Body and Spirit

Heeart Disease

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez (Host), Mark & Diane Lenz


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000166A

00:01 Heart disease is still the number one killer
00:02 in our society today,
00:04 and there are lots of reasons why.
00:05 We're gonna be exploring some of those reasons next,
00:08 on Body and Spirit.
00:39 I'm Dick Nunez,
00:41 co-owner, Fit-In-15 personal training systems.
00:43 Welcome to Body and Spirit.
00:45 Today, we're gonna be talking about the number one killer
00:48 in our society and that's heart disease.
00:50 It's gone rapid
00:51 because of what people do to themselves,
00:53 by lifestyle choices, such as what they eat
00:55 and what they don't do.
00:57 Well, I can't do much about
00:58 what you let slide down your oesophagus,
00:59 but we can do something about
01:01 helping you get into a good exercise program.
01:03 So that's where we're gonna focus on today
01:04 and we will talk about some of the do's
01:06 and don'ts of eating as well.
01:08 Helping me out today, will be Mark and Diane
01:10 and I believe they know each other,
01:12 'cause they are husband and wife.
01:14 And you have an interesting
01:16 well, titbit for this, I understand.
01:17 Yeah, my wife and I are born on the same day, same year
01:21 and she's five minutes older than me.
01:23 Right.
01:25 Okay, so you married to an older woman, I guess.
01:26 Yeah, that's right, she is the older woman in my life.
01:28 Okay, and how long you've been married?
01:30 And we recently had our anniversary,
01:31 and it's been 23 years.
01:33 Wonderful.
01:34 Well, glad you could join us and we're gonna have some fun,
01:37 doing some exercise.
01:38 First thing we do is warm up, a little bit
01:41 and we're gonna just play,
01:42 we're gonna play follow the leaders
01:43 kind of like Simon says, and you just do what I do.
01:45 Okay, what we're gonna do is
01:46 just gonna step to the side and then back.
01:48 We're just gonna be warming up our legs,
01:50 'cause legs are gonna be a big part,
01:52 of circulating the blood,
01:54 and it's important,
01:56 whenever we look at heart disease,
01:57 to get those leg muscles very, very strong,
02:00 because the legs act like your second heart.
02:04 They help the Venous blood flow,
02:07 come back to the heart,
02:09 and if you do a lot of heart exercise
02:11 and then just stop abruptly,
02:14 the heart has a problem with that,
02:16 'cause it's gonna wait a minute,
02:17 where'd my helpers go?
02:18 And so there have been people, who have done a hard run,
02:22 cardiovascular workout
02:24 and have actually had cardiac event,
02:27 because of the fact they just stopped abruptly
02:29 and didn't let themself cool down.
02:31 So warming up, and cooling down
02:34 are very vital components of exercise,
02:36 this is a very simple move, but it's getting us warmed up.
02:42 Okay, that's good.
02:45 The premise of our workout
02:47 is generally based upon using the major muscles of the body
02:50 and that's the quadriceps, the gluteus maximus,
02:54 and so squats is best exercise we can do.
02:57 But we have to do them properly
02:59 because squats can be detrimental,
03:00 if you first of all, try and go down too deep
03:03 and second of all,
03:05 if you try and jerk your knees past your feet.
03:08 So we don't want to do that.
03:09 Why don't you come in little tighter to it, Diane?
03:11 Okay, and so let's get the feet apart,
03:13 just a little wider than shoulder width,
03:16 and you have got to cross your arms,
03:18 and the first movement,
03:19 you're gonna keep your chest up,
03:21 you've got to bend a little bit at the waist
03:22 and you're gonna push your hips back.
03:25 Okay, and you're gonna come back up.
03:27 Okay, you two keep going and I'm just gonna watch.
03:30 Okay, down, and up,
03:32 and down, and up,
03:35 and down, and up, down, and up.
03:41 Keep going with that pace.
03:43 Okay.
03:45 And this is number seven. I want 20 of them.
03:46 So you're gonna be my counter here.
03:48 We get to 20, we'll be done
03:51 and then we'll move on with next.
03:53 Okay, ten, eleven...
03:56 So you don't have to count out loud that's okay.
03:58 'Cause I'm gonna probably talk a little bit more as we do this.
04:00 Okay, focus on pushing the hips back a little more.
04:04 Push back and try and keep those knees over the feet.
04:07 Keep those knees over the feet the whole time.
04:10 Good.
04:11 Keep going.
04:13 And while you finish those up,
04:15 I'm gonna get the towels for us.
