Breath of Life

The Construction Zone Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000123S

00:06 #S064 - Prayer Changes More Than Things (Part2)
00:19 Welcome to The Breath of Life
00:21 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
00:25 In today's episode,
00:26 Pastor Snell will continue part two of the powerful message
00:31 titled Prayer Changes More Than Things.
00:34 Now let's go deeper into the word of God.
00:38 the Bible lets us know that when he first started
00:41 the praying that Nehemiah was a weeping, angry heaving
00:45 bucket of tears that his soul was disquieted with in him
00:50 when he found out that the walls
00:52 had been broken down and that the gates
00:54 had been burned with fire.
00:56 But he literally says that as he prays, his faith
01:00 begins to swell, his courage begins to increase that. Mr.
01:04 Long petition forms in his mind.
01:07 In other words, man, we waiting for strength
01:09 to get into the secret place.
01:11 But I need you to know when you go into the secret.
01:16 Do I have seven or
01:17 eight folk that's ever going weak into the secret place?
01:21 You didn't have strength when you went in,
01:23 but man had something on you that when you came out,
01:28 it caused the forces of hell to fall back off
01:32 a child of God.
01:38 And see, the reason this is critical
01:39 is because Nehemiah does not go into the prayer closet
01:43 man with this rotund faith and these huge convictions.
01:47 I need you to get that there is a process
01:49 that takes place
01:50 that the more he prays, the more his courage begins
01:54 to develop, the more his strength is maintained.
01:57 See, I need somebody to understand that strength
02:01 is not a prerequisite for prayer.
02:04 Strength, the result of prayer.
02:07 See, we've created unwittingly this faulty narrative
02:10 that says, Man, only the strong have the ability to pray.
02:14 But the reason somebody gets strong is not
02:17 because they had the ability before they prayed,
02:19 but they got the ability.
02:20 Once they begin the habit of calling on the name of the Lord.
02:26 See, see some of us, our problem is we try to preach,
02:29 treat prayer like some people treat going to the gym.
02:34 You know how like sometimes you don't really
02:36 want to go in the gym
02:38 because you see all these people already in great shape.
02:41 And so there's almost a part of you
02:43 that says, I need to get in shape
02:45 just so I can go to the gym.
02:47 But you don't get in shape to go to the gym.
02:50 You get in shape by going to the gym.
02:53 And the reason those are in the gym are in shape.
02:56 It's because they go, Tell me, tell y'all not hear me.
02:58 Like, in other words, you don't get strong to go to God.
03:03 You get strong by going to God.
03:05 He is your strength and your portion.
03:12 And see, I want to talk to that soul today
03:14 that feels like you're too weak to pray,
03:16 that you're too meager to be able
03:19 to pray that you don't have.
03:20 The courage to be able to pray.
03:22 I need somebody to understand
03:24 that you've got to get to a place
03:25 where you pray in a principled fashion.
03:30 And when you pray in a principled way,
03:32 it means that I am going to summon a strength from within.
03:37 I'm not going to wait for a feeling that comes from without.
03:41 How many of us know that if you're waiting
03:43 on a feeling to start praying,
03:47 okay, I'm not going to keep it real.
03:48 Me today.
03:50 How many of us can keep it real and just say that
03:53 most days you don't feel like praying?
03:56 yeah, Y'all not going to be honest.
03:58 I care.
03:59 I'm gonna tell you, I'm the pastor and I can admit
04:01 that I don't wake up in the morning
04:03 and angels don't fill up my bedroom.
04:06 A light does not sign from heaven.
04:08 I do not hear angelic symphony
04:11 there days where I'm tempted to fall asleep when I pray.
04:14 There are some times when my mind wanders, when I pray.
04:18 But what I have to do as I have to grab my thoughts
04:21 and I have to secure my spirit
04:24 and I have to pray, pass my feelings.
04:27 I can't wait on those feelings.
04:30 I hear what I'm saying, friends.
