Breath of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOLS

Program Code: BOLS000157S

00:03 #S081 - “ Somethings Just Don't Mix” ( Part 2)
00:20 Welcome to The Breath
00:21 of Life Ministries broadcast with Pastor Debleaire Snell.
00:25 In today's episode, Pastor Snell will continue part
00:28 two of the powerful message.
00:31 “Somethings Just Don't Mix.” Now
00:35 let's go deeper into the Word of God.
00:38 I know it don't get easier with time.
00:40 It gets harder with time. Am I preaching about it?
00:43 I So I need you to know the only difference between
00:47 old sinners and young sinners is old sinners
00:49 know how to cover their tracks.
00:53 See, there are some of us that have gotten older.
00:56 We don't have wisdom, we just have experience
00:59 and see the experience and necessarily good.
01:02 It is just taught us
01:03 how to mitigate some of the consequences of the sin for life
01:07 so that an old sinner knows
01:08 how to clear the history after they get off life.
01:12 The old center knows
01:13 to call a cab instead of get behind the wheel.
01:17 The old sinner is going to sign a prenup
01:18 and not just jump into it.
01:19 The Almighty quiet in here today.
01:21 See? See, I need you to know all you learn how to do is
01:24 cover it up a little bit better.
01:27 I hear what I'm saying
01:29 and see.
01:30 And this is why I had a great member
01:31 who taught me a very interesting lesson.
01:33 The lady named Mother Glenn in my first church
01:36 in West Point, Mississippi,
01:37 she walked on a cane and on a walker.
01:39 And sometimes on Tuesdays I would pick her up
01:43 and take her to Tuesday night prayer meeting.
01:44 And she says, Pastor, you know
01:45 why God puts babies and old people on walkers?
01:51 I said, No, I don't know, because you know
01:52 how the little babies, they put them down in walkers
01:54 when their first learning how to walk and
01:58 and then older folks sometimes at a certain point
02:00 they need a cane or a walker.
02:01 And she says it is symbolic of a spiritual truth.
02:05 She says, babies.
02:06 Their first lesson is they have to lean on something else
02:11 and out of that, learn how to walk.
02:12 And other Fodor folks, their last lesson
02:16 is they have to lean on a walker and able to walk
02:19 and understand that the babies walker and the old foot
02:22 walker is a symbol of the presence of God.
02:26 And your first lesson is to learn.
02:27 You've got to lean on God.
02:29 And your last lesson ought to be
02:31 that you've got to lean on God.
02:34 Do I have anybody that know you?
02:35 Don't do it by yourself, but it is God that upholds you.
02:40 It is God that sustains you.
02:43 It is God that you can lean on.
02:45 And when you can lean on nothing else, you've got to lean
02:49 on the everlasting arms of God.
02:54 You are here. In this
02:57 third thing this teaches
03:00 is that a child of God
03:02 will never be over taken by His enemies.
03:06 They will only be compromised by their alliance.
03:09 It's okay.
03:14 You all made me work hard.
03:16 But I'm here for it today.
03:18 A child of God.
03:21 Solomon is the case study
03:23 will never be overtaken by their enemies.
03:27 They can only be compromised by their alliances.
03:30 Now, friends,
03:31 when you get home,
03:32 I want you to read the history of Solomon's life.
03:35 Do you realize the hand of Solomon was on
03:41 the hand of God was on Solomon with such strength,
03:44 you realize that his enemies would not even oppose him.
03:49 God, do you realize that the hand of God was upon
03:53 Solomon's rule with such blessing?
03:55 No. Read his entire narrative.
03:57 You never
03:59 see about the Philistines or the Ammonites or the Emirates
04:03 rolling up with the Calvary, trying to take down Solomon
04:07 because they recognize that the hand of God was upon Him
04:10 with such strength and the hands of God was around him.
04:14 It was such impenetrable force that they wouldn't
04:16 even step to Solomon because his enemies.
