Breath of Life.

Stop Babel-Ing Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000055S

00:00 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
00:07 Sermon #S029 - Stop Babel-ing - (Part 2)
00:20 Welcome to the Breath of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell!
00:25 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will share Part Two of the dynamic message titled: “Stop Babel-ing.”
00:33 Now, let's go deeper into the word of God to understand God's vision for our families.
00:41 Pastor Snell: And what I'm saying to us today,
00:42 friends of mine, is we got to get to a place where our battle is not for control,
00:46 it is not for authority, but we fight to out serve, to out submit and out please one another.
00:53 Are y'all hearing me today friends? So I need us to know friends of mine that even as you establish roles,
00:58 that the roles ought to be based on gifts, not just gender. Are y'all here the pastor today?
01:07 [Congregation: Amen]
01:09 Because let's just tell the truth. In every marriage you got one that's a little less financially literate
01:17 and they'll burn through all the money in one day. And sometimes that's the husband
01:24 and you don't put the paycheck in his hand if that's not his gift. Are y'all hearing what I'm saying?
01:29 In other words, there're in every house there are roles, there's going to be one to the kids, that's going to be the law.
01:35 There's another parent that's going to be grace.
01:37 But together the image of God is revealed to those kids as they see law and grace operating for their good.
01:43 And there are building in every home, there's going to be one that don't really care nothing about the house being clean.
01:49 There's going to be somebody that's always up in arms about stuff not being clean. In fact, even though I'm the man,
01:55 I need you to be clear.
01:57 Ain't no sugar in my tank, but when I see a dirty room, man, I'm going to be in there with my vacuum.
02:01 I'm going to be washing something, I'm going to be cleaning something.
02:05 And it's not based on gender is based upon how my mind sees systems and structure and organiza...
02:12 Are y'all hearing the pastor today? Do y'all realize that some of the strongest brothers I know they like to cook.
02:19 [Congregation: Clapping]
02:21 Are y'all? Am I preaching anybody today? Like do you realize Jacob is the father of the nation
02:27 but he got Esau to sell the birthright because he made the best stew anybody ever wanted to eat?
02:35 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying today? And what I'm saying to us today, friends of mine,
02:39 is that we've got to get to a place where we base our roles based upon the gifts God gave,
02:45 not just the gender we were assigned at birth.
02:48 Now I do want to say this, I do believe friends that that husbands are called ultimately to be the head.
02:54 If you agree, let me hear you say amen.
02:56 [Congregation: Amen]
02:57 Now again ladies, before you get mad at this,
02:59 I need you to be clear that the head is not the one husbands that has all authority.
03:04 The head is the one that's held accountable. [laughter]
03:07 [Congregation: That's right]
03:10 No, no, no. That's what the head is. Because even though Eve ate the fruit first and handed it to the man,
03:16 when God showed up in the garden, he didn't say, Eve, where are you? He called for your boy Adam. And so in other words,
03:25 the head is the one that is going to be held ultimately responsible.
03:29 See, I need us to understand what headship is. Headship is the one that takes the blame when it goes wrong.
03:37 See, we want to walk around, be not chest talking about I'm the head, but when it goes wrong,
03:42 we want to do like Adam did and say it's the woman that God put here. Are y'all hearing what I'm saying?
03:48 See, being in head is kind of almost like this. Anybody got siblings in your house? If you're the oldest child, let me hear you.
03:55 See you raise your hand. So being the head is like being the oldest child so that when your parents leave you at home with your
04:01 brothers and sisters, they leave you in charge. They make you the head. But guess what? Even when your little brothers
04:07 and sisters break something or the jobs doesn't get done, they don't come and ask for the brother and sister that broke it.
04:15 They call the name of the one they left in charge.
04:18 [Congregation: Applause]
04:20 And see that's what it means to be the head. It is the one that shares the credit when things go well.
04:26 And here's the one that takes responsibility when things are not as God ordained.
04:33 See, and that's why the Bible in Philippians two says that God gave him a name that is above every name, that the name of Jesus.
04:41 Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. Why did Jesus become the head? He became the head. Why of the body.
04:49 He's the head of all things that pertains unto the church. Why? Because he took responsibility.
04:54 He took responsibility when he went to the cross, he is the one that jumped in front of the judgment. He is the one that says,
05:03 I'll take the penalty. He is the one that says put the transfer of sin on me. And understand that you can't be the head.
