Series Code: BOLS
Program Code: BOLS000154S
00:06 #S080 - “Just Start Moving” (Part 1)
00:19 How many of us are glad to be in the house today? 00:22 Amen. Amen. 00:24 And so today, friends, we want to go ahead 00:25 and jump into the word. Is that all right? 00:27 So do me a favor. 00:28 Stand to your feet 00:29 as we get into the scriptures this afternoon. 00:33 And I would invite you to go with me 00:34 in your Bibles to the Book of Saint Luke, 00:39 Chapter 17, Saint Luke, Chapter 17. 00:42 And we're going to begin together at verse 00:44 number 11 in Saint Luke, Chapter 17. 00:49 And we're going to begin together in verse number 11. 00:52 I just need to know who needs a word from the Lord 00:54 today, who needs to hear Jesus talk to you? 00:57 Hey, man, I know where to aim this word today. 01:00 Luke, 17. 01:02 And we're going to begin together. 01:03 Verse 11, a very familiar text. 01:06 But I believe that 01:07 there are some things that God wants to share with us 01:10 so that we can operate 01:12 on a deeper level of faith. 01:16 Luke 17 In verse 11, when you get there, 01:18 just say, Pastor, I'm there. 01:21 Luke, 17. 01:21 In verse 11, 01:25 the Bible says Now it happened 01:27 as he went where 01:31 as he went to Jerusalem, 01:32 that he passed through the mist of 01:35 Samaria and Galilee. 01:38 Then as he entered a certain village 01:41 there met him ten men who were what 01:44 who were lepers, and they stood afar off 01:48 and they lifted up their voices and said, Jesus, master, 01:53 have mercy on us. 01:56 So when he saw them, 01:59 he said to them, Go 02:02 show yourselves to the priests. 02:05 And notice what he says. 02:06 And so it was as they what went. 02:11 They were what Collins and the Bible says. 02:15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, 02:20 and with a loud voice, glorified God 02:24 and fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks. 02:27 And he was a Samaritan. 02:30 So Jesus answered, Where? 02:32 There not ten Collins, but where are the nine? 02:37 Where they're not any found? 02:38 Who returned to give glory to God except for this foreigner? 02:42 And he said to him, Arise and go your way. 02:47 Your faith has made you well. 02:50 But I'm going to 02:51 emphasize verse 14, the Bible says when he saw them, 02:55 he said to them, Go show yourselves to the priests. 03:00 And so it was 03:02 that as they went, 03:06 they were cleansed today, saints for just a little while. 03:10 I want to talk to you under the subject. 03:11 Just start moving. 03:15 Just start moving. 03:16 Turn to your neighbor and say don't wait for it. 03:19 Just start moving. 03:22 Amen. 03:22 Let's look to the Lord as we pray. 03:25 Father, again, 03:28 in this little while, would you say much 03:32 the amount of time that we have to gather is finite. 03:36 But we pray that you will provide truth that is eternal. 03:40 And so, Lord, we know that your spirit 03:43 is gathering in houses of worship 03:47 all across the world at this hour. 03:50 But while on others thou are calling. 03:53 Please don't pass us by, Lord. 03:57 Let your spirit settle on this service. 04:00 More importantly, let it settle in us. 04:02 So, Lord, would you please hide me in the shadows of the cross 04:05 that Jesus alone might be seen, 04:08 that Christ alone would be heard? 04:10 And at the end of our time 04:11 together, let Jesus exclusively be praised. 04:15 Bless us. 04:16 To this end, we ask 04:17 in the wonderful name of Jesus, let those who love him 04:19 stay together. Amen. 04:21 And they may you may be seated 04:24 in the house of the Lord. 04:34 We'll just take a moment and 04:36 let those come on in and be seated 04:41 again, talking under the subject. 04:43 Just start moving. 04:51 You know, friends. 04:54 One of the challenges 04:57 with the contemporary church 05:00 is that we have lost our sense 05:03 of the super natural. 05:08 As a believer, 05:09 you should have double vision 05:13 so that with these eyes you can look out and see 05:19 and rightly assess the tensions of this earth. 05:23 But with spiritual eyes, you should be able 05:27 to detect the presence of God 05:30 who is greater than any reality we might face. 05:35 You see, church, you've got to be careful about 05:37 letting your faith get too academic, too 05:41 reasonable, and too intelligent. 05:45 In fact, Church, I don't want to suggest 05:48 that there is something wrong in your life. 05:51 If everything in your life can be explained. 