Breath of Life

What to Do When Opportunity Knocks Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000124S

00:04 #S065 - What To Do When Opportunity Knocks (Part 1)
00:20 And so today we want to
00:20 go ahead and continue in this series
00:23 entitled The Construction Zone,
00:25 because there are some things
00:26 that God wants to reveal in us and for us.
00:29 And so as we get into the work, good, instant
00:31 your feet as we jump into it today, I want you to join me
00:35 first in the Book of Proverbs Chapter 21,
00:40 and then I want you to put your finger over in Nehemiah
00:42 chapter two, Proverbs, chapter 21,
00:46 and verse number one.
00:50 When you get there, let me hear you say, pass the room there.
00:54 Proverbs chapter 21 and verse
00:57 number one.
01:00 There is a very critical principle
01:04 that will undergird our discussion today, Proverbs 21
01:08 and verse one, When you say, Pastor, I'm here,
01:11 all right.
01:12 The Bible simply says this, that the king's heart
01:16 is in the hand of the Lord
01:20 like the rivers of water.
01:22 He turns it whatever way he wishes.
01:27 The jokes catch that church.
01:28 The Bible says The King's heart, the president's heart.
01:31 The governor's heart is in the hand of the Lord,
01:34 and he turns it whichever way he chooses.
01:36 Now go with me to the Book of Nehemiah Chapter two,
01:40 and we'll begin
01:41 our reading together at verse number one, Nehemiah
01:43 Chapter two.
01:46 And we will begin together at verse
01:48 number one, Nehemiah two and verse one.
01:52 When you get there, say pastor him there,
01:56 Nehemiah two in verse one.
01:59 Again, I just need to know how many of us need a word
02:01 from the Lord today.
02:03 I just need to know who you are. He meant
02:06 the Bible says, and
02:07 it came to pass in the month of Ni sung
02:11 in the 20th year of King Xerxes when wine was before him
02:16 that I took the wine and gave it to the king.
02:20 Now, I had never been said in his presence before.
02:23 Therefore, the King said to me,
02:24 Why is your face sad since you are not sick?
02:28 This is nothing but sorrow of the heart.
02:32 So I became dreadfully afraid and said to the king,
02:36 may the King live forever.
02:38 Why should my face not be sad when the city,
02:43 the place of my father's tomb lies in waste
02:46 and its gates are burned with fire.
02:49 Then the king said to me,
02:51 What do you request?
02:53 So I. What?
02:55 So he went.
02:58 So I prayed to the God of heaven.
03:01 And I said to the King, If it pleases the King,
03:04 and if your servant has found favor in your sight,
03:07 I ask that you send me to Judah, the city
03:09 of my father's tombs, that I may rebuild it.
03:13 Then the king said to me, the queen also sitting
03:15 beside him,
03:16 How long will your journey be and when will you return?
03:20 So it pleased the king to send me.
03:23 And I set him a time.
03:25 And furthermore, I said to the king,
03:27 if it pleases the King, let let us be given to me
03:31 for the governors of the region beyond the river that they must
03:33 permit me to pass through until I come to Judah.
03:37 And a letter to Asaph, the keeper of the King's Forest,
03:41 that he give me timber to make beams for the gates
03:43 of the citadel, which pertains to the temple for the city wall.
03:47 And for the house that I will occupy.
03:50 And notice what the word says. The Bible says.
03:51 And the King granted them
03:55 according to the good hand
03:58 of my God upon me.
04:01 Then I went to the governors of the region
04:03 beyond the river and gave them the King's Letters.
04:08 Now, the King had sent captains of the army and horses with me.
04:13 But again, I just want to read for emphasis.
04:17 Verse four Then the king said to me,
04:21 What do you request today?
04:24 Since I want to talk for a little while under the subject
04:27 what to do when opportunity knocks and what to do.
04:33 When opportunity knocks, let's pray together.
04:35 Father
04:37 In this little while,
04:38 would you please say much?
04:42 Father
04:44 There are some of us that are about
04:45 to see some open doors.
