Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000155S

00:04 #S080 - “Just Start Moving” (Part 2)
00:19 Welcome to The Breath of Life
00:21 Television Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
00:26 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will continue part
00:28 two of the powerful message “Just Start Moving”.
00:33 Now let's go deeper into the word of God.
00:36 Second thing
00:38 I like about these men,
00:40 number two is that they don't
00:42 just accept their fate
00:48 like this.
00:50 They don't just go with
00:53 what the doctor says.
00:55 Oh, God.
00:57 They don't sit around with the probabilities
01:01 and say, I'm going to be one of them.
01:04 They have made it up in their mind that they in
01:07 Christ are going to be the exceptions to the rule.
01:13 Now, now, I need you to get this,
01:15 because these men literally carry
01:19 around in their body a death sentence
01:24 like that, real talk whenever they look
01:27 at this, this disorder progressing on their skin.
01:31 And to be clear, leprosy is not a disorder of the skin.
01:34 It is.
01:35 And a trap
01:36 attack on the nerve trucks that shows up on the skin.
01:40 But every time
01:41 they see this disorder progressing, it is a remind
01:45 that death is imminent and certain for them.
01:49 And see, I understand that different cultures
01:53 had different ways that they dealt with leprosy.
01:55 It's crazy because in the Jewish culture
01:58 they essentially put you on the outskirts of town
02:01 and they made you socially distanced
02:03 and you literally
02:04 had to announce to everybody that you were unclean.
02:09 But see, the thing about leprosy is that it had no vaccine
02:12 and it had no cure.
02:15 And leprosy had a ring of permanence to it.
02:19 In other words, until Jesus, it was all the way back
02:23 to naming the Serian that anybody got healed
02:27 of leprosy and see because nobody ever came back from it
02:33 and informed how the cultures dealt with it.
02:37 Do you realize that there
02:38 are certain cultures,
02:39 not just not necessarily the Jewish culture,
02:43 but some of the ancient cultures have made this permanent way
02:46 of dealing with folks who are dealing with leprosy.
02:49 So that what would happen is crazy that if you were
02:51 caught, are deemed as one full of leprosy.
02:56 Not only would they send you into a leper colony
02:59 before you went.
03:01 They would make you dig your own grave.
03:05 They would allow you to receive
03:07 the equivalent of last rites while you're still alive.
03:12 And while you're still alive.
03:14 What they would do is they will eulogize you.
03:18 Your family would give reflections about you.
03:22 And what would happen is you would experience
03:24 your own funeral
03:27 while you were still alive.
03:30 In other words, because nobody came back
03:34 from leprosy, they treated you like you were dead
03:38 even while you still had breath.
03:41 And can I suggest today that emotionally and spiritually,
03:46 this is where some of us are with some of the circumstances
03:49 that we are in,
03:50 because some of us have come to the conclusion
03:53 that there ain't no coming back.
03:54 From what I mean,
03:57 there are some of us that have a lepers mentality
04:00 and that we are burying things
04:05 that still have life in it.
04:08 You are digging a grave for things
04:11 that still have the possibility to resume.
04:15 And can I suggest that maybe somebody is burying
04:17 a marriage
04:20 that still has life in it?
04:23 Maybe somebody is burying an academic career
04:27 because you've got bad grades to this point
04:30 and maybe it's still got some life in it.
04:33 Maybe there is somebody who's gone so far
04:35 spiritually that you think I can never return.
04:39 And I can never get back from where I've come from.
04:43 Maybe there is somebody that has done so much wrong
04:46 that you feel like there is ultimately no hope for you
04:49 in God.
04:50 And the word that I need somebody to know today is that
04:54 you should never just accept your fate.
05:00 Now, I want to be clear.
05:01 I'm not turning around everybody up.
05:02 But the truth is, there are some of us.
05:04 And there going to be times
05:06 where you have to accept certain things as God's will,
05:10 and you got to pray for grace to endure it.
