Body and Spirit


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez (Host), Jane Baker, Brittany Nunez


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000127

00:02 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:03 simple workouts that you can use to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician
00:09 before beginning any exercise program.
00:14 Osteoporosis is a frightening and a very misunderstood
00:16 disorder that affects many women
00:18 but there is a good news, there is ways of preventing
00:20 it and never having to worry about it again,
00:22 find out how next on Body and Spirit.
00:53 Hello, I am Dick Nunez, Wellness Director of the
00:55 Black Hills Health and Education Center.
00:56 Welcome to Body and Spirit.
00:59 Today, we gonna talking about osteoporosis,
01:01 the condition that many women worry about,
01:03 but really don't need to, but the thing I really find
01:06 is how much is misunderstood about osteoporosis.
01:09 Everybody thinks it's simply a lack of counseling
01:12 consumption, and it's interesting that the
01:14 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated
01:16 sometime ago that counsel related diseases
01:19 caused by a lack of calcium consumption
01:21 is not known to occur in humans at all.
01:23 It's not saying that there are not calcium
01:25 related diseases, there certainly are,
01:27 but it's not caused from a lack of calcium consumption,
01:30 it's caused from other factors in our life.
01:32 And one of those major factor that leads to
01:34 decalcification of the bones is a lack of exercise,
01:38 especially weight bearing exercise. So right now
01:41 we're gonna focus on that particular aspect of
01:43 preventing osteoporosis. So I believe we're ready
01:45 to get started. Helping me out is Janie Baker
01:49 who is a PE teacher from Inverness, Florida,
01:54 and Brittany Nunez, my daughter who works
01:58 at the Black Hills Health and Education Center.
02:01 Okay, let's go ahead and warm up with some arms circles,
02:12 and let's do that about five more times.
02:20 Okay, in the other way, up and around,
02:26 and up and around, up and around, and up and round,
02:30 five more times and two more, okay, one of the best ways
02:39 of preventing osteoporosis is by doing,
02:45 I hate to make you do this, but weight bearing exercise
02:48 is one of the best ways to bare your weight
02:49 while you're doing upper body on the floor
02:53 while we do push ups. So what we're gonna do here
02:56 is we're gonna have Janie. We're gonna have you do
02:58 regular style push ups. Brittany, I'm gonna have
03:00 you do the modified version off your knees
03:02 and if you need to you can even do these push ups
03:04 against the wall. So we're gonna go ahead and go now.
03:07 We're gonna do 15 of them, okay, ready, down and up,
03:11 down and up, very important to keep the back
03:14 straight as we enjoy our push ups here.
03:19 Oh! Yeah. Good. There's 6 and 7 and 8 and 9
03:31 and 10 and 11 and 12 and 13 and 14,
03:41 and there is fourteen and half and 15, good, alright.
03:47 Excellent. Okay, anytime we stimulate a muscles
03:51 and that should have stimulate something there.
03:53 As you bore your weight and had to make yourself work.
03:55 If we're gonna stretch that muscles our we're gonna do
03:57 that by putting our hands behind the head,
03:59 and pushing back the elbows. Push it way back,
04:02 so you feel it stretching through your chest,
04:04 okay, now what we're gonna do is we're gonna make,
04:06 give ourselves a nice big hug. Give yourself a hug,
04:09 Janie. There you go. That's the way, now pull your
04:12 shoulder blades apart while you're doing that.
04:14 Okay, anytime we stimulate the muscles
04:16 and especially weight bearing,
04:18 the bones are screaming for calcium
04:20 because they want to make sure they stay strong
04:22 for any other onslaught we're gonna do, okay,
04:24 let's put the hands behind the head again.
04:26 And go way back. Push back, okay
04:32 and give yourself another hug, good, good, good.
04:37 Pull your shoulder blades apart.
04:40 Alright, Janie if you could get our towels for us
04:43 please. Our towels are exercise friend
04:48 there is so much we can do with them,
04:50 and so we're gonna use them to our advantage right now.
04:52 We're gonna do some arm pulls by stepping out.
04:56 We're gonna grab our towel and get our hands
04:59 just a little bit in front of them, about 6 to 8 inches.
05:01 We're gonna pull back and we're gonna reach out,
05:04 and pull and reach out, good, okay, keep going.