05:12 Whether that's you are willing not just to stand in front of the altar,
05:16 you are not the head until you're willing to lay on the altar
05:20 [Congregation: Applause]
05:22 And make sure that there's a sacrifice so that everybody can be saved though. Y'all hearing me today friends?
05:27 Second thing this teaches us, and if I can shift to my singles for just a moment,
05:34 that when it comes down to what you're evaluating, you've got to let communication break the tie.
05:46 In other words, friends, the success of their endeavors hinge upon their ability to communicate.
05:54 As long as in Babel they were able to communicate, everything went good. But as soon as they lost the ability to communicate,
06:01 guess what?
06:04 Everything went chaotic and turned into a disaster. And see what God does. Friends of mine is he sabotages the language.
06:10 See friends, y'all got to kind of see in your mind's eyes the chaos that now takes place on this work site.
06:15 Once God sabotages the language, see what happens. Somebody asks for a screwdriver, but then somebody hands them some pliers,
06:24 somebody's asking for some concrete and somebody's handing them a bale of hay. Somebody is instructed to go and paint the wall,
06:31 but then somebody's against the wall drilling a hole in the wall.
06:35 Because even though they have tools, they can't build nothing because they can't communicate.
06:42 [Congregation: Amen]
06:44 And the reason I'm saying this singles is that society is always telling you to just evaluate their tools,
06:50 evaluate what they're working with, investigate what they're utilizing.
06:56 But I need you to know it doesn't matter what they're working with if they can't communicate.
07:02 And it's crazy because see, too often our brothers will make all of their evaluations based upon what she's working with physically.
07:11 But I need you to understand that you've got to evaluate more than what she's working with.
07:17 You got to evaluate how she's able to communicate. In other words, it's cool to have your preference.
07:23 There ain't nothing wrong with that. But let's be clear, the complexion of her skin, the size of her bust,
07:29 the length of her hair ain't going to keep you when your world turns upside down.
07:34 [Congregation: Applause]
07:36 In other words, you got to be asking yourself, does she know what to say in a crisis?
07:40 Does she add calm when there is chaos? Does she know how to speak with respect? Does her words build or do they tear down?
07:49 Does she know how when to speak up and when to be still. Verbally is she vaccine or is she virus?
07:59 [Congregation: Applause]
08:00 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying today?
08:02 And see, the problem is we focus so much on what she's working with physically.
08:06 When the truth is that if it comes down to pretty or respect, let respect break the tie.
08:12 If it comes down to attraction or attitude, let communication break the tie.
08:17 And brothers, this is the key. The girl who is the one is not just the one you like looking at.
08:24 It's the one you like listening to.
08:27 [Congregation: Clapping]
08:29 In other words, it's not the one you like touching, it's the one you want to stay in touch with.
08:33 It is that girl that is your best friend. You like being around her. You can talk to her all night.
08:40 The one that's going be with you is not just the one you like looking at.
08:46 It's the one you like li... Am I preaching anybody married folk today?
08:50 Because how many of us know Proverbs 31 says that Charm is deceitful, beauty is fading.
08:56 But a woman who fears the Lord shall be praise. Because see, this is the crazy thing about looks that that a woman you enjoy
09:05 becomes even more attractive when you like talking to her.
09:11 But when you can't communicate with her, all that pretty goes out the window. Are y'all hearing me today friends?
09:17 [Congregation: Laughing]
09:19 In other words, sisters, when you're evaluating, don't just look at what he's working with physically or financially.
09:26 You got to ask, can that brother communicate?
09:35 In other words, because you realize, sister, you going to be nurtured and fed through communication.
09:41 That's what's going to keep you when you've been married 35 years. Because understand that them little abs,
09:47 they going to be sagging into jello. Am I preaching to anybody today? Are y'all hearing what I'm saying?
09:53 [Congregation: Clapping]
09:55 And so you got to begin asking yourselves the question, is the greatest strength in his biceps or in his triceps?
10:00 Or does he know what to say? Do his words have wisdom. Do his words bring comfort, are his words timely?
10:08 And even though he tends to be left brain in his thinking, can he cross the street emotionally
10:13 and not just talk on the level of facts and data?
10:17 But can he talk on the level of feelings and emotion? Can he say, I'm sorry, can he say I'm wrong?
10:24 Can he say I love you? Does he know how to express himself when he gets mad?
10:30 Does he go off or is he calculating so that his words don't destroy you, but his words build you even when things get hard?
10:42 In other words, friends of mine, you got to ask yourself the question, do you have a relationship?
10:47 Are you connected when you are not touching?
