Breath of Life

Rolling Stones Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000118S

00:05 #S062 - “Rolling Stones” (Part 1)
00:19 Joshua Chapter
00:21 four and we're going to begin together at verse number one.
00:25 When you get there, let me use the bathroom there.
00:28 Joshua Chapter four, an inverse number one.
00:33 John Joshua Chapter four.
00:35 And we're going to begin together in verse number one.
00:36 Pray for me.
00:38 Two, I stayed with the kids here at air last night
00:42 and that was way past my bedtime.
00:44 So I'm struggling a little bit
00:46 today is the only break for the pastor this afternoon.
00:48 Joshua four In verse one,
00:51 the Bible says, and it came to pass
00:55 when all the people had completely cross over the Jordan
00:59 that the Lord spoke to Joshua saying,
01:02 Take for yourselves, 12 men from the people, one man
01:07 from every tribe, and commend them saying,
01:12 Take for yourselves 12 stones from here
01:14 out of the midst of the Jordan,
01:16 from the place where the priest's feet stood firm.
01:20 You shall carry them over with you and leave them
01:22 in the lodging place where you lodge tonight.
01:26 Then Joshua called the 12 men whom he had appointed
01:30 from the children of Israel, one man from every tribe.
01:33 And Joshua said to them, Cross over before the Ark of the Lord,
01:37 your God, into the midst of the Jordan.
01:40 And each one of you shall take up a stone on his shoulder.
01:43 According to
01:44 the number of the tribes of the children of Israel,
01:47 that this may be a sign among you
01:51 when your children ask in time to come saying,
01:55 What do these stones mean to you?
01:58 Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan
02:01 were cut off
02:02 before the Ark
02:03 of the Covenant of the Lord,
02:04 and when it crossed over the Jordan,
02:06 the waters of the Jordan were cut off.
02:09 And these stone shall be for you.
02:11 A memorial to the children of Israel forever.
02:15 And the children of Israel did so just as Joshua commanded
02:20 and took up 12 stones from the mist of the Jordan
02:23 and the Lord had spoken to Joshua, according to the number
02:26 of the tribes of the children of Israel,
02:28 and carried them over with them to the place
02:31 where they lodge and lay them down there.
02:34 Then Joshua set up 12 stones in the midst of the Jordan,
02:38 in the place
02:39 with the feet of the priests
02:40 who bore the Ark of the Covenant stood and there they are
02:46 to this day today, Saints, for just a little while,
02:49 I want to talk to you under the subject the Rolling Stones.
02:54 The Rolling Stones. Let us pray together,
02:58 Father,
03:00 would you allow your spirit
03:05 to settle heavily upon not just the service,
03:10 but upon the throne of each and every one of our hearts?
03:14 Lord, my prayer today is that in the preaching of the word,
03:18 that faith would be multiplied exponentially.
03:21 So, Lord,
03:23 would you allow me to be hidden in the shadow of the cross that
03:26 Jesus alone might be seen, that Christ alone would be heard?
03:32 And at the end of our time together, may Jesus alone
03:34 be praised.
03:35 Bless us.
03:36 To this end, we ask in the wonderful name of Jesus,
03:39 our Lord, let those who believe say together, amen, and amen.
03:44 You may be seated in the House of the Lord today, your friends.
03:57 In around 2016,
04:01 my wife and I took our kids down to Orlando
04:06 so that they could have the Disney World experience,
04:09 and so we wanted them to have a good time.
04:12 And so we paid obscene
04:16 prices for tickets.
04:20 We sat in hours of traffic in Atlanta.
04:24 It was as if we stopped every 30 minutes so
04:27 someone could go to the bathroom room.
04:31 We walked through a urine
04:32 soaked rest stop so they could get there.
04:37 And even on the day we were at the park,
04:39 my wife's hair was defeated
04:41 by the central Florida humid humidity
04:45 so that our kids could have the Disney experience.
