Breath of Life.

I’ve Got Receipts Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000041S

00:06 Sermon #S022 - I've Got Receipts - (Part 2)
00:20 Welcome to the Breath of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell!
00:26 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will share Part Two of the powerful message entitled “I've Got Receipts”
00:34 Let learn more about God's power through the study of His Word.
00:42 Pastor Snell: See I need yall to get that one thing about human nature and it's not just you, it's human nature.
00:48 Human nature has a bend toward evil. Are you all still with me, church?
00:51 [Congregation: Amen]
00:53 We have a natural inclination toward sin and not just saying but the covering of our sin.
00:59 The problem with sometimes is that God is so merciful that God won't let you blow up the first time.
01:06 What he will do is he will allow some grace. But what happens is we confuse grace as a license for sin.
01:12 [Congregation: Amen]
01:14 And what should be helping us turn around actually makes us bolder in our dirt. You are all acting brand-new today?
01:20 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
01:21 Because it's quite as it's kept, though nobody gets caught the first time.
01:26 [Congregation: Laughing]
01:29 Come on, tell the truth. That's what you told your parents, but nobody gets pregnant the first time.
01:38 There are some scares along the way, but we didn't turn around am I telling the truth, like,
01:42 nobody goes to jail for the first crime they commit. In other words, there are usually.
01:47 They can anybody look back at their life
01:49 and realize that there were some times there was some margin where God gave us to turn around.
01:55 But the problem is that some of us will not turn around until certain things are drawn from the darkness.
02:03 [Congregation: Amen]
02:05 And put into the light. And so I need us to understand something about the truth.
02:09 Like for those that are living with a lie right now, I need you to know man, the truth is the one element that cannot die.
02:18 [Congregation: Amen]
02:20 I mean, the truth is like that blade of grass that burst through the concrete crack.
02:25 And I want to encourage somebody that is living with a painful lie, I need you to know,
02:30 the one thing about secret sin is that it's strongest in secret.
02:35 And that's what God has done certain things hit the light
02:38 because it is not until it hits the light that we can find our salvation.
02:43 I need us to kind of think through this with the scriptures
02:45 because I needed to know that some of the greatest blessings in the scripture are when some people got caught.
02:51 And you see, the blessing of the woman is not just when she was forgiven, it was when she got caught.
02:57 I can see you all still are not convinced. Let's look at my man Samson. He had gotten away with it,
03:04 and he always had his strength but he didn't turn around and depend on God until he got caught
03:11 and that's when he realized that his help came from God. You all still aren't convinced.
03:17 Remember your boy, Jonah was doing good, running from the presence of God
03:22 but he didn't realize his full potential until he got caught in the belly of a whale
03:28 and then he made supplication unto God. Okay, you'll be convinced here.
03:33 Remember there was a thief on the cross who is out there living his best life
03:39 and had gotten away with it. But one day he was caught and put on the cross next to Jesus,
03:45 and it was there on the cross that he met his savior, we're saying today I say unto you that you will be with me in paradise.
03:56 In other words, God blesses some by covering, and sometimes he saves you by letting it come to the light.
04:06 [Congregation: Amen]
04:08 The third thing that teaches us is that Jesus applies justice evenly. The one thing about my Jesus,
04:18 he is the God who balances the scales. In this text, as much as Jesus is a moral advocate,
04:28 I need you all to get that he is also a justice advocate. I didn't even realize,
04:34 do you realize that this story actually has social justice implications to it?
04:39 The one thing that is interesting about Jewish law at this time is that Jewish law kind of overlapped with civil law so much
04:48 so that you could be punished civilly. Because there was no separation of church and state.
04:53 You can be punished civilly for moral indiscretions. Are you all still with me?
04:58 [Congregation: Amen]
05:00 And it's amazing because you could be stoned to death if you are found guilty of the act of adultery.
05:05 But this is where Jesus is essentially trying to even the scales and the distribution of justice.
05:13 Because when they bring this woman and they say, listen, we found her Jesus, we caught her in adultery in the very act.
05:23 The question should immediately be raised. Wait a minute.
05:32 How do you just go catch one person in adultery, but the other person goes scot-free? I mean, Rob Base told us in the 90s,
05:42 it takes two to make...