04:25 Is that 20?
04:26 Make it 22.
04:27 Okay, overachievers. Okay.
04:30 Here you go, here's a towel for you.
04:32 Here's a towel for you.
04:33 And we're not throwing them in.
04:35 What we're gonna do is we're gonna lengthen them out,
04:38 and get them like so,
04:40 and we're gonna do upper body exercise,
04:42 take them like this, pull them apart,
04:44 if you tear it in two, I'll be very impressed.
04:46 Okay, that's it, I want to act like you're doing,
04:49 you got to bring it up over your head
04:51 and bring it back down.
04:53 Way up, and then down, and up, and down.
04:59 Keep yourself standing upright.
05:02 You want your chest up,
05:04 try not to bend over at the waist
05:05 at all when you come down.
05:07 You wanna stretch the upper back area,
05:10 and back down.
05:11 And up, back down, up, back down,
05:17 up, okay, I want you two to keep going.
05:23 Okay, I want the chest up more,
05:25 keep your chest up the whole time,
05:26 look straight ahead, big smile on your face,
05:30 take a big breath as you come up,
05:32 blow out as you go down, way up,
05:35 stretch back, back down,
05:38 way up, back down,
05:41 up, wanna stretch through here down,
05:44 back up, little slower on the way down.
05:46 Good.
05:48 Control those muscles, focus on what you're doing.
05:51 Keep pulling that towel apart, pull it apart, pull it apart,
05:55 pull it apart.
05:56 Okay, we want three more.
05:58 Way up, back down,
06:02 way up, back down, way up, back down.
06:07 Okay.
06:09 Now you're gonna hold your towel on in front of you,
06:10 as if you're pulling it apart still.
06:12 And now let's go back into our squats again.
06:13 Squat down, and back up,
06:17 squat down and up, squat down and up.
06:22 Okay, you're gonna be my counter this time.
06:25 No overachievement.
06:26 I wanna know when we get to 20.
06:28 Okay?
06:30 By going back and forth on this,
06:32 we're gonna keep the heart going,
06:34 that's so important,
06:35 especially when you're looking at a heart disease.
06:37 The more we can start circulating that blood,
06:39 the more it's gonna help keep us free
06:42 from the little clots, the emboli that cause
06:44 the cardiac events that people suffer.
06:48 Exercise is such an important component
06:49 and it raises the HDL Cholesterol level,
06:53 which acts as a cleaning system to take the plaque
06:57 and that swells out of the artery lining.
07:00 It's all good.
07:01 What number we're on there, Diane?
07:03 Eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Okay.
07:06 Okay, good.
07:07 Okay, we still have our towels,
07:09 we're gonna bring it up to our shoulders like this,
07:12 and we're gonna be pushing up now,
07:14 and bring it back down.
07:16 Up and down.
07:17 Okay, keep going.
07:20 Okay, when you're doing this one,
07:21 again you want your chest up, stand up straight.
07:25 Wanna try and keep the xiphoid process,
07:27 which is little bony protruberance
07:29 in the bottom of your sternum up high as you can.
07:32 Okay, you want your head up, looking straight out.
07:34 Okay, big breaths of air.
07:37 Go way up high, bring it back down
07:39 and we're focusing on the shoulders.
07:41 Pull it apart.
07:44 Okay, when we get to the top,
07:46 we want to be way up here at the top.
07:48 Then back down, then way up.
07:52 Good posture.
07:53 Up, back down, pull the towel apart,
07:56 push it up, bring it down,
08:00 push it up, bring it down, push it up,
08:04 bring it down, keep going.
08:09 Looking good.
08:10 Lots of air, lots of air, big breaths.
08:13 Okay, try and stretch back, one more.
08:14 There you go. Down, back up.
08:18 Down, back up.
08:21 Down, back up.
08:23 Okay, hold the towel on front of you again.
08:28 Guess what we get to do now.
08:30 Jumping Jacks.
08:32 Squats. Let's go.
08:33 Oh, more squats.
08:34 Okay.
08:36 Up and down.
08:41 Now one of the things that happens
08:43 especially for women,
08:44 is they tend to lose some of their upper body strength.
08:47 So that's why it's really important to work on that
08:49 because it's so, so good for that upper body posture.
08:52 Okay, let's go a little bit slower.
08:58 Starting to feel your legs at all yet?
09:00 Oh, yeah. Okay, what about you?
09:01 Starting to feel those legs a little bit?
09:03 Yeah. Oh, yeah.
09:06 Looking good. Looking good.
