Breath of Life

Rolling Stones Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000119S

00:05 #S062 - Rolling Stones (Part 2)
00:20 Welcome to the Breath of Life.
00:21 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
00:25 Now in today's episode, Pastor Snell will continue
00:29 part two of the powerful message titled
00:33 Rolling Stones.
00:35 Now let's go deeper
00:38 into the word of God.
00:41 It's amazing because one of the things
00:42 that you'll notice I was talking to a young person
00:44 about what they learned in black history
00:46 and who they learned about, you know, who
00:48 they learned about in school.
00:50 They learned about the artist formerly known as Prince.
00:56 Now again, I throw out no shade on Prince,
00:59 but we got more history.
01:01 Oh, we all that today than those that just sing and play.
01:04 But are hearing the pastor today. Friends.
01:08 I need you to understand that you've got some stones.
01:11 In other words, Prince, no shade on Sir Isaac Newton or.
01:15 Or Albert Einstein.
01:17 But I need you to know, they still have not been able
01:19 to figure out the geologic geometrical principles
01:24 that allowed the period bits in the continent of Africa
01:28 to be built in a way that was well ahead of its time.
01:32 I said, We've got some stones today.
01:35 Instead of just celebrating the great talent of Beyonce, say
01:39 maybe we ought to celebrate the gift of a James West
01:43 that was the inventor of the microphone.
01:45 I said, we got some stones in our community.
01:49 In other words, I need you to know
01:50 that every time you stop
01:52 at a red light, our goal when it turns green.
01:54 That light was invented by a brother named Garrett, a morgan
01:59 that was able to add order to the chaotic system
02:02 of road travel in the United States.
02:04 You realize that every time you go in your cabinet
02:07 and get some cooking oil or you're able
02:09 to print out something with ink on your printer,
02:12 it is because of a genius implanted.
02:13 And Dr. George Washington Carver.
02:17 Do you realize that every time you look at a clock
02:19 or your watch, it is the genius of Dr.
02:21 Benjamin Banneker.
02:22 Whenever you're in the hospital and they ask
02:25 if you stand in need of blood,
02:27 it was because of the scientific expertize of Dr.
02:31 Charles Drew, who was the father of blood plasma medicine.
02:36 Whenever you go to the Apple store
02:39 and you see the new Apple Vision Pro, I need you to be reminded
02:42 that the creator of 3-D viewing glasses was a black man
02:46 named Dr. Kenneth Dunkley.
02:48 Do you realize that
02:49 the graphic design lingo on most visual arts language
02:54 like JPEG, quick time in P, in G was a black man named Dr.
02:58 John Henry Thompson.
03:00 The next time you have a bite of Lay's potato chips,
03:06 I need you to know you've got some stones.
03:08 Because that was a brother named George Crumb.
03:10 We all know that today, a church
03:12 that was able to put it together.
03:14 Do you realize that the world's fastest computer
03:18 was from a Nigerian brother named Dr.
03:19 Philip Gwalior, who was able to create 65,000 processors
03:25 to be able to compute 3.1 billion calculations per second.
03:30 I need you to know you've got some stones in your history.
03:33 I need you to know that the electrical resistor
03:36 was created by a brother named Dr.
03:38 Otis Boynton,
03:39 which keeps every electrical gadget from exploding.
03:43 Ah, catching fire while you have it
03:46 next to your head or in your hand.
03:48 I need somebody to know that Dr.
03:50 Mark Dean was the first product
03:53 who was able to create a one gigahertz chip
03:56 and was able to change the face
03:57 of how storage was able to be kept on devices.
04:01 And we remember Sister Valerie Thomas, a black woman
04:05 who created the illusion transmitter in the story,
04:08 Hidden Figers.
04:09 And I guess what I simply want to say to our
04:12 people is stop believing the narrative that all we can do
04:16 is run and jump and sing and dance and play ball.
04:24 I need you to know that God has put wisdom
04:27 and intellect and discipline
04:30 and ingenuity and creativity.
