Breath of Life

What Every Man Needs to Know About His Woman Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000106S

00:04 [#S056-What Every Man Needs To Know About His Wife] (Part 1)
00:19 And so today
00:21 we want to go ahead and jump right into it.
00:23 So do me a favor.
00:24 Stand to your feet as we get ready to jump into the
00:26 word today.
00:27 One of the things
00:28 that we're going to do each week
00:29 is we're going to begin with a little covenant statement,
00:32 and we're going to put that up for your consideration,
00:35 and we're going to declare it
00:36 together before we get into the word.
00:39 So do me a favor.
00:40 For all of our married couples that's here.
00:42 If you're married, let me hear you shout.
00:43 Amen.
00:44 Today, a man.
00:46 So our theme for this
00:48 particular series
00:50 is putting principle
00:52 before feelings,
00:54 putting principle before feelings.
00:57 And that's going to drive our covenant statements
00:58 on a state together today.
01:00 Today, I commit myself
01:02 to a principled marriage.
01:04 I make the decision
01:05 to put principle before feelings.
01:08 I commit to doing what
01:09 I know to do,
01:11 not just what I feel like doing.
01:13 I will serve when I don't feel it.
01:16 I will love when I don't feel it.
01:18 I will respect
01:19 when I don't feel it.
01:20 I will forgive
01:21 when I don't feel it.
01:22 I will remain
01:24 when I don't feel it.
01:25 And I will pray
01:26 when I don't feel it.
01:28 Today I'm
01:29 coming out of my feelings
01:31 and embracing my principles.
01:33 Do me a favor.
01:34 Kiss your wife or husband and
01:35 say, embrace the principles.
01:38 Amen.
01:38 Amen.
01:40 Don't kiss nobody
01:40 else's husband or wife and say,
01:42 just kiss your own.
01:44 Amen.
01:45 Hallelujah
01:47 to me quickly in your Bibles
01:49 to Ephesians chapter five
01:50 and verse 25.
01:52 And today I'm going to aim this message a little bit
01:54 more directly in the directions of the husbands.
01:57 Do I have any strong husbands in the house today?
01:58 Amen.
02:00 Ladies, give your man a hearty
02:01 amen today. Amen.
02:03 If he's in chapter five,
02:04 in verse 25,
02:05 and then next Sabbath,
02:06 I'll spend a little bit more time
02:08 talking to the wives.
02:10 Ephesians five in verse 25 again,
02:13 when you get there, let me hear you shout.
02:15 Amen.
02:16 Write
02:18 Ephesians five in verse
02:19 25 and listen what it says.
02:20 Men of God.
02:22 Husbands love your wives
02:26 just as Christ loved what
02:29 the church
02:30 and gave himself for her
02:32 that he might sanctify.
02:33 And Clint's with the washing of the water,
02:36 washing of water by the word
02:37 that he might present to her,
02:39 present her to himself
02:40 a glorious church.
02:42 Not having spot
02:43 or wrinkle or any such thing,
02:46 but that she should be wholly
02:48 and without blemish.
02:50 And this is the key.
02:52 So husbands
02:53 ought to love their own wives
02:56 as their own bodies.
02:58 And those the he says he who
03:00 loves his wife does what
03:04 loves himself
03:05 for no one
03:06 ever hated his own flesh,
03:08 but nourishes and cherishes it,
03:11 just as the Lord does.
03:13 The Church.
03:15 And so today's Saints, for a little while,
03:16 I want to talk to you under the subject
03:18 what every man
03:21 needs to know about his wife,
03:24 whatever he man
03:25 needs to know about his wife.
03:26 Let's pray together today, father,
03:29 in this little while,
03:30 would you please say much?
03:32 Would you speak to us in an intelligent
03:35 and principled fashion?
03:38 I pray that your name
03:39 would be glorified
03:40 and that families would be reinforced,
03:43 that families would be instructed,
03:45 and that we would get the tools that we need
03:47 to experience the abundance
03:49 you've ordained.
03:50 So bless us.
03:51 To this end, we pray in the name of Jesus.
03:53 Let those who believe say together.
03:55 Amen. Any man
03:58 you may be seated in
03:58 the house of the Lord.
04:01 So as we get into it today,
04:02 one of the things that we'll do each week
04:04 is we'll try to put some resources before you,
04:06 some things that have kind of helped us
04:08 in our development process
04:10 that you can kind of study
04:11 and reference even after you leave.