04:21 Oh God, couldn't touch him.
04:24 And what I'm saying to somebody is that when God's
04:27 hand is upon you,
04:29 that the hands of God can be so strong
04:33 that your enemies don't even come for you
04:36 because they know the hand of God is so strong
04:39 that is destined to fail.
04:42 So now I need you to notice what happens.
04:45 Remember we said the devil plays the long game
04:48 so the enemies know
04:50 they cannot touch Solomon with swords spear our chariot.
04:56 But notice that in Solomon's business dealings,
05:00 Satan has a very artful practice
05:04 that is leveled at his spiritual wellness, that whenever
05:06 they would sign a treaty or enter into an agreement,
05:11 sometimes they would seal treaties with an exchange.
05:15 Sometimes it would be an exchange of goods
05:17 or materials, or in Solomon's case, he would over a time
05:23 collect over 1000 romantic partners.
05:28 Now, this is the question.
05:30 The Bible say stay with me, church that his wives
05:34 are princesses. God.
05:39 In other words, the foreign nations
05:42 give up the chief daughters
05:45 to be married to Solomon. Why?
05:48 Because they understand that they can never defeat him.
05:52 With my material,
05:54 the only thing they can do is dilute him with influence.
05:59 See, I need somebody to know
06:01 that your most dangerous enemy is not the one from outside.
06:06 Sometimes it can be the one in your bed and
06:11 because God's hand is upon you,
06:14 there will be weapons that are formed,
06:15 but they will not be able to prosper.
06:18 The Bible says that when the enemy comes in like a flood,
06:21 the Spirit of the Lord
06:22 is going to raise up a standard against Him.
06:24 The Bible says, I'm going to bless those that
06:26 bless you and I'll curse those that curse you
06:30 so that an enemy will never be able to take you by force.
06:33 But your most dangerous situation are the ones
06:36 you receive voluntarily
06:41 so they know
06:43 not even come up the Solomon's house with no sword, no shield.
06:46 You know what the Bible says?
06:47 You all didn't even see it in Chapter ten.
06:49 The Bible says that he makes 500 shields
06:53 out of gold.
06:56 That don't make no sense.
06:58 How are you going to fight with a shield made out of gold?
07:02 But Solomon was so covered
07:03 by God that he turned his shields into decoration
07:08 because he didn't need to fight.
07:10 And what I'm saying is, his most dangerous
07:14 vulnerability was not by an enemy.
07:17 It was by the ones who was rubbing on his head at night.
07:23 And why am I saying this to you?
07:25 Because see, what the enemies recognize about
07:28 Solomon is he had this one vulnerability.
07:31 He was just a little too open minded.
07:35 He had this experimental experiential component
07:39 where he'd like to try some of this
07:41 and try some of that and try some of the other.
07:44 In fact, the Bible says
07:48 this guy had 700 wives.
07:53 I don't know.
07:54 I'm celebrating 21 years of marriage today.
07:59 Hey, man.
08:01 And I'm just trying to imagine this night,
08:03 trying to imagine it right
08:05 here.
08:06 No, no, no.
08:08 But, you know, I'm having a toug
08:13 How are you going to keep 700 wives happy?
08:17 And in addition to that, he gave them 300 concubines.
08:22 The concubines were imported women that they were not wives.
08:25 They were just where you went when the wives had a headache.
08:31 Are you hear what I'm saying?
08:34 And it's crazy because watch these young people.
08:38 This is why you ought to stop saying it's just sex.
08:46 It's just physical.
08:49 No, that's what it was supposed to be.
08:52 But the Bible says after a while,
08:54 he clings to them in love.
08:58 What was supposed to just be on
09:00 the passing of the time literally becomes
09:04 an entanglement of the soul that literally pries his heart
09:09 from the hand of God.
09:13 So that every time you come together with a man or woman
09:18 who is not your spouse,
09:19 that is more than just an exchange of body.
09:22 It is more than just an exchange of fluid.