05:56 In fact, how many of us know that when God is at work 05:59 in your life, 06:01 that He does things in such a way 06:05 that when you try to recall it, you can't accurately explain 06:10 how God brought certain things to pass. 06:14 The truth is that there are some of us 06:16 that have had more money 06:17 than money, and the math just was not my thing. 06:22 And you can tell the truth 06:23 that you don't even know how you made it financially. 06:28 And the truth 06:29 is, when you try to explain it, you can't explain it. 06:33 There are some students that can't explain how you pass 06:37 certain classes or how you graduated from school. 06:41 There are some that can't explain 06:45 how you made it out of certain car accidents 06:48 and how you avoided certain wrecks. 06:52 There are some married couples, after all you've been through. 06:55 You can't even explain how you made it together this long. 07:00 And the truth is that when you look back over your life, 07:03 you can't explain how everything that God did got done. 07:09 You just know that it was God that did it and brought it 07:11 to pass. 07:12 And see the truth is church. 07:14 My prayer today is that you would lead with the conviction 07:20 that God is still in the miracle working business. 07:25 And this is the issue because there are some of us 07:29 that live with this impending sense of doom, 07:33 because we can't see beyond our own capability. 07:38 There are some that are in distress 07:41 because you can't see beyond your bank account. 07:44 Some can't see beyond the medical prognosis. 07:48 Some can't see 07:49 beyond their own ability to weep their way through it. 07:54 And we are overwhelmed because we can't see beyond 07:57 our personal capacity to be able to handle it. 08:02 And the word today is that no Christian 08:05 should live without a sense of the divine. 08:09 And see, the problem is, we're more dependent 08:11 on medicine than the Messiah. 08:14 We're more dependent upon science than the Savior. 08:19 We are more trusting, more to government than to God. 08:23 The truth is that we assess more than we pray, 08:26 and we rehearse the problem 08:29 more than we rehearse the promises of God. 08:32 And it is no wonder 08:33 that we are so often discouraged and overwhelmed. 08:37 But I need to remind somebody today 08:40 that no matter how bad your situation is, 08:43 it doesn't matter how dire the circumstance. 08:48 Do I have a witness that when Jesus steps in, 08:51 that situation is destined to change? 08:54 I need somebody to know that when God steps in, 08:59 the normal rules no longer apply. 09:02 In other words, how many of us know that in the natural 09:05 when you touch a sick person, you're supposed to get sick? 09:10 But when Jesus touched a sick person, 09:12 the sick person got well in the natural 09:15 two fish and five loaves feeds about six people. 09:20 But with Jesus, two fish in five feeds, 5000. 09:24 In this world, you've got to ride out a storm 09:26 and wait for it to pass. 09:28 But when Jesus spoke, the winds and waves obeyed him 09:32 and the natural 09:33 you've got to go to a bank to get money for your bills. 09:37 But Jesus opened a fish his mouth, 09:40 and paid the taxes for everyone in sight. 09:43 And the natural. 09:44 You need a bomb to knock down fortified walls. 09:48 But with God, all the people had to do a shout. 09:51 And the walls came tumbling down. 09:54 And the word to somebody today is that you've got to leave room 09:57 for the miraculous. 09:59 You've got to leave space for the supernatural 10:03 and know that with God, the normal rules don't apply. 10:06 You'll hear me today, Church. 10:07 And so go back with me, if you don't mind. 10:09 To Luke, chapter 17 and verse 11, 10:12 as we unpack his word together today. 10:14 Luke 17. 10:15 In verse 11, when you get there, let me hear you say man. 10:18 Luke 17. 10:19 In verse 11, the Bible says, and now it happened 10:23 as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed 10:26 through the mist of Samarium and Galilee. 10:32 Now, friends, I need you to get that 10:33 the implications of this story are more powerful 10:37 than I can accurately preach in these 40 minutes. 10:42 In fact, the Bible says that Jesus in this moment 10:46 is on the way to Jerusalem. 10:49 And notice that the Bible says that he passed 10:52 through the mist of Samarra and Galilee. 