Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000128S

00:06 #S067 - You're Enough (Part 1)
00:19 Exodus chapter two and verse 23.
00:22 When you get there, let me hear you say Amen.
00:26 Exodus Chapter two in verse 23.
00:28 Again, we're going to continue tomorrow morning online
00:32 all throughout the week, and then we'll be here in person
00:34 Wednesday night
00:35 as we continue this series, even on Wednesdays as well.
00:38 Exodus chapter two and verse 23.
00:40 When you get there, say, Pastor, I'm there,
00:43 and my goal is not to be too long
00:45 today.
00:51 I say it too long.
00:53 I won't be long.
00:55 Amen.
00:57 The Bible says now what happened
01:00 in the process of time that the King of Egypt died?
01:05 Then the children of Israel groaned because of the bondage.
01:08 And they cried out.
01:10 And the Bible says.
01:11 And their cry came up to God because of the bondage.
01:15 So God heard their groaning
01:18 and remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
01:23 And God look upon the children of Israel and acknowledged him.
01:28 Now, Moses was tending the flock of Jethro,
01:31 his father in law, the priest of Midian,
01:34 and he led the flock to the back of the desert
01:37 and came to Horeb.
01:38 The mountain of God
01:40 and the Angel of the Lord appeared to him
01:44 in a flame of fire from the mist of the bush.
01:47 So He looked and behold the bush was burning with fire.
01:53 But the bush was not what
01:57 the bush was not consume.
01:59 Then Moses said, I will now turn aside and see this great site.
02:04 Why the Bush does not burn.
02:07 So when the Lord saw that He had turned aside to look,
02:11 God called to him from the bush and said, Moses, Moses.
02:16 And He said, Here I am.
02:18 Then he said, Do not draw near this place.
02:21 Take off your take off your sandals, off your feet
02:24 for the place where you stand is holy ground.
02:28 Moreover, he said, I am the God of your father,
02:32 the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
02:37 And Moses hid his face.
02:39 For He was afraid to look upon God.
02:42 And the Lord said, I have surely seen
02:44 the oppression of my people who are in Egypt
02:48 and have heard their cry because of their test
02:50 masters for I know their sorrows.
02:53 So I have come down
02:54 to deliver them out of the land of the Egyptians
02:58 and to bring them up from that land to a good and largely
03:02 to a land flowing with milk and honey
03:04 to the place of the Caden Knights and the Hittites
03:07 and the Emirates
03:08 and the parasites and the HIV-AIDS and the genocides.
03:12 Now, therefore, behold the cry of the children
03:15 of Israel has come to me, and I have also seen
03:19 the oppression with which the Egyptians oppressed them
03:23 come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh
03:27 that you may bring my people, the children of Israel,
03:30 out of Egypt.
03:32 But Moses said to God, Who am I?
03:38 That I should go to Pharaoh
03:41 and that I should
03:43 bring the children of Israel out of Egypt
03:47 today, saints for just a little while, with God's help.
03:50 I want to talk to you under the subject.
03:53 Your enough, your enough.
03:58 Let's free father.
04:01 Would you, sir, manically perform
04:04 the miracle of the fishes and the loaves?
04:08 Lord, would you take the little that I have
04:11 and the little that I am?
04:13 And would you multiply it that it might be sufficient
04:17 for all of those who hear my prayer today, Lord,
04:21 is that faith would be multiplied
04:23 exponentially in the hearing of the Word.
04:26 And Father.
04:27 My prayer at the end of the day
04:28 is that you would hide me in the shadows of the cross,
04:32 that Jesus alone might be seen,
04:34 that Christ alone would be heard,
04:36 and that Jesus alone would be praise.
04:39 Let your Spirit settle upon this service.
04:43 We pray in the wonderful name of Jesus.
04:47 Let those who believes out together.
04:48 Amen and amen.
04:51 You may be seated in the House of the Lord today.
04:58 Again, talking on the subject.
05:01 You are
05:03 enough.
05:07 You know, as a child, as a small child
05:11 of the eighties, my favorite
05:15 superhero character was the Superman,
05:19 played by Christopher Reeve.
05:24 Superman was faster than a speeding bullet.
05:29 He was more powerful than a steaming locomotive.
05:34 He was able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
05:38 And if you remember, Superman could not be hurt
05:41 by bullets, knives, explosions or fires.
05:47 Essentially, no weapon formed against him could prosper.
