Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000138S

00:08 #S072 - Lost & Found (Part 1)
00:20 So do me a favor.
00:21 Stand to your feet as we go to the scriptures today.
00:26 I won't invite you to go with me to the Book of Saint Luke,
00:28 chapter 15.
00:32 Saint Luke, Chapter 15.
00:34 And we'll begin together at verse number one.
00:37 And then I will pick up our excuse this series
00:40 for the final few weeks after we get back from camp,
00:42 meeting Luke, chapter 15 and verse number one.
00:45 When you get there, let me hear you say Amen.
00:48 Luke Chapter 15 and verse one.
00:50 And we will be brief today for in fact, the sermon truly
00:54 is in our sacraments.
00:55 Luke 15 In verse one, you get there, say, Pastor, I'm there.
01:00 The Bible says,
01:02 when all the tax collectors
01:05 and the
01:06 sinners drew near to hear him
01:11 and the Pharisees and describes complaint, say,
01:15 this man receives sinners and eats with them.
01:20 Oh no, Jesus is my kind of guy.
01:22 I love me some Jesus, man.
01:25 I so so he spoke this parable to them
01:29 say what man of you having a hundred sheep,
01:33 if he loses one of them does not
01:35 leave the 99 in the wilderness and go after the one
01:41 which is lost until he what
01:45 the job catch that he keeps on looking
01:49 until he finds it.
01:52 Then the word says, and when he found it,
01:55 he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
01:58 And when he comes home, he calls together his friends
02:02 and neighbors, saying to them, Rejoice with me,
02:05 for I have found my sheep, which was lost.
02:09 I say unto you likewise
02:11 that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner.
02:16 Who what
02:17 then?
02:18 Over 99 just persons who need no repentance
02:24 for just a little while under God's help.
02:26 I want to talk to you under the subject loss
02:29 and found, lost and found.
02:32 Let's pray together,
02:34 Father, in this little home.
02:37 Would you say much?
02:39 Would you use the vehicle of human words to communicate
02:43 truths that are truly too big for us to grasp?
02:47 So, Lord, my prayer is that your spirit would sit
02:50 upon each word that is spoken, and Lord,
02:54 that you would guide it into the heart of those
02:56 that are hungry to hear your truth.
02:58 So, Lord, would you hide me in the shadows of the cross that
03:02 Jesus alone might be seen, that Christ alone would be heard?
03:07 And at the end of our time together,
03:08 let Jesus alone be praised.
03:11 Bless us.
03:12 To this end, we ask in the wonderful name of Jesus,
03:14 our Lord, let those who believe say together, amen and amen.
03:19 You may be seated in the House of the Lord
03:22 again, talking briefly under the subject, lost
03:25 and found,
03:28 you know, church adjacent to our church office.
03:33 We have a very active lost
03:36 and found center
03:41 in that closet are a number of umbrellas,
03:45 notebooks, Bibles,
03:48 airports and children's toys.
03:51 In fact, most things never go unclaimed
03:54 because many people
03:55 don't even realize they left these things behind.
04:00 But you can tell what people value by
04:03 what they return to claim,
04:06 so that when people leave cellular phones, iPads, car
04:11 keys, they wait in the office with a different energy.
04:17 They search the closet with a desperation.
04:21 They walk up and down the pews with meticulous detail.
04:26 And if they find the last thing, the level of their rejoicing
04:31 is going to always be commensurate with the price
04:34 that they paid for the lost object.
04:37 So if the lost item costs them nothing,
04:40 they won't look very long.
04:42 But if it costs them a whole lot, there is a great
04:46 deal of rejoicing when they actually find it.
04:50 And can I suggest that we see what Christ values
04:54 by what He claimed to came to Earth
04:56 to claim his sacrifice at the cross shows that he pay
05:01 top dollar
05:02 in order to procure our salvation, so that when
05:05 we are lost friends, heaven is not indifferent.