04:14 There are three books I want to share with you today.
04:16 The first book
04:17 for the husbands I want to share with you
04:19 is it's entitled for Men Only.
04:22 It is by Son Tee and Jeff Feldon.
04:25 It is a great resource for your
04:27 for your reading, for your study,
04:28 for your consideration,
04:29 and then for husbands and wives.
04:31 There's another book
04:32 entitled Love and Respect by Dr.
04:36 Emerson Edgar Fitch.
04:37 And then the last book I want to put out for
04:39 your consideration is entitled
04:41 The Ad Business Home.
04:43 Come on, same.
04:44 And today Edmond is home
04:45 still one of the greatest books
04:47 to set a foundation
04:49 for growth and productivity going forward.
04:52 All right.
04:53 So let me just go back to our thesis statement
04:55 here quickly.
04:56 I thesis statement is putting
05:00 principle before feelings.
05:04 Now, I know
05:05 that doesn't give you goose bumps.
05:08 It's not sentimental,
05:11 but I've developed a very robust
05:13 conviction over the years
05:15 that essentially says
05:17 successful couples aren't meant
05:19 to be.
05:21 Successful couples make it work.
05:24 Let me say it again.
05:26 Successful couples
05:27 aren't meant to be.
05:29 Successful couples make it work.
05:32 And the reason
05:33 we like the idea of MIT to be
05:36 because it suggests that there is this
05:38 cosmic are universal, are,
05:40 in our case, spiritual
05:42 outlook, word power
05:44 that guarantees a good outcome.
05:48 But the truth is, friends of mine,
05:49 that even if we are meant to be
05:53 but we don't necessarily
05:54 put in the work
05:55 or the principle, guess what?
05:57 My outcome is still not going to be good.
06:00 And so I need you to know
06:01 that you can't rest on the assurance
06:04 that we've just been ordained
06:05 to be together.
06:06 You've got to put in the work
06:08 and the principle to make sure we stay together.
06:10 If that makes sense to me, you say amen.
06:13 I see.
06:14 One of the things I want to say about feelings
06:15 as it relates to principle
06:16 is that feelings
06:18 should never be
06:19 in the driver's seat
06:21 while principle is
06:22 in the passenger seat.
06:24 In other words, I read
06:26 a great quote online
06:27 that literally says, Feelings
06:29 make poor drivers.
06:32 I see one of the reasons that we are in trouble
06:34 is because we are functioning out of our feelings
06:37 and out of our principles.
06:38 How many of us married folk
06:39 and testify that
06:40 every day of your married life
06:42 you have to make a decision
06:43 against your feelings?
06:46 How many of us know there are no times
06:48 where you have to listen when you don't feel like
06:49 listening?
06:51 Well, you have to serve.
06:52 When you don't feel like serving.
06:54 Just as you have to cook.
06:55 When you don't feel like cooking.
06:57 Well,
06:57 you're going to have
06:58 to buy stuff when you don't feel like buying stuff.
07:00 Well,
07:01 sometimes you got to roll over at night
07:02 when you don't feel like rolling.
07:03 Oyama I did quite here today.
07:05 So, so many days you are making
07:08 a decision
07:10 outside of your feelings
07:12 and the reason, friends, you cannot put
07:14 feelings in the driver's seat
07:17 is that feelings drive
07:19 under the influence.
07:22 And see, the reason
07:23 some of our marriages have a DUI
07:26 is because
07:27 we're living emotionally
07:29 and not principally,
07:30 as the feelings
07:31 will get under the influence
07:33 of circumstance,
07:35 feelings will get
07:36 under the influence of comparison.
07:38 Feelings will get
07:39 under the influence of mood.
07:41 But one of the things about real love is
07:44 that it is bound by a principle
07:47 that is impervious
07:48 to the circumstance we're in.
07:50 In other words, I need us to understand
07:52 that love has a standard.
07:55 In other words, if you're in love,
07:56 it is not this sappy, emotionally
07:59 tingly feeling
08:00 that goes up
08:01 and down with circumstance.
08:03 And I need you to know that when you're operating
08:05 in Christlike love, there is a standard
08:08 that does not change
08:10 with the day or the circumstance.
08:12 In other words, when you're in real love,
08:14 there's a standard for how you treat your man
08:16 or your woman when you've got money.
