Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000134S

00:06 #S070 - “Stop Watching Other People Eat” (Part 1)
00:20 I want to invite you to remain standing
00:21 because we go to the scriptures today.
00:22 Judges, chapter six.
00:24 Judges, chapter six.
00:26 And we're going to begin together
00:27 at verse number one, judges chapter six.
00:31 And we will begin together at verse number one.
00:35 When you get there, let me hear you say a man
00:39 judges.
00:39 Chapter six.
00:42 We're going to look together at verse number one.
00:46 You get there, you see past the room there.
00:49 I'm going to try to be quick today.
00:55 I just said them a try and we'll see where it lands.
01:01 The Bible says then the children of Israel
01:04 did evil in the sight of the Lord.
01:07 So I want you to notice how the Lord responds to this
01:10 so the Lord deliver them into the hand of
01:13 Midian for seven years,
01:16 and the hand of
01:17 Midian prevailed against Israel because of the midnights.
01:21 The children of Israel made for themselves dens,
01:25 the caves and the strongholds which are in the mountains.
01:28 And so it was when ever Israel had sown
01:32 Midian nights would come up also a malachite
01:36 and the people of the east would come up against them.
01:40 Then they would encamped
01:41 against them and destroy the produce of the earth
01:45 as far as Gaza and leave no sustenance for Israel.
01:49 Neither she nor ox
01:50 nor donkey, for they would come up with their livestock
01:54 and their tents coming in as numerous as locusts.
01:59 Both they and the camels were without number
02:02 and they would enter the land to destroy it.
02:05 So Israel was greatly impoverished
02:08 because of the midnights
02:09 and the children of Israel cried out to the Lord
02:13 and it came to pass when the children of Israel
02:15 cried out to the Lord because of the midnight,
02:18 so that the Lord sent a prophet to the children of Israel
02:21 who sent them to them.
02:22 Thus they as the Lord God of Israel.
02:24 I brought you up out of Egypt and brought you out of the house
02:28 of bondage, and I delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians
02:33 and out of the hand of all those who oppressed you
02:35 and drove them out before you and gave you what
02:40 their name.
02:42 Also, I said unto you, I am the Lord your God.
02:46 Do not fear the God of the Emirates
02:49 in whose land you dwell, but you have not obeyed my voice.
02:53 Verse 11
02:55 Now the angel of the Lord came and sat under the terrible tree
03:00 which was in O'Farrell, which belonged to Joash the Beza
03:04 right while his son Gideon Thrace, wheat in the wine
03:08 press in order to hide it from the midnight,
03:13 and the Angel of the Lord appeared
03:15 to him,
03:16 anybody ever thankful that God still appears to His people?
03:19 The Bible says the angel of the Lord appeared to him
03:22 and said unto him,
03:24 the Lord is with you, mighty men of valor
03:28 and Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord,
03:32 if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us?
03:36 And where are all His miracles which our father
03:40 has told us about?
03:41 Saying, Did not the Lord bring us up from the land of Egypt?
03:46 Now the Lord has forsaken us and delivered us
03:48 into the hands of the mighty.
03:50 And then the Lord turned to him and said,
03:54 Go in this might of yours
03:57 and you shall save Israel from the hand of the midnight.
04:01 Have I not sent you?
04:05 And again I want to reprint persist verse number four.
04:08 Then they went in camp against them
04:09 and destroyed the produce of the earth
04:12 as far as Gaza and leave no sustenance for Israel.
04:17 Neither sheep nor ox
04:20 nor donkey today states for a little while.
04:22 I want to talk to you under the subject.
04:24 Stop watching other people, even
04:28 stop watching other people eat.
04:32 Let's pray to God their father.
04:38 All that I have
04:40 in all that I am.
04:42 It's yours.
04:45 So, Father, I'm praying that in this moment
04:46 that you would do a miracle, that you would give us the power
04:52 to hear and act upon your word.