05:08 Now for those at home if you have a dumbbell
05:12 you wanna get more of a weight bearing movement,
05:15 you can bend over with your dumbbell and pull it up,
05:17 more upright like so and do a similar range of motion
05:22 as this. And the harder you work, the more benefit
05:29 you're gonna get out of it. Let's go 10 more,
05:34 there's 2 and 3 and 4 and 5, five more, 6 and 7
05:44 and 8 and 9, one more time, 10. Let's switch round.
05:49 Put the right foot out, okay, grab and we're gonna pull
05:56 and pull, good. Many women think, make sure you keep
06:01 counting here Janie. Many women think that if they
06:04 simply drink milk that they are going to prevent
06:06 osteoporosis and research has shown that every 8 glass
06:11 of milk, 8 ounce glass of milk you have, you actually lose
06:13 30 milligrams of calcium a day,
06:15 and that was done up in Wisconsin of all places.
06:18 So we find that drinking milk is not going to be the key
06:21 to preventing osteoporosis, but there are other things
06:23 that will. How many have you got there, Janie.
06:26 Nineteen, twenty. Okay, good. Now we're gonna
06:30 take the end of our towel like this. And hold on to it
06:33 and then we're gonna grab about 6-8 inches down again,
06:35 we're gonna raise up to the side and then back down.
06:38 So we're gonna go up and down, and up and down,
06:43 make sure you count again, Janie, we're gonna go
06:44 for 20 again. What you do find that when people
06:48 go on high protein diets, which Americans certainly do,
06:52 we need, we take in way more protein than we need.
06:55 The World Health Organization says,
06:56 we need 29 to 37 grams a day.
06:59 The USRDA, is more around 46 to 54 and then the typical
07:03 American is up about 100 to 145 grams per day.
07:06 And what we find is that's what leads into
07:08 that negative calcium balance.
07:10 How many you got there Janie? 16, 17.
07:13 Okay, 20. Good. Okay, let's switch sides again,
07:22 dangle your towels, so you got the end of it.
07:24 Grab about 6 to 8 inches away.
07:26 We're gonna come up not to the side,
07:29 do 20 of them again. In fact when people eat meat they
07:35 don't realize that they have three ounces of chicken
07:37 or three ounces of steak or fish, therefore women,
07:41 she basically has all the protein a day she needs,
07:43 and there is no carbohydrates in meat,
07:46 so what are you gonna eat for the rest of day,
07:49 but what happens is we have way too much protein
07:51 and we need to get rid of it somehow.
07:53 One of the things we lose by that, by causing the high
07:56 acidity of the blood through all the amino acids
07:59 is an aching imbalance and the need to bring the pH
08:02 level back in a normal balance.
08:04 How many have we got there? Twenty.
08:05 Okay, good, good. Okay, let me hold on to your towels
08:08 there for a moment and now I would like you to stretch
08:11 your back by bringing your arm up over the head.
08:14 Can you do that? And I'll keep talking.
08:18 So we're gonna hold that for about 15 seconds.
08:24 Hold it steady. Don't pull too hard.
08:27 Make it a nice comfortable stretch.
08:29 We're gonna hold for 5 more seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1.
08:35 Now let's switch. Go to the other side. There we go,
08:39 good. So what we find is a high protein intake is
08:45 causing that negative calcium balance.
08:47 And a lot of nutritional text books will point that out,
08:49 but yet we tend to ignore that situation with all the
08:53 protein we're taking in, it has to be eliminated it
08:56 somehow. And so that high acidity will causes that
08:59 to pull alkaline phosphate from the bones
09:01 and one of the things that comes along with that
09:03 is calcium, okay, go ahead and relax, okay.
09:08 Now I want you put your forearm across the body
09:10 and stretch your shoulder, okay. Another thing that
09:14 causes osteoporosis is consumption of pop,
09:19 oh! That's a bad one. Pop and Diet Pop demonstrating
09:22 on the bones, it has phosphoric acid in there.
09:25 Similar chemical structure to phosphorus,
09:27 but not the same thing and phosphorus and calcium play
09:30 seesaw battle. So it's constantly pulling bone,
09:33 calcium out of bone matrix and many a nutritional
09:35 specialists says, you think that women now have
09:38 problems with osteoporosis just wait,
09:40 until this generation of girls grows up,
09:42 it's really going to be bad. Okay, switch over.