04:34 Our history is not secondary.
04:36 It's not just black history.
04:39 It's American history.
04:41 We are not just savages.
04:43 We are not an underclass.
04:46 We've got something to contribute.
04:49 But you've got to have some stone
04:54 that says nothing is impossible if you continue to believe.
05:00 Can the.
05:00 Church say men today
05:03 see through a thing. That happens?
05:04 Friends, if you don't have any stones, is
05:07 you won't ever realize how far you've come.
05:11 So so one of the things you'll notice
05:13 when you read this carefully
05:14 is that Joshua actually sets up two sets of stones.
05:19 The first set of stones
05:20 he sets up right there at the Jordan River.
05:24 In other words, the reason he set them up
05:27 at the Jordan River also church is that this story.
05:30 Was supposed to be told constantly.
05:34 So that whenever somebody went by the river to draw water
05:39 or to catch some fish or to wash some clothes,
05:44 and they saw
05:45 this odd collection of stones that was somewhere out of place.
05:49 And a young person asked that older person
05:51 that walk them by the river, what mean the stones?
05:56 It was to be supposed to be an opportunity
06:00 for them to boast in the things that the Lord has done.
06:03 In other words, that testimony was never supposed to have
06:06 an expiration date.
06:09 And can I suggest to somebody today,
06:11 never let your testimony go stale,
06:15 never let your testimony expire.
06:19 I need you to understand that
06:20 even though you've heard it a thousand different times
06:24 are said it a thousand different times, at some point,
06:27 there's going to be somebody that needs to hear
06:31 what God has done for you.
06:33 It's crazy.
06:34 I remember with my grandmother,
06:35 Mary Lee, before she took her arrest,
06:37 I remember when I would go around,
06:39 she would sit around and talk about how she raised her kids
06:42 and and how she raised six kids as a single woman.
06:45 And she talked about the doors God open and the ways
06:49 God had made.
06:50 And as a kid,
06:51 you thought it was just older people talking in circles.
06:55 But what she was trying to do was deepen
06:57 a spiritual impression
07:00 because she knew there would be a generation
07:03 that did not understand struggle in the.
07:05 Way she. Did.
07:07 And if there was no stones passed down,
07:11 then we wouldn't know what to do when struggle came upon
07:14 our lives. You are hearing me today, friends.
07:17 I see the reason you've got to maintain.
07:19 Hold of your stones, especially as a people.
07:23 Is that when you don't have stones,
07:26 you allow yourself to be overcome by every present
07:30 cultural or national adversity that comes upon us as a people.
07:34 So I need us to know that in Ecclesiastes these
07:37 the Bible lets us know that there ain't nothing new
07:42 under the sun,
07:45 so that there is a cyclical nature to history, he says.
07:48 What has been
07:52 is going to happen again.
07:53 Okay,
07:55 so that before there was a michael Brown,
07:58 there was an Emmett Till,
08:01 before there was a Trayvon Martin,
08:03 there was a Medgar Evers.
08:06 Before there was a Louis Castillo, there was a George
08:09 Winstanley before there was a Freddie Gray's.
08:13 There was a Rodney King.
08:15 Because there is nothing new under the sun.
08:17 Are you hearing me what I'm saying?
08:19 CHURCH In other words, the only thing that's new
08:22 is that certain things are being caught on tape.
08:25 Y'all hear what I'm saying?
08:26 CHURCH And see if you don't have any stones,
08:30 you will begin to see the civil rights movement
08:32 as a legislative one and not a spiritual one.
08:39 See what we celebrate
08:40 are the boycotts and the sit ins and the marches.
08:45 But what never makes the history book are the prayer meetings
08:49 where all the Saints sat in upper rooms and in basements,
08:54 and they called on the name of the Lord,
08:57 and it was the hand of God that brought freedoms
09:01 and liberties to an oppressed people.