09:18 Okay, is that 19?
09:19 Eighteen. Okay.
09:21 Two more reps.
09:23 Down and up, down and up.
09:26 Okay, let's take little rest.
09:28 We're gonna do deep breathing here.
09:30 In through the nose,
09:32 big breath, out through the mouth.
09:35 Big breath.
09:40 Good. All right.
09:41 Bring your towel up.
09:43 You got to come to the chest and press out.
09:45 Do it under control.
09:47 Focus on your chest muscles.
09:50 Keep yourself in a really good posture.
09:52 Out control, bring it back, push it out.
09:56 Keep the chest up the whole time.
09:59 Chest up.
10:00 Head up.
10:04 Breathe in as you bring it back,
10:05 blow it out as you got out...
10:09 and keep your chest up, even at the end.
10:12 So when you push out, you still want your chest
10:14 under contractive position.
10:20 Keep pulling on your towel,
10:22 push it out, push it out, push it out.
10:29 Five more times.
10:35 And push, and push, and push. Good.
10:40 Hold out there we're gonna do one more round of squats, okay?
10:43 Let's go for it.
10:47 Squats are a great compound exercise.
10:50 They work the Gluteus Maximus, they work the Hamstrings,
10:54 they work the Quadriceps, they work your lower back,
10:58 and they certainly work your heart and lungs.
11:00 Keep that blood circulating.
11:03 Very important.
11:06 Remember to keep your knees over your feet.
11:10 Push your hips back as your squat.
11:13 Okay, little slower, little slower,
11:15 we're getting a little fast there.
11:17 How many are we on, Diane?
11:19 Sixteen, seventeen...
11:21 Eighteen...
11:23 Almost done.
11:24 Nineteen, twenty.
11:27 Okay? Twenty.
11:29 All right.
11:30 I'm gonna hold the towels for a moment.
11:32 Now what I want you to do is
11:33 we're gonna stretch those muscles out.
11:35 So you're both gonna come over by me
11:37 and you're gonna use me as a wall.
11:38 You're gonna put one hand on me
11:40 and you're gonna stretch that, your right leg,
11:42 so go and put your left hand on my shoulder,
11:44 okay, bring your leg up, like this
11:47 and grab a hold of your ankle
11:48 and you're gonna stretch quadriceps there, okay?
11:50 You're gonna do the same thing.
11:52 Now get your left, okay?
11:56 This is called, 'the flamingo drill.'
11:59 See how good you can stand on one leg
12:01 and hold your other.
12:03 Should feel it stretch in the quadricep.
12:05 Yeah, I do.
12:09 And we hold the stretch for around 15 seconds.
12:12 We're looking good.
12:14 Breathe, as you're doing it.
12:18 All right, put it down, now switch legs,
12:20 so go ahead and face the other way.
12:22 Okay.
12:24 There you go.
12:26 Pretty good.
12:30 Exercise, it's important to do with strength stimulation,
12:34 but also work on the flexibility,
12:36 and then of course, cardiovascular exercise,
12:38 which again is so important for heart disease.
12:41 Also should mention that
12:42 if you drink at least three glasses of water,
12:45 you might actually want to drink more than
12:46 but if you don't get at least three glasses of water a day,
12:48 it's just as high as risk factor for heart disease,
12:51 as having high cholesterol.
12:53 Okay, good.
12:54 All right, now what we're gonna do is,
12:56 we're gonna step out
12:58 and you're gonna learn forward, chest up,
13:01 the back leg is bent, this leg is straight
13:04 and you lean forward into it
13:05 and you should feel it stretch in the hamstring area.
13:09 So you're feeling the stretch at the back of your leg?
13:10 Oh, yeah.
13:12 This is very important as well, especially for men,
13:15 who tend to get very inflexible in the hamstring area,
13:18 and that will cause a lot of problems
13:20 with lower back issues.
13:22 So stretching out those hamstrings,
13:23 very important.
13:27 Okay, then let's switch.
13:30 Other leg out, okay, chest up, bend over the waist.
13:38 Stretching should not be painful.
13:40 We're not trying to see how far we can go,
13:42 and still endure the pain.
13:43 We wanna get to a, a good stretch spot
13:47 where you feel the stretch, it should be comfortable,
13:49 it should actually feel quite good.
13:53 Okay, good ahead and relax.
13:57 Here's your towel again.
13:58 Thank you.
14:00 Now we're gonna do a bicep exercise.
14:04 You're gonna take your towel, palms up,
14:07 just keep pulling it apart, we're gonna curl it up,
14:09 we're gonna go down.
