Breath of Life.

That Wasn’T on the Program Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000037S

00:11 Sermon #S020 - That Wasn't On The Program - Part 2)
00:19 Welcome to The Breath of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
00:25 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will share part two of the powerful message
00:30 "It Wasn't On The Program" Let's learn more about God's power through the study of His work.
00:38 Pastor Debleaire Snell: Sometimes, God sends a delay to preserve you from some things. Sometimes,
00:43 He's preserving you from a danger you can't see.
00:47 Sometimes, He's preserving you from a marriage that's going to bring you pain. Sometimes,
00:53 He's preserving you from a job that's going to compromise your values. Sometimes,
00:58 He is keeping you from circumstances that will bring our unrest. discord, and strife to your life.
01:05 Sometimes, He's preserving your from and sometimes He's preserving you for.
01:11 Sometimes, God blocks some avenues so he can preserve you for the right job.
01:17 He preserves you for the right house. He preserves you for the right spouse.
01:22 He preserves you for the right situation. Instead of complaining that is taking too long, just be still and wait on the Lord.
01:32 Let things begin to unfold and see what He's preserving you for and what He's preserving you from.
01:39 I've seen this happen in my own life. I remember probably about four or five years ago.
01:44 My wife and I had been here already about six or seven years. We had rented a couple of different homes.
01:51 So, we decided that we wanted to just go ahead and buy a house in faith and put some roots down here in Huntsville.
01:57 We identified the neighborhood and the model house that we were interested in getting.
02:02 We had already been approved based on our preliminary loan. But then, as they got into underwriting,
02:10 our tax preparer had wrongly interpreted the financial data from another property that we owned.
02:16 Guess what? It falls through right at the end. At that time, we were very frustrated
02:22 because we had prayed and we thought God was leading us to a particular neighborhood.
02:27 We had to sign a lease for another year and remain where we were. I need you to know that during this time,
02:34 the housing market continued to get worse. Where are you all at today, church?
02:39 In other words, they are at a point where they lowered the price of the build of the house. The interest rates continued to fall.
02:46 The builder offered more incentives than they did the year before.
02:50 I was sitting up there mad at the delay when God was preserving us from a higher price.
02:57 He was preserving us from a higher interest rate. He was preserving more upgrades for free.
03:02 I was having a bad attitude because I didn't realize what God was protecting me from
03:10 I'm also a witness that sometimes God will preserve your for. Sometimes,
03:17 I'm afraid to share this testimony in front of young folk because I don't want you to get the wrong impression.
03:21 When I was here as a student, my senior year, because I was Mr. USM, I wasn't doing my business. I failed my Greek class.
03:32 Because of my Greek class, I wind up having to do summer school for about eight weeks after graduation.
03:40 Now, the conference after I got hired wanted me to go straight to Andrews after graduation.
03:45 Now, I'm stuck behind my class during summer school for graduation.
03:50 I'm delayed in my start even though I take additional classes to get out of Berrien Springs as quickly as I possibly can.
04:01 I get to the end of two years and I've got one class to take my very last semester.
04:09 I've got to stay in Berrien for another semester just to take one class.
04:14 I need you to know that God is at work in the delay because I wasn't married at the time.
04:22 I need you to know my wife and I, we were campus brother and sister to that point. I mean, I would pray for her.
04:30 If she needed a ride, I'll give her a ride because I had a car. That last semester, she broke up with her boyfriend.
04:38 You all are not hearing me today. That last semester, she broke up with him. About a couple of weeks later,
04:46 she was hanging out with me. We spent the rest of the semester hanging out.
04:52 We didn't become a couple until about two weeks before I left Andrews.
04:58 We dated long distance until I propose. Now, church, I'm not saying that God made me fail the class.
05:07 Don't blame that on Jehovah. I believe that all things work together...
05:14 [Congregation: Continuous Clapping]
05:16 Pastor Snell: ...for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.
05:24 Don't get mad at the delay because sometimes, He's reserving you from and sometimes He's preserving you for.
05:34 Are you all hearing the world today, friends? She's my campus sister. I was interested in her spiritual wellbeing.
05:48 Hallelujah. Come on over and pray. P-R-A-Y. Amen.
06:02 Now, this is going to be a little rough here, but it's good news.
06:06 Third thing this teaches us is that you can't dictate where God intervenes.
06:15 Can I say this to somebody? God will never leave us helpless.
06:25 But just because God doesn't help when you want and how you want,
06:32 it doesn't mean that you are without help. Are you all hearing me today, friends?
06:38 Jesus steps into this moment unscripted. It wasn't planned. It wasn't on the agenda.