10:53 And listen, him being a good provider is good. You ought to look for that. But if he can only provide,
10:58 but he can't communicate, you going to be the loneliest,
11:01 most miserable housewife with your nice house in your nice car who's disconnected from her partner.
11:07 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying? And the reason I'm focusing on communication friends is this
11:14 Is because lust starts with the eyes, but love happens in the ears. It is what they have to say.
11:26 It is conversation that carries the day. Do you realize brothers, your wife, she can't just be your subject or your toy,
11:32 she needs to be your best friend.
11:35 She needs to be the one you like doing life with that you ought to enjoy talking with her across the dinner table each
11:41 and every day. You need somebody's sister that after you come home from a long day and life has worried you
11:47 and life has overwhelmed you, you need somebody that is emotionally available
11:53 and can make that make a contribution outside of baby what we eating for dinner tonight?
12:00 [Congregation: Laughing]
12:02 So when it comes down to pretty or communication, let communication break the tie when it comes down to he got a car
12:13 or communication, let communication break the tie. When it comes down to handsome or communication,
12:20 let communication break the tie. You've got an heir on the side of that which is going to last.
12:28 So what God says is I'm going to cause Babylon to scatter and friends of mine, it wasn't just, see,
12:35 the issue wasn't just that they could not communicate. You see, the larger issue friend is that they cared.
12:45 Babel, they were infested in what they were building.
12:51 They wanted to build something together. They were determined to see the structure come the past and understand that if they did
13:00 not care, God confounding the speech would not have really been such a great deal.
13:05 But because they cared about being able to build something, once the communication was lost,
13:10 they would literally begin to get in arguments and fights because they cared so much about what they were building.
13:17 And when they lost the ability to be able to communicate, what happened was chaos, confusion, war in strife
13:24 because they wanted to build it. They just couldn't communicate it.
13:30 And whenever you've got care without communication, you going to always have chaos.
13:38 [Congregation: Amen]
13:40 Because see what baby love says. Well, you know, we don't really have to have communication.
13:43 We don't have to have this. We ain't got to have spirituality. All we got to have is love.
13:50 Love is good, but if you can't communicate it, I need you to know that love will turn against you.
13:58 It'll turn you against one another if you can't communicate. Are y'all hearing me today friends?
14:05 And so what I want to do is I want to give you some action steps before I close.
14:09 I want to just give you a few action steps before I take my seat.
14:11 See friends of mine as we grow together both in marriage and in dating, the first action step I want to share with you
14:14 before I'm seated, is I want to encourage you to prioritize communication. Somebody say prioritize it.
14:22 See, I want to just give some brief action steps in the household of faith.
14:26 I want to encourage every couple to make sure that you spend at a minimum 30 minutes of uninterrupted conversation with one another.
14:37 I need to go preach out of town. I don't know where y'all at today.
14:43 [Congregation: Laughing]
14:44 I mean no, no, no. Am I preaching to unbelieving folk?
14:46 Listen, the pastor is saying that we ought to spend at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted communication with one another.
14:54 And what I mean when I say this, I'm not talking about 30 minutes watching a movie.
14:57 I'm not talking about 30 minutes playing video games.
15:00 I'm talking about where there is an interface where you are sitting across from a meal where you're sharing thoughts
15:06 and ideas and visions and dreams. You see friends of mine. There's this whole thing that I hear people say.
15:12 They say, pastor, we just drifted apart.
15:16 Do you realize that what keeps you united and connected is a steady stream of communication where there's a time where you
15:25 put all of your devices in time out and you allow one another to be the center of your attention.
15:34 Are y'all hearing me today friends? And it's crazy because I want to say to the brothers, we got to prioritize communication.
15:40 Come on and say amen. Stay with the pastor today because you realize that our ladies are fed by communication, right?
15:49 There is always going to be discord if there is no communication. It's crazy.
15:53 Like even in my house, I have two boys and I have a girl. And it's crazy because like me and my boys,
15:57 we can be chilling in the room. We can just be just maxing and relaxing. We watching the game, we're playing the video game.
16:03 Ain't nobody talking. We focus on the screen and ain't nobody mad about it.
16:07 [Congregation: Laughing]
16:10 We working, we're playing about, we're doing something and our attention can be diverted to something else. And we are straight.
16:15 But even though my daughter's going to be in the room after a while, she's going to put down that joystick after a while,
16:19 she's going to get in front of the TV. But wow, that girl is going to get right in my face.
16:25 [Congregation: Laughing]
16:26 And she's going to require some conversation, some up close and personal time.
