Breath of Life.

Know Your Worth Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000008S

00:08 Sermon #S005 - Know Your Worth (Part 2)
00:19 Pastor Snell: Hello everyone, I'm Pastor Debleaire Snell. Excited to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ right
00:26 there to your living room. last week we gave you the fisrt installmentof a message entitled :"Know Your Worth".
00:32 It' Blessed my soul and I'm praying it blessed yours as well. This week installment #2 of the message
00:38 entitled "Know Your Worth". Get settled, get comfortable, get ready for God's word!
00:44 Pastor Snell: The third thing this story teaches us, friends of mine,
00:47 is that good shepherds do not get offended by your spots. A good shepherd doesn't assess less value
01:01 because you have got some blemishes.
01:05 You realize in this story Jacob is a type or symbol of Jesus
01:13 and that the flock becomes a type or symbol of the church.
01:18 They are looking at this and saying, "Pastor, I do not see Jesus or the church anywhere in this."
01:23 Understand that the white sheep or the ones with no spots in a culture where the sacrifice could not
01:32 have any blemishes, these were the sheep of a premium. In other words, these speckled,
01:39 freckled, and spotted sheep had a whole lot less value,
01:44 which is why Laban was so quick to agree to the covenants.
01:50 Because he knows that these spotted sheep are worth nothing,
01:54 these spotted sheep are not going to earn any money.
01:57 No one is going to pay for these sheep that have blemishes, spots, and freckles,
02:02 but understand that Jacob, who is a forerunner of Jesus Christ,
02:07 literally says, "I will take the sheep that nobody else wants."
02:16 He says, "Give me the ones with the spots. Give me the ones with the stains.
02:22 Give me the ones with the streaks." They might not fit your herd or your pen,
02:28 but I have room for them in my pen." Jacob foreshadows that Jesus who says, "All that come unto me,
02:38 I will, in no wise, cast them out." How many of us know that we, like sheep, have gone astray?
02:44 We have turned each one to his way, and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
02:52 In other words, we serve the Good Shepherd that looks beyond our faults,and he sees our needs
03:00 and allows us to receive adoption. Whereby, we cry, Abba Father. So, the sheep that did not qualify,
03:11 the ones that had freckles, streaks, spots, blemishes.
03:25 It is funny because the ones that had freckles and spots were like these tiny little spots.
03:32 There would be on the face or the body of the sheep.
03:35 But then those that had spots would have large spots that would cover maybe a quarter or a third of the
03:43 sheep's body. So you had some with tiny spots, and you had some with big spots.
03:53 But did you notice whether your spots were small or whether they were big,
04:00 you are all put in the same sheep pen? In other words,
04:07 the ones with smaller spots we are not deemed more worthy than the ones with big spots.
04:14 If you had spots, you were still deemed unworthy and unprofitable.
04:22 Now, the reason I am saying this is that sometimes in the church,
04:26 we think our tiny Adventist spots make us worth more than those who have bigger spots.
04:37 How many of us know that there are no levels of sin. There is no level of salvation.
04:43 If you have got any spots anywhere in your life, it means you are unworthy.
04:49 You are not deserving.
04:51 Even your little vegetarian spots put you in the same state as those that have been in the world their whole
05:03 life. Are you all hearing what I am saying? So, stop trying to create a tear of iniquity.
05:13 How many of us know that we are all sinners saved by God's amazing grace?
05:20 Hallelujah. "Pastor Steve, what did we do?" We want to create a tier of sin.
05:30 So, the street woman uses her mouth for her profession, but you use your mouth for gossip.
05:40 The brother out there robs the liquor store, but you come to church and rob God.
05:47 Yes, stay with me. Yes, he committed adultery on his wife, but you cheat on God with Instagram and Facebook.
05:59 She got a nose ring and an earring, but you got a big old shiny brooch on your jacket.
06:05 Come on. They put it in their ears. You put yours on your clothes. Am I telling the truth?
06:13 I dare to somebody today. No believer in the church, if you look around
06:19 and it looks like there is nobody who got spots but you, I need you to know we all got spots.
06:25 I am just better at hiding them than everybody else.
06:33 The larger point I want to make is that we have got to get to a place where we embrace everybody that comes
06:40 through the doors no matter what type of spots they have on their life.
