Body and Spirit


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez (Host), Brittany Nunez & Steven Lingenfelter


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000147

00:02 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:04 simple workouts that you can
00:05 use to improve your health.
00:09 Be sure to consult your physician
00:10 before beginning any exercise program.
00:14 If you're not making the type of progress you want
00:16 in your exercise programs, don't think that you're not
00:18 doing enough, you actually might be doing too much.
00:21 Find out more next on Body and Spirit.
00:50 Hello, I am Dick Nunez Wellness Director of the
00:52 Black Hills Health and Education Center.
00:54 Welcome to Body and Spirit.
00:56 During my years in exercise, I've seen lots of people
00:59 exercising really hard and all they're really doing is
01:02 hitting their heads against the wall. They're doing a
01:03 lot more than they have to, you can actually get more
01:06 progress by having a sensible workout
01:08 where you're not over training, that's going to be
01:10 our topic today. We're ready to get started here,
01:13 helping me out will be my daughter Brittany
01:15 and Stephen, Stephen is a classmate of hers,
01:17 up at Tamarack Springs Academy, up there in
01:20 Polebridge, Montana, where ever that is, way up there.
01:24 Alright, lets start by warming up,
01:26 bring the arms up, now lets bring them around
01:30 and come back up again, way up, stretch come around
01:38 and up. Warming up is just taking the muscles
01:43 and putting them through a range of motion,
01:45 getting them ready for whatever you might be going
01:47 to do, stretching is not necessarily warming up,
01:50 stretching is stretching. Lot of people lose the
01:54 distinction between them. Lets do it a couple more
01:57 times, we just want to get that blood circulating,
02:00 get the shoulders loosened up, we're gonna start with
02:02 the upper body and what we're gonna do is we're
02:05 gonna just take our hands and press them together in
02:07 the center and we're gonna push them straight out
02:09 and while we're out, I want you to keep the tension
02:12 on there hard, then pull it back and then push it back
02:16 down again. Keep it tensed, so if I come over to you
02:18 keep going now, I'm gonna come over to Stephen here
02:21 as you push out, I shouldn't be able to pull
02:23 your hands apart. Very good, alright, keep it going,
02:28 how about you Brittany, okay, very good.
02:32 So, just think about that, while you're doing it,
02:35 if somebody tried to pull your hands apart,
02:37 you don't want to let them do that.
02:38 So, keep pressing hard, the more you work,
02:41 the more you get out of it. Now, lets change the angle,
02:44 now we're gonna push down, push down, this is still
02:48 working the chest area, you should feel it work your
02:51 chest as you're doing it, if you don't, then think
02:54 harder. Try and focus on your chest, make sure you
02:58 breath naturally, breath in and out. Do not hold your
03:01 breath while you're exercising.
03:03 Now, lets take it, we're gonna push up, now bring it
03:06 down and push up and down and up, when I was going
03:13 through my early workout years, I workout as much as
03:16 seven days a week, four hours a day, trust me that
03:19 was way too much, I made absolutely no progress at
03:22 all during that workout. Me and my friends were doing
03:25 that routine, but they were on steroids and I was not
03:29 and so that gave them a distinct advantage over me,
03:33 okay, lets do about five more. Now push them way up,
03:37 way up there, keep those hands tight together,
03:41 through your chest do the work and two more times,
03:45 press up, one more, press up and relax.
03:50 Now, we're gonna stretch that area and by doing so,
03:53 we're just gonna put our hands behind our heads
03:55 and we're gonna push our elbows way back,
03:58 so you should feel it in the chest area, very good.
04:02 And then what you're gonna do is give yourself a hug,
04:06 reach around yourself, grab a hold of your shoulders,
04:08 but pull out as much as you can, try and feel that
04:12 between the shoulders blades stretching that area.
04:16 Alright, we want to hold each stretch for about
04:19 10 to 15 seconds, so lets put our hands back over our
04:22 heads again and we're gonna push back, push way back,
04:27 stretch your chest and now bring it across,
04:34 pull your shoulder blades apart, hold that for five
04:38 more seconds and then we'll be ready to move on to the
04:41 next one. Okay, we're gonna do a little pull over
04:46 stimulation, we're gonna reach way back and
04:48 we're gonna pull over all the way down to our waist,
04:51 then we're gonna lay on our back and pull down.