16:32 I am not going to be able to stay in relationship with her as long as my attention is focused on something else.
16:39 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying? Our ladies are wired that way. And it's crazy because there's a great book.
16:47 His needs, her needs. Ashanti Feldman. She said it this way husbands, and it helped me to understand it.
16:52 She says that for a woman talking is like breathing and a lack of communication is equivalent to suffocation.
17:03 And and she put it in a way that we could understand it. She says, husbands, she says,
17:07 the same release you get through intimacy is the same release they get through conversation.
17:14 And there are times friends of mine where we're mad because we're saying she needs to increase her our bedroom libido.
17:20 What we need to increase is our emotional libido, our communication libido. And when we increase on that end,
17:28 everything we need is going to fall in place. Are y'all hearing me today?
17:33 Second action step I want to say about communication I want to say to the church is this,
17:37 I need you to know that there is nothing self-explanatory.
17:48 Okay. Let me just say this. Everything you consistently think,
17:56 but never say gives the enemy an upper hand to sabotage the unity of your home.
18:05 And what I'm saying to us today, friends of mine, is we got to get to a place where we don't under communicate.
18:10 I need you to know in a blessed home, we over communicate. In other words, sisters,
18:19 don't make him audition to see how sensitive he is by making him read your mind.
18:28 [Congregation: Laughing]
18:30 He can't see nothing past that TV on the wall. Are y'all hearing what I'm saying?
18:34 [Congregation: Clapping]
18:37 Don't make him guess. Don't leave him in the dark If there is an issue, if it's causing something's causing the fester.
18:42 If there is a resentment that is building, you've got to open up your mouth, young wive,
18:47 find your voice and communicate what you stand in need of.
18:55 Husbands we've got to find a way to find out how to be a little bit more expressive with how we feel.
19:02 Amen. Come on, say amen brothers, don't leave me by myself.
19:07 [Congregation: Laughing]
19:09 I will switch sides with the quickness and see, when we talk about being expressive,
19:15 I'm not talking about changing the way you think I'm saying just release what you're already thinking.
19:23 So, that, you know, women need to hear I love you. They need to hear you pretty,
19:31 they need to hear that you still find attraction for them.
19:34 Now it's crazy because this was something that had to be a long time learning lesson for me because in my mind,
19:40 why do I need to say that
19:44 I married you and so my wife would say, yo, do you think I'm beautiful? I'm like, yeah, I think that all the time.
19:51 I feel like I'm one of the luckiest cats on the planet. I have the baddest chick on my arm whenever I walk into a room.
19:57 That's what I'm thinking. But what I had to do was release the seal from my lips to be able to say what I'm thinking.
20:07 And there are some of us that in our hearts, we, we appreciate them in our hearts. We think they're beautiful in our hearts.
20:13 We admire them in our hearts.
20:15 But I need you to know there'll always be a misunderstanding until you release what you are thinking and give expression to it.
20:23 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
20:25 [Congregation: Clapping]
20:27 Don't make them have to guess. Don't make them have to wonder because if they're asking you,
20:34 it's because there's already a deficit and see friends of mine, this is why we've got to be expressive with certain things.
20:41 What we want to avoid, and we talked about this when we talked about infidelity the other day. What we got to avoid both husbands
20:47 and wives is this threshold where most of our communication or the only thing we express is correction or negativity.
20:59 See, I need you to know that you've reached a dangerous and volatile point when at least 60% of your communication is corrective
21:05 or critical in nature. And I need you to know friends that there is a dynamic you have to avoid.
21:13 There is a dynamic where husband and wife is always telling them what they do wrong, what they, how they mess up,
21:18 what they're not doing. And somebody's on the job and saying, man, I wish there was more good men like you, man,
21:24 I wish there was a woman like you that would stand by my side.
21:26 See, you got to avoid the dynamic of saying how awful they are when somebody's saying how great they are.
21:33 Are y'all hearing what I'm saying? We got to show value and appreciation and we don't need to leave anything unsaid.
21:42 And part of this friends is we got to have conversations, especially hard ones in the right season.
21:50 You know what the Bible says? The Bible says, don't even let the sun go down while you're angry.
21:57 Because when you do, you give a foothold or place to the devil.
22:03 Ain't it crazy how like, man, you can go to sleep mad about one thing, but then you wake up mad about 10 things.
22:12 [Congregation: Laughing]
22:15 And the funny thing is that when you got seven or eight things that have built up over time because it's not been communicated,
22:19 because it's not been said, because it's not been stated, do you realize that even by the time you address it,
22:24 you can never get to a place of resolution because you don't even know what you arguing about.