05:51 The only thing that could hurt Superman is
05:54 if his enemy, Lex Luthor, was able
05:58 to get his hands on some kryptonite.
06:01 And you remember kryptonite was a metal
06:03 from Superman's home country that traveled with him to Earth.
06:09 And when he was exposed to kryptonite
06:11 in Earth's atmosphere, it would weaken him
06:14 and take away all of his superpowers.
06:19 Now, the strange thing is that Superman
06:22 was the carrier of kryptonite.
06:26 He transported the only thing that was able to weaken him.
06:30 And the truth is, friends, that each of us has a kryptonite
06:35 that is tailored to our falling nature.
06:38 And what somebody needs to know is that your kryptonite is not
06:41 circum stance.
06:42 So it is not financial, it is not relational
06:48 because no weapon formed against you can prosper.
06:51 In fact, your kryptonite is
06:53 not the things that went well or went bad.
06:57 It is not about the breaks that did not go your way.
07:00 For all things work together, for good.
07:04 To them who love God and are called according to His purpose.
07:08 I need you to know the only kryptonite that can weaken
07:11 you are the excuses that you make
07:14 for not growing and progressing and prospering in the Lord.
07:20 In fact, church, the only thing that can defeat
07:23 you are the lies that you tell yourself.
07:27 Like Superman, we are the carriers of our Kryptonite.
07:32 We are the transporters of that which can weaken us.
07:36 In other words, Church, your kryptonite sounds like this.
07:39 I don't have time.
07:42 Your kryptonite sounds like this.
07:44 If I had more money.
07:46 Your kryptonite sounds like this.
07:48 If I only met them.
07:51 Your kryptonite is when you look more
07:53 at your circumstances and more at your situations.
07:57 Then you look at the God that is able to do all things well.
08:03 And friends, what I'm inviting you to do over
08:05 these next few weeks is take a journey with me as we cancel
08:11 all of the excuses that are smothering our soul wellness
08:16 and keeping us from becoming who God has ordained us to be.
08:20 But the thing I remember about Superman,
08:24 if you recall, whenever he was weakened by Kryptonite,
08:28 if he could just get away from the Kryptonite
08:31 and fly up beyond the atmosphere
08:34 and get in the presence of the son,
08:37 you realize that he would be rejuvenated by the son.
08:40 He would be revived by the son.
08:44 He would be made strong again by the MCU in son.
08:48 And how many of us know that when you're touched
08:50 by the kryptonite of your own making,
08:53 if you can just get in the presence of the soul
08:56 and that you can be revived by the son, Jesus Christ,
09:02 you can be revived in the Son, you can be restored in the Son,
09:06 that you can be strengthened by the power of the Son of God.
09:09 Can you see, man?
09:12 And so,
09:13 friends, as we go quickly back to the word,
09:15 I need you to know
09:17 that the story of Moses is very instructive for us
09:22 as we begin this journey one with another,
09:25 because what you're going to notice
09:28 is that Moses does not jump at the opportunity
09:32 to be used by God.
09:33 In fact, he offers a variety of excuses
09:38 as to why God should choose someone else.
09:42 And over the course of the next few weeks,
09:45 we will see how God helps him to manage His excuse choices.
09:49 But today,
09:51 as we look at this text, the first thing it teaches us
09:55 is that your circumstance won't destroy you.
09:58 It's going to develop you.
10:01 Now, let me say it again for somebody hearing that
10:03 whatever you're going through is not going to destroy you.
10:08 What you're in is going to develop you.
10:12 Moses If you recall, church
10:15 is a fugitive from the land of Egypt.
10:19 The last 40 years of his life have been spent adjusting
10:23 to the rural climate in the land of Midian.
10:27 He has developed a whole new life
10:30 that has no remnants of his former life,
10:33 and he spends his days leading large flocks of sheep
10:38 through Rocky and desert terrain.
10:40 And this day, as Moses leads the flock
10:44 behind the backside of the desert,
10:47 God uses a partic killer spectacle
10:51 to capture the attention of Moses.
10:54 The Bible says that Moses sees a burning bush
10:58 now understand that at first glance this is
11:01 no big deal because in an air it desert client climate,
11:07 it's very common to see bushes that are on fire.
11:11 So initially, Moses doesn't pay it any mind.
11:15 He doesn't give it any intellectual recognition.
11:19 He assumes that in about 30 seconds
11:22 that Bush will be completely consumed.
11:26 But man, maybe Moses has this spatial awareness.