06:48 This woman did not have a resurrection in the program.
06:54 Sometimes, you got to have enough faith to leave a little room for God to move.
07:02 Now, I need you to get that as powerful as this occurrence is, that God resurrects the boy from the dead.
07:10 If you would have asked the mom if she would have preferred a resurrection or if she just kept him from getting sick,
07:22 her preference would have been God intervene earlier in the process.
07:28 Because remember, this girl, this lady is broken. She then already lost her man. She then have been through this trauma before.
07:35 The last 24 to 48 hours have been a living sense of travail as she has begin the morning of the son.
07:43 If she had her choice, she would have preferred that God... God could have showed up earlier in the day.
07:50 He could have showed up the day before, but God doesn't intervene until she's almost at the burial ground.
08:00 It's almost like Mary and Martha. They would have preferred an earlier intervention.
08:07 Do you remember Mary and Martha when Jesus shows up finally? Mary and Martha are big mad.
08:15 They're like, "Lord, if you had only been here sooner, then Lazarus would not have died."
08:24 One of the things I'm learning about us is that we have so many preferences.
08:32 No matter how God moves, we always wish God had done it a different way.
08:41 Remember when Jesus walked on water to the disciples in the storm.
08:47 Now, I need you to remember go back with it for a minute, because remember,
08:51 when he was on the shore, what He did was He sent the crowd away and kept them from the storm.
08:58 Now, the crowd that gets sent away is mad because they can't follow Jesus because Jesus knows a storm is coming.
09:07 All the disciples that are in the storm, when Jesus walks on water, are mad because Jesus let them in the storm in the first place.
09:16 Those that didn't get to go are mad. Those that are saved by Jesus are still mad because we are never happy with how God intervenes.
09:28 As grateful as this woman is for a resurrection, she wishes that God have moved in a different way.
09:35 Are you all hearing me today, my friends?
09:38 I need us to get, beloved, that God intervenes in different ways in the affairs of people.
09:42 He does not do the same miracles with repetition or in the same way because He's not trying to prescribe a procedure.
09:51 He just wants you to know that "I am able." You don't get to dictate how God intervenes. I mean, think about it.
10:01 There are certain people, He just kept them from getting sick. There are others that He delivered from sickness.
10:09 There are some that He kept in sickness. Some won't be made whole until the resurrection. Are you all with me today, friends?
10:17 I guess what I'm saying, beloved, is never begin to covet how God intervenes in somebody else's life.
10:27 Your takeaway shouldn't be that God ought to do it for me the same way. Your takeaway ought to be that God is able.
10:35 [Congregation: Amen.]
10:39 There are some of us here trying to figure out how God is going to intervene in us financially clearing through school.
10:47 You're mad because God intervened for somebody and that their parents saved up the money from the time that they were kids.
10:54 God intervened for somebody else and that they got a scholarship upon graduation.
10:59 God intervened for somebody in the last couple of weeks as financial aid finally came through.
11:04 God intervened for somebody another way when a stranger wrote out a check with your name on it.
11:10 How many of us know that God intervene for everybody in different ways,
11:15 but it is the same God that intervene for everybody at some point?
11:21 You don't got to worry about how God does it for them. Because in four years when God gives you a degree,
11:27 you ain't going to be worrying about how he paid the bills. You're just going to be thanking God that He did it.
11:34 Are you all hearing what I'm saying today, friends of mine?
11:38 I need us to be clear, beloved, that God is going to do it in some different ways.
11:42 There are going to be some that have just always had a job. For some, God is about to give you a job.
11:50 For somebody, God is going to teach you I can feed you even if you ain't got no job. God sustains us in different ways,
12:02 but it is the same God that sustains all of us. We are all experiencing God's sustaining grace in some way.
12:13 Are you all with me today, church? Some of us are being kept from trouble. Some of us are being delivered from trouble.
12:24 Some of us are being sustained in trouble. The truth is you're going to visit one of those categories at some point down the line
12:34 Let me be clear that my preference is always to be kept from trouble,
12:40 but can I just give a quick endorsement for those that are being kept in the trouble that they're in?
12:47 I need you to understand that there is a special blessing that is given only
12:53 when you know what it is to be kept by the goodness of God. Why are you all acting brand new in here with me today?
13:02 Is there anybody that knows what it means to just be kept by the hand of the Almighty God?
13:10 Are you all hearing me today? I need you to know that is what I'm talking about.
13:15 It only really is going to feel good for those that are trying to make heaven their home.
13:21 In other words, there are certain miracles you can get that don't require a relationship.
13:29 Remember the ten lepers that got healed. They got their healing, but only one came back to give thanks.