04:49 And Lord, my prayer is that you would give us
04:51 the spiritual faculties to be able to recognize
04:55 where you're moving, how you're moving.
04:59 And to govern ourselves accordingly.
05:02 So I'm praying, dear God, that there would be an eruption
05:05 of belief in the House of God today, that
05:09 we would be able to move beyond what we see with our eyes.
05:14 And that we would act according to the promises of your word.
05:17 So would you please hide me in the shadows of the cross that
05:20 Jesus alone might be seen, that Christ alone might be heard?
05:26 And at the end of our time together, may Jesus alone
05:29 be praised.
05:30 Bless us.
05:30 To this end,
05:31 we pray
05:32 in the wonderful name of Jesus, and that those who believe,
05:34 say together, a man and a man, you may be seated in the House
05:38 of the Lord
05:40 again talking to you under the subject today.
05:42 What to do when opportunity
05:46 knocks.
05:52 Church
05:55 Have you ever wondered
05:57 why some people seem to get all the breaks?
06:04 Does it ever feel like doors
06:07 only open for certain people?
06:12 Have you ever been frustrated that opportunities
06:14 tend to be slow when they're coming your way?
06:19 And the truth is
06:21 that some of us are frustrated now because opportunity
06:25 seems to come to everybody but youth.
06:29 In fact, some of us men have desired an opportunity to serve.
06:34 Some of us are waiting for an opportunity to witness.
06:38 Some are wanting an opportunity to lead.
06:42 Some are wanting the opportunity for companionship.
06:46 Others are wanting the opportunity to finally show
06:49 what you're able to do.
06:51 And low key.
06:52 Some of us are a bit frustrated with God
06:57 that opportunities are slow to come in your direction.
07:02 But one of the problems, friends, is that some of us
07:05 treat opportunity like an event.
07:09 When the truth is opportunity is a science,
07:11 let me say it again.
07:13 That opportunity is not an occasion.
07:17 But there is actually a formula to opportunity.
07:20 You see, the problem is that some of us
07:21 see opportunity as this providential assist
07:26 that God only gives to an elite number of few.
07:31 But I need you to get that
07:32 there is an upper formula to opportunity and that God does
07:36 not want to bless anybody more than He blesses you.
07:42 And see, for instance, there are some things that are
07:44 part of the formula for opportunity.
07:47 Let me begin by saying
07:48 I need you to realize that diligence and faithfulness
07:52 is a part of the formula for opportunity.
07:56 Did not Jesus saying that if you're faithful over a little,
08:00 God will give you opportunity to be ruler or overseer of much?
08:06 Jesus, in the Book of Proverbs,
08:07 says that if a man is diligent in his labor,
08:12 he will have the opportunity to serve before kings.
08:16 And I need somebody to know that you audition
08:19 for opportunity when no one is looking.
08:23 In other words, friends, I need you to get that.
08:25 Because promotion comes ultimately from God.
08:30 You don't audition for the boss, the coworker, the board,
08:33 or the committee.
08:34 You've got to be faithful when no one is looking because
08:38 your audition is with the unseen power of Jesus Christ.
08:43 I need somebody to know
08:45 that willingness is a part of the formula of opportunity.
08:50 In fact, there are some of us that never get the opportunities
08:53 we pray for
08:54 because we're not willing
08:55 to act on the opportunities that God gives.
08:59 In fact, an example of this is Aesop.
09:03 You see, Aesop was not willing to carry
09:05 the weight of the opportunity of handling the birthright.
09:09 Do you realize that Jehovah should have been described
09:12 as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Esau?
09:17 But the opportunity was given to Jacob
09:20 because he was willing to carry it.
09:23 I need somebody to know that service is a part of
09:25 the formula.
09:26 In fact, some of the most blessed people I have ever seen
09:30 in my life are the individuals that serve community,
09:35 that serve neighborhood, and they serve in church.
09:39 In fact, they are committed to missions that don't
09:42 directly impact their bottom line.
09:45 In fact, I've seen physicians that serve
09:48 on the local church usher board, our deacon board.
