Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000126S

00:00 (Breath Of Life Music)
00:05 #S066 - Stay Out Of The Comment Section (Part 1)
00:20 Nehemiah, chapter four and verse number one.
00:22 I just need to do a quick check.
00:24 How many of us need a word from the Lord today?
00:26 I just need to know where to aim. Amen.
00:29 Somebody already raised our hand.
00:30 I guess I don't need no word from the Lord.
00:31 Today he read Nehemiah Chapter four.
00:35 Hey, we're going to look together
00:36 at verse number one again.
00:38 When you find it, just say, Pastor, I'm there.
00:43 And this is for those who are in the construction zone.
00:47 And I want to say this specifically
00:50 because somebody is on the verge
00:52 of a miracle,
00:56 but before the miracle, there's going to be some pushback.
01:00 And I need you to know how to navigate that pushback
01:03 when it comes the amount of four in verse one, again, say, man,
01:08 the Bible says, but it happened.
01:10 But it so happened when Sand Ballard heard
01:14 that we were rebuilding the wall, that he was furious
01:18 and very indignant and mocked the Jews.
01:21 And he spoke before his brethren and the army of Samaria
01:25 and said, What are these feeble Jews doing?
01:28 Will they fortify themselves?
01:30 Will they offer sacrifices?
01:33 Will they complete it in a day?
01:35 Will they revive the stones from the heaps
01:38 of rubbish stones that are burned now until by
01:42 the Ammonites was beside him, and he said Whatever they build,
01:47 even if a fox goes upon it,
01:50 he will break down their stone wall
01:53 here all are here, our God, for we are despised,
01:57 turn their reproach on their own heads
02:00 and give them as plunder to the land of a captivity.
02:04 Do not cover their iniquities
02:06 and do not let their sin be blotted out from before you,
02:09 for they have provoked you to anger before the builders.
02:13 So we built the wall
02:15 and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height
02:20 for the people had a mind to what?
02:23 There is nothing impossible when people have a mind to work.
02:26 Are you all hear me today, friends?
02:28 The Bible says now what happened when Sand Valley
02:32 to by the Arabs, the Ammonites and the acid?
02:35 I heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being restored
02:39 and the gaps were beginning to be closed.
02:42 That they became very angry and all of them conspired
02:46 together to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion.
02:50 Nevertheless, we made our what
02:53 our prayer to God, and because of them
02:56 we set a watch against them day and night.
02:59 Then Judah said the strength of the laborers is falling
03:04 and there is so much rubbish that we are not able
03:07 to build the wall
03:09 and our adversary said they will never know
03:13 nor see anything till we come into their midst
03:16 and killed them and caused the work to cease.
03:19 And so it was when the Jews who dwelt near them came
03:23 that they told us ten times from whatever place you turn
03:26 they will be upon us.
03:28 Therefore I positioned men behind the lower parts of
03:31 the wall at the openings,
03:33 and I set people, according to their families,
03:36 with their swords, their spears and their bows.
03:39 And I look in the rose and said to the nobles, to the leaders,
03:43 and to the rest of the people, do not be afraid of them.
03:46 Remember the Lord great.
03:48 And ask and fight for your brother,
03:51 your sons and your daughters, your wives and houses.
03:54 And it happened when our enemies heard that it was known to us
03:58 that God had brought their plot to nothing, that all of us
04:02 returned to the wall, every one to his work.
04:06 And so it was from that time on that half of the servants
04:10 worked at construction, while the other half held
04:13 the spears, the shields, the bows and wore armor.
04:17 And the leaders were behind all of the house of Judah.
04:21 And those who built on the wall and those who carried
04:24 burdens load it themselves
04:26 so that with one hand they worked at construction
04:29 and with another hand they held a weapon.
04:33 I I'm going to emphasize verse number two,
04:35 look at what they said.
04:37 And he spoke before his brother and the army of samarium
04:42 and said, What are these feeble Jews doing?
04:45 Well, they fortified themselves.
