:40 workout real well. Try to keep your chest up, there
04:47 is a little bony protuberances called the Xiphoid
04:49 process, the basis sternum. Keep that up as much as
04:51 process, the basis sternum. Keep that up as much as
04:52 possible and you'll be in a proper position to
04:54 do virtually every exercise out there, good. Now,
05:03 this exercise has a great soreness potential, so
05:07 if you do this for the first time and you find
05:10 yourself getting a little sore the worst thing
05:13 you can do is just lay around and do nothing
05:14 'cause the sores will just keep growing and get
05:18 worse, what you wanna do is get back out there
05:20 and exercise. Do a modified version of what
05:23 it is that made do you sore. Lot of people think
05:26 that soreness is caused by lactic acid, but it's
05:29 actually a disruption of tissue around the
05:32 connection, the origin incursion of the muscles
05:35 which causes a mitro- trauma; okay you're done
05:39 there. Good, alright. Looked easy, they're
05:42 breathing a little bit harder; you might be
05:43 doing that at home as well. So, let's take a
05:45 moment to take a few breaths in through the
05:48 nose, out through the mouth, in through the
05:55 nose, out through the mouth, in through the
05:56 nose and out through the mouth, good. Okay, let's
05:59 go do the next exercise. We're gonna go and do
06:01 some squats and the way we're gonna do this is
06:03 we're gonna cross the arms and we're going to
06:06 push the hips back and just like with the lunges
06:09 we want to make sure the knees don't go over the
06:12 feet. We wanna make sure they stay over the
06:13 feet at all times and we're gonna start by pushing
06:16 the hips back and then coming up and down and
06:21 up. Now, this is a difficult exercise as well and if
06:25 you need to modify it by not going quite so deep
06:28 you can, but even when you go a shorter distance
06:31 down you want to make sure that you're pushing
06:34 your hips back, very important, push your hips
06:39 back. Keep going and down and down and
06:58 down, good. Okay, let's modify a little bit as we
07:07 go down let's hold it there and backup and down and
07:14 hold and backup and down and hold and
07:22 backup and down and hold. Now, we're gonna
07:27 try and hold that for 25 more seconds. There's
07:36 twenty; you might feel your legs burning a little
07:38 bit right now if you do, if it's too much. You can
07:42 stop and rest, you stand up and the immediately I
07:46 will go away and down to 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
07:55 good. You guys have done so well, you can
07:58 deserve to lie down for a moment, so go and lay on
08:01 your side and what I want you to do is reach back
08:05 and get a hold of your ankle and stretch your
08:07 quadriceps. Okay, good, both these fellows are
08:13 nice and flexible, which makes it handy for them.
08:15 Well, for some of you at home, you might not be
08:18 quite so flexible, and if that's the case you might
08:21 have to just get a hold of the back your pant leg,
08:23 like Jonathan is doing there showing you what it
08:26 would be like. Okay, now we're gonna hold each
08:29 stretch for about 15 seconds. Alright, let's go
08:36 the other direction now, whenever we workout it's
08:45 important to know we stimulate our muscles
08:47 strength wise, but then we also want to focus on
08:50 making sure we get flexibility. Physical
08:57 fitness is composed of strength, flexibility and
08:58 endurance and on the program here on Body
09:00 and Spirit we're focusing on the strength and the
09:02 flexibility and hopefully at home, you're doing
09:04 some type of endurance exercise, like walking or
09:07 jogging or cycling or swimming, all those are
09:10 very good exercises. Okay, go and lay on your
09:12 back, okay, we're gonna do some hamstring
09:15 stretches now and what we're gonna start with is
09:18 bringing your knee up and grabbing behind your
09:21 knee, go underneath. What we find out to be a
09:26 little bit more helpful on the knee, to do it that
09:28 way. Okay, you're gonna pull it back towards your
09:30 chest. Now you don't want to stretch to the
09:32 point where you're feeling it really hurting you. You
09:34 want to feel a good steady stretch in the hamstring
09:37 area and then holding that contraction. Okay, now
09:40 what we're gonna do is, we're gonna straighten the
09:42 leg out. So, you're feeling yourself having to bring
09:45 your hands back forward a little more and try and
09:48 bring the leg to a straight position and this will
09:50 accentuate the stretch on your hamstring area.