05:10 But heaven grieves over the loss of even one sinner,
05:15 so that when the soul is straying from God, angels
05:19 go to work to minister on our behalf,
05:22 and the Holy Spirit steers us in the direction
05:25 of what is right.
05:26 And when at least one sinner repents.
05:30 I need you to know all of glory throws a party
05:35 because heaven rejoices whenever one that is
05:38 lost found their way in Jesus Christ.
05:42 And I need somebody to know today that you have value
05:45 number one because of the price that Jesus paid
05:49 for your redemption and because Jesus
05:52 is coming again to claim and receive you.
05:56 And I need somebody to know that you got value,
05:59 not because of how much you get paid.
06:02 You got value because of what was paid
06:05 in order to claim yourselves.
06:08 And can the church say man?
06:12 And so quickly, I want to go back to Luke 15 and verse one.
06:16 I want you to see this before I take my seat.
06:18 The Bible says, then all the tax collectors
06:21 and the sinners drew
06:25 near to him to hear him.
06:28 You see, friends, our text today
06:31 is completely swollen with the motifs of God's love.
06:35 But the first thing it teaches us
06:38 is that an authentic witness does not repel sinners
06:43 and authentic witness draws them.
06:45 Let me say it again that that an authentic witness
06:49 or a Christian does not repel sinners.
06:53 They actually drove them.
06:54 And the reason this is critical,
06:56 because at times we struggle to know
07:00 what it means to be peculiar and separate from the world,
07:03 while still
07:04 being relatable enough to reach and impact the world.
07:09 In fact, many of us have believed the idea
07:12 that it is actually righteousness or moral
07:16 uprightness that pushes people away from God.
07:20 We think righteousness actually pushes people away
07:22 from the witness of faith.
07:24 But in our text, friends, we see a different type
07:28 of spectacle beginning to emerge.
07:32 The Bible says that tax collectors and sinners,
07:36 the Bible says sinners drew near to Jesus and understand
07:41 friends that we are all sinners by nature and practice.
07:47 But this designation of sinners means that they were sinners
07:50 by profession, or that they were visibly notorious
07:55 for the sin practices that were visible.
07:58 So that you have the worst kind of sinners
08:01 getting close as they can to Jesus.
08:05 And I need somebody to take notice that sinners
08:08 were drawn to the sin less that
08:11 that sinners were drawn to the one who knew no same,
08:16 the one in whom there was no guile.
08:19 He didn't chase sinners away.
08:22 The sinless one welcomed them in.
08:24 You will not hear me today.
08:26 In other words, His Holiness does not offend sinners.
08:31 His righteousness does not intimidate sinners.
08:34 His purity does not condemn sinners.
08:37 In fact, true righteousness welcomes them and in fact,
08:40 worth friends.
08:41 If I'm reading the Bible correctly, the Bible says
08:44 that sinners drew near to Jesus.
08:48 And in other words, friends.
08:49 They didn't just hear the sermon and go home.
08:52 They spent volunteer time
08:56 in the presence of Jesus and see Beloved.
09:00 There is for some a disconnect of reality.
09:04 Because if sinners love Christ but sinners are afraid
09:08 of his people,
09:09 it means that we need more Christ in our witness.
09:14 You see, friends,
09:15 this is a very stunning chronicle
09:17 because they didn't just hear the sinners and repent,
09:21 but understand that they felt comfortable enough to eat
09:23 with Jesus and fellowship with Jesus
09:27 and spend leisure time in the presence of the Almighty.
09:31 Now, to be clear, Saints, I want you to know
09:32 that they found no endorsement of sin in Christ.
09:37 In other words, he did not participate
09:40 with them in sin he did not condone their sin.
09:43 He did not make excuses for it.
09:45 Because remember, Jesus told the woman
09:48 caught in adultery to go and sing no more.
09:52 He told the man healed at the pool of Bethesda
09:55 to stop sinning unless something worse happened to you.