09:26 There is a so interface
09:30 and whatever spirit is in them
09:36 pops all over you
09:39 and you wondering why you can't get over it,
09:41 out of them, out of your mind, because it ain't just physical.
09:47 You have created a permanent bond with somebody
09:50 that won't even be there next week.
09:57 Are you here with the pastor saying today
10:01 and it's crazy
10:02 because they knew not to send the invaders to Solomon.
10:08 They rolled up with no army and sword and spear
10:11 because they recognized that there will never be an army
10:13 or sword or spear that will capture him.
10:17 And it's funny because when we talk
10:18 sometimes in the setting, we always talk to the women
10:20 about not getting with No, sorry, man,
10:24 but you got to talk to your boys
10:29 because the only thing
10:30 that can tear down a strong man
10:34 is a toxic, raggedy, sorry woman.
10:36 Now you are here. What I'm saying.
10:38 No, no, no, no, no, no.
10:39 I'm not citing the sisters.
10:41 I'm talking about a certain type.
10:43 Because, remember, Adam didn't fall to the serpent.
10:47 Adam fell for Eve that the Philistines couldn't
10:50 destroy Samson.
10:51 It was Delilah that took him out.
10:55 That the enemies couldn't destroy David.
10:57 It was the woman he had to have.
11:00 The foreign nations could not get Solomon.
11:02 It was the women.
11:03 So they could never get him with sword and spear.
11:07 But they can overcome
11:08 a strong man with lace, lingerie, wiggle and a juggle.
11:12 Y'all not hear what I'm saying today.
11:14 That's what kills
11:17 a strong man.
11:31 So? So really, what I would need to say
11:34 is that those who are dating,
11:35 considering marriage, those that are really thinking forward,
11:39 you got to make sure your romantic
11:42 interest align with your spiritual values.
11:49 Why am I saying that?
11:51 I'm gonna say something I said in
11:52 first service is going to sound
11:53 kind of heretical and crazy to some.
11:56 But the only power that is stronger or is as strong
12:01 as the Holy Spirit is the power
12:04 of your romantic entanglements.
12:09 We always say nothing is more powerful than Holy Spirit.
12:12 No, you just read it in your Bible
12:15 that Solomon had a heart from God, but his romantic interest
12:18 and investments turned his heart away from God
12:23 as he friends of mine.
12:24 This is why God actually set it up in such a way.
12:28 Because what God set up is a way that we interact
12:31 with one another.
12:33 Because when I lead somebody, it is understanding.
12:34 Be careful, because whatever binds your partner or
12:40 when you bind yourself to them, it binds you
12:45 know, not
12:46 whatever is infecting them.
12:49 When you tie yourself to them, it infects you.
12:52 It is the nature of relation ships
12:55 because in your mind you're saying, No,
12:56 I'm going to be the influence. You're not the influence.
12:59 It's not how it works.
13:00 Because in order for there to be a love,
13:02 you can just have their hearts open to you.
13:05 You've got to open your heart toward them.
13:08 So you can't just put it out without taking it in
13:12 and see this is how God set up marriage in this way.
13:15 So that when a man is bound to God
13:18 and that woman is bound to God and they are bound to one
13:22 another, the relationship ought to reinforce
13:25 their relationship with God,
13:29 as in one of the questions that some of you
13:31 all need to be asking while you are of marriageable age,
13:35 you need to be asking what Solomon did not ask.
13:38 You want to ask, has this person been assigned by God
13:42 or have they
13:42 been planted by the devil?
13:45 Has the devil sabotaged my life
13:49 with a 36, 24, 36
13:53 or a 6/4 dance hall, dark and handsome biceps.
13:58 And I hear what I'm saying, like like have they been assigned
14:03 or have they been planted by the most?
14:04 Hi, are y'all hear what I'm saying today?
14:06 Church and see friends of mine.
14:08 This is why you need to be equally yoked right now.
