Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000130S

00:05 #S068_Take What's Yours (Part 1)
00:20 I want you to know that today's message
00:22 is not going to resonate with just the religious.
00:27 This message is only going to impact you if you're
00:30 planning to walk in faith.
00:32 So do I have anybody that's planning to walk in faith?
00:34 I just need to know who you are.
00:36 I'll skip over the others.
00:38 I just want to aim this at those who want it today.
00:40 Exodus chapter four and verse number one.
00:43 Let's hear the Word of the Lord together.
00:45 The Bible says when Moses
00:47 answered and said, But suppose
00:52 they will not believe me or listen to my voice.
00:55 Suppose they say
00:59 The Lord has not appeared to you,
01:03 and the Lord said to him, What is in your hand?
01:08 Matter of fact, he's asking all of us that question today.
01:11 While you're looking at what you're lacking.
01:13 God is asking you what's in your hand.
01:18 And he said a rod.
01:21 And he said, Cast it to the ground.
01:25 So he cast it to the ground and it became a serpent.
01:28 And Moses did what?
01:31 He fled from it.
01:33 Then the Lord said to Moses, Watch this church,
01:37 reach out your hand and take it by the tail.
01:41 And he reached out his hand and caught it.
01:45 And it became a rod in his hand.
01:49 I want to read Pemberton's verse for
01:50 then the Lord said to Moses, Reach out your hand
01:54 and take it by the tail.
01:57 Today, Saints, for just a little while.
01:58 I'm going to talk to you under the subject.
02:01 Take what's yours.
02:04 Take what's yours.
02:07 Let's pray together today.
02:09 Father, I pray today
02:14 that your spirit would be dominant in this service today.
02:19 Lord, we
02:20 pray that heaven's rafters with swing open.
02:23 And that there would be a transformative
02:27 and life changing anointing over the preaching of the word.
02:31 Over the hearing of the word.
02:33 But most importantly, the application of the word.
02:37 So, Lord,
02:38 I pray that faith would be multiplied exponentially.
02:42 Lord, would you hide me in the shadows of the cross that
02:44 Jesus alone might be seen, that Christ alone might be heard?
02:50 And at the end of our time
02:51 together, let Jesus alone be praised.
02:54 Bless us to this day,
02:55 and we ask in the wonderful name of Jesus,
02:57 let them that believe, say together.
02:58 Amen and amen.
03:01 You may be seated in the House of the Lord again, inviting
03:04 all our online disciples, Apple Apostles,
03:08 all of our electronic evangelists.
03:09 If you would share, share, share
03:11 that others might be able to receive the word today.
03:14 Again, talking on the subject.
03:16 Take what's yours.
03:19 You know, friends as we get into the word.
03:22 One of the things you must know
03:24 is that you can't be excused lists
03:28 and tentative at the same time.
03:32 You see, real faith is not docile,
03:35 it's not passive, it's not ambivalent.
03:40 In fact, real faith has an edge to it.
03:44 Real faith approaches things with a confidence
03:49 that looks arrogant to those who are not convicted by God.
03:54 Have you ever noticed that the language of Scripture
03:57 is very militant and unafraid,
04:01 so that when God spoke to the children of Israel,
04:05 he didn't go and tell them to request the land.
04:09 He went and told them to possess the land.
04:13 Notice that when Jesus spoke to a demon,
04:17 he never said, Were you pretty?
04:18 Please come out.
04:20 The Bible says
04:21 Jesus commanded them to come out.
04:25 Notice that Joshua didn't ask the son to be steel.
04:29 Joshua commanded the son to be steel.
04:33 Notice that Jesus didn't request for the storm to cease.
04:37 Jesus commanded the Son to storm to cease.
04:41 And one of the reasons we have so many excuses
04:44 is that we have not walked in.
04:46 The divine authority made available to us in the word.
04:51 And to be clear that our authority is not absolute,
04:56 but our authority is attached to whatever God has assigned us
05:00 to do.