06:46 The Bible says, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.
06:52 We only rejoice over transfer growth. When a persuaded person comes from one church to another church,
07:06 that is not what makes Jesus rejoice. The Bible says there is joy in heaven whenever a sinner repents.
07:16 What makes heaven rejoice is when the Father leaves the 99 and finds one of the sheep that strayed.
07:24 We have got to create a church culture that is going welcome all people,
07:30 that is going to receive all people, that is going to love all people.
07:34 How many of us know you do not have to have a degree to be a member of this church?
07:39 You do not have to have a doctorate to have a place in the household of God.
07:43 How many of us know that your degrees do not make you anything? It is your anointing.
07:48 It is your calling. It is the fact that you are a child of the highest God that brings you value.
07:58 Are you hearing me today, saints?
07:59 The last thing I am going to say
08:02 before I take my seat is that sometimes what you study determines what you are going to produce.
08:13 It is a little quiet in here. We used to teach principle in church that we do not talk about anymore.
08:23 We used to teach that by beholding, you become changed.
08:31 Nothing illustrates this more than Jacob's actions after he strikes a deal with Laban.
08:40 They come to an agreement. He says, "Okay. Listen, Laban. I will take all the spotted and freckled sheep.
08:47 You keep all these sheep without blemishes or spots. You keep all the white ones."
08:53 And they literally put a three-day journey between both flocks to create a lot of distance
08:59 between Laban's perfect flock and Jacob's spotted flock.
09:05 The reason that they do not want them to be together is they do not want them to begin mating with each other.
09:13 The belief is that if spotted sheep mated with perfect sheep, it would reproduce more blemishes.
09:22 So, Jacob agrees and says, "Okay, let us put three days journey between my flock and yours."
09:31 Now. I need you to understand that Jacob, under the direction of God,
09:36 does not just create a scientific experiment.
09:40 The hand of the Lord produces something that biology itself is not able to yield.
09:46 So Jacob does something crazy. He is got a bunch of sheep that are white, without blemish.
09:53 They have no spots or streaks. But notice what Jacob does. He takes the green poplar tree,
09:59 which is not necessarily green in color. I am talking about its moisture and its newness.
10:04 What he does is strip it so that the inside of the tree is exposed. He takes the almond tree
10:11 or the Hazel tree, and he begins to put strips in them, strips, spots, and streaks in the rods of the trees,
10:19 then he puts them in the watering bucket where the sheep comes. So that when the sheep come to drink,
10:30 all they see are spots, streaks, and freckles. You all did not catch that.
10:36 So that these sheep that do not have spots, streaks, speckles, whenever they go to drink,
10:46 all they see is spots, streaks, and speckles. In fact, he said it even when they were in heat,
10:56 he put them by the watering hole so that once they start mating, they are looking at spots, streaks,
11:04 and speckles, so that the perfect sheep do not produce according to biology.
11:11 They produce according to observation. Jacob understood in order to dictate what they became.
11:20 He had to dictate what they beheld.
11:24 I am saying to the body of Christ that the enemy of the flock knows that in order to dictate what you become,
11:34 He is got to dictate what you consistently behold.
11:42 Some of us are in spotty marriages because all we study are spotty marriages.
11:52 You are not studying the woman of Proverbs 31. You are studying The Real Housewives of Atlanta
12:05 and wondering why your house is falling apart. Some of us got spotty grades
12:10 because we were hanging out with spotty friends. Some of us got spotty language
12:20 because we are listening to spotty music. I told you all I was going to get quiet up in here.
12:31 The reason some of us got spotty doctrine is that you are listening to every conspiracy on YouTube
12:39 or Facebook, on the internet instead of studying the word of the living God.
12:47 It is crazy. Some of us literally come to conclusions about doctrine in the comment section on Facebook.
12:57 And we are wondering why we are being led astray. We have been called to follow the lamb,
13:08 but we function like goats because we are not studying Him. We spend too much time observing them.
13:19 What I am saying to the Church of the Living God is we have got to get to a place. Come on. I am closing.
13:25 We begin to make Christ our obsession where we make his character the steadfast study of our lives.
13:34 We are studying and beholding Jesus,
13:38 our primary motif each and every day when we get to a place where we spend less time imitating the culture,
13:48 studying the culture, keeping up with the Kardashians, following the trends of the world.
