Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000127S

00:04 #S066 - Stay Out Of The Comment Section (Part 2)
00:20 Welcome to the Breath of Life
00:21 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
00:26 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will continue part
00:29 two of the powerful message titled
00:32 Stay out of the comments section.
00:35 Now let's go deeper into the Word of God.
00:41 So the words this was here in verse number six.
00:43 I promise I'm not going to take you long.
00:45 The Bible says So we built the wall
00:47 and the entire wall was joined together.
00:50 Watch this.
00:51 Up to half of its height for the people had a mind to work.
00:55 And now it happened.
00:56 That same bullet to buy up the Arabs
00:59 and the Ammonites and the Exodus.
01:01 Heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being restored
01:06 and that the what gaps were beginning to be closed.
01:10 And then they became what?
01:12 Very angry.
01:13 Second thing really quickly you got to know
01:15 is that you've got to be intentional
01:18 about closing your gaps.
01:23 The friends I need you to take note
01:26 of when this conspiracy begins
01:28 to reach its peak or its zenith.
01:32 So I need you to notice. See? See.
01:34 What happened is
01:34 the flow
01:36 is beginning to take shape and it is beginning to take form.
01:40 Like they have progressed to the point where the wall
01:42 has reached half of its ultimate height.
01:46 God is doing a work to the point where the wall is almost
01:49 reached the entirety of the circumference of the city.
01:53 But notice reads when the attack shows up
01:57 is when they're on the verge of closing.
01:59 The gaps in the wall.
02:01 In other words, church,
02:02 because the gates have yet to be installed,
02:07 there are some strategic or structural vulnerabilities
02:11 in the wall because it doesn't matter how tall the wall.
02:15 It doesn't matter how immense the wall.
02:17 It doesn't matter how great the stones are.
02:19 Wall can always be breached if it has gaps in it.
02:25 And I need you to understand the timing
02:28 of their attack illustrates a more powerful truth.
02:32 Because some of us are heavy in the building process.
02:35 God is causing your rebuilding to go well.
02:39 He is causing certain things to begin to take form.
02:42 And I need you to know that some of the greatest attacks
02:46 are going to come before you close the gaps in your wall,
02:50 because the enemy knows
02:52 that once those gaps get close to where the church hit today,
02:55 that he can't
02:56 stand anything against you but your most vulnerable.
03:00 If you allow gaps to remain in your spiritual walls.
03:06 See, this is important because there's somebody
03:09 your spiritual walls are beginning to take forth.
03:11 You are in the building process.
03:13 It is beginning to get halfway to its heights.
03:17 But because some of us only pray every now and then,
03:20 you've got some gaps
03:22 that makes your wall reachable down the line.
03:26 There are some of us that are have a growing appetite for God.
03:30 You're beginning to grow and come to church,
03:33 consume, consuming online.
03:34 But the problem is that because you don't know what to believe,
03:39 you create some gaps
03:40 and allow yourself to be made vulnerable toward deception.
03:44 Down the line.
03:45 There are some students
03:46 that are building well academically.
03:49 You are putting forth more effort,
03:50 but there are some gaps in your process.
03:54 So much so that you study.
03:55 Always when people are around you don't edit
03:59 or second look over your work before you turn it all in.
04:03 The problem is that some of us write the same way we talk,
04:06 and because there are some academic gaps,
04:10 our process can be contaminated.
04:14 There are some marriages that are going strong.
04:16 You've made it up in your mind to stay together.
04:19 You've decided we're going to work that thing out.
04:21 But because some husbands and wives are not controlling
04:25 what's coming through our portals,
04:28 some of us are going to get divorced on Instagram.
04:31 Y'all not hear me today?
04:33 Y'all go left
04:34 password protection and have y'all in front of a judge.
04:36 I'm going to tell the truth today.
04:38 And the problem is we're allowing some gaps
04:41 in the marriage to keep us from becoming
04:45 everything that God has called us to become.
04:49 And what I'm simply wanting to say to somebody today,
04:52 it doesn't matter how strong your gates,
04:55 it doesn't matter how powerful your design,
04:57 it doesn't matter how immense the architecture.
05:00 You can always be defeated as long as you have gaps
05:05 that the enemy is able to penetrate in your life.
05:08 You hear me today, friends?
05:09 Third thing we find today here is in verse number ten.
05:11 I told you, I'm not going to take long.
05:13 The Bible says.
05:14 Then Judah said, The strength of the laborers is failing
05:20 and there is so much rubbish
05:24 that we are unable to build the wall.
05:29 Everything I need somebody to get
05:31 is that there's going to come a time inevitably
05:35 where it feels like it's too much.
