Body and Spirit


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez (Host), Kye Gabbert and Luther Whiting


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000159

00:01 The following program is designed to
00:03 demonstrate simple workouts that you
00:04 can use to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician
00:09 before beginning any exercise program.
00:14 Arthritis keeps many people from living the life
00:16 they really want to live. There are things you can
00:19 do forth, to help you to have less pain.
00:22 Find out how next on Body and Spirit.
00:51 Hello, I am Dick Nunez, Wellness Director
00:53 at Black Hills Health and Education Center.
00:55 Welcome to Body and Spirit.
00:58 During my career, I worked with many people
01:00 who have had arthritis. All kinds of arthritis,
01:03 who deal with gout, who with deal osteoarthritis
01:06 or rheumatoid arthritis. Each one of them can
01:08 be helped. There all unique though with the gout
01:11 being caused by uric acid crystals from too
01:14 much protein and rheumatoid arthritis
01:16 caused by an auto-immune disorder and then
01:19 osteoarthritis which is just wear and tear over
01:22 the years or injury cause osteoarthritis.
01:25 But each one of those things can be helped through
01:27 exercise and good life style and if you do nothing
01:31 about it, it only gets worse.
01:34 So, I think we're ready to begin here.
01:36 Helping me out today will be Kye and Luther,
01:39 Kye is from the Black Hills, Luther goes to
01:42 Tamarack Springs Academy up in Polebridge,
01:44 Montana. Well, whenever we deal with arthritis,
01:47 we always have to assume there
01:48 could be some limitations on
01:51 how much ones gonna be able to move.
01:53 So, we're gonna start very gently with some easy
01:55 warm-ups, certainly the shoulders are in area
01:58 where arthritis will warm. And of course if you have
02:03 rheumatoid arthritis, you will have it in many
02:06 places throughout your body,
02:08 where the gout is gonna be more localized down
02:11 in through the big toe area. Alright, now let's go the
02:16 other direction. One thing is very important right up
02:22 the top, is to drink a lot of water.
02:25 Water will help your immune system stay strong,
02:28 and also to eat healthy food and stay away from things,
02:32 that are gonna cause your irritation,
02:34 yes what you eat can effect how much pain you
02:37 experience. Alright, now relax. We're gonna start by
02:41 working our chest area. We're gonna work the
02:43 larger muscles first and work our way down.
02:45 So, we're gonna press our hands together,
02:48 and push out. Now, at home you've might have
02:53 to vary this, you might not be able to push very hard,
02:56 and that's alright. So, all you can start
02:58 getting range of motion. That's why exercise is
03:01 referred to as being progressive which means,
03:04 the more you do it, hopefully the better you will be
03:07 at it and you will you do things that you were
03:10 unable to do in the very beginning.
03:13 We will just pressing out, press the hands together,
03:17 squeeze the chest muscles as you go out,
03:19 that's the area we're focusing on right now.
03:22 And press way out, and way out, and way out,
03:29 we're gonna do that five more times.
03:31 Press it out; press it out, squeeze your hands
03:35 together, press it out, press it out, one more time,
03:41 and press it out. Now, we're gonna go down,
03:44 press down, and push down, and down, and
03:51 doing various motions there. Now, if you find that
03:53 one motion doesn't work for you very well,
03:56 just go ahead and rest, until we get to another
03:59 motion, and maybe that wanna feel better.
04:01 That's one of the things you find with arthritis,
04:03 is one thing might hurt, another movement
04:05 might not. But of course this gonna vary from
04:08 person to person. So, now one prescription is
04:11 gonna fit all people and that's the thing about
04:13 exercise, is like a prescription.
04:16 You've to constantly ask them how things your feeling.
04:19 Just like in the world of medicine,
04:21 you might take a medication. And it causes some type
04:24 of allergic reaction, so you get another medication
04:27 like consider that practicing medicine.
04:30 We think nothing about it, but with exercise you can't
04:33 just give a prescription over the phone.
