Back to Our Roots

Jesus, As He Is

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alex Schlussler (Host), Rachel Hyman (Host), Sasha Bolotnikov


Series Code: BTOR

Program Code: BTOR000004S

00:01 Welcome to Back To Our Roots.
00:02 Today we have a great program for you.
00:05 We're going to be talking about Was Jesus raised as a Jew?
00:08 And more importantly, when He grew, did He teach against
00:12 the Mosaic law?
00:13 Stick around. We have a great program for you today.
00:36 Welcome to Back To Our Roots.
00:38 Wonderful to have you join us again.
00:40 Today we have a very special program.
00:43 We're going to be talking about Jesus as He is. That's right!
00:47 Real important concept. And let me introduce myself.
00:51 I'm Pastor Alex Schlussler, pastor of a congregation,
00:54 a church down in south Florida.
00:56 And... My name's Rachel Hyman. I'm a minister of music.
01:00 So Rachel and I have come up in a similar way:
01:05 both of us raised as Jews and then found Jesus as our Messiah.
01:11 And you know, when we bring a topic such as this,
01:14 Jesus As He Is, I think the first thing that people are
01:17 going to ask us is: "What do you mean Jesus as He is? "
01:22 Well Jesus is the God of the Christians so to speak.
01:27 And you know, from a Jewish perspective
01:30 I know that was a real hindering block for me.
01:33 Um-hmm. I don't know how that affected you, Rachel.
01:35 Well history and Christianity today portrays Jesus as
01:39 oh, very Christian or even sometimes pagan.
01:42 So to think of Jesus growing up as Jewish
01:44 in a Jewish home and even with possibly Jewish traditions
01:47 and customs seems a little... kind of a little foreign.
01:51 So you're saying and I know that's what we're saying
01:53 is that Jesus was raised as a Jew.
01:57 The culture that He came up in,
02:00 the traditions... He wouldn't have pushed them away.
02:04 He was very much a part of that civilization, of that culture,
02:09 and I think that that culture was very much a part of Him.
02:11 Yes. Today, Rachel, once again we have our good friend
02:15 Alexander Bolotnikov, Sasha we call him,
02:18 is here to throw a theological perspective on our discussion.
02:22 So Sasha, why don't you come on out and join us.
02:26 I'm glad to be with you again.
02:29 Yeah, Sasha. So Sasha, as I've told you
02:32 in the past, Sasha is a good friend of ours.
02:34 I've known Sasha for many years.
02:36 He is a wonderful speaker and teacher.
02:40 He is working on his Ph. D. right now,
02:45 almost completed. Yeah, almost completed.
02:47 Almost completed. So Sasha, today we're talking
02:49 about this idea of Jesus as He is.
02:52 And what we man by that is well, Jesus as a Jew
02:54 and how important that is for us as followers,
02:58 as believers in Jesus, to understand that.
03:01 So you know the question that we threw out was, was...
03:05 Jesus, He was a Jew, He was raised as a Jew
03:08 so I guess that means that He received a Jewish education
03:12 as well. So what would that have meant to Him?
03:16 It is interesting how the gospels portray
03:20 Jesus' childhood.
03:23 The only gospel written by a non-Jewish author, Luke,
03:27 because the other authors of the New Testament are Jewish.
03:31 Luke is not, but he is the only one who actually
03:34 goes into detail describing to us Jesus' upbringing.
03:39 And he starts with the fact that Jesus first was circumcised.
03:44 OK. So as it comes out does it literally say that?
03:48 Or is that something that through the way it's written
03:50 it infers that? No, no, it's very clear
03:54 in the text of Luke chapter 2 that His parents brought Jesus
03:59 to the temple to be circumcised.
04:01 So that would have been the eighth day. Of course.
04:03 On the eighth day. That's very clear in Jewish
04:06 commandment. And even today that's a traditional thing
04:09 which by the way - yes - I went through that as well.
04:11 Sasha, so go ahead.
04:14 Well basically that's the first interesting episode.
04:17 And this shows how basically... to me it tells me that
04:23 God has no intention to separate Jesus from the community
04:29 He lived in. Right. So He was circumcised on the
04:32 eighth day. Then what's the next thing
04:34 that we see happening in the gospels?
04:37 The next thing what we have in the gospel of Luke again
04:39 chapter 2 is the episode when He is 12 years old.