04:49 But fast forward to about two years ago,
04:52 while my daughter was watching a Disney commercial,
04:56 she looked at me with some contempt and said,
04:59 Daddy, when are you taking us to Disney World?
05:02 And with some protests?
05:04 I had to remind her, Baby,
05:05 you've already been there before.
05:08 But because she was only about
05:10 four at the time, she had no recollection of attending.
05:15 And so I scrolled through years of pictures on my phone
05:19 to create some reminders that she had already visited
05:22 that place.
05:23 And so I said,
05:24 Here, baby, are pictures of you and The Incredibles.
05:28 Here are some pictures of you at Elsa's parade.
05:32 Here are some pictures of you and Mickey Mouse.
05:35 And she looked at the pictures and reminders.
05:38 There was a sense of justice and fairness
05:41 that begin to return to her disposition.
05:45 And for a moment,
05:46 I was somewhat frustrated because she did not recall.
05:49 And I realized that
05:50 my mistake is that I wanted her to remember.
05:55 I did not put in place some reminders.
05:59 And can I suggest that sometimes the same is true
06:03 for us as adults in the journey of faith?
06:06 You see, the issue is not that we have not seen God
06:09 do great things.
06:11 The fact is that some of us have seen God open up doors.
06:16 Some of us have seen God make ways out of no ways.
06:21 Some of us have seen God come through right on time.
06:24 But the problem is
06:25 that in the course of time, memories are going to fade
06:29 and current realities are going to clutter our thinking.
06:35 And one of the things we've got to be mindful to do
06:37 is to not just depend upon memory.
06:41 We've got to set up some reminders of what God has done.
06:45 In fact, Prince,
06:46 I want to suggest that in the times of Scripture
06:50 that there were times where they would set up altars
06:52 to remind them what God had done in Joshua
06:55 before they set up stones to remind them what God had done.
07:00 And if you're going to have a current level of faith,
07:03 you've got to have some things in place to remind you
07:06 that you serve the God that always comes through.
07:10 Am I preaching to somebody today?
07:12 In other words, friends, one of the things you need to do
07:16 is you need to learn to keep some crazy receipts.
07:20 Not now.
07:20 See, the problem with us
07:21 is we keep receipts on all of our curses.
07:24 We all that today church.
07:26 In other words, we keep receipts about everybody
07:29 that's wronged us.
07:30 We've got receipts for everybody that's disappointed us.
07:35 We keep receipts over everybody that's let us down.
07:38 And my question today
07:39 is, why do you keep receipts about the curses of man?
07:44 But you have no receipts about the blessings of God.
07:47 And I'm suggesting, friends, that if you go
07:49 keep some receipts,
07:50 you ought to keep receipts on how God pays the bills
07:53 every month.
07:55 You ought to have some receipts over how God healed your body.
07:59 You ought to have some receipts about how God protected
08:02 your home.
08:03 And I want to suggest that we ought to keep some receipts
08:06 for the blessings of God in yesterday,
08:09 because it gives us faith and courage
08:12 to face the traversed adversities of today.
08:15 Can the church say, man?
08:16 And so go back with me, if you don't mind, to Joshua.
08:20 And I want you to look over with me in Joshua, chapter three
08:22 and verse 12, Joshua three and verse 12.
08:26 This is the night before the miracle,
08:30 and I want you to see the instructions of Joshua.
08:33 Joshua three In verse 12, the Bible says Now, therefore,
08:36 take for yourselves 12 men from the tribes of Israel,
08:42 and the Bible says they are to take one man from every tribe.
08:47 Now go to chapter four and verse number eight, the Bible says,
08:50 and the children of Israel did so just as Joshua commanded
08:56 and took up 12 stones from the midst of the Jordan.
08:59 As the Lord
09:00 has spoken to Joshua, according to the number of the tribes
09:03 of the children of Israel, and carry them over to the place
09:09 where they lodge and they laid them down there.
09:13 Now, friends, I need you to get that.