05:13 But there are certain things
05:14 that are not necessarily God's will.
05:18 They're just temporary situations or passing
05:22 predicaments that to be accepted as permanent.
05:27 Okay, God, Lord, give me the language.
05:31 I need somebody to know there are some things that are
05:34 passing by because it passes slowly.
05:38 You've assumed it was.
05:39 Oh, you're not here me today.
05:41 I need you to know
05:42 there are certain things that did not come to stay.
05:47 There are some things that have come to pass,
05:50 but you cannot accept certain things as permanence.
05:56 In other words, if God didn't see the thing
05:58 I like about these lepers
06:00 is they understand what the doctors have said.
06:03 But what they've
06:04 simply concluded is that Jehovah has the final say.
06:08 And let me be clear that I'm not anti medicine or doctor.
06:12 They are great people that simply assess
06:14 what the instruments tell us.
06:15 In fact, sometimes they can assess
06:18 and predict things with a a haunting accuracy.
06:22 But I need you to understand that no matter how bad
06:25 your predicament, I need somebody to
06:29 understand that it's not over
06:36 until God says it's over.
06:40 I'm trying to wake up the dead in this room today.
06:44 I need somebody to know that the final say
06:48 done rests with your naysayers, with your haters,
06:53 with your friends, with the comments section.
06:56 God has the final say
06:59 over everything that happens in your life.
07:03 I mean, real taught me I'm recently I was just in in
07:06 the country of Panama preaching.
07:07 And I was talking to a brother
07:09 who was dealing with some sickness there.
07:11 He had a very particular type of cancer.
07:14 And it's crazy because the doctors told him
07:17 that without chemotherapy, he would only have about six
07:20 months to live.
07:20 And if he took treatment,
07:22 he would live
07:23 maybe up to two or three years if everything went well.
07:27 I need you to know that that brother got down on his knees.
07:31 That brother did his therapy in treatment.
07:34 He began to take his health very seriously.
07:37 And I need you to know that brother is still here.
07:39 That diagnosis was 15 years ago,
07:42 but he is still here
07:45 because God has the final say.
07:49 You are? Hear me today, Church.
07:51 I see the problem.
07:52 I want to say with somebody is you need to stop doing more.
07:58 You should do less statistics and probabilities
08:02 and more standing on the promises of God.
08:05 Because if you're going to be the exception to the rule,
08:09 you've got to leave room for the divine
08:10 and the miraculous to occur in your life.
08:14 Listen, I'm going to say it until you hear it.
08:17 You've got to leave room
08:19 for the miraculous to occur.
08:21 You've got to leave space for the divine to break forth.
08:27 You've got to make room in your imagination for God to show up.
08:33 And I want to suggest do less statistics, probabilities.
08:37 And if you're going to do math, do algebra.
08:41 Okay.
08:43 In other words, you don't want to do arithmetic.
08:46 You want to do algebra because algebra goes something
08:49 like this, x plus three equals six.
08:54 And so in algebra, you know what the answer is.
08:57 You just got to find out what X is.
09:00 And if you know what X is, X is what gets you to the answer.
09:05 And can I suggest today that Jesus is the X factor?
09:10 And if you put Jesus in the slot,
09:13 he'll get you what you need.
09:15 So if you need hope, Jesus will get you there.
09:20 If you need strength, Jesus will get to that.
09:24 If you need prevision, Jesus will get you there.
09:28 If you need healing, Jesus will get you there.
09:33 If you need deliverance, Jesus will get to the end
09:37 because Jesus is the X factor
09:42 that pushes you to the answer.
09:45 That's who stand in need of.
09:48 The third thing
09:51 I like about these lepers
09:53 is that they make their requests
09:57 known to Jesus Christ.
10:00 Now, I know this is not high theology, right?
10:04 But the one good thing I like about these brothers
10:06 is they say, man, we got to get this matter
10:10 before the Lord who is in control of everything.