05:41 Now, friends, there are multiple tensions
05:46 that begin to converge at the same time.
05:50 Are you all still with the pastor today?
05:53 So first there is the enormity of the task,
05:57 the actual physical labor of trying to rebuild
06:00 this mammoth structure around the entirety of the city.
06:05 But do you realize that there is an added tension
06:09 because of the harassment of Sand Ballard and his team?
06:13 Now remember, Saints,
06:14 that the people are not living in Jerusalem
06:17 at that time.
06:18 They are scattered
06:19 in the surrounding villages and countries.
06:23 And so they literally have to walk through a gamut of derision
06:26 each day just to get to the work site.
06:31 And the enormity of the task is made
06:33 greater by the mental intimidation
06:37 that is provided by Sand Ballard and his peers and friends.
06:41 I need you to get that.
06:42 It is more than intentional that the spirit
06:46 of discouragement falls on the Tribe of Judah.
06:51 Okay, so one of the things you got to remember, Prince,
06:57 is that God had six
06:58 at least some of them understand his truth,
07:00 that because God is with them, there is no enemy
07:05 that can defeat them from the outside
07:11 because God is on their side.
07:15 There is no real threat from those outside of the wall.
07:19 The only thing that can
07:21 defeat them is division in their own ranks.
07:25 And I just need to say
07:26 this to the church that there is no persecution
07:30 or power, that freedom from without that can hurt us.
07:35 The only thing that can hurt us is division from the inside.
07:39 In other words, when the enemy can turn black saints
07:42 against white saints and southern against Oakwood,
07:45 and this church against that church,
07:48 I need you to know
07:49 we're not growing enough
07:50 in order the enemy to stir up persecution.
07:54 But if he can keep us fighting against one another,
07:59 he can keep the walls from being rebuilt.
08:02 Now, my
08:03 friends, I need you to get this, because
08:07 God's said to Abraham,
08:11 I'm going to make of you a great nation.
08:15 And in you.
08:16 So all the nations of the earth be blessed.
08:20 So I understand when Abraham says,
08:23 I got this to Abraham, that all of the nations of the earth
08:25 are going to be blessed through you.
08:27 That was not just talking about the supremacy of Abraham, see,
08:32 it was an announcement about Jesus
08:36 and understand the reason
08:39 that discouragement settles upon Judah.
08:42 It's a preemptive attack against Jesus. Who?
08:46 Yo, yo, yo, not hear me today. See?
08:49 Understand friends of mine that.
08:50 That because of the captivity, Abraham seeds are
08:55 scattered among all of the foreign nation.
08:57 In other words,
08:58 they are not centralized in the area of Jerusalem.
09:03 But what happens is that if they do not finish
09:05 building the wall, what happens is that Abraham C
09:10 remains assimilated into a bunch of different cultures, so much
09:14 so that his seed gets diluted and guess what?
09:19 The tribe of Judah's ancestry gets corrupted.
09:22 And guess what? Jesus cannot come.
09:25 Do you realize that in the
09:27 12 tribes there were two tribes that have a little more say?
09:31 Levi, because they were the priests
09:33 and Judah, because they were the tribe of the Kings.
09:37 Remember that David came from Judah, and guess what?
09:40 Jesus would come from Judah.
09:43 And the reason the enemy tries to discourage Judah
09:47 is because it is a pre century attack to try to keep
09:50 Jesus from coming through the line of Judah.
09:54 I see friends of mine.
09:55 I need somebody to understand this
09:57 about the difficulty that you may sometimes face.
10:01 I need you to realize that sometimes
10:03 it is those difficulties of life that actually create
10:06 Christ likeness in you.
10:10 It is those hardships that produce
10:12 the character of the presence of Jesus in your life.
10:16 And so that sometimes
10:18 when the enemy tries to discourage you
10:21 and make you give up on the building process, it's
10:23 because that process is going to produce a Christ likeness
10:28 that cannot be achieved through any other mechanism in life,
10:31 so that if God
10:32 short circuits the trial, guess what?
10:35 It's short circuits the Jesus that's gonna come
10:39 through. It's
10:42 say, I need somebody to understand this, that trials
10:45 don't just produce stress, they produce
10:48 Jesus in you.
10:51 Oh, God, count it.
10:55 Oh, Joy.
10:58 When you fall into diverse trials
11:02 for the trying of your faith work of what?
11:04 Patience.
11:06 In other words, I need somebody to understand that that God is
11:09 an efficient Savior who does not waste your time.
11:13 He does not waste your efforts.
11:14 And one of my favorite writers, Rick Warren,
11:16 says that God never waste a hurt
11:21 so that if God
11:22 permits it, it has purpose.