04:47 Will they offer sacrifices?
04:48 Will they complete it in a day?
04:51 Will they revive the stones from the heaps
04:53 of rubbish stones that are burned now?
04:57 Tobias, the ammonite was beside him
04:59 and said, Whatever they build, even if a fox goes upon it,
05:04 he will break down their stone wall.
05:07 Did they say it's for a little while?
05:09 I want to talk to you under the subject.
05:11 Stay out of the comment section.
05:15 Stay out of the comment section.
05:18 Let's pray together.
05:21 Father, would you grant strong
05:26 anointing for this message today?
05:30 Lord, I am praying
05:32 that you would move us from a place of paralysis
05:36 to a place of bold action for your glory.
05:40 And so, Father, we're asking
05:41 that your spirit would settle upon today's service.
05:45 Would you allow faith to be multiplied exponentially?
05:49 Would you hide me in the shadows of the cross that Jesus alone
05:52 might be seen, that Christ alone might be heard?
05:57 And at the end of our time
05:58 together, let Jesus alone be praised.
06:01 We pray this in the matches name of Jesus, our Lord,
06:04 let those who believe say together, amen and amen.
06:08 You may be seated
06:11 in the House of the Lord.
06:18 You know, friends, I have had the good fortune and misfortune
06:24 of leading a number of different building projects,
06:29 and I cannot explain
06:30 it, friends, but the more you do a building project,
06:34 the greater the difficulties ultimately become.
06:38 Is it contractors have a way of not keeping their word.
06:42 Supplies sometimes show up late.
06:46 Inspectors come and add frustration
06:49 so that times they're going to be delays in building.
06:54 There is going to be tension in building.
06:57 Building never goes smooth so that it takes more friends
07:02 than just a knowledge of how to build.
07:06 It takes a certain type of stomach to build.
07:11 There's got to be an inner resolve to be able to wield
07:14 the project to completion because building is never easy.
07:20 And the reason friends
07:21 there are so many incomplete structures in the church
07:26 is because we've underestimated the difficulty of building
07:31 the truth is that when you're watching others build,
07:34 it looks easy, but it doesn't get hard
07:37 until you enter the construction zone yourself.
07:41 And this message to date, friends, is not to suggest
07:45 that God makes building become easy,
07:48 but I need to announce to somebody today
07:51 that building is supposed to be hard.
07:55 In fact, some of us have entered the construction zone
07:59 in recent weeks, and you begin the process
08:02 of rebuilding some structures in your life.
08:05 And as you continue in this process,
08:08 I want to first prophesy, progress,
08:12 but I need you to also be aware of push back,
08:16 because the truth is that you cannot have progress
08:19 without some push back and see rebuilding your prayer.
08:24 Life is going to be hard.
08:26 Rebuilding academically.
08:28 It's going to be hard
08:30 rebuilding emotionally when you've been broken
08:33 is going to be hard.
08:35 Rebuilding your marriage is going to come with attacks.
08:39 In other words, when you experience
08:41 snags and challenges and delay in the process,
08:46 I don't want you to think that difficulty is an outlier.
08:50 It is simply the common tension that accompanies building.
08:54 Do I have a witness
08:55 that knows that building is always going to be hard
09:00 and see one of the things I want to say, when you build,
09:03 you've got to be careful about listening to people
09:06 that give edited testimonies.
09:10 In other words, there are some that when they testify,
09:13 they'll simply start with where they were
09:16 and where they are now, and they won't tell you
09:20 everything that happened in between it.
09:23 How many of us know
09:24 that sometimes when you testify in that way,
09:28 you make others feel inside, or because their journey is
09:32 never that clean?
09:33 But how many of us can testify that there are times
09:37 in your testimony where you wanted to give up?
09:40 There were times where you wanted to throw in the towel.
09:43 There were moments where you could not hear from God.
09:46 And I want to encourage us to be real in our testimonies.
09:50 Don't just test the lie.
09:52 I need you to testify.