08:18 And that standard doesn't
08:19 change when you're broke,
08:21 that there is a way
08:22 that you approach them
08:23 when things are medically well.
08:25 That standard doesn't change
08:26 when somebody gets sick.
08:28 There's a standard
08:29 you have when you both are gainfully employed.
08:30 But that standard doesn't change
08:32 when somebody loses their job.
08:34 And what I'm saying to us
08:35 today is I know this is man
08:36 not sexy, it's not sentimental
08:38 or that to give you goose bumps.
08:39 But I need you to understand
08:40 this fundamental principle is that men
08:43 good feelings flow out of firm
08:45 principle.
08:47 In other words, you will never have great feelings
08:51 if you have some time in principle.
08:53 And it's funny because there are times
08:55 when we think that marriage
08:56 is going to survive based upon
08:58 great vacations and trips
08:59 and anniversary celebrations.
09:01 I can tell the truth just this past Thursday, John
09:04 and I celebrated 20 years of marriage.
09:05 Fraser Law.
09:07 And guess what, man?
09:08 We went out Thursday night.
09:09 I was unavailable.
09:10 Come on and say, man, you can reach me, all right?
09:13 But I need you to understand
09:14 that that that the anniversary
09:16 and the vacation, those
09:18 are the events.
09:21 But we don't live in the events.
09:23 We live in the habits.
09:25 And see if you want to look
09:27 at the outcome of your marriage.
09:29 If you don't like the outcomes,
09:30 you've got to evaluate your habits.
09:33 In other words,
09:34 let me say it again the well-being
09:36 or the destruction of your marriage.
09:37 It is not going to reflect
09:39 outward circumstances.
09:40 It's going to reflect the habits
09:42 you practice every day.
09:44 So if you're wondering why it is
09:46 that he feels disrespected and indifferent
09:48 and separate from you, maybe you ought to look
09:51 at the habits and ways
09:51 in which you talk to him.
09:54 In other words, if she is feeling
09:56 just drained and disconnected
09:59 and resentful,
10:00 maybe she is not just a bitter, angry,
10:02 upset black woman.
10:04 Maybe you ought to look at the habits and the ways
10:06 you're dealing with her
10:08 and see, I need us to understand.
10:10 Friends of mine that at the end of the day,
10:12 your marriage is not going to reflect
10:14 outward circumstances.
10:16 It is going to reflect the habits
10:18 you live by.
10:19 And so quickly today,
10:20 as we move through it kind of in a hurry,
10:22 I'm going to talk about what every man
10:24 needs to know about his wife.
10:26 And there are some resources that I'm going to share with you
10:28 that I hope are blessed to today.
10:30 But I want to just begin
10:31 with you by showing you a video.
10:32 Some of us have seen it before.
10:34 That kind of gives a little bit of a symbolism
10:36 of kind of where we start out in marriage.
10:40 Go ahead and show that first quick.
10:41 Sales
10:42 involved in pulling off a wedding.
10:43 I mean, a lot of people are just sick to death
10:45 of the whole thing by the time the big day arrives.
10:47 I mean, that's why this next groom is
10:48 so refreshing.
10:49 He's really loving the moment.
10:50 Refreshing is good. Yeah.
10:52 Tentative of Jesus
10:53 Christ before Almighty God.
10:55 And in the name of the Father and of a son
10:56 Jesus
10:58 by the power
10:58 of the Holy Spirit of God.
11:10 Okay, I guess
11:14 that's not working,
11:14 but I think if you've seen the video
11:16 before,
11:17 my brother gets as happy
11:19 at the altar
11:21 as some people get in church,
11:23 and we start out
11:25 with such promise, such excitement
11:30 and enthusiasm
11:31 about this pact of permanence.
11:34 But over the time,
11:35 there is some resentment
11:37 that builds,
11:38 there are some challenges that build.
11:41 There is a disconnect
11:42 that gets builds.
11:44 And then we get to the place where we're literally beginning
11:46 to wonder, why did we even get married?
11:50 And I want to spend
11:52 some time talking about this, and I'm going to look at it
11:54 more specifically in the context
11:55 of husbands today.
11:57 And let me just say this.
11:58 One of the first reasons
12:00 things begin to go
12:01 sour is stay with me, brothers, is because
12:04 somewhere along the line,
12:05 men stop trying like they used to.