09:53 Okay, let's hold that for about five more seconds.
09:58 Make sure you breathe steadily while you this in
10:01 through the nose, out through the mouth and as
10:03 you breathe you'll find it will help you relax. Okay,
10:05 put the leg down and let's go the other one now.
10:07 We're pulling back to the chest we're doing the first
10:12 aspect of this again. Nice steady pull, alright, we're
10:22 gonna do about 5 more seconds there and then
10:24 we're gonna straighten up again. Alright straighten
10:28 the leg up, if you've somebody to help you at
10:35 home, having them help you do this stretch is very
10:38 beneficial as well and we often times do a training
10:42 partner routine in Body and Spirit and that way
10:45 we can teach you how to do that. But this works
10:47 very well also, just giving yourself a good stretch,
10:50 pulling it back; let's go for 5 more seconds, okay
10:56 and relax. Now, what we're gonna do is, you're gonna
10:59 bring one leg up and across to stretch the back area
11:04 and also the hip area. That's a very comfortable
11:07 stretch, it allows people to have good flexibility
11:11 in the hip area and in the back,
11:15 both these fellows are really flexible,
11:18 so don't feel bad at home, if you can't bring your leg
11:20 quite that far over, just do as much as you can
11:25 right now. Remember this shouldn't feel like
11:27 you're trying to get into some contortion movement,
11:30 it should feel comfortable. Okay, we're gonna go for
11:33 5 more seconds, okay and relax.
11:38 Let's go the other side, whenever someone gets into
11:48 a workout program, legs are often times are neglected,
11:52 because of the fact that they're hard. Whenever you
11:55 train legs, we've to work really hard and also its not
11:59 quite the showy muscles especially for men who get
12:02 into a exercise program, and they wanna make sure their
12:04 chest and their arms look really good. They are not
12:06 quite as interested in your legs, where the ladies are
12:09 even more focused in on getting the legs trained
12:11 well. Okay, that's good, now what we're gonna do is
12:14 we're gonna roll over on our abdomen and we're gonna
12:18 stretch the back by pushing up on the elbows at first,
12:22 okay. Could you feel this stretch there,
12:27 because what we're gonna do is we're gonna give you
12:28 some upper body exercise and we're gonna into some
12:31 pushups. Okay, that's good, okay push up position.
12:40 Now, when we do pushups, you can modify this at home
12:43 by doing them against the wall or you can do,
12:48 often times referred to as women's pushups.
12:50 I don't call on that, because there is a lot of men
12:52 that can't do women pushups and there is a lot of women
12:55 who can do lot's of, what we called men's pushups.
12:57 But women's pushups are done typically from the
13:00 modified position and they go of course I'm using that
13:03 term loosely. Jonathan go ahead and do one off your
13:05 knees. So lot of times for men that come into our
13:10 program, they even have trouble doing this exercise.
13:13 So again I tend not to call them women's pushups,
13:15 because that makes the men feel bad, okay Jonathan
13:17 go ahead and stop. But when we look at pushups
13:20 we've had people, there is the women, who just came to
13:23 wellness program. Who's 86 years old and she a able to
13:26 get down and do some of these modified pushups
13:28 on the floor and the other wellness guests were
13:30 amazed, as she goes well, I've been watching Body
13:32 and Spirit and I start doing these pushups against the
13:35 wall and now I can do the pushups off my knees
13:38 on the floor without any problem. And she is 86,
13:40 so a lot of times people use an excuse,
13:42 well I'm too old. Well, she didn't think she was and
13:46 what did she get of it. You got the ability, you do a
13:48 lot more, okay so now I've talked enough, you got to
13:51 listen up. So, now we're gonna do pushups,
13:53 we're gonna try and do 20 good ones. Okay, ready up,
13:56 okay and down and when we do the pushups you want the
13:59 back nice and flat. We're gonna inhale as we go down,
14:03 we're gonna exhale as we go up. We're gonna try and do
14:06 20 of them, both these fellows are very accomplished
14:09 at them, looks like they can go all day,
14:11 but we won't do that today. Okay, I think that's 9
14:20 and 10, you're looking good, 11 and 12 and sometimes
14:25 while you're doing this, you might find that you start
14:28 out this way and then you've to drop to your knees
14:30 in order to finish up and that's okay too and you'll
14:33 find pretty soon you be to go much further this way
14:36 doing it the regular way and won't have to go to your
14:39 knees quite to so soon, good, focus on keeping the
14:42 back straight, good. Okay, that's 20 of them good.