14:16 I'm getting your business
14:17 because y'all running around here thinking
14:18 you're smarter than the scriptures.
14:20 Run around here.
14:21 Tell out how religion ain't no deal breaker It should be.
14:26 It should be.
14:28 Because if Christ is the foundation of your life,
14:32 how are you going to build a life
14:33 on a foundation that has cracks all on the inside of it?
14:39 In other words, there is a reason.
14:40 A fish, kay Mary. A bird
14:49 fish can't marry a bird.
14:51 Y'all are like a confessional.
14:52 Have we know that's not why fish can't marry a bird.
14:57 The reason a fish can't marry a bird is
15:00 they can't survive one another's atmospheres.
15:04 Gotta know the reason the fish and the bird can be happy
15:10 is that the fish can't handle the elevation of the bird
15:14 and the bird can't handle the environment
15:17 or habitat of a fish.
15:18 And it is the same way that Christ and Belial cannot
15:22 have fellowship one with another.
15:24 Because if your man is in darkness
15:27 and you live in the light,
15:28 your light is going to kill his darkness.
15:32 I don't hear what I'm saying.
15:33 Ah, your darkness is going to kill somebody.
15:35 It's lights is in.
15:38 That's why you got to partner yourself
15:40 with somebody that has elements that are complement mentary
15:44 with yours.
15:45 Are y'all hearing the word today, my friends?
15:47 And let me just pause and say this to some of y'all sevens
15:55 I'm talking at all
15:57 because it is what you do.
15:58 You marry
15:59 a person that don't know
16:00 God have no appetite or things for God, and you go going
16:05 form the assumption that they'll get spiritual down the line.
16:09 And I hear me say all the time, You ought to walk by faith,
16:13 but you ought to marry by sight.
16:15 Can I get some help in here today?
16:17 No, no, no.
16:19 Cause if you ain't seeing it today,
16:21 you shouldn't expect it 30 years from now.
16:23 Oh, God.
16:24 Oh, my. Out of take up and offerings.
16:26 What I'm saying, y'all, today.
16:27 Listen, if you ain't seeing it today,
16:30 you ought not expect it now.
16:31 And see, this is what some of us
16:32 who do will marry an unbeliever thinking.
16:34 I'm going to dictate all the spiritual terms of the house.
16:38 So you're making. I've been married.
16:39 We won't get married even though we.
16:40 Yeah,
16:41 we're
16:42 going to do this on Sabbath and we're going to do that and
16:44 we're going to have worship and
16:45 and I'm going to make sure I ain't no pork in my kitchen.
16:50 But if you marry him as the head of your house,
16:54 you can't determine what I'm going to eat.
16:57 Matter of fact, it's going to feel crazy.
16:58 Go in and cook that man some bacon in Jesus.
17:00 Are y'all hear what I'm saying today?
17:03 You can't dictate the spiritual terms
17:07 of somebody whose conscious has not been made alive
17:10 in certain things are.
17:13 You hear what I'm saying today?
17:16 And it's funny.
17:17 Last thing I want to say is this.
17:20 And this is why you got to choose your partnerships.
17:22 Well, because Solomon did not abandon God.
17:28 He tried to mix God.
17:32 What do you mean, Pastor?
17:34 So Solomon didn't walk around and say, I'm atheist.
17:37 He didn't walk around saying, I don't believe in God anymore.
17:40 You know what, Solomon does?
17:42 Because he's intent on making it work with a special,
17:45 especially a select group of those wives.
17:49 What he does is he mixes their practices with his.
17:54 So here's this, because notice the Bible says
17:56 that God became angry with Solomon,
17:58 even though Solomon did not say, I don't believe.
18:01 It's not that Solomon would not go to the temple,
18:03 but I need you to understand that whenever you
18:05 try to create a merger,
18:09 God says
18:09 you're offering state Senate by CITES
18:13 and you should keep it to yourself.
18:16 What do you mean passed?
18:17 So notice what the word says.
