Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000132S

00:07 #S069 - Why Me? (Part 1)
00:20 Exodus
00:21 chapter four and verse number six.
00:24 As we get into the word of the living God
00:26 today, Exodus four in verse six.
00:32 You all remember last week we're dealing with Moses
00:34 for the last couple of weeks that he's putting up excuses.
00:37 First week, he says, Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh.
00:41 Last week you said, They won't believe me,
00:43 but there are still some excuses that God
00:47 has to help him process with faith.
00:49 Furthermore, the Lord said to him,
00:53 Now put your hand in your bosom.
00:56 And He put His hand in his bosom.
00:58 And when he took it out,
01:00 behold, his hand was leprous, like snow.
01:04 And he say, Put your hand in your bosom again.
01:07 So he put his hand in his bosom again
01:10 and drew it out of his bosom,
01:12 and behold it was restored like his other flesh.
01:17 Then it will be if they do not believe
01:20 nor heed the message of the first sign
01:23 that they may believe the message of the latter sign,
01:26 and it shall be
01:27 that if they do not believe even these two signs
01:31 or listen to your voice, that you shall take water
01:33 from the river and pour it on dry land.
01:37 The water which you take from the river will become blood
01:40 on the dry land.
01:42 Then Moses
01:43 said to the Lord, another excuse.
01:47 Oh my Lord, I am not eloquent,
01:50 neither before you, since you have spoken to your servant.
01:54 But I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.
01:58 So the Lord said to him, Who made man's mouth
02:03 or who make the mute?
02:05 The deaf, the seal or the blind
02:09 have not heard the Lord.
02:12 Now, therefore, go
02:15 and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you will say.
02:19 Have you all noticed that God doesn't give suggestions
02:23 and that God didn't give recommendation?
02:27 But then in verse 13,
02:29 but he said, Oh my Lord,
02:32 please send by the name of
02:35 whomever else you may send.
02:38 So the anger of the Lord was kindled against the mouth,
02:43 and he said, Is not Aaron, the Levite, your brother?
02:45 I know that he can speak well.
02:48 And look, he is coming out to meet you.
02:51 And when he sees you, he will be glad in his heart.
02:54 Now you shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth.
02:58 And I will be with your mouth and with his mouth,
03:01 and I will teach you what you shall do.
03:03 So he shall be spokesman to the people, and he himself
03:06 shall be as a mouth for you, and you shall be to Him as God.
03:12 And you shall take this rod in your name
03:15 with which you shall do the sign.
03:18 But again, I'm
03:19 going to emphasize verse 13, but he said, Oh my Lord,
03:23 please send
03:24 by the hand of whomever else you may send today.
03:30 Sent for just a little while.
03:31 I want to talk to you under the subject.
03:34 Lord, why me?
03:38 Lord, why me?
03:40 Let's pray together,
03:42 Father.
03:45 Would you
03:47 permit hope to explode in this room?
03:52 Father.
03:53 I pray for that soul that is tethered to their fears
03:58 that they may be loosed
04:00 to that person who is intimidated
04:02 by their assignment may be emboldened.
04:07 And Lord, I pray that every slavish hold
04:11 that excuses have upon us as a people,
04:15 that we would be freed from this day.
04:18 May faith
04:19 be multiplied exponentially in the hearing of the word.
04:22 Would you please hide me in the shadows of the cross that
04:25 Jesus alone might be seen, that Christ alone would be heard?
04:30 And at the end of our time together,
04:31 let Jesus alone be free.
04:34 Bless us to the dead.
04:35 We ask in the wonderful name of Jesus.
04:38 Let them that believe. Say together.
04:39 Amen. Amen.
04:41 You may be seated in the house of the Lord again, talking
04:45 under the subject.
04:46 Why me?
04:53 You know, Church, there is
04:55 a powerful phenomena
04:58 that occurs in the body
05:01 whenever a bone suffers a break or a fracture.
05:06 Whenever a bone is broken, it goes through three phases.
05:10 First,
05:11 there is the inflammatory phase where there is much swelling.
05:15 Second, there is the reparative phase.
05:18 And third, there is the remodeling phase.
05:22 But there is something very powerful that happens
05:24 in that second or reparative phase.
05:28 What the body does is it sends a an abundant
05:31 calcium supply to the area of the break,
05:35 and it forms what is called a callus.
05:38 And for a short while,
05:40 that bone is stronger in the healing process
05:44 than it was before the break ever took place.
05:48 It is as if the body set up compensation for the broken
05:54 and got sins extra to the weak to make the weak part strong.
05:59 In other words, God is the one who supplies for that,
06:03 and God set it up to make up the difference.