14:46 Alright come on up, now we want to stretch that area
14:51 and the way we're gonna do that is we put the hands
14:52 behind the head and we're gonna push our elbows way
14:55 back, push back and bring it across and up and back,
15:10 push it back. Like we've one of our doctors. Dr. Bouwer,
15:13 who back in January could only do 3 pushups and just
15:17 not too long ago Jonathan, what did he do like 55
15:19 of them and he's 71 years old and never exercised
15:23 before. Okay, now bring it across and pull the shoulder
15:29 blades apart. Okay, relax. Boy, you find these pushups
15:39 are a lot like squats and leg exercise, people don't do
15:41 them because they are hard and we tend not to wanna do
15:44 anything that's hard, it makes this work.
15:45 But that's really a good exercise, now what we're
15:47 gonna do is we're gonna step out with our left foot
15:50 and we're gonna reach out with a right hand then we're
15:52 gonna grab it with our left and we're gonna use it as
15:56 resistance as we pull back and reach way out.
16:01 Okay, we're going to try and do 20 on each side
16:02 there Jonathan, now what you're trying to do on this
16:05 exercise is you're trying to pull the shoulder blade
16:07 back as much as possible. The scapula area has a very
16:11 diverse network of muscles and there are 16 different
16:14 muscles attached on each side of the scapula
16:17 and they have such a wide range of motions, it's very
16:21 important to keep that area going. Not only that
16:23 but it'll help your upper body posture, in general
16:26 people's posture in our society is very, very poor
16:29 and I know Alex being a physical therapist,
16:31 you must see a lot of that, poor posture leading to all
16:34 sorts of problems. And you know a lot of those problems
16:37 could be eliminated, if people would just get their
16:38 posture better. Okay, we're at 18, we're at 19
16:42 and 1 more time and 20, good job. Okay,
16:45 now lets step out the other way, now we're gonna reach
16:48 the left arm out, grab it and pull back and reach out
16:53 and pull and reach and pull and reach and pull
16:59 and reach, good, good. Guys, you're looking good,
17:03 for a song we'd be getting some progress there, good.
17:09 In fact I've seen inspired writing before fellows.
17:11 It says that all our ministers should be chopping
17:14 two hours of wood a day. Not only would it keep
17:18 the saints warm, but also make sure that nobody gets
17:21 a conference front on them a lot of times we call what,
17:23 we get a little bit heavier over the course of time.
17:25 So, if we chop a lot of wood each day
17:27 that's not gonna happen. Because, we're going to be
17:28 burning those calories and getting a lot of good
17:30 exercise in there, 19 and 20, good. Now,
17:35 let's stretch that area, the way we're gonna do
17:37 that is we're gonna reach over our head,
17:46 grab a hold of our elbow and pull, very good now
17:47 this also can be a difficult for people from time to
17:49 time as they go do this stretch they wonder
17:52 why I can't make it look like Jonathan do this or
17:54 Alex does, just do the best you can and you'll find
17:57 yourself getting more flexible. Okay, let's switch
17:59 the other side, in fact Jonathan leads out in our
18:03 stretching out at the Black Hills all the time
18:05 and I know Jonathan we always find that they got
18:07 more flexible in the course of time don't they.
18:09 You know the first day, they can't do very well
18:11 and then over the course of time they go.