09:15 I believe that there are several noteworthy elements
09:19 to this story,
09:20 but the first thing it teaches saints
09:24 is that your certainty ought to be in his assurances.
09:27 Let me say it again that your certainty
09:31 should not be in your circumstances,
09:35 your circuit certainty should be in his divine assurances.
09:39 Are you all with the pastor today?
09:41 In other words, friends, God gave Joshua some instruction
09:46 that when they passed over the Jordan,
09:49 they were to collect 12 memorial stones
09:52 for this miracle,
09:54 so that in days to come, when the children ask
09:58 what mean these stones, some older person could bear
10:02 testimony about how God opened up the Jordan River.
10:07 And so what God was doing for this current generation,
10:11 he was giving them a reason to look back
10:14 and he was giving future generations a point of reference
10:18 for God's ability to be able to come through.
10:22 But the thing I find interesting today, Saints,
10:24 is the timing of Joshua's instruction.
10:28 I need you to notice that the Bible says in Chapter
10:31 three that Joshua chose the 12 men
10:35 the night before the miracle took place.
10:39 And did you notice that God did not wait
10:42 until the waters receded for them to gather the stones,
10:46 but they would be gathering
10:47 stones while the water was still in the air,
10:53 when the people were still somewhat in danger.
10:56 And the notice saints that the stones
10:58 make it a cross before the people make it a cross.
11:03 In other words, friends, they are carrying out
11:06 the elements of the celebration even before
11:09 the situation is established.
11:12 They're carrying the trophies of victory
11:16 even before the victory is complete.
11:18 Y'all not with me.
11:19 They're acting like they've already won.
11:23 Even before the victory has been established.
11:26 And friends, this is the disposition
11:29 of someone who believes in the assurances of God.
11:33 Because when you believe in the assurances of God
11:37 that you don't wait until it's done to rejoice,
11:41 you begin rejoicing as soon as you get the assurance
11:44 from the most high God.
11:47 In other words, if they do this
11:49 without an assurance from God, it is an act of presumption.
11:55 But when they act upon the word without seeing evidence,
11:58 it is an act of faith.
12:00 And see, there are some of us that take this very passive
12:04 and timid posture.
12:05 When we are waiting for the promises of God to come to pass.
12:10 We feel like we've got to be cautious and careful
12:13 and wait to see things happen before we believe.
12:16 But I need you to know
12:17 that your certainty is not in the circumstance.
12:22 Your certainty comes as soon as God gives the assurance.
12:26 We all know that today.
12:26 Church In other words, I need you to know
12:29 that when the mouth of the Lord speaks it in His promises,
12:34 or whether God cements it through His Spirit,
12:37 it's not a matter of if God is going to come through.
12:41 It's just a matter of when God is going to come through.
12:45 In other words, I want to say to somebody
12:48 who's dealing with some sickness today
12:51 and the Lord has told you all will be well,
12:55 you start planning for your birthday party six months
12:58 from now because the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
13:02 There is somebody that ought to plan your house blessing
13:06 even before you close on the house.
13:09 There is some sister that needs to choose your wedding dress
13:12 even before you meet your man.
13:14 Y'all not hear me today?
13:15 There is somebody that needs to plan your graduation dinner
13:20 even before you take your final exam.
13:23 There is some parent that needs to plan the baby
13:25 dedication even before you get pregnant.
13:29 Because when the Lord speaks, it's not a matter of
13:32 if it's going to happen,
13:34 it's just a matter of when it's going to happen.
13:38 And let me be clear, I don't believe in presumption.
13:42 It's only presumed sin
13:43 when you're celebrating your own idea, but it's faith
13:47 when you are acting on the Word of the living God.
13:51 And see, I need to just relieve somebody of this false notion,
13:56 because there are some who believe, Pastor,
13:58 I don't want to say it out loud.
14:00 There are some that believe they can't pray out loud
14:04 because the devil will be able to hear it and sabotage
14:07 what God wants to do about how many of us know
14:10 that God is so powerful that you can say it out loud.
