Breath of Life

Unintended Consequences Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000121S

00:05 #S063 - Unintended Consequences (Part 2)
00:20 Welcome to the Breath of Life Television
00:22 Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
00:27 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will continue part
00:30 two of the powerful message titled Unintended Consequences.
00:37 Now, let's go deeper into the word of God.
00:41 Now, let me just pause to say, though, to those in these UN
00:43 United States, I need to realize that Egypt's
00:46 power as a
00:50 Egypt's time as a dominating power
00:54 did not end when Moses showed up.
00:58 It ended when Pharaoh divided the people based on race.
01:04 Because I need you to get that Racism is not just
01:06 a social attack against blacks.
01:09 Racism is a spiritual attack against all of God's people,
01:14 so that whenever somebody creates an us
01:16 versus them, that we've got to keep it under control.
01:21 They dilute their own power and basically
01:24 they see authority to other nations.
01:27 I y'all hear me today friends
01:30 that need somebody to understand this critical truth,
01:32 especially as we move down the path
01:34 to social justice and inequity.
01:37 Because I need somebody to understand this immovable truth
01:41 that for every step forward,
01:46 there's going to be a harsh push backwards.
01:50 And if you do not embrace this principle,
01:54 you will begin to become jaded, you will become apathetic,
01:58 you will say stupid stuff like, That's why
02:00 I don't vote,
02:09 because you don't understand
02:10 that the wheels of justice are slow,
02:15 but they are certain and righteousness is not always.
02:18 Our justice is not always quick, but it is inevitable.
02:23 Y'all hear me today, friends,
02:27 I need you to understand that just in our time
02:28 that as soon as we celebrate the right prosecution
02:32 of a Derek Chauvin over the murder of George Floyd,
02:36 guess what?
02:37 We are the three thrown right back into grief
02:39 as someone like Derek Anderson is shot in the back of the head
02:42 while retreating,
02:43 or a family like the Perkins family deals with the loss
02:48 that they've suffered here in Decatur.
02:49 It is that type of backlash that makes some say
02:52 evil always wins.
02:55 You see, just
02:56 after a just and fair election in 2020,
02:59 there was a backlash
03:00 so that restrictive voter policies
03:03 were implemented throughout
03:04 the state of Georgia, a state that was red, that turned blue.
03:08 Those same laws
03:09 were implemented here in Alabama and in the state of Arizona.
03:14 And it is the backlash that makes us say
03:15 evil is going to always win.
03:17 But I need somebody to know that it is an old playbook
03:21 where there's going to always be a pushback
03:23 over perceived progress of a people.
03:26 But I need you to know the backlash
03:28 is not a time to give up.
03:29 It is a time for minority communities and white
03:33 allies to band together because it is the proof
03:37 that things are about to move forward.
03:39 Are y'all hearing the pastor today?
03:41 Do you realize?
03:42 Friends, after the end of the Civil War,
03:44 there was still a backlash to reconstruction
03:48 so that even after the 13th Amendment
03:50 outlawed the practice of slavery,
03:52 there was an exemption that applied only to some
03:56 so that there was a policy that allowed what they call
03:59 prisoner leasing so that they were able to lease
04:03 free labor from black slaves that were wrongly put in jail
04:08 so that the slavery practice could continue.
04:12 And it gave rise to black codes that only applied to people
04:14 that look like us.
04:16 I need you to know that even after 12 years
04:19 of legislative promises that were made
04:21 during the Reconstruction era, there was a backlash
04:25 as the principles of Jim Crow
04:27 were put in place to govern the South
04:29 and to nullify the principles
04:31 that failed during Reconstruction.
04:33 Do you realize in 1965 the voting rights was
04:37 put in place for states
04:39 that had a history of discriminating discriminatory
04:42 practices and intimidation of African-Americans at the polls?
04:47 But do you realize in 2013, the Supreme Court in Shelby
04:50 versus Holder
04:51 removed that requirement allowing all Southern states
04:55 to implement voting laws designed to target communities
04:58 of color without federal approval or oversight.
05:02 It literally gutted the act that was put forth in 1965.
05:07 Do you realize that even in 1964,
05:08 it put an official outward end to the practices of Jim Crow,
05:13 But all federal did was move and pivot, and he began
05:18 the practice of mass incarceration
05:20 through murder, drug felonies.
05:21 They were able to fill our prisons
05:23 with a multitude of young, black and brown lives
05:28 so that they could keep in place
05:29 that system that was already torn down.