04:36 You've to work for somebody and realize
04:38 how exercise is gonna effect them and also to get
04:42 feedback and how they feel. Now, let's go ahead
04:44 and push up, and push up, and push up, make sure the
04:52 chest is up, good posture, and up, reach way up,
05:00 and up, and up, and way up, smile, enjoy yourself.
05:10 We're haven a good time, ten more times, way up,
05:15 and up, and up, and up, and we're down to our
05:22 last five. Press together and up,
05:27 and up, and up, and up, last one, and up.
05:35 Alright, go ahead and relax, put your hands behind
05:40 your head and gently stretch back,
05:46 stretch your chest back and now I want you to come
05:52 across, grab your shoulders,
05:56 pull your shoulders blades apart, nice and gentle,
06:02 breathe while you're do it, try and relax as you
06:05 stretch. Now, behind the head again,
06:10 gently push back. Push back, and give yourself
06:19 one more hug, bring it acrossed, pull your
06:21 shoulders blades apart and relax.
06:28 Alright, we're gonna work our upper back.
06:32 we're gonna step out with our left foot,
06:35 reach our right hand out, grab it with the opposite
06:38 hand, pull way back and reach out.
06:42 Like you are sawing wood, pull it back and pull it back,
06:49 reach way out, pull back, reach way out, pull back,
06:54 you guys keep going, I want you do thirty on each side.
06:57 I am on a check forearm here, looks good,
06:59 reach way out, reach way up, very good,
07:04 bring your shoulder blade back as you pull,
07:06 give yourself resistance as you go through it.
07:12 What you will find, when you working out,
07:14 is the stronger the muscles become,
07:17 the less stress will joint will take.
07:19 If you don't do anything, then it's just gonna,
07:22 the muscle gonna keeping worse and getting
07:25 weaker, and the joint is gonna take more and more
07:27 stress probably we see that allow with the knees.
07:30 Because persons said I'm afraid do anything,
07:32 because my knees hurt, but if you do nothing.
07:34 Your knees gonna hurt even more. How many we at?
07:37 Twenty three. Okay, and also exercise will produce
07:41 and endorphins type of fat. Which will give you a
07:44 feeling of well being and then endorphins reduces pain.
07:49 Okay, two more times and good.
07:54 Alright, let's switch over, put the left arm out,
07:58 grab the wrist, pull back, and reach way out,
08:02 nice and gentle. Pull back, we're just looking for
08:07 range of motion now, range of motion,
08:09 reach way out, pull it back, reach out,
08:12 and pull it back. Try and reach out little bit more,
08:14 there are you go, bend up forward just a little bit
08:16 more there Luther, there you go that's better.
08:21 Very good Kye, reach out there,
08:28 it's not important to strain; we just
08:30 getting to the range of motion,
08:31 and as you feel stronger, you can make it more
08:34 difficult and you can hold long tighter.
08:36 You can start using the weight, you can do
08:38 whenever you want to do. Once you get,
08:40 it is stabilized or once you can do without pain
08:43 and that's the thing you have to ask yourself.
08:45 But also the thing you have understand is
08:47 some days you might not hurt at all.
08:50 There're no sign for no particular reason it will
08:52 hurt, but you don't wanna give up just
08:54 because for that. I used to train a woman,
08:56 who had rheumatoid arthritis and she had a
08:58 fantastic attitude. Usually she was feeling better,
09:01 no problem, but every once in a while,
09:03 for no particular reason. She would hurt
09:05 and yet she never got discourage you just said
09:07 well I'm not gonna be able do as much today
09:09 because I hurt, but she said overall I know
09:12 I'm getting better. And so she go right back to work,
09:15 do the exercises and before she knew it,
09:17 she was going better again.
09:19 How we doing there, how many we got?
09:20 We're got began closer and come that.
09:22 Okay, I think we got two more to go.