06:05 And friends, this medical phenomenon
06:08 is simply a role playing for a spiritual truth
06:12 for God doesn't just call perfect people.
06:15 How many of us know that God calls broken people
06:19 and the Scripture is clear that God says, I'm
06:22 going to allow my strength to be made perfect in your weakness,
06:27 so that if you're willing, God will send such a radical
06:31 deposit to the area of your brokenness.
06:35 He'll send area extra to the area of your weakness
06:40 so that your weakness begins to operate like a strength
06:44 because you serve the God that make up the difference.
06:49 You serve the God that supplies what you lack.
06:53 And this is critical for those on the excuse list
06:55 journey, because too often we point to our lack
07:01 as a reason why we cannot grow and why we cannot progress.
07:05 But I need you to know
07:06 that you serve the God that makes up the difference.
07:09 In other words, church
07:10 God will send such a strong anointing and favor
07:15 that your deficit becomes a surplus.
07:19 If you're willing, God will turn your financial
07:21 lack into financial abundance.
07:25 God will operate in your fears
07:28 and give a favor that is greater than your phobias.
07:31 God will take the enemies who are against you
07:35 and make them the footstool that actually elevates you.
07:39 God will turn your support desert into a support stream.
07:43 And I need somebody to stop looking at what you don't have.
07:47 I need you to stop focusing on what you don't have.
07:51 I need you to recognize that you serve the God
07:54 that make up the difference.
07:57 You serve the God that will supply what you lack.
08:00 Are you with me today?
08:01 CHURCH And so, friends, as we go back here to Exodus
08:05 chapter four,
08:06 our text
08:07 today is filled with some very simple lessons of faith.
08:12 But the first thing it teaches is that if you ask God to speak,
08:18 you've got to be willing to hear.
08:20 Let me say it again
08:21 that don't ask the Lord to speak.
08:25 If you're not willing to hear.
08:28 In other words, I want to just lay this out
08:31 before you ask the Lord to show you something.
08:35 Ask the Lord for eyes to see what He's going to show you
08:39 before you ask the Lord to speak.
08:43 Pray for ears to hear what the Spirit is about
08:46 to say to the Church.
08:48 Because I am convinced that our primary issue
08:53 is not the ability to hear what God is saying.
08:57 Our struggle is to be able to abide with what God is saying.
09:01 And friends, as you look at this conversation
09:04 unfold, what becomes clear is that Moses
09:07 does not have a lack of clarity about what God is saying.
09:13 He's simply struggling to abide with what God has said.
09:17 And see, often it is the case where some will say, Pastor,
09:21 the Lord will have to come down himself
09:23 and tell me to do X, Y and Z.
09:27 But the truth is, this is exactly what has happened.
09:30 God has come down and given signs.
09:34 And yet Moses steals drives against the wheel of his maker.
09:39 And what I'm learning, church, is that it doesn't matter
09:41 how powerfully God reveals something.
09:45 If I'm not open to hearing what He's saying,
09:49 I will misinterpret the will of God.
09:52 In other words, could God make this any clearer?
09:56 I mean, look at this thing.
09:57 God shows up in a bush that cannot be consumed.
10:02 God doesn't
10:03 speak through the stills, small voice of the spirit.
10:06 He speaks in audible tones
10:09 that can be heard with the ears of Moses.
10:12 He's in a place where he drops the rod
10:14 and it becomes a serpent.
10:15 He picks up those serpent and it becomes a rod.
10:20 He puts his hand in its bosom and it becomes leprous.
10:23 And when he puts it in again, it becomes very keeled.
10:27 And I need somebody to understand that the issue
10:29 is not his ability to hear what God is saying.
10:33 His issue is his unwillingness to abide
10:36 with what God is saying.
10:37 And even though he has infallible proofs,
10:41 he still comes to God with another excuse
10:44 about not being able to talk.
10:46 I hear me today.
10:47 Church as the as we stated in the book,
10:50 one of the most dangerously spiritual
10:52 things a believer can do is have a made up mind,
10:58 not. I know that feels like heresy to some
11:01 because you've
11:02 been told your whole life to have a made up mind.
11:06 But it is dangerous when you've created
11:08 a spiritual lead on your thinking,
11:11 because there is something about us
11:12 as humans where it's dangerous when you choose the path.
11:17 When you create your own script.
11:20 When you are the narrator of your own purpose.
11:23 And how many of us know I'm telling the truth?
11:25 That when I script it one way, it's
11:29 hard for me to see it unfold in a different way.
11:33 And see, that's the problem with Moses.