05:32 And what I'm simply saying to somebody today,
05:35 to all of our white allies and people of color,
05:37 that this is not the time to give up hope.
05:41 This is not the time to become jaded.
05:43 This is not the time to say it won't ever change,
05:47 because whenever Ferro pivots,
05:51 it's because
05:52 he's threatening and it's because he's losing ground.
05:56 It's because he knows he can't hold.
05:58 And I need you to know that what God has for us,
06:03 it just is for us.
06:04 Do I have a witness that knows that no weapon
06:09 formed against us is going to prosper?
06:12 And every tongue
06:14 that rises in judgment, God is going to come down.
06:19 And I need somebody to know that whenever there is a push back,
06:22 it is time for us to push up and get back to the polls
06:27 and get back to council meeting and get back to school
06:30 board meetings.
06:31 He's brought us too far to leave us
06:37 and we've got to hold on to God's
06:38 unchanging hand.
06:41 You hear me today, friends,
06:43 First thing this teaches us quickly
06:47 is that there is never
06:47 a bad time to grow,
06:53 not want to stay too long.
06:53 But I got to make a point of it
06:55 because you notice what the Bible says
06:56 that in there in verse
06:57 70 says that even in these 70 years of laxity,
07:00 they were growing pretty good.
07:04 But the Bible says that
07:06 when they afflicted them,
07:11 they started to grow
07:12 even more in number.
07:16 I just want to say real quick, somebody,
07:17 because I need somebody to know there is never a bad time
07:21 for you to grow.
07:25 See, God is able to grow you young person,
07:27 no matter where you are in your life.
07:31 And somebody needs to hear this because there is some couple
07:33 there is some young person there, some older person,
07:35 there is some jaded person
07:37 that is waiting for the right circumstances to emerge in order
07:41 to be able
07:42 to grow into the person that God has called you to become.
07:46 But I need somebody to know.
07:47 What this is showing us
07:48 is that growth should never be circumstantial
07:52 because God can grow you whatever season or placement
07:55 you are in.
07:59 see, the children of Israel
08:01 were just a perceived threat before the affliction.
08:06 They became a show nuff threat after the affliction.
08:10 In other words, they didn't say, Let's
08:11 wait until slavery to start having kids.
08:16 They didn't say, Let's wait
08:17 until after the prejudice ends to have to develop.
08:22 They didn't say, Let's wait till everything is ideal
08:26 and perfect to begin the multiplication process.
08:30 I need you to know, though, that they grew under
08:32 the most insane circumstances.
08:35 Imagine
08:38 and what this is to my young brothers and sisters
08:43 is that when I look at how our people
08:44 grew under affliction,
08:48 when I look
08:49 at what they grew through,
08:53 it shows that YOLO privileged
08:55 video game playing self,
08:59 you ain't got no reason to not grow in your time.
09:03 all y'all, y'all mighty quiet.
09:05 Some of y'all ain't never rode the bus.
09:07 You ain't never walked to school You ain't never,
09:11 ain't no value, no sausages You ain't never ate sardines
09:16 You ain't never use our clothes Like come on and say, hey,
09:18 y'all know you ain't never been without a cell phone.
09:23 You ain't never been without Internet.
09:25 You ain't got no reason to not grow.
09:30 It is an unpardonable sin
09:34 for you to stand on the backs of slaves
09:39 and come to an HBCU and snuck out of school.
09:47 I stopped going to class
09:49 cause old man broke up with you.
09:54 After all we've gone through is the people
09:57 that made you the no man.
09:58 That God will grow you even in the most inhuman circumstances.
10:01 It's crazy
10:02 because, like, man, one of the things
10:02 that they talk about
10:03 during the slavery time, there was unintended consequence
10:08 that when the slaves would cook collard greens for the master,
10:11 what would happen is that the master
10:13 would take all the best portion
10:14 in the fat portion of the greens and put it on their plate.
10:19 But they would leave
10:20 what they call pot liquor in the pots for the slaves.
10:24 Not now.
10:25 Somebody don't know why it's out because in the pot liquor,
10:29 that's where all the minerals were.
10:32 That's where all the vitamins
10:33 were, that's where all the strength was.
10:38 So they are wondering why they keep getting stronger.
10:42 It's because the devil has a way
10:45 of sending an unintended consequence
10:49 that God reshapes and makes it work out for our good.
10:54 Y'all hear me today, friends.