05:01 And the problem, Prince, is we are walking around
05:03 using human metrics and we're studying
05:07 likelihoods and probabilities and statistics.
05:11 But the word for somebody today is, at some point you've
05:14 just got to take
05:17 what's yours.
05:19 Let me say it this way.
05:19 I remember coming up,
05:21 you know, my dad had gotten me a new basketball.
05:24 And I remember going down to the little ghetto court
05:27 and the complex where we were living.
05:30 And Malcolm, I was there playing by myself.
05:32 But after a while,
05:33 the older kids came on to the court and they muscled me
05:37 off the court
05:38 and they took my ball and I went home empty handed.
05:43 And I remember when I got home, my dad asked me
05:46 what happened to the ball, and I told him they took it.
05:49 And so he asked me, why did you let them take it?
05:52 And I said, Daddy,
05:53 I asked them for it back, but they wouldn't give it to me.
05:57 And my dad said something I'll never forget.
06:00 He said, Son, I paid hard earned money for that ball.
06:04 And he said, Son, you don't ask them for what's yours.
06:08 You go and take what's yours.
06:10 And I remember
06:11 going back down to that court, mumbling under my breath.
06:14 And when I got there,
06:15 I gathered all the bass I could hear my voice.
06:19 But I need you to know, I amended the instruction.
06:22 I said, my daddy said, you better give me that ball.
06:27 And if y'all don't, y'all gonna have to deal with him.
06:30 They curse me out and push me around.
06:32 But guess what?
06:33 They gave me that basketball.
06:35 And when I got back home, my daddy said,
06:38 How did you get it back?
06:39 I say, Dad, I just took what was mine.
06:44 And I came
06:45 back home with it and and the word to somebody today
06:50 is, you got to stop asking for permission
06:53 and you've got to take what God has said is yours.
06:57 I need you to know the price has been paid.
07:00 So stop being scared
07:01 about your salvation and take what's yours.
07:05 The Holy Spirit has been offered.
07:08 Stop wondering if I got anointing and take what's yours.
07:12 I need somebody to take your favor.
07:14 I need you to walk in your gifts.
07:16 Stop walking around scared and ambivalent, and take
07:21 what God has said as yours.
07:23 Oh, y'all with me today, friends.
07:25 And so go back with me, if you don't mind.
07:26 To Exodus Chapter four and verse one.
07:29 I need you to see some things in the Scripture today.
07:32 Exodus four In verse one When you get there as a pastor,
07:34 I'm here.
07:35 Exodus one one the Bible says.
07:37 Then Moses answered and said, But suppose
07:40 they will not believe me or listen to my voice.
07:45 Suppose they say The Lord has not appeared to you.
07:51 Now, friends, I want you to understand that
07:53 our text today is filled with powerful and relevant truth.
07:59 But the first thing it teaches saints is that excuses thrive
08:04 when you focus on what happened last time.
08:08 Let me say it again that excuses abound
08:12 when you always focus on what happened the last time.
08:16 Now, remember, friends, that Moses begins by asking,
08:20 Who am I that I should stand before Pharaoh?
08:24 And it is
08:24 then that God assures Him
08:28 of His presence and he guarantees the success of Moses.
08:32 But then Moses proffers a different excuse.
08:36 He suggests that he has a credibility issue
08:40 and that they would not believe him.
08:43 Now, understand Church, this is a very obstinate claim.
08:47 It is the equivalent of a child talking back to his parents
08:51 because in chapter three and verse 18,
08:54 God told Moses that they will heed your voice.
08:59 But Moses is on the other side saying They won't believe me.
09:03 And what fuels this thinking with Moses is
09:06 what happened the last time he was in Egypt.
09:11 Not now.
09:11 Now, think back with me, if you will.
09:14 Before Moses split committee and there were
09:16 a number of things that converged at the same time.
09:21 You see, Moses had ultimately come to himself
09:25 and Hebrews 11 lets us know that Moses, before he left,
09:30 had already made a break with the culture of Egypt.