04:55 We're gonna do this 20 times, Brittany, you help
04:57 me out with the counting. When people are working out
05:04 they don't realize what over training is gonna do
05:07 to them, one of the first things that happens is
05:09 people get discouraged very quickly, if they think
05:12 they have to workout hours at the time.
05:15 A lot of people won't even start, but once they start
05:18 and they're not seeing the progress they want,
05:20 they'll end up quitting. Okay, keep going, alright,
05:35 now we're gonna go down to the side, pull down and up
05:40 and down and up, and down and up. We're gonna give it
05:49 ten more times, pull it down and up and down,
05:54 look like your having fun Stephen, come on,
05:56 there you go. And five more times, pull and down
06:03 and pull and down and pull and down, last one, pull.
06:10 Now we're gonna reach out and pull back and out
06:14 and back, we're working the upper back area,
06:16 very important area to work and pull and reach out
06:22 and pull and reach out and pull ten more times.
06:28 Try and squeeze your shoulder blades together
06:30 as you do the pull, pull it back, reach way out,
06:34 pull it back, way out, and pull and reach, and pull
06:40 and reach, and pull, how many more Brittany,
06:43 five more. Okay, okay, good count, my count will be a
06:49 little different, but that's okay. One more time,
06:52 you didn't teach me to count, alright.
06:54 Hang over the head, grab a hold of your elbow and pull,
06:59 another thing over training can do is it can cause
07:02 injuries such as severe soreness, because you
07:06 disrupt the connective tissue at the insertion and
07:09 origin point of muscle. Okay, lets switch sides,
07:16 and you should be feeling this through the back area.
07:19 The upper back area and lets hold on for about five
07:23 more seconds, steady stretch, do not over pull
07:29 and that's good, go ahead and relax.
07:34 Okay, so if people get sore often times they think
07:38 that's gonna be caused by lactic acid build up
07:40 but the body's actually so efficient, it can take
07:43 lactic acid from the muscles that just shut them down,
07:46 send it back to liver, come back as glucose again
07:49 and start you all over again. So, the same chemical
07:51 that stopped you flat will actually help you get
07:54 started again. And so we're gonna get started again,
07:56 we're gonna do some shoulder work. We're gonna take our
07:58 hands in this position and we're gonna do press up in
08:01 imaginary barbell here, push it way up high.
08:06 You should be feeling this in your shoulder area for
08:08 some of you at home this might be difficult to go all
08:12 the way up. So, while you're doing it, if you can only
08:14 push part way up that's alright, just stay with an
08:18 emotion you can do, but as you get better you should
08:20 be able to go through a full extension.
08:24 Now, what we're gonna do is we're gonna alternate,
08:25 keep your hands down and now we're gonna push the
08:28 left arm up, bring it down, now we're gonna go the
08:30 right arm up and then down, and up and down and up,
08:35 and down, we're gonna do five times before we switch
08:39 around, there's four and four and five and five,
08:46 now we're gonna do both arms together, push up,
08:49 you wanna act like you're pushing up a weight and
08:52 if you wanna use a weight at home feel free to do so.
08:55 Now stop down at the bottom again and lets do the
08:58 alternate again, gonna do five more alternates,
09:01 push way up reach, push way up, way up, way up,
09:07 two more times, push way up, and push up, and push up,
09:13 and up, now together again, push up, and up, and up,
09:19 two more times, push it up, push it up, now we're gonna
09:23 bring our arms all the way down and we're gonna roll
09:26 them up in a way high and way down, come up,
09:33 reach down keep going both of you, you should be
09:36 feeling this in the trapezius area.
09:38 Right there in the back of the neck, try and get your
09:41 elbows up a little higher there Stephen and then
09:44 reach way down, push your hands way down.