09:52 I've seen CEOs that show up at the annual church clean up.
09:56 And one of the things I've come to believe, friends,
09:59 is that you will never, ever be blessed beyond your capacity
10:03 for service. All my required in here today.
10:06 In fact, friends, I had somebody of great means
10:09 that gave a gift to our ministry at Breath of Life.
10:12 But I notice that he still
10:13 serves youth in his pathfinders and his tiny little church.
10:18 And I even I could not help but remark
10:20 that how you do
10:21 these great things in Hollywood and in government,
10:24 and yet you still serve the kids at church.
10:27 And he made it clear that the reason I'm able to do
10:30 those things is
10:31 that God has blessed me because of my ministry to young people.
10:36 And what I'm saying to somebody Saints is that when you have
10:39 no active ministry, you withdraw
10:42 a supernatural favor and blessings from your life.
10:47 In fact, Jesus said that if you seek first my kingdom,
10:51 all of the things will be added unto you.
10:54 In other words, I need you to get that
10:56 there is a formula and science to opportunity.
10:59 You've got to be willing.
11:00 Can you say, man, you've got to serve.
11:03 Can you say amen?
11:05 You've got to be willing to step out in faith.
11:08 And I need you to know, beloved,
11:09 that you don't have to be wistful about opportunity.
11:14 You just got to be scientific about opportunity.
11:17 The same way to m to equals for willingness
11:21 plus service equals an open door.
11:24 You've got to be willing to embrace the science
11:28 of divine opportunity along with me today, friends.
11:31 And so go back with me in your Bibles.
11:32 I need you to see some things in the Word.
11:34 Go back to Nehemiah, chapter one and verse one,
11:38 and then we'll go to Nehemiah two and verse one, Nehemiah
11:41 chapter one and verse one.
11:45 The Bible says the words of Nehemiah, the son of Aliyah.
11:51 It came to pass in the month of Kislev
11:55 in the 20th year as I was in Tucson, the Citadel.
11:59 So we realize that
12:00 Nehemiah begins his prayer in the month of chiseling.
12:04 But in verse one of chapter two,
12:07 it says, and it came to pass in the month of Nisan
12:10 in the 20th year of King of Desert sees.
12:14 When I was before him that I took wine
12:16 and gave it unto the king.
12:19 Now, friends, I need you to get that.
12:21 The story of Nehemiah has great principles of faith and action.
12:28 But today, I want to spend just a little while talking
12:30 about how we manage the opportunities that God gives.
12:36 And the first thing that you'll learn today is that God
12:39 blesses the patient, not the fidgety.
12:43 Let me just say that again for your hearing
12:45 that God blesses the patient, not the fidgety,
12:48 anxious believer
12:50 that starts tinkering with the providence of God.
12:54 Not now.
12:55 Last week, church.
12:56 We begin to get into deuce to a broken
12:59 and grieving man named Nehemiah.
13:03 And we read in chapter one
13:04 that Nehemiah begins his petition
13:08 in the month of his land, which is November
13:11 of the Jewish calendar.
13:13 But notice that the opportunity does not reveal itself
13:17 until Nisan,
13:19 which is the month of March in the Jewish calendar.
13:23 And so it's not like Nehemiah prays one day
13:26 and opportunity shows up the next day.
13:30 Nehemiah has been petitioning God for four months
13:34 before an opportunity arises.
13:37 Now there is somebody looking at that and saying, Pastor,
13:39 four months is not really a long time to have to wait.
13:44 But how many of us know that the sense of how long
13:46 the wait is is always related to how great your urgency is.
13:53 In other words, when it's not that big a deal,
13:56 you don't mind waiting for God to show up.
13:59 But when it is something that you value,
14:02 when it's something that burdens your soul,
14:05 when it's something that's important to you,
14:08 even the smallest weight can feel like an eternity.
14:13 In other words, when you're in great physical pain,
14:16 the 30 minutes it takes the drug clinic
14:19 to fill your prescription can feel like a long time.