09:34 In fact, the Bible says that Moses refused to be called
09:37 the son of Pharaoh's daughter, and he made a choice
09:42 that I would rather suffer affliction with my people
09:46 than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
09:50 And understand at this point there is something radical
09:54 that has been loose in Moses.
09:55 There is something adds worthy that is operating in his soul.
10:01 And one day it all boiled over when he saw an Egyptian
10:05 and beating a Hebrew, and it showed up in a murderous rage
10:10 as he killed the Egyptian and buried his body in the sand.
10:15 And understand, friends, that shortly thereafter,
10:19 Moses sees two Hebrews fighting among one another.
10:24 And notice that Moses steps in as an arbiter of peace.
10:28 He comes to try to consolidate and lead his people,
10:33 and he says to them, Why are you fighting one another?
10:36 Seeing as how you both are Hebrews.
10:38 In other words, friends.
10:39 Moses is at a place where he is ready to lead a revolution.
10:44 He's trying to get his people on the same page.
10:47 He steps into this space with the grace of Nelson
10:50 Mandela, the age of Malcolm X and the courage of Martin
10:55 Luther King.
10:56 Moses is ready to take the helm.
11:00 But notice they don't applaud Moses leadership.
11:03 The Bible says they mock his leadership.
11:07 In fact, they don't applaud Moses.
11:09 They turn on Moses and say, Who are you to be judge?
11:13 And Prince over us?
11:14 Will you now kill us the same way you killed
11:19 the Egyptian and understand what happens in Moses mind?
11:22 He gets to a place
11:23 where he tries to lead them, but they mock his leadership.
11:27 They reject his leadership.
11:28 They refuse to follow Moses
11:31 and understand that when Moses talks to God,
11:35 the assumption is not just that they won't believe.
11:38 The assumption is that they won't believe him.
11:43 In other words, Church Moses is at a place where he's saying,
11:46 God, I've been there, done that, and got the T-shirt.
11:50 He's saying, Moses,
11:51 I've already tried to lead, but it didn't work.
11:55 And the reason that Moses is hesitant
11:59 is because he's focused on what happened the last time.
12:03 And friends, can I suggest that you will always be hesitant
12:07 if you spend your time focusing always on what happened
12:12 the last time?
12:13 And see, I need somebody to know that it is folly
12:16 to project next time
12:20 based upon what happened the last time,
12:23 and see how many of us know that sometimes God will aim
12:27 you in the direction of your previous failure.
12:32 Sometimes life has a way of coming full
12:35 circle and God will place you in that same position
12:41 to deal with those same people, to face that same difficulty.
12:46 And he wants the place of your past failure
12:50 to be the place of your current celebration.
12:54 And see, there's somebody today that needs to recognize
12:57 help me, Holy Spirit, that what happened last time
13:03 won't dictate what happens this time.
13:06 I see some of us are wrestling with this
13:09 because you've lived your life
13:10 believing that experience is the best teacher.
13:14 But how many of us know experience is not
13:17 a better teacher than wisdom?
13:20 So you see, wisdom is the teacher.
13:23 Experience is the principal's office.
13:26 Experience is where God sends you
13:28 when you don't listen to wisdom.
13:31 But wisdom is learning how God is moving in this season.
13:37 Are you all with me today, church?
13:38 And see, the reason that some of us are paralyzed
13:40 by failure is because some of us don't realize
13:45 that failure has a purpose.
13:49 All right.
13:50 Let me show you this here from the book Gospel Workers.
13:53 I want you to look at this this text.
13:54 This text here, gospel workers.
13:56 Check it out today.
13:57 Gospel workers, 269.
13:59 Listen. What Ellen White says.
14:00 She says some God trains by bringing them
14:05 into disappointment and a parent. What
14:10 it is his
14:11 purpose that they shall learn to master what he inspires them
14:15 with a determination to prove every apparent failure.
14:19 A success often mean pray and weep because of
14:22 the perplexities and obstacles that confront them.
14:27 But if they will hold the beginning
14:29 of their confidence, steadfast
14:30 until the end, God will make their way clear.