09:47 There you go, elbows up, elbows up, elbows up,
09:50 that's better, pull it up. Yeah, you can feel those
09:54 muscles contracting, how is Brittany doing, lift the
09:56 hair all the way, alright, very good. Way down,
10:02 up way down, trapezius is a very big muscle that starts
10:07 at the occipital protuberance, up there in
10:09 your skull and goes down and comes all the way down
10:11 to T12. So, it covers all that network of muscles in
10:15 the upper back area. Let's go five more times weight
10:19 down, pull up, now act like you're lifting a weight,
10:22 don't just go through the motion, act like you're
10:24 lifting a weight, make yourself work.
10:27 You can control how hard to work by how much resistance
10:30 you give yourself, okay. Now, we're gonna stretch
10:34 that out, we're gonna take one arm pull it across,
10:38 pull way across, that arm goes straighter there.
10:41 There you go, you should feel that stretch right
10:43 there in the shoulder area. Okay, you feel it? Yes sir.
10:48 Good, good, oh yes sir, I like that.
10:51 Alright, switch over to the other side,
10:54 feel your stretch, pull on the shoulder area
10:57 and we hold each stretch for about 10 to 15 seconds,
11:01 make sure you breath, are you breathing Stephen.
11:03 Yep. Good, good, we don't want you passing out here.
11:06 Alright, go ahead and relax, lets do some bicep work,
11:11 we're gonna do our own resistance here,
11:13 we're gonna take our right arm, put it out,
11:15 we're gonna put our left hand on the wrist area
11:19 and we're gonna curl out and we're gonna cause the
11:21 resistance for ourselves. And so, I want 20 on each
11:25 side. Brittany, you're my counter, there is three
11:27 and keep going, I'll check form here.
11:31 Focus on contracting the bicep each time,
11:33 make yourself work, very good, another thing that
11:37 could happen when you over train is you can weaken
11:39 your immune system, back in 1984, 1984 Alberto Salazar
11:43 was one of the top marathoner in the world,
11:45 In fact he was the world record holder and an Olympic
11:47 champion, as he was training for the 1984 Olympics
11:50 he stated that he had 12 colds in 12 months,
11:53 virtually a cold every month and his immune system
11:56 was greatly compromised. He said he felt like he needed
11:59 to live in a plastic bubble while he's getting ready
12:01 for the marathon. Keep going, how many out there?
12:06 18, 18, very good, squeeze it, feel the bicep work
12:10 and curl it up okay, now switch over.
12:18 Now, my basic philosophy in training is there is lot
12:21 of overtraining going on and I look at some things
12:24 we do like running marathons which is 26.2 miles is
12:28 actually being a little severe when it comes to
12:29 exercise, because people's body will take a toll
12:33 when they go through something like that,
12:34 it will take them some time to recover.
12:36 I was involved in the world of bodybuilding and I feel
12:38 like there is some in health, healthy habits
12:40 in there, where you're trying get as lean as
12:42 possible and as muscular as possible, one person took
12:45 third place in the Mr. Olympia contest.
12:47 The ultimate contest that Arnold Schwarzenegger won so
12:50 many times and that very night he actually died.
12:53 Okay, how many we at? 17. 17, 18, two more times,
12:59 19, and one more 20, now we're gonna reverse that by
13:03 doing the triceps in the same way, we're gonna grab
13:06 here. We're gonna press down, now when do this,
13:09 you want to come out away from your body a little bit
13:12 in order to get a full extension okay, so come out
13:14 away from the body, give yourself the resistance
13:17 and again we're gonna do 20 of them, make yourself
13:20 work a little bit. And then I was also in the world of
13:23 power lifting and while I was doing power lifting
13:26 I noticed that when somebody do a squat or a big hard
13:28 exercise the whites of their eyes would actually turn
13:31 red, and so I went in the gym and put 600 pounds on
13:34 the bar, squatted down in front of a mirror and I saw
13:36 the whites of my eye turn red and I gave up power
13:39 lifting right there on the spot. But we take these
13:41 extreme things and I look at guys who ride skate boards
13:44 down the stair, stair railings and I have to think
13:48 some where along the line they had to have missed
13:50 and I think that would be rather painful.
13:52 So, there's a lot of extreme stuff out there,
13:55 extreme sports and then we have the iron man
13:58 where you swim for a couple miles and then you ride a
14:00 110 miles on the bike and then you're warmed up to
14:02 run a marathon. So, it takes a lot of effort.
