Breath of Life

Unintended Consequences Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000120S

00:05 #S063 - Unintended Consequences (Part 1)
00:19 So I want to invite you to stand with me to your feet
00:22 as we go to the Exodus Chapter one, Exodus chapter one.
00:26 And we're going to begin together
00:27 at verse number seven, Exodus chapter one.
00:31 And we are going to look together at verse number seven
00:36 as we look to see what it is that God has to say to us
00:41 in these trying times, at times.
00:44 Exodus one in verse seven
00:47 Do me a favor, take your right hand,
00:48 put it on the shoulder of your neighbor,
00:49 shake him a little bit and tell him to wake up.
00:53 Tell him it ain't time yet.
00:55 A man
00:59 let's do this chapter one
01:01 and verse several and you get there.
01:02 Just say Pass from here, the Bible says,
01:07 but the
01:08 children of Israel were fruitful
01:11 and increase abundantly.
01:14 They multiplied and they grew exceedingly mighty
01:16 and the land was filled with them.
01:18 Talking about Egypt now there rose a new king over each
01:22 who did not know Joseph.
01:25 And he said to his people, Look, the people of the
01:28 children of Israel are more and mightier than we come
01:32 and let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply.
01:36 And it happened in the event of war
01:39 that they also join our enemies and fight against us,
01:42 and so go up out of the land.
01:45 Therefore they sit passed masses
01:47 over them to afflict them with their burdens.
01:51 And they built for Pharaoh's Supply Cities
01:53 Pit them and Rameses, but notice what the word says.
01:57 But the more they afflicted them,
02:01 the more they multiplied and grew.
02:05 And they were in dread
02:08 of the children of Israel today.
02:11 Saints for just a little while.
02:12 I want to talk to you under the subject.
02:14 Unintended consequences.
02:18 Unintended consequences.
02:19 Let's pray together.
02:21 Father,
02:23 would you speak to us individually?
02:28 Would you speak to us corporately?
02:32 You may have been connect at this place
02:37 and made the glory of the risen Savior Fill our souls.
02:39 Please hide me in the shadows of the cross
02:43 that Jesus alone might be seen, heard and praised.
02:47 Bless us through this.
02:48 And we ask in the wonderful name of Jesus,
02:50 let those who believe say together. Amen.
02:54 And a man you may be seated in the house of the Lord
02:59 again talking on the subject.
03:01 Unintended consequences.
03:05 You know, friends in social sciences,
03:08 there is a term
03:10 called the law of Unintended Consequences.
03:14 This term describes an action that creates an outcome
03:19 that was not foreseen or even intended.
03:24 An example of this is would be
03:26 known as what they call the COBRA effect.
03:29 During British rule in India, the government was concerned
03:33 about the number of venomous cobras in the city of Delhi,
03:38 so they offered a bounty for every dead
03:41 cobra that was brought into the city.
03:44 This plan had initial success as a number of venomous
03:49 snakes were killed in order to receive the award.
03:53 But over time, as always, the hustle caught up
03:56 with the policy as people begin to breed cobras
04:01 just to kill them and collect on the bounty.
04:05 Once the government got word of what was happening,
04:07 they quickly began to cancel the program.
04:11 But these cobra breeders with large numbers of cobras
04:15 in order
04:16 to spite the government, release them into the wilderness
04:21 where the Cobras began to multiply in tremendous fashion.
04:25 It is said that the COBRA number began to increase
04:28 more than before the policy was even implemented.
04:33 In other words, the policy had an unintended consequence.
04:38 The policy that was meant for their annihilation
04:42 actually contributed to their multiplication.
04:45 As he friends, this is why God does not get in
04:48 the way of every adversity that touches your life.
04:53 Because we serve the God that knows that Satanic attack
04:57 has unintended consequences and we serve the God
05:01 that can take what the enemy meant for bad,
05:05 reshape it, reform it, and rename it
05:08 so that it ultimately works together for your good.
05:12 You see, the God who sees all nos, all and ways,
05:16 all allows some adversity to pass your way.
05:20 And though it may be difficult initially,
05:24 sometimes satanic attack has some unintended consequences.
05:29 In other words, what Satan sent to ground you
05:33 is going to be the very thing that grows you some time.
05:38 The loss that you suffered is what causes you to cling
05:41 to Jesus.
05:42 He didn't realize that the attack he sent on
05:45 your family was going to increase your prayer life.
05:49 He didn't realize that when your income
05:51 went down that your faith would go up.
05:54 He didn't
05:55 realize that the boss that fired you was freeing you to pursue
05:59 what God had for you and see, I know for
06:02 some of us it's hard to praise God in this way.