11:25 Oh, God, I need somebody
11:28 to understand that everything you go through
11:32 is going to develop something in you
11:36 that cannot be achieved through any other mechanism.
11:40 And I'll be first to testify that
11:42 I never like the trial in real time.
11:46 I only can celebrate what it produces in other words,
11:50 without the hardship, without the pain,
11:54 you cannot become who God has ordained you to be.
11:57 In fact, let me just say it this way.
11:58 Anybody in this room exercise a workout?
12:00 If you do, raise your hand real quick.
12:02 All right, now you exercise.
12:04 But you know what? Exercises
12:07 in a nothing
12:08 but voluntary suffering.
12:12 No, no, that's what it's voluntary suffering.
12:15 In fact, some of y'all pay people called trainers.
12:18 Oh, God.
12:20 Y'all pay trainers to help you suffer
12:23 or y'all still ain't got it.
12:25 And the reason you go through voluntary suffering
12:29 is because you believe and what it produces.
12:33 In other words, you believe in the
12:35 that you believe and the biceps and you believe and the triceps
12:39 and you believe your dress is going to fit by love
12:43 that weekend because you believe in what it produces.
12:46 You're willing to suffer for the perfection of the body.
12:50 But how many of us want the perfection of the character
12:54 and the perfection of the soul that's a willing to go through a
12:57 and suffering so that my character
13:03 can be perfect.
13:06 Y'all hear me today, friends
13:09 of friends.
13:09 When you build
13:11 that, when inevitably come a time
13:15 where it's going to feel like is too much.
13:19 Tell the truth.
13:20 You wanted to give up before.
13:24 I love young church people.
13:26 You've wanted to give up some before.
13:28 Come on, now.
13:29 You have wanted to throw in the towel.
13:32 You have wanted to go back the way that you came.
13:36 You see, the witness of faith is not just about what you avoid.
13:40 It's about what you survive.
13:43 The witness of faith is when the devil has hit you
13:46 with every combination in his bad.
13:51 But after you gather yourself, you stand up on
13:54 the two feet that Christ gives you
13:59 and you let the devil know I'm still here.
14:03 Oh, God, I'm on it.
14:07 I want some more.
14:08 I are here in this thing today.
14:12 There going to be some times
14:14 when you're going through it in the building process
14:16 and you're trying to build spiritually,
14:18 you're trying to build the marriage,
14:19 you're trying to
14:20 rebuild your health, you're trying to rebuild financially,
14:22 you're trying to rebuild socially.
14:23 You're trying to rebuild your emotional and mental wellness.
14:27 There's going to come a time where
14:28 as soon as you think you're making progress,
14:31 the further
14:32 along you get, the further way the finish line
14:33 is going to appear.
14:34 And then sometimes you look at where you are
14:36 and where you want to be, and you don't get to a place
14:39 where you just feel like, man, the work is too much.
14:42 I just need to go back the way in which I came.
14:46 I want to say this
14:48 to somebody spiritually, because watch this notice.
14:52 Oh, it's it, right?
14:54 Notice when they get ready to give up
14:56 when the wall is halfway
14:59 finished.
15:04 Do you realize that finishing the wall halfway
15:08 should have actually been a cause for rejoicing
15:12 and celebration in the camp?
15:15 They should have been running laps around the wall
15:19 because of God can build it halfway.
15:24 It was proof that God can build it the rest of the way.
15:28 But I need you to understand, friends, that faith
15:32 is not so much about what you see.
15:35 It's about the perspective and how you see what you see.
15:39 You see.
15:40 The problem,
15:41 friends of mine is, is when they're rebuilding this wall,
15:44 they look at it halfway and they just like, man,
15:47 oh, snap, we got a long way to go.
15:54 We got
15:55 more than half of the work to be done.
15:58 And guess what the gates have yet to be installed.
16:02 But I need you to understand
16:03 that they get overwhelmed friends
16:06 because they're looking at the finish line
16:10 instead of looking at the starting line.
16:13 Okay.
16:15 Instead of saying we're only halfway there,
16:19 they should have been shouting we halfway there.
16:23 In other words, like if they had just taken a moment
16:27 to look back about 30 days when they first started, guess what?
16:32 They would be reminded that the whole city was in ruins,
16:37 that the walls were torn down, that the gates were burned
16:40 with fire, and if they had just remembered
16:44 from whence God had brought them,
16:46 the halfway point would be the proof of the evidence
16:50 that God is going to take us the rest of the way.
16:54 And I want to say
16:55 this to the person who is discouraged spiritually,
16:58 because I need you to know that, as Paul says and Philippians,
17:01 that you've got
17:02 to look forward to the prize that is set before you.