10:13 They make their request known to him.
10:16 They kill Jesus all about the problem
10:20 and see what they have come to understand is that you
10:22 can't get divine aid from
10:26 a human construct.
10:29 They've come
10:31 to this important conclusion
10:35 that their life will only be
10:37 as miraculous as their prayerful ness.
10:42 Okay, y'all, y'all didn't get it.
10:45 No, no, no.
10:45 Your life will only be as miraculous
10:49 as your prayer fulness.
10:51 Now, the problem with us, the reason y'all,
10:53 you grit your teeth when I say that,
10:54 is because we are this self-sufficient, independent,
10:59 educated, autonomous from God behaving people
11:03 that lean on our own logic and our human devices.
11:06 And the problem is, we got too much hustle
11:08 and we got too many schemes
11:10 and we've got
11:11 too many contingency plans for if God doesn't come through.
11:16 But I need somebody to be clear that your life will
11:17 only be as miraculous as your prayer fullness.
11:23 So the Lord gave me this revelation this week.
11:26 He told me that we're going to respond
11:27 just like y'all are responding now.
11:29 And what God showed me is that what you're thinking is
11:32 the reason, like they could take it to Jesus with
11:35 because Jesus was right there on earth.
11:40 In other words,
11:41 I tell Jesus if he was still walking around here, too.
11:45 But this is my question today
11:48 is the Jesus
11:50 who sits at the right hand of God
11:54 less powerful
11:56 than the Jesus that walked the dusty roads of Galilee?
12:01 Oh, your God is the one who ever lives
12:06 to make intercede destined for us, less powerful
12:10 than the one who declared so yourselves to the priest
12:15 and say, we trippin because we think that those
12:18 that saw him in person had an advantage over us.
12:23 No. What did Jesus say in John 14 and 15?
12:26 He says, It's good for you that I go.
12:30 He says, It is for your benefit that I go for.
12:33 He says, If I do not go, then
12:36 the comforter and the counselor and the holy.
12:42 Oh, God, he says.
12:44 It's better for me to go.
12:46 So the Holy Ghost can come.
12:48 And when I need somebody
12:49 to wake up and understand, is that we've got more access.
12:54 And the Holy Ghost
12:58 than they had when Jesus walked the Earth.
13:01 Okay. All right. So you also added brand new.
13:03 See, the reason we have the advantage
13:06 is because even if you were alive
13:09 when Jesus walked the face of the earth,
13:11 you know, Jesus never went
13:12 really more than 30 miles outside of where he lived.
13:16 And so even if you were able to get somewhere near Jerusalem,
13:19 you would have to fight the woman
13:20 with the issue of blood.
13:22 You have to fight the blind by the mayor's.
13:26 You would have to fight the man with the withered hand.
13:28 You would have to fight the woman.
13:30 Well, by the whale, you would have to fight all kind of folk
13:35 in order to get Jesus.
13:38 But how many of us know that because of the Holy Ghost,
13:44 I'm never second in line?
13:46 I don't have to wait my turn.
13:50 I don't have to wait for Jesus to get free.
13:52 I've got 24 hour a day,
13:56 seven day a week access
13:59 to the King of Kings and the Lord of Love as
14:04 somebody always needs an emergency hotline.
14:07 You don't need a one 800 number four on your face
14:11 and down one 800.
14:14 He has to ask, are you are
14:18 hear me today?
14:21 So it's funny.
14:22 So you got to be a certain age
14:24 to join with me in this phrase I'm about to share.
14:27 Anybody old enough to remember the days of landlines?
14:32 Come on and tell yourself, Amy, we know who you are.
14:35 And it's crazy, man, because so much has changed.
14:37 Like my kids, they don't even know what a landline it's right.
14:41 But I remember those old school landlines
14:44 where, especially before the days of call waiting,
14:47 when you called in, somebody is on the phone,
14:49 you got a busy signal.