11:35 He had already made up in his mind
11:38 that he was never going back to Egypt.
11:41 He made up in his mind that he was going to live in Midian,
11:45 that he would die in Midian, that he would never depart
11:48 from Midian.
11:49 And the reason he's resisting the plan
11:53 was because he did not construct it.
11:57 You see, this is our era of church.
12:01 Often times we will choose a path
12:04 and then pray for guidance.
12:07 We will choose a path
12:11 and then say, Lord, show me where to go and see.
12:14 The problem with that approach is that at that point,
12:17 when you are already choosing the road,
12:20 you are not asking the Lord for revelation.
12:23 You are simply seeking the Lord for a confirmation.
12:26 I don't really want to know God's opinion.
12:29 I just want God to rubberstamp what I've already decided
12:33 and say.
12:34 I need somebody to hear me on this cause.
12:35 Tell me, young brother,
12:36 if you've already decided she is the one
12:40 you couldn't hear God if he said she's not the one.
12:45 In other words, if you've already decided that
12:48 he's just a friend, then you can't hear God.
12:51 If He says that he might be more than a friend.
12:54 In other words,
12:55 if you've already decided not to get the surgery,
12:58 you can't hear.
12:59 If God says that's your path to healing.
13:03 In other words, if you've already
13:04 decided on Spelman or Howard, you can't hear.
13:07 If God says, Oh, good, is where I want you to be.
13:11 And see, I need somebody to know that the greatest barrier
13:15 to divine revelation is a made up mind.
13:18 You see, too often we invert the order.
13:21 We make up our minds before God has spoken.
13:25 But the truth is, you make up your mind once God has spoken.
13:29 We make up our mind based upon our preference.
13:33 But you settle your mind based upon his promise.
13:36 There are times
13:37 where we make up our minds based on what's convenient.
13:41 But to make up your mind on your spiritual convictions
13:45 and the church, there are times where our world is imploding.
13:49 We're making our decisions come to a marvelous ruin,
13:53 where we are being buffeted by the choices of our own making.
13:57 And what happens is when our world begins to collapse.
14:00 We get to a place where we cry out to the Lord
14:03 and we wonder why God is not speaking.
14:06 We are stressed because God is not talking.
14:08 But what I've learned the hard way
14:09 is that the only time God stops speaking
14:13 is when we stop listening.
14:17 In other words, Church, I need somebody to know
14:20 that the greatest key for being able to hear the Word of God.
14:24 It is not necessarily your moral perfection.
14:26 It is not necessarily your ardent, prayerful ness.
14:30 I need you to know that the primary trait of being able
14:32 to hear God is to maintain an open ness
14:37 to whatever God has to say.
14:38 You are hearing the pastor today.
14:40 All right. Real quick, let me say it this way.
14:42 In other words, here I have three types of vessels
14:45 here on this table.
14:47 Zoom in real quick and see.
14:48 I am at a place where I want to pour something into a vessel.
14:54 But I need you to recognize
14:55 I can't pour nothing into this vessel
14:59 because it's a closed vessel.
15:02 Oh, you're acting brand new.
15:04 In other words, I got a lot to give,
15:06 but I can't give it to a vessel that's already close.
15:10 But then I want to give it to this vessel.
15:13 But this vessel is so full
15:15 that it ain't got no room to receive.
15:17 Y'all missing it today.
15:19 In other words, I can't give nothing to a closed vessel.
15:23 And see, the problem
15:24 is, is not that you can't hear God say forgive.
15:29 You're just close to forgiveness.
15:31 You're close to moving.
15:33 You're close to adjusting.
15:36 And the reason some can't hear God do certain
15:38 things is because you're so full of your own opinion.
15:43 You're so full of your own ideas.
15:46 You're so full of what somebody else has to say.
15:50 And so I need you to know that there is a third vessel,
15:52 if not better, than the other vessels.
15:55 The only advantage is that it's open and it's empty
16:00 and it's available to receive what I have to pour.
16:05 And can I suggest
16:06 that God is looking for some available vessels?
16:10 He's looking for some open vessels.
16:12 He's looking for some empty vessels to receive
16:15 what he has to say.
16:19 Are you hearing the word today, church?
16:22 So as we move
16:23 a little further into this word, the second thing
16:25 I need you to know technically in the speeches
16:29 is that when you are thankful to be spared,
16:33 you're more open to being used.
16:37 Okay?
16:39 When you are thankful
16:41 that God spared you,
16:45 you're more open to God using you.
16:49 Now I need you to be reflective on your own life
16:52 journey as we unpack this particular statement.