05:43 [Congregation: You've been saved all your life[?]]
05:45 Okay, all right, you've all been saved all your life, okay, I hear you.
05:48 But did you realize friends that in the Jewish law, specifically, the Talmud that a man could not be guilty of adultery,
05:58 that only a woman could be found guilty of adultery? And in other words, they dragged her out the bed
06:06 and your boy sitting there with a cigarette like, man, you better get right with God.
06:10 [Congregation: Amen]
06:12 In other words, the only one that could be found guilty of adultery was a married woman.
06:18 And if a single woman messes with a married, man, guess what? Then the woman would be found guilty of adultery.
06:25 And see what happened, in a patriarchal society where the men had all the power,
06:31 they set up rules that would punish a segment of those without the power.
06:37 While those with the power to commit the same crime or do the same deed and not experience the same consequence.
06:48 And see friends of mine, I need us to understand that Jesus came to show us what God was like.
06:56 One of the things that Jesus does in this story is when he says, let him who is without sin.
07:02 And notice when Jesus says this, he is not talking about general sin, he said to let him who is without the same sin,
07:11 cast the first stone. In other words, he is saying, let's have a stoning party up in here but we are going to stone everybody.
07:23 [Congregation: Clapping/Amen]
07:25 That's committed the sin. I need you to understand that Jesus doesn't just deal with the issue here.
07:30 Remember in Matthew Chapter 5, when Jesus teaches on the mountain, he says, "Thou says, the Bible says,
07:37 Thou shalt not commit adultery,"
07:39 and Jesus says that he that looks upon a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
07:47 And the radical part is not just that he raises thought to the level of adultery, the radical part is that he says,
07:54 even you all brothers can be found guilty. Are you all hearing the word today?
07:59 [Congregation: Amen]
08:01 So Jesus says, let him who is without sin cast the first stone at her first and see, remember Jesus says,
08:07 I didn't come to destroy the law and the prophets, he says, I came to fulfill the law.
08:16 In other words, he says, I come to make sure that everybody is judged by it equally.
08:22 And see what Jesus is teaching us friends, is that he is the god that champions the cause of the oppressed,
08:29 that he is the God that stands with the marginalized. He is the God that stands up for those who have no voice.
08:36 He is the God that stands in the gap and advocates for those who have no advocate.
08:43 And I just want to say to anybody that is on the wrong side of oppression that we serve a God
08:50 who has made it his mission to make sure that evens the scales of justice.
08:56 And I need you to know that you might be on the wrong side today,
09:00 but God is going to make all things equal in time. Are you all hearing me today, friends?
09:05 [Congregation: Amen]
09:07 I needed us to know beloved because God is saying, listen, we're going to do this thing right because I got receipts.
09:12 [Congregation: Amen]
09:14 As I need us, no friends of mine that the scales of justice are still uneven in our time.
09:18 Do you realize that this patriarchal stop structure is even alive in our time?
09:22 Pew Research Center states that 5 out of 25 women state that they earn less than their male counterparts,
09:29 even though they do the exact same work, at the same job.
09:33 Do you realize friends of mine that women make 84 cents for every dollar that their male counterparts make?
09:41 Do you realize that in our own church, you have female pastors that preach and they visit and they minister,
09:50 and yet they're classified differently than their male counterparts that do the exact same thing?
09:56 Do you realize that in the justice system, a black man and a white man can commit the same drug offense
10:04 but the wet black man's sentence is going to be two times as long?
10:09 Do you realize that during the crack epidemic they pronounce the war on drugs and stiff penalties,
10:17 but during the opioid crisis, we created rehab centers and it was treated as mental illness
10:23 Do you realize that blacks are three times more likely to be pulled over by the police,
10:28 that blacks report that there are times that when they're in a position of administration,
10:35 they will train a white counterpoint only to have that same white person,
10:41 I'll get promoted ahead of them and they find themselves answering to the one they train.
10:47 Blacks rate twice as long in emergency rooms with charge more for bail.
10:53 We get less access to loans when we have the same credit score. Ain't it crazy,
10:59 how a black person can be put in jail for using an EBT card,
11:04 but Brett Favre can steal five million dollars from the welfare fund to give to his alma mater,
11:14 and yet, no charges have been leveled against him or the governor.