11:30 Maybe he can sense it in his peripheral vision
11:34 that after a minute, the bush is still burning.
11:38 After 3 minutes, the bush is still burning.
11:42 After 7 minutes, the bush is still burning.
11:46 After 20 minutes, the bush is still burning.
11:51 After 30 minutes, the bush is still burning.
11:54 And after all this time, he feels heat
11:58 or from the flames, he can hear the crackling
12:00 sound of the brush.
12:01 And eventually, Moses has to turn around
12:05 and see why this bush is burning.
12:09 But it is not consumed.
12:11 And no, this church
12:13 that God draws his attention to, this spectacle.
12:17 You see, before he speaks from the bush,
12:21 he allows Moses to observe the bush before he teaches.
12:26 From the bush.
12:27 He allows him to analyze the bush
12:30 before he gives a call from the bush.
12:33 He begins to captivate the attention of Moses from the bush
12:38 because understand that there is something powerful
12:41 in the bush, because the bush is surviving
12:45 and atmosphere that should destroy it.
12:49 Okay.
12:51 The bush is thriving in a space that ought to overwhelm it
12:57 and understand, friends, that the bush does not die
13:00 in the fire.
13:02 The Bush thrives in the fire of chaos to get it.
13:06 The bush is not feeding the fire.
13:10 The bush is being fed by the fire.
13:13 The bush is not being weakened by the fire.
13:17 The bush is being strengthened by the fire and understand that
13:20 before Moses is a powerful role play of character development
13:27 because the fire does not destroy the bush.
13:31 The fire is simply developing.
13:33 The bush.
13:35 And before God gives voice from the bush,
13:39 he is forecasting to Moses and all that walk by faith.
13:44 The experience of how he grows up.
13:48 You see, God is not trying to sow Moses a bush in the fire.
13:53 He's trying to show Moses himself in the fire.
13:57 And the same way God would keep the bush from being consumed
14:02 is the same way he would sustain us
14:05 whenever life's got hot around us.
14:09 And see, this is the truth today, Church.
14:12 How many of us recognize that God makes great
14:15 men and women in the fire?
14:19 Oh, God told Matt today he didn't grow up
14:23 in air conditioning.
14:24 He didn't grow men and women on the beach.
14:28 The word say is that he grows great people in the fire.
14:32 And see, this is epic because at times
14:35 our purposes are at odds with God because we want,
14:39 with all power to get away from the discomfort of the fire
14:45 when God wants to use your discomfort
14:48 to develop your character.
14:51 And the reason there are times we nullify our call with excuses
14:57 is because we see the fire as a place of destruction.
15:02 But how many of us know that fire is a place of development?
15:06 And it's crazy because at the beginning Moses essentially
15:09 steps back from this assignment because he can anticipate
15:15 how hot and uncomfortable this assignment will be.
15:18 But God does not give voice to any of His excuses
15:23 because God is trying to say to Moses, the same way I keep
15:27 the bush in the fire is the same way I'll keep you
15:31 when you go through seasons of testing saying Now, not now.
15:35 CHURCH This parable would have made sense
15:40 if God showed him some clay and the fire.
15:44 It would have made sense if he saw some metal in the fire.
15:49 It would have made sense if he saw some iron in the fire
15:53 because those things have properties
15:55 that are able to withstand the presence of some heat.
15:59 But God adds the tension on purpose when he allows him
16:02 to see a living object surviving the fire.
16:08 In other words, it is a foreshadowing
16:11 of a larger truth that the same way that plants
16:17 survived a
16:18 space that should have killed it is the same way
16:22 God keeps us in conditions that are to take us out.
16:29 Can I pause to say to somebody, Don't let your circumstance
16:33 dictate your belief about your survival.
16:37 You are not hear me today. See?
16:39 Has anybody ever been in that place?
16:41 We're on the front end of the trial.
16:44 You didn't think you were
16:46 going to make it through when that trial first started,
16:50 all you could see is your collapse.
16:52 All you could see is your demise.
16:55 All you could see is yourself going under.
16:58 But you didn't realize that you were a burning bush
17:02 that was under tailored heat by God that was not there.
17:05 Overwhelm you.
17:07 It was simply going to develop you.
17:11 Do I have any burning bushes that can testify?
17:14 You didn't think
17:15 you would make it through your trials crisis.
17:19 You didn't think you would make it through that divorce.
17:22 You didn't think you would survive the loss of that love
17:25 when you thought that that financial season
17:28 was going to take you out.