09:04 And that's why you don't credit
09:06 just the vessels that came and died,
09:09 because it was the hand of God that brought deliverance
09:13 to us as a people.
09:14 Are y'all hear me today, friends,
09:16 I need you to know that you've got to have some stones
09:19 to understand that it was the same God
09:21 that brought about justice
09:22 during the Brown versus the board versus the board.
09:26 Brown versus board.
09:27 And the issue of education that it was the hand of God
09:32 that brought about the voting acts right of 1965,
09:36 that it was the hand of God that offered
09:38 the Federal Protection Act of 1964,
09:42 that it was the hand of God that toppled slavery.
09:45 It was the hand of God that overthrew reconstruction.
09:49 It is the God that outlawed the Jim Crow.
09:52 It was the hand of God that overwhelmed redlining.
09:56 It was the hand of God that raised up conscientious
09:58 white brothers to stand with us in Selma
10:02 and Birmingham and Montgomery and the height of the civil
10:06 rights movement.
10:07 And what I'm saying is that if you don't have any stones
10:12 about where God has brought us from,
10:14 if you don't remember how he delivered us
10:17 from George Wallace, you wilt in the presence of Donald Trump.
10:20 But because God
10:24 has been
10:25 with us, if you have no stones,
10:29 you won't realize how far God has brought us from
10:34 something that happens.
10:35 Friends, and I'm moving quickly.
10:37 If you don't have stones.
10:39 You will.
10:40 Wilt under the presence of current adversity.
10:45 Joshua Chapter four, verse 19 I'm almost done.
10:49 John Testament four and verse 19 When you get there, say Amen.
10:52 Pastor
10:54 Joshua four verse 19,
10:55 he says, Now
10:56 the people came up
10:57 from the what, Jordan on the 10th day of the first month,
11:02 and they camp at Gil Gal on the east border of what
11:07 and those 12 stones which they took out of the Jordan
11:12 Joshua set up at Gil Camp.
11:16 Okay.
11:18 And this is the crux of the whole thing
11:19 because this is a crazy thing.
11:20 Like you realize you would think that the most believing
11:23 people in the.
11:24 World would have been the children of Israel.
11:32 They saw God opened up a Red Sea
11:37 and make it as
11:38 dry as cement for them to walk across.
11:42 They were there when they saw God with them in a cloud by day.
11:47 But to see clouds that day.
11:48 But the cloud would turn into a pillar of fire.
11:51 At nighttime they would sing God seeing manna
11:55 from heaven, so much so that they never missed a meal
11:59 they would sing Gossip, God, sin waters from what do you notice
12:02 that in 40 years the Bible says that the souls of their sandals
12:07 never walk out?
12:11 But one of the things
12:12 that you've got to understand is that no miracle,
12:16 no matter how powerful, no matter how evident,
12:20 no matter how clear, remains fresh in your mind forever.
12:26 See, after a while, memory is going to begin to fade.
12:29 At some point you might begin to reinterpret the miracle
12:34 so as to suggest that maybe you were just lucky
12:36 or things worked out, or somehow your cousin just happened
12:39 to come through for you
12:42 and see what needs to happen
12:45 is you've got to have some stones with you
12:49 because if you don't have stones,
12:50 you will under the presence of every current adversity.
12:54 So notice what the Bible says.
12:56 Now there are some stones that the Bible says
12:59 that were left at the Jordan forever.
13:02 But then there were another set of stones that commentators say
13:06 that Joshua either put on carts and were rolled
13:09 to the land of Gil Gale or the large boulders
13:13 that were the foundations that the men had to roll.
13:18 The Stones
13:20 took Gil down,
13:22 which is near the camp of Jericho.
13:26 Okay, out and us.
13:28 So there were some stones behind them,
13:34 but then they had to carry some stones with them.
13:38 But in other words, notice
13:41 that that Gil Gale is about seven miles from the Jordan,
13:45 but it's only about a half mile from Jericho.