04:32 So you got to pray regardless of the circumstance,
04:36 and you'll find strength in the secret.
04:40 And let me just say to somebody
04:41 who's still wrestling with this idea,
04:43 because you're saying, Man, I don't have strength to pray.
04:47 I don't have the mind to. Pray.
04:49 See, it's because you have a lone interpretation
04:51 of what strength looks like.
04:55 How many of us understand that the strength to pray
04:59 is found in the burden you carry?
05:05 See, you
05:06 thought the burden was taking away strength?
05:09 No, but your burden is actually the strength
05:12 that you need to settle in the secret
05:15 place and call on the name of the Lord.
05:18 In other words, the strength to pray for your kids
05:22 is in the burden you have for your kids.
05:25 The strength you pray for your marriage is in the burden
05:29 you have for your marriage, the strength to pray for Oakwood
05:33 is in the burden you have for all good.
05:36 The strength to pray for the sick is found in your burden
05:40 for the sick and.
05:41 Other words,
05:43 you don't have to wait for it to come like a cool breeze.
05:45 But wherever you have burdened
05:47 you find access to God in prayer.
05:50 In other words, your burden ought not push
05:53 you away from God.
05:54 They actually usher you to the throne.
05:58 Y'all hear what I'm saying, France And see.
06:01 This is why friends IV
06:02 need us to know that even when you don't feel it,
06:05 you got to pray.
06:07 When you don't see nothing happening,
06:10 you still got to pray.
06:12 When you don't see no momentum, you still got a call on
06:15 the name of the Lord.
06:16 Because, see,
06:18 I need you to know that when you don't, you forfeit
06:19 one of the most powerful promises.
06:21 And Philippians Chapter four when it says Be anxious
06:28 for nothing
06:29 but in everything,
06:32 make your Thanksgiving.
06:35 Let your request be made known unto God
06:39 and the peace
06:42 that passes all understand
06:45 will guard your heart and your mind through Christ.
06:49 Jesus wants this church.
06:51 I need you to realize that before God
06:55 things God changes you.
07:01 He changes your
07:02 disposition, He changes your spirit.
07:06 He replaces your distress with peace.
07:09 He your chaos with order
07:12 before he changes stuff outside of you.
07:16 He's got to make a change inside of you.
07:19 Now Notice what the promise is.
07:21 Because I need you to know that God takes a while
07:24 to change things.
07:28 But you know what can be changed?
07:30 As soon as you get off your knees,
07:33 your spirit can be changed, your soul can can be secured.
07:38 You can have the peace of God.
07:40 that the word says is so great
07:43 that it passes human understanding,
07:46 so that when you go through, you go through
07:49 and you don't respond like folks think you are to respond.
07:52 They thought you were going to be out of your mind.
07:55 They thought you wouldn't
07:56 make it through what you've gone through.
07:59 They anticipated your collapse and your demise.
08:02 But when they see you walking around
08:05 and your head is held high
08:07 and you're wrapped
08:08 tight in your mind and you're not a bucket of tears,
08:11 they can't explain it.
08:13 They think you're getting drunk.
08:15 That's your own Prozac.
08:17 That's in denial.
08:18 It's just the peace of God
08:23 that is securing me
08:26 in the face of adversity
08:31 and see something.
08:32 One of the things I say all the time.
08:33 I need you to understand that
08:35 prayer and peace play on the sea salt together.
08:39 yeah, I missed it.
08:41 So the Bible says the more I pray,
08:43 the more peace I'm going to have.
08:46 You'll know when you're on the seesaw.
08:47 When you mess down on one side, it raises up the other side.
08:52 So the deeper I go down in prayer, guess what?
08:55 The more my piece begins to increase.
08:58 So the more you go down.
09:00 y'all not hear me, the more your peace goes up.
09:04 But the more I stand up, the more my peace goes down.
09:09 And I'm looking for a church who's going to stay down
09:12 on your knees so that your peace can go up,
09:16 your strength can go up, your help can increase.