04:43 OK. And it says very interestingly
04:47 His parents attended the temple at the Passover
04:51 every year. Which would have been exactly
04:55 a traditional thing. God had commanded - right -
04:58 that the Jews would do that. Exactly. So we talk about
05:01 Mary, His mother, Joseph, you know.
05:04 We talk about... Luke - who is not Jewish -
05:08 clearly portrays them as Jewish parents.
05:11 So they're there around His twelfth year
05:15 for the Passover, but there would have been more going on.
05:19 Of course. What happens at the twelfth year...
05:21 What happens is He's lost in a way.
05:24 It's all very well known... it's a Christian story.
05:27 But people don't pay attention to the details.
05:30 So His parents come back to look for Him on the third day.
05:34 They find Him in the temple among the rabbis. Right.
05:40 And my question always when I like to discuss this story
05:44 my question is always: in the temple among rabbis?
05:51 What do rabbis do in the temple?
05:54 Because it's where the priests are supposed to be.
05:57 So literally doesn't mean that Jesus was somewhere
06:00 at the altar or God forbid at the Holy Place
06:04 or Most of Holy. It wasn't about He was doing some ritual.
06:08 He was at the adjacent facility which was actually
06:12 separated specifically for the study of Torah, the scripture.
06:17 And He was there studying scripture with rabbis.
06:21 And it is interesting that He was asking them questions
06:26 and answering their questions.
06:29 And at the 12-year-old... This is actually the time,
06:33 13-year-old, every Jewish boy
06:37 becomes what's known... literally known... the son
06:41 of the commandment - Bar Mitzpah.
06:43 Yeah. The son of the commandment means it's the period
06:46 of maturity - OK - when a teenager
06:52 is now responsible, he under- stands the commandment. Right.
06:56 So let's... Before we go any further, Sasha,
06:58 let's back up just a little bit and kind of briefly
07:02 can you take us through the progression that a young boy
07:06 would go through? Approximately what age
07:09 would he start his studies and how would that progression
07:12 go as he moves along?
07:15 Well the young boy today we know goes to
07:18 school to study the Torah
07:22 from four years old... four years of age.
07:25 And unlike Christian children
07:27 that actually start to learn about the Bible through some
07:31 felt tactile, the traditional Jewish children
07:35 they go start studying letters - the alphabet - so that they
07:40 could read the Torah.
07:41 And it's interesting. They have a chart with an alphabet
07:45 and they would make child recognize letters.
07:48 There's honey candy and they would...
07:51 and the child would pick up the candy. And every time he
07:55 recognized the letter he would get the candy.
07:57 Yeah. That's like Thy word is sweetness in my mouth.
08:01 Yeah, yeah... that's Psalm 19.
08:03 That's a good way. That's a good example of
08:06 how we teach our children to understand the book.
08:10 So as they moved along what would be the next step now
08:12 once they moved past that?
08:14 Then the next step is preparation to adulthood.
08:19 So they go to the rabbi and the rabbi teaches them
08:22 the Torah so that on their Bar Mitzvah at the age of 13
08:26 they could be prepared and they could answer questions.
08:30 They could give a little reading, you know, and discourse
08:34 over the Torah. And that's what Jesus came
08:37 to do at the temple.
08:40 When Mary and Joseph came and said: "Where are you?
08:44 Where have you been? " He said: "Don't you know
08:46 that I was where... "I must be about My Father's business. "
08:50 Well, the literal translation of this text says:
08:53 "I was in what belongs to My Father. "
08:58 OK. And what belongs to the Father? It's...
09:02 And actually Father's business is a good translation,
09:04 good explanation. This is the study of the Torah.
09:08 He wasn't kind of sitting at the temple like people imagine,
09:12 you know, around some kind of a huge cathedral
09:16 sitting in front. No! He was spending time with the
09:20 traditional learning institution.
09:23 It's called Yeshiva.
09:25 Yeshiva comes from the word Yesha... to seek...
09:28 when the disciples sit in front of the rabbi and they listen.
09:33 Wow! That exists even today.
09:35 For a Jew to go study in higher learning they would go
09:39 to Yeshiva. Now a quick question:
09:42 you know, today in Jewish communities Jewish people
09:45 keep not only Biblical laws but also Jewish tradition.
09:51 Would you say that Jesus also not only kept
09:55 obviously Biblical Jewish laws but also participated
09:59 in typical traditions? What would you say about that?
10:01 And even with a Bar Mitzvah, that's pretty much a custom?