13:49 So he has them erect the stones right in
13:53 front of their next biggest obstacle, which is Jericho.
13:59 So they can't look
14:01 at Jericho without seeing the stones,
14:06 so that every time they look at Jericho,
14:10 they have to pass by the stones, which was a memorial
14:15 of what God did at the Jordan River.
14:18 And the reason God set it up that way is that if they looked
14:20 at Jericho without seeing the stones
14:25 and they saw the scale of Jericho
14:28 and the strength of its walls and the aggression
14:31 of the archers, then they would be tempted
14:34 to go back to the other side of the Jordan.
14:37 And so God says, Make sure you don't let them see
14:40 Jericho without being able to see the stones
14:45 as a reminder of what I have done for them
14:48 and what I'm saying to somebody today.
14:50 Friends of mine, is not
14:52 only do you need to have stones in the past,
14:55 you need to have some Rolling Stones,
14:59 you need to have some mobile stones,
15:01 you need to have some things that you keep with you
15:05 as a reminder that you serve the God that makes away
15:08 are you are hear me today, friends, you got to have stones
15:14 that you tell the next generation
15:16 about so that they know
15:20 God can come through.
15:23 It's I remember.
15:24 Probably, you know, a few years ago
15:25 we were doing a little spring cleaning in the garage.
15:27 You and the kids and I, we were moving some.
15:30 Boxes in the garage,
15:31 and I opened up a box and you know how like sometimes
15:34 when you move a bunch.
15:35 Like there are certain boxes, you just stop opening,
15:39 you just start.
15:40 Moving them from one cause it to the next.
15:43 And so it's crazy.
15:44 John Because when I opened up this box.
15:46 You just see what's in it.
15:48 And it's crazy because I didn't realize that,
15:49 you know, how
15:50 there's this certain point
15:50 in the movie
15:51 you try and be real organized and delicate,
15:52 but when you get to
15:54 the end of the movie, you just start dumping stuff. In boxes
15:56 and didn't realize it in this box.
15:58 There was just a bunch of stones
16:02 that I unfortunately had let stay sealed up in the garage.
16:05 And it's crazy
16:06 because as I'm looking at board minutes from previous churches,
16:09 I begin to remember about the times
16:11 where it got so hard that I wanted to quit
16:13 and do something else. I imagine if it weren't for God.
16:16 I'd be selling insurance. All about here.
16:17 The Pastor Day.
16:19 And as I begin to look at those board minutes,
16:21 I begin to remember that
16:22 I have some stones, I begin to look at some of the ultrasounds.
16:26 So some of their oldest siblings that did not make it.
16:29 And when I begin to look upon them,
16:29 my eyes welled up with tears
16:31 because it was a reminder that I had some stones.
16:34 I begin to look at some bills
16:35 from when we got our first house, and I wasn't sure
16:37 if we were going to be able to get the house.
16:39 And I remember that we had some stones.
16:41 I remember
16:42 we were able to close on the house,
16:44 even though I didn't have great credit.
16:45 And it was a reminder that even
16:46 when you got bad credit, we got a good God.
16:48 It was a reminder that we have some stones.
16:51 And it's crazy
16:52 because we there in the garage and before I know it,
16:55 my eyes are beginning to well up with tears.
16:56 I got both our arms up in the air.
16:59 I'm hugging them tightly.
17:00 And then like Daddy was in that box
17:03 and it was simply an opportunity for me to open up my mouth
17:06 and begin telling them the story of how God preserved us.
17:10 But I needed them to know that it was not
17:12 just about what God did for us,
17:14 but that the same God that supplied for us,
17:17 the same God that kept us, the same God that protected us
17:22 is the same God that will sojourn with you
17:26 through every difficult day you shall ever face in your life
17:31 and see friends of mine.
17:33 We are this middle class, bluesy church
17:38 that tries to give kids what we did not have.
17:44 And the reason they don't know how to handle a problem
17:48 is you make them think you ain't never had no problems.