09:44 So Brittany you should be happy that you don't
09:46 drink Pop. Good and Janie, I imagine you don't drink
09:52 Pop either that's good. And you're getting to that
09:54 age category, a lot of your friends are worried
09:56 about osteoporosis. Oh! Yes. Isn't that right? Yes, yes.
10:02 Okay, hang on to that. Okay, five more seconds, 4, 3,
10:09 2, 1, okay. Gonna give you your towel back?
10:13 Good, let's take the towel now and drape it over our
10:17 hand on the thumb side and reach underneath
10:20 and grab a hold. We're gonna curl our arm up.
10:23 We're gonna go down. We're gonna curl up and down,
10:26 and curl up and down. We're gonna do 20 there.
10:29 Now if you want to use a dumbbell you can
10:32 or you can fill up a Clorox jug with water,
10:34 hope you're counting it or I'm gonna make you do them
10:36 over again, okay. And that way you can give yourself
10:41 a little more resistance, but you can make yourself work
10:43 really hard with the towel. You can really bear down
10:46 and make it work, right. Okay, 14, good, 15 and 16
10:54 and 17, good, keep going, 18, two more,
10:58 all the way down and 20, okay, switch sides.
11:02 Now you take it in your left hand. Drape it over your
11:04 thumb side. Get a hold of it underneath.
11:06 You want have your arm out a little bit at an angle,
11:08 so you can get full range of motion and curl up
11:11 and down and up and down and up and down and up
11:17 and down, keep going, good. Reach out a little bit.
11:30 Good, and we got five more to go and two more.
11:48 Next what we're gonna do is going to be a little bit
11:49 tougher, gonna reach over the head,
11:51 you're gonna grab a hold of it with the other hand
11:54 and you're gonna pull down and then you're gonna
11:56 push back up. And you want to get it so you can get
11:59 all the way up. So if you have to let your hand down
12:01 a little further that's okay, but you want to focus on
12:04 getting a good full extension, good, excellent,
12:09 that's the way, and make it work. Come on,
12:13 make them tight, come on. Twenty of them.
12:16 Have you counted. Yeah! 5, 6.
12:23 Way down, way down, come on everybody at home is
12:25 counting on you Janie. Keep that elbow in one spot
12:29 there. There you go. Way up, way up, way up, good.
12:39 How many are we on there? 17, 18, 19, 20.
12:46 Good. Are you able feel those. Umm!
12:48 Alright. Okay. Let's go that way.
12:50 Okay, go to the other side now. With the other arm.
12:54 There you go. Okay, and push all the way up.
12:58 And way down. There you go and push up.
13:03 You might need to sign this hand down a little more
13:05 so you get a full range of motion. There you go.
13:09 Good, that's the way, Brittany.
13:13 Keep it going. Where we at Janie? Eleven.
13:20 Okay, okay, and five more, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20,
13:36 good, alright. Very good ladies.
13:40 Now, we need to work some legs and that's gonna be one
13:43 of the best areas for the weight bearings.
13:45 Now let's loosen up our legs a little bit first by
13:47 stepping out and then shifting, and then shifting
13:53 and shift, good, back and forth. Let's go five more
14:01 each direction. There is 1 and 2 and 3 and 4,
14:11 one more time, and 5, good. Now, while you have
14:17 your hands on your hips, we're gonna do some lunges.
14:19 Now whenever we do lunges, we want to make sure that
14:22 we don't send our knee past our foot.
14:24 We want to keep the knee over the foot,
14:27 so let's go ahead and step out.
14:29 Lunge, okay, now right foot, good.
14:34 This is an excellent weight bearing exercise,
14:35 but also one that can cause a lot of soreness,
14:38 so you want to be careful, especially if you're just
14:41 beginning on this one. It can really get to you.
14:44 And if you can't go as far down as these ladies are
14:47 that's okay, too. So, you can do more of a modified
14:49 lunge. Where you are not going down as far.
14:52 Still the same principles apply.
14:54 Do not send your knee over your foot.
14:58 Okay, keep it going, good. You girls keep going and
15:04 I'll make sure you're doing it right, okay.