09:20 It's like the old song say, Is this hard to stumble
09:24 when you're on your knees?
09:27 And y'all hear me today, friends.
09:31 Second thing I want to say quickly
09:34 is that things should not change
09:38 faster than you do.
09:48 Prayer changes things,
09:52 but those things should not change
09:56 faster than the one trait.
10:01 All right.
10:02 Have you noticed that Nehemiah Prayer is actually filled
10:06 with more repentance than requesting?
10:11 It is filled with more contrition
10:14 then the collecting of things.
10:16 Are y'all catching this today, friends,
10:18 so that when you look at me
10:19 and my prayer is not him coming before God and saying, God,
10:22 give me this and give me that and give me the other
10:24 I want, I want, I need, I need this man.
10:26 Prayer is actually fueled with this sense of remorse
10:29 where he literally talks about how he said
10:32 how my father's house have sinned,
10:33 how the generations have sinned against you,
10:36 how we've done wickedness, and how we have your commend mix.
10:40 And see, there is a particular movement
10:43 behind the way that Nehemiah phrase,
10:46 because Nehemiah understands that it was their unwillingness
10:50 to repent that was the cause of the exile.
10:53 And if they God concludes the exile.
10:56 But there is no repentance, there is going to be
11:00 a revisiting of the judgments of Babylon by another nation.
11:06 See the happiness of this moment brings
11:10 Nehemiah to a place of complete and utter despair.
11:13 Understand that
11:14 the reason Nehemiah fuels this prayer repentance
11:19 is because even if God changes their outward circumstances
11:23 without changing their inner disposition,
11:26 that disposition is gone.
11:28 Will those same circumstances back into reality
11:33 so that if God changes their financial posture
11:36 and their legislative posture and their political posture
11:40 without amending their spiritual posture, I need you to know
11:44 life will have this cyclical nature to it
11:47 and instead of Babylon, it's going to be somebody else.
11:52 I don't know if we're quite getting what Nehemiah
11:53 prays this prayer of repentance
11:57 and with weeping and grief, it's crazy
12:01 because they've been in exile
12:03 for seventy years.
12:07 Okay,
12:09 So it's strange to me
12:11 why Nehemiah breaks down and cries
12:14 when he hears that the gates have been burned
12:17 and the walls have been torn down.
12:20 Like, in other words, that should have been given.
12:23 They have been taken by siege and taken from their country
12:27 over 70 years ago.
12:29 Why is Nehemiah
12:30 now weeping about broken walls and burned gates?
12:34 That should have been an assumption.
12:35 That's what happens
12:36 whenever one country absorbs another country.
12:40 But understand there is something
12:42 about the visual that is communicated that
12:45 communicates a more deeper and powerful truth
12:49 because the broken down walls and the burned gates are simply
12:53 an outward reflection of Israel's spiritual condition.
13:00 And Nehemiah
13:01 understands that if God changes outward structures
13:05 before he reveals the inner structure of the people,
13:08 see this, see this is the tension
13:10 that someone is living in right now, in this moment.
13:13 Because me you're frustrated
13:14 because prayer hasn't changed things,
13:18 but you realize that that thing was sent to change.
13:20 You wanting God to change this uncomfortable thing.
13:29 But that uncomfortable thing was sent to create a character
13:33 stirring and agitation that was to bring about
13:37 a permanent change in your soul disposition
13:42 and see God understands this, that if God makes bad
13:46 circumstances good without making bad character
13:50 good, then bad character becomes permanent.
13:55 You see, sometimes
13:57 we mismanage the narrative.
14:02 We all quiet in church today.
14:04 don't at your watch.
14:05 Look at me. I'm right here. Amen.
14:09 So this is one of the things I'm
14:10 starting to wrestle with in my mind,
14:12 because we say, man, that God takes a long time
14:16 to change things.
14:19 Well, some 46 says that God is our refuge
14:21 and our strength, a very present help in the time of trouble.