22:29 You started out talking about the toilet seat, but really the underlying issue is the fact that when you got your hair did,
22:35 he didn't notice it and he ain't saying nothing about it.
22:38 [Congregation: Clapping]
22:41 Are you hearing what him saying today? You got to make sure you prioritize conversation and that you don't leave anything unsaid.
22:47 Third thing is you got to speak one another's love language.
22:51 [Congregation: Amen]
22:52 Amen. All of us have a love language. We all have a love language.
22:57 There are five of them that Gary Chapman talks about that there are words of affirmation, there are gifts,
23:03 there's quality time, there's physical touch there is a ti... Everybody has a love language.
23:09 And you know what the problem with humanity is? Is that we always like to give love the same way we receive it.
23:17 But I need you to know that you've got to identify your partner's love language
23:21 and you've got to pour into the language they speak
23:26 because it doesn't matter how hard you try to bless them according to the way you like to be loved.
23:32 Because remember we talked about in communication what doesn't matter is what my intent is not What wins the day is what I actually
23:40 communicate.
23:42 So that if I'm itching on my shoulder and you scratch me on my leg, you don't help me, you actually offend me.
23:51 You've got to scratch where the itch is. Are y'all hearing me today? Listen I know it's late, but this is where I wanted to get.
23:57 Listen, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done. I'm done-ish. No, I'm just kidding.
24:02 [Congregation: Laughing]
24:06 Now some of you going to turn me off on this, but in order for you to have effective unity and communication,
24:13 this is it. Help me holy spirit. Do you know what you need to be praying for? You need to be praying for the Holy Ghost.
24:21 [Congregation: Clapping]
24:26 See Louis, somebody's listening to say, and they check it out.
24:29 Now listen, say, oh pastor here, you're always trying to spiritualise. No, the issue is not that I'm spiritualizing.
24:34 And the issue is that you don't have no spiritual eyes.
24:37 [Congregation: Clapping]
24:40 In order to learn how to communicate effectively, you ought not just be praying for word selection or word choice.
24:48 Your greatest prayer ought to be asking God, give me the power of the Holy Ghost. Why are you saying that Pastor?
24:57 Do you realize that at Babel what God did was he scattered them by confounding the language?
25:04 But do you realize that the solution for Babel was Pentecost?
25:10 Do you realize that when the day of Pentecost had fully come and the Holy Spirit fell with cloven and tongues of fire,
25:22 what would happen is that the Holy Ghost would become the translator of foreign languages so that when Peter stood up
25:32 and spoke in a Hebrew tongue,
25:35 the Holy Ghost would catch it in the air translated so that everybody would hear the word in their own language?
25:46 In other words, the Holy Ghost is our Rosetta Stone.
25:51 And what I'm saying to somebody, if the Holy Ghost could make strangers understand one another,
25:59 can't the Holy Ghost make a husband understand his wife? He can make a wife understand their husband,
26:06 he can make children understand their parents. He can make a nephew understand the uncle you are praying for money,
26:14 you are praying for things. But do I have seven or eight saints that are saying I want to get rid of Babylon in my life
26:22 and the ray I get rid of, Babel is praying for Pentecost?
26:27 Holy ghosts come down in my life. Holy ghosts, break up the confusion. Holy ghosts, send out the chaos.
26:37 Holy ghosts bring oneness and unity. Holy ghosts put us on the same team.
26:43 You see, the job of the Spirit is not just to make you laugh and run in church,
26:49 but it brings opposite sides and puts them together.
26:53 And do I have somebody that's going to go home and rebuild a family altar?
26:58 And before you get the Christmas, you are not saying, give me a car, give me more stuff.
27:05 You are saying give me your spirit! Are y'all hearing the word today?
27:14 Hello, family, this is Pastor Snell. Speaker/Director of the Breath of Life Television Ministry.
27:20 Last year, we released our newest book entitled Get Unrealistic, where we talked about the power of Radical Faith.
27:28 You joined us on the journey and you were richly blessed. And there are a number of you who reached out and said,
27:34 we want to make this resource available to our office staff, to my family, to our ministry group,
27:41 to our book club, to our elders board, or to our church.
27:44 I want you to know that we've created an opportunity for you to order the book in bulk.
27:49 So if you go to our website at, you can order the book in bulk.
27:55 As we enter into this new year. We don't want to go back to being realistic.
27:59 We want to continue to get unrealistic.
28:04 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
28:42 [END]


Revised 2023-02-06