06:05 In fact, for some that adversity may be too fresh.
06:10 But I need you to know that we serve the God
06:13 that can take every circumstance of your life and repackage it
06:16 so that it works out for your prosperity.
06:20 Do I have a witness that all things work together
06:23 for good to them
06:24 who love God and are called according to your purpose?
06:28 I need you to know
06:29 they're going to be some unintended consequences.
06:33 In fact, let me say it this way.
06:34 I remember a while back
06:35 when my kids were a little bit smaller.
06:38 One day my wife was out of town, and so I was in charge
06:40 of making breakfast.
06:42 And so as they sat down at the table, I put a big bow,
06:45 a medium bowl and a small bow in front of the three
06:49 kids based upon their size and their age.
06:53 And so they asked for cereal and I said, I'm not giving cereal.
06:56 I'm going to cook something for y'all today.
06:59 And so in frustration and fear, they began to get the big bow
07:03 to the baby boy and the older took
07:05 the smaller bowls for themselves.
07:08 And so, man, as I'm trying to cook,
07:10 I don't have all the supplies I need.
07:13 And so I said, after all,
07:14 how are we going to have to eat cereal after it anyway?
07:18 And so now they try to scramble to get the big bowl
07:20 back from the baby.
07:21 But I said, no, bring the bowl that's right in front of you.
07:26 In other words, they meant bad for the baby, but
07:29 their father turned it around
07:31 and took what was meant for evil and used it for their good.
07:35 Y'all missed your shout today.
07:36 In other words,
07:38 the devil wanted a big bowl of stress in front of you.
07:42 He wanted a big bowl of discouragement in front of you.
07:45 He wanted you to have a big bowl of depression.
07:47 But God says, I'm going to field that bow.
07:49 We're peas and joy and contentment.
07:53 I'm going to take
07:54 what was meant for evil and make it work for your good.
07:58 You hear me today, friends?
08:00 And so as we look at this word quickly today,
08:04 I need you to know that trouble reveals some critical truths
08:06 for us.
08:07 And I want to say quickly
08:08 that not all trouble is created equally.
08:14 Not now.
08:15 I need to be clear that all trouble is unpleasant,
08:19 but not all trouble is unprofitable.
08:23 In fact, sometimes trouble teaches us some things.
08:27 In fact, sometimes, number one, the first thing trouble does is
08:30 it teaches us
08:31 to never settle in a space you should just be visiting now.
08:37 Not now. Let me say it again. That.
08:38 That sometimes you should never settle in a space
08:41 that you should just be visiting.
08:43 Are you all still with the pastor today?
08:45 In fact, friends of mine, I think many of us are able
08:49 to recall that while Joseph was still alive,
08:54 the King of Egypt had a dream about seven fat cows
09:00 that represented seven years of plenty and abundance in Egypt.
09:05 But then that dream was followed by seven lean cows,
09:09 which represented the seven years of famine
09:12 that would touch Egypt and the land of Canaan,
09:16 where Jacob's children were residing.
09:18 And remember friends that God use Joseph
09:23 to prepare them for the famine that Egypt would suffer,
09:27 so that not only would Egypt prosper,
09:30 they could preserve the surrounding nations.
09:34 And if you recall, it is where Joseph's family is reunited.
09:38 It is the famine that drives them to borrow.
09:42 It is there that Joseph's power is revealed.
09:46 It is there that Joseph's forgiveness is granted.
09:49 In fact, Joseph, for fun, personifies
09:51 the law of unintended consequences,
09:55 because what the brothers meant for evil was God
09:58 sending him ahead to preserve them alive.
10:02 Are you hearing me today?
10:03 But I need you to remember that as the family of Joseph
10:09 Jacob's descendants encountered great favor in Egypt.
10:13 They are preferred in Egypt, they are prioritized in Egypt.
10:17 And remember, it was so good
10:20 that Pharaoh wanted to defeat them.
10:23 Some of the best land in Goshen.
10:25 But jokes to take up refused to sign it
10:29 because he believed that after the seven years of famine,
10:32 they were supposed to go back
10:33 to the land of Canaan, where they came from.
10:37 In other words, they were never supposed to settle in Egypt.
10:41 They were simply supposed to be passing through.
10:45 In other words, friends, Egypt was just a stopgap.
10:47 It was never supposed to be a permanent station.
10:51 It was just a place to hold them over.
10:55 But they had stayed so long that it now held them over.
10:59 In other words, I need somebody to get
11:01 that it was God's design for them to go back
11:04 to their own land after the famine
11:09 came to its conclusion, they were to go back to the land
11:12 that was prepared for Abraham and his descendants.