14:26 And I guess my question is, does God take a long time
14:30 to change things or do we just take a long time to change?
14:36 Is the issue how slow God is to move
14:40 or is the issue how slow we are to adjust
14:44 to the chastening buffeting circumstances life
14:48 that are designed to drive us back
14:53 in the direction of our Savior.
14:56 So sometimes God
14:58 doesn't change that irritating circumstance
15:01 because he knows that
15:03 if he changes the placement of the circumstance
15:05 before he changes
15:06 the placement of your character,
15:08 then your character is going to get set in stone
15:11 or cemented in something that has you on the outside of
15:14 the city looking in. When The earth is made new
15:19 and this is why
15:20 Nehemiah says, Man, we got to repent
15:23 now that we're repented ain't done by the fancy church word,
15:25 it simply means a turn around and turn away from it.
15:28 It means that we've got to turn
15:30 in the direction of Jesus Christ
15:32 and see this thing I like about Nehemiah,
15:34 and this is why I need the church
15:35 to really kind of embrace the principle.
15:37 Notice that Nehemiah didn't do a bunch of asking.
15:39 He didn't ask, Hit it, ask God for bricks and straw and mortar.
15:43 He just says, Lord, we're sorry.
15:45 He just says, Lord, we acknowledge what we have done
15:47 because Nehemiah
15:48 understands this, that if they are able to repent,
15:52 they don't even have to ask God for a whole lot of things. Why?
15:56 Because God's design for them are greater than what
16:00 they can even ask for.
16:01 I think God said to them
16:03 in the Prophet Jeremiah, he says, I've got
16:07 I have plans to prosper, you know, give you a future
16:11 and a hope.
16:12 And see, the problem is we want to request without repenting.
16:15 But if you repent, I need you to know that God will give you
16:19 ten times more than what you can ever request.
16:23 Is anybody realize that we serve the God of a three in 320
16:27 that says now unto him
16:29 that is able to do exceedingly and abundantly.
16:33 Above all, you can ask or think, but you've got to put
16:36 some repent tents before your requesting
16:44 Seems crazy because people want to put the cart
16:46 before the horse
16:48 and wonder why we can't make any motion or traction.
16:51 I mean, it's just like I remember one time know
16:52 we were in the house and and, you know, there was some food
16:55 had been in the fridge too long
16:56 and one of the kids put it inside of the trash can.
16:59 And after a while it began to give off a bad odor throughout.
17:02 The house.
17:03 And it's crazy because,
17:04 like once everybody smelled the bad order,
17:06 you know what their initial response was to
17:08 do was to get air freshener
17:11 and spread all over the house.
17:14 But how many of us understand that air freshener only lasts
17:16 for a few minutes?
17:18 C, c c air freshener?
17:19 It won't kill stench.
17:22 It just mask it for a little while
17:25 and see
17:26 those that make requests without repentance.
17:29 All they do is mask the stench.
17:33 But God is saying to somebody, You got to take out the trash
17:36 in your life.
17:38 You got to get rid of the garbage and stop masking
17:42 the things that you don't want to address
17:46 so that if God changes your finances
17:50 without addressing your stewardship,
17:53 he's just masking the inevitable.
17:56 If God changes your health status
17:59 without you changing your health practices, it
18:05 we're just masking the inevitable.
18:08 If God changes the condition of the marriage,
18:11 if without changing your posture and the way you talk down to
18:14 your spouse,
18:16 it is just a masking of the inevitable.
18:20 And what I'm saying to somebody today
18:22 is that God does not function on the level of your image,
18:25 that God is functioning on the level of your character.
18:28 So how many of us
18:29 see we're grateful that we serve a God who saves,
18:35 but we don't rejoice
18:36 over the God who sanctifies sin.
18:40 We just want the God that just say expunge is the record.
18:44 We just want the God that wipes away the strain.
18:47 But I need a God that doesn't just make me new in heaven.