14:10 Curl up and down, curl it, down.
14:14 We're just treating it like a Barbell.
14:16 Curl up and then down.
14:18 Let's do it slowly.
14:20 Contract your biceps as you curl up.
14:24 And curl, and curl,
14:29 curl it up.
14:31 And curl, reach all the way down,
14:33 curl up and down
14:36 and curl and down, curl and down.
14:43 Go down under control, curl it up, curl it up.
14:48 It's amazing how something as simple as a towel
14:51 can start making the muscles tired.
14:53 Oh, yeah. Yes.
14:56 On Body and Spirit
14:57 we try and make it simple for everybody.
14:59 So when people say,
15:00 "Well, I don't have the equipment..."
15:01 Well, most people have a towel.
15:03 Most people have a chair
15:04 and that's about as complicated as we get.
15:06 MARK: Amen.
15:09 Okay we're gonna do it five more times.
15:11 There's one, two,
15:15 three, four and five.
15:19 Now, I can still curl quite a bit of weight
15:22 even at my advanced years,
15:24 but yet even still, just using the towel,
15:26 I can still feel my biceps working.
15:29 So, range of motion,
15:30 even though it's just for the towel,
15:32 it's still gonna help you out.
15:33 Okay?
15:35 Now we're going to do a tricep exercise
15:36 and we're gonna use ourself as resistance,
15:38 so we're gonna bring,
15:40 get your hands about probably six inches apart.
15:44 Okay, and we're gonna bring the right arm into the chest,
15:48 get the elbow out so it's pointing straight out,
15:50 and then we're gonna come out with it,
15:52 and we're gonna use the other arm as our resistant.
15:56 So square your body up a little more, okay.
15:58 Then, we're gonna come way out here like that
16:01 and get this elbow up little more.
16:03 Okay.
16:04 Okay, and then out.
16:06 Okay, out here and then bring it back.
16:10 Keep that over there.
16:11 Okay back out.
16:16 There you go.
16:19 Okay? Okay.
16:21 That's working.
16:22 Okay.
16:23 The nice thing about exercise is we can modify it
16:25 for physiological variability, so the way I was showing you,
16:28 wasn't working, real well,
16:30 so she found a way that works for her.
16:33 So you adjust!
16:34 And that's the great thing about exercise.
16:36 Physiological variability, you just work with it, okay?
16:39 Right.
16:41 I was trying to make fitness simple,
16:43 people always want to try and make it complicated,
16:45 I'm just trying to simplify it.
16:47 Okay let's do two more.
16:52 Okay, now we're gonna switch to the other side.
16:54 So now you're gonna take it this way,
16:56 with your left arm out, left elbow's out,
16:59 so go and just turn your body, okay, there you go,
17:03 and however you made that work,
17:04 you just go ahead and do it that way again.
17:06 Good, good, good, very good. Okay.
17:09 Good Mark, good.
17:12 The important thing is to get the contraction of that tricep,
17:18 and then you're using the other arm,
17:19 to give yourself resistance.
17:23 Very good.
17:28 And let's go five more times.
17:29 Contract, bring it back, contract,
17:32 keep that elbow pointed out, Mark.
17:34 There you go, keep it pointed out there.
17:40 Good, okay.
17:43 You may have the towels.
17:45 All right.
17:47 Now we're gonna do something for our calves.
17:50 I want you to put one foot back.
17:53 Okay let's switch over to your right,
17:55 there you go and you push up on the toe,
17:58 and then way back down and up on the toe,
18:02 back down, way up, down,
18:05 way up, down.
18:09 All right keep going, I think that's number five.
18:11 Let's go 20 again.
18:15 The calf muscles are called, 'the second heart',
18:18 and again the legs are very important
18:20 for helping the venous blood flow back,
18:23 and when you don't have good leg development,
18:26 that's when people started developing
18:27 the varicose veins and so forth,
18:29 'cause you get pulling down there.
18:31 But stimulating the legs, very important,
18:33 helps the circulation of the body.
18:35 Good strong legs will keep you going,
18:37 help you move around, get up and down,
18:39 do the things you enjoy doing.
18:40 It's one thing to get older,
18:42 but having an active life is so extremely important.
18:45 A Lot of people remember Jack LaLanne.
18:47 Well, He has since passed at about the age of 96,
18:51 but at the age of 90, he swam 26 miles underwater.
18:56 Pretty incredible. It is.
18:57 Okay, how many was that?
18:59 I don't, I can't remember.
