Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000136S

00:05 #S071 - Thank God You're Sheltered (Part 1)
00:20 A couple of places in the word quickly.
00:23 Deuteronomy chapter 21 and verse 18.
00:27 And if you don't mind, put your finger over in Luke
00:28 Chapter 15, Deuteronomy chapter 21 and verse 18.
00:34 But then just rest your finger over in Luke, chapter 15.
00:38 I promise you that I will not be before you long today.
00:41 Deuteronomy 21 and verse 18.
00:43 When you get there, let me say Amen.
00:46 Deuteronomy 21
00:48 And verse 18, the Bible says,
00:54 If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son
00:58 who will not obey the voice of his father
01:01 or the voice of his mother, and who,
01:04 when they have chastened him, will not heed them,
01:08 then his father and his mother shall take hold of him
01:13 and bring him out to the elders of the city,
01:16 to the gate of the city.
01:18 And they say, I'll say to the elders of the city,
01:22 this son of ours is stubborn and rebellious.
01:26 He will not obey our voice.
01:28 He is a glutton and a drunkard.
01:31 Then all the men of the city shall
01:36 stone him to death
01:39 with stones.
01:41 So you may put away the evil from among you
01:45 and all Israel shall here and fear.
01:48 Now, this is not parental advice today saying this is just
01:52 I'm just telling you what they used to do back in the day.
01:54 Amen.
01:56 Jesus does not counsel. I'm just.
01:59 This is information only.
02:00 Come on in statement quickly.
02:06 Luke, chapter 15
02:08 and verse 11, very familiar story to us.
02:12 Luke 15 In verse 11, when you get there, you say,
02:15 Pastor, I'm there.
02:17 Luke 15 and verse 11.
02:21 Then he said,
02:23 a certain man had two sons,
02:26 and the younger of them said to his father, Father,
02:29 give me the portion of goods that falls to me.
02:33 So he did what
02:36 divided to them, his livelihood.
02:40 And not many days after the younger son gathered
02:42 all together, journeyed to a far country,
02:47 and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living.
02:51 But when he had spent all
02:53 there arose a severe famine in the land.
02:56 And he began to be in want.
02:58 And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country.
03:03 And he sent him into the fields to feed swine.
03:06 And he would have gladly filled his stomach with the pods
03:09 that the swine ate and no one gave him anything.
03:15 But when he came to himself,
03:19 he said, How many of my fathers hired servants
03:22 have bread enough to spare, and I perished with hunger.
03:27 I will arise and go to my father and say to him, Father,
03:30 I have sinned against heaven and before you
03:34 and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
03:37 Make me like one of your hired servants.
03:40 So he arose and came to his father.
03:42 But when he was still a great way off,
03:45 his father saw him and had compassion
03:50 and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.
03:55 And the son said to him, Father, I have sinned against you
03:58 and Heaven and I'm no longer worthy to be called your son.
04:03 But the father said to his servant, Bring out the best robe
04:06 and put it on him
04:07 and put a ring on his hands and sandals on his feet
04:12 and bring the fatted calf here and kill it
04:15 and let us eat and be merry for this.
04:19 My son was dead and is alive again.
04:24 He was lost and is found.
04:28 And they began to be married today.
04:31 Saints, for just a few moments, I want to talk to
04:33 you under the subject. Sheltered.
04:37 Sheltered.
04:38 Matter of fact, I want to change the title
04:39 of that sermon in real time.
04:41 Title of this sermon is Thank God You Were Sheltered.
04:46 Let's pray together.
04:48 Father,
04:51 in this limited amount of time,
04:55 would you please communicate
04:57 an eternal truth?
05:00 Lord, as these high schoolers
05:05 listen to their final sermon,
05:08 while under the guise of parents,
05:11 would you cement something permanently in them?
05:16 So would you allow your spirit, Lord,
05:19 to do a sealing work in all who hear?
05:23 Lord, hide me in the shadows of the cross
05:26 that Jesus alone might be seen.
05:28 That Christ alone would be heard.
05:31 And at the end of our time together, let Jesus alone
05:33 be praised.
05:35 Let us do this.
05:36 And we pray in the wonderful name of Jesus, our Lord,
05:38 that those who believe, say together, amen.
05:40 And a man.
05:42 You may be seated in the House of the Lord today
05:46 again talking to you under the subject.
05:48 Thank God
05:50 you were sheltered.
05:53 Church by show of hands.
05:55 How many of us at some point played sports growing up?
06:00 Maybe you were on the school team.
06:01 Maybe you did church league.
06:03 Maybe you were in intramurals.
06:05 If you played sports, raise your hand.