09:53 You are not hearing me today.
09:55 In other words, it's kind of like this.
09:58 I don't know if you've ever watched on YouTube
10:00 some of those how to videos online.
10:04 So when you're trying to fix something, I'll look at a video
10:06 that says how to
10:08 change the facet or how to change the light fixture.
10:12 And the crazy thing is the
10:13 how to video will only be about 2 minutes,
10:17 but it's taking me 45 minutes in real time.
10:21 And the reason it takes so long in real time
10:24 is because in the video
10:26 they don't show the times where the parts don't fit.
10:29 They don't show the time where the screwdriver falls
10:32 behind the toilet.
10:33 What they do is they just do it with repetition
10:37 and they record the one that goes well.
10:40 In other words, they intent.
10:42 They only show you the thing that works out right.
10:45 In other words, they don't show you all the time.
10:47 They mess up.
10:49 And the reason that's important is
10:51 I need you to know that when you build spiritually,
10:54 there are none of us that gets it right on the first take.
10:58 In fact, the truth is that we have to keep doing it
11:01 until we get right.
11:03 But once you get right, don't just tell them about the time
11:06 it goes right.
11:07 You got to tell them about the flaws
11:09 and mistakes that happened along the way.
11:12 And I want to encourage somebody in the struggle to know,
11:15 because it may seem like you messed up more than most.
11:18 It may feel like you'll never get it together.
11:21 But when you look at somebody that looks clean spiritually,
11:25 they're just somebody that's had a bunch of takes
11:28 and they're now ready to be presented by Jesus
11:33 because there's nobody that gets it right.
11:35 The first time I got in the pastor today
11:38 and so let's go back in the word I promise
11:41 that I will not be long before you today.
11:43 I want you to stay in the Scriptures with me today
11:46 with Nehemiah. Chapter four and verse two.
11:48 The Bible says he spoke before the brethren
11:51 and the army of Samaria and said, What are these feeble
11:55 Jews doing?
11:56 Will they fortified themselves?
11:58 Will they offer sacrifices?
12:00 Will they complete it in a day?
12:02 Will they revive the stones from the rubbish
12:07 stone wounds that have been burned?
12:10 Now, friends, I need you to get that.
12:12 There are three critical lessons that we learn
12:15 from this juncture in Nehemiah as building process.
12:20 And the first thing that we learned
12:22 is that if you're going to build, you've got to stay out
12:26 of the comment section.
12:29 Okay.
12:31 See, I need us to know, friends, that you do yourself
12:34 a disservice when building by assuming that everyone is
12:39 going to celebrate your progress and your productivity.
12:44 In other words, friends as Nehemiah is making headway
12:48 in this journey, it begins to stir the suspicions
12:52 and the jealousies of the surrounding nations,
12:56 specifically the sand Ballard, the horror night guests, some of
13:00 the Arab and Tobias, the Ammonites,
13:04 and a part of their disdain family is
13:07 they don't see the value in what Nehemiah is building.
13:11 In other words, they see the stones as unsalvageable
13:15 and not worth the investment of their time.
13:18 In fact, they prophesied destruction to the point
13:22 that the wall cannot even handle the weight that a fox
13:26 is going to carry.
13:28 And friends,
13:29 this message is for anybody that will ever lead something.
13:33 Whether you lead a home, whether you lead a ministry,
13:38 whether you lead a company, or whether you have a vision
13:42 in your life, I need you to get that.
13:45 Most folk won't support
13:47 because they can't see the value in what you're building.
13:51 In other
13:52 words, they don't see the walls as valuable.
13:55 They see the walls as rubbish.
13:57 And beyond being able to be saved or use,
14:00 all they see is a pile of trash.
14:03 But Nehemiah, through faith, sees a pile of treasure.
14:08 And the truth is, friends, as you begin the building process,
14:11 there are going to be some that don't see the value
14:14 in trying to rebuild your prayer life.
14:17 There are going to be some that don't see the value
14:20 in trying to rebuild that marriage.