14:50 Come on and say, Hey, man.
14:52 And then, like back in the old school houses,
14:55 there was a hierarchy
14:57 about who had access to the phone.
15:00 So your parents had first dibs on the phone.
15:04 Your older siblings had second dates on the phone.
15:08 And because it was only one line you had to get it
15:11 where you fit in.
15:12 But the good news is, in my house,
15:14 we've got a family plan,
15:16 so nobody's waiting on one single line.
15:20 I've got a line.
15:21 My wife's got a line.
15:23 My son has a line.
15:25 So nobody's ever waiting to get access.
15:28 Everybody's got a direct.
15:30 Oh, yeah, you didn't hear it today.
15:32 Jesus on Earth was the landline.
15:36 Jesus, the Holy Ghost is the family plan.
15:40 So you ain't got to wait in line.
15:42 You're not next in line.
15:44 You've got daily access because Jesus is always available.
15:49 But all I hear in this today Church
15:55 and see, we got to stay prayerful
15:57 and we got to stay connected.
15:59 Can I repeat something I've shared with you before?
16:02 I need somebody to know this in a dark space today
16:05 that whatever you worry about the most is usually the thing
16:08 you pray about.
16:09 The least.
16:13 You can be offended, but I'm going to stand on it
16:14 right here in your face and say it to you again.
16:16 Like using whatever you worried about the most
16:20 is the thing that you're praying about the least.
16:22 And see, this is how I need you to know,
16:24 because the word literally promises it.
16:27 Philippians says, Be anxious
16:32 about nothing
16:34 but pray about everything.
16:38 And when you do it with Thanksgiving,
16:41 the Bible says the peace
16:44 which passes.
16:47 Oh, not most of it
16:50 all. Understanding
16:52 will guard your heart and your mind through Christ Jesus.
16:57 And see this thing I've learned, you can't be praying about it
16:59 and tripping about it at the same time.
17:02 Because I need to know before prayer
17:04 changes the situation, it changes your disposition,
17:08 it settles you.
17:10 It allows you become settled in the confidence
17:13 and in the assurance that your God
17:16 does all things well.
17:19 I hear what I'm saying in church.
17:20 So, so let's do it. Let me do a great exercise.
17:23 Take stock of your week.
17:24 I mean, the truth is, there are some of us today
17:27 that have spent hours this week worrying about the marriage,
17:32 but we've only spent seconds praying about the marriage.
17:34 There are some of us that have spent
17:36 all kinds of time being anxious about financially clearing,
17:39 but we have not prayed about financially clearing.
17:43 I see the crazy thing is that
17:44 we've taken the issue to our cousin.
17:45 We've taken it to our parents.
17:47 Some of us have taken the issue to the bottle.
17:49 Some of us have taken it to our congressmen.
17:51 We've taken it to everybody but Jesus.
17:56 And I just want to just kind of resurrect the belief to know
18:00 that when you pray there is power
18:05 and see, the problem is we just want God
18:08 to intervene in the midst of our ruminating and stress.
18:12 But your victory is not just intervene in an intervention.
18:14 It is when you make your request.
18:16 Known to God
18:19 is guys who my kids will look smaller.
18:20 They would do this weird thing.
18:21 So you know,
18:22 when they were afraid to ask about something,
18:23 when they thought I would say no, they wouldn't
18:26 ask it outright.
18:27 They would just insinuate what they wanted in my presence.
18:31 So. So if a turkey cheese commercial came on,
18:35 they'd be like, Man, Daddy, didn't we have fun the last time
18:37 we went to Chucky Cheese?
18:41 And I'm like, Yeah, we had a good time
18:43 sandwich, man. I had the time of my life.
18:45 Let me show you the pictures
18:46 from the on our phone last time we went,
18:48 oh, if we pass by Domino's, they'd be like, man,
18:52 you know, wouldn't it be nice
18:53 if we went to Domino's and got something to eat
18:57 or if they, you know, kind of saw something,
19:00 you know, they would be like, yours are certain shoes, my son.