17:51 And so they don't know how to pray.
17:54 They don't know how to trust God.
17:56 They want to get on some weed.
17:58 They want to get on an app because mama and daddy,
18:02 they never.
18:02 Pass down the stones.
18:08 So you think
18:09 they'll think less of you if they know you had struggle,
18:14 but they'll finally know that's a human and you're real
18:18 and that God is able, when you pass down
18:21 the stones.
18:25 Last thing when you have stones
18:28 like this part, it makes you appraise
18:31 mobile. So
18:37 when they bring these stones
18:39 out of the dry,
18:43 hard surface of the Jordan River
18:46 and bring them all the way into the Promised Land, remember,
18:51 the Promised Land was a fertile,
18:54 lush, green terrain.
18:57 It was the land flowing
19:01 with milk and honey, so that this is not the arid,
19:07 dry, rocky terrain of the desert and the wilderness.
19:12 So understand that these rocks or stones
19:16 would be out of place in the green
19:19 hills of Jordan.
19:23 In other words, these stones don't fit the ambiance.
19:27 The stones don't fit the atmosphere.
19:31 The stones seem out of place, date it.
19:35 And the reason God wanted these stones
19:38 to not be able to blend in,
19:41 He wanted them to stand out
19:44 so that when somebody came by and saw the stones
19:49 and they're like, Why are these stones here?
19:52 They don't blend in with the ambiance.
19:54 They don't match the atmosphere.
19:56 How did the Stones get here?
19:59 It was simply an opportunity for somebody
20:02 from the land of Israel to begin making their boast in the Lord
20:09 about the great things that the Lord has done.
20:12 See if He left the stones by the jaw and then the stones
20:15 would have made sense.
20:17 They would not have always stood out
20:19 to those who did not believe, but they're in Gale.
20:22 Gale the stones are literally and obstruction.
20:26 They don't match.
20:27 In other words, they are simply out of place.
20:31 But God wanted them to praise him
20:35 and environments
20:36 where praise doesn't normally go.
20:41 They want him to give him glory
20:44 in places where he doesn't normally get glory.
20:47 In other words, sometimes your praise needs to be out of place.
20:51 Oh yeah. To see.
20:53 Some of us will only praise him
20:56 in a house of worship where there is agreement.
21:00 And all of us believe the same thing.
21:04 But how many of us know that sometimes God wants your stones
21:08 to travel and be in a place where it doesn't belong
21:13 so that you can tell the story of the great things
21:16 that God has done.
21:17 You see, some of us will only praise Him in church
21:21 because we're ashamed to talk about him
21:24 outside of the four walls of the building.
21:27 But do I have at least seven saints that can say, like Paul,
21:31 that I'm not as ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus,
21:34 for it is the power of God unto salvation.
21:38 So guess what?
21:39 I'm gonna bring my stone to my job,
21:43 and I'm going to tell the story
21:45 of how God makes a way out of no way.
21:49 I'm going to bring my stones to the gym
21:52 and I'm going to witness about his love and kindness.
21:55 I'm going to bring my stones to the family reunion.
21:58 And even if they don't believe
21:59 I'm going to make my boss in the Lord,
22:02 do I have some folk who are not a saint
22:05 who won't just praise him by the Jordan,
22:08 but you'll praise him in Jericho.
22:10 You praise him at Gil Gail.
22:12 You praise him among the heathen,
22:15 You praise him among the unbeliever.
22:17 You tell those
22:18 who don't know you or tell those that have never heard
22:22 you will tell those that don't believe you.
22:24 Don't care what they think about you.
22:27 You don't care how they look at you.
22:29 Because when I think
22:32 of the goodness of Jesus.
22:34 And all He's done for me,
22:39 my soul cries Hallelujah.
22:43 Thank God for saving us wretch like me.
22:48 If you've got stones, give him a praise.
22:52 If he's made away, give him a praise.
22:56 If he's kept you
22:58 Give him a praise
23:00 If he sustains you, give him a praise.