04:55 Lord, would you feel this space with your spirit?
04:59 And at the end of our time together,
05:01 may heaven along with earth rejoice
05:04 because your people have heard
05:06 your word in hearkened unto your voice.
05:09 So, Lord, I'm praying that we would not just see in this text.
05:12 Gideon But Lord, may we see ourselves.
05:17 Hide me in the shadows of the cross.
05:19 That Jesus alone might be seen.
05:21 That Christ alone would be heard.
05:24 And at the end of our time
05:25 together, let Jesus alone be praised.
05:28 Bless us.
05:29 To this end, we ask in the wonderful name
05:30 of Jesus, our Lord, and those who believe, say together, amen,
05:35 and you may be seated in the House of the Lord.
05:45 You know, friends, I want you to know that
05:49 I love our churches theology,
05:55 but sometimes I struggle with
05:57 our church's thinking.
06:02 You see, too often there is this willingness to embrace
06:06 small. This
06:10 so that we even
06:11 demonize biblical terms like overflow
06:15 abundance, prosperity, harvest,
06:19 because we see that as first day language.
06:25 We are the Church of prophecy, but we truly believe
06:29 all visions died with Ellen White in 1950.
06:35 And at a certain point.
06:37 CHURCH We've got to have testimonies beyond
06:41 just thanking God for life, health and strength.
06:44 And let me be clear, I'm thankful for those things.
06:48 But do you realize that those are mercies
06:50 that God gives to those who don't even believe?
06:54 You got to have a testimony that's greater than God.
06:58 Pay the bills and God help me till the end of the month.
07:01 And God, I'm just thankful to have a job. And
07:05 let me be clear, we are thankful for those things.
07:08 But I want God to do more than just pay my bills.
07:13 I want to be able to pay several people's bills.
07:16 Y'all not hear me today?
07:17 I'm not just glad to make it to the end of the month.
07:21 I want to
07:23 have enough and reserves so I can handle months of famine
07:26 when they appear.
07:27 In other words,
07:28 you shouldn't just be praising God for good health,
07:32 but you ought to expect
07:33 to prosper in health as your soul prospers.
07:37 In other words, you are not just thank God
07:39 to get the loan, you are to be the one giving the loan
07:43 and living on the interest that is repaid.
07:46 I don't want to just wake up in the morning.
07:49 I want to have a reason to wake up in the morning
07:53 and say, Please, friends, don't just take my word for it.
07:58 You need to hear and receive the language of Scripture
08:01 and Deuteronomy 28 did not God say to an obedient Israel
08:06 that if you walk in my covenants and keep my ways,
08:10 he says, I'll make you the head and not the tail.
08:13 I'll put you above and not beneath.
08:16 You will be a lender and not a borrower, he says.
08:19 The blessings of the Lord will chase you down and overtake you.
08:26 Do you realize, friends, that you are more than a survivor?
08:30 Romans eight says that we are more than conquerors
08:34 through Christ Jesus who loved us.
08:37 In John ten, in verse ten, Jesus said, I have come
08:41 that to might have life and have it more abundantly.
08:46 Ephesians 320 says now unto him
08:50 that is able to do exceed ingly and abundantly.
08:54 Above all, you can ask our thing and the problem is
08:57 that some of us
08:58 are still looking at me with this logical disgust
09:03 because you're still sitting on the premises
09:06 instead of standing
09:07 on the premises and apart church of our excuse
09:11 this journey
09:12 is a call for some of us to come out of survivors space.
09:17 God is trying to deliver you from a just get by mentality.
09:21 I want more than a barely passing mindset.
09:25 I want my life not to reflect my reality.
09:29 But my life ought to reflect what God promised to me.
09:33 Oh, okay.
09:33 Let me say it this way.
09:35 I remember church on my senior year in high school.
09:37 I was getting ready to go to the prom
09:40 and I remember I was blessed.
09:41 The date
09:42 had already been secured and the rental car was in place,
09:46 but I still needed to get a tuxedo for the prom.