06:08 And so if you played sports,
06:10 you know that before the start of the game,
06:14 there's usually a 20 minute period called warm ups.
06:19 And during warm ups you practice
06:21 lay ups and free throws and jump shots.
06:25 During the warm ups, you practice your sets or
06:29 striking the ball or your game playing during the day.
06:34 And it is during the warm ups that your body
06:37 prepares itself for the actual game.
06:40 And one of the things
06:41 you will notice
06:43 is that they never keep record of what you do in warm ups.
06:47 Nobody counts how many shots you make in warm ups.
06:52 Nobody records how well you are sharp.
06:55 You are in warm ups.
06:57 Warm ups never make the paper or the news reel.
07:02 In fact, warm ups are necessary for the game,
07:06 but they don't start keeping count until the game begins.
07:10 So it doesn't matter if you make all the shots in warm ups
07:13 if you miss them once the game starts.
07:16 It doesn't matter how sharp you are in warm ups
07:19 if you are sloppy.
07:20 Once the game begins because once the game starts,
07:26 what you did in warmups is immediately forgotten
07:30 and last of 24, let me announce
07:33 that we are excited about where God has brought you.
07:36 We are grateful that God has brought you
07:40 to this place in your life.
07:41 But can I announce to you today that your high school
07:45 career hadn't been nothing but warm ups
07:49 in other words, this has just been a dress
07:52 rehearsal for the remainder of your life.
07:56 And it's crazy because this week folks
07:58 been talking
07:59 about what you've accomplished and what you've done
08:02 to this point.
08:03 But the truth is that all you've done thus far is warm up.
08:08 Are y'all hearing me today?
08:10 In fact, tomorrow afternoon, you ought to take that
08:13 diploma and hand it to your mama and your daddy.
08:16 Because
08:17 graduating from high school is not about what you have done.
08:22 It is about what they have required.
08:24 Y'all hear me today?
08:25 And see, I need you to get this friends
08:27 because it doesn't matter what you've done in warm ups.
08:31 What matters is what you do from this point over.
08:36 See, it doesn't matter if you're a valedictorian in this level.
08:40 If you lose focus on the next level,
08:43 it doesn't matter if you're a spiritual leader.
08:44 Now, if you're about to turn up as an adult,
08:49 it doesn't matter if you're on top in this season
08:52 if you lose
08:53 hold of what you're supposed to be in the next season.
08:56 It doesn't matter if you're a star athlete now
09:00 because in 40 years nobody's talking about what they did
09:03 in high school
09:05 except those that peaked when they're in high school
09:09 and see, I need you to know that this is the point
09:12 where the records are about to be kept.
09:15 In other words, a potential grad school
09:19 is not going to look at your high school transcript.
09:22 They're going to look at your college transcripts.
09:24 A potential employer is not going to
09:27 look at your high schools social media polls,
09:31 but they'll look at your adult social media post.
09:34 In other words, your juvenile record
09:36 will be sealed at around 16, but the stuff you do as
09:40 an adult is going to follow you for the rest of your life.
09:44 And the good news for somebody today
09:47 is that they don't keep record during warm ups.
09:49 Now, y'all, he missed that.
09:51 You see, some of us have been kind of sloppy in warm ups.
09:55 Some of us have had a slow start in warm ups.
09:58 Some of us have not developed identity or found our boys
10:01 or develop our work ethic.
10:03 But the good news
10:04 is that we don't keep record of who you are in warm ups.
10:09 You still got time to develop a strong work ethic
10:12 and to develop your purpose.
10:14 And so even if you're only a 2.0 now,
10:18 there is still room for you
10:19 to become who God has ordained you to become.
10:23 Because what you're going to find out soon
10:25 is that those that lead in high
10:27 school are not always the one that lead as adults.
10:31 Sometimes those who are spiritual in high school
10:35 get turned out as soon as they get older.
10:38 Sometimes those that are the ones at this
10:40 stage are not the ones at the next stage.
10:44 And I just want to announce that somebody that maybe
10:47 has not found their schools yet, I need you to know that
10:49 the next level can be better than this level.
10:53 I love what Ecclesiastes says, that the end of a thing
10:56 is better than the start of a thing.
10:59 And so even if you started slow, how many of us know
11:02 it's not about how you start?
11:05 It's about how you finish.
11:08 And so quickly, friends, I want to go back to Luke,
11:10 chapter 15,
11:12 because I want to just show you a little bit of a story
11:16 about a young man who started out good in warm ups.
11:20 In other words, his life started out well,
11:23 but it went left at the same point of life.
11:27 You are in now once he reached the age of accountability
11:31 and see the first thing this story teaches
11:33 us, number one, is that impatience
11:36 leads to incomplete favor.