14:23 When you hate your job and it's 3:00, man, 5:00 can take years
14:28 to finally come when it's December
14:31 23rd and you're a child waiting on Christmas.
14:35 Those last two days feels like two years.
14:38 When you truly desire companionship.
14:41 Waiting on that person to show up
14:44 can feel like God is taking too long.
14:47 In fact, friends, if you've ever been really hungry
14:51 and you put
14:52 something in the microwave, those 2 minutes
14:55 and 30 seconds can feel like two and a half years.
14:59 Am I telling the truth today?
15:01 And what I want to simply say to somebody in the weight
15:04 is this that you don't get to manage God's timeline,
15:09 but you can manage your urgency.
15:12 So one of the things I've learned the hard way,
15:14 friends, is that your hurry, your urgency won't rush God.
15:20 Your urgency won't accelerate God.
15:23 Your urgency won't make God move faster.
15:27 In fact, the only thing that uncontrolled
15:29 urgency will do is it will tempt you to move out
15:33 of God's wheel and start tinkering with the formula.
15:38 And what I want to say quickly
15:39 is that sometimes God is not moving too slow.
15:44 The problem is we're just too anxious.
15:47 In other words, the problem is not that God is taking his time.
15:51 The issue is that you've got a warm sense of time.
15:54 We've just got too much anxiety.
15:56 The truth
15:57 is that some in the House of God are just way too press.
16:00 Come on and say, man,
16:02 some of us are too press to be grown and get out of the house.
16:07 Some are too press to relocate.
16:09 Some are too press to hurry and get married.
16:12 Some are too press to have a new start.
16:15 But one of the things I've learned
16:16 is that some of the stuff we're so pressed about,
16:20 once we actually get it, it's not what we actually thought
16:23 it was going to become.
16:25 So the things that we are pressed to have,
16:28 we're not impressed once we actually get it.
16:31 And one of the things I've learned
16:32 is that the more precious you are in your wanting,
16:36 the less impressed you are in your having.
16:39 But the less press you are in your wanting,
16:42 the more impressed you are when you finally receive
16:46 what God has for you.
16:47 You are hearing me today, friends.
16:49 And one of the things
16:50 I just need to remind somebody today is that your steps
16:55 have been ordered by the Almighty God.
16:59 I need somebody to know that
17:00 what God has for you, it just is for you.
17:05 You need to be reminded of some 84 when God says no.
17:09 Good thing will he withhold from those who love him.
17:14 In other words, I need you to know
17:16 that God is not withholding opportunity.
17:20 God is just preparing opportunity.
17:23 He's not withholding blessings.
17:26 That God is just maturing our developing blessings.
17:30 I need somebody to know that God is not withholding
17:33 the right house.
17:33 God is just preparing the right house.
17:37 God is not withholding the right job.
17:39 He's just preparing the right job.
17:42 God is not withholding the right spouse.
17:45 He's just preparing you for the right spouse.
17:49 I need you to know that God loves you so much
17:51 that He won't withhold a good thing.
17:54 He'll just
17:55 prepare you for the good things he's ordained for you.
18:00 Y'all hear me today, friends?
18:01 Listen, I remember
18:02 just probably about eight years ago
18:04 when my wife and I moved into the house we live in, ma'am.
18:07 I remember the year
18:09 before we moved in, we had begin to look at this neighborhood.
18:13 It was right across the street from where we lived.
18:15 My wife and I would go in and walk
18:16 through the neighborhood and pray.
18:18 And we were convinced that this was what God had for us.
18:23 And so we put a contract on a particular house.
18:26 We had been approved preliminarily in our financing,
18:29 but as we got
18:31 into the underwriting process, there was a tax document
18:35 that was not prepared the right way.
18:37 And so the entire deal fell through.
18:40 Now, we weren't just disappointed
18:41 that we didn't get the house, but what made it hard is
18:44 we thought that we had heard from God.
18:47 So we had to remain where we were for another year.
18:50 But God is faithful.
18:51 Any hears our prayers
18:53 because in the course of the next year,
18:56 the housing market continues to go down
18:59 so that interest rates fall below 4%.