12:11 Now, brothers are not telling the truth,
12:13 that there is a level of zeal we
12:15 have in the pursuit
12:19 that we don't keep
12:20 in the retention process.
12:23 All right.
12:23 There's an effort that we put in
12:25 when we're trying to get her,
12:28 but sometimes that effort suffers
12:30 once we feel like we have
12:32 her are we've won her heart.
12:34 And the truth is,
12:35 you don't have to look at me crazy.
12:36 All of us are guilty from the pulpit to the back door.
12:39 Come on and say amen.
12:40 Today we all kind of put it in
12:42 a little bit thicker on the front end.
12:45 But I need us to understand
12:47 there are some things
12:48 that if we were simply
12:49 to increase our effort,
12:51 things would show up in a strong way,
12:53 because too often
12:54 we hear situations where husbands
12:57 are literally walking around
12:58 as if, man, once we got married,
13:01 the wife just changed in a vacuum,
13:05 as if age made her bitter,
13:07 as if time just made her
13:09 a different person than the one
13:11 that we actually married.
13:12 But see, this is what I need
13:13 you to understand the burden
13:15 about leadership,
13:16 because many times in
13:17 relationships, men are projectors,
13:21 women are reflectors.
13:24 In other words, if you don't
13:25 like what's being reflected,
13:27 oh, help me
13:29 then you've got to change
13:30 what you're projecting.
13:32 Many times
13:33 men are soldiers, but a woman is.
13:36 Soil are the best way I can say it.
13:38 Men are thermostats.
13:41 Women are thermometers.
13:44 In other words,
13:45 all she's doing
13:46 is sharing with you.
13:48 The temperature are
13:49 the climate that you are setting in the home.
13:52 Are you all with me today?
13:53 Friends.
13:54 And see, one of the things I want to debunk is a
13:56 myth is I want to debunk
13:57 the myth of the ride or die chick.
14:01 In other words, I'm not saying
14:02 it's not a real thing,
14:04 but I need you to know in hip hop culture,
14:06 is this weird thing that we expect
14:08 to have this ride or die?
14:09 Woman man, that shows
14:11 up, never gets tired,
14:12 never gets complains,
14:13 never kind of gets weary.
14:15 And she does that
14:16 without any reciprocation.
14:19 I need you to know that
14:20 if you ain't showing her no love,
14:21 no attention, no intentionality,
14:23 she's not go ride or die.
14:24 So you don't ride till she finds something better.
14:26 Y'all mighty quiet women today.
14:28 In other words, that is a myth
14:30 that there is just going to be
14:31 this absolute loyalty without there
14:34 being any consistent
14:36 reciprocation.
14:38 Y'all hearing the pastor today
14:40 and see, there is one principle I want to share with you,
14:43 because there are sometimes, man,
14:43 we just kind of feel like men.
14:44 Our wives may enjoy being unhappy,
14:47 that they like being bitter, that there is just something
14:49 wrong with their spirit or their disposition.
14:52 There is one basic principle
14:53 I want to share with the husband today,
14:54 and if you don't get anything else, get this.
14:56 I need you to realize
14:58 that your wife was created
15:00 by God to make you happy.
15:06 No, I just gave
15:06 you a stunning revelation.
15:08 You ought to put a big offering
15:09 in the offering tray for what I just told you.
15:11 No, no.
15:12 Your wife was actually created
15:14 by God to make you happy.
15:17 All right, so y'all don't believe this.
15:19 Go with me in your Bibles, Genesis two and verse 18.
15:21 I want you to see this in the Scriptures
15:22 quickly today, Genesis
15:24 two and verse 18, first
15:26 book of the Bible, Genesis two,
15:28 and verse number 18.
15:29 When you get there, let me hear you say
15:31 Amen.
15:32 Genesis chapter two and verse 18.
15:36 Let's look at the Word of God together.
15:38 Genesis two and verse 18.
15:40 Look at what the word says.
15:41 The Bible says,
15:42 after God had noted
15:43 that it was not good for man to be alone,
15:45 look what the instruction he gave.
15:47 He says that the Lord
15:48 God says it is not good
15:50 for a man to be alone.
15:51 I will make a helper.
15:54 Suitable for what?
15:57 Suitable for him?
15:58 I don't know if you call that brothers.
16:00 I need you to know that
16:01 God created Adam.