10:58 So they grew
10:59 even when things were hard.
11:03 It's I just want to say to somebody,
11:04 you've got to stop waiting for circumstances to change
11:11 when sometimes the circumstance is the catalyst
11:13 for the change.
11:18 See, you got to stop saying,
11:19 when the pandemic is truly over, then I'll work on my marriage.
11:23 When the recession ends, then I'll start saving money.
11:27 And and when I get more money, then I'll start investing.
11:30 And when I get older, then I'll be more spiritual.
11:33 When I get a better job, then I'll have a better attitude.
11:38 Now, you can't wait for the circumstance to change
11:41 before you grow.
11:42 You got to grow right where you're planted.
11:45 And one of the things I've learned about people
11:46 that grow permanently is that there are folks that decide I'm
11:50 going to go presently wherever I am, I'm going to get rooted
11:56 and I'm going to let God do a work in my life.
12:01 I hear me today
12:04 and this crazy thing,
12:05 Malcolm, you would think that the infant
12:06 mortality rate would be so great
12:08 in these circumstances that they could not grow.
12:11 But guess what?
12:12 The women were still fertile in slavery.
12:15 The men were still potent in slavery.
12:17 They didn't need to wait to everything
12:19 got better in order for them to grow.
12:21 They were able to multiply right where they are.
12:23 And I just want to speak a word of faith to somebody today
12:26 that even though your circumstance is not pleasant,
12:29 it is uncomfortable.
12:30 I need you to know
12:31 that there is still fertility
12:33 in your soul and there is still potency in your mind.
12:37 And if you come together under God, God is able to make you
12:40 grow even in the most difficult circumstances of your life.
12:45 It's funny.
12:46 It's just kind of like this.
12:47 Like one of the things you ever notice
12:49 about the growth of a palm tree?
12:51 Myrtle You'll notice that palm trees
12:54 only grow in stormy areas.
13:01 They only grow in places where the wind is strong.
13:03 Y'all, y'all not hear me today?
13:05 I'm excited all by myself
13:07 that you know, that that palm trees don't grow
13:10 where the weather is docile Palm trees only
13:13 grow when the weather gets upset every now and then.
13:17 And one of the things I've learned
13:18 is that the way the palm trees grow
13:20 is that when the wind pushes it to one side or the next,
13:25 the pushing process also is a stretching process
13:29 that develops the trunk of the tree
13:31 so that without the stone it can't reach its full stature.
13:37 So the storm takes its breaks and gap,
13:39 but the storm is just growing gap.
13:42 And do I have any, by the way, palm tree face
13:47 that says it's
13:47 pushing me, but it ain't gonna break me.
13:52 God is just stretching me
13:54 so I can reach my full stature in the faith.
13:59 Are you are hearing me today.
14:03 So listen, listen.
14:03 I'm almost done.
14:04 Watch this. So.
14:06 So not only is there never a bad time to grow,
14:11 but sometimes bad times
14:12 create the growth.
14:20 Now you talk about some unintended consequences.
14:23 The word fears is not friends,
14:24 that the more God
14:29 may wrap my mind around it,
14:30 the more they afflicted them,
14:36 the more they multiplied and grew.
14:40 And it's crazy because what Pharaoh
14:42 didn't realize is that the growth he feared
14:48 was engineered by the circumstances.
14:50 He invoked.
14:56 Now, what historians, sociologists tell us
14:59 is that in most cases, oppressed people
15:03 grow faster than the people that are oppressing them.
15:08 But understand that there is a sociological reason
15:10 that feeds into this particular result,
15:13 because you realize that when people are oppressed
15:16 and their burdens heavy and their afflictions are many
15:20 and their burdens are great,
15:21 I need you to know that it creates a particular condition
15:25 or a particular environment that is conducive to growth.
15:29 You are not here in the past of the day.
15:30 In other words, they would try to discourage the women
15:33 with their hearts.
15:34 This they would try to break the men with their burdens.
15:38 But there was something about when a burdened man
15:40 came home to a burdened woman, Y'all not hear me.
15:44 There is something about when a stress man
15:46 came home to a stressed woman.
15:47 Y'all still missing it.
15:49 There was something about when a tired man came home
15:52 to a tired woman and they were both overwhelmed.
15:56 There was something about the outward oppression
15:59 that pushed them to go.
16:02 in other words, it was the outward attack
16:04 that made them get so close
16:08 that made them create intimacy.