19:02 The price of houses begins to go down
19:05 and they build a model
19:07 that's more kid friendly to our lifestyle.
19:10 In other words, we thought, God was withholding it
19:13 when the truth is that God was just preparing it.
19:16 God was just maturing yet.
19:19 And I need somebody to know that when God has it for you,
19:23 there is
19:24 nothing that can stand against you.
19:27 So that for months now,
19:30 Nehemiah has this burden that is swelling.
19:32 He is crushed in spirit and there is anxiety
19:37 because he sees no change coming about.
19:41 But the thing I like about Nehemiah Church
19:45 is that even though it's taking a long time for God to move.
19:50 The thing I like about him is that he does not become fidgety.
19:56 He does not manufacture a political scheme
20:01 that allows him to press his way into the presence of the King.
20:04 He just falls back
20:05 and he waits on God to reveal it in his own time.
20:10 He realizes that he's got to keep his knee bended in prayer
20:13 and he's got
20:14 to keep his head up in service as he serves the king.
20:16 Are you with me today? France.
20:18 And so I need you to understand, for those who are
20:21 in a waiting season,
20:25 that you multiply your sorrows when you become fidgety
20:30 and you start tinkering with the will of God,
20:34 and you start making your factoring out counts.
20:37 Instead of waiting on God to show up.
20:40 Are you all with me today? France.
20:41 In other words, I need you to get that.
20:43 There are a series of consequences
20:46 that never stop hurting
20:47 when you start moving ahead of the hand of God.
20:52 Let me give you an example.
20:53 Remember that Sarah got tired of waiting on kids,
20:58 and so she became fidgety.
21:00 And she told Abraham to lie with my hand made Hagar
21:05 and I'll have children through her.
21:07 And it was all good until Hagar
21:10 start acting like she was the number one woman in the house.
21:13 And all of a sudden,
21:14 not only did she have to go, the child also had to go.
21:19 Remember that David got fidgety on the rooftop
21:21 that night when he saw Bathsheba bathing outside.
21:26 And understand the reason that David was judge
21:28 was not
21:30 just because of the adultery, but God said if you wanted more,
21:34 if you waited on me, I would have given it to you.
21:38 Do you realize that what messed up Judas was not Bree?
21:42 He became fidgety.
21:44 You realize it wasn't about the pieces of silver.
21:47 If that was the case, once
21:48 Jesus died, he would not have taken the money back.
21:52 But you realize that Judas was simply a schemer
21:56 who wanted Jesus to overthrow the government of Rome
21:59 and to use his power.
22:00 So what He did was painted Jesus in a corner
22:05 where he would have no choice but to use his power.
22:08 And it was the belief
22:09 that he had actually set Jesus up for success.
22:13 And that's why he sealed it with a kiss on his face
22:17 as he friends.
22:18 What I need somebody to know
22:19 is that every time you become fidgety, all you do
22:23 is push back the timing of God
22:27 so that what was supposed to happen in March
22:30 gets pushed back to November.
22:31 What was supposed to happen in 22 won't happen until 24.
22:37 Every time you begin to tinker with the hand and the directives
22:40 of the Almighty God, you see, every time you start
22:44 robbing God to pay bills, every time you start dating
22:51 just for company and not for covenant,
22:54 every time you start conniving and scheming
22:57 and politicking your way
22:59 into positions of upward mobility, the only thing you do
23:03 is actually push back the hand of God.
23:07 And the thing you got to know is that God can outwait you.
23:10 He ain't got
23:11 nothing but time and eternity on his side.
23:14 And you've got to be still and wait on
23:16 God, y'all here in the Pasadena Friends.
23:19 May I remember?
23:19 You know,
23:20 I learned this even as a little kid,
23:21 and the same thing showed up for one of my kids.
23:23 They were in the swimming pool one day and
23:25 and my youngest, he had a little toy
23:28 that he was trying to play with, but the toy had kind of begun
23:30 to drift over it toward the deep end.
