Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000140S

00:05 #S073 - No More Excuses For Refusing To Forgive (Part 1)
00:19 I want to invite you to go with me
00:21 to the Book of Matthew, chapter 18.
00:23 Matthew Chapter 18.
00:25 And we're going to begin together at verse number 21,
00:28 a very, very familiar
00:30 verse of scripture, Matthew 18 and verse 21.
00:34 And for those who are watching online, I would ask
00:36 if you are an apple apostle or digital disciple,
00:39 if you're an electronic evangelist,
00:40 if you would do the work of sharing, if you are on Facebook
00:43 copying the link and sending it to somebody
00:46 on YouTube that they might be blessed as well.
00:48 Matthew Chapter 18 and verse number 21.
00:51 When you get there, let me hear you say amen.
00:53 Matthew Chapter 18
00:56 and we're going to look together at verse 21.
01:00 Now, let me just go ahead and say from the outset
01:04 that today's message, if you receive it, Saints,
01:08 is there anybody in the house with me today?
01:10 If you receive this word,
01:13 it is not going to change your life down the line.
01:16 It is going to change your life today.
01:20 And I need you
01:21 to be clear that sometimes a good sermon
01:25 can be like surgery.
01:29 You never look forward to it,
01:32 but you're better for having gone through it.
01:35 And so
01:36 I'm going to encourage you to listen with spiritual leaders
01:39 to what the Lord has to say to the body today.
01:41 Matthew, Chapter 18, Matthew 18 and verse 21,
01:45 the Bible says.
01:47 Then Peter came and said, Lord,
01:52 how often shall my brother sin against me?
01:56 And I forgive him up to seven times.
02:00 And Jesus said to him, I do not say to you
02:03 up to seven times, but to 70 times, seven.
02:08 Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king
02:13 who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.
02:15 And when he had begun to settle accounts, one
02:18 was brought to him who owed 10,000 talents,
02:22 but as he was not what able to pay his master commanded
02:28 that he be sold with his wife and his children and all that.
02:31 He had that payment be made
02:34 and the servant therefore fell down before him, saying,
02:37 Master, have patience with me and I will pay you all.
02:42 Then the master of that servant was moved with what?
02:45 With compassion
02:47 released him and did what forgave him.
02:52 Did you catch that?
02:53 He didn't put it in forbearance.
02:55 He didn't put him on a payment plan.
02:57 The Bible says he forgave the debt,
03:01 but the servant went out
03:04 and found one of his fellow servants who owed him
03:09 100 naira and laid hands on him
03:13 and took him by the throat saying, Pay me what you owe.
03:18 So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him
03:22 Sing, Have patience with me and I will pay you all.
03:26 And he would not, but went and threw him into the prison
03:32 till he should be able to pay the debt.
03:35 So when his fellow servants saw what had been done,
03:37 they were very grieved
03:38 and came and told their master all that had been done.
03:42 Then his master, after he had called him, said to him,
03:45 You wicked servant,
03:47 I forgave you.
03:49 Are you all here to church?
03:51 Are you here? Me, church?
03:52 Are you all with the pastor today?
03:55 I forgave you
03:58 all the debt because you begged me.
04:01 Should you not also have had compassionate compassion
04:05 on your fellow servant, just as I have pity on you
04:10 and his master was angry and delivered him to the torturers
04:14 until he should pay all that was due to him.
04:17 So My Heavenly Father
04:20 will do to each of you from his heart,
04:23 who does not forgive his brother
04:26 his trespasses.
04:29 Today, Saints, I want to talk to you
04:31 for a little while under the subject.
04:32 No more excuses for refusing to forgive.
04:38 No more excuses for refusing to forgive.
04:41 Let's pray together, Father.
04:46 I pray that you would to the ground of the soul
04:52 that your word might have
04:54 a safe lodging place in which in order to grow.
04:58 And so, Father, I'm praying for a strange
05:01 anointing for the preaching of the word.
05:04 And then, dear God, would you give a sufficient
05:06 anointing that we would be able to hear it rightly digested
05:11 and be swift in the application
05:14 and so, Father, I'm praying that the faith to obey
05:17 would multiply exponentially in the hearing of the word.
05:21 Would you please hide me in the shadows of the cross that
05:24 Jesus alone might be seen, that Christ alone might be heard?
05:30 And at the end of our time together,
05:31 let Jesus alone be praised. Bless us.
05:34 To this end,
05:35 we ask in the wonderful name of Jesus, our Lord,
05:38 let them that believe, say together.
05:40 Amen. And a man. You may be seated
05:44 in the House of the Lord again.