14:04 Okay, switch over now. Okay, now you're gonna block
14:09 here, there you go, push it out and away from you,
14:11 very good, push it out and away, focus on the triceps
14:15 your doing, you should feel that. And so for you ladies
14:18 who often worry about that back of the arm fat
14:21 when they're fixing their hair and stuff,
14:23 they see things still flapping around
14:25 when they're doing that. They don't what that anymore
14:26 and this will help you to work that area,
14:29 you press it all the way out, good form,
14:32 press all the way out, all the way out, make sure
14:35 you keep breathing. Come on, we're having fun,
14:37 keep smiling, come on Stephen, there you go.
14:43 Push it out, how many we got Brittany? 18, 18 two
14:46 more times and last one. Okay, lets go ahead and
14:50 shake them out, relax for a moment. Now, we're gonna
14:53 just stretch the neck out a little bit, we're gonna tip
14:56 our head to this side and now we're gonna tip the
14:59 other way and tip this to the left again and now back
15:05 to the right. And do this nice and slow,
15:09 if you're feeling discomfortable while doing
15:11 this please stop, don't create any neck problems
15:14 for yourself, but you need to have some flexibility in
15:16 the muscles there. Stretch it over and over, and over,
15:23 one more time each way and back over again.
15:28 Now, we're gonna turn, turn your head to the left
15:32 and turn to the right, turn to left, you should
15:35 feel that again stretch in your neck, turn to the right
15:38 and turn, and turn, and turn, and turn, one more
15:45 time turn and turn, alright. We're gonna do some leg
15:50 exercises, we're going to start out by stepping out to
15:53 the side, I want you to stretch the inside of the
15:57 thigh on the right side, you should feel the tension on
16:00 the left leg, hands on the hips, we're gonna shift
16:03 over. Now, we're gonna shift again and shift,
16:09 and shift, and shift, and shift, and shift, now as we
16:17 come over to the left, we're gonna come up,
16:20 we're gonna go right back down again,
16:21 to the same side. And right back down and right back
16:26 down and right back down, three more times,
16:32 down and there's two, one more time and down,
16:37 now lets go back the other way, come up and go right
16:40 back down, you're gonna do eight times on this side.
16:44 There's 2, 3, feel it stretch on the inside of
16:49 your thigh. Feel the thigh tension as you lunge down
16:53 to the side, two more times and last one, now back over,
17:02 regular motion again, back and forth, feel it stretch.
17:10 Okay, five more each way, there's 1, and 2, and 3,
17:20 two more times, and 4, last one, and 5, very good.
17:28 Now, we're gonna do some squats, my favorite exercise
17:32 you're gonna love this Stephen, there are lots of
17:33 fun. You're gonna across your arms across your chest,
17:36 remember when you squat, the first motion is to push
17:39 your hips back like you're trying to sit in a chair,
17:42 do not let your knees come over your feet,
17:44 cross your arms across your chest. Start squatting down,
17:51 keep the chest up, then go ahead and keep going down,
17:52 okay and back up again. And down, keep the chest up
17:58 you should be able to look straight ahead as you do
18:00 that. Okay, I'm going to correct form, lets go ahead
18:04 and keep going, push your hips back, very good,
18:06 very good. Go back just a little more with your hips
18:09 there Stephen, that's good. Brittany, I want 30, 30 of
18:12 these. Okay. Okay, now at home if you need to stop,
18:20 that's fine, but both of our participates are young
18:24 and healthy and are used to climbing the high hills of
18:28 Polebridge, Montana, so they should have no problem.
18:32 Right? Right. Okay, back just a little bit further
18:36 with your hips, you may have to bend just a little
18:38 bit further forward. Alright, keeping your back
18:43 straight when your squat means that as you're going
18:46 down, your back stays in a good straight position,
18:48 you don't ground it like that. So you have to bend
18:51 over a little bit otherwise you'll fall over and that's
18:54 something that Stephen was fighting here, just for a
18:56 movement, trying to keep his back straight and still
18:58 keep going down in the proper range there.