09:49 And I remember that day my dad had given me the opportunity
09:52 to choose the tux.
09:54 In fact, he wrote the name of the tuxedo shop.
09:58 But what he did not do was write an amount in the check.
10:02 And so he said, Son, I want you to choose
10:04 whatever tuxedo you want.
10:07 And so I remember going to the place
10:08 and I saw the cheap tuxedos and the expensive tuxedos.
10:13 And when I was about to get the expensive one,
10:14 I thought to myself, This must be a test.
10:18 I began to get afraid.
10:21 I was anticipating a lecture on overspending,
10:23 and when I got home
10:25 and gave him the receipt for the cheap tuxedo,
10:29 he actually began to fuss at me for spending less
10:32 than what he had provided.
10:34 In fact, he said, Son, your problem
10:37 is that you say too small.
10:40 If I was worried about the amount,
10:42 I would have written it in.
10:44 In other words,
10:45 if I didn't give you a limit, why did you assign a limit?
10:50 And what I'm saying
10:51 is that we need a church with a blank check faith.
10:55 And if God didn't give you a
10:58 limit, why are you assigning I limit?
11:02 You are to walk in what he promised us,
11:05 not what you think that he has designed you.
11:09 You are here in the world today, friends.
11:13 And so as we unpack the word a little bit further today,
11:16 I want you to just see some things in the Scripture.
11:19 You see, our text
11:20 today is filled with powerful nutrients for the soul,
11:25 but the first thing it teaches is that when you make
11:28 excuse says you wind up having to watch other people eat.
11:35 Let me say it again.
11:36 When you make a bunch of excuses,
11:38 you wind up in a position
11:40 where you have to watch other people eat now.
11:43 Now, this is a
11:45 very strange thing, because when you disobey God,
11:49 he reverses the promise of some 23.
11:53 Instead of preparing a table for you
11:56 in the presence of your enemies, he prepares a table
11:59 for your enemies in your presence.
12:01 So Jordan didn't catch that.
12:03 Instead of preparing the table in the presence
12:06 of your enemies, he prepares the table for your enemies.
12:10 In your presence you see here in Judges six, the Lord employs
12:15 a strange form of chastening against his very own people.
12:21 Now recall Israel has failed God in two particular ways.
12:25 The first is that when God gave them the land,
12:28 they did not drive out all the foreigners.
12:31 They allowed them to remain attached.
12:33 And the second thing that they did
12:36 was they committed idolatry in the land that God promised.
12:40 But notice what God's tasting was, not
12:43 God did not drive Israel from the land,
12:47 and neither does God curse the land or the harvest.
12:51 God simply lays up the bounty of the harvest for their enemies.
12:56 In other words, I need you to catch this.
12:58 He does not cause the land to be barren.
13:01 The land bears its fruit
13:03 and its seeds and the vine cast for its fruit.
13:08 When it is time the livestock grows in abundance,
13:11 God does not take away the harvest.
13:14 God just outsources the harvest.
13:16 You are not with me.
13:17 In other words, every year
13:19 the land this plus every year the land gives fruit.
13:23 Every year the oxen are fat.
13:25 And guess what?
13:27 As soon as the food is edible, the Midian knights come up
13:32 and they raid every thing inside and they leave Israel
13:35 with nothing but barrenness
13:39 and understand, friends that God had initially set it
13:42 up, that he would prosper Israel in such a way
13:47 that when the other nations watched them eat,
13:51 it would make them curious about God.
13:53 But because they became curious about other gods,
13:58 Israel now is having to watch other people eat.
14:02 Now remember church.
14:03 This is
14:04 the land that God promised to Abraham and His descendants.
14:08 And God says, I'm going to bless the land.
14:11 God says I'm going to produce the land
14:14 and notice that God makes good on His promise.
14:18 God causes the land to prosper in an abundant fashion.
14:22 God causes the harvest to go into the overflow.