16:10 So much so that multiplication was the result
16:17 so that oppressed people are going to seek community,
16:21 they're going to seek relief from their burdens
16:22 so that poor or oppressed people of any hue
16:27 are going to always have larger families,
16:29 they're going to have greater community
16:32 and they're going to be more religious.
16:36 Okay.
16:38 I'm all by myself.
16:39 Because, see, when you read the next two chapters,
16:44 the greater the affliction became.
16:49 They got to a place
16:51 where they have forgotten about Cain,
16:54 they have forgotten about God.
16:58 They they have forgotten about Jehovah.
17:00 But you know what the affliction did?
17:02 Not only did it draw them close to one another,
17:06 it helped remind them where help came from.
17:09 So they begin to call,
17:12 the name of the Lord.
17:17 Ooh, let me pause and say
17:18 this is some couple deaths in affliction.
17:22 You see, the affliction shouldn't be driving
17:23 you a part,
17:28 okay?
17:29 No, the affliction ought to be driving you together.
17:34 Can we run around here?
17:35 See how COVID destroyed our marriage?
17:39 It didn't destroy it.
17:40 It just revealed it.
17:46 It just took away
17:47 your hiding place.
17:52 Couldn't run the work.
17:52 Come on, man. It.
17:54 No, no shame.
17:55 In a moment
18:00 What I'm saying to somebody today is.
18:01 Is see this thing I've learned pastoring.
18:06 So there are times when we look at a couple
18:07 that looks happily married and we assume that they've
18:10 had superior circumstances,
18:15 that everything just worked out in their favor,
18:16 that they took it all the breaks.
18:19 But man, I've seen enough people that have been married 30
18:22 and 40 and 50 years
18:24 so that the same circumstances that you say are the reason
18:27 we had to get a divorce.
18:28 Those folks that have been married
18:29 50 years will testify that we didn't walk down that same road.
18:34 We didn't been through that same horror.
18:36 We didn't walk in that same hell.
18:38 And yet we are still standing by the grace of God
18:46 so that when
18:47 you go through, don't let it pull you apart.
18:49 No. When the fire of affliction is touching your home,
18:53 let that man grab a hold of his woman.
18:56 Let them get before the throne
18:57 and let them out of the affliction.
18:59 Well, damn.
19:00 And unity instead of divide them
19:03 permanently.
19:08 See, friends,
19:09 let me just be clear, all right?
19:12 I'm not pro trial
19:16 when I'm going through it,
19:22 but anybody ever been thankful
19:23 that you did go through it?
19:31 Because there is some stuff that you get in adversity
19:37 that you can't get nowhere else in the world?
19:39 I wish there was a character appeal.
19:44 I wish there was a patience elixir.
19:47 I wish there was man,
19:49 a a spiritual formula that I could order from Amazon.
19:55 But the reason that God does not allow us to bypass
19:57 the furnace of affliction
19:59 is because we get something in adversity that we can get
20:02 nowhere else in the world.
20:05 I say, let me let me show it to you this way.
20:06 See, I need somebody understand that there is a reason
20:09 that that God again, He doesn't cause every trouble.
20:11 But guess what are some times where God permits it to happen?
20:16 Because there is something that is happening inside of you,
20:19 because the God is trying to create some people
20:21 that bend,
20:26 but they don't break.
20:30 So. So right now I got the message right
20:32 and I'm going to drop these eights on this sacred floor.
20:38 I see some of y'all cringing already.
20:40 The kingdom is going to be glorified.
20:42 Stay with me for just a moment.
20:44 So if I drop this egg, what's going to happen
20:48 It's going break.
20:50 Now, you're probably saying, Pastor,
20:51 why are you dropping these AIDS?
20:53 That's some good
20:54 bread aids that I can be used for something
20:59 that needs, you know, all these AIDS break.
21:15 In other words, you had three eggs that broke,
21:19 you got one that cracked, but it didn't break.
21:23 The reason this one didn't break
21:27 is because it's a boiled egg.
21:30 The reason it didn't break
21:32 is because it went through some heat.
21:37 It went through the fire
21:41 and the fire didn't burn it.
21:45 The fire developed it,
21:47 The fire completed it.
21:50 So guess what?
21:51 The outward shell may break,
21:55 but it just reveals a formed inside.
21:59 Some of y'all didn't get it because in this world,
22:02 this Outward Sail is going to be destroyed.
22:06 This outward sail is going to crack.