14:15 You can give the Devil the specs of your prayer.
14:19 You can tell him when you need God to come through.
14:22 Because I just know that what God has for me,
14:26 it just is for me.
14:28 And there ain't no devil in hell
14:34 that.
14:35 Can stop the will of God from coming to pass in your life.
14:39 Listen, friends, I remember it well.
14:41 Probably about 15, 16 years ago when my wife and I began
14:46 the journey of trying to start our family together.
14:49 And I remember my wife got pregnant.
14:50 I was very excited as a possible bad dad.
14:54 And so I went to the store and I got this little take home
14:57 powder blue thing
14:58 with footballs on it to carry the baby home from the hospital,
15:01 because I was praying for a boy and so I got it in faith.
15:06 And so we were excited that she had gotten pregnant.
15:09 But after about two months,
15:10 the baby's heartbeat, Addison appeared
15:13 and she lost the baby in miscarriage.
15:15 But we got our faith together and said, into every life,
15:17 some rain must fall.
15:19 And so we got pregnant a second time
15:22 and we got to about two and a half or three months.
15:24 And again, the baby miscarried.
15:27 And so, again, we were saddened, but we trusted God.
15:30 We got pregnant
15:30 a third time,
15:31 got to about three and a half months, and then
15:35 the heartbeat disappeared and the baby miscarried.
15:37 But we trusted God a fourth time,
15:39 got well into the second trimester to almost six months.
15:43 But then the baby still miscarried
15:46 and he is buried in Lexington to this day.
15:49 And I thought to myself, maybe I need to throw away
15:51 this little garment that I bought for our son.
15:55 Maybe it wasn't God's will.
15:56 But after we were leaving the hospital
16:00 from that fourth loss, God put a promise in my wife's
16:02 heart in the parking lot, and the Spirit spoke to her
16:08 that said, You will be the mother of many children.
16:11 And so guess what?
16:12 I didn't throw out the outfit I was going to
16:15 bring them home with.
16:16 We just waited for God to come through.
16:19 And I need you to know,
16:20 we put my oldest son in that blue outfit.
16:25 We put the youngest son in that blue outfit.
16:29 We got a new outfit for the baby girl.
16:32 Because when God promises, it's
16:37 not a matter of if God is going to come through.
16:41 It's a matter of when God is gone, come through
16:45 and you just got to be still and let God be God.
16:51 And in
16:52 other words, church, I simply believe that sometimes
16:54 you got to play in your celebration
16:58 even before the victory is a sure job.
17:00 Not quit yet.
17:02 I was just kind of like in football.
17:04 Anybody watch football?
17:05 Like one of the things that the great players do
17:08 is that during the week
17:09 they don't just practice the plays,
17:13 they practice their touchdown dance or y'all not hear me.
17:18 They don't just practice what they're going to run.
17:22 They also practice their celebration
17:26 because they know if they're diligent in preparation,
17:30 they're going to have an opportunity for celebration.
17:34 And I need somebody to know
17:35 you ought to plan your celebration dance in advance.
17:40 There is some sick person that on a plane, your healing dance.
17:44 There are some senior that's a play in your graduation dance.
17:49 There is somebody that had a plan, your house closing dance.
17:52 There is somebody that had a plan.
17:54 Your promotion dance.
17:56 Because when God speaks it, it's just a matter of time.
18:01 You don't wait for it.
18:02 You simply believe for it can turn say man today.
18:07 And so the
18:08 word says to us here in Joshua, chapter four
18:10 and verse number two, notice what God says through Joshua.
18:14 He says, Take for yourselves, 12 men from the people.
18:19 And notice, he says, one man
18:22 from every tribe.
18:25 You see.
18:26 The second thing this teaches us friends is number two.
18:28 You can't just let anybody tell your story.
18:35 Now, notice that God gives Joshua some very specific
18:39 instructions about who is able to carry a stone.