17:05 But I do want to encourage you
17:06 that you've got to look both forward and backwards.
17:09 You've got to look at where you are supposed to end up.
17:13 But sometimes in order to get the courage to go on,
17:16 you've got to look back at where you first started.
17:20 Okay.
17:21 See, some of us get overwhelmed
17:24 because we look at ourselves and we look at Jesus
17:28 and we think, man, we've got so far to go.
17:31 But the one thing I need to say is never get discouraged
17:35 by the goal.
17:38 The goal is to be like Jesus.
17:40 I also with me now, the reason you don't have to be discouraged
17:44 by the goal or the standard is because it's not
17:47 a competition.
17:50 In other words,
17:51 I'm not trying to compete with the righteousness of Christ
17:55 because my righteousness is not earned.
17:57 It's borrowed in other words, somebody to get
18:02 you need to stop saying God is saving me.
18:08 When you talk about your salvation, you ought to talk
18:11 in the past tense.
18:13 Oh, God.
18:13 Let me push you all on this side.
18:15 God is not saved me.
18:18 I'm already say
18:21 I'm already ready in heaven.
18:24 My work is complete and my record is expunged.
18:30 But what's happening in real time is sanctification.
18:34 And see, that's why you don't have to worry about
18:37 how many floors you have in your life. Why?
18:38 Because sanctification is not the work of a moment.
18:43 It is not the work of a day.
18:45 It is not the work of a year.
18:47 It is a lifetime work that is not done until the trumpet blast
18:53 and the sky recedes like a scroll and other words.
18:56 Christ is going to be working on you
19:00 until the day He appears with you today.
19:03 Friends.
19:05 Oh, friends.
19:07 I would encourage you
19:08 to not spend so much time looking at your finish line
19:12 and to spend
19:13 a little bit more time looking at your starting line.
19:17 See, I need some works.
19:20 Religion oriented slave,
19:24 who is
19:25 70, who has no joy,
19:30 who overcomes nothing,
19:32 who has never been liberated by the power of the spirit,
19:36 who is trying to earn their way into the Kingdom of God.
19:41 And you spend more time looking at your flaws
19:44 than you do at His perfection.
19:47 I want to say that as you keep on building, don't
19:50 spend so much time looking at how far you have to go.
19:55 You need to spend more time studying where God has brought
19:58 you from.
20:00 Oh, do I have at least eight people in the room
20:03 that can testify
20:05 that God has brought you
20:08 a mighty, mighty,
20:11 mighty long way?
20:13 And this is going to feel like a crazy praise.
20:19 But but if you only smoke
20:21 two packs a day, you ought to praise him.
20:24 Cause we used to smoke seven packs a day.
20:27 Oh, I know. Y'all gonna get mad at this,
20:30 man, man.
20:31 Maybe if you only curse when you get mad, you out of prison
20:35 because you used to curse when you are mad or happy.
20:38 And you ought to praise him.
20:41 Oh, don't get mad because it took you seven years
20:44 to graduate.
20:45 If Jesus delays his coming in 30 years, that alumni
20:50 ain't nobody going to be counting.
20:51 How many years it took you to graduate.
20:54 We just going to be shouting cause you graduated.
20:58 Oh, maybe you only come to church once a month.
21:02 Hey, praise him.
21:03 There was a time where months went by
21:06 and you only showed up on Easter Sabbath or Sunday.
21:10 Maybe you only pray three times a week, but
21:13 there's three times more a week than you used to pray.
21:16 And what I'm saying to somebody is never get arrogant
21:19 because of progress, never pat yourself on the back
21:22 because of progress, but let progress be your fuel
21:27 because he which has begun a good work in you.
21:31 So continue it
21:33 until the day of Jesus.
21:37 Can somebody testify like the old thanks?
21:40 I'm not all that I ought to be
21:44 high, but I'm better than what I used to be.
21:48 Can somebody testify?
21:50 He ain't done with me yet.
21:53 Oh, but
21:54 can you praise him that he's still at work in your life?
21:58 And it does not yet appear what we shall be.
22:03 But the promise is that when he shall appear,
22:06 we shall be like him and see him like he is.
22:11 And guess what?
22:12 If you don't give up on God, God won't give up on you.
22:17 Somebody praise him for the progress.
22:21 Praise Him.
22:21 That's you. Pray a little bit more.
22:24 Just study a little bit more.
22:26 You forgive a little bit more, man.
22:29 You don't curse your hump too hard.
22:31 Come on now.
22:32 Praise him for how he's going you
22:35 in your life.