16:56 You see oftentimes, friends, we look at this story
16:58 as the day God called Moses.
17:02 But I need you to be clear that Moses has been called
17:05 since the day of his birth.
17:07 This is not the day got called Moses.
17:10 This was simply the day God cornered Moses.
17:14 It was a day where he simply left.
17:16 No exit.
17:17 There is no escape route.
17:21 This is simply where he skeet shoots all of Moses excuses.
17:25 And I need somebody to hear me on this,
17:27 because some of us
17:28 are kind of thinking that maybe God right now is calling me.
17:31 No, you been called since you were born.
17:35 But this season and this season of prayer
17:38 is simply where God is cornering you.
17:40 He is sequestering you, and He is removing
17:43 all of the excuses from your growth and progress.
17:46 Are you hearing me today?
17:49 Now, the reason this is critical,
17:50 if you recall, friends,
17:51 that Moses was born in the midst of a Hebrew genocide.
17:55 Y'all remember that?
17:56 You remember that Pharaoh, in anticipation of a deliverer,
18:02 decided that they were going to take all of the male children
18:05 and cast them into the river.
18:07 In fact, his goal over time was to dilute the dying
18:11 Hebrew race by destroying all of the men,
18:15 and in time they would impregnate the women
18:17 with Egyptian seed
18:19 because there would not be any Hebrew males for them to marry.
18:24 And if you recall, God raised up a group of bold midwives
18:29 who would not obey the command, and they preserve
18:32 some of the boys of whom Moses was one.
18:36 And it's crazy because Moses is in a space
18:38 where when he comes to Israel, he ought to notice
18:41 that there are hardly any men his age.
18:45 In fact, all of the men are older than him.
18:49 Most of the men are actually younger than him.
18:51 Because Moses survives
18:56 what should have consumed him.
18:59 In other words, his very existence is an anomaly.
19:04 His very being is against the odds.
19:07 Moses is a monument that God can keep you
19:13 in. What should have killed you?
19:16 Oh, I need to think about this for a moment.
19:19 I need you to
19:21 look at all of the things that God spared Moses from.
19:24 Not only did
19:25 He spare Moses from the slavery as a child, in addition,
19:29 he spared Moses
19:31 from the genocide and from being thrown into the river.
19:36 And in addition to this, when Moses mom put him in a basket
19:40 and sealed it with pits and put him in a rushing
19:43 river, God spared him from being drowning.
19:46 God spared him from crocodile attacks.
19:49 God spared him from hippopotamus.
19:52 And not only did despair and then once he killed the Egyptian
19:57 God stabbed him when he fled from the face of Pharaoh.
20:01 In other words, friends, you would think that after
20:03 all of that, that he would be mindful and grateful of the fact
20:08 that it was the hand of God that spared him.
20:11 And see, some of us still have missed our South.
20:13 You see, some of us don't see ourselves as special
20:18 because like Moses, we're looking at what we lack.
20:21 But I need you to know that you are special.
20:23 If you've been spared.
20:25 No, no, no, no, no.
20:26 If you've been spared, you are special to God.
20:31 Stop looking at your talent.
20:33 Stop looking at how much money you've got in the bank.
20:36 Stop looking at what you drive.
20:38 If the hand of God
20:39 spared you, it's because you are special to God.
20:44 Do I have any smartphones in this room today?
20:46 Oh, God.
20:48 But the truth is, there are some men in this room
20:52 that grew up in that part of town where not only did
20:55 you have to get past a gang,
20:57 you had to also get past the police.
21:00 And you are still here because God stands here.
21:04 There are some ladies in the room
21:05 that have survived some abuses that are unthinkable.
21:10 But you are still here because the hand of the Lord spared you.
21:14 There are some of us
21:16 that have survived the type of cancer that kills most people.
21:21 But you're still here because God's failed you.
21:25 There are some that almost got in the wreck,
21:28 or you actually got into the wreck,
21:29 but you walked away without a scratch
21:32 because the hand of the Lord's Prayer to
21:35 your mother was supposed to go to the abortion clinic,
21:39 but she changed her mind
21:40 at the last minute because God spared you.
21:45 You should have overdosed back in the day,
21:47 but God kept you and spared you.
21:51 I know you all praise Him with me,
21:52 but some of us should have AIDS crawling all over our bodies.
21:58 But we have been spared
22:01 by the hand of the Almighty God.
22:05 Can we just take a moment
22:07 and praise him that we've been spared?
22:11 Can you praise him
22:14 that the weapon was flawed but it did prosper?
22:18 Can you praise him?
22:19 That he should have ended a long time ago.
22:22 But you're still here.