16:02 He realized it
16:03 as Adam looked at the comparison in nature
16:06 that each and everybody
16:07 had a partner with him.
16:08 Adam began to make
16:09 the intellectual recognition that it is not
16:11 good for me to be alone.
16:13 Now, I need you to know that even though
16:15 Eve was not an afterthought,
16:18 he was literally created with Adam.
16:21 Happiness in mind.
16:23 In other words, she was different from him.
16:25 See what compliment him.
16:27 There was literally
16:28 something in Eve's
16:30 operating system
16:33 designed to make Adam happy.
16:36 In other words, I need us to understand
16:38 this basic principle, friends,
16:40 that Eve literally
16:41 has a code in her wiring
16:44 to make that man happy.
16:46 And it's crazy because I see this
16:48 even in my own home,
16:49 I have two sons and a daughter and it's crazy.
16:52 My little girl.
16:52 One of the things, as a young Eve,
16:54 she's literally always
16:55 looking for a way
16:57 to look out for me
16:58 and her brothers.
16:59 She's always trying to cook something, trying to make
17:02 something, trying to bring something to her brothers.
17:04 And it's crazy because our brothers
17:05 are sitting there playing their games,
17:07 not paying no attention,
17:08 scratching themselves upstairs.
17:10 And it's crazy.
17:11 She's always looking for something.
17:12 And guess what?
17:13 They don't even say thank you,
17:16 but she's always trying to make them happy.
17:19 And it's crazy because I get mad at their indifference.
17:21 I'm like, Baby, don't give nothing to them.
17:22 Bring it to Daddy.
17:25 In other words, I don't want
17:26 you to get in the habit of wasting your goodness on
17:28 somebody who won't appreciate it.
17:30 I hear what I'm saying.
17:32 But in other words, there
17:33 is something about these ladies
17:35 that has something in their DNA
17:39 that is literally designed to make
17:41 a husband happy.
17:42 And it's crazy because one of the things I need you to get
17:45 is that because Eve was created
17:48 with Adam's happiness
17:50 in mind, Eve can never be
17:52 completely fulfilled
17:53 if Adam is unhappy.
17:57 In other words,
17:58 if her man is not happy, she's not going to be
18:00 totally satisfied
18:02 or happy with
18:03 the way things are going.
18:04 Ladies, if I'm telling the truth,
18:05 let me say, man,
18:07 I not the reason I need to get this,
18:09 because remember, men and women
18:10 kind of define themselves differently because many times
18:13 men see their reflection
18:14 in their work.
18:16 Women see their reflection in their relationships
18:19 in other
18:20 words, that's why even when you look
18:21 at some of the causes that for for for depression
18:23 among men and women, men are more likely
18:25 to get depressed because of a work situation.
18:29 Ladies, in some instances
18:30 are more likely to get depressed
18:31 because of what is happening
18:33 in the home.
18:34 All right.
18:35 And it's funny because
18:36 Shanti Feldman, she makes a statement.
18:37 She literally says that when we are at odds,
18:41 nothing is right with the world
18:43 until the issue gets resolved.
18:46 And so that's why Ephesians chapter
18:47 five says husbands
18:49 ought to love their own wives,
18:50 even as Christ loved the word
18:53 love the church.
18:54 In other words, I need to understand
18:55 that the Bible says he
18:56 that loves his wife,
19:00 loves himself.
19:03 So I don't know if you ever heard
19:04 the statement, happy wife,
19:07 happy life.
19:09 Now, it's crazy because sometimes
19:10 we hear that and husbands get mad
19:11 as if there is an imbalance in the home.
19:14 No, it's actually going
19:15 back to the way God created us
19:18 because essentially God
19:19 set it up in such a way
19:20 that man, when a husband
19:21 is loving the wife,
19:22 investing in the white,
19:23 prioritizing the wife,
19:25 he is literally creating and managing
19:28 the operating system
19:29 of that woman in such a way
19:31 that she will bend over
19:32 backwards to make sure his life
19:35 operates at peak capacity,
19:38 so that when you see a woman
19:40 stepping hard with confidence, building up her man
19:43 with her words going out of her
19:44 way to make sure he's taking care of
19:46 is not just because
19:47 she is a great woman.
19:49 And a fact, you see, is
19:51 simply rejecting,
19:52 reflecting outwardly what he is
19:55 projecting behind closed doors.