09:59 In fact,
10:00 every demonic spirit quivered in the presence of the Savior.
10:05 But I love what Ellen White says in the book Desire of Angels.
10:09 She begins to describe the appeal that Jesus had
10:12 to the most hardened sinner.
10:13 She says the reason and that sinners drew near to
10:17 Christ is because in him they saw a way of escape.
10:23 In other words, when they saw Jesus,
10:26 they saw a more excellent way to live.
10:30 In other words, saints hear me on this.
10:32 The life of Jesus was a road map to their wholeness.
10:38 You see, friends, I need you to hear me.
10:40 Because Jesus approached people differently than we do.
10:45 In other words, Jesus did not go around condemning bad habits
10:50 because He knew that bad habits were already condemning them.
10:55 In other words, he didn't go around
10:56 beating up folk because of bad behavior.
11:00 Because bad behavior was already beating them up.
11:02 Y'all still missing it.
11:04 He didn't go around condemning errant practices because error
11:08 in practices were already destroying his people.
11:12 And see, the problem with us
11:13 is that we think that same practices make people happy
11:18 and we've got to beat up the practice
11:20 so they become unhappy with the sin.
11:24 But Jesus already knew that a life of sin takes away your joy.
11:28 It adds to your void.
11:30 It disrupts your contentment.
11:33 So he didn't have to preach righteousness.
11:36 He just showed them the way to righteousness.
11:38 He didn't have to preach godliness.
11:41 He just needed to model godliness.
11:44 And when they show a road map to deliverance, guess what?
11:48 They just jump in line with what Jesus said.
11:53 That's why Jesus says that if you want to see the Father,
11:56 you've got to go through me.
11:57 For I am the way,
12:01 the truth and the life.
12:03 And see, this is the problem.
12:05 Y'all won't get mad at me for a second.
12:07 You see, the issue is in Jesus.
12:10 They saw a way of escape.
12:11 But in us they see their own reflection.
12:17 In other words, the reason they loved him
12:22 was because they saw in his life a way out of what they're in.
12:26 But in some of us,
12:27 they simply see a reflection of where they already are.
12:31 And so
12:32 let me just say this, beloved,
12:33 because sometimes
12:34 in the contemporary church, they see a mirror
12:38 of their own falling. This and hypocrisy.
12:40 You see, I need somebody to know, number one,
12:43 that you will never be able to win the world
12:45 while you're reflecting the world.
12:50 Because see there, these are movements
12:52 of become temporary church
12:54 to try to make the church as secular as we can
12:57 in the name of being relevant to the unchurched.
13:01 But I need you to know
13:02 that the world will never be won by a veggie version of itself.
13:08 And let me just say, number two,
13:10 that if you are joyless as a believer,
13:15 you discredit the very claims and the power of the Gospel.
13:20 In other words,
13:21 if they ain't got no joy in the world
13:25 and you ain't got no joy in the church,
13:27 where y'all at today?
13:28 Why would I leave World Sorrows to be church?
13:31 Pitiful way all that today.
13:33 In other words, I need you to know
13:35 that there ought to be more joy in the church
13:39 than in any club, any casino, any strip joint.
13:44 There ought to be more rejoicing among God's people
13:48 than there are for the people of this world.
13:51 And see,
13:52 this is why you cannot just ascribe to the theory of Christ.
13:56 You've got to embrace
13:57 the reality of Christ, because it is not the theory
13:59 that makes the change. It's the reality.
14:03 Because I need
14:04 you to know that if the divorce rate in the church
14:08 is the same as it is in the world,
14:11 how are they going to see a more excellent way
14:14 if we die of the same cancers that they are?
14:17 You'll not hear me today.
14:19 How are they going to see a more excellent way
14:22 if they pick it up their kids from the same jail
14:25 we get our from.
14:27 How are they going to see a difference in the way
14:30 of the life of the believer?
14:31 You are hearing me today, saints.