17:29 But the same way that that Bush continue to thrive in the fire,
17:35 you realized that before God spoke from the Bush,
17:38 the bush was already talking to Moses
17:41 another, whereas the Bush is saying
17:43 to Moses, It's hot in here, but I'm still here.
17:47 It's burning, but I'm still here.
17:50 Moses is uncomfortable, but I'm still here
17:54 and I need some burning bushes to give God a steal here.
17:58 Kind of praise, because after all
18:03 you've been through, you can say I'm still here
18:08 by the grace and power of the Almighty God.
18:11 Y'all not hear me today.
18:13 In other words, after the surgery, you are still here.
18:17 After the chemo, you're still here after the grief.
18:21 You are still here after the divorce.
18:24 You are still here after the miscarriage.
18:27 You're still here after they talked about you.
18:31 You're still here.
18:32 And some of us are complaining because we are not there.
18:37 But you can't get there if you are not still here.
18:40 And you are to just give God a praise
18:43 that you're still here
18:47 by the grace and power of God.
18:50 You are here me today, Prince.
18:53 And so the words this was here in Exodus
18:55 chapter three and verse number seven,
18:57 the Bible says, and the Lord said,
18:59 I have surely seen the oppression of my people
19:02 who are in Egypt
19:04 and I have heard their cry because of their taskmaster.
19:08 I know their sorrows,
19:09 so I have come down to deliver them
19:12 out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up
19:15 from that land to a good and large land
19:19 to a land flowing with milk and honey.
19:23 You see the second thing this story teaches us Church,
19:26 is that God already has a plan in place.
19:31 Okay?
19:33 You see, the children of Israel have been in bondage
19:38 for about 400 years and God says, I have seen enough.
19:45 But there is something in the timeline
19:49 that is noteworthy for the development of our faith.
19:52 Y'all remember reading there in chapter two and verse 23
19:56 that when Moses first left to go to Midian,
20:00 that the children of Israel cried out to the Lord,
20:03 and the Bible says that
20:04 the Lord heard them and He acknowledged them.
20:09 Did y'all catch that?
20:11 Now the Bible says that he heard them
20:14 the time where Moses left, but there was 40 years
20:19 between the time he heard the prayer
20:23 and the time he answered the prayer.
20:26 How many of us know that sometimes the same day God hears
20:31 is not the same day that God acts?
20:35 No, no, no.
20:37 The same day he hears it is not the same day he acts on it.
20:41 And the reason that's important
20:42 is because
20:43 some of us are frustrated and we have a diminishing faith
20:47 because we're operating under the assumption
20:51 that if God heard us, then things would be better by now.
20:55 If God heard me,
20:56 things would already have changed by this season.
21:01 But how many of us know that God can hear in one season
21:05 but not move until the next season
21:09 and see this is important.
21:10 Church Because sometimes
21:12 we put too much confidence in a particular outcome.
21:17 But the Bible in first John chapter five and verse 14
21:19 says this is the confidence that we have that whatsoever
21:24 we ask in his name, we know that he hears us
21:30 see how much of us know.
21:31 You got to get to a place
21:32 where your confidence is not an outcome.
21:36 You have confidence to know that whenever you pray
21:39 there is no prayer that escapes the ear of God
21:43 and see if God hears me.
21:46 I just need to have trust to know that God will deliver me
21:50 in his time and I love somebody.
21:53 Put it online this week.
21:54 Lewis Jones says he sometimes will miss the win.
21:58 Worried about the win.
22:02 Okay, we'll miss the W out in the victory
22:06 because we're so distracted about
22:08 when it's going to come to pass.
22:11 But how many of us know that you've got to get to a place
22:14 where you have the type of faith that leaves the win
22:17 and the timing up to God?
22:22 See, we get frustrated about the win,
22:24 and that's why we pray
22:25 with a with a desperation that is not always necessary,
22:30 just not Jesus saying Matthew, chapter six
22:33 that your father knows what things you need
22:38 even before you ask them to.
22:41 I need somebody to get this larger truth.
22:43 I need, you know, God knows what you need.
22:47 It's already on His schedule.
22:50 And I need you to know that even when you pray,
22:52 you're not informing God of what you need.
22:55 You're just giving him permission to act on your behalf
22:59 and see there's a larger truth,
23:01 because some of us have got to get to the place
23:04 where we just stop praying on the level of survival.
23:09 No, no.
23:10 You got to start
23:11 praying on the level of abundance and supernatural.