18:44 And one of the things you'll notice
18:46 is that those
18:47 who carry the stones, they must be Jews ethnically.
18:52 They've got to come from one of the 12 tribes.
18:55 Now, even though they're
18:56 generally Jewish as a people, they are not a monolith
19:00 because they've got people that have joined to them
19:03 through the nations
19:04 they have subdued in their 40 years of wandering.
19:08 In other words, they've got servants that are from Egypt.
19:11 They've got some that are from Amman,
19:13 they've got some that are from Cain,
19:15 and they've got servants of all nations.
19:19 And understand the likely instruction
19:22 would have been to let one of the servants carry the stones.
19:26 But Joshua said, Don't
19:28 let someone from another nation carry the stone.
19:32 Somebody from your own people has to carry these rocks.
19:37 And the great commentator Matthew Henry says it this way,
19:41 that those who wear the gatherers of the stones,
19:46 that they would be the storytellers of this miracle,
19:50 that they would be the ones who would begin to be
19:52 the first ones to set foot in the promised land.
19:57 And for generations they would be the ones
20:00 to tell the story about what God did at the Jordan River
20:05 and understand that God made it clear that you can't let
20:07 somebody from the outside tell your story.
20:11 In fact, one of the things I have learned
20:13 the hard way
20:14 is that you got to be careful how you allow
20:16 folk to tell your story.
20:18 You see, on occasion I have to sit down
20:20 and do a print interview
20:22 or sometimes do a television interview.
20:25 And one of the things I've learned the hard way
20:28 is that the news they don't want to tell your story.
20:31 They want to use your words to tell their story
20:35 so that I can sit down
20:36 and talk with them for 15 and 20 minutes.
20:39 But by the time
20:40 they chop up my words and move it out of context
20:44 and water it down to a 32nd sound bite at the end,
20:46 have nothing to do with what I was actually trying to say.
20:50 I've learned, even with print articles,
20:53 that there are times
20:54 where I'm like, No, I need to send the whole essay myself,
20:58 because by the time you mix it in and mangle it,
21:01 it's going to reflect your bias and the story
21:03 that you're ultimately trying to tell
21:07 and see the danger of friends of mine,
21:08 letting somebody else tell your story is that
21:11 they will overlook details that is important to you,
21:16 and they will implement details that are important to them
21:20 when someone else tells your story, they will summarize
21:23 when they should be elaborating, and they'll elaborate
21:26 in places where they should be summarizing and see.
21:29 One of the things Joshua says is, don't give this job
21:33 to someone else.
21:34 We've got to be responsible for telling our own story.
21:41 And can I suggest that
21:42 one of the reasons is African descendants living in America.
21:46 We suffer at times a corporate loss of I identity
21:50 is that too often we have depended upon others
21:53 to be faithful stewards and chronicles of our story.
21:58 Okay, y'all quiet today.
22:00 Have you noticed friends of mine that in our time
22:04 that there is a still full intentionality
22:09 about diluting the history of what has happened
22:12 in this country?
22:13 I'm not preaching to a woke church today.
22:16 Have you noticed that
22:17 in most school history books that African slavery
22:21 has been diluted in many cases down to two pages?
22:26 And the civil rights movement is always some arise.
22:29 And Dr.
22:29 King's I Have a Dream speech.
22:33 In other words, there is an intentionality
22:35 about watering down how bad slavery was
22:38 and how great
22:39 the atrocities were, and some simply label it
22:43 a practice of indentured servitude.
22:47 It is why there is let's just slicing afoot
22:50 to remove classes like critical race theory
22:53 from our schools because there is a story
22:56 that is attempted to be reframed and managed
23:00 and I need you to know that we will suffer great loss
23:03 if we are dependent upon somebody else
23:06 to tell our story.