11:19 [Congregation: Amen]
11:20 And what I'm saying today friends, is that on this side,
11:23 there is always a powerless minority that's going to have the scales of justice in this place in an uneven way.
11:31 But I love the promise of Isaiah chapter 40, as it related to the Messiah, and Isaiah 40 verses 1 through 4,
11:38 he declares that there's going to be one that cries out in the wilderness that makes a highway in the desert.
11:45 And the Bible says that when he comes that every hill and mountain is going to be brought low,
11:50 and every valley is going to be filled and that the rock places are going to be made smooth.
11:56 I don't know if somebody realizes what he's saying, is that when the Messiah comes mountains will be brought low
12:02 and valleys are going to be filled.
12:04 In other words, those that are up high are going to be brought low,
12:07 and those that are in the valley are going to be raised up. And guess what?
12:11 It's not going to matter your color, your gender, or your creed
12:16 because the ground is going to be leveled at the foot of the cross.
12:20 Is there anybody thankful that the wall of partition has been torn down, and that there is no Jew, no Gentile,
12:28 no Greek, no male, no female, no bond, no free, but we are all one in Jesus Christ?
12:36 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
12:38 And that's why Amos says that before the Lord comes that justice is going to roll on like a river
12:42 and righteousness like a mighty stream, and know that nobody gets away with it forever.
12:49 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
12:52 Because everybody has to appear before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ. Now, just a point of information.
13:00 You all know that they don't care anything about this woman's morality. They're just using her to get to Jesus.
13:12 I want to be clear friends that the miracle of the story, is not the abandonment of the law. That's not what is that work here.
13:23 Your takeaway from this particular story should not be that Jesus overlooks or nullifies the law.
13:31 No, your takeaway from the story ought to be that there is only one that is worthy to act as judge.
13:39 [Congregation: Amen]
13:40 And it is the sinless Son of God. Are you all with me today, friends?
13:44 [Congregation: Amen]
13:46 So listen, they come to Jesus. They're like listen, Lord, we caught this woman in adultery in the very act and say,
13:52 I need you to get this job. Like they pretty much think they got Jesus in a bind. In other words,
13:57 they feel like they are in a win-win situation because guess what if Jesus then on omits
14:03 or nullifies the law then they'll be able to condemn him as a lawbreaker. But then, if Jesus has the woman stoned,
14:11 then guess what his movement of mercy is going to lose all of its credibility. So if they stone her, they win,
14:18 if they release her, they win and they feel like they've got Jesus up the creek without a paddle but they don't know who they messing with.
14:27 My savior is like okay, you all came from me even when I didn't send for you all, you all want to have our conversation about the law.
14:36 Let's have a law-and-order jamboree in this joint.
14:41 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
14:42 He said okay, you all want to be about the law. Let's execute the law in all your functions.
14:47 Remember, he says, I didn't come to destroy the law or the prophets, I came to fulfill the law.
14:52 You all don't even realize I'm the embodiment of the law. I am literally the only one that's kept the law in all of its points.
14:59 So, if you want to talk about the law, you came to the right one today.
15:05 [Congregation: Amen]
15:06 Are you all with me today, friends?
15:07 [Congregation: Amen]
15:09 So, essentially now, what Jesus says, he's like, okay, men listen, let's have a law party. Let's implement it in a very particular way.
15:16 I want to listen, this is not in the Bible, but I believe Jesus sees some stones and he grabs some stones.
15:22 And he goes and gets one to this person and he goes and gives one to that person and he goes
15:29 and gives one to the other person and then it gets a big stone and gives to a big man.
15:33 And he says, listen, when you throw this, don't forget to wind up a long way and make sure you aim good at the woman.
15:40 And he says, he who is without sin cast the first stone. And when the woman, here's Jesus says it's okay to cast a stone,
15:49 I can see her ball up in the fetal position.
15:53 [Congregation: Amen]
15:55 She is bracing herself to get what she deserves. She's trying to figure it out. Do I cover my head,
16:01 but if I cover my head, I leave my organs exposed? If I cover my organs, I leave my face exposed.
16:07 If I cover my face, I leave something else exposed.