10:57 Now, a more appropriate translation reads that 11:00 he travels between the border of Samarra and Galilee. 11:06 In other words, in this moment, Jesus is not on a major 11:10 thoroughfare through town, but Jesus is in rural terrain. 11:16 Jesus is out there in the outskirts. 11:19 Jesus is ministering in the sticks. 11:22 He is in the wilderness. 11:24 When Leviticus 13 and 46 says that lepers 11:29 are supposed to dwell because of their unclean ness. 11:34 And so, as I considered these lepers, there were three things 11:37 I think that are noteworthy for our consideration today. 11:42 The first thing I like about these lepers 11:46 is that they have an urgency about their opportunity. 11:51 Let me say it again. 11:52 The thing I like about these lepers 11:55 is they've got an urgency about their opportunity. 11:59 In other words, friends, did you notice that once 12:02 Jesus enters into their village there is no cool, 12:08 calm and collected about their approach? 12:12 In fact, the Bible makes it clear 12:15 that as he enters into a village and we believe the village 12:18 was one in Galilee, for the Bible says that 12:21 nine of the lepers were Jews, but only one was a Samaritan. 12:28 And the Bible says, friends, that they came up to me, can. 12:33 In other words, when the Bible says they met him. 12:37 It is to suggest that they are anticipating him. 12:41 It is to suggest that they were waiting for him. 12:45 It is to suggest that they were hoping 12:48 that Jesus would pass their way and notice friends, 12:52 that when Jesus shows up, they don't let him go and got to 12:56 the house and get his feet washed and get something to eat. 13:01 But the Bible says that they stand off from a distance 13:05 and they cry out with desperation. 13:08 Master, with you have mercy upon us. 13:12 Now I need you to get 13:14 that there are two principles that drive this urgency. 13:20 The first reason they are urgent is they understand 13:22 the pain of missed opportunity. 13:27 Well, what do you mean when you say missed opportunity? 13:30 Understand? 13:30 Friends of mine 13:31 that when you go back and read Matthew Chapter 13, 13:36 the story is told of Jesus first 13:39 return to his home, Land of Galilee. 13:44 And you remember when Jesus first went back to Galilee, 13:48 their familiarity with him bread. 13:51 A contempt that ultimately nullified their faith. 13:57 In fact, they say it is not this the carpenter's son. 14:02 And they said his mother and brothers are with us 14:05 to this day. 14:06 And the Bible says that he did not do 14:10 many miracles there because of their unbelief. 14:15 And scholars and Ellen White agree 14:18 that there is some in this lepers group 14:20 that have been 14:21 dealing with this disease because they missed out 14:25 on the last time that Jesus showed up 14:28 in their area to bring healing to their terrain. 14:34 And it's crazy because they've been living with this disease 14:38 because they missed out on their last opportunity. 14:41 And this powerful mom, because now when Jesus shows up, 14:45 they meet him with a high anticipation. 14:49 They show up with a deliver it expectation. 14:53 In fact, they see his presence as an act of mercy. 14:58 They see his return as an act of grace. 15:02 They see him coming back as a sign that Jesus 15:06 has given them another chance. 15:10 I just have a question today. 15:12 Do I have at least seven or eight folks that are grateful 15:15 that Jesus doesn't just give you one chance? 15:19 But are we grateful that He's 15:21 the God of another chance? 15:25 See, we used to say he's the God of a second chance. 15:29 But the problem is, some of us use our second chance 15:33 a long time ago. 15:34 So he's not just the god of a second chance. 15:38 He's the God of another chance. 15:40 I hear me today, church. 15:42 And see, I need somebody to get this 15:44 because there is somebody 15:46 that is in a season where you thought that a door 15:51 that would be closed forever, it is about to open up again. 15:56 There is somebody who's been in a season of correction 16:01 and the word to somebody today is that when God gives you 16:04 another chance, don't squander your next chance. 16:08 Almighty, why didn't you today? 16:10 In other words, when God opens up 16:12 another door, don't squander your opportunity. 