23:32 And and what happened when he tried to reach it
23:35 every time he missed it, it would create a wave
23:36 and push the toy a little bit further away.
23:40 And so when I said to him, I said, Son,
23:41 stop reaching for the toy.
23:43 What I want you to do is just push back as fast as you can.
23:48 And he didn't really understand the instruction,
23:49 but I said, just push back as fast as you can.
23:52 Well, what happens is
23:54 when you go back in the water, it creates a draft current.
23:57 So that whatever is in front of you
24:00 is going to slowly begin floating toward your direction.
24:04 And so what happens is he began pushing back
24:07 and it created a draft and a current, and eventually
24:09 the toy just starts floating in his direction.
24:12 And what
24:13 I'm saying that somebody today is stop reaching for it.
24:16 Stop grabbing for it.
24:18 After you've done all you can do, just fall back
24:22 and let God send it in your direction.
24:25 Just fall back and let God send the job
24:29 fall back and let God send the spouse fall back and let God
24:33 send the house fall back and let God open the door.
24:38 Are you hear me today, Friends?
24:40 Thank you so much for joining us for the Breath of Life,
24:43 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell
24:48 We hope and pray
24:49 that you have been blessed by this second message
24:53 in the sermon series titled The Construction's Zone.
24:56 Join us next week for part two of the message
25:00 What to do when Opportunity Knocks.
25:03 You don't want to miss it!
25:08 it's graduation season.
25:10 And I want to say congrats to all of our recent graduates.
25:14 And though we're thankful for how God is blessing you,
25:16 the only problem is that we ask 18 or 19 year olds
25:21 to make decisions that affect the rest of their lives.
25:24 That's why I'm inviting you to join me for our
25:27 first ever Breath of life decision day.
25:30 It's a one day online conference on July the seventh.
25:34 I'm going to be joined by a number of individuals.
25:36 They're going to help
25:38 our young people make decisions about their future.
25:41 We're going to be discussing things
25:42 like how to discover your calling.
25:44 Doesn't HBCU put me out of this advantage?
25:49 When do I need to pivot changing schools or majors?
25:52 Or how to dream big?
25:55 It's going to be held on July the seventh from 10 a.m.
25:57 to 2:00 PM.
25:59 It's a free conference,
26:00 but we don't just want the kids to come.
26:02 We want the parents to come so that we can make these decisions
26:07 with God's tutelage as a village.
26:10 So again, that's going to be July the seventh from 10 a.m.
26:12 to 2:00 pm.
26:14 I need you to know it's going to be a great time of learning.
26:17 You're going to be equipped.
26:17 You're going to be given some tools
26:19 to make sure
26:20 that you land at the right place
26:22 and that you make the right choice.
26:24 I look forward to seeing you soon on decision day.
26:39 What's good?
26:40 Family breath of life is going to be coming to the West Coast.
26:44 We're excited that from July the 14th to July the 27th,
26:49 we're going to be hosting our third annual Hope
26:51 Rally under the theme Almost Home.
26:55 We're going to be meeting for those two weeks
26:57 in Long Beach, California.
26:59 We're going to be meeting each night,
27:00 except for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 PM.
27:05 It's an in-person meeting only, so you can't catch it online.
27:09 You've got to be in the house.
27:11 We're going to be joined in musical partnership
27:14 by gospel recording artist Smokey Norful.
27:18 Jonathan Nelson and Donnie McClurkin.
27:21 Each night, dinner is going to be served
27:25 and there's going to be special programing for your youth
27:27 and for your little ones.
27:28 It's going to be a high time in Zion
27:31 where we're going to
27:32 be preaching the good news of Jesus Christ,
27:35 and we're going to be reminded that this world is not our home.
27:39 Again, I look forward to seeing you in Long Beach,
27:41 California, from July the 14th to the 27th.
27:46 Make sure that you're planning to be there
27:47 and you bring somebody with you.
27:49 If you want more information, go to our website
27:53 at, God bless.
27:57 I'll be seeing you this summer.


Revised 2024-06-13