11:40 You see, the story of the prodigal son
11:43 is not so much just a referendum on seeing.
11:47 It is actually young people a referendum on impatience.
11:51 In fact, friends, when you read the story,
11:54 we have the text that describes a young man who audaciously
11:57 goes into his father's living room and demands
12:01 a portion of the moneys that belong to him.
12:05 And understand that what he is demanding
12:08 is the inheritance money
12:09 that which was reserved by a father
12:13 for the time of the father's death.
12:15 And I need you to get the arrogance of this request,
12:19 because essentially claiming now that was reserved for
12:22 the father's death
12:24 was him saying to the father, You are dead to me
12:28 that we have no more business with one another,
12:32 so that when a rebellious son took the inheritance early,
12:35 he was never supposed to come back to his daddy's
12:38 house and say, This is the crazy thing.
12:43 He wants the father's presence, but he don't want the father's
12:46 presence, okay?
12:48 He wants
12:49 what the father can give him, but he doesn't want the father.
12:53 And see, this is the problem with the contemporary church.
12:56 We want the blessings of the father,
13:00 but we're indifferent to the presence of the father.
13:03 And what I need somebody to understand saying
13:06 is that the blessed best thing about a relationship with God
13:09 is not what God gives.
13:11 The best thing is God did not hear me today, not know.
13:14 The best thing about serving God is not what He gives.
13:19 It is the ability to walk with him and talk with him
13:22 and know him for yourself.
13:24 I need you to not seek
13:26 what is in the hand of God, but to seek the hand of God.
13:30 Because what's in His hand is temporary.
13:33 But His hand itself is eternal.
13:36 I would rather have him on his hand than.
13:40 Than what is in his hand.
13:41 Because what is in his hand is go lot rest or be replaced.
13:46 But if you hold on to his unchanging hand,
13:50 his hand is never going to fail.
13:52 You are you hear me today
13:53 and say,
13:54 I need you to understand something foolish about him
13:57 demanding this portion of the inheritance.
14:00 Notice what the Bible says.
14:01 The Bible says that when he demands his portion,
14:05 the Bible says that the father divides to him.
14:09 His portion.
14:11 You see what rabbinical law actually required
14:15 is that if a son tried to get the inheritance
14:18 while the father was still living,
14:21 he could never get the whole inherit pittance.
14:24 In some cultures, he only got a third
14:27 or a half of the portion that the father had laid aside.
14:31 In other words, because he tried to get it
14:34 early, he couldn't get all of it
14:38 because he was in a rush to get it.
14:41 He could only get a portion.
14:42 In other words, he had what they would declare a curse
14:45 inheritance because he was in a hurry.
14:49 He couldn't get all that the father had planned.
14:52 He could only get a portion of what the father had planned.
14:56 And so can I suggest, friends,
14:58 that there are things that God has planned for you.
15:01 But sometimes blessings that are planned
15:06 become a curse when you try to get them ahead of schedule.
15:09 Okay, let me say it again.
15:11 That there are good things that God has planned, but
15:14 they become a curse when you try to get them ahead of schedule.
15:19 In other words, I need you to understand
15:20 that sex is a good thing.
15:21 Say, man, but it becomes say man,
15:26 but it becomes a curse if you get it too soon.
15:30 Having kids is a good thing,
15:33 but it's a stress if you get them ahead of schedule.
15:36 Getting an apartment off campus might be a blessing,
15:40 but it might be a stress if you get it too soon.
15:43 Getting married is a blessing.
15:45 But guess what?
15:46 It becomes a curse if you do it ahead of schedule
15:49 and say, I need you to get that some of the greatest stresses
15:53 are not the result of sin is the result of rushing
15:57 and see.
15:58 Some of the greatest sin is simply because we try to get
16:02 what God had planned before He planned for us to have it
16:05 and see.
16:06 One of the things
16:07 I want to encourage you to know
16:08 is that your steps have been ordered by God.
16:12 I need you to know that what God has for you, it is for you.
16:16 And you don't need to look in your peripheral vision
16:18 trying to keep up with what they got
16:19 or to get it when they got it.
16:21 But just stay in the cut of Providence and let God lead
16:25 you and bless you in the time he's ordained.
16:30 So how many of us know that the plans of the father
16:34 for us are bigger than the plans we have for ourselves?
16:39 Let me say it this way.
16:40 I remember a while back
16:41 when my kids were small and we were getting ready
16:43 to take them down to Disney World for the first time.
16:47 And I remember we didn't tell them where we were going
16:49 because we knew
16:50 they would self destruct all the way on the highway
16:53 if we told them where we were going.