13:54 And we have got to get back to a place where we learn how to look unto Jesus, who is the Author
14:02 and the Finisher of our faith.
14:04 What I am saying to somebody today is we found ourselves in some spotty situations.
14:11 We find ourselves in some spotty predicaments. And a lot of times, what we are producing in character,
14:19 producing in behavior, producing in function, is simply a reflection of what we are observing each
14:26 and every day. We got to get back to a place where you are keeping your eyes on Jesus.
14:36 I just want to say to the spotted flock today. The good news is that we serve a Good Shepherd.
14:44 We serve a Good Shepherd who is not offended by your blemishes.
14:48 We serve a Good Shepherd that does not devalue you because you have got some stains on your record.
14:54 We serve the Good Shepherd who says, come now and let us reason together, though your sins be a scarlet,
15:01 I will make them white like snow. Though they are red like crimson,
15:05 I will make them white like wool,
15:07 and I just need to know if I have got at least four or five people that are willing to say, Lord,
15:12 I Thank you. That even though I have got some spots, even though I have got some blemishes,
15:17 even though I have fallen short of your glory, I am thankful Lord that we are sin abounds.
15:24 Grace does much more abound. So, right now, praise Him as we are going to sing a minister to the spotted,
15:32 minister to those with streaks, minister to those with some flaws online, to those in the house.
15:39 Then we are going to come back, and I am going to invite you to decide for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
15:55 Singer: We fall down, but we get up. We fall down, but we get up.
16:07 We fall down, but we get up, for a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up.
16:31 We fall down, but we get up. We fall down, but we get up. We fall down, but we get up,
16:48 for a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up. We fall down, but we get up. We fall down,
17:14 but we get up. We fall down, but we get up, for a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up.
17:38 We fall down, but we get up. We fall down, but we get up. We fall down,
17:52 but we get up, for a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up.
18:53 Singer: Just back up. But you will get it back up.
19:51 Snell: Right now, you stand it to your feet as we prepare to close today's service.
19:57 I want to make a very direct appeal today. I want to talk to that person,
20:06 those persons who feel like your spots, your blemishes,
20:19 the stains on your record have somehow disqualified you for fellowship with the Savior.
20:27 But I need somebody to know that no matter what you have beheld then,
20:32 no matter what it has caused you to produce, your streaks do not offend Him
20:39 because you serve the Lamb of God that had no blemish in Him. He is able to remove every streak,
20:47 every stain, everything that offends from your life so that, as believers,
20:52 we are able to stand before Christ as if we have never ever sinned.
21:01 So, if there is somebody today that has been overwhelmed with guilt,
21:05 if there is somebody today who consistently beats themself up
21:10 because you got spots or because you thought you would be further along by now,
21:13 or because you have not yet been able to overcome, I need you to understand, friends of mine,
21:18 that our God is able to keep you from falling.
21:21 I need you to know that He is also able to present you faultless before the throne with exceeding joy even
21:29 before you are faultless. You are presented faultless.
21:36 Salvation is not your work for God. Salvation is God's work for you. It is work done on your behalf.
21:46 I need you to know that salvation is always put in the context of a gift. It is not warranted.
21:52 It is not deserved, and it is not earned. It is simply accepted by faith.
21:57 So if there is somebody in the building, in the balcony, God is saying, "I am not offended by your spots.
22:03 But what I am going to do is I want to trade you. If you enter and follow me, give me your spots,
22:19 and I will give you my profession. Let us make an exchange.
22:25 I will take your wretchedness in exchange for my righteousness."
22:29 He is not waiting for you to get to a certain level. He says, "You can be a part of the bargain right now.
22:35 Let us make a deal." But you have just gotta be willing to acknowledge, I cannot save myself,
22:43 cannot improve myself, cannot better myself. I am simply going to take Christ at his word.
22:49 So today, if you hear Jesus says, let us make a deal to remission all of your sins.
22:56 You want to go all the way in a committed relationship with him. You want to begin serving Jesus Christ,
23:02 and you signify. You enter into the body of Christ through baptism. And through baptism,
23:07 all of your iniquities are washed away. And the exchange takes place where He gives you His righteousness,
23:14 and He takes away every spot, every streak, every freckle.