18:19 The Bible says that he builds these altars
18:22 all over the land of Jerusalem.
18:25 So I need you to understand that there is and I'm in the book
18:28 Repugnant Smell in Israel
18:31 because you've got the incense that comes from the flavor
18:36 of the incense that comes from the altar
18:38 that is also mixed with the incense that comes from
18:41 the bells that have been set up their own.
18:44 One altar.
18:45 The temple that Solomon built
18:47 are the lambs that represent
18:49 Jesus, but on the altar that have been set up for Moloch.
18:54 Are the child sacrifices being made in Jerusalem?
18:58 On one altar
18:59 there is the goat that points to Jesus on the altar.
19:02 To their fertility gods are sexual offerings
19:06 that are presented to make their gods move on their
19:08 behalf, on one altar, everything points to Jesus.
19:13 But on other altars it points to the devil.
19:16 And the smoke of all altars is coming up before
19:20 God at the same time.
19:21 And God says, Keep that state to yourself
19:27 and see, this is the problem in the contemporary church
19:31 because we are trying to mix
19:33 ideologies
19:38 that can never align.
19:40 So we run around here,
19:42 especially those of a certain generation, talking about how
19:45 I pray to God some days and I pray to the universe.
19:49 Other days
19:51 I'm snatching you.
19:52 We got a rule today.
19:53 I don't pray to the universe.
19:56 I pray to the God that is the creator of the universe.
20:02 I don't praise anything that has been created.
20:05 I praise the one that does the creation.
20:10 We walk around one moment giving the glory to God.
20:14 The next moment we walk around
20:15 talking about what we manifested.
20:19 And we try to use Scripture and say
20:21 Life and death is in the power of the tongue.
20:24 You realize you can manifest nothing every good
20:27 and perfect gift it comes from God in him.
20:31 We live and move and have our being.
20:35 One moment you read in the Bible,
20:37 the next moment you talk about how you read energy. You
20:41 know, read the Scriptures.
20:43 One moment you talk of the Bible asking God for a sign.
20:47 The next time you come out
20:48 reading or asking somebody, what is their side?
20:52 And what I'm saying today, friends,
20:53 is that you cannot go to God and go to the witchdoctor.
20:58 You cannot see God and have a Ouija board in your room.
21:01 What we used
21:02 to call spiritualism, we now call intellectual ism.
21:06 And what I'm saying to the Church of the Living God
21:08 is that if it's not, oh, God
21:13 is all.
21:14 And I told
21:17 because certain
21:18 things just don't mix.
21:21 So remember, Jesus says he referred to the
21:23 work of the Holy Spirit
21:24 as being like living what living one could see.
21:29 There are some of us that we kind of we get so smart
21:32 because we think, all right, I'm not going to abandon God,
21:34 but I'm going to supplement God.
21:38 I'm going to hit my bit
21:40 so that if God don't come through,
21:41 I have some other little ideologies I can cling to.
21:44 But I need somebody to understand
21:45 that if it's not all God and none of it God.
21:52 Okay, simple demonstration.
21:55 So we have some glasses of water
21:58 and I have here
22:01 a bottle of vinegar.
22:04 Now, let me ask you this.
22:07 When I put this vinegar in this water,
22:09 is it still water?
22:12 It looks like water.
22:14 We had to get it.
22:16 I can't tell by looking at it,
22:19 but when I mix a love vinegar in it,
22:22 oh, god, it ain't no longer water.
22:26 Let me ask you this.
22:28 I got a glass of water, but I put some Kool-Aid in it
22:32 once I put a Canadian in it.
22:34 Is it still water?
22:36 Oh, yeah. Y'all with me?
22:38 I got some Sprite here when I put this Sprite in it.
22:42 Is it still water?
22:44 Because what chemists say is that depending
22:47 on the substance, once there's a concentrate
22:50 of at least 10%,
22:53 it is no longer water.
22:56 It loses its purity.
22:59 When you try to mix it with something else.