11:16 They were only supposed to be there seven years,
11:19 but now Joseph and all of his brothers have died
11:23 and it's 70 years later and they are still there.
11:26 In fact,
11:27 the Bible says they have begin to multiply in the land,
11:31 so much so that they begin to socially and spiritually
11:36 and from a heritage standpoint, a assimilate into the larger
11:39 culture of Egypt.
11:40 In other words,
11:41 they've completely forgotten where they come from
11:45 that they were only supposed to be there seven years,
11:48 but now they're ten.
11:49 They're ten times longer for 70 years
11:53 beyond the point of Joseph's death.
11:55 Now, again, I'll never make the leap
11:57 to say God caused the slavery,
12:01 but God did allow it to take place
12:05 because this trouble revealed to them that they
12:08 settled in the wrong place.
12:11 It was
12:12 adversity that reminded them that another place was home.
12:16 Y'all not repeat.
12:17 It was this discomfort that made them
12:20 agitated with the comforts of Egypt
12:24 and made them long for the promise of pain.
12:27 And in other words,
12:29 they didn't want to go home until the affliction started.
12:34 In other words, friends, they have settled in Egypt
12:35 too long.
12:36 And see, the truth is that Egypt represents
12:39 the temporary scenarios of life
12:42 that bring immediate fulfillment.
12:46 But they detour you from your destiny.
12:49 You see, Egypt represents that situation
12:53 that started out as a hold over, but now it's holding you over.
12:58 In other words, it is not until Pharaoh tightens the reins
13:03 that we seek the necessary form of deliverance.
13:06 And let me be clear.
13:07 I know that this does not apply to everybody,
13:11 but I know it applies to somebody because there is
13:14 somebody that just started messing with them as a holdover.
13:20 But now you've been there so long
13:21 that they're holding you over, you almighty, quiet today.
13:24 In other words, you started
13:25 working that job just to hold you over.
13:28 But now you've been there so long that it's holding you over.
13:33 In other words, there are some of us
13:35 that started that habit as a hold over.
13:39 But you've been there so long that it's holding you over.
13:42 And just like those in Egypt, you've been in that space
13:47 ten times longer than you were supposed to be.
13:50 In fact, there are some of us that have been in relationships
13:53 ten times longer than you should have been there.
13:56 Some of us have been working just for a paycheck
14:00 ten times longer than we should have been.
14:03 Some have been out of school ten times longer
14:05 than we should have been separated from a class
14:08 some of us have been in.
14:10 Situation shifts ten times longer than we should have been.
14:15 And I'm not suggesting that God ordered Pharaoh, but sometimes
14:18 God done blocked the Pharaoh because sometimes some.
14:23 We need some irritation and some discomfort to drive us
14:27 where we're supposed to be calm.
14:32 But see, Prince, let me say this, because not only is Egypt
14:36 a symbol of temporary fix this their disposition
14:39 in Egypt mirrors our disposition in this world.
14:47 Okay.
14:49 In other words, they didn't have no desire to go back to Cain
14:55 until life got too hard in Egypt.
14:58 Y'all, y'all not here.
14:59 In other words, they had no goal to get back to their homeland
15:04 because they felt like they upgraded.
15:06 And we're living their best lives in Egypt.
15:09 And it wasn't beloved until life became unbearable
15:13 on that side, that they develop a craving for the other side.
15:19 Y'all still not with me?
15:20 It wasn't until life got so hard in Egypt
15:25 that they said It's time for us to go back to the land of pain
15:28 and see friends of mine.
15:29 Let me suggest that sometimes we can get so comfortable
15:33 in this earthly Egypt
15:37 that we forget
15:38 that we are pilgrims passing through,
15:42 that we are nomads in search of a better land,
15:47 that we need to be reminded that this world is not our home.
15:53 In fact,
15:54 friends of mine, I don't believe that God orders every trouble
15:57 or adversity, but I believe that God allowed some of the pre
16:01 winds of strife to blow upon us individually and collectively,
16:07 to remind us that we need to be looking for a city
16:10 whose builder and maker is God.
16:13 See, sometimes we get so comfortable paying mortgage
16:17 and building an empire and living this life
16:19 and trying to get ahead
16:21 that we forget that we have a home beyond the sky,
16:25 that there is a cane in for us to inhabit
16:28 and sometimes God has to allow Pharaoh to touch you,
16:33 to remind you that you got a home beyond this.
16:36 When you are here in the world today.
16:38 In other words, friends, I need you to know
16:39 every earthly irritation is just a reminder
16:42 to keep your head up and looking toward your eternal hope.