19:00 Okay, let's go and switch.
19:02 And actually he worked out, the day before he died.
19:05 Oh.
19:07 Okay, and then ended up dying of Pneumonia.
19:18 And of course Jack was a big proponent of healthy eating
19:21 and that's the thing that people don't understand,
19:23 when we eat healthy food,
19:24 our body wants to regenerate itself.
19:27 When we eat unhealthy food, our body degenerates.
19:30 And so much of what people do
19:31 and one of things I always tell people,
19:33 is get rid of your microwave oven.
19:35 When people put food in a microwave oven,
19:38 it seizes to be food.
19:41 Food has to have the essential elements
19:44 that will keep you going, okay.
19:45 I think we're good there.
19:47 All right.
19:49 Now what I'd like you to do is, I'm gonna get the mats for you,
19:52 and we're gonna do some abdominal exercise.
19:57 So there you go, go and lay it out right here,
20:00 and there's yours Mark.
20:02 Okay.
20:03 We'll have you lay down on your back's there.
20:10 Okay, and you're gonna have your knees bent,
20:12 your feet will be on the floor
20:15 and when we do the abdominal exercise,
20:17 I want you to have your hands behind your neck,
20:19 okay, and then when you crunch up,
20:21 you're gonna try and lift your chin up towards the ceiling.
20:25 Okay, so go and come up.
20:27 Okay, once again,
20:28 I don't want you to pull on your heads,
20:31 once you have your hands behind your neck
20:33 and then when you come up, I want your chin up
20:34 towards the ceiling.
20:36 There you go, like that.
20:37 Okay.
20:38 So chin up towards the ceiling more, there.
20:40 Now back down.
20:41 Okay blow out as you come up, and then back down,
20:45 you're gonna have to come up quite some far there.
20:47 Diane. Come up.
20:48 Now back down, come up, back down.
20:53 Up, okay, go and keep going like that.
20:56 It's very important to blow out,
20:58 as you start coming up,
21:00 'cause you wanna draw your abdomen in,
21:01 and try and encourage it to do that.
21:03 When people lose their abdominal development,
21:06 their abdominal muscle or the abdominal content
21:09 tends to pooch out,
21:12 and just by having good posture,
21:14 you gain those muscles toned back up again.
21:17 You'll find yourself,
21:19 starting to get your shape back.
21:20 Okay, don't, try not to come up to far.
21:22 Okay, just right there, that's good, right there.
21:24 Up, right there, good, that's plenty.
21:28 The abdominal muscle only has a four inch range of motion,
21:30 it doesn't cross a joint.
21:32 So in order for us to get up past there,
21:34 we gonna have to use the hip flexors.
21:37 Okay, so we don't wanna do that,
21:38 so we're just gonna do the crunch here,
21:41 and crunch, and crunch up.
21:47 Okay, both of you back up.
21:49 Okay, now up to the crunch position,
21:51 okay crunch up and hold it,
21:54 back down, up and hold it,
21:58 back down, one more time.
22:01 Up, back down.
22:04 Okay turn over your hands and knees
22:07 facing out towards the front.
22:14 Okay, so you're just there on your hands and knees.
22:19 Okay, what I'd like you to do is
22:20 put your right arm out straight,
22:23 okay, now you got that part, no problem.
22:26 Okay, now were gonna complicate it.
22:27 Put your left leg out straight.
22:30 Good and just hold that.
22:34 Okay.
22:35 Try and bring this leg up just a little bit higher.
22:37 There we go, good.
22:39 Hold that position.
22:40 Seems simple enough,
22:43 but it'll definitely give you little bit of a test here,
22:45 just a moment,
22:47 this is really good for your lower back,
22:49 for your core training.
22:54 Okay, bring it back down, okay, now let's go the other way.
22:58 Left arm out, right leg out.
23:04 Very good, very good.
23:07 Hold it there.
23:09 And it's not unusual for one side
23:11 to be little more difficult than the other,
23:12 so that's not a problem.
23:15 Okay, hold it tight.
23:20 Okay, that's good, all right.
23:23 Go ahead and just sit on your mat
23:24 facing out to the front.
23:27 Okay, now have your legs on in front of you.
23:32 Okay, now what we're gonna do is I want you curve one leg in,
23:38 okay bring it up.
23:41 Okay, one leg in like that. Oh, Okay.
23:44 Now bring this other one on the outside.
23:46 Okay, now you're gonna turn this other direction here,
23:49 there you go, just like that, so we're gonna draw...
23:52 Okay.