14:25 God does not curse what He gave to them.
14:29 He simply gives what was playing to them, to somebody else.
14:32 You all missed it today.
14:33 And the reason I'm saying this is because there are times
14:38 where we get discouraged by the prosperity of the wicked.
14:41 But how many of us know
14:42 that sometimes the prosperity of the wicked
14:47 is simply the blessings forfeited by the righteous?
14:51 In other words, sometimes they get blessed
14:54 simply because we are acting like them
14:57 instead of acting like him.
14:59 And there are times where we get mad because they
15:02 we think they're being blessed more than we are,
15:06 but they're only being blessed because of how we are.
15:11 Oh, Lord.
15:13 And see, this is important
15:15 because somebody is about to miss God's planned
15:19 blessing for your life
15:21 because of a season of disobedience,
15:25 you see, because you are not acting on the vision
15:27 or the dream.
15:28 God gives you God out sources the blessing of the dream
15:33 to somebody else.
15:36 Okay?
15:38 When God gives a vision or a dream, I need you to know
15:41 He also gives an assignment that is also a call to action.
15:46 And what somebody needs to know
15:47 is that when God gives you a vision,
15:50 the vision is not the
15:51 intellectual property of the one who receives it.
15:56 It is the property of the God who gives it.
16:00 And so if you will not act in obedience with the dream,
16:03 God is not going to cancel the dream.
16:06 He's not going to censor the dream.
16:08 He's simply
16:09 go reassign it to somebody who's going to do something with it.
16:12 You are not acting like now hear me today
16:15 and see, this is critical because there are some of us
16:18 that are just content to be dreamers.
16:23 See, we love to run around in church world
16:27 and talk about how we see things and the spirit
16:30 and how God gives us visions and dreams
16:33 and how God showed you something in the night sees it.
16:37 And for many of us, the dream alone is the trophy.
16:42 But how many of us know that
16:43 only about 5% of those who receive dreams
16:48 actually act upon the dream that God has given them?
16:51 But I need somebody to know
16:53 that visions are not for your spiritual entertainment.
16:57 Visions are not for your church potluck conversation.
17:01 Visions are a call to act upon that with God
17:04 has put in your hearts.
17:07 I see friends of mine.
17:08 I need you to get that.
17:09 When you don't do what God has called you to do,
17:12 you show
17:13 that you're not a worthy steward of the vision God
17:16 has assigned to you.
17:19 You see, church.
17:20 If I don't act on the vision,
17:23 I miss out on the provision.
17:26 Okay. Okay. Yeah.
17:28 See? See, we wonder why they come in the back
17:30 if I don't act on the vision.
17:32 Are y'all here? Me, church?
17:34 I miss out on the provision and see like Israel,
17:37 God is not going to curse
17:39 the harvest that comes from the drain.
17:42 He's just going to reassign the harvest to somebody else.
17:45 Okay. Let me ask you this.
17:47 Has anybody ever been in a place in your life where you saw
17:50 something bearing fruit, you saw something blowing up?
17:56 Maybe it was an idea, maybe it was an app,
17:59 maybe it was a book,
18:01 maybe it was a song, maybe it was a company.
18:05 And when you saw it blowing up, you felt something like this.
18:07 I thought of it first.
18:11 Anybody ever
18:12 had that happen where you saw something invented on QVC?
18:15 Come on and say, man
18:17 and you thought to yourself, Man, I could have did that.
18:21 But the problem is that when God gave it to you,
18:24 it was also a prompting or a vision for you to act on.
18:28 But guess what?
18:29 If you don't act on it, guess what?
18:31 God isn't going curse the dream.
18:34 Guess what is still going to prosper is still going to blow
18:37 up, is still going to bear fruit.
18:40 It's still going to be big.
18:42 God is just going to hand it to somebody else.
18:46 Okay?
18:49 I need somebody to be clear that God is going got somebody
18:52 is going to write the book you are sitting on.