10:06 Of course, there is nothing in the scripture about Bar Mitzvah.
10:10 Right, exactly. And we can look at Jesus.
10:13 At times He criticizes rabbis. Right.
10:17 And the gospel is our starting point to understand
10:21 where Jesus disagrees with rabbis and where He agrees.
10:25 So I guess we maybe want to say He kept the Jewish traditions
10:28 that wouldn't go against scripture. But that would be
10:30 just tradition. I mean, this is great. I mean, Bar Mitzvah...
10:34 Teaching the child, it's in harmony with what it says
10:38 in Proverbs where it says "instruct your child. "
10:42 "Raise up a child in the way he should go
10:44 and when he is old he will not depart... "
10:46 He partook of the tradition of the time.
10:48 Yeah, exactly. And you made a good point
10:50 because I think that what we see Jesus doing is
10:53 as long as those traditions didn't go contrary
10:57 to the Bible - to the scriptures -
11:00 He always supported it.
11:02 But we're going to shift just a little bit, and I want to ask
11:04 you this question, Sasha, because I think some people
11:08 may think the answer would be yes, and that is:
11:11 Did Jesus teach at any time against the Mosaic laws?
11:15 Against what we would know as Torah? Oh absolutely not!
11:19 And in fact we have touched on this in our previous
11:23 programs. But my entire doctoral dissertation
11:27 is actually dedicated to the question of whether or not
11:32 Jesus nullifies the law of divorces which is written
11:38 which is written in Deuteronomy 24 verses 1-4.
11:42 Because Jesus in the gospel of Matthew chapter 5-
11:46 the Sermon on the Mount - says: "You heard it spoken
11:51 if someone divorces his wife he shall write to her
11:56 a deal of divorcement. "
11:58 And it is often in the margins or in the commentaries
12:03 there is always a reference to Deuteronomy 24.
12:07 And as we mentioned before, often this is taken
12:11 for granted without actual reading of the law in the Torah.
12:15 The law in the Torah does not legislate divorce.
12:19 The law in the Torah is kind of lengthy and basically
12:22 what it says is it addresses the situation
12:26 when divorce actually has occured - it happened -
12:31 and the remarriage follows divorce.
12:34 And after this the second marriage falls apart.
12:37 Then the law legislates that the former husband
12:40 who initially divorced cannot take his wife back
12:46 after she remarries. That's what the law said.
12:48 Jesus isn't even talking about this.
12:50 Jesus addresses the issue which is in harmony with scripture.
12:55 In Malachi chapter 2 verse 16
12:59 God specifically said: "For I am the Lord, I hate divorces. "
13:04 And Jesus addresses this topic and talks about this.
13:09 So the Sermon on the Mount does not address
13:12 the issue... does not go against the laws which are in the Torah.
13:19 But the difference is in the Sermon on the Mount
13:23 Jesus always used: "You heard it said...
13:27 you heard it said. " And there He's speaking
13:30 in particular - we discussed this a little bit - about
13:33 the oral laws, right? which, at that time and even today
13:38 there is this... these two parallel strains within Judaism
13:42 that the Jews believe that the same time that the Torah
13:45 was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai
13:47 that an oral law was given to him at the same time.
13:52 Right. So Jesus is... He's not just speaking to them
13:55 saying, speaking against the Pharasaic, the Saducees'
13:59 abuse of Torah in how they're interpreting the oral law.
14:04 Yeah, those misinterpretations because the previous chapter
14:08 the story of His temptation at the desert
14:12 He always refers: "It is written; it is written. "
14:17 That's a great story. We'll take just a couple minutes
14:19 and let's talk about that because that's one of my
14:22 favorite examples in the New Testament
14:25 of how Jesus without a doubt is standing very firm
14:30 on quoting words from the Torah. Which by the way
14:35 in previous programs we've explained that when we use
14:38 the term Torah we're speaking most of the times of the first
14:42 five books of the Old Testament
14:44 but it also can mean the entire writings of the Old Testament.
14:48 So here in this little portion in the gospel of Matthew
14:54 chapter 4, you know, after Jesus has been baptized
14:57 and He heads out into the wildereness, literally it seems
15:01 like the Holy Spirit is driving Him out into the wilderness.
15:05 And He's going to spend 40 days fasting, right?
15:09 And then the enemy of our souls, Satan, appears to Him.
15:13 And this is like the greatest swordfight
15:18 with God's Word at this point, right?