19:01 How many are we at there Brittany? 21, 21, okay,
19:06 should start feeling that in your gluteus maximus,
19:08 which is the thing that people spend way too much
19:11 time sitting on and also you should be feeling in the
19:14 quadricep muscles. Now, just because we're talking
19:16 about over training, that doesn't mean that you can
19:18 just sit on a couch and go good, exercise is bad for
19:21 me, I can just sit here, 'cause you got to get out
19:23 and do exercise, we just don't want you to do too
19:25 much exercise. How much is that? How many is that? 29,
19:28 29, okay, now I want you to go down and hold,
19:32 down and hold, we're gonna hold that for 20 seconds,
19:36 you can just relax, think about climbing high hills,
19:39 think about skiing, put your chest up just a little
19:42 more there Brittany, that's very good. Now, we're down
19:44 to 10 more seconds, good, good, good, you're starting
19:47 to shake a little bit there Stephen, that's good.
19:50 Alright, and we're down to our last second and now you
19:54 can relax. Okay we're going to stretch out, what I want
19:59 you to do is put your hand on my shoulder and go ahead
20:02 and get a hold of ankle. Brittany, go ahead and
20:04 do that. And you're gonna stretch the quadricep,
20:07 now this might be hard for somebody of you at home,
20:10 you might not be able to reach your ankle yet,
20:12 that's because your arms aren't long enough, no,
20:14 not really, what the problem is you just have to get
20:17 more flexible and you might just be able to grab your
20:19 pant leg at first, but then keep working on it and
20:22 you'll find that you get more and more flexible all
20:24 the time. You feeling that in your quadricep, okay,
20:28 good. Yes, I am. Good. Alright, lets switch sides
20:31 now, do the other one. Okay, so easy if you have a wall
20:39 to hang on to but you don't, so I have to double for
20:41 that. I'm good at that one. You make a nice wall,
20:44 I make a nice wall, that's good. As long as I don't
20:47 fall over you guys will be fine, we got quite the
20:49 domino effect other wise. Okay, five more seconds.
20:54 Alright, now we're gonna stretch the hamstrings
20:57 and the way we're gonna do that is we're gonna step
20:59 out, you're gonna bend your back leg a little bit,
21:02 keep your chest up and then you're gonna lean forward
21:05 into it. There you go, push your hips back there
21:07 Stephen, that's better, just put your hands on your
21:10 hips, push your hips back bend forward now,
21:13 there you go. Okay, you can actually reach down
21:16 and grab your leg that's fine too, go ahead and take
21:19 both hands there. Good. Okay, hold it for about five
21:26 more seconds, should feel it stretch the back of your
21:29 leg there. Alright. Lets go ahead and switch sides,
21:34 put the right foot out, bend the left leg,
21:38 lean forward into it. Chest is up, chest is up,
21:46 make sure you keep breathing, preferably in
21:48 through the nose, out through the mouth,
21:50 get lots of air. Don't hold your breath while you're
21:53 doing this, that will help you to relax, help you get
21:56 good oxidization. Good, five more seconds and relax.
22:04 Now, lets step out to the side, we're gonna stretch
22:06 the inside of the thigh, instead of doing the lunging
22:09 back and forth, we're just gonna stretch, hold that
22:12 stretch of the inside, by having good flexibility
22:17 through the abductor area, you'll find that'll help
22:20 keep your back strong and that is a great benefit,
22:23 you get too tight through the muscles. You might not
22:26 even know where the pain is originating from,
22:28 it could be right in a spot where you least expect.
22:31 Okay, lets switch to other side now, stretch the inside
22:36 of the thigh, you should feel it in there,
22:37 you might have to go considerably deeper than
22:39 I am going, I am not really Mr. Flexible, so I do my
22:43 best. Some of you may need to go down,
22:45 if you do and go, well I don't feel it there,
22:47 well step down further and you should feel it.