23:54 You feel like I'm gonna turn you into a pretzel.
23:55 Pretzel. Okay. Pretzels.
23:56 Okay bend this leg, bring this one over...
23:59 Okay.
24:00 Okay. And then reach across this way.
24:05 Okay, bring this arm over the other side there.
24:07 Okay, let's just go right there, okay,
24:11 and again the difference in physiological variability,
24:13 obviously Diane's a little more flexible,
24:16 and so Mark's gonna have to work at this one a little bit,
24:19 to try and attain the same motion
24:21 that Diane is able to achieve.
24:23 Okay, let's go and switch it around.
24:29 Okay. That's fine.
24:31 Okay, this time we're gonna bend this knee,
24:34 curl it down under...
24:35 Oh, okay. And then this side. Okay, then turn...
24:37 Bring it out across, okay, and then you come this way,
24:38 there you go.
24:39 Okay.
24:41 Okay, start by, you know,
24:43 you went to the first side okay.
24:45 Then your right knee under, bring this one over.
24:50 Okay and then, oops, you're right.
24:53 I did it wrong, okay.
25:01 Okay, then come over this side, there you go.
25:05 Bring that left arm over.
25:07 Okay.
25:13 That's one of the things that people like about
25:14 Body and Spirit, we're not using
25:16 professional models or exercise people,
25:19 we're just using common folks
25:21 and although I'm an exercise physiologist,
25:24 I try and make things simple
25:26 and try make it so people can do it
25:28 and still feel like they're accomplishing it.
25:30 Okay, very good.
25:32 Okay back on your feet.
25:37 Okay, that's great.
25:40 When it comes to heart disease, it's so important to realize
25:44 that our bodies are designed to follow basic principles
25:48 that God has set up for us.
25:50 We need to eat the foods
25:51 that he originally designed
25:53 in the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden.
25:55 He encouraged us to eat herbs of the field,
25:58 and the fruits of the tree,
26:00 and what happens when we do that,
26:02 and we do it the whole form, our body starts to regenerate,
26:06 but we take things
26:08 and we take them way out of proportion.
26:09 Unfortunately in our society today,
26:11 way to much stuff is coming into us,
26:13 genetically modified foods is going against
26:16 what the original design was all about.
26:18 People are taking them in,
26:20 and it's causing bad things to happen,
26:22 or when you take in stuff that's been microwaved
26:25 or cooked improperly, you take broccoli
26:28 which has all these wonderful nutrients in it
26:30 and you stick in a microwave oven,
26:32 and it comes out virtually, totally inactive.
26:35 You lose the nutrients.
26:37 In fact, back in Tulsa, Oklahoma, way back
26:39 when a man was given a transfusion,
26:42 they had to warm the blood up quickly,
26:44 and so they used the microwave, and once it got up to temp
26:47 and transfuse the man, he died instantly.
26:50 When they did an autopsy,
26:51 they found nothing living left in the blood.
26:54 So, if that's what it's going to do the blood,
26:56 guess what it's going to do your food.
26:58 And when you're doing things to your food,
27:00 it is now enzymatically inactive,
27:02 and now you're having to borrow enzymes from other areas
27:05 and it starts to degenerate your body.
27:07 Plus, when people are drinking in
27:09 things like whole milk.
27:11 Milk is designed for cows or baby calves,
27:14 but we're still drinking, we're the only species
27:16 that takes milk in our adult life,
27:18 and we're the only species that takes it from another species.
27:21 And then it goes through this process of being homogenized.
27:24 Remember back in the, way back when,
27:26 when I was just a young boy,
27:27 they delivered milk to the door step
27:29 and you found this, this cream at the top.
27:31 Well, now they homogenize it and these particles,
27:34 are right in the milk
27:35 and they're coming into the bloodstream
27:36 and blocking things up.
27:38 So there's a lot of things we're doing to ourself,
27:40 that aren't going along with God's original design,
27:43 he encourages to eat whole plant foods
27:46 and by doing that, awesome things happen,
27:48 I do it in my own life,
27:50 I found total regeneration,
27:51 by going through this plant-based diet,
27:53 eating whole food herbs,
27:55 and by doing that, you feel awesome.
27:56 And when you feel awesome,
27:58 not only do you feel great physically
27:59 but you great do,
28:01 you feel great spiritually as well.
28:02 Remember our scripture, that we always we use here,
28:05 Philippians 4:13 which says
28:07 "I can do all things through Christ,
28:08 who strengthens me."
28:10 God Bless.


Revised 2016-05-26