14:23 There are some peers that won't see the value
14:25 of trying to rebuild academically.
14:28 And I simply want to make one brief announcement
14:31 that what you're building has value.
14:37 And so Nehemiah is assailed
14:41 by these busybody Jews
14:45 who feel near my head
14:48 with the plotting of his adversary.
14:51 In fact, Ellen White says that there are Jews
14:54 that are living in these surrounding villages
14:57 who do not help Nehemiah do the work, but they begin
15:02 to become a burden by bringing all of these evil reports.
15:07 In other words, they distract the people
15:10 by adding to their awareness of what others think and the thing
15:14 I want to say to the church is that you need to be self aware.
15:18 You don't have to be others aware.
15:21 See how many of us know that you don't need to have
15:23 a knowledge of what everybody around you
15:27 has to actually think or say about you.
15:30 In other words, you got to be careful
15:33 about the type of information you are intentional
15:36 about gathering.
15:38 In other words,
15:39 if somebody is plotting to kill me, give me a heads up.
15:42 But if they just say, Pastor, they don't like you,
15:45 you can keep that to yourself.
15:48 You hear me?
15:49 And see what happens, friends, is they distract
15:52 the people by adding to their awareness.
15:56 In other words, I need somebody to get that.
15:59 Sometimes we allow outward opinions
16:02 to smother the inner vision that God gives.
16:05 But I'm at a place where I cannot allow an outward
16:09 opinion to overwhelm the vision that God has put inside of me.
16:15 And see,
16:16 I just want to pause to say to some young or aged person today
16:19 that you cannot live your life in fear of those who abide.
16:25 In the comment section
16:29 you see, there are some of us
16:31 that spend more time filtering your post
16:36 and editing your post and checking your post
16:40 than you actually do posting because you are so afraid
16:45 of those who live in the comment section
16:48 and see what you're going to notice in just a moment.
16:50 Friends, is that builders don't live
16:53 in the comment section.
16:57 Have you ever noticed this about Sand Ballard and Tobias?
17:01 And guess that when they see Nehemiah building, notice
17:06 that they don't begin building something themselves.
17:10 All they do is create a thread full of comments
17:14 about what Nehemiah is building
17:17 and see there are some like Sam Ballard, who live off
17:22 figuratively in the comment section of life
17:25 who never build anything for themselves.
17:29 They're just filled
17:30 with commentary about those that actually build.
17:34 I hear me today, friends.
17:36 In other words, I'm so sick and tired of church folk
17:40 who don't sing,
17:42 who have a
17:44 critique of every person that misses a note in the choir.
17:48 Oh, I'm tired of
17:50 y'all that don't try out for the team,
17:54 but you sit on the stage
17:55 in the gym booing those who are on the court.
17:58 I'm tired about those who don't minister in church,
18:02 but every statement begins what the church ought to be doing
18:07 and see.
18:08 The issue is you so deep in the comment section
18:11 that your shallow and the actions section
18:15 SC friends, this is a thing that's crazy.
18:17 All the energy they put into
18:20 trying to keep Nehemiah from building,
18:23 they could have put that energy into building their own walls,
18:27 building their own army, building their own kingdom.
18:31 But for a small person, it's easier to keep others
18:35 from building
18:37 than to begin the building.
18:38 Process yourself and see.
18:40 One of the things I want to say to you
18:42 young people today is that when you're trying to build,
18:45 you got to connect with builders and not commentators.
18:49 You got to build, connect with builders and not inspectors.
18:52 I need you to realize that friends, each week when I'm done
18:56 preaching, there's going to be somebody in the comments
18:59 that has something to say about what I'm wearing
19:02 that's going to have somebody that has something to say
19:04 about some statement taken out of context.
19:07 And they're going to build a whole doctrine around it.
19:10 They're going to be some
19:11 that have something to say about what I am.
19:14 I am not preaching, but I need you to know
19:16 I don't spend no time in the comments.