16:11 And in this moment of trying to brace it becomes clear that the sinner cannot cover themselves.
16:18 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
16:22 So, Jesus is walking around and he's just hanging out stones.
16:25 He says, listens you get a stone and you get a stone and you get a stone.
16:29 Make sure your aim is good to make sure your wind up right, he says he who is without sin cast the first stone.
16:36 But before you throw it...
16:41 Let me show you some receipts.
16:43 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
16:47 As the word says that he just starts writing on the ground. He acts as if he doesn't even hear them.
16:54 And then the Bible says, he writes some stuff in the ground. Then he says, before you throw it,
16:59 realize you got to be without sin before you cast the first stone. You see the right Jesus begins writing in the ground,
17:07 and the servant of the Lord says that Jesus begins to write their names.
17:14 [Congregation: Amen]
17:15 And a list of all their sins.
17:19 [Congregation: Amen]
17:20 And God is saying before you throw it, remember, I got receipts.
17:25 [Congregation: Amen/Laughing]
17:28 Can you imagine what it's like when you see your name in the sand, and it says, Sam, March, 23rd 7 p.m. at the Howard Johnson,
17:39 oh yall not hearing me?
17:40 [Congregation: Amne]
17:43 He says, Joe, Aug 24th, 2:24 p.m. on your lunch break with your secretary. Devante March, 17th at 12 p.m. you thought nobody saw.
17:54 But I saw, oh, Bill, I saw you on December 23rd, you crept the day before Christmas Eve. But guess what? I still saw you.
18:03 And as they look at the list of their sins in the sand, they start acting like good Baptists.
18:11 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
18:13 They put that finger up, and the word says that they walk out from the oldest all the way down to the youngest.
18:25 I love the way Jesus does this. Because not only does he not expose the woman, he doesn't even expose the man.
18:35 There are two times when we see God writing in Scripture.
18:38 [Congregation: Amen]
18:39 Oh where Bible folf at?
18:41 [Congregation: Amen]
18:43 We see Jesus take the same hand, and we see him right down the Ten Commandments.
18:47 [Congregation: Amen]
18:49 He takes the same sand, and as hand and he writes the sins in the sand. You all didn't catch it.
18:54 He wrote the Commandment in stone. He wrote sins in the sand so that when they walk through the list of sins can be wiped away.
19:07 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
19:08 I'm grateful that the law cannot be changed.
19:12 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
19:13 But I'm thankful that my sins can be wiped away.
19:16 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
19:17 They can be erased.
19:18 [Congregation: Amen]
19:19 They can be blotted out.
19:20 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
19:21 They can be removed.
19:22 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
19:24 Thank God, he didn't write them in ink, in concrete, he wrote them in the sand.
19:28 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping
19:31 Are you hearing the word today?
19:34 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
19:36 I love this thing because the woman is still there bracing herself.
19:42 [Congregant: Amen]
19:43 Jesus has to tell the woman to get up. She said, bracing one side and covering the other side,
19:48 and she knows she's done because there's something that is left exposed. And he says woman, where are your accusers?
19:56 And she finally looks up and says none. And he says, neither do I condemn thee and what he's saying to the woman is wake up,
20:06 stop covering yourself. You ain't got to cover yourself because I got you covered from now on.
20:13 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
20:15 I got you covered. Anybody thankful to be covered in his righteousness and his blood, in his mercy, and in his goodness.
20:26 [Congregation: Amen]
20:29 So he does not omit the law. He simply evenly distributes it and he shows mercy by showing that none of us are good,
20:38 none of us are deserving, but the same woman stood under the same judgment that the Pharisees did
20:45 and they could all only be made whole in him. I do want to say.
20:50 One quick thing before I close is that some of the more than most powerful statements in the word it is not just neither,
20:56 do I condemn you. We shout out there and we go home but Jesus says something even greater to the woman. He says go...
21:06 [Congregant: Amen/Hallelujah]
21:09 ...and sin no more.
21:13 [Congregant: Amen/Hallelujah]
21:16 The problem is we see that as just a religious instruction. But how many of us know that Jesus' word is not just instruction,
21:27 his word is also the will to carry it out? Oh, you all didn't catch that.