22:24 Oh, act like you have always been right.
22:28 But you are here because you have been kept
22:33 by the hand of God.
22:36 But what's this church?
22:37 This is the point.
22:39 The most spared people
22:42 ought to be the most relieved people.
22:45 Because bad people
22:47 are just so grateful to still be here.
22:51 To stand for.
22:52 No, I should have been dead a long time ago.
22:55 And they realize that I'm in the bonus.
22:59 Today is an extra day.
23:02 And because you realize it should have ended back.
23:05 Did you just say to the Lord, whatever life I have left,
23:10 however many blessed you give,
23:13 I'm going to give them for your glory.
23:17 Are you here?
23:17 Me today?
23:18 Turn to me up, Edmund, and see.
23:22 This is a crazy thing
23:25 because at this juncture
23:29 in Moses life, he hadn't connected the dots.
23:34 He don't even realize what God has done for him.
23:38 He thinks that He survived the slavery and the genocide
23:42 and being an exile and a fugitive and the river.
23:45 He thinks these are just random coincidences
23:48 that happen to work out in his favor.
23:52 But Moses, like some of us, doesn't realize he's not lucky.
23:54 He's blessed, he's not fortunate.
23:57 He's called the hand of the Lord has simply been upon him.
24:02 And see, I need somebody to realize this immovable truth
24:05 that you were spared. Not for your comfort.
24:08 You are
24:09 spared so that your life might be lived
24:13 to for the glory of the Almighty God.
24:16 You are hear me today at church
24:17 and say I need somebody to know that this is not 100% true.
24:22 But there is much accuracy to what I'm about to say.
24:25 You see, oftentimes what you've been spared from
24:29 is an announcement of what you ought to be ministering to.
24:33 Okay.
24:36 In other words, I need to know
24:38 we find our purpose very often in our former pain.
24:43 So where God has delivered us, he calls us
24:46 to become deliverers.
24:48 I you hear me today?
24:49 Church
24:50 Because the truth is,
24:51 there is no one that is a stronger advocate for cancer
24:55 like those that are survivors of cancer,
24:59 that there is nobody a stronger advocate for domestic violence
25:03 like those that have come out of that tidal abuse.
25:07 There is no greater advocate for mental health
25:09 like those that have come on the healing journey.
25:12 There is no greater prison minister like former
25:15 prison occupant.
25:17 There is nobody that can preach to a drug addict
25:21 like those that have once been delivered.
25:24 And what I'm saying to somebody today is you've got to learn
25:26 how to rightly appropriate your end.
25:29 Slow it. Don't get so say
25:34 that you
25:35 forget where God brought you from
25:39 has got draw anybody in this room.
25:42 I'm mighty, mighty, mighty long way.
25:45 Maybe you won't deliver some drugs.
25:48 Maybe you won't deliver from alcohol.
25:51 But maybe you've been religious your whole life
25:53 and you got delivered from self-righteousness.
25:55 Almighty, why did you do that?
25:58 Thank you for joining us for The Breath of Life
26:02 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleair Snell.
26:05 We hope and pray that you have been blessed by this
26:08 third message in the new sermon series Ex Useless.
26:14 Join us next week for part two of the message.
26:17 “Why Me?”
26:19 You don't want to miss.
26:21 Hello, I'm Pastor
26:23 Snell, speaker director for The Breath of Life
26:25 Television Ministry.
26:26 This ministry was established to take the gospel of Jesus
26:30 Christ throughout North America and across the globe.
26:34 My goal is to make Jesus Christ
26:38 known through the preaching of the word.
26:41 I need you to know that we need your financial partnership
26:45 in order to make sure that the Gospel can go into every hill,
26:50 into every rural county, and into every inner city.
26:53 And we can only take the gospel as far as the gifts
26:56 that you lend to us.
26:58 We thank you for your financial partnership in the past,
27:03 and I'm asking that you continue to be a financial partner
27:07 with this ministry going forward.
27:08 Here are some ways you can give.
27:11 You can give online at our website
27:14 at WW w breath of life dot TV.
27:17 You can send your gift by mail to Breath of Life.
27:19 P.O. Box 5960.
27:22 Huntsville, Alabama 35814.
27:25 You can call the office at 256-929-6460.
27:30 Or you can text the phrase GIVE2BOLTV to 188-364-Give
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27:43 I want you to know that every dime that you give goes
27:47 right back into the ministry so that we can enlarge our reach
27:53 and make sure that the entire new world knows that
27:56 Jesus saves and that Jesus Christ is coming again.
28:01 God bless you, and we thank you for your generosity to the


Revised 2024-08-07