16:54 And so all we told them
16:56 when we arrived
16:57 is that we were going to take them somewhere fine.
17:00 But because they grew up here in Huntsville,
17:03 kind of the peak for them at that point was
17:06 Chuckie Cheese and other words to them.
17:09 In their mind, there was nothing greater
17:10 than going to Chuckie Cheese because they grew up here.
17:14 But we were planning to take them to the Magic Kingdom
17:16 and see.
17:17 The problem is, when we got ready to go,
17:18 we didn't tell them where they were going.
17:20 And what happened is we passed by Chuckie Cheese
17:24 and guess what?
17:25 Their countenance fell because they were sad.
17:28 They weren't getting to see Chuckie.
17:30 They were mad because they weren't getting to see Chuckie.
17:33 But when we pulled up
17:34 to the Magic Kingdom, their frown turned upside down
17:39 because they realized what we planned for
17:42 them was better than what they planned for themselves.
17:46 In other words, Chuckie had a play house,
17:49 but Mickey had a kingdom.
17:53 And see, the problem is you want play house blessings
17:58 and God has kingdom blessings.
18:01 See, you want to play education.
18:04 God wants to give you a kingdom education.
18:07 You want to play play man.
18:09 God wants to give you a kingdom man.
18:12 You just want to have a good time.
18:15 But God wants to give you the kingdom.
18:16 Can you say amen?
18:18 And so you don't just want to settle for a portion.
18:21 You want all that God has in store.
18:24 So if you get it too soon, you'll get half the joy,
18:27 half the peace.
18:28 You'll be walking around with half of a man.
18:30 You will not hear me today.
18:34 You want to wait? What God has in store for you?
18:38 Second thing I want to say quickly
18:41 is this
18:43 Don't complain about being sheltered
18:47 until you realize what God was sheltering
18:49 you from.
18:56 Listen,
18:57 I won't take long, but see, the five is love
19:02 is shown throughout the entirety of the story.
19:04 Most of us only see the five as love
19:07 when the father allows him to come back home.
19:09 But I see the father's love
19:11 when the father allows him to walk out the door.
19:15 You see,
19:15 I need you to understand that
19:16 the father does not try to coerce course him into staying.
19:19 The father does not try to force him into staying.
19:22 The father does not restrain him into staying.
19:26 What the father simply does is gives him the portion
19:29 that the law would permit.
19:31 And what he does is he respects the choice of this adult son.
19:36 Can I pass to say to the parents of adult children,
19:39 you've got to pray for them and guide them,
19:43 but don't always clean up all of their messes,
19:47 don't cover for all their mistakes, don't cushion
19:50 every one of their falls.
19:52 Don't try to clean it up in the name of the family name.
19:56 Sometimes, when they won't listen to instruction,
19:59 you've got to let experience become their teacher.
20:04 Are you? Hear what I'm saying?
20:05 And it's funny because this boy is free.
20:07 He is tired of living a sheltered life.
20:09 He is tired of growing up in a Christian home.
20:13 He's tired of church, school
20:14 and church services and church girls and church situations.
20:19 He's tired of a why and see the problem with him is he's
20:21 confused his protection with restriction.
20:27 See, see, notice something because the character of God
20:31 is seen in this moment because notice what the father does.
20:34 The father says, I will let you choose.
20:39 The father says, I will allow you to make the decision
20:43 and see it shows
20:44 the purposes of God as opposed to the purposes of the enemy.
20:49 Because how many of us know
20:50 that the Lord will give you a choice?
20:53 What the Devil does is He confiscates your choice.
20:58 You notice how it's easy to stop going to church,
21:01 but it's hard to stop drinking.
21:04 It's easy to stop praying.
21:06 But it's hard to stop being petty.
21:08 The Almighty quiet today is easy
21:12 to stop studying, but it's hard to stop smoking.
21:15 It's easy for us to stop being spiritual, but it's hard
21:19 for us to kind of walk away from the things of this world.
21:24 Because one of the things that you'll see
21:25 is that the spirit will rule you,
21:27 the spirit will convict you,
21:28 but the spirit will never choose for you.
21:31 But understand
21:32 that the vices of the life will get so ingrained into your soul
21:37 that the power of choice is taken away.
21:40 And you will declare, like Paul and Roman seven.
21:42 When I want to do good,
21:44 I can't do it.
21:46 And the evil I hate doing, I keep on doing.
21:50 Now I need somebody to deliver me
21:54 from this body of death.
21:57 And I need you to understand that before see I a lot.
22:01 Because even when you don't
22:02 really grow up in church, like you all
22:03 have some of the stuff that I'll complain about.