16:16 The truth is that there is somebody 16:19 that has come through some things with you on health 16:21 and in your body, and God has given you another chance. 16:26 And when God gives you another chance, you better take care of 16:29 His temple. You are hearing me today. 16:32 There is some husband today whose wife is going to give you 16:36 another chance to re win her heart. 16:39 And when that heart 16:41 door opens, don't you squander your next chance? 16:45 There is somebody whose parents made it through 16:47 that medical procedure, and God gave you another chance 16:52 to reconcile with your parents before they leave this earth. 16:56 Don't mess up your next chance. 16:59 There is somebody today that had a scare with their kids, 17:03 and it was a sign to give them more time and attention. 17:06 And when 17:07 God gives you that chance, don't you mess up your next chance. 17:12 And what I just need to know, do I have anybody that's grateful 17:15 that God doesn't just open it up once or twice, but God 17:20 extends mercy on top of mercy and grace on top of grace. 17:26 And when God opens up the door, don't you mess 17:29 up your next chance. 17:32 See, God has 17:33 given some of us another chance to be in school. 17:37 He's given us another chance to repent. 17:41 He's given us another chance to start over. 17:44 Don't mess up your next chance. 17:47 It's crazy. 17:48 I remember one day that it. 17:50 I was getting ready to fly somewhere to free gym. 17:53 And so I remember my wife and I, 17:55 we were sitting down and making our travel arrangements. 17:58 And Louis, as we looked at it, we noticed that in Charlotte 18:01 the layover was only going to be about 29 minutes. 18:05 And it's crazy 18:06 because my wife was like, Baby, that is too short. 18:09 You don't need to try to make that. 18:10 If there's any delay, you're going to miss that flight. 18:14 And I'm very presumptuous. 18:15 I'm like the man of God. 18:16 God is gonna to open up doors for me 18:18 that he don't open up for everybody else. 18:21 And so, of course, I get to the airport that day, 18:25 and American Airlines is not just delayed 5 minutes, 18:28 but 10 minutes, 18:30 not just 10 minutes, but 30 minutes. 18:33 It's delayed the exact amount of time of my layover. 18:36 Y'all not hear me today. 18:37 And it's crazy because as I get off the plane in Charlotte, 18:42 I get off dejected, 18:43 I get off knowing I've already missed my flight. 18:46 I get off 18:48 knowing that I'm going to be in the airport for a long time. 18:51 But God was good on this occasion 18:53 so that when I 18:54 looked up at the monitor to see when the next flight was, 18:59 I saw that my flight was still grounded. 19:02 In other words, God delayed that flight 45 minutes 19:07 longer than the flight that I had been delayed. 19:11 And I need you to know that when God gave me a second chance, 19:14 I didn't stroll back. I was cold. 19:17 But I ran through the airport like O.J.. 19:19 Y'all not hearing me 19:21 because 19:22 I wasn't gonna waste my second chance 19:25 since I are here in the world today, friends. 19:30 But the second reason, friends that they don't mess up 19:33 this opportunity is because they understand 19:36 the importance of a final chance. 19:41 Okay, 19:43 see the reason they got to go ahead 19:44 and get what they're going to get from 19:45 Jesus now is that they're not sure 19:48 if Jesus is coming back this way again. 19:52 In other words, I can't miss this opportunity 19:57 because I'm not sure if this is going to be our 19:59 last time to get a connection with Jesus. 20:04 Now, notice, friends, that the Bible says 20:07 that Jesus is on His way 20:10 to Jerusalem. 20:12 The purpose of his journey to Jerusalem 20:16 is actually crucifixion and the completion of his work. 20:21 Now, I'm not sure if the lepers knew that, 20:25 but the one thing they realize and made up in their minds 20:28 beforehand that if Jesus ever passed this way again, 20:34 I'm going to take full advantage of it, because I'll never know 20:38 when it's my last time to seek Jesus. 20:42 And can I pause and piercingly declare 20:47 that what is true 20:48 for the lepers is also true for us? 20:52 Because the fact is that no matter how healthy and blessed 20:57 and protected and armored your life 20:59 may be, you never know 21:03 when it's going to be your last time 21:06 to get connected to Jesus Christ and see friends. 