19:58 Now, this is the critical thing
20:00 because as happy
20:02 as she can make
20:04 him, if she's done right
20:08 out, not year to today,
20:11 she can make him equally unhappy
20:13 if that machine is operated incorrectly.
20:16 I hear me today, friends.
20:18 And so you got to make sure
20:20 that we prioritize
20:21 the love that the scriptures
20:23 have called us to, if that makes sense to me.
20:25 You say, man, all right.
20:27 So really quickly,
20:28 I want to talk through some principles
20:29 and then I'm hoping that we were able to do it
20:31 today.
20:32 There are some things
20:33 that each and every husband
20:34 needs to know about his wife.
20:36 First thing number one is that
20:38 she needs your reassurance.
20:43 She needs your reassurance.
20:44 All right.
20:45 In other words, how many of us
20:46 have literally been rushing
20:47 out of the house, getting ready to go?
20:49 You forget to say I love you.
20:51 And even though, man, your wife knows she, you got to go.
20:54 She's going to make sure that you remember
20:56 to say what I love you.
20:58 I in other words,
20:59 like your married husband, you're like, man, man,
21:02 she's so fine that I put a ring on that.
21:03 I settled here, but
21:04 she still needs to hear
21:06 you say you look beautiful.
21:09 In other words,
21:09 I need somebody to get this principle.
21:11 This doesn't mean that she is needy,
21:13 that there is something broken.
21:14 But I need you to understand
21:16 that when the neediness
21:18 feels too great,
21:19 it's usually evidence
21:21 of a deficit of assurance.
21:24 In other words,
21:25 if assurance is given
21:26 with regularity,
21:28 it will not be demanded
21:30 in an unhealthy fashion.
21:31 If that makes sense.
21:32 I hear you say that.
21:33 In fact, one of the things that the book states
21:36 is that one of the things that wives
21:37 oftentimes wonder
21:38 is, would he choose me
21:41 if he had it to do all over again?
21:45 All right.
21:46 And so one of the things that you've got to do
21:47 is you got to get on the front end of that
21:49 question that lives inside
21:51 of Eve's mind.
21:52 And you've got to answer that
21:53 question before it's ever
21:54 even posed.
21:56 It's funny.
21:57 There's a statistics I'm going to share with you
21:58 where it asks the question to ladies Under
22:01 what circumstances do you think about your relationship?
22:03 Whether it's going well
22:05 or how your husband
22:06 feels about you?
22:08 She literally say
22:08 it's 30% of women say
22:10 it is something I'm conscious of.
22:13 Most of the time
22:15 that 30% of the women
22:16 are literally thinking about the well-being
22:19 or the wholeness of the relationship.
22:20 Most of the time,
22:21 there are 38% of the women say that it is
22:24 in the back of their mind.
22:25 And then only 20% of ladies say
22:28 they think about their relationship status
22:30 when they're in a difficult season and only 12% of women
22:35 say that they never, ever are worried about
22:37 the status of the relationship.
22:40 All right.
22:40 And so one of the things that we got to
22:41 do, friends of mine, is that
22:42 we've got to be attentive.
22:44 And there are some specific
22:45 things that create triggers
22:47 that make that need for reassurance even greater.
22:49 So sometimes when there is
22:51 are intense
22:52 or prolonged conflict,
22:54 that can be a trigger.
22:55 Sometimes when you get mad
22:57 and you withdraw yourself,
22:59 it can be a trigger.
23:01 Sometimes your silence can be a trigger.
23:04 Sometimes when you just don't notice her
23:07 and I need us to be clear,
23:08 it is always a formula for disaster.
23:11 When everybody in her world
23:12 notices her but her husband.
23:16 All right.
23:16 You don't want a situation where
23:17 a male coworker notices
23:19 that she got her hair done.
23:20 But you didn't.
23:22 You don't want a situation
23:23 where the girlfriend notices
23:25 that she's got a new dress.
23:26 But you didn't.
23:27 There's got to be an attention to detail
23:30 that is going to build and bless our relationships.
23:32 I hate what I'm saying today.
23:34 All right.
23:34 In other words,
23:35 one of the things that's going to trigger is
23:36 when the emotional bank account
23:38 is actually depleted.
23:39 In other words, there are times where we literally feel like,
23:41 man, she's a ticking time bomb.
23:43 Things are always on edge.
23:44 See, I need you to understand that your marriage
23:47 has an immune system.