05:45 No more excuses
05:48 for refusing to forgive.
05:53 You know, saints, you should know
05:57 that Satan is a master of misdirection,
06:03 so that if you're alert and on guard
06:07 and paying attention over here, rest assured
06:11 that attack and assault is going to come from over there.
06:16 In fact, Song of Solomon 215
06:20 says To Catch the Foxes, for
06:22 it is the little foxes that destroy the harvest.
06:27 So in ancient times, a farmer would be on guard
06:29 against locusts and raid wars and inclement weather.
06:35 But yet it was some tiny baby foxes that threatened him.
06:38 The well-being of the harvest.
06:41 And sometimes saints weep again.
06:43 We remain alert to very obvious threats while we overlook
06:48 some threats that have potential to destroy the harvest.
06:52 In other words,
06:53 we maintain diligence about certain issues of morality
06:58 so that we are on guard against sexual temptation.
07:02 We have a high standard about drinking.
07:04 We have a standard about smoking.
07:08 We won't even allow certain food inside of our house.
07:11 Yet we have an open door policy for offenses
07:17 and we leave our guests room for unforgiveness.
07:20 In fact, friends, my fear is that some will have lived
07:25 a life of moral excellence where you learned not to smoke
07:30 and you chose not to drink and you avoided vile conversation.
07:34 But you will wind up lost in eternity
07:37 because you never learn how to handle offenses
07:41 and you never learned the discipline of forgiveness.
07:44 In fact, friends, if I read the Scripture
07:47 correctly, unforgiveness is more deadly than porn,
07:53 adultery, homosexuality and crack cocaine
07:57 because the man who does those things can be forgiven.
08:01 But the one who refuses to forgive cannot be forgiven.
08:06 In fact, the refusal to forgive is the only human practice
08:11 that nullifies the grace of God and the life of the believer.
08:15 Because the truth is that grace abounds above lying.
08:20 It abounds in fornication, it abounds in addiction.
08:24 The only thing that nullifies grace
08:28 is when we refuse to forgive those that have harmed us.
08:31 And the reason that some will miss the mark
08:35 is because we don't see refusing to forgive as immoral.
08:40 In fact, it is the one saying that we don't confess to God.
08:44 We see unforgiveness as morally benign, as morally
08:47 neutral, as morally indifferent, not realizing
08:51 this is the one thing that can destroy your harvest.
08:56 And so even in the church we get irritated about
09:00 sessions, about forgiveness,
09:02 we get annoyed that this is a biblical requirement.
09:06 But my hope and prayer,
09:07 friends, is that we shift our perspective on forgiveness
09:12 and get to a place where we stop seeing forgiveness
09:15 as a mandate and start seeing forgiveness as medicine.
09:19 Let me say it again
09:20 that forgiveness is not just a mandate.
09:24 It is actually medicine that heals.
09:26 In fact,
09:27 studies show that forgiveness helps with depression,
09:31 anxiety, toxic anger, sleep
09:34 deprivation and post-traumatic stress disorder.
09:38 And the problem is that we see forgiving
09:41 as a sacrifice that depletes us
09:45 when in truth, it's a sacrament that releases us.
09:48 In fact, I need somebody to know
09:51 that forgiving is not kryptonite that weakens us.
09:55 It's the vibranium that makes us indestructible.
09:59 And God's word to somebody
10:00 today is that your victory is in forgiving.
10:05 Your healing is in forgiving
10:08 your deliverer is in forgiving.
10:11 Your next level is in forgiving.
10:14 In other words, closure doesn't come when somebody comes
10:17 and finally says, I'm sorry, you are healing comes
10:21 when regardless of what they do, you release the burden,
10:26 you release the pain, you release the toxic sincerely
10:30 by allowing the soul to breathe by the power of forgiveness.
10:35 And the word to somebody is, you got to stop trapping
10:37 your anger.
10:39 You got to stop nourishing your pain.
10:42 You've got to stop nurturing your hurt.
10:45 And you've got to allow Jesus to do surgery in your soul.
10:47 Today.
10:49 In fact, let me let me say it this way.
10:50 I don't know.
10:51 Some of you ever seen this ridiculous
10:53 series of movies called John Wick.
10:56 You are here today.
10:57 And for those who are converted, John Wick
10:59 is the John Wayne of this generation.
11:03 And what makes it crazy is that John Wick
11:06 can be shot 32 times and still live.
11:09 And what allows him to live
11:11 is that when he goes to his surgeon,
11:14 he doesn't just have him patch up the bullet wound.
11:17 The surgeon actually removes the shrapnel
11:20 and he removes the bullet
11:21 because he knows that he can withstand being shot.