13:36 The 5,000 love Jesus as long as he was giving out free fish sandwiches, but the Bible says that at the end of John 6,
13:45 by the time He finishes preaching that one day, you're going to have to eat My flesh and drink My blood,
13:51 verse 66 says that not many of them followed Him any longer. I guess what I'm saying, beloved,
13:58 is you can get miracles in the drive-thru, but you get sustained by God when you sit at the table.
14:10 There is a blessing in being sustained in trouble that cannot be received from any of the way.
14:19 Remember what the Apostle Paul says, he says, "I've got a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet at me," and he says,
14:29 three times, I have prayed that it would be removed; three times, I prayed that the miracle would take place."
14:37 But He says, "I found something greater than a miracle." He says, "I found out that His grace is sufficient
14:45 and God is able to sustain me in whatever situation I'm in."
14:51 Notice church, He says that, "God's strength is made perfect in my weakness.
15:00 So that when I'm sustained, I'm perfected in a way that I am not when I just get what I want in the drive-thru."
15:09 You all are not hearing me today.
15:11 Is there anybody that's willing to admit that as much as I want the trouble to be taken away,
15:17 go ahead and admit that I need a little more time in the furnace. I need a little more time in the oven.
15:24 I need a little more time for God to work on me.
15:27 Is there anybody that's thankful enough to say even when the trouble isn't taken away,
15:33 I'll praise God that He sustains me! I'll praise Him for the healing, but I'll praise Him more that He sustains me when I'm sick.
15:43 I praise Him for increase, but I thank Him for the times that he sustained me in lack. I praise Him for friends,
15:51 but I thank Him for the times that he sustained me with enemies abounded. In other words, I praise Him for the good,
15:59 but there is a special praise that I reserved for the times that God sustained me.
16:06 Is there anybody that will just say, "Lord, I thank you that you got me to the end of the week.
16:12 Lord, I thank you for sustaining me to be able to get up and see another day.
16:19 Lord, I thank you that when there was more month than money, you made sure there was bread on the table.
16:26 Lord, I thank you that when they came to get that little car, I wasn't home.
16:31 " Is there anybody thankful that when the marriage should have dissolved God kept it?
16:36 Is there anybody that can just say, "Lord, I don't have it all. It's not all good,
16:42 but I thank You for sustaining me." Are you hearing the word today? The word says... Friends, I want you to get this.
16:56 The Bible says, "When the Lord..." The word says, "And when He came near the gate of the city, behold,
17:10 a dead man was being carried out." Verse 13 says, "When the Lord saw her..." When he saw her, "...He had compassion."
17:27 Oh, Jesus. Oh, help me, Lord. He saw her and had compassion on her.
17:35 Listen real quick. I'm almost done. Fourth thing this teaches, friends of mine, is that sometimes, your sorrow intercedes for you.
17:44 [Congregation: Clapping]
17:48 Pastor Snell: Remember, I told you last week,
17:50 that one of the reasons Christ had to come is He had to come show us what God is actually like.
18:00 Notice that the miracle commences not because of what she said, but the word simply says he saw her.
18:13 I need you all to get this, friends of mine.
18:15 The word says that He saw a woman so overwhelmed by a grief that was probably triggered by the loss of her man.
18:25 When he sees her swallowed up by life's adversities,
18:31 the Bible says that God cannot sit with indifference toward the suffering of His children.
18:39 She doesn't even make an ask. God resurrects the boy simply because He saw her.
18:50 Before I even get to the good part, I just want to let somebody know today that God sees you.
19:03 I want to say to the soul that feels invisible, that feels invaluable, that feels overlooked under notice because after all,
19:14 you're family, don't come check on you. Your friends have not come to see about you.
19:19 Your loved ones have no idea of what is swimming on the inside of your soul.
19:27 I need you to know that if nobody else sees, if nobody else cares,
19:33 if nobody else gives a good doggone, I need you to know that there is a God who sees you.
19:46 Now, I need you to get this friends because this miracle is not a response to some major act of faith.
20:01 Are you all hearing me, saints? This miracle is not a response to some major act of faith.
20:09 I need you to get where this woman is in her emotions. This woman then already lost her man.
20:14 Notice that she passed by Jesus as if He was not there. She walked by as if He was just another bystander in the crowd.
20:22 She is at a place where she has lost and lost and her prayers have gone so unheard, that she doesn't even have a further expectation.
20:30 The Bible says she doesn't even make a request of God, but the Bible says that He sees her pain. He sees her sorrow.
20:40 He is moved to act even though there is no supervening act of faith.