22:08 But because I've been through the fire,
22:12 the inside has been done,
22:14 the inside has been complete.
22:17 And so the body may die, but the spirit is gone.
22:22 They have the so is eternal
22:26 because it's been to the fire.
22:28 And is there anybody Right.
22:29 So that when you go through the fire, you won't be burned.
22:35 The fire was consumed.
22:37 The fire is just go transform you
22:39 so that when this body graze and it grows old
22:46 and it wrinkles and it wealth and it goes down to the grave,
22:50 that's not the end of our story
22:52 because you've been through the fire.
22:55 There is something on the inside
22:57 that has timeless propensities that can't be killed.
23:03 It can't die. It can just rest
23:08 and have something rest.
23:10 That means this.
23:10 Go get up again.
23:13 Anybody thankful that he's coming again
23:18 and that those who are resting will one day be raised
23:21 and that which was developed in the fire is going
23:26 live eternally in glory.
23:28 If you're thankful for the fire, put your hands together
23:31 and praise him and glorify him
23:36 and acknowledge
23:38 that God doesn't keep us from the fire,
23:42 but God develops us in the fire.
23:49 And I need somebody to know that we serve the God
23:50 of unintended consequences, if not pleasant.
23:54 Now, it's not joyful now, but God is going to take
24:00 what the enemy of our souls meant for evil.
24:04 He's go re frame the purpose up
24:08 and he's going to develop something inside of you
24:12 that has eternal value.
24:15 And so the outside may crack,
24:17 but praise him if the inside is being completed.
24:44 What's good family?
24:46 the ExcuseLess
24:47 revolution is underway.
24:49 We've been having a good time testifying,
24:52 praying and receiving the word of the Lord.
24:55 But I want you to know that the revolution is not over yet.
25:00 The Bible says, I wish above all things that thou me is
25:02 prosper and be in help, even as not so prosperous.
25:08 The next leg of the journey revolves around our fitness
25:11 and our health.
25:12 I invite you to join me starting on May the fifth
25:17 for an online 30 day fitness campaign.
25:20 Under the theme, it's useless.
25:22 I want you to join me each week, Sunday through Friday,
25:25 Sunday at 8 a.m., Monday through Friday at 6 a.m..
25:29 When you join us online,
25:30 you're going to receive a spiritual word
25:33 being our coaches are going to lead us
25:37 in a 25 minute online workout
25:41 and then we'll conclude the day with my help.
25:43 Avengers, Some amazing chefs are going to give us some tools
25:47 on how to make tasty and affordable and healthy meals
25:52 that help push us forward over the course of this 30 days.
25:55 You can be a part of a weight loss challenge,
25:57 and each and every week
25:58 there's going to be a different challenge
26:00 that allows us to build community around our fitness
26:04 and our health.
26:06 For too long, we've been making some excuses
26:08 about why we're not eating well about why we're not in shape,
26:12 about why we're not in perfect health.
26:14 I need you to know it's time to cancel those excuses.
26:17 But when you join this leg of the journey,
26:19 those aches and pains are going to go away.
26:21 You're going to feel better as we continue the journey
26:26 toward becoming ExcusesLess.
26:37 What's good family.
26:39 Breath of life is going to be coming to the West Coast.
26:43 We're excited that from July the 14th to July the 27th,
26:48 we're going to be hosting our third annual Hope
26:50 rally under the theme Almost Home.
26:54 We're going to be meeting for those two weeks
26:55 in Long Beach, California.
26:57 We're going to be meeting each night
26:59 except for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 PM.
27:04 It's an in-person meeting only, so you can't catch it online.
27:08 You've got to be in the house.
27:09 We're going to be joined in musical partnership
27:12 by gospel recording artist Smokey Norful.
27:16 Jonathan Nelson and Donnie McClurkin.
27:20 Each night, dinner is going to be served
27:22 and there's going to be
27:23 special programing for you and for your little ones.
27:27 It's going to be a high time in Zion
27:29 where we're going to be preaching
27:30 the good news of Jesus Christ, and we're going to be reminded
27:34 that this world is not our home.
27:38 Again, I look forward to seeing you in Long Beach,
27:39 California, from July the 14th to the 27th.
27:44 Make sure that you're planning to be there
27:46 and you bring somebody with you.
27:48 If you want more information, go to our website
27:50 at
27:55 God bless. I'll be seeing you this summer.
28:05 (Breath Of Life Music)


Revised 2024-05-22