18:52 I want a God that's going to do a work
18:55 so powerful in me on earth that what he says about me
19:00 in heaven becomes true in my walk on earth.
19:04 So he doesn't just say, I'm righteous up there,
19:07 but it can be said about me as I walk down here.
19:10 But I need you to know that character growth
19:13 will not always be done voluntarily.
19:19 Come on and save in church.
19:22 God has to choose for us.
19:25 The That's why through Isaiah,
19:27 he says, I have chosen for you the furnace of affliction,
19:32 man. I be like, God,
19:34 I wish I could grow men in
19:37 in a space of extreme comfort.
19:42 I wish character grew when you just had millions in the bank.
19:45 Come on, Azamat.
19:46 I just wish, man, that man, I became more prayerful.
19:48 The more nice things people said about me.
19:51 I wish I became more diligent, the more friends I have.
19:54 But how many of us can tell the truth?
19:56 That's not where we grow,
19:59 right?
20:00 I love how you looking at me right now.
20:01 I mean, come on.
20:03 Like it is when you are so broke, you can't pay attention.
20:07 That's you.
20:08 Stop praying,
20:09 rehearse prayers, and you start praying like Nehemiah.
20:12 It is
20:13 when your enemies seem like they're going to overcome you,
20:16 that you begin seeking God with a different of intentionality.
20:20 And see, I need you to know that God will never allow you
20:23 to be swallowed up.
20:24 He will never allow you to be overwhelmed.
20:26 He'll never allow you to be burned by the fire.
20:29 But he's going to tailor the fire.
20:31 He's going to tailor the heat so that it removes the dross
20:34 and the impurities so that it fixes in place
20:39 heavenly properties
20:41 that God is able to use for His glory.
20:44 I hear me today, friends, this is I'm almost done.
20:47 Nehemiah Chapter versus eight through ten.
20:49 Look at with me real quick Nehemiah one verse eight.
20:52 The word says this Remember, I pray
20:56 the word that you commended your servant Moses,
21:01 saying who?
21:04 Jesus
21:08 is so good.
21:10 Remember, I pray the word that I commanded
21:12 your servant Moses, saying, If you are unfaithful,
21:16 I will scatter amongst the nations.
21:19 But if you return to me,
21:24 keep my commandments and do them.
21:26 Those.
21:28 Some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens.
21:32 Are you all catching this church
21:36 yet? I will gather them
21:38 from there and will bring them to the place
21:42 which I have chosen as a dwelling
21:45 for my name.
21:49 Last thing I need somebody to know
21:51 is that no matter how far you get from God,
21:55 God always leaves the light on for His people.
22:03 Chris, I read this
22:05 and my soul almost exploded because.
22:10 What Nehemiah is praying is the promise
22:14 that God made to Moses and Deuteronomy 31.
22:18 And it shows something powerful about God's grace.
22:23 That grace is never reactionary.
22:27 Grace is always preemptive.
22:32 So notice what God says.
22:34 He says literally, that man, if you are stray,
22:39 he says, I'm gonna scatter you
22:41 to the furthest parts of the earth.
22:44 But notice what he says, that if you ever return
22:49 and keep my commandments, I'm gonna leave the light of grace
22:54 on so that you can always find your way home.
23:00 In other words, I need somebody to understand
23:03 that the grace of God, it is not a permissiveness of sand,
23:07 but it is God's acknowledgment of your sinful nature.
23:11 It is an expression of His great love, where God
23:15 says, I don't want you to sin, but guess what?
23:18 I understand who you are.
23:20 I understand how fallen you must be so that even when you do
23:28 know God,
23:30 He didn't say If you do it,
23:33 he says, When you do it,
23:35 I want you to know that even before you sing,
23:39 before you stray,
23:40 I want you to know that even when you get far from me,
23:44 and even when you are using my breath
23:48 to do your dirt,
23:51 I want you to know that no matter how far you get from me,
23:56 I'll always leave the light on
23:59 so that you can find your way back home.