23:05 If he's forgiven.
23:06 You, you ought to give him a praise.
23:10 Let everything
23:13 I said Let every thing
23:16 I said live every thing
23:19 that has breath
23:22 praise Ye
23:27 the name
23:30 of the Lord.
23:34 Hallelujah to the Lamb.
24:03 What's good family?
24:05 The ExcuseLess revolution is underway.
24:08 We've been having a good time.
24:09 Testify, pray and receiving the Word of the Lord.
24:14 But I want you to know that the revolution is not over yet.
24:18 The Bible says, I wish above all things, that thou me is
24:21 prosper and be in help even as not so prosperous.
24:26 The next leg of the journey revolves around our fitness
24:29 and our health.
24:31 I invite you to join me starting on May the fifth
24:35 for an online 30 day fitness campaign.
24:38 Under the theme, ExcuseLess.
24:41 I want you to join me each week, Sunday through Friday,
24:44 Sunday at 8 a.m., Monday through Friday at 6 a.m..
24:47 When you join us online,
24:49 you're going to receive a spiritual work being
24:52 our coaches are going to lead us in a 25 minute online workout.
24:59 And then we'll conclude the day.
25:00 With my health Avengers, some amazing chefs
25:04 are going to give us some tools on how to make tasty
25:08 and affordable and healthy meals that help push us forward.
25:12 Over the course of this 30 days,
25:13 you can be a part of a weight loss challenge,
25:16 and each and every week
25:17 there's going to be a different challenge
25:19 that allows us to build community around our fitness
25:23 and our help.
25:24 For too long, we've been making some excuses
25:27 about why we're not eating well, about
25:28 why we're not in shape, about why we're not in perfect health.
25:33 I need you to know it's time to cancel those excuses.
25:36 But when you join this leg of the journey,
25:37 those aches and pains are going to go away.
25:40 You're going to feel better.
25:41 As we continue the journey toward becoming
25:45 ExcusesLess.
25:48 Calling all leaders, visionaries, dreamers, content
25:52 creators.
25:53 We're inviting you to the 2024
25:57 vision and Dreamers conference hosted by Breath of Life.
26:00 The theme for this year is A Future.
26:03 We want you to know that this year's conference is not
26:05 about spreadsheets, budgets or accounting.
26:09 We're going to be talking
26:10 about the process your soul goes through
26:13 whenever you are developing or implementing a vision.
26:16 We're going to be equipping you with the tools
26:17 to develop a vision ethic.
26:20 We're going to be talking about
26:21 things like your frustrations, how to manage your fears,
26:25 dealing with criticism or enduring seasons of waiting.
26:29 Join us at the Oakwood University Church
26:32 May 17 through 19.
26:35 We're going to kick it off Friday night
26:36 with a Vespers, a vision talk and a mixer.
26:41 Join us Saturday morning at 11, where I'm going to give a word
26:43 just for you.
26:45 We'll be joined in partnership by gospel recording artist
26:49 Myron Butler.
26:50 And Levi, we're going to have lunch together.
26:52 And then that afternoon
26:54 there are going to be a number of plenary sessions
26:57 and breakout sessions and will conclude Sunday morning
27:00 with our vision brunch.
27:01 We have an amazing lineup of speakers and presenters.
27:05 Movie producer
27:07 Devon Franklin, YouTube influencers, the Onyx Family
27:12 and Grammy Award winning Kelvin Wooten and many, many more.
27:16 I want to invite you to go to our website and register
27:18 right now at
27:23 Registration costs is $150, but I want you to know that
27:26 what you're going to
27:27 receive is going to be way more than what you actually give.
27:31 I believe
27:32 that God has put a huge vision or dream inside of you,
27:36 and we don't want to allow excuses to smother it.
27:40 I want to invite you to join us on the revolution
27:43 as we continue the journey of becoming ExcusesLess
28:05 (Breath Of Life Music)


Revised 2024-05-07