11:25 But he can't remain if he allows the poison
11:28 or the bullet to stay inside your missile point.
11:31 In other words,
11:32 in the journey of faith, you can't avoid being shot,
11:36 but you can make sure you allow Jesus to remove all the poison
11:43 and the emotional shrapnel that people leave inside of you.
11:48 And I need you to know that
11:49 when you forgive, you're allowing the great physician
11:54 to remove all of the poison and toxicity that keeps you bam
12:00 and keeps you from becoming who God has ordained you to be.
12:03 You are with the pastor today
12:05 and so go back with you.
12:06 Go with back with me, if you don't mind.
12:08 To Matthew 18 versus 21.
12:11 We're going to walk through this thing today,
12:13 Matthew 18 and verse 21, the Bible.
12:16 Since then, Peter came and said to him, Lord, how often
12:20 shall my brother sin against me?
12:23 And I forgive him up to seven times.
12:27 And Jesus said unto Him, I say unto you,
12:29 not up to seven times, but 17 times seven.
12:35 Now, friends, I need you to get today
12:38 that this particular dialog is set against the backdrop
12:43 of Jesus teaching on offenses and so what happens is in verse
12:47 six, Jesus talks about the danger of offenses,
12:52 and in verse 15, he describes how to handle
12:55 when a brother or sister sins against you, he says,
12:59 If one sins against you, go and tell it to him alone.
13:04 But if they don't receive you take two or three witnesses
13:08 that every word may be established
13:11 and if they don't receive their group,
13:12 take the matter
13:13 before the entire church and from this dialog emerges.
13:17 Peter's question about how often we should forget.
13:21 Now, to be clear, Saint
13:23 Peter asked this question in a very cunning way.
13:28 In fact, friends, this is a self-congratulatory
13:32 inquiry designed to impress Jesus,
13:36 by the way he puts it for because Peter knows
13:39 that rabbinical law requires that you only forgive a person.
13:44 Three times.
13:45 But Peter says, Jesus, I'm here for this conversation.
13:50 When I ask, I'm going to say three times two plus one.
13:54 So he's saying, I forgive up to seven times.
13:58 And then Jesus rebuffs his hubris
14:01 when he says not up to seven times, but seven
14:05 times, 70 times, and understand friends that Jesus,
14:10 when he says this, is not trying to give him a larger
14:14 number of insists that is to be forgiven.
14:17 What he is essentially teaching says
14:19 is that people are not to be treated as indispensable.
14:23 We I start to forgive as often
14:26 as offenses are bound
14:29 but but the larger point friends stay with me
14:33 is we've got to change the way we approach forgiveness.
14:36 Number one, saints,
14:37 I need you to know that the decision to forgive
14:42 must be made before the offense occurs.
14:45 Okay, let me say it again for those in the back
14:49 that the decision to forgive
14:52 must be made even before an offense occurs.
14:56 In other words, I don't decide to forgive
15:00 after I evaluate the nature of the offense
15:02 y'all going to get to here today.
15:04 See how many of us know that forgiving is not something
15:07 I have to pray about.
15:11 Forgiving is not something I have to think over.
15:15 Say, forgiving is not something I have to vacillate on.
15:18 I need you to know that.
15:19 I've got to make the decision to forgive
15:23 well before the offense arises.
15:26 Because, friends, forgiveness
15:28 is supposed to be offered infinitely.
15:30 I've got to make it up in my mind
15:33 that forgiveness is a way of life.
15:35 Are you all? With the past of today?
15:37 Forgiveness has to be a lifestyle.
15:40 Forgiveness has to be a doctrine.
15:44 How many of us know that forgiving is a part
15:46 of the Christian's brand?
15:50 See, the problem is saints.
15:52 We want to run around
15:53 and we want to evaluate the depth of their contrition.
15:57 And we want to judge
15:58 the nature of their remorse before we decide to forgive.
16:03 But if you're going to live out the standard of Jesus,
16:07 you've got to get to a place where forgiving is
16:09 not an occasion, but forgiving is a lifestyle for the believer.
16:14 See how many of us know like that?
16:16 Some of the best folk who stay in the best shape
16:19 are not the folk
16:20 that get in shape because there is an occasion coming up.
16:24 In other words, when they go to the gym
16:25 because there's a high school reunion
16:27 or they've got a fit and some jeans are dressed, no,
16:30 the ones who are in the best shape
16:32 are the ones that work out as a lifestyle.
16:35 So they don't get up when it's cold.
16:37 They don't go when it's hot, they don't go when it's early.