19:18 I'm going to spend my time building the Kingdom of God,
19:22 brick by brick and going line upon line.
19:26 You see, one of the greatest things
19:27 God ever did was He delivered me from people's opinions of me.
19:33 Okay?
19:34 In other words, I'm just trying to hear Jesus say, Well done,
19:39 good and faithful servant enter into the joy of your Lord.
19:44 I hear me today, friends.
19:47 Listen, Chris.
19:48 I remember when I was a younger pastor,
19:49 I was preaching for my first week of prep
19:53 and I remember
19:54 at the end of that sermon I had preached my heart out.
19:56 Mark and a lady came to the door
19:59 and she says, Pastor, that's a good message.
20:02 But she says, You're so loud when you preach,
20:05 it makes my head hurt.
20:06 And and because I was young the next night when I preach,
20:10 I tone down the decibel.
20:11 I was a little amped up. It was my first time.
20:14 And so I brought it down a little bit.
20:16 And so then the next night she came to the door
20:18 and said, Pastor, that's a good message.
20:20 But she said, You move around so much when you preach it,
20:23 it just makes me dizzy and it's a distraction to the sermon.
20:27 And so the third night I was a little bit more demure
20:30 and I stayed a little bit more stationary
20:32 as she came at the end of the message.
20:34 As a pastor, that was a good message, but you sweat so much.
20:40 And I became
20:41 comfortable saying, Maybe I'm just not the one for you.
20:45 You are. Hear me today.
20:47 And is there anybody that's so comfortable with yourself
20:51 that you're okay announcing that I might not be
20:55 the one for you, but as long as I'm called by him,
21:01 I'm gonna be all right.
21:05 Are y'all hearing the word today, friends?
21:08 Now, again, I want to.
21:09 I don't want to be criticism averse.
21:11 I'm going to take what I can and learn from it.
21:13 So I'm going to eat the fish.
21:15 But any swallow in the bones,
21:17 all the vegetarians, all mad today are you?
21:20 Never swallow a bone in order to get the fish.
21:23 Are you hearing me today, friends?
21:26 And see what I want to say really quickly, beloved,
21:29 is that there are
21:29 some of us
21:30 who have made a home in the comment section of life now.
21:34 No, I'm not talking about my own life, people.
21:35 I'm from
21:37 the comment section of life because there are some that need
21:40 to recognize that commenting on them will never build. You
21:47 see, there are
21:48 some of us that find our strength in critique.
21:52 Some believe their spiritual grip gift is criticism.
21:56 Some have been anointed for voyeurism.
21:59 Your superpower is observation, and some of us have become
22:03 too enamored with the power of our own opinion.
22:07 Y'all might as well say amen to that.
22:09 See, I don't know if it's because we are an American Idol
22:12 culture that sits in judgment of those who do.
22:15 Or maybe it's the first
22:17 generation that sense, a commentary of those who play.
22:20 Or maybe we sit behind our tablets with keyboard
22:24 courage only, but never having the courage
22:27 to step in front and do anything and see my last problem
22:31 with the comment section.
22:32 It's not that you criticize those that do, but
22:35 I need you to know that visions die in the comments section.
22:40 Dreams rot in the comments section.
22:43 This began to boil in the comments section,
22:46 and the word to somebody today is Stop watching
22:50 others live, stop commenting on what others do
22:53 and act on what God has called you to do
22:58 in this age and for his glory.
23:01 Are y'all hear me today
23:02 friends? Thank you so much for joining us for The Breath
23:05 of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire
23:09 Snell. Now, we hope and pray that you have been blessed
23:12 by this third and last message
23:15 in the sermon series titled “The Construction Zone {EDM”.
23:20 So join us next week for part two of the message.
23:22 “Stay Out Of The Comments Section.”
23:25 You don't want to miss.
23:30 It's graduation season
23:31 and I want to say congrats to all of our recent graduates.