18:55 Somebody is going.
18:56 Patton The invention you keep in your notebook,
19:00 somebody is going to act on the idea that you're
19:02 smothering somebody who's going to publish the recipe.
19:05 God gave you.
19:07 Somebody is going to marry
19:08 that woman you are taking for granted
19:11 saying you're going to be mad and 38 hot when you having
19:15 to watch somebody else eat are you are hear me today
19:18 and I need somebody to be
19:19 clear that the vision is not your intellectual property.
19:22 It belongs to God
19:24 and see, the message for somebody today
19:28 is that when you see others being blessed
19:30 and you see others eating, guess what?
19:31 We ought to rejoice with those who rejoice.
19:35 The truth is that you ought to congratulate
19:36 those who are walking in calling.
19:38 The truth is that you ought to celebrate
19:40 and not become a hater.
19:42 But how many of us are at a place
19:43 where, even though I'm glad to watch you eat,
19:46 I'm not content
19:47 to just sit at the table watching you chow down.
19:51 I want to eat as well.
19:53 I don't want to just sit and watch.
19:55 I want to eat if I'm at the table.
19:59 Listen, listen.
20:00 I just this last week,
20:01 my brother and his wife and my nine month old niece,
20:05 they were here in town for Mother's Day weekend.
20:08 And it's funny because like I remember,
20:08 we would sit down at the
20:10 table and eat and my niece, nine months has just moved past
20:13 the point where she's graduating from milk to table food.
20:18 And it's funny because one time
20:19 my brother took a little too long getting her her food.
20:23 And so we're all sitting down at the table
20:26 and she sits down and she looks to the left
20:27 then and smiles and she looks to the right. But.
20:30 But nobody's feeding her anything but quickly.
20:33 That smile turned into a frown, and all of a sudden
20:36 she took that sippy cup and start banging it on the table.
20:40 And all of a sudden
20:41 she began to grab my brother's arm and try to steer his spoon.
20:45 And after a while
20:46 she grabbed her daddy's shirt and began to yank on it.
20:49 And after a while she grabbed the beard in his face
20:54 to let him know,
20:56 Daddy, I'm not just sitting here to watch it.
21:00 I'm here because I'm hungry and I need something to eat.
21:06 And I just need to know, do I have $0.07?
21:09 Donald, grab your daddy's hand and grab your daddy's shirt
21:14 and grab your daddy's beard and say, Lord,
21:17 I don't want to just sit at the table.
21:20 I'm tired of watching other people.
21:23 We Are y'all here?
21:25 Me today? Friends.
21:28 Come on.
21:30 Second thing this teaches church is that when God calls you,
21:34 he calls from the future.
21:40 You notice
21:45 that God steps into a space with Gideon
21:49 where Gideon is actually trying not to be noticed.
21:53 The reason he is threshing wheat in a wine press is so that
21:58 his activity will not be noticed by the media knights.
22:02 In other words,
22:03 Gideon is making it clear that I'm not about that life.
22:07 I just want to live and let live.
22:10 I just want to get my groceries and go home.
22:13 Y'all catch me today. CHURCH
22:15 But did you notice something
22:17 that when God steps into this space, Julian,
22:21 I need you to notice how he steps to Gideon.
22:24 When he shows up and appears to Gideon, he refers to Gideon
22:28 as mighty man of valor.
22:32 Oh, God.
22:34 In fact, man, there's a disconnect
22:36 somewhat in the conversation,
22:38 because Gideon is just kind of like, no, no,
22:40 you must not be talking to me.
22:42 In fact, man, I'm the weakest man from the weakest tribe.
22:46 When God refers to him
22:48 as mighty man of valor, Gideon, just like, Oh, you must think
22:52 I'm one of my brothers. You'll
22:53 never confuse me and listen all the time we look alike.
22:58 But that's not really. I'm not really that one.
23:01 But God shows up and calls him not what he is.
23:09 God doesn't call him what He is.