22:06 Sounds stupid to me
22:11 when you complain about, oh,
22:12 I had to grow up in church and I grew up in this
22:14 and my life has been so sheltered now.
22:16 But they don't complain about being sheltered.
22:21 So you don't rejoice in a little bit when you realize
22:23 what you've been sheltered from
22:30 brothers.
22:32 Your folks have kept you sheltered
22:35 from a certain type of woman
22:40 because there is a woman
22:41 who is liberal with her body, but there is poison in her soul.
22:46 And you can't get what's in her body
22:48 without coming in conflict or contact with the toxicity.
22:53 In other words, there is no condom for
22:55 your spirit. Y'all might be quiet in here today.
22:59 No, no, no.
23:00 Because you can't touch one without the other
23:04 sister.
23:05 You better praise God, because your parents
23:08 have kept you from a certain type of man,
23:11 because there is a man whose swag is not church,
23:15 but he's got a demonic spirit that will change you
23:18 into something you cannot see coming.
23:22 You are to thank God that you've been sheltered from thug life.
23:27 Listen, y'all can run around here
23:29 scowling in your yearbook picture,
23:33 but a none of you are about that life, are you are here?
23:34 What I'm saying, like, listen, there are some cats
23:40 that are filled with a violence and a rage
23:45 that will kill you for the shoes on your feet.
23:49 You want to thank God, that's all.
23:51 Parents will let you spend the night with everybody.
23:54 Oh, God.
23:57 You thought.
23:57 Oh, they making my life so hard?
24:01 No. Mama and Daddy were shown that something
24:04 in the milk wine clean at that house
24:07 and they weren't keeping you from something
24:10 that was going to disrupt your purity in voluntarily.
24:14 You ought to thank God
24:16 that you don't know about certain things.
24:18 TLC said it this way.
24:20 Don't go chasing waterfalls.
24:24 Oh, I know who all the sinners are right now.
24:26 I can see you
24:27 stick to the rivers and the lakes
24:30 that you're used to.
24:33 In fact, there's going to come a time
24:35 where you're going to thank God for what you didn't know about.
24:38 You ought to say, Lord, I sent you that.
24:39 I don't know nothing about baby mama drama.
24:43 You ought to say I thank you, but I don't know
24:44 nothing about real addiction.
24:46 You ought to thank God that you don't know nothing
24:49 about growing up in a single parent house.
24:51 If you got both parents, you ought to praise God.
24:53 And even if you grew up with a single parent
24:56 and they loved you, you ought to praise God.
24:58 Thank God that you don't know nothing about meth.
25:01 Thank God that you don't know nothing about crack.
25:04 Thank God that you don't know nothing about God.
25:06 Thank God that you don't know nothing about abandonment.
25:09 Thank God that you don't know nothing about that life.
25:11 Is that a complete
25:12 you got to find shelter if you want to open your mouth
25:17 and say thank you, God, that's a sheltered me.
25:20 Thank you. That's a covered me.
25:22 Thank you.
25:23 That I have no knowledge of certain things.
25:27 I praise God for the shelter
25:32 I got here today.
25:36 Third thing this teachers real quick
25:38 is that the far country in this far away as you think
25:41 it is,
25:44 she's crazy because I tell you, boy, man, you got to see him.
25:48 Your boy is on his own.
25:49 He got a little money in his pocket
25:53 as soon as he gets free,
25:54 he gets a tattoo on his wrist and on his neck.
25:57 He's got a gold chain.
25:59 He's got some fresh white Air Force Ones.
26:03 He's got a little light skin, honey on his right hand
26:05 and a little Latino honey on the left hand.
26:08 I mean, literally,
26:09 his life is like a moving real time rap video.
26:13 He is living his best life
26:17 for a short while.
26:20 Thank you for joining us for The Breath
26:22 of Life Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire
26:27 Snell.
26:28 We hope and pray
26:30 that you have been blessed by this powerful message.
26:34 Join us next week for part two of “Thank God
26:39 You're Sheltered” You won't want to miss it.
26:43 What's good, everybody?
26:44 The ExcuseLess revolution is underway
26:48 and lives are being radically changed.
26:52 There are some of you that have the hard copy of the book.
26:54 There's some that have the e-book
26:57 that I want you to know.
26:58 We've heard the call
26:59 and the audio book is now available on Audible.
27:04 There are some of us that need to see the work.
27:05 Some of us need to hear it.
27:07 But however you receive it, God be praised.
27:10 I want to encourage you to go on to Audible, get your version
27:14 and continue the journey of becoming ExcuseLess


Revised 2024-09-05