23:08 And that's why in our churches and in our schools,
23:14 we've got to be faithful sentinels of our story
23:19 so that when the future generations ask
23:22 what means these stones,
23:25 there is something that we can tell them that
23:28 reminds them that God loves us to hear me today friends
23:34 thank you so much for joining us for the breath of life
23:37 television Ministries Broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell
23:41 We hope and pray
23:42 that you have been blessed by his powerful message.
23:47 Join us next week for part two of the message, Rolling Stones.
23:51 You don't want to miss it!
24:14 What's good family,
24:16 the ExcuseLess revolution is underway.
24:20 We've been having a good time testifying, praying
24:23 and receiving the word of the Lord.
24:25 But I want you to know that the revolution is not over yet.
24:30 The Bible says, I wish, above all things that thou me is
24:32 prosper and be in help even as not so prosperous.
24:38 The next leg of the journey revolves around our fitness
24:41 and our health.
24:42 I invite you to join me.
24:44 Starting on made the fit for an online
24:48 30 day fitness campaign under the theme, it's Useless.
24:53 I want you to join me each week, Sunday through Friday,
24:55 Sunday at 8 a.m..
24:57 Monday through Friday at 6 a.m..
24:59 When you join us online,
25:01 you're going to receive a spiritual bid.
25:05 Our coaches are going to lead us in a 25 minute online workout.
25:11 And then we'll conclude the day with my Health Avengers.
25:13 Some amazing chefs are going to give us some tools
25:18 on how to make tasty and affordable and healthy meals
25:22 that help push us forward over the course of this 30 days.
25:26 You can be a part of a weight loss challenge,
25:28 and each and every week
25:29 there's going to be a different challenge
25:30 that allows us to build community around our fitness
25:34 and our hope.
25:36 For too long, we've been making some excuses
25:39 about why we're not eating well, about
25:40 why we're not in shape, about why we're not in perfect health.
25:45 I need you to know it's time to cancel those excuses.
25:47 But when you join this leg of the journey,
25:49 those aches and pains are going to go away.
25:52 You're going to feel better as we continue the journey
25:55 toward becoming ExcuseLess.
25:58 Calling all leaders,
26:00 visionaries, dreamers, content creators.
26:04 We're inviting you to the 2024
26:08 Vision and Dreamers conference hosted by Breath of Life,
26:11 the theme for this year is a ExcuseLess.
26:14 We want you to know that this year's conference is not
26:16 about spreadsheets, budgets or accounting.
26:20 We're going to be talking
26:20 about the process your soul goes through
26:24 whenever you're developing or implementing a vision.
26:27 We're going to be equipping you with the tools
26:28 to develop a vision ethic.
26:30 We're going to be talking about
26:32 things like your frustrations, how to manage your fears,
26:36 dealing with criticism or enduring seasons of waiting.
26:40 Join us at the Oakwood University Church
26:43 May 17 through 19.
26:45 We're going to kick it off Friday night
26:47 with a vespers, a vision talk and a mixer.
26:52 Join us Saturday morning at 11, where I'm going to give a word
26:54 just for you.
26:55 We'll be joined in partnership by gospel
26:58 recording artist Myron Butler and Levi.
27:02 We're going to have lunch together.
27:03 And then that afternoon
27:04 there are going to be a number of plenary sessions
27:08 and breakout sessions and will conclude Sunday morning
27:11 with our vision brunch.
27:12 We have an amazing lineup of speakers and presenters.
27:17 Movie producer Devon Franklin.
27:19 YouTube influencers, the Onyx Family and Grammy Award
27:23 winning Kelvin Wooten.
27:24 And many, many more.
27:26 I want to invite you to go to our website and register
27:29 right now at
27:34 Registration cost is $150, but I want you to know
27:37 that what you're going to
27:38 receive is going to be way more than what you actually get.
27:42 I believe
27:43 that God has put a huge vision or dream inside of you,
27:47 and we don't want to allow excuses to smother it.
27:51 I want to invite you to join us on the revolution
27:54 as we continue the journey of becoming
27:56 ExcuseLess


Revised 2024-05-06