19:02 Like,
19:02 you know,
19:03 Daddy, don't you want to get yourself a pair of shoes?
19:06 Because he assumes
19:07 if I get myself a pair that I'm going get him a pair.
19:11 And when they would
19:12 insinuate in my presence, I would not respond.
19:17 And the reason I wouldn't respond to their insinuation
19:21 is I wanted them to teach them that if you have a need,
19:26 don't just stress about it, insinuate it, say it.
19:29 In my presence, you've got to ask for what you stand.
19:33 Need up and see.
19:35 Jesus made this farmers ask and it shall be given seek
19:40 and it shall be found knock and the door will be opened
19:44 until you are you are here me today church.
19:48 And so the word serious here in verse 14.
19:50 So when he saw them he said unto them, This is it,
19:53 church, go show yourselves to the praise.
19:58 I know. Look in the Bible
20:01 and the Bible says and this is the miracle.
20:04 And so it was that
20:07 as they went,
20:16 as they moved,
20:20 they were clans.
20:22 Can I just say somebody real quick?
20:24 You can't have high miracles with low obedience.
20:29 Okay.
20:29 All right.
20:31 When you read your scripture, do not most miracles requires
20:36 some type of act of faith or obedience
20:39 as a validation of your faith
20:41 so that Jesus would tell the cripple man, rise,
20:45 take up your bed and walk,
20:48 or Jesus would tell Peter, come,
20:51 step out of the boat and then you will walk on the water.
20:56 Jesus, God told you like three lies to the widow it was once
21:00 he gathered all of the vessels that the oil began to flow.
21:06 It was once Israel put their feet in the water
21:09 that the water actually began to part.
21:13 It is why he told them to eat the Passover meal, ending up
21:17 with your bag in your hand and your shoes on your feet
21:20 because you got to get ready to go where I'm taking you
21:25 and see, this is the custom of the time
21:27 that if perhaps
21:29 and really what it was, it wasn't really believed that
21:31 you could be healed of leprosy.
21:33 The belief was that you could get like psoriasis
21:38 or that you could get misdiagnosed of leprosy.
21:40 And if you are misdiagnosed, you would go to the priest
21:45 who would judge and examine you.
21:48 And if he deemed you clean, you would get into back
21:51 into the culture, our society.
21:54 And this is the word saints.
21:56 I need you to get this.
21:58 They have a death sentence.
22:02 They have been to their own funeral.
22:05 They have been left without hope.
22:08 They don't even have a point of reference
22:11 that they can point to hardly in their lifetime.
22:13 To say this, somebody came back
22:16 from the very thing that I am going through, but
22:18 Jesus didn't even say, you know, he didn't say you're clean.
22:24 He didn't pronounce them feeling better.
22:27 He just gave them an instruction.
22:31 The Bible says that he declared to them, Go
22:35 show yourself to the priest.
22:39 And did you know this church that the Bible says
22:43 that they weren't healed based on the word?
22:47 They were
22:48 healed based upon their movement.
22:51 The Bible says that as they went, they got restored.
22:56 As they moved, they got healed as they obeyed, they were made.
23:01 Well,
23:02 in other words, there were some that got better after 50 yards.
23:06 Some got that deliverance after a hundred yards,
23:09 some got their deliverance at the half mile mark,
23:13 which says that when you go in obedience,
23:16 don't look at when they get blessed.
23:18 Don't look at when the others get blessed.
23:21 You've just got to walk in obedience
23:25 until your change comes.
23:27 So. So why is this important?
23:30 Because to many of us, we want a passive miracle.
23:35 We want blessings to just fall from the sky while we sit down
23:40 watching television and playing Fortnite all night long.
23:45 But notice Jesus
23:46 rarely just went to somebody his house
23:50 and knocked on their door and said, Here is your deliverance.