09:25 Alright, I try and keep a clicker going in my head for
09:30 counting but sometimes it malfunctions,
09:33 so arm up over the head, and now we're gonna
09:37 stretch latissimus area, and bring this arm up,
09:40 this there you go, try like that, very good.
09:46 Breathe while you're doing it,
09:47 in through the nose and out through the mouth,
09:49 good pastures have you're chest up.
09:54 Okay, now let's switch over to the other side.
10:01 Alright, and pull and now you might be limited in your
10:03 range of motion on this one. That might be difficult for
10:06 you get all the way up, so you might have to just get
10:08 a hold of your hand. And only do partial stretch
10:12 until you get to a point or you can do a full stretch
10:15 like this fellows are doing right here.
10:19 Okay, good let's go ahead and put them down.
10:21 The next thing we're gonna do is,
10:22 we're gonna work the shoulders
10:24 and we're gonna do it in one sense like
10:28 we would have rotator cuff problem.
10:30 Because often times you have shoulder pain,
10:32 that's gonna limit how much you can raise.
10:33 So, what we're gonna do, is we're gonna put our
10:35 elbows into our side. We're gonna bring our
10:38 hands to the front and then we're gonna do like
10:40 we're just opening up, open up, open up,
10:46 open up, keep the elbows in and push it out.
10:50 Push it out, push it out, and push it out,
10:53 this should be a fairly comfortable exercise
10:56 for everybody, keeps you for moving the
10:58 shoulders too much. And what as doing its
11:02 working the muscles of rotator cuff,
11:05 which are the supraspinatus, infraspinatus,
11:08 teres minor and subscapularis.
11:11 You know, where all those out Luther?
11:12 Sure, I don't. Okay, well you're working
11:14 on them right now. Always find that amusing,
11:17 when somebody comes up and say
11:18 oh, they have rotator cuff problems and I said really.
11:21 How do you assess that? Oh, their shoulder hurts.
11:24 I said well there is lots of reasons the shoulder gonna
11:27 hurt. And I said well which muscles of the rotator
11:30 cuff is it and they look at me with the blank look
11:32 like I didn't know, I didn't know there were muscles
11:34 to the rotator cuff. But there are four of them
11:38 and those are important to know,
11:39 especially we're going through rehabilitation.
11:41 But this is a good way to rehabilitate
11:43 our rotator cuff or also just to train,
11:46 if you got an arthritic type condition.
11:49 Now, we're gonna keep those elbows into the side
11:51 and we're gonna do modified lateral raise.
11:53 We're gonna come up like that, okay you feel like a
11:56 bunch of chickens here and up and down there,
12:00 raise up, and raise up, and raise up, and up.
12:09 We're gonna go five more times, and up, and up,
12:15 to more, and up, and up. Back into the sides again,
12:20 let's do the rotation. We're doing both external
12:24 and internal rotation as we do this.
12:28 As you get stronger, you can use like dumbbells
12:31 while you do this movement. You can also do this
12:34 movement, while you're lying on your side.
12:41 Let's go ten more times, and 2, and 3,
12:47 keep your elbows in snug, and 5, and 6, and 7, 8,
12:57 two more time, push it out, last one push bring the
13:02 elbows up. Now, this time we're gonna do a little bit
13:05 more difficult, we're gonna come up and down like this.
13:08 This one you might not be able to do and if you can't
13:13 do the motion, you can still just hold your arms out in
13:17 a static position and that still gives benefit as you
13:20 still training the shoulder area.
13:25 Alright, we're gonna do four more there,
13:31 and one more time. Now, hold with there
13:35 and now from here we're gonna go down.
13:37 This will be a little bit more difficult,
13:40 still down and up, and down, and up, and down,
13:46 and up, and down, and up, and down, and up.
13:52 Now, let's go all the way up, and all the way down,
13:57 very good, and down, and up, and down, and up.
14:04 Our rotator cuff there gonna be well exercise
14:07 after this one is done. And let's go five more time,
14:14 there is one, and 2, and 3, two more times, and 4,
14:21 last one, and 5, very good alright.