23:35 And though we're thankful for how God is blessing you,
23:38 the only problem is that we ask 18 or 19 year olds
23:41 to make decisions that affect the rest of their lives.
23:45 That's why I'm inviting you to join me for our
23:48 first ever Breath of life decision day.
23:51 It's a one day online conference on July the seventh.
23:55 I'm going to be joined by a number of individuals
23:58 are going to help
23:59 our young people make decisions about their future.
24:02 We're going to be discussing things like How to discover
24:05 your calling, doesn't HBCU put me at a disadvantage?
24:10 When do I need to pivot changing schools or majors
24:13 or how to dream big?
24:16 It's going to be held on July 7th from 10 a.m.
24:19 to 2:00 pm.
24:21 It's a free conference,
24:22 but we don't just want the kids to come.
24:24 We want the parents to come so that we can make these decisions
24:28 with God's tutelage as a village.
24:31 So again, that's going to be July the seventh from 10 a.m.
24:34 to 2:00 pm.
24:36 I need you to know it's going to be a great time of learning.
24:38 You're going to be equipped.
24:39 You're going to be given some tools
24:41 to make sure
24:42 that you land at the right place
24:43 and that you make the right choice.
24:46 I look forward to seeing you soon on decision day.
24:54 What's good family?
24:55 Did you think the revolution is over now?
24:58 We're just getting started.
25:00 Earlier this year, we made the decision
25:02 that we're not going to make any excuses for poor, spiritual
25:06 or physical health.
25:07 This leg of the journey we're not going to make any excuses
25:11 for not paying attention to our mental and emotional wealth.
25:15 I want to invite you to join me on a two week
25:18 mental health revival from July the seventh to the 19th.
25:23 We're going to be pouring into God's people
25:26 so that they will be able to prosper
25:28 in their mental wellness.
25:30 I'm going to be joined
25:31 by a number of mental health professionals,
25:33 Life coaches and pastors that are going to equip us
25:37 with some very powerful tools from July the seventh
25:41 through the 19th,
25:42 each Sunday at eight and Monday through Friday at six,
25:46 we're going to be learning how to deal with
25:48 things like guilt,
25:49 how to manage our stress, how to stay in balance,
25:53 and how to deal with difficult people.
25:55 Each morning, you're going to get a spiritual word
25:58 and then you're going to be led in some miracle conversations
26:02 that are going to leave you better
26:04 than when you first started.
26:06 So go ahead and mark the calendar, save the date
26:09 July 7th through the 19th, Sundays at eight, Monday
26:13 through Friday
26:14 at 6ami need you to know that we're going to gather hope
26:18 you're going to be equipped and encouraged as we continue
26:21 the journey of becoming ExcuseLess.
26:31 What's good family
26:40 breath of life is going to be coming to the West Coast.
26:44 We're excited that from July the 14th to July the 27th,
26:49 we're going to be hosting our third annual Hope
26:51 Rally under the theme Almost Home.
26:54 We're going to be meeting for those two weeks
26:56 in Long Beach, California.
26:59 We're going to be meeting each night,
27:00 except for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 pm.
27:04 It's an in-person meeting only, so you can't catch it online.
27:09 You've got to be in the house.
27:11 We're going to be joined a musical partnership by gospel
27:14 recording artist Smokey Norful, Jonathan
27:18 Nelson and Donnie McClurkin.
27:21 Each night, dinner is going to be served
27:24 and there's going to be
27:25 special programing for you and for your little ones.
27:28 It's going to be a high time in Zion,
27:31 where we're going to be preaching
27:32 the good news of Jesus Christ.
27:34 And we're going to be reminded that this world is not our home
27:38 again.
27:40 I look forward to seeing you in Long Beach, California,
27:42 from July the 14th to the 27th.
27:45 Make sure that you're planning to be there
27:47 and you bring somebody with you.
27:49 If you want more information, go to our website
27:52 at God bless.
27:56 I'll be seeing you this summer
28:05 (Breath Of Life Music)
28:25 {END}


Revised 2024-06-29