18:12 Oh! I can't get a hold of my ankle now or I can a hold
18:14 of my elbow. So, flexibility is something that grows
18:18 as we keep going. Okay, let's go ahead and stop.
18:23 Okay we're gonna do some raising motions now,
18:25 we're gonna raise our arms out to the side.
18:27 We're gonna bring to the front, we're gonna go as
18:30 back as far as we can. We're gonna drop them down just
18:32 a little bit. When we come up bring it together,
18:36 way back, down a little bit and up, bring it forward,
18:41 way back, down a little bit then up, forward and back
18:47 and down, up and across and back and down and up,
18:54 bring it across, move back, way back, down.
18:57 Hold it there now. Let's hold it there for a moment,
19:01 okay and across and back, way back and down and up
19:06 and across, way back and down and up.
19:12 Bring it across, way back, okay and down and up,
19:18 now let's make a few circles here.
19:24 You should start to feel a little bit of burning
19:25 sensation in your shoulders, if you do that's
19:28 what's called lactic acid. The nice thing about the
19:31 lactic acid is once we put our arms down.
19:33 That's gonna go away, okay now let's go the
19:37 other direction. In fact the body is so incredible
19:41 that the lactic acid will actually go back through
19:44 our liver and become what's called glucose again,
19:47 which is the main fuel source for our body.
19:49 Alright, we should feel our shoulders now,
19:51 so we're gonna hold it out there nice and straight
19:53 and when we do that, we want to keep the palms down.
19:55 If you do with the palms up, it makes it easier.
19:58 We don't want do that, but we're gonna try and hold
20:00 that for 30 seconds and I've already been talking
20:02 for five, so, we already got a little bit of it done
20:05 and there's 10. You feel the shoulder is burning,
20:08 but when we put the arms down. It's gonna feel better
20:11 and somebody say well that's like hitting yourself
20:12 in the head with a hammer, when you're done,
20:14 it feels nice, no it doesn't, it still hurts.
20:16 In fact it might hurt the next day still if you hit
20:18 yourself in the head with a hammer. So, I don't suggest
20:20 you try that at home. But this on the other hand
20:22 is gonna feel better in two more seconds ready,
20:25 both the arms and automatically you feel
20:27 that lactic acid go away and okay. It feels good
20:30 doesn't it? Oh! Yes, okay. So, we're gonna shrug the
20:34 shoulders now, gonna bring them up and around.
20:44 And now lets go the other way, up and around, good.
20:50 Feel that up in the neck area.
20:59 Alright, now we want to stretch that area
21:00 and the way we're gonna do that is we're gonna bring
21:01 our arm across the body and pull, hold it steady
21:15 and hold it for 10 more seconds. There is 5, 4, 3,
21:23 2, 1 and now switch and bring it across.
21:32 You don't wanna really reap on our arms;
21:34 just make it nice and steady. Make sure you
21:37 keep breathing while you do this. Don't hold your
21:39 breathe, we wanna to create the intrathoracic
21:41 or cranial pressure, just keep it steady.
21:48 And now there is 5 more seconds 4, 3, 2, 1,
21:53 okay shake them out. Now, we're gonna work our arms
21:57 and the way we're gonna do this. You might think we did
22:00 enough of that during the pushups, but no we're not
22:01 quite done yet. I found back in my body building days,
22:04 by just by flexing muscles hard.
22:06 We can make them tired and so what we're gonna do
22:09 is we're gonna do body building exercise,
22:10 in a second we're gonna put our arms out,
22:12 we're gonna squeeze down. Like we're flexing our muscles
22:15 then we're gonna reach out then we're gonna squeeze
22:17 down and out and squeeze down and out and squeeze
22:23 down and out and squeeze down and out and squeeze
22:28 down and out and squeeze and out and squeeze and out
22:35 and squeeze and out and squeeze and out and squeeze
22:42 and out and squeeze it down and out and squeeze it down
22:47 and out. We're gonna do 10 more, there is 1
22:50 keep the elbows up 2, 3, 4, 5, good lets it down 6
23:04 and 7 and 8, 2 more 9 and then hold that last one,
23:12 hold that last one tight, good, alright. Shake the
23:18 arms out, let them relax. Okay, now we're gonna do is,
23:22 we're gonna do another pushup exercise.