14:25 Let's shrug the shoulders up, hold it up there,
14:29 and let it down, and way up, and let it down,
14:35 and up, and down, and up, and down.
14:42 Way up, try and lift shoulders up towards the ears,
14:45 way up, and then go way down, try and stretch,
14:49 and up, and way down, and up, and way down and up,
14:57 let's go ten more times lift the shoulders, press them
15:00 down, lift the shoulders press them down, and up,
15:04 try and contract the trapezius muscles,
15:06 which are up there along in the neck area, and up,
15:11 five more times, and up, there is 1, and up, and 2,
15:17 and up, and 3, and up, and 4, one more time, up,
15:24 and 5, very good. Alright, stretch your shoulders out,
15:28 bring an arm across, put your hands in behind,
15:32 give it a good steady pull, do not over stretch it.
15:37 There is no benefit for taking the muscles beyond
15:40 the range of motion, if you're trying to hyper
15:43 extended joint. The only thing you're gonna
15:45 accomplish, is making that joint weaker.
15:47 And that's not gonna be advantages for you,
15:49 especially if you're battling arthritis.
15:53 Alright, let's go the other side now, pull it across,
15:59 okay straight that arm there are you go.
16:01 And you should feel the stretch right in through
16:03 there, yeah, very good. It feels good right,
16:08 okay we're having fun. Yeah, yeah,
16:10 okay that's what we're needed to hear,
16:11 alright go ahead and stop.
16:14 Now we're gonna do some biceps work,
16:16 arthritis can often times set into the elbow areas
16:19 and this will be beneficial for you.
16:21 If you have that problem, because again the muscles
16:24 will gives the joint strength in the case of the elbow,
16:26 this gonna be the biceps and the triceps.
16:29 There are gonna determine, how strong your elbows
16:31 going to be. So, let's reach out and let's just crawl up
16:35 and back out, nice and slow, controlled and flex
16:40 the arms way down and reach way out.
16:43 And flex, and out, and you can use dumbbells even
16:48 in this position. If you have to stabilize holding them
16:50 out, and reach out, flex down, reach out, and flex,
16:56 and reach, and flex, and reach, and flex, and reach,
17:03 keep the little finger up and biceps function is to
17:07 curl and to superannuate the wrist,
17:10 which is turning the wrist out.
17:17 Okay and let's do five more reputations there,
17:21 and there is two, and 3, and 4, one more time,
17:30 and 5, very good. Rest for a moment,
17:34 now we're gonna do this similar action,
17:36 but this time we're gonna in the triceps,
17:38 instead of flexing up. And we're gonna push up,
17:41 so let's get the same position, feet the apart,
17:43 bend the knees slightly bring the elbows up,
17:46 keep the chest up, the Xiphoid process of the
17:48 sternum needs to be up as high as possible.
17:51 And now we're pushing out, and drawing back,
17:54 push out, and back, push out, and back,
17:59 each time you go out flex the back your arms.
18:02 Flex them, and flex, give yourself some resistance
18:07 as you go out by focusing on contracting
18:09 the muscle to the whole range of motion.
18:12 If you do that you're get a good training effect,
18:14 if you just go through the motion not much as
18:17 gonna happen. And push out, and back, push it out,
18:21 and back, push out, and back, push out.
18:26 We're gonna do ten more, keep your forearm,
18:29 and back, push it out, and back, way out, and back.
18:36 There is four, and 5, press out, press out,
18:44 there is 7, and here is 8, two more time, there is 9,
18:50 last reputation and 10, very good.
18:54 Shake the arms out, now we're gonna switch over
18:58 and do some stuff for our lower body.
19:01 We're gonna start by stepping out,
19:03 now you might have arthritis in your knees.
19:06 So, you got might be careful with this one,
19:08 we're gonna come out as much as you can.
19:10 So, you stretch inside of the thigh;
19:13 keep the tension on the leg that you're bending.