22:40 Listen, I remember I was first learning how to swim,
22:45 and I was, you know, used to be in there
22:46 in this Halloween where I could stand up.
22:48 But I remember the first time they put me over in the deep end
22:51 and you had to swim all the way across.
22:53 And I remember that I got about halfway in the water
22:58 and then all of a sudden, man, I got freaked out
22:59 because I realized I was halfway in the deep end, man.
23:05 And I got so discouraged by how far I had to go.
23:07 Then I got paralyzed and I just start pedaling where I was.
23:11 And it's crazy
23:12 because I look back to try to go back the way I came,
23:17 but the lifeguard began to shout that you're right there
23:20 in the middle
23:23 is going to take you
23:24 just as much energy to go back
23:27 as it would be if you just went forward.
23:31 But I'm so scared that I'm dog paddling
23:33 because I'm looking at how far I have to go.
23:36 And guess what?
23:37 I'm losing energy
23:40 by just studying how far I have to go.
23:45 And he says, If you came half the way,
23:49 he's saying you can make it the rest of the way.
23:53 And I remember the one thing
23:55 the lifeguard did is he didn't make it easy for me.
23:59 He didn't pull me out of the deep end.
24:02 But because he was a good lifeguard,
24:05 what he did was he jumped in the pool next to me
24:08 and he says, Let's swim it together.
24:11 And together we go, get to the other side.
24:14 Y'all missed it.
24:15 Jesus
24:16 sees you at the halfway point.
24:19 He said it'll take too much strength to go back.
24:23 If I brought you this far,
24:25 I'll take you the rest of the way.
24:27 But can anybody praise that
24:30 Jesus doesn't just tell you to go to the other?
24:34 But our lifeguard jumped down and Golgotha
24:38 jumped down in Nazareth
24:40 and said, I'll swim with you
24:43 and we'll get to the other side together.
24:47 Praise him for the lifeguard.
24:50 That is Jesus Christ.
24:53 They met him in.
24:56 And listen, I just stopped by
24:58 to let some struggling
25:01 person in their faith
25:04 struggling in your morality,
25:06 struggling with your convictions.
25:08 You make it one step forward and you take two steps back.
25:12 I just want to remind you that nobody gets it
25:14 right on the first take.
25:17 I don't want you to be impressed by this
25:19 suit, this title, this oration, or the fact that I'm here.
25:22 I need you to know I'm just a person that kept making takes.
25:28 That's it, Lord.
25:29 I'm going to put my hand in your hand.
25:31 And I told God, even here in 1998,
25:36 I'm going to put my hand in your hand.
25:37 And like Jacob, I won't let you go
25:42 until you bless me.
25:45 I want to curse.
25:46 I'm so overwhelmed.
25:48 It feels like giving up.
25:51 I want to go back the way you came.
25:53 That he's brought you too far in nature,
25:55 God, to say to somebody, Don't go back.
25:58 I want you to move ahead.
26:01 I want you to know the blessing is in front of you.
26:04 It is not in the way that you came and he that
26:08 has begun. The good work in
26:10 is going to
26:11 continue until the day of Jesus Christ.
26:14 What's good family?
26:16 Did you think the revolution is over now?
26:18 We're just getting started.
26:20 Earlier this year,
26:22 we made the decision that we're not going to make any excuses
26:25 for poor,
26:26 spiritual or physical health at this leg of the journey.
26:30 We're not going to make any excuses
26:32 for not paying attention to our mental and emotional wealth.
26:36 I want to invite you to join me on a two week mental
26:40 health revival from July the seventh to the 19th.
26:44 We're going to be pouring into God's people
26:47 so that they will be able
26:48 to prosper in their mental wellness.
26:51 I'm going to be joined
26:52 by a number
26:53 of mental health professionals, life coaches and pastors
26:57 that are going to equip us with some very powerful tools
27:01 from July the seventh through the 19th, each Sunday
27:03 at eight and Monday through Friday at six,
27:07 we're going to be learning how to deal with
27:08 things like guilt,
27:10 how to manage our stress, how to stay in balance,
27:13 and how to deal with difficult people.
27:16 Each morning
27:17 you're going to get a spiritual word
27:19 and then you're going to be led in some miracle conversations
27:24 that are going to leave you better
27:25 than when you first started.
27:27 So go ahead and mark
27:28 the calendar, save the date July 7th through the 19
27:32 Sundays at eight, Monday through Friday at 6am.
27:36 I need you to know that we're going to gather hope
27:39 you're going to be equipped and encouraged as we continue
27:42 the journey of becoming ExcuseLess
28:05 (Breath of Life Music)


Revised 2024-07-02