15:06 Yes, sir. Where are we at Janie?
15:10 12, okay, good. Step out, lets slow it down a
15:17 little bit. We're getting a little bit fast there.
15:21 Slow it down, slow it down some more, slow,
15:25 there we go, good. Okay, let's go four more.
15:30 There is 1 and 2 and 3, one more, and 4, good.
15:42 Now, we could do some squats.
15:44 Okay, cross your arms across your chest.
15:47 Similar principle as we did with the lunges.
15:50 We don't want our knees to go over our feet,
15:52 they're gonna stay right there stationary.
15:53 So, squat down, push the hips back,
15:56 chest up, squat down and up. We need to do 20 of these.
16:03 There is 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8, 9 and 10,
16:18 and 1 and 2, bend your knees, 3, and get your knees bend
16:25 a little more there Janie. Sorry, 5, keep your chest up.
16:28 Let's squat down a little more, good, squat down,
16:31 that's better, good and down. Now let's go down
16:36 and hold. We're gonna hold for 20 seconds.
16:40 No problem. There is 5 and 10 and 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
16:58 and 20, good. Okay, On your hand and knees.
17:08 Pull one leg back. Okay, now I'd like you to flex
17:09 your leg up. There you go and out, and flex,
17:12 we're gonna do that 20 times, good, and out and in,
17:18 and out and in, squeeze it down a little slower like
17:22 you're flexing that area. Just like you're flexing
17:25 your arm, except now you're flexing your hamstring,
17:27 good and there's 8 and 9 and 10, 11, good, and 12
17:39 and 13, good, 14, 15, 16, four more, 17, 18, 19,
17:54 one more, 20, good. Switch legs. Right leg out, flex it
18:01 and out, and flex and out, and flex and out and flex,
18:08 good, flex, out, flex, out, flex, out, push your arms
18:16 out straight Janie. There you go, flex and out, flex
18:21 and out, and 10 and out, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5
18:35 and 6, 7, and 8, two more, 9 and 10. Lay on your side,
18:46 okay. Grab a hold of your left ankle and pull back,
18:51 stretching the quadriceps. Another thing that causes
18:55 osteoporosis is the consumption of coffee
18:58 and alcohol. Find another thing that either one of
19:01 you girls are into, but that causes a diuretic affect.
19:04 Anytime you start losing extra cellular fluid by
19:07 taking in too many of these things. One of the things
19:09 that's lost in there is calcium and the body always
19:13 needs calcium in order to have muscular contraction
19:15 and brain function. So calcium is very important.
19:18 And if you don't give yourself the calcium you need
19:20 or you cause yourself to lose too much then it's going
19:23 to have to get it from somewhere else,
19:24 okay, flip over. And surprisingly one of the
19:31 highest sources of calcium that I know, is whole sesame
19:34 seeds. There are 1,160 milligrams for half a cup,
19:39 these things are loaded. But you're gonna get calcium
19:41 in every fruit and vegetable and every whole grain bread
19:44 and cereal you're gonna have.
19:46 Okay, leafy green vegetables are high in calcium,
19:49 like broccoli and spinach and so forth.
19:56 Okay, and five more seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1, okay.
20:02 Lay on your back. Now, we're gonna stretch the
20:04 hamstring. Reach up behind your knee and pull it up
20:07 towards your chest, and pull, and let's hold that
20:18 for 10 more seconds. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and switch, okay,
20:30 pull the leg up, pull way back and hold and for 10
20:41 more seconds, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, good.
20:54 Alright, now what I want you to do is bring your
20:55 left leg back up again. And I want you to cross it over
20:59 the body and stretch that way.
21:01 So your stretch will keep you moving. Oh! Okay.
21:02 Keep yourself down. There we go. And just feel that
21:06 stretch in the hip area, okay, and try and keep your
21:09 shoulders down as much as much possible, good.
21:19 Okay, let's go the other way now, put your shoulders
21:24 down, good. Feel it comfortable like that
21:26 Brittany. Do you sleep like that, okay, 10 more seconds,
21:31 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, good.
21:41 Up on your feet. Come on over here,
21:44 you get to use me as a wall, we're gonna do some calf
21:47 raises now. I want the both of your feet off the edge,
21:52 hang on to me, okay, let's go up and down, and up
21:58 and down, we're gonna do 30 of these. So Janie,
22:01 you count them. If you lose track.