16:39 In other words, they're not getting ready for an occasion.
16:43 It's just a part of the way they live
16:47 and see friends.
16:48 If you're going to be our show nuff Christian,
16:52 you got to make forgiving are part of your lifestyle,
16:54 are ya hear me today
16:57 and see the reason you've got to forgive
17:00 even before the offense comes is because if you take the time
17:03 to evaluate the offense,
17:05 if you take the time to evaluate the details
17:09 and try to judge who's worthy of it,
17:12 you will mess yourself up in two ways.
17:13 Number one, I need you to know that if forgiving is medicine,
17:19 if forgiving is removing the bullet, I can't be selective
17:26 about removing the bullet based on who shot me.
17:29 Okay. All right.
17:32 In other words, this is my thing.
17:33 I'll only remove the bullet if I was shot by a nice person.
17:37 Y'all not hear me today and
17:38 say I'll only remove the bullet if they stop me accidentally.
17:43 But how many of us know friends that it doesn't matter
17:44 if they shoot you at a 3845 or machine gun?
17:49 It still hurts just the same.
17:52 And you got to make
17:53 a decision to say, I'm going to remove the poison
17:56 no matter what
17:58 the intention was of the one who fired the weapon.
18:02 And so I need somebody to stop getting to a place
18:05 where you stop counting how many times they've offended
18:08 or the reason they offended are the motives for offending.
18:11 Because how many of us understand
18:13 forgiving is not about how much they deserve grace.
18:18 It's about how much you deserve healing.
18:21 Let me say it again.
18:22 See, forgiving is not about how much they deserve
18:25 to be forgiven.
18:26 It's about how much I deserve to be healed.
18:31 Is there anybody in the room today that realized
18:33 that you deserve to be happy, you deserve to be free.
18:40 You deserve to not have to avoid certain spaces.
18:44 You deserve to be able to sit across from them
18:46 and not get mad.
18:47 You deserve to operate in peace.
18:50 You deserve to operate in joy.
18:53 You deserve to operate in wholeness.
18:56 So I have seven folks
18:57 that are tired of walking around with bullet holes
19:01 in your spirit and realize I deserve wholeness
19:06 in the Lord Jesus Christ.
19:08 Now, now, now, stay with me.
19:10 Church The other reason
19:12 you're not supposed to evaluate somebody is worried.
19:16 The list for forgiveness is that God never set you
19:20 up to be a judge over anybody else.
19:24 Okay?
19:26 So see, God never wanted one of his children
19:30 sitting around and trying to evaluate
19:33 who's deserving of worthy of something.
19:37 Because I understand that when I place myself
19:41 as judge of somebody's motives, their contrition,
19:45 their remorse, you realize that the Bible says
19:48 that the same way I judge you,
19:52 the same way that judgment is going to be aimed at me
19:55 by God Almighty, quiet in his church today.
19:58 In other words, for his.
19:59 How many of us understand that when you are exacting
20:04 and critical and scrutinizing of others follow?
20:08 I bring that same scrutiny and detail to my own thing.
20:12 When God is dealing with me
20:16 as He prays, let me tell you why, why, why, why, why?
20:19 I'm able to forgive people who stand against me.
20:23 Because as a sinner, any sinners in this room,
20:27 as a sinner, I need God to overlook some stuff
20:31 I need God to win, get some stuff.
20:34 I need God to bypass some things.
20:37 I need God to show grace to some things.
20:40 And because I know I'm not worthy,
20:43 I'm not trying to discern if somebody else is worthy.
20:47 Because how many of us know
20:48 that none of us are deserving of the grace of God?
20:52 Is there anybody thankful today that Jesus doesn't
20:55 just bless those that are worthy or deserving?
20:59 It is why the Psalmist says that God does not deal with us
21:03 according to our iniquities or according to our sins,
21:07 but according to his multitude of his tender mercies,
21:11 has the Lord dealt with each and every one of us?
21:14 The truth is that God has blessed you
21:16 when you didn't deserve it.
21:17 God provide it when you didn't deserve it.
21:21 God protected
21:22 when you put yourself in harm's way, God favors you.
21:27 When you were not praying, God showed grace
21:30 on top of grace and mercy on top of mercy.
21:34 And because I've received much,
21:38 then it is my obligation
21:40 to give much even
21:43 to those who don't deserve it.
21:46 Are you all here in the word today?
21:50 And so the word says here in Matthew 18
21:52 and verse 25, the Bible says, but as he was
21:56 not able to pay
21:59 his master commanded that he be sold with his wife
22:02 and children and all that he had and that payment be made.