23:54 Know it.
23:54 Follow an action of faith
23:57 like the woman with the issue of blood,
24:00 or the two blind men that stayed by the roadside begging
24:03 and who refused to pipe down.
24:04 Are you all hear what I'm saying is a church and see the word
24:07 somebody today is don't wait for it to come to you.
24:13 You just need to start moving in faith.
24:17 There's somebody
24:18 that just needs to start moving and applying for Grant School.
24:22 There is somebody that just needs to start moving
24:25 and putting in the application for the House.
24:27 There is somebody that needs to simply start moving
24:30 and getting in the recovery program.
24:33 Don't just wait for sobriety to come to you.
24:36 You've got to start moving and adapting and operating in faith.
24:40 Are y'all hear me today? Church
24:42 is crazy.
24:43 I remember one day I was going over here to to Ross
24:47 and and I think
24:50 on this weekday it opened around 9 a.m..
24:53 Louis So I get there probably about 855.
24:56 I had left my belt at home and I need to grab a belt
24:59 in order to go into some meetings.
25:00 And it's funny
25:01 because when I get there about 855,
25:03 I see somebody get out of their car,
25:05 they go by the door and because it's not time yet,
25:07 they just stand in front of the door
25:09 and they're down about 857.
25:10 I see somebody else get out of the car
25:12 and they see the other person standing outside.
25:15 And what they do is they just stand outside of the door.
25:18 And so 9:00 comes
25:20 when it's supposed to open, somebody else comes
25:23 and they see other people standing
25:24 and they just stand on the side of the door.
25:27 About 903i get out of the car
25:30 and because I see other folk just standing around,
25:32 I just stand at the side of the door.
25:33 So. Malcolm About 906
25:36 there
25:37 is this lady who gets out of her car and I
25:39 see is walking at the door.
25:40 She looks at her clock, she is looking at us crazy
25:44 and wondering why we're standing outside of the door.
25:47 And the reason we're standing outside of the door.
25:50 We're waiting on somebody to come and open up the door.
25:53 But I guess what
25:54 we didn't realize is that the doors were automatic doors,
25:59 and otherwise
26:00 these doors don't have a person that opens it.
26:04 It has a sensor that operates
26:06 it, and the sensor doesn't open the door
26:10 until it recognizes the presence of motion or activity.
26:15 And so
26:16 because we just standing there waiting, the door doesn't open.
26:20 But the lady,
26:21 she just keeps moving and she doesn't break stride.
26:25 And because she's moving
26:28 the doors just open.
26:32 And what I'm saying to somebody
26:34 is that the doors won't open
26:37 until you start moving,
26:39 as long as just standing there praying
26:42 and wishing and watching and the word to somebody
26:47 is, you've just got to start moving it in the Lord Jesus
26:52 Christ, are you hearing me , church? what's good family.
26:56 I am declaring 2025 a leap year.
27:00 I want to encourage you to join us
27:01 as we launch our new teaching series under the theme Leap
27:05 Year.
27:06 Every Saturday at 11 and every Wednesday at seven.
27:09 In the month of January,
27:11 we're going to be walking through the Word of God
27:13 and giving you the tools to be able to make great leaps
27:17 in every single area of your life
27:20 and make sure you join us for our 21 days of prayer
27:23 from January the fifth through the 26th at 6 a.m.
27:27 on our Brother Life and University Church YouTube page,
27:30 we're going to encourage one another,
27:32 pray with one another, and lift one another
27:36 so that we can have big strides and breakthroughs in 2025
27:40 and make sure you don't forget to get the book Leap Year
27:43 at our Breath of life page in our store.
27:45 Or you can get it from
27:48 This is not a year of stagnation.
27:50 It's not a year to be steel.
27:52 It is a year of motion.
27:54 And I encourage you to join us as we make the leap


Revised 2025-01-15