24:06 So it's just kind of like this.
24:08 Those of us have small kids.
24:09 I remember there'll be times where you're on Sabbath.
24:11 You go to somebody's house,
24:13 and there be times where I would have to make
24:14 two or three stops when Sabbath afternoon.
24:16 And so if man, you know, I would tell the kids,
24:18 you know, that that, you know, if you go in here
24:21 and you know how you have to do as a parent,
24:22 you got to you got to threaten them,
24:25 you got to say act like you got some sense, Come on.
24:28 Your parents ever told you, act like you got home training.
24:31 Come on and say, man.
24:32 And I tell them, man, don't you be out there in the backyard
24:35 don't you be crawling all over the floor.
24:37 Don't get your church clothes dirty.
24:38 Now, I give them that instruction
24:41 and I expect them to do it.
24:43 But guess what?
24:43 You know, your kids.
24:46 So I know that if I'm going to a house
24:49 where they're going to be other kids, guess what?
24:51 I don't bring a change of clothes
24:54 because I know they don't get dirty.
24:56 Y'all missed it.
24:57 In other words, I'm not giving them permission to get dirty,
25:01 but I just love them so much that I can't take them
25:05 to the next place. Still soiled.
25:08 I got to put some clean clothes over them
25:11 and cover their stains.
25:13 And what I'm saying what John said, he says,
25:16 I write these things that you do not sin.
25:19 But the good news is that if any man says
25:22 we have an advocate with Father Jesus Christ, the righteous,
25:29 and say, I need somebody to understand that the grace of God
25:32 is never reactionary, it is always preemptive.
25:36 So I need you to understand that even Jesus
25:40 was not a reaction
25:43 to Adam. Sam,
25:48 After Adam and Eve ate the fruit,
25:50 the father didn't say, Jesus, what you want to do about it?
25:53 See, I need you to know that the plan of salvation,
25:56 it was not a reaction to man's lushness.
25:59 The plan of salvation was a part of the original design.
26:04 The plan of
26:05 this salvation was laid before the earth was framed.
26:08 Our gravity put in place.
26:10 It is why, when John and Revelation 13
26:13 eight sees Jesus, he says, Behold the lamb
26:17 that was slain from the foundation of the Earth,
26:22 so that before he created the world,
26:25 he created it a plan of redemption.
26:29 Because grace is not a reaction.
26:33 It is preemptive.
26:35 And God always, always has you in mind the same.
26:39 Can the Church say amen?
26:43 It's graduation season.
26:45 And I want to say congrats to all of our recent graduates.
26:48 And though we're thankful for how God is blessing you,
26:51 the only problem is that we ask 18 or 19 year olds
26:55 to make decisions that affect the rest of their lives.
26:58 That's why I'm inviting you to join me for our
27:01 first ever breath of life decision day.
27:04 It's a one day online conference on July the seventh.
27:08 I'm going to be joined by a number of individuals.
27:11 They're going to help
27:12 our young people make decisions about their future.
27:15 We're going to be discussing
27:16 things like how to discover your calling.
27:19 Doesn't HBCU put me out of this advantage?
27:23 When do I need to pivot?
27:24 Changing schools are majors or how to dream big.
27:29 It's going to be held on July the seventh from 10 a.m.
27:32 to 2:00 PM.
27:34 It's a free conference,
27:35 but we don't just want the kids to come.
27:37 We want the parents to come so that we can make these decisions
27:41 with God's tutelage as a village.
27:44 So again, that's going to be July the seventh from 10 a.m.
27:47 to 2 p.m.
27:49 I need you to know it's going to be a great time of learning.
27:51 You're going to be equipped.
27:52 You're going to be given some tools
27:54 to make sure
27:55 that you land at the right place
27:57 and that you make the right choice.
27:59 I look forward to seeing you soon. On decision day.
28:06 (Breath Of Life Music)-


Revised 2024-06-05