16:47 I need you to know
16:48 that the arthritis in your knee is just a reminder
16:51 the blurry vision when you wake up.
16:54 Sometimes the pain after you exercise,
16:57 sometimes the losses that we suffer.
16:59 They are simply an invitation to separate our lives
17:04 from being tied and bound to this earth and to realize
17:07 that we've got a home and glory that outshines the sun.
17:11 Is there anybody excited that one day he
17:14 that shall come, will come and he will not?
17:18 Terry, I look forward to the day when Christ
17:21 so come with in corruption in one hand
17:24 and immortality in the next and God is gone.
17:27 Cancel cancer, God is going defeat diabetes
17:32 that God is going eliminate blindness,
17:35 that God is going to give funerals a funeral.
17:37 Y'all not hear me the day that we serve the God
17:41 that's going to make sure
17:42 that one day you have your last bad day.
17:47 One day you go cry your last year,
17:51 one day you will have your last injustice.
17:54 And that's why, friends, we cannot place all of our hope
17:57 on this world.
17:59 We've got to have a hope that is beyond the sky
18:03 and it is rooted in the coming of Jesus Christ.
18:07 Are you hear me today, friends?
18:09 Second thing that our story teaches us quickly
18:12 is that sometimes trouble
18:16 is proof of progress.
18:20 Yeah, it's going to get a little uncomfortable here
18:23 because do you all realize
18:25 that Hebrews slavery
18:28 was actually a backlash
18:31 to minority success in the land of Egypt?
18:36 In other words, the Bible makes it clear
18:38 that there is this new pharaoh that comes into power
18:42 that doesn't know Joseph or is better translate.
18:46 It has no regard for his heritage in other words,
18:49 you get this new pharaoh that literally comes into power
18:55 and he pits the majority against the minority.
18:59 He begins to stoke the fears of those who are in power.
19:03 In fact, you realize that his narrative is
19:06 actually filled with exact exaggeration,
19:09 because when they came
19:10 into Egypt, they were nothing but a cluster of 70.
19:15 But he's creating a false narrative
19:18 that says, Man, we've got to get things back under control.
19:22 We are letting them take over our country.
19:25 He's created a narrative
19:26 that said we've already let a minority in the White House.
19:30 I'm at the palace.
19:34 So this new pharaoh walks
19:37 around with a copy of Joseph's birth certificate
19:42 to let
19:43 them know that he's not one of ours.
19:48 And so this new pharaoh stokes the fears of the majority
19:51 saying
19:53 that they're going to overtake us, they're about to overrun
19:55 our country.
19:56 We better seal up our borders.
19:59 We better put legislation in place.
20:02 We've got to get control of the direction.
20:06 In fact, this new pharaohs campaign
20:08 slogan is Make Egypt Great Again.
20:11 Oh, y'all not
20:16 make Egypt
20:16 great again.
20:22 And see, I need you to understand,
20:24 beloved, that this slavery that they create
20:29 is literally evidence of progress
20:34 because it is a backlash to minority participation in Egypt.
20:39 Now, let me just pause to say, though, to those in these UN
20:42 United States, I need to realize that Egypt's
20:45 power as a
20:48 Egypt's time, as a dominating power did not end.
20:54 When Moses showed up,
20:56 it ended when
20:58 Pharaoh divided the people based on race.
21:02 Because I need you to get that racism is not just
21:05 a social attack against blacks.
21:08 Racism is a spiritual attack against all of God's people,
21:13 so that whenever somebody creates an us
21:16 versus them, that we've got to keep it under control.
21:20 They dilute their own power.
21:23 And basically they see authority to other nations like y'all.
21:26 You hear me today, friends
21:29 that need somebody to understand this critical truth,
21:32 especially as we move down the path
21:34 to social justice and inequity.
21:37 Because I need somebody to understand this immovable truth
21:40 that for every step forward,
21:44 there's going to be a harsh push backwards.
21:48 And if you do not embrace this principle,
21:52 you will begin to become jaded, you will become apathetic.
21:57 You will say stupid stuff like, That's why
21:59 I don't vote,
22:08 because you don't understand
22:10 that the wheels of justice are slow, but they are certain
22:15 and righteousness is not always are.
22:17 Justice is not always quick, but it is inevitable.
22:22 Y'all hear me today, France, I need you to understand that
22:26 just in our time
22:27 that as soon as we celebrate the right prosecution
22:31 of a Derek Chauvin over the murder of George Floyd,
22:35 guess what?
22:36 We all three thrown right back into grief
22:39 as someone like Derek Anderson is shot in the back of the head
22:41 while retreating,
22:42 or a family like the Perkins family deals with the loss
22:47 that they've suffered here in Decatur.