14:33 In other words, if in the world they gossip outright
14:37 and you gossip using prayer request, see,
14:44 they reach a place where enough they don't see an escape route.
14:46 They see a mirror
14:49 and see.
14:50 This is what I need you to understand.
14:51 That brokenness identifies with brokenness,
14:55 but brokenness is always drawn to wholeness.
14:58 I need somebody to know that weakness
15:00 is going to always be drawn to strength.
15:03 That void or emptiness is going to always be drawn to fullness.
15:07 I need you to know
15:08 that bondage is going to always be drawn to freedom.
15:13 But the question is, are when they are around
15:15 us, are they drawn to something in us that's different
15:19 than what's in them?
15:22 And see, some of us have limited our witness
15:24 to things that can only be seen with the eyes.
15:28 But see,
15:29 people are not just studying what can be seen with the eyes,
15:32 so they notice that you don't work on the Sabbath.
15:36 But they also notice that on Monday morning
15:37 you come with the same bad
15:38 attitude that everybody else on the job has.
15:42 They notice that you don't wear ornamentation,
15:46 but they also notice that you are missing
15:47 the ornament of joy, humility and the Holy Ghost.
15:52 They notice what you don't put in your mouth,
15:55 but they also notice what comes spewing out of your mouth.
15:59 And I need you to know that sometimes we do ourselves
16:02 a disservice because all we have is the scripted witness.
16:08 We have the Theory of Christ, but we are not displaying
16:10 the experience of Jesus Christ.
16:14 You see,
16:15 I need you to understand, beloved, that people
16:16 will never be one to the truth.
16:17 My information
16:19 is not going to be one to the truth by an experience
16:23 that is so real and transformative
16:26 that they say, I need to get what is operating inside of you.
16:28 I hear here in the past of today church
16:31 this I remember probably about eight
16:32 or nine years ago we were looking for a car
16:34 at that particular time and we're looking for
16:35 an SUV of a particular sort.
16:37 And I remember we went to one particular car lot
16:40 and there was very a very, very astute salesman.
16:43 He knew all of the details and the facts about the car.
16:46 He was able to read almost from memory
16:49 all of the specs on the car
16:50 about its gas economy and about its fuel mileage
16:54 and the size of the tire and the size of the engine.
16:58 And guess what?
16:58 He gave me all the facts about the car
17:01 and a very scripted yet accurate way.
17:05 And so as I continued my search, I begin to meet another
17:08 salesman who began to canvas on the same type of car.
17:12 But he didn't just talk in a detailed way.
17:15 He began to talk in an experiential way.
17:18 He began to say, You can get three car seats
17:20 on the second row of that car.
17:21 He began to talk about exactly
17:23 how you open and close the moonroof.
17:25 He began to talk about
17:26 the different things and places you could go in the SUV.
17:30 And I began to ask,
17:31 How do you know that you can get three car seats in the car?
17:35 How do you know it can handle a certain type of terrain?
17:38 And he says, Listen, Mr.
17:39 Snell, I'm not just telling you us on the seat.
17:42 He pointed over to the side
17:44 and said, I drive one of these myself.
17:47 In other words, one
17:49 just had the script, the other had the experience.
17:54 And what I'm saying is that some only have the script of Jesus,
17:57 but do I have seven folk to have the experience of Jesus?
18:03 Where are you not just telling folk
18:05 what you heard somebody else say?
18:08 You're not just telling folk what you read in a book,
18:11 but your witness is a first hand account
18:15 of what
18:15 God has done and operated in your life.
18:19 Are you are hear me today, friends.
18:21 Second thing that this story teaches us, beloved,
18:24 is that a good shepherd always keeps
18:27 count.
18:30 The Good Shepherd notices what is happening with the sheep.
18:35 And it's funny because Jesus asked the question, Which of you
18:38 having nine 100 sheep, if you had one that was to
18:40 shrink, would leave the 99 behind
18:44 and go in search of the one until it was found.