14:34 Success will come
14:35 as they struggle against the apparently insurmountable
14:38 difficulties and will sit with success will come.
14:42 The greatest joy does all catch that today. Church.
14:45 In other words, she literally says that
14:46 sometimes a part of your curriculum
14:51 is failure.
14:52 Sometimes a part of your instruction is difficulty.
14:58 In other words, some of us are going to graduate from Oakwood.
15:01 Some of us went to A&M.
15:02 Some of us went to Harvard.
15:04 But do I have a witness that sometimes
15:07 you got to graduate from the school of hard knocks?
15:11 I hear me today, friends.
15:12 And see.
15:13 One of the things I want to say
15:15 is you've got to be careful how you interpret failure,
15:19 because sometimes you have the right plan.
15:23 You just had the wrong season.
15:26 Okay, so see, some of us had the right instinct.
15:29 You just approached it the wrong way.
15:31 Oh, he'll be Holy Ghost.
15:33 See, I need you to know that Moses had the right
15:36 instead, he was just ahead of Providence.
15:40 Moses had the right plan.
15:43 He just approached it the wrong way
15:45 because they were not to defeat Egypt with hand-to-hand combat.
15:49 God was go in his right hand and strong
15:52 arm to get them the victory.
15:55 In other words, I need somebody know.
15:57 The reason certain things failed
15:59 was because we were approaching.
16:01 There may be the wrong way.
16:03 Or maybe we showed up a little early
16:05 and we were there at the wrong time.
16:09 And see, I need somebody to know that sometimes
16:11 the wrong time doesn't mean that it was a wrong decision. It
16:17 in other words, it was not wrong for you
16:19 to try to seek promotion, but it was wrong to try to get it
16:23 by favor, banking and backslapping.
16:27 God wanted to do it in a way that He got to blow glory.
16:30 It was not wrong for you to try to get the house,
16:33 but maybe you were just a year ahead of God's divine timing.
16:38 Bro, it wasn't wrong for you to take your shot with that girl,
16:41 but maybe she needs a little time to get over yesterday.
16:44 But she might be ready a little time from now.
16:48 It was not wrong for you to try to start the business,
16:51 but sometimes you are just ahead of divine timing.
16:54 And the hard truth to embrace is that sometimes failure is
16:59 what happens when good intentions are done
17:02 and bad timing.
17:05 Sometimes things fail because I tried the right thing,
17:09 but I approached it the wrong way.
17:12 And see, sometimes God is taking you back
17:14 to the place of previous humiliation
17:17 and he's saying, This time
17:18 I want you to approach it a little bit more prayerfully.
17:21 This time I don't want you to leave
17:22 according to your own devices, he says.
17:25 This time, don't try to box me into your schedule.
17:29 I need you to be still and let me be God over your life.
17:32 Are you hearing me today, Prince?
17:34 Can I give you a contemporary example of this?
17:36 Do you realize
17:37 that our president, Joe Biden, he ran for president in 1988,
17:42 but it was discovered that he plagiarized a speech
17:44 from a British politician and he had to drop out.
17:48 Then he ran again in 2008, but he came up against
17:51 a providential figure in Barack Hussein Obama.
17:56 But God had an ordained season where somebody
17:58 had to stand up against Trump and he had to put
18:01 a chocolate girl named Camilla next to him in the White House.
18:06 In other words, it had to be the right time
18:09 and the right season and with the right people.
18:12 And God is saying to somebody,
18:14 don't be afraid of what happened last time
18:18 because you're in the right season this time.
18:22 And there are some that are afraid to revisit the vision
18:25 because of what happened last time.
18:27 Some are afraid to retake the class
18:29 because of what happened last time.
18:31 Some are afraid to get active in church
18:33 because of what happened last time.
18:35 But I need to free somebody to know
18:37 that what happened last time
18:40 will determine what happens this time.
18:42 I go with the church.
18:45 Second thing that our story teaches us
18:47 this afternoon is this is that when God is calling you,
18:51 just worry about your part.