21:37 The problem is we've been treating the word like just this law of codes that is without us or outside of us,
21:45 but I need us to know that the word of God, is alive, active, and sharper than a double-edged sword and it is a discerner of the thoughts
21:56 and the intents of the heart. And what I'm saying to somebody today is that his word is not just an instruction, his word is the real,
22:05 it is the force. It is the power to perform what it is that he is asking for you to do.
22:13 In other words, there are times when we read what God desires in the word and we pray to God, give me the power to do what's in the word,
22:24 know if you just internalize the word.
22:27 [Congregation: Amen]
22:29 Then you've already got the power. See you all still see the word as just syllables. The Bible says, in the beginning, was the Word,
22:36 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. So that when I caught the word in me,
22:48 I'm getting an infusion of Jesus so that the same power that caused him to overcome is the same power that allows me to walk in the newness
23:00 of life. So if I'm going to overcome, I've got to be like Jesus and say it is written.
23:08 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
23:10 Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
23:17 I need somebody to know that there's power in the Word.
23:24 [Congregation: Amen]
23:26 Snell: Help me, Holy Spirit. There is authority in the pages of scripture.
23:32 There is something supernatural in the 66 books that have been canonized.
23:39 The problem is you're praying for the power to act on the Word when you ought to just be activating the power that's already in the word.
23:48 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
23:52 Okay, thank you, Holy Spirit. The problem is we've been the Word, like hardware, instead of software. Oh, God.
24:03 Let me talk to the deacons. In other words, hardware is the tool that I use because I got to work hard to make something change,
24:11 that's hardware. But when I get the software and it's downloaded on my phone, the operations do so automatically
24:20 because it is inscribed on the tablets of the device? And when his word is inscribed on my heart righteousness
24:34 becomes an automatic byproduct of having my operating system change from Windows to Mac OS. Are you all hearing what I'm saying today?
24:43 [Congregation: Amen]
24:44 The word is software, not hardware.
24:48 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
24:52 I'm excited friends that Jesus says I've got receipts.
24:58 [Congregation: Amen]
25:00 Now, some of you all are here that Jesus got receipts and you get scared.
25:04 [Congregation: Laughing/Amen]
25:06 You know why I'm glad Jesus has receipts, any redeemed folk in this room with me yet?
25:12 [Congregation: Yes]
25:13 Any folk that now you saved by grace.
25:16 [Congregation: Amen]
25:18 You're the reason, I'm glad Jesus got receipts, is because receipts are proof of purchase.
25:24 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
25:29 Receipts are not proof of what you did wrong.
25:32 [Congregation: Amen]
25:33 It's the evidence that you've been brought by somebody.
25:36 [Congregation: Amen]
25:38 So that if I have something, and somebody says it's mine and I'm saying, it's mine,
25:44 the proof and what breaks the tie is I got receipts.
25:49 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
25:50 I got something that says where been brought it. Where is been brought?
25:54 The last four numbers in my credit card statements?
25:58 [Congregation: Amen]
25:59 The devil says they sinned. The devil says they're mine.
26:04 [Congregation: Amen]
26:05 The devil says they belong to me but Jesus stands up in dispute. The enemy accuses.
26:12 God is covering. Satan says they're mine. Jesus says they belong to me.
26:18 [Congregation: Amen]
26:20 But then Jesus, rolls up his sleeves, and shows the nails in his hands.
26:24 [Congregatnt: My Lord]
26:27 Opens up his coat. Show his nails on his side, takes his shoes off, shows the nails on his feet, and says, I've got the receipts.
26:37 [Congregations: Hallelujah/Amen/ Clapping]
26:40 I know when I bought, I didn't purchase them with corruptible things, such as silver or gold...
26:48 [Congregation: Amen]
26:49 ...but with the precious blood of Jesus.
26:52 [Congregation: Amen]
26:53 If you're thankful, he's got the receipt.
26:54 [Congregation: Amen]
26:55 Praise the Lamb, give him glory.
26:58 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
27:00 Thank him, that he knows you, that he purchased you and that our God knows your name.
27:10 [Congregation: Amen/Clapping]
27:12 (Breath of Life Theme Music)


Revised 2022-11-02