22:52 Okay, very good, now we're gonna do some calf raises,
22:56 come on back to the edge of the podium here,
22:59 put your feet on the edge there and now you're gonna
23:03 push way up on your toes, go ahead and keep your hand
23:05 on my shoulders you don't fall off. Now go way down,
23:08 now way up high, hold it there and go way down,
23:13 now way up high and way down and way up high
23:18 and way down and way up high, keep going that way,
23:22 push way up and way down, stretch each time,
23:26 feel it in the back of your legs as you're doing it,
23:28 push way up and way down, way up and way down, way up,
23:36 now we're gonna speed it up, I want you to go down
23:38 and hold, now follow my count, up down, up down,
23:43 up down, up down, up down, up down, up down, up down,
23:51 up down, up down, now slow it, slow it down,
23:56 way down, way up, way down, way up, stay together,
24:02 way down, hold it down there, okay and way up,
24:05 way down, now lets go ten more fast again.
24:07 Up down, up 2, up 3, up 4, up 5, up 6, up 7, up 8,
24:17 up 9. up 10, good. Come on back on here now,
24:22 we're gonna stretch the calf, step back, press your
24:25 heel to the floor and now you're leaning forward,
24:28 you should feel it stretch, right back in the calf
24:30 there, this is very good, keep that leg straight there
24:33 Stephen, there you go, keep that right back there,
24:35 that's good, it's very good for the Achilles tendon
24:38 and for the ankle area. This will help you become
24:41 better mountain climbers, better skiers, all the rest
24:43 of that stuff you like to do it. Okay, step back with
24:47 the other foot now and press that one to the floor.
24:51 There you go, alright, try and press that heel down
24:58 all the way, there that's better, that's better and
25:01 five more seconds. Alright, very good. Now, we're gonna
25:07 do a little abdominal work, we're gonna put the hands
25:09 behind the back, we're gonna contract our abdomen
25:12 and come back up, contract your abdomen, back up,
25:17 contract, each time you contract blow out as you
25:20 come forward, blow out, contract, blow out,
25:25 contract, blow out, contract, blow out,
25:29 contract, so as you keep doing that that's like
25:32 someone is gonna hit you in the abdomen I won't do
25:34 that. Thank you, but if you want, you want to make sure
25:38 that abdomen is ready to take any type of abuse that
25:42 the person in charge might throw up on you.
25:45 Contract and back, contract, lay back, contract,
25:51 back, blow out, opening your abdominals,
25:54 your abdominals only have a four inch range of motion.
25:57 So, if you're wondering why aren't you moving further,
25:59 well that's all the motion the abdominals have,
26:01 if you want to get into hip flexor activity,
26:04 than we would do even more of more motion.
26:06 But we're not after that right now, we're working on
26:09 stretching and doing our abdominal wall here.
26:12 Okay, lets go five more times and contract and contract
26:19 and two more contract, last one, contract.
26:23 Good, we are done. Thank you very much, okay.
26:30 I remember starting to work with a football team in
26:31 Washington state and I noticed that all the young
26:34 men walked around with their arms spread out like
26:36 they had too much starch in their deodorant
26:38 and I wondered what in the world is wrong these guys
26:40 and I found out they were training their chest four
26:42 days a week, doing lots of sets, lots of repetitions
26:45 and so I cut it back to two times a week and cut off
26:48 most of the exercises and more and behold within a
26:52 very short period of time, these fellows who had been
26:54 struck dormant for quite some time in their lifting,
26:57 found themselves going up very rapidly,
26:59 not because they were doing more but now they were less
27:03 and I see that happen so often, people think well if
27:05 I need to get better at doing something,
27:07 I need to do it more often. People think when they're
27:10 trying to lose weight, the thing they need to do is
27:12 to eat less and less, and less and that's not how it
27:15 work, you want to get into a good program, make sure
27:18 you stimulate yourself, but don't over do it,
27:21 because if you over do it, you're gonna lose interest,
27:23 you're gonna create injury and you could actually
27:25 comprise with your own immune system.
27:27 So, I hope the tips I gave today were helpful,
27:30 the main thing in your exercise program is to stay
27:32 with it, keep it going, but do it for the right reason,
27:35 don't do it to glorify yourself, do it to glorify
27:39 God with your body as it was brought with an incredible
27:41 price, and that's by the blood of Christ.
27:43 We claim here Philippians 4:13, I can do all things
27:46 through Christ who strengthens me
27:48 and God bless you. Thank you, for joining us,
27:50 we will look forward to seeing you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17