22:03 We'll start over at zero, it won't be a problem.
22:06 So in our society today, it's not surprising
22:10 why osteoporosis is in epidemic proportions
22:12 when you think about high protein intake,
22:15 consumption of Pop, consumption of alcohol
22:17 and coffee and then the final thing is lack of weight
22:21 bearing exercise and of course that's what we're
22:23 doing right now. And for those ladies that are
22:25 following along at home you are on the right track
22:28 by getting the weight bearing exercise going.
22:33 Where are we at Janie? Twenty four.
22:34 Twenty four, already, okay. 5 and 6.
22:39 You are only counting by twos' okay,
22:42 Thirty. Good, alright, now lets stretch the calf out
22:46 by stepping back and pressing the heel to the ground.
22:56 In fact, it's interesting as osteoporosis isn't a
22:58 disease, of people eating animal or vegetarians,
23:01 it's a disease of people who eat animal products.
23:03 And those who take in the most dairy products are
23:06 those the ones that lead the world in per capita in
23:08 osteoporosis. Push down, hold our stretch
23:19 and we're gonna go 10 more seconds, okay, relax.
23:30 We're gonna work our neck a little bit.
23:32 We're gonna look down, we're gonna look up,
23:35 look down and up, look down and up, and down and up,
23:42 and down and up, and down and up.
23:46 Now we're gonna go from the side, the other side
23:51 and switch and switch and over and over.
23:57 We're gonna do 4 more each way. There's 1 and 2 and 3
24:11 and 4, good. Now we're gonna put our head to the side
24:15 and turn and turn and turn and turn and turn and turn
24:28 and turn, one more time, turn and turn, good.
24:33 Now we're gonna do our abdomen.
24:34 Hands behind the back, gonna contract our abdomen,
24:38 bend over, up, lean back, contract, over, up and back,
24:47 contract, over, up and back, contract, over, up and
24:55 back, contract, over, up and back, contract, over, up
25:03 and back, contract, over, up and back, contract, over,
25:11 up and back, contract, over, up and back, contract,
25:18 over, up and back, contract, over, up and back,
25:25 contract, over, up and back, contract, over, up
25:32 and back, contract, over, up, let's go two more,
25:37 contract, over, up and back, contract, over, up
25:45 and back, good. Let's rotate and turn and turn and turn
25:59 and turn and turn, gonna go five more each way.
26:07 There is 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, one more time,
26:25 and 5, good. Thanksa lot ladies.
26:32 As we get into a good exercise program
26:34 it's amazing what wonderful things can happen by doing
26:37 so, and by getting in some weight training
26:39 or resistance work, like we're trying to do here
26:42 or buying some hand weights or whatever you need to do.
26:45 Get out there and do some work.
26:46 Ladies, don't worry you are not going to put on a
26:48 bunch of bulky muscle. It's very hard to put on muscle,
26:51 it's hard enough for men to do that. You're gonna not
26:53 have the problem, but look at the other things in your
26:56 life. Watch what you're eating.
26:57 Protein really piles up on you in a hurry.
27:00 As I mentioned earlier in the show, just three ounces
27:02 of meat is going to give you all the protein you need
27:04 in a day. So what's going to happen with
27:06 all the rest of it? The body has got to get rid of it
27:09 doesn't want to store protein as protein,
27:11 it's going to be broken down and stored as fat
27:13 or utilized as a carbohydrate.
27:16 Then also look about what you're consuming.
27:18 As far as pop goes it has no nutritional value,
27:21 but obviously it's harmful for your health.
27:23 Same goes with alcohol and coffee.
27:25 It's not providing you any benefit, but certainly
27:27 it's causing some detriments.
27:29 And get into a regular exercise program where ever
27:32 you want to do it, however you want to do it.
27:34 Get in there and do it. And also remember to do it
27:37 for the right reason and if you claim the promises
27:39 of the Lord, which says in Philippians 4:13,
27:42 that I can do all things through Christ
27:44 which strengthens me. You don't have to worried about
27:46 osteoporosis and you can glory in him. God bless you.
27:50 I'll look forward to seeing you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17