23:12 God calls him what He will become
23:16 and see.
23:17 The reason that Gideon is missing it is because
23:21 he's operating in the space of assessment
23:25 and God is operating in this space of prophecy.
23:27 Oh, you're not hearing me the day
23:30 to. The reason
23:31 that Gideon is missing this moment is he's so busy
23:35 a setting his family and assessing his history
23:39 and assessing his capability that he's missing out
23:43 on what God is actually prophesy saying about him
23:48 and see if this is critical for somebody today.
23:51 Because I need you to get out of the assessment
23:54 business.
23:58 I need somebody to be clear on this truth
24:02 that you will never do anything for the glory of God
24:07 if you always live your life assessing what He is.
24:12 Because God, when He calls
24:13 us, He doesn't call us what we are.
24:18 He calls us
24:19 what we shall
24:24 take your time.
24:25 He calls us what we saw become and see.
24:28 The problem is that when you spend
24:30 your life in assessment, you live in a limited reality.
24:35 You see, the truth
24:36 is that some of us are planning our future finances
24:40 based upon our current financial assessment.
24:42 There are some
24:43 that are planning our ministry initiatives based on assessment
24:47 of the size of the team.
24:48 Right now, some of us are planning our romantic future
24:53 based upon the current crop that is before us.
24:56 And I need you to get to a place where you don't live your life
25:00 based upon what you can assess in the present.
25:02 But you got to live your life
25:03 according to what God says about your future.
25:08 Can I say this to somebody in the church?
25:09 You got to learn how to live your life with your eyes closed.
25:17 Because how many of us live in a space
25:19 where sometimes you see
25:20 something different when you close your eyes
25:24 than you do when you open your eyes and see
25:27 God speaks to us sometimes when our eyes are closed.
25:32 But what happens is you've got to always be mindful
25:35 to never interpret your vision through the lens of your sight.
25:41 Because how many of us know that sight will corrupt vision?
25:45 Sight will discredit vision.
25:47 Sight will overwhelm vision.
25:50 Sight will make you think that the vision was a hallucination,
25:54 simply because sometimes what you see when you close your eyes
25:58 won't match what you see when you open your eyes
26:02 and see friends of mine.
26:03 I need you to know that God is not here in the present.
26:08 Looking forward
26:09 to the future.
26:13 Know that Jesus said when he introduced himself
26:16 to the church in Revelation.
26:17 He says, I am the one who was and is
26:22 and I'm the one who is to come so
26:24 that God is not in the present, looking forward to the future.
26:28 God is already in the future,
26:29 waiting for the President to catch up with where He is
26:34 and because God is already in the future, guess what He does?
26:37 He calls you from the future
26:40 and some of us will miss the moment
26:44 and you will assume that God is talking to somebody else.
26:47 You will assume that God is not talking about you
26:50 because He's calling you by your future name.
26:54 And there's somebody that don't have the faith
26:56 to receive what the pastor is saying,
26:58 because I need you to know you ain't even finished school yet.
27:01 But God is calling you mighty professor.
27:06 You haven't written anything,
27:08 but God is calling you bestselling author.
27:10 Y'all not here.
27:12 The music industry is hard,
27:14 but God is calling you Grammy Award winner.
27:17 Now maybe you can't get pregnant,
27:20 but God is calling you mother of three.
27:22 Maybe today
27:23 you're just a real estate agent, but God is calling you mogul.
27:28 Maybe your life is full of sin,
27:31 but God is calling you saint of the most high God.
27:34 Do I have seven folks that know how to answer to your
27:37 future name?
27:39 Thank you for joining us for the Breath of Life
27:42 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
27:48 We hope and pray that you have been blessed
27:50 by this fourth message in the new sermon series
27:55 ExcuseLess Join us next week for part
27:58 two of the message “Stop Watching Other People Eat”.
28:03 You don't want to miss it.
28:07 (Breath Of Life Music)


Revised 2024-08-19