18:48 But understand that Jesus uses that number 100
18:52 with a theological and economical intentionality.
18:56 Because essentially what the Bible is saying is that
18:58 if a shepherd had 100 sheep,
19:02 he was a person of some type of means.
19:07 In other words, if a shepherd that are poorer
19:10 or lower in shepherd would only have somewhere
19:12 between one and ten sheep, that maybe the average flock
19:17 would be somewhere between 20 and 25 sheep.
19:21 If you are doing pretty good, you would have around 50 sheep,
19:25 but if you had a hundred, you were in a completely
19:28 different tax bracket.
19:31 So that to lose one out of five, it was going to
19:34 hurt the shepherd, to lose one out of 20.
19:39 You are going to feel a financial pinch to lose
19:41 one out of 50.
19:43 It affected your bottom line.
19:45 But if you had a 100 seat to lose one,
19:48 it meant it was something you could survive.
19:52 So that the good shepherd that goes after the one loss
19:56 out of 100 is not functioning out of need.
20:00 He's functioning out of concern and love.
20:03 I didn't catch that today.
20:05 In other words, the good sheep,
20:06 the shepherd that represents Jesus didn't go after the loss
20:12 because it hurts his satirical, logical bank account.
20:16 He goes simply because he is in love
20:20 of even the one that is left behind.
20:23 You hear me today?
20:23 Church
20:25 But there is an even greater and powerful truth
20:26 that I'm going to push into your life for just a moment.
20:29 Because in order to know that you've lost one out of 100,
20:34 it means somewhere along the line
20:36 the shepherd has to be keeping count.
20:41 It means the good shepherd is not just eyeballing the flock.
20:45 It means that he is detailing the flock.
20:48 It means that he is noticing the flock.
20:51 It means that within the course of a given day,
20:55 as they march over and around mountains or through
20:58 desert terrain or even if they settle on a grassy table land,
21:03 it means that several times a day
21:06 the Good Shepherd is keeping count.
21:09 And that too, meaning everything that happens with the flock
21:14 so that the Good Shepherd is able to notice,
21:18 even if one of the sheep has sprained our broken alarm.
21:22 The Good Shepherd is able to notice
21:24 that even if one sheep is infected by a tick or flea,
21:28 the Good Shepherd notices when one is infested
21:32 and is dealing with some type of malady. Why?
21:36 Because the Good Shepherd pays attention to the details
21:38 of the flock and see friends.
21:42 This is a greater and more powerful truth
21:44 than we recognize.
21:46 Because if a good shepherd heard
21:52 is counting
21:53 what is going on with dumb sheep,
21:57 what do you think the Good Shepherd is doing
22:02 as it relates to keeping count
22:05 of every particular detail of your life?
22:08 You say friends of mine.
22:10 I need somebody to be aware that the same way and earthly
22:14 shepherd is documenting the affairs of the sheep.
22:18 I need you to know that your father in heaven
22:22 is keeping count
22:23 of every matter that touches your life.
22:29 In other words, I need to say to somebody today
22:33 he feels overwhelmed
22:36 and unattended to because you're encountering
22:40 circumstances that seem to suggest
22:44 that God has left you and that you are by yourself.
22:48 The promise of Hebrews 13 five is this that
22:51 he will never leave you nor forsake you.
22:57 And I want somebody to understand
22:58 this about the promise of God's presence.
23:00 How many of us know that the presence of God
23:02 is not a feeling?
23:04 It's a guarantee.
23:06 I need you to know that the Bible says
23:08 if I make my bed in hell, he's there.
23:11 If I climb the stairs of heaven, he is there.
23:14 That the eyes of the Lord.
23:15 Room two and four in the earth.
23:16 And I need you to know that God is keeping
23:19 count of every particular detail of your life.
23:22 You are here. Me today, saints.