23:18 So today, you want to make it up in your mind to say, I want to be a part of the family of God.
23:22 I want to be a part of the body of Christ. If that is your desire today,
23:26 I invite you to come on down to the front. Come and give me your hand
23:29 and give Jesus Christ your heart today.
23:31 I need you to know serving God is the best decision you will ever make. God bless you today,
23:35 my sisters. Praise God.
23:37 Is there somebody else today who wants to decide to start following after Jesus Christ?
23:44 If you are on the balcony, you can come. If you are on the floor, you can come.
23:47 If you are in your mother's room, you can come. I need you to know that today,
23:51 Jesus wants you to enter into a relationship, not just a religion, but the invitation is yours today.
23:58 So whether you are a little child, maybe you are a teenager, perhaps you are a young adult,
24:03 perhaps you are somebody that has been around religious things,
24:06 but it is just never taken root like every promising.
24:09 All the things you hear preached have never become your lived reality because you never fully surrendered.
24:17 How many of us want to be in the center of His will today? Do you want to function in excellence?
24:20 Do you want your excellence to be a witness today?
24:22 Right now, we are praying. And even as I am praying,
24:25 you can come on down to the front to make your decision known to follow after Jesus Christ
24:30 and become a disciple of the Lord and Savior. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ,
24:35 we come before you boldly because that is the way you invite us to come,
24:38 Lord. We offer up this prayer, knowing that there is nothing too hard for you.
24:43 I want to first pray for these sons and daughters that have come down to say. I want to be baptized.
24:48 I want to join the Church of the Living God. My prayer for them right now is that they would experience,
24:54 they would be immersed, they would just be overwhelmed by your amazing Amazing Grace.
25:03 I pray that any sense of condemnation would lose its hold
25:09 and that they would experience a newness of life that commences right now.
25:18 Father, we pray that as a community,
25:21 we are praying that the Covenant of Abraham would be upon the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
25:27 not just so that we could stand and be distinct.
25:30 We are praying that the blessing of the Lord upon this church would overflow into offices,
25:35 classrooms, and hospital rooms, that the excellence would be a witness to those who do not believe.
25:43 Father, I am praying that you will begin transitioning some people who know their worth,
25:49 that someone would transition out of unhealthy relationships,
25:53 that somewhat transition from just being an employee,
25:55 that they would transition from just using their gifts to better somebody else.
26:00 But may they be able to create some streams by which they better their own homes.
26:07 Lord, we do not want to be selfish. We want to be good stewards.
26:11 And as you increase us, we do not see money as the end,
26:15 but we recognize that it is a vehicle that we are to put in service to grow your kingdom.
26:24 So, Lord, bless your people. Lord, would you bless your people? Would you make us the head and not the tail?
26:36 Would you make us above and not beneath? May we be lenders and not borrowers.
26:42 May we not have to go hand to hand and chase after this but may the blessings of the Lord come upon us
26:50 and overtake us as we obey your command and follow all the statutes that you have given us to do.
26:57 So, Lord, would you bless those in the building?
27:00 Would you pronounce supernatural blessings to those who watch online?
27:05 May you give us a supernatural favor that allows there to be a witness that creates an opportunity for us to
27:15 tell your story, to tell the story of Jesus Christ. Would you bless and keep us?
27:20 Anoint us as only you can. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Let the blessed people of God say, Amen.
27:28 Let the people of God put their hands together and praise for the great God who does all things.
27:33 Well. For those of you who came down, would you follow Sister Mortan? She is going to pray with you
27:37 and give you some direction in the next steps of discipleship.
27:41 Let us put our hands together for those who responded to the appeal today.
27:45 You may be seated in the house of the Lord.
27:48 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
28:13 (MUSIC)
28:15 Pastor Snell: Hi, I'm Debleaire Snell. Have you ever been in a place where as soon as you started believing
28:19 big, praying big and thinking big someone told you that you need to be more realistic?
28:26 It was unrealistic for Jesus to say
28:29 I'm going to lay down my life and in three days I'm going to pick it back up again.
28:33 I want to encouarge you to put down your commonly held beliefs
28:37 and it's time for us to "Get Unrealistic"
28:43 [END]


Revised 2022-03-18