21:09 One of the signs of maturity, both individually and 21:14 spiritually as well, is when you are scared 21:18 of that false sense of invincibility 21:21 that suggests that you've got more time 21:24 than you actually have in order to get connected to Jesus. 21:29 One of the signs of maturity is an understanding of how fragile 21:34 your life can be. 21:39 Do you realize 21:41 you can be sitting up here in church praising God today 21:45 and you can be sitting in the ICU later on this evening? 21:50 Is there anybody listening trying to scare you? 21:53 But do you understand that it's not guaranteed 21:56 that you're 21:57 going to make it safely home from church this afternoon? 22:01 Do you realize that there are dark principalities 22:06 that are looking for any hole in your heavenly armor 22:10 to be able to bring murderous intents and your direction? 22:14 Is there anybody that is clear that there are weapons 22:17 that are formed in the heavenly that tragedy is built 22:20 into every day, and that it is the hand of God 22:26 that keeps it from spilling over into the heavenly, 22:29 into your earthly reality. 22:32 And the word that I want to declare to everybody today 22:36 is that spiritually you ought to live every day 22:41 like it's your last. 22:43 And can I suggest, friends, that Satan's greatest deception? 22:46 It is not just the change of the day of worship, 22:49 but one of his greatest 22:49 deceptions is the deception of more time. 22:53 It is the belief that you've got more time than you actually do 22:57 to connect and commit and consecrate the life 23:00 to Jesus Christ. 23:01 This is why Jane says, Be careful 23:04 about making plans for tomorrow. 23:07 He literally says that it is folly for you to sit up here 23:10 boasting 23:11 about what you're going to do next week and next month, 23:15 and to say, I'm going to travel here and travel there. 23:18 And the issue is not 23:19 that you make plans, but the issue is one of presumption. 23:24 And what James ultimately wants us to understand 23:26 is that tomorrow is promise 23:30 to no man. 23:33 And that's why I beloved each and every day you ought 23:34 to live your life with a solemn solemnity. 23:38 You ought to live your life with a spiritual urgency 23:41 that says, I don't have all the time in the world 23:44 to start serving God. 23:46 And because every day could be your last. 23:50 You know how much you ought to live it. 23:52 You ought to live every day that you wake up with gratitude. 23:56 Well, Lord, have mercy. 23:59 Oh, Lord. 24:02 See, I need you to know you didn't have to wake up today. 24:06 No, no. 24:07 Because, see, we arrogant enough to think 24:09 my alarm clock woke me up this morning. 24:12 But can I say it like the old preachers take that alarm clock 24:16 to Oakwood Memorial Gardens and ain't nobody 24:19 waking up over there cause of the alarm clock. 24:23 Your alarm clock didn't wake you up, 24:25 but it was the finger of God 24:29 that renewed the lease on your breath. 24:33 And it was the hand of God that woke you up this morning. 24:37 And that's why 24:38 I believe friends of mine, that every day you wake up, 24:42 you ought to wake up and say, this is the day 24:45 that the Lord has made. 24:48 I'm gonna rejoice and be glad in it. 24:52 It's why every day you wake up without pain in your body. 24:56 You ought to shout, Praise the Lord. 24:59 Every day you wake up and you've got a portion of strength. 25:02 You want to bless his name. 25:04 Every day you wake up and your plane lands 25:08 and it doesn't crash you out of the south. 25:11 Every day my kids come home from school 25:15 and the school hadn't been shut up. 25:16 I praise God 25:18 every time you make it home safely, 25:22 you ought to give him praise instead of coming to church 25:26 and folding your arms and complaining about the music. 25:30 You ought to just thank God that I came here. 25:33 Even notes that were asked. 25:35 You want to praise him 25:37 that you are able to enter into his gates 25:41 with Thanksgiving and enjoy his cards with praise. 25:46 Let everything that has 25:52 breath 25:54 praise the name of 25:56 all you are. 25:56 Here is my service. 26:00 Thank you for joining us for the Breath of Life 26:03 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell. 26:06 We hope and pray 26:08 that you have been blessed by this powerful message. 26:12 Join us next week for part two of “Just Start Moving”. 26:17 You don't want to miss it. |
Revised 2025-01-13