18:55 Well,
18:57 let me say it again.
18:58 When God is calling you friends of mine
19:00 and call people in the room today, when God is calling you,
19:03 don't worry about all the logistics.
19:07 Don't worry about all the details.
19:09 Just worry about doing your part.
19:13 Why are you saying that part?
19:14 Cause I need this truth to get down in somebody's spirit.
19:18 When God brings something to your attention.
19:21 When God put something on your heart.
19:23 I need you to stop focusing on all the data and the details.
19:26 And what is all you got to focus on is what God told you to do.
19:32 Because how many of us know that God
19:34 will never ask you to cook without buying the groceries,
19:38 that God will never send you to a field
19:42 that He has not already prepared you to be able to work.
19:46 I need somebody to know that before God, God prepares
19:49 the one that has been assigned and God prepares the assignment.
19:55 Are you all with me today? Church Let me show it to you.
19:57 Patriarchs from Prophets here.
19:59 Page 245 Want you to see this real quick.
20:03 I need you to catch this literally, she says.
20:05 The elders of Israel were taught by angels
20:11 that the time of their deliverance was near
20:14 and that Moses was the man
20:17 whom God would employ to accomplish this work.
20:21 Angels instructed Moses also that Jehovah had chosen him
20:25 to break the bondage of his people.
20:27 Oh God, some of y'all Ms. starts out
20:30 the y'all
20:31 realize that on one side of the visible
20:34 Moses is complaining and saying, Lord,
20:36 they won't believe me if I show up.
20:38 But on the other
20:40 side of the visible, God had already sent angels
20:44 to create a soft landing spot and had prepared
20:49 the way for Moses to succeed.
20:53 I need you to notice something about this church.
20:55 I need you to take note of the fact that God, since
20:58 angels to the Elders.
21:01 He didn't send angels to convince the entire camp
21:06 God, just since angels to convince the influential ones
21:11 that will help Moses get the vision into reality.
21:15 And the reason that's important is because some of us only see
21:18 God when there is consensus, when everybody applauds
21:22 your vision and everybody stands behind your initiative.
21:27 But I need somebody to know
21:28 that God is never go convince everybody.
21:32 He's just got awakened, some influential and critical people
21:37 to help you get to where he's ordained for you to be.
21:40 In other words,
21:41 God is not going to convince all of your coworkers
21:45 that you need to have the position.
21:46 God is just go
21:48 alert the boss that you are the one that needs to be there.
21:52 In other words, this God and God sent 40 men
21:55 to act you out like The Bachelorette.
21:58 He's just going to send the right man
22:00 with the right intentions at the right time.
22:04 God ain't going to convince everybody on the board.
22:06 He's just going to get
22:08 the influential ones to help move the vision across.
22:12 You don't need everybody to cheer you on.
22:16 You just got to let God
22:18 alert the influencers to help His purpose become clear.
22:23 Are y'all with the Today Church?
22:27 But the larger idea is, Oh God, this is too good to me,
22:30 is that Moses is on
22:32 one side resisting.
22:36 He's on one side of the visible, talking about all the reasons
22:39 why he can't.
22:40 But God is on the other side, and He's already worked out
22:44 the reasons and the obstacles in Moses way.
22:47 In other words,
22:48 while Moses is over here trying to figure it out,
22:52 God has already gone ahead of Him
22:55 and worked that thing out.
22:56 Y'all with me today, church
22:59 and see, I need somebody to understand this critical truth
23:02 that God never sends you where He hadn't already been.
23:07 I need you to know that when you walk in faith,
23:09 you're not creating the path.
23:11 You're walking in the path that has been established
23:14 and prepared for you.
23:15 By God, y'all hear me today?
23:16 Church?
23:18 And I need you to know that this is not
23:19 the only time that God does this.
23:21 There is actually a trend in Scripture of God
23:24 preparing the way
23:26 for those that He calls to do a very specific work.
23:30 Do you remember the story of Jacob and Esau?