23:15 Why am I saying stop praying on the level of survival?
23:19 How many of us know that 80% of the things we pray for
23:22 are things that God was going to do?
23:24 Even if you never pray? Oh, God
23:28 did not Jesus say, don't worry about your life
23:32 and what you're going to eat
23:33 and where you're going to live and about your body.
23:37 He says, Man, your father knows what things you have need up.
23:40 In other words, even if you didn't pray
23:42 about basic necessities, God will still go.
23:45 Come through simply because He is your father in heaven.
23:51 Oh, see somebody else. You don't believe that?
23:52 See how many parents are in the house today
23:54 and your parents in the room?
23:55 Like how many of us can tell the truth
23:57 that if your kids never said,
23:59 I'm hungry, you still go feed them
24:02 yo Brando.
24:04 If they never ask for school
24:05 clothes, you still going to buy them?
24:07 If they never said, and then you still don't pay tuition.
24:11 Even if they never ask,
24:12 you still don't get them some for Christmas.
24:14 Even when they act like baby kids.
24:15 I'm not telling the truth today.
24:17 I mean, you still go get them some for Christmas. Why?
24:21 Because it's not based upon their asking.
24:23 It's because of how much you love them
24:25 and whether they ask or not.
24:27 You don't provide all of their needs
24:30 and we serve a God that's so great
24:34 that says, even if you don't ask, I'm going.
24:37 Bless you.
24:38 Thank you so much for joining us for The Breath of Life,
24:42 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor
24:44 Debleaire Snell Now,
24:45 we hope and pray that you have been blessed
24:48 by this first message
24:49 in the new sermon series titled ExcuseLess.
24:54 Join us next week for part two of the message you are in,
24:58 though you don't want to miss what's good family.
25:02 Did you think the revolution is over now?
25:05 We're just getting started.
25:06 Earlier this year,
25:08 we made the decision that we're not going to make any excuses
25:11 for poor,
25:12 spiritual or physical health at this leg of the journey.
25:16 We're not going to make any excuses
25:18 for not paying attention to our mental and emotional wealth.
25:22 I want to invite you to join me on a two week
25:25 mental health revival from July the seventh to the 19th.
25:31 We're going to be pouring into God's people
25:33 so that they will be able to prosper
25:35 in their mental wellness.
25:36 I'm going to be joined
25:38 by a number of mental health professionals
25:40 like coaches and pastors
25:42 that are going to equip us with some very powerful tools.
25:47 From July the seventh through the 19th, each Sunday
25:49 at eight and Monday through Friday at six,
25:53 we're going to be learning how to deal with
25:54 things like guilt,
25:56 how to manage our stress, how to stay in balance,
26:00 and how to deal with difficult people.
26:02 Each morning
26:03 you're going to get a spiritual word
26:05 and then you're going to be led
26:07 in some miracle conversations that are going to leave
26:10 you better than when you first started.
26:13 So go ahead and mark the calendar.
26:14 Save the date, July 7th through the 19th.
26:18 Sundays at eight Mondays through Fridays
26:21 at 6am I need you to know that we're going to gather hope.
26:25 You're going to be equipped and encouraged
26:28 as we continue the journey of becoming ExcuseLess
26:41 what's good family.
26:42 Breath of life is going to be coming to the West Coast.
26:47 We're excited that from July the 14th to July the 27th,
26:52 we're going to be hosting our third annual hope
26:53 rally under the theme Almost Home.
26:57 We're going to be meeting for those two weeks
26:59 in Long Beach, California.
27:01 We're going to be meeting each night,
27:02 except for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 PM.
27:07 It's an in-person meeting only, so you can't catch it online.
27:11 You've got to be in the house.
27:13 We're going to be joined in musical partnership
27:16 by gospel recording artist Smokey Norful.
27:20 Jonathan Nelson and Donnie McClurkin.
27:23 Each night, dinner is going to be served
27:27 and there's going to be special programing for your youth
27:29 and for your little ones.
27:30 It's going to be a high time in Zion,
27:33 where we're going to be preaching
27:34 the good news of Jesus Christ.
27:36 And we're going to be reminded that this world is not our home.
27:41 Again, I look forward to seeing you in Long Beach,
27:43 California, from July the 14th to the 27th.
27:48 Make sure that you're planning to be there
27:50 and you bring somebody with you.
27:51 If you want more information, go to our Web site
27:55 at God bless.
27:59 I'll be seeing you this summer.


Revised 2024-07-09