19:17 And let's just hold that, hold it, hold it, hold it.
19:23 Now shift the other side, and hold,
19:29 and hold we're not going down too far,
19:32 which you might find especially you have
19:33 osteoarthritis as you going to an position
19:36 where are you hold. You might feel some grinding
19:40 and it's like things rubbing together,
19:42 well in the reality that's what happening,
19:44 the bones over against bone. Let's switch the other way,
19:47 but won't go too deep but you feeling that
19:49 phenomena to happened. You might wanna stop this
19:51 particular movement or doesn't hold then go back in
19:55 forth. Because the often times we find if you keep
19:57 the motion going, you won't get grinding noise in their.
20:02 Okay and switch I will tell you, I've seen situations
20:07 were people have been align to have a joint
20:09 replacement surgery. Because of the arthritic
20:12 condition and if they kept exercising,
20:14 they've found that they been able to avoid
20:17 having the replacement and I know most people
20:19 don't wanna go through that unless they have to.
20:21 Of course some people are just experiencing
20:23 so much discomfort able they really have no
20:25 choice. And go back the other way again,
20:31 keep the thigh tight, feel the stretch on the inside,
20:34 and now let's go back the other way again.
20:36 And hold that, hold it, hold it, alright good.
20:45 Okay, we're gonna do some squats,
20:48 but we're gonna do them in some of there modified
20:50 position. Because they're not gonna go down very
20:52 deep, so we're not gonna go down real deep either.
20:55 To how make you, I'm feeling bad like that.
20:57 Oh! I can't keep up, so important that we do,
20:59 various types of programs in Body and Spirit.
21:02 Some are the programs we're designed for
21:03 very high intensity; some are designed to be much
21:06 lighter. And we're try and do programs,
21:09 that are gonna fit as broad of audience as we pass
21:11 we can. So, one show might be real easy for you,
21:13 another one might be very difficult
21:15 and one might be just right. So, we've try and meet
21:17 the knees as many as possible and usually we do
21:20 squats, we're try and go down to our upper thigh
21:23 as parallel with the ground. We're not gonna do
21:25 that this time, we're just gonna go down to
21:27 about a 45 degree angle. And we're gonna across
21:29 the arms, keep the chest up,
21:31 and we're gonna squat down, push the hips back.
21:34 And then comeback up we're not gonna pause
21:37 down there at all. We just gonna come down
21:39 to the position and comeback up, we do it
21:41 controlled. Try and focus on gluteus maximus
21:46 muscles, and on your quadriceps,
21:49 do not let your knees go past your feet.
21:52 Because if you do, you will create strain on the knees,
21:55 we will push the gluteus maximus back, come up.
21:59 Keep the chest up, keep the back straight,
22:03 and focus on your legs, and your hips,
22:05 do and do pushing, make sure you're keep breathing
22:10 while you do it. Preferably in through the nose,
22:13 out through the mouth, the more you breathe out.
22:16 The bigger breathe you're gonna take back in,
22:18 the body will just naturally do that.
22:22 Since we're not going very deep,
22:24 we're gonna put lot of reputations to work,
22:28 if you need to have something behind you,
22:30 like a chair or a stool. That's a good thing
22:34 to have especially if you feel like you might give
22:36 out and you're gonna collapse down,
22:39 better to have you land in the chair or stool.
22:41 Then all the way down to the floor,
22:46 alright keep going I'm gonna check form,
22:50 right push your hips back more Luther,
22:52 there are you go stick them back,
22:54 stick them back first movement
22:55 as the hips are going back. There are you go bend over
22:58 the waist just little bit more, bend over the waist,
23:02 don't be afraid to bend, bend this way,
23:05 bend your toes little this way, there you go.
23:08 Bend forward, there your go, push your hips back,
23:14 bend forward a little bit more, that's the way,
23:21 much better, push the hips back.
23:25 Okay, let see how Kye is doing, okay little bit
23:28 more back with the hips, there you go.