23:33 When Jacob heard that Esau was near that night,
23:35 he wrestled with God,
23:37 but before he did, he sent gifts to pacify Esau.
23:41 He sent the wives and the kids ahead
23:44 because he was bracing himself to be slaughtered.
23:47 But God had already gone ahead and removed all the poison
23:50 from Esau, his heart,
23:52 so that by the time they met one another, Esau hugged Jacob
23:57 and poured gifts and blessings upon him and his tribe.
24:00 Do y'all remember
24:01 in chapter nine, after Saul, who became Paul, got converted,
24:06 he was told to go into a house and wait for a man named Anenih.
24:11 But God showed up to an analysis and said, I want you to go to
24:14 Straight Street and see a man named Saul.
24:18 And and
24:19 now you say that man has done great harm to your church,
24:22 but God said to Nice, he is my chosen vessel.
24:26 So that by the time in a nice gift to Paul,
24:29 he finds an open minded Paul,
24:31 and Paul finds a willing and a nice and it is
24:33 there that he receives his sight and begins his mission.
24:38 Y'all start not here yet. That's Chapter ten.
24:40 There was a man named Cornelius, a gentile who loved God.
24:45 And God told Cornelius to send a delegation to Peter.
24:48 But he knew Peter would not receive him
24:50 because he was a Gentile.
24:51 And so God gives Peter a visit
24:54 of unclean food and meat, and he tells him to engage.
24:58 But the vision was not about food.
24:59 It was about people so that he would not call man
25:03 uncommon and unclean.
25:04 And as soon as the vision is, Peter's delegation
25:08 was knocking at the door so that God prepared them to
25:11 receive him
25:14 before they ever got there.
25:15 And what I'm saying to somebody, church, is that the same way
25:20 God prepared Esau to receive Moses,
25:23 the same way God's prepared and a nice to receive Paul
25:27 the same way God prepared Peter to receive.
25:29 And a nice is the same way
25:32 that God doesn't leave any of your circumstance
25:34 as up to chance.
25:35 And did you know the God that knows the end from the beginning
25:40 and the beginning from the end has already run ahead of you.
25:44 He's already clear the path he's already made away.
25:47 So all you got to do is worry
25:50 about your parts.
25:53 Are you hear me today?
25:54 France
25:56 thank you for joining us for the Breath of life
25:59 television ministries broadcasts with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
26:03 We hope and pray
26:04 that you have been blessed by the second message
26:08 in the new sermon series ExcuseLess
26:12 Join us next week for part two of the message.
26:16 “Take What's Yours.” You don't want to miss.
26:19 Hello, I'm Pastor
26:21 Snell, speaker, director for The Breath of Life
26:23 Television Ministry.
26:25 This ministry was established to take the gospel of Jesus
26:28 Christ throughout North America and across the globe.
26:33 My goal is to make Jesus Christ
26:35 known through the preaching of the word.
26:39 I need you to know that we need your financial partnership
26:43 in order to make sure that the Gospel can go into every hill,
26:48 into every rural county, and into every inner city.
26:52 And we can only take the gospel as far as the gifts
26:55 that you lend to us.
26:56 We thank you for your financial partnership in the past,
27:01 and I'm asking that you continue to be a financial partner
27:05 with this ministry going forward.
27:07 Here are some ways you can give.
27:09 You can give online at our website,
27:12 at
27:15 You can send your gift by mail to Breath of Life.
27:17 P.O. Box 5960.
27:20 Huntsville, Alabama 35814.
27:23 You can call the office at 2569296460.
27:28 Or you can text the phrase “GIVE2BOLTV”
27:32 188-364-GIVE or the easiest thing is through.
27:36 Cashapp at $BreathofLifeTV.
27:41 I want you to know that every dime
27:44 that you give goes right back into the ministry
27:48 so that we can enlarge our reach
27:51 and make sure that the entire world knows that
27:54 Jesus saves and that Jesus Christ is coming again.
27:59 God bless you, and we thank you for your generosity to
28:02 the Breath of Life Ministry


Revised 2024-07-24