22:06 Then the servant therefore fell down before him, saying,
22:07 Master, have patience with me and I will pay you.
22:10 I'll pay it all.
22:11 Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion
22:16 released him and the Bible says he forgave the debt.
22:21 Now him be lying Churchman This text is so rich
22:24 I'm going to have to come back and do a part two or three
22:26 somewhere down the line.
22:27 But when you're managing offenses, France, one of the
22:30 things you've got to do
22:32 is you got to make a difference between those who are unwilling
22:36 and those who are unable.
22:40 Let me say it again.
22:42 When you're managing offenses with people,
22:44 you have to make a distinction between those who are unwilling
22:47 and those who are unable.
22:48 In fact, Jesus illustrates
22:50 this through the King who goes forward
22:53 to settle the accounts now knows he comes across a man
22:57 who is a poor steward of that which was entrusted to him.
23:01 And as he gets ready to settle accounts, notice
23:03 that the Bible doesn't say that the man was unwilling to pay.
23:10 He had gotten in so upside down that the Bible says that
23:13 he was simply unable to pay,
23:18 so that if the man is just withholding from the king
23:20 and he is unwilling,
23:22 there is going to be
23:23 a much more harsh penalty for his behavior.
23:27 But the issue is not that the man won't pay.
23:30 The issue is that the man can't pay.
23:33 And so notice a part of the king's cancelation process
23:37 is he realizes that by selling him,
23:39 he still won't get the money back.
23:42 By punishing him, it still won't make him whole.
23:46 By torturing him, he still won't have the money reckoned sire.
23:50 By being punitive and petty and being tit for tat.
23:55 No matter how much he harms the man, it won't make him.
23:59 Well, you all missed it.
24:02 And see, this is why, friends, I want to encourage you
24:06 to make no investment in getting even getting back.
24:10 We're people going tit for tat are going
24:13 eye for an eye.
24:16 You see the problem with vengeance.
24:18 Friends, is that it brings more trouble than solution.
24:21 It provides
24:23 because how many of us understand
24:25 that if somebody creates a deficit for you, harming
24:29 them won't turn your deficit into our surplus.
24:33 See, the
24:35 problem with vengeance is that it solves nothing.
24:37 It improves nothing.
24:39 It helps nothing.
24:40 In fact, friends, by the time you finish getting vengeance,
24:44 you are actually
24:45 in a darker place than when you first started out.
24:49 In other words, if they broke your heart,
24:52 getting even with them won't make your heart whole again.
24:56 If they cheated on you, then cheating on them
25:01 isn't going to turn around
25:02 and bring reconciliation to your soul
25:05 withholding from your spouse because they withheld from you
25:09 is not going to get your needs met.
25:11 It's only going
25:12 to bring more resentment to the home lying on them
25:16 because they lied on you
25:18 is not going
25:19 to vindicate your character, but it makes the false accusation
25:23 more believable.
25:24 If you harm someone that harms your loved one, you realize that
25:29 it still doesn't help the loved one that was harmed
25:33 and see the problem with vengeance.
25:35 Friends of mine
25:36 is that it only satisfies during the act of vengeance.
25:42 But as soon as you say it, withhold it, do it.
25:45 Then your life is filled with a darkness and a guilt and a void
25:50 that actually teaches us that getting vengeance
25:53 is more depleting than actually forgiving.
25:56 Thank you for joining us for The Breath of Life
25:58 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire
26:02 Snell. We hope and pray that you have been blessed by this
26:06 sixth message in the sermon series ExcuseLess
26:10 Join us next week for part two of the message.
26:15 “No More Excuses For Refusing To Forgive”.
26:19 Don't want to listen.
26:21 Hello, I'm Pastor Debleaire
26:22 Snell, Speaker/ Director for The Breath of Life
26:25 Television Ministry.
26:26 This ministry was established to take the gospel of Jesus
26:30 Christ throughout North America and across the globe.
26:34 My goal is to make Jesus Christ
26:37 known through the preaching of the word.
26:41 I need you to know that we need your financial partnership
26:45 in order to make sure that the Gospel can go into every hill,
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26:53 And we can only take the gospel as far as the gifts
26:56 that you lend to us.
26:58 We thank you for your financial partnership in the past,
27:03 and I'm asking that you continue to be a financial partner
27:07 with this ministry going forward.
27:08 Here are some ways you can give.
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27:43 I want you to know that every dime that you give goes
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27:56 Jesus saves and that Jesus Christ is coming again.
28:01 God bless you, and we thank you for your generosity to
28:03 the Breath of Life Ministry.
28:06 (Breath Of Life Music)


Revised 2024-10-07