23:31 And don't be afraid to bend a little bit at the waist,
23:34 we not looking necessarily to look straight up and
23:37 down. That's sound what's I mean by keeping the
23:38 back straight, keeping the back straight means,
23:41 that you're in the position where you're back straight.
23:44 You should round like that, you round with there,
23:46 that's we can getting trouble. Okay, push the hips
23:49 back, push the hips back, and push them back.
23:56 Okay, keep going let's go ten more times,
24:03 there is one, and 2, push the hips back, 3, and 4,
24:14 and 5, five more times almost done.
24:21 And down to your last three, okay now we're gonna
24:29 stretch the muscles out, put your hands on my
24:32 shoulder. You get hold of your ankle,
24:35 if you can. For those at home, you might just get
24:38 a hold of your pant leg, if that's all the more you can
24:40 get to at first if you have inflation on your joint.
24:44 You're not gonna have a lot of range of motion there
24:46 and that's all I just keep working with it until you
24:49 find yourself getting better at stretching down.
24:52 Both these guys, fortunately for them
24:56 do not have arthritis and so they're not having any
24:59 trouble reaching it. But let me just tell you guys
25:03 many people at home, who are have it.
25:05 They didn't have it one time either okay, put your
25:08 foot down. Switch the other sides,
25:13 many football players who have played especially
25:15 professional for international football,
25:17 they've taken so much pounding that after their
25:20 careers done. Some of them have little trouble
25:22 walking around, because they bank themselves
25:24 self so much in arthritis travel into you.
25:27 This joint or that joint or in the neck,
25:29 in their shoulders, and that's become difficult.
25:32 Okay, go and relax, alright now we're gonna
25:36 stretch hamstring, where we're gonna do that,
25:38 as just step out. We're gonna lean forward into it,
25:43 keep the chest up, the toe was up,
25:46 the heel is in the ground. The back of your leg is
25:49 being stretched, do you feeling that Luther,
25:55 yeah. Alright, that's good, let's switch now,
25:59 put the other foot out up on the heel.
26:02 Bend the back leg, lean forward into it,
26:04 keep the chest up, alright, very good.
26:13 Alright, fellows we're all done thanks a lot.
26:16 Probably the most devastating arthritis is
26:21 the rheumatoid arthritis. It's found by an antibody
26:25 and antigen and a complete protein,
26:27 which forms a immune complex and the body is
26:30 fighting against it. So, when you have bad diet
26:33 and weak in your immune system,
26:34 this is gonna be even worse. You want you get your
26:36 immune system stronger, you will definitely help to
26:39 eliminate some of the effects so the rheumatoid
26:41 arthritis. Gout we just have to knock down
26:44 the amount of protein, so we're not forming those
26:46 uric acid crystals. Drink a lot of water and get a
26:49 lot of exercise, so the circulation
26:51 is working in high efficiency. For the osteoarthritis
26:54 that's not cause by any antigen
26:56 or type of crystal. It just cause from old wear
27:01 tear or an injury bone on bone pain.
27:04 And so when you eat properly you will be
27:06 amazed it how much you can reduce the
27:08 inflammation with the good diet and lots of exercise.
27:12 If you have bad nutrition, then the
27:14 inflammatory response is gonna be much higher.
27:17 But whatever you do you wanna do it for the
27:19 right reason and that as to glorify your God
27:21 with your body it doesn't want you to be in pain.
27:23 In fact in the Bible in 3 John verse 2 it says:
27:27 I work that should all be in health,
27:29 so God wants us to have healthy bodies.
27:31 He wants us to enjoy our life and as hard do
27:33 when we have arthritis. Whenever you doing
27:35 anything will that be exercise to prevent
27:37 or rehabilitate. You wanna do it all for the right
27:41 reasons, Philippians 4:13 says: I can do all things
27:44 through Christ, which strengthens me.
27:46 God bless you thanks for joining us,
27:48 we're look forward to see you
27:49 next time on Body and Spirit.


Revised 2014-12-17