23:24 So, this time we're gonna do it modified, we're gonna
23:26 actually use the knees this time. Since we work so hard
23:29 earlier in this show on the regular pushups.
23:31 So down back on pushup position, you can use the
23:35 wall again if you need to. Now, we're gonna make a
23:37 diamond affect with our hand, okay and let's straighten
23:42 the back so. Okay off the knees, okay we're gonna down
23:45 and up. Okay this is very good triceps exercise good.
23:50 Let's try and do 10 of them, there is 2, this is a much
23:54 harder pushup and it's gonna be a challenge for anybody
23:58 to do at home. And these fellows are in good shape,
24:00 they're doing them off their knees and you can still
24:02 see some vibration is happening in the muscles,
24:05 which tells you these aren't easy. Good and let's go
24:12 2 more and 1 more. Excellent,
24:17 okay, let's roll over on your backs. Now, we're gonna
24:23 do some abdominal work, the way we're gonna do that
24:26 is keep the knees bent, we're gonna put our hands
24:28 behind our neck, which is very important.
24:31 Because lot of times people rip under head
24:34 and create a lot of neck pain. So, instead of doing
24:36 that, we're gonna have our hands behind our neck
24:38 and when we come up. We're actually going to
24:39 be bringing our chin up and whenever you do abdominal
24:42 exercise. It's important to blow out, before you
24:45 come up. So, you can actually think about
24:47 drawing the abdominal wall in. Lot of people walk
24:50 around with their abdominal walls out already,
24:54 we don't want that. We want to have it drawn in
24:55 and we can encourage that by exhaling as we start to
24:57 come up. So, what we're gonna do is, we're gonna
24:59 exhale as we come up, okay go ahead blow out, good,
25:02 try and lift your chin up as you come up. There you go,
25:06 come on up, let's get together down. Now up
25:10 and down and up and down and up and down and up
25:18 and hold. Okay, try and get chin up over there Jonathan,
25:21 there you go and down and up, chin up try.
25:24 Yeah, that's excellent down and up, looks like Alex
25:29 you've done this before and down and up and down and up.
25:36 Good now we're gonna modify this by crossing our ankles,
25:39 bring our knees up. Okay, now come up and down
25:44 and up and down and up and down and up and down and up
25:53 and down and up and down, 3 more, up, down, up, down,
26:02 up and down. Now, we're gonna put our legs
26:06 straight up, good, good, good. Okay up and down,
26:12 up and down, up and down and up and hold and down
26:19 and up and down. We're gonna go 5 more up and down,
26:26 up and down, up and down, 2 more, up, down, up and down.
26:35 Good, come on back up to the feet.
26:40 We're gonna finish off with a little trunk rotation,
26:42 we're just gonna turn our hips and turn and turn
26:53 and turn and turn and turn and turn and turn,
27:06 1 more each way turn and turn, good. Alright fellows.
27:12 Thanks a lot, we're all done.
27:16 Whenever you're working out don't neglect a particular
27:19 part of your body, work the whole thing.
27:20 Every muscle is important, that's how God made us.
27:23 If we start to having balance in muscles
27:25 and then you're gonna start having structural pain.
27:27 One of the things we always wanna focus in on is
27:29 getting those legs strong,
27:30 when you've nice strong legs.
27:32 It's actually gonna make you feel younger,
27:33 because you'll be able to get around and do the things
27:35 you wanna do. It's just so sad to see people in
27:37 wheelchairs or having to use walkers when they don't
27:40 need to, they just get in working out and remember
27:43 we wanna always workout for the right reasons.
27:44 Not for our own self, but we wanna do everything
27:47 we can to glorify God with our body.
27:49 Remember Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things
27:52 through Christ, which strengthens me, God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17