23:02 But what Solomon does, he doesn't just try to mix one,
23:06 but he tries to mix sprite and vinegar
23:10 and Kool-Aid and say,
23:14 This is God, and he presents it as an offering.
23:18 And God says, Don't bring that junk to me.
23:22 Are you hearing what I'm saying today?
23:23 CHURCH
23:25 And when I need somebody to know is that you got to get
23:28 to a place where I'm going serve God and God alone.
23:33 And as the choir said, I'm going to give him total
23:35 praise.
23:38 Watch this and this crazy thing.
23:42 You know what happens when you got too many gods?
23:43 You're praying to God.
23:45 And one moment you call it calling on more like
23:47 another name.
23:48 You call the note asteroid the other hand, you call him.
23:49 No, come.
23:50 Next time you calling on bell,
23:51 the next time you call in on key mass, you know what happens
23:54 when you pray to too many gods at the same time.
23:55 At some point you start calling the wrong God's body wrong name
24:01 and at some point
24:02 he needs to praise Jehovah.
24:06 But because he spent so much time at the altar of Key
24:10 Marsh, when he means to credit God
24:15 by proxy,
24:16 he begins praising other gods.
24:21 And you know what the sad part of it all?
24:24 Remember I told you how Solomon's issue
24:26 is that he forgot who made him successful?
24:31 Do you realize that during his sacrifices
24:33 of Thanksgiving, he was very
24:38 that at the beginning of Solomon's
24:39 reign, Solomon didn't know what he was doing.
24:42 So he says, Lord,
24:43 I mean, this people to be is to August Lord,
24:46 would you just give me
24:47 I don't know if I'm coming in or going out.
24:49 And God said that because you didn't ask for money
24:54 or the life of your enemies or man or just all this
24:56 extra stuff, God says, I'm going to give you wisdom,
24:59 then I'm going
25:01 to give you all the other stuff that you did not ask for
25:04 and understand that you're more Solomon
25:06 so wealthy that he had hired singers to sing his phrase.
25:10 He literally had gold lions that adorn
25:12 both aisles of the aisle that led to his throne room
25:17 that the Bible says he had so much wealth
25:19 that literally silver lost its value.
25:21 But there comes a time
25:22 where he is
25:24 sitting at the altar of King Mark or milk of the abominations
25:27 of the Ammonites.
25:28 And he literally has the gall to say, Kee Marsh,
25:33 I thank you
25:37 for opening doors and see.
25:39 The sin of Solomon is not just his selfishness,
25:43 but he credits another beside Jehovah
25:48 for the great works that have come to pass in his life.
25:52 And what this message is designed to do
25:56 is not just to call you to be equally yoked with somebody
25:58 that shares your beliefs, but the fundamental undergirding
26:02 tenet of this message today is to get us to a place
26:06 where we do not have a divided heart,
26:10 where we are singular and excuse collusive in our praise.
26:14 I just need to know, do I have anybody
26:16 that is not confused about how it is
26:20 that your life has become so blessed?
26:22 Do I have at least seven or eight folks
26:24 that will close out this service by saying it was God
26:29 that did it, that it was God that opened doors,
26:33 it was God that gave me that degree.
26:36 It was God that provided the job.
26:39 It was God that got me out of the hospital.
26:42 It was God that helped me pass my boards.
26:46 It was God that helped me pass the dissertation.
26:49 It was God that got me off my sickbed.
26:53 It was God that elevated me.
26:56 It's God that sustains me is I have anybody that can say that
27:00 if it had not been for the Lord on my side,
27:07 can somebody take a moment to lift holy hands
27:12 to stand on your feet, to think that
27:15 from where God has brought you from
27:20 and not say it was the school, it wasn't your intellect,
27:25 it wasn't your friends, it wasn't your sorority,
27:29 it wasn't the doctors, it wasn't the Tylenol.
27:32 It was the hand of God.


Revised 2025-01-29