23:23 I need you to know
23:25 that your life is so attended to that Matthew Chapter
23:30 six says that your father knows what things you have need of.
23:36 Before you even ask,
23:38 I need you to know that you're so important
23:40 that Matthew ten, verse 26 says
23:43 that the hairs on your head
23:47 have been counted.
23:49 You are so special to God that Psalm 56
23:53 and verse eight says that he numbers your wandering.
23:56 He keeps your tears in a bottle.
23:58 And guess what?
24:00 You are so special to God that he says he records
24:04 every tier that falls from your eye
24:07 in his belt.
24:10 Are you hearing this in a church?
24:12 I need somebody to understand that God says that even when one
24:18 sparrow falls to the ground, your heavenly Father takes note.
24:22 And that's why the old him, right.
24:23 Was able to declare that if his eye is on the sparrow,
24:29 you can know that his eyes are upon you.
24:32 And I just need somebody to know that feels like
24:35 you're overwhelmed by circumstance and debt
24:38 and problems and enemies.
24:39 And you feel like you're all by yourself.
24:42 I need you to know that beyond the curtain of what
24:44 your eyes are able to see is an invisible savior
24:49 who is so invested in your life that he gave his own.
24:52 And He is aware of every detail
24:56 that presses upon your life.
24:59 So he's keeping count of how much you owe your creditors.
25:02 He's keeping count of how many enemies you have.
25:05 He's keeping count of how many surgeries you've had.
25:07 He's keeping count of every particular thing
25:09 that brings his back six vexation into your soul.
25:12 And so I need you to know
25:14 the only reason you've made it as far as you've made it
25:17 is because somebody was keeping count.
25:20 Okay, can I.
25:21 Can I pull the church for a minute?
25:24 Anybody ever been so broke?
25:25 You can pay attention.
25:28 And somehow a check came in the mail.
25:32 Somehow somebody's cash strapped right in time.
25:36 And the reason that came when it did was
25:39 because somebody was keeping count.
25:41 Oh, all locked in. Brand new.
25:42 Anybody ever been at the end of one job or contract?
25:47 And when you got down to the last week, guess what?
25:49 Another job or a contract showed up.
25:52 And the reason that happened
25:54 was because somebody was keeping count.
25:57 Thank you for joining us for The Breath of Life
25:59 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
26:03 We hope and pray
26:05 that you have been blessed
26:06 by this fifth message in the sermon series.
26:09 Excusless.
26:10 Join us next week for part two of the message “Lost and Found”.
26:17 You don't want to miss.
26:19 Hello, I'm Pastor
26:21 Snell, speaker director for The Breath of Life
26:24 Television Ministry.
26:25 This ministry was established to take the gospel of Jesus
26:29 Christ throughout North America and across the globe.
26:33 My goal is to make Jesus Christ
26:36 known through the preaching of the word.
26:40 I need you to know that we need your financial partnership
26:43 in order to make sure that the Gospel can go into every hill,
26:48 into every rural county, and into every inner city.
26:52 And we can only take the gospel as far as the gifts
26:55 that you lend to us.
26:57 We thank you for your financial partnership in the past,
27:01 and I'm asking that you continue to be a financial partner
27:05 with this ministry going forward.
27:07 Here are some ways you can give.
27:09 You can give online at our website at WW Breath Life
27:14 Dot TV.
27:15 You can send your gift by mail to Breath of Life.
27:18 P.O. Box 5960.
27:20 Huntsville, Alabama 35814.
27:23 You can call the office at 256-929-6460.
27:29 Or you can text the phrase “GIVE2BOLTV
27:31 ”to 188-364-GIVE
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27:42 I want you to know
27:43 that every dime that you give goes
27:46 right back into the ministry so that we can enlarge our reach
27:52 and make sure that the entire world knows that
27:55 Jesus saves and that Jesus Christ is coming again.
27:59 God bless you, and we thank you for your generosity to


Revised 2024-09-17