20:46 I guess, saints, what I wish I could tell you today. I wrote the book on unrealistic faith,
20:52 but I wish I could tell you that everything God has done for me has been a response to unending prayer or because I never doubted.
21:01 I wish I could testify that God move because I never distrusted him or because I never cease my prayers.
21:09 I can testify that every now and then, God did some things not because I prayed hard, not because I believe long,
21:18 but simply out of the abundance of His goodness. Go ahead and tell the truth and shame the devil today.
21:25 There were times where you didn't ask.
21:28 Let me preach to this side. There are some times where you didn't have the words to pray.
21:33 There were times when you didn't have the mind to pray. There were times where you didn't have the strength to pray.
21:40 The good news is that God did it even though you didn't pray. He did it simply because He's that good.
21:53 In other words, He paid the bills because He's good. He protected the house because He's good.
21:59 He shielded your kids because He's good. Everything that happens is not a response to our goodness.
22:07 Is there anybody thankful that He does not deal with us according to what we deserve,
22:13 but according to the multitude of His tender mercies. So that even if we didn't ask, we didn't believe, we didn't trust,
22:24 God still moved because He's good.
22:30 I see some of us are still not convinced. It trips me out, the things that we believe without doubting.
22:44 It's crazy. Most of us grew up on the paradigm where we say thank God that God will leave no sin unpunished.
22:53 Do you ever heard that before? We believe that, don't we? We believe God will let no sin go unpunished,
23:07 but yet we believe that God will allow our sorrows to go unattended. We believe God will let no sin go unpunished,
23:18 but we believe God will allow our sorrows to go unaddressed.
23:22 It suggests an indictment against the character of God
23:26 because it suggests that He is more concerned with our sins than He is with our sorrows.
23:34 But I serve a God that has been touched with the feeling of my infirmities, so that when I cry,
23:45 He don't have to hear a word because He knows how to interpret the language of tears.
23:51 He knows what your groans mean and your sorrows mean, so that even when your sorrows intercede
24:01 and make an appeal to God that words cannot express. It is why Romans says you don't know how to pray like His son,
24:11 but the spirit itself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Are you all hearing me today, friends?
24:19 I need you to know that God is not more concerned with your sins than He is with your sorrows. Are you all hearing me today, friends?
24:30 God is more worried about how you're sleeping than who you slept with 10 years ago?
24:41 You think that God is only worried about what you're eating when God is worried about what's eating you.
24:49 God is more worried about where you're going than where you've been or what you've done.
24:54 Some of us have got to flip the script in our thinking to where we realize that God is more attentive to our needs than
25:02 He is to our transgressions.
25:08 "Pastor, how do I know that God is going to address my sorrows?" And I'm glad you asked.
25:17 The reason I know He's going to handle every sorrow is because He's already handled every sin.
25:25 [Congregation: Clapping]
25:27 Pastor Snell: Oh, I felt that Jessica. The reason I know He's going to handle the sorrow is because He's already addressed the sin.
25:36 Doesn't Roman say that if God already freely gave us His Son, won't He also with Him then freely give us all things?
25:49 In other words, if He's already given us the best gift, why then would He withhold the inferior gifts? Where are you all at today,
25:57 church? If He went to the Cross, if He went to the grave, if He gave His blood, then won't He pay the bills?
26:07 Won't He get you in school? Won't He answer your prayers? Won't He heal your marriage? Won't He build your body?
26:16 Won't He provide the job? Stop looking at the circumstance. Start looking at the cross. The proof is not in your bank account.
26:26 The proof is seen in the ransom that has been paid. The best gift has been given. The covenant has been ratified.
26:35 Because I've been forgiven, because I've received grace, I know He's going to provide, that He cares,
26:45 that He's going to supply every need according to His riches in glory. Somebody praise the God who cares today?
26:55 [Congregation: Continuous Clapping]
26:58 Pastor Snell: Praise the God who cares today! No, no, no. Not be indifferent God, but if you serve a God that cares, He cares.
27:07 He cares. He says cast all your cares upon Him because He cares for you.
27:23 There's somebody thinking, "Man, it ain't going to get better until I get myself right spiritually."
27:29 I need you to know that when God saw the tear fall from your eyes, it spoke more powerfully than 20 minutes of prayer on your face.
27:44 The cries of your heart appeal to the mind of the God who cares so much about you.
27:54 He says, "I've numbered even the hairs on your head." I need you to know that even before you had the mind to pray,
28:05 even when you lack the will to pray...
28:07 Let me be clear. I'm not telling you you should not pray, but I just need somebody to stop beating themselves up
28:13 and know that God sees you.
28:18 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
28:41 [END]


Revised 2022-10-05