23:50 You know how physically
23:51 you have an immune system
23:53 so that when you eat well
23:54 and you have plenty of vitamin C
23:55 and you get plenty of sleep, guess what?
23:57 Your immune system is built up
23:58 strong and it's vital and vibrant.
24:00 So that guess what?
24:01 When disease or bacteria threatens, guess what?
24:04 Because your immune system is strong, guess what?
24:06 Those white blood cells automatically go to the point
24:08 of attack and it overwhelms
24:10 any outside attack.
24:11 But guess what?
24:12 When you get sick is simply most of the time
24:14 because your immune system is already low.
24:18 And I need you
24:18 to know that your marriage immune
24:20 system operates the same way.
24:21 So that guess what, man,
24:22 when you are well fed,
24:24 when she is nervous, when she is loved,
24:26 when she is cared for, guess what?
24:28 Your marriage immune
24:29 system is built up high
24:30 and is built up strong.
24:32 And guess what?
24:33 Little irritations
24:34 don't overwhelm you.
24:36 But when the marriage
24:37 immune system is low,
24:39 every little objection
24:41 or every little interruption
24:43 throws the whole thing into a tizzy,
24:46 if that makes sense to me.
24:46 You say, man.
24:48 Second thing
24:49 she needs from her husband.
24:50 Stay with me, brothers.
24:51 She needs you to respect
24:54 boundaries.
24:56 Are you all with me
24:57 today, brothers?
24:59 Matthew 26 and verse 41
25:00 Look at me in the word
25:01 Matthew 26 and verse number 41.
25:03 One of the things your lady needs from you is
25:05 she needs you to respect boundaries.
25:07 Matthew 26 And verse 41,
25:10 when you get there, let me hear you say, man
25:13 there in the New Testament,
25:14 Matthew 26
25:15 and verse 41, Jesus
25:16 speaking says this.
25:18 He says, watch and pray
25:20 that you enter
25:20 not into temptation.
25:23 And he says, the spirit is indeed willing,
25:26 but the flesh is what?
25:28 The flesh is weak.
25:30 Now I need you to catch something.
25:31 What Jesus said his prayer is
25:33 not that you withstand temptation.
25:37 Oh, you.
25:38 And catch
25:39 the prayer
25:40 is that you don't even find
25:41 yourself on temptations territory.
25:45 It is why the Bible in first
25:46 Thessalonians 522
25:48 says that we should avoid even
25:50 the very appearance of evil.
25:53 All right,
25:54 so I need you to understand that, man.
25:56 Sometimes we lose the battle.
25:58 Not because we weren't strong enough
26:00 to handle temptation.
26:01 Jesus literally say
26:02 it doesn't matter what your intentions are.
26:05 Your spirit may be willing, but come on, brothers
26:07 and say, man, the flesh,
26:11 the Bible says, is weak.
26:13 And so I need you
26:13 to understand the reason
26:15 you can't even put yourself
26:17 in certain circumstances
26:19 is not because you can't
26:21 trust the other woman.
26:23 The reason you can't be
26:25 in a certain circumstances
26:26 because you can't trust yourself.
26:29 And I need you to know
26:31 the man that gets entangled is going to be the man
26:33 that essentially trust himself
26:35 beyond what he should are.
26:37 You hear what I'm saying today?
26:38 And see the thing about
26:39 boundaries, friends of mine
26:40 is that boundaries
26:42 are not for your restriction.
26:43 They're actually for your protection.
26:46 In other words, boundaries
26:47 are literally the guardrails
26:49 when you're driving along
26:50 a dangerous path of the road where there's a cliff
26:53 and there is destruction on the other side,
26:55 that boundary keeps you
26:57 from getting too close
26:58 where if the wrong circumstance
27:00 emerges, you plummet
27:02 into a place of destruction.
27:04 Thank you so much
27:05 for joining us for
27:06 the Breath of Life Television
27:08 Ministries broadcast
27:09 with Pastor Devlin Snell.
27:12 We hope and pray
27:13 that you have been blessed
27:14 by this first message in the sermon series
27:17 titled Family Ish Volume two.
27:20 Join us next week for part
27:22 two of the message
27:23 titled What Every Man
27:25 Needs to Know About His Woman.
27:28 You don't want to miss it.
28:05 (Breath Of Life Music)


Revised 2024-02-06