22:49 It is that type of backlash
22:50 that makes some say evil always wins.
22:54 You see, just after a just and fair election in 2020,
22:58 there was a backlash
23:00 so that restrictive voter policies
23:03 were implemented throughout the state of Georgia, a state
23:05 that was red, that turned blue.
23:07 Those same laws
23:08 were implemented here in Alabama and in the state of Arizona.
23:13 And it is the backlash
23:14 that makes us say evil is going to always win.
23:17 But I need somebody to know that it is an old playbook
23:21 where there's going to always be a pushback
23:23 over perceived
23:24 progress of a people. But I need you to know
23:26 the backlash is not a time to give up.
23:29 It is a time for minority communities and white
23:32 allies to band together because it is the proof
23:36 that things are about to move forward.
23:38 Are y'all hearing the pastor today?
23:40 Do you realize, friends,
23:41 after the end of the Civil War, there was still a backlash
23:45 to reconstruction
23:47 so that even after the 13th Amendment
23:50 outlawed the practice of slavery,
23:52 there was an exempt sin that applied only to some.
23:56 So there was a policy that allowed what they call
23:58 prisoner leasing so that they were able to lease
24:02 free labor from black slaves that were wrongly put in jail
24:07 so that the slavery practice could continue.
24:11 And it gave rise to black codes that only applied to people
24:14 that look like us.
24:15 Thank you so much for joining us for The Breath of Life
24:18 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell .
24:22 now we hope and pray
24:24 that you have been blessed by his powerful message.
24:28 Join us next week for part two of the message.
24:31 Unintended consequences.
24:33 You don't want to miss.
24:57 What's good family?
24:59 The Excuseless revolution is underway.
25:02 We've been having a good time.
25:03 Testify, praying and receiving the Word of the Lord.
25:08 But I want you to know that the revolution is not over yet.
25:12 The Bible says, I wish, above all things that thou me is
25:15 prosper and be in help even as not so prosperous.
25:20 The next leg of the journey revolves around our fitness
25:23 and our health.
25:25 I invite you to join me.
25:26 Starting on made the fit for an online 30 day
25:30 fitness campaign under the theme excuse Voiceless.
25:35 I want you to join me each week, Sunday through Friday,
25:38 Sunday at 8 a.m., Monday through Friday at 6 a.m..
25:41 When you join us online,
25:43 you're going to receive a spiritual word.
25:47 Our coaches are going to lead us in a 25 minute online workout.
25:53 And then we'll conclude the day where my health.
25:55 AVENGER'S Some amazing chefs are going to give us some tools
26:00 on how to make tasty and affordable and healthy meals
26:04 that help push us forward over the course of this 30 days.
26:08 You can be a part of a weight loss challenge,
26:10 and each and every week
26:11 there's going to be a different challenge
26:13 that allows us to build community around our fitness
26:17 and our health.
26:18 For too long, we've been making some excuses
26:21 about why we're not eating well, about
26:22 why we're not in shape, about why we're not in perfect health.
26:27 I need you to know it's time to cancel those excuses.
26:30 But when you join this leg of the journey,
26:31 those aches and pains are going to go away.
26:35 You're going to feel better as we continue the journey
26:38 toward becoming ExcusesLess.
26:42 What's good? Family.
26:44 Breath of life is going to be coming to the West Coast.
26:48 We're excited that from July the 14th to July the 27th,
26:53 we're going to be hosting our third annual Hope
26:55 Rally under the theme Almost Home.
26:58 We're going to be meeting for those two weeks
27:00 in long Beach, California.
27:02 We're going to be meeting each night,
27:04 except for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 pm.
27:08 It's an in-person meeting only, so you can't catch it online.
27:13 You've got to be in the house.
27:14 We're going to be joined in musical partnership
27:17 by gospel recording artist Smokie Norful.
27:21 Jonathan Nelson and Donnie McClurkin.
27:25 Each night, dinner is going to be served
27:27 and there's going to be
27:28 special programing for you and for your little ones.
27:32 It's going to be a high time in Zion,
27:35 where we're going to be preaching
27:35 the good news of Jesus Christ.
27:37 And we're going to be reminded that this world is not our home.
27:42 Again, I look forward to seeing you in Long Beach,
27:44 California, from July the 14th to the 27th.
27:49 Make sure that you're planning to be there
27:51 and you bring somebody with you.
27:53 If you want more information, go to our website
27:56 at God bless.
28:00 I'll be seeing you this summer.
28:05 (Breath Of Life Music)


Revised 2024-05-15