15:20 Yeah. Because you get this picture of first Satan
15:24 quoting - at least you think he's quoting -
15:27 directly from scripture. And then we have Jesus
15:30 as you were saying, He'll say: "No, it is written... "
15:33 And there's this back and forth.
15:35 And I think that's such an important thing
15:38 for us to understand:
15:39 that Satan really knows the Bible. Um-hmm.
15:42 But it is very important for us to know the Bible
15:46 in it's context. Right, but let me finish
15:49 what I was saying. Satan knows the Bible and
15:51 because of that he really twists it.
15:54 And he will take it out of context... which is exactly
15:57 what this shows us. So Sasha,
16:01 describe to us a little bit from this Biblical standpoint
16:05 how we see Satan on one hand quoting something out of context
16:11 and how Jesus in each one of these back and forth,
16:14 these parries like a swordfight, Jesus is commenting back.
16:18 It is interesting that Jesus always refers
16:23 in His answers for example
16:26 the first time Satan approaches Him:
16:29 "Oh, if you are the Son of God... " which in Hebrew
16:34 also sounds: "If you are divine... "
16:37 You know, "If you have power to turn these stones
16:41 into bread... " And Jesus refers to Deuteronomy
16:45 which means "Not by the bread alone... "
16:50 He cites the text which Moses uses in his sermon
16:55 when talking about the people of Israel walking around
17:00 the desert eating manna and receiving the Torah.
17:05 And so Jesus - unlike Satan, who takes the statement
17:10 out of context - He uses the statement of the
17:14 Torah in their proper context
17:17 and He relies... If we... if we just often say:
17:21 "Oh, not by the bread alone"
17:23 we're not getting the whole picture.
17:25 The whole picture we have to go back to the book of Deuteronomy.
17:29 We have to read what Moses is speaking and then we see
17:33 the whole depth of what Jesus is trying to say.
17:39 And in every instance Satan would use
17:44 some test from a temptation because for example
17:48 he would raise Him on top of the temple wall
17:54 and he would quote to Him from Psalm 90. Right.
17:59 You know... yeah, that's the Bible.
18:01 But Jesus always goes back. And He again goes back
18:07 to Deuteronomy and again speaks: "Thou shalt not
18:11 put the Lord your God to tempt. "
18:14 That's again the same story.
18:16 He goes back again to the same story.
18:19 And there is a very good idea that Matthew
18:25 has why he presents it that way.
18:28 Because in Matthew's composition of the gospel
18:31 Jesus is repeating the exodus from Egypt.
18:36 When people of Israel... whenever they walk through the
18:40 desert... they had their failure. Now Jesus does it over.
18:45 So Jesus walked through the water of Jordan
18:48 imitating the Red Sea.
18:51 Then the next thing He is in the desert.
18:53 And then He goes through trials.
18:56 But unlike people of Israel - they fell under pressure -
19:00 Jesus now does it over and in a sense...
19:03 does it right... Yeah! Does it right. Yeah, praise God!
19:06 You know, it's so interesting. Sometimes I've been in some
19:08 public places where a guy will have like a dark blonde beard
19:13 and some long blonde hair and somebody will walk up
19:15 to this guy and say: "You look so...
19:17 Has anybody ever told you that you look like Jesus? "
19:21 He'd get hired. You know, play Jesus in a play or theater
19:24 or something. And I'll walk up to him and I'll say:
19:26 "Well actually most likely Jesus probably had
19:32 curly dark brown or black hair and brown eyes. "
19:35 Dark complexion. "Dark complexion, olive skin. "
19:38 And I've heard people like: "Oh, no way. "
19:40 You know, when we look back in history, when would you say
19:43 Jesus got stripped of His "Jewishness" so to speak?
19:46 'Cause we just... Some people are just surprised and shocked
19:49 when they really hear and learn about how Jewish
19:52 Jesus really was. The major problems begin to occur
19:57 right after the death of the apostles.
20:00 Right after destruction of the temple
20:04 and there was another bad event of a big war between...
20:09 in Judea - second Judean war - when there was rebellion
20:13 against Romans raised by the man named Bar Kokhba.
20:18 And this is what actually provoked
20:23 a strong, strong anti-Jewish sentiment
20:27 in the entire Roman Empire. Ummm.
20:29 And what happened: Romans started to mock
20:35 Jews in every possible way including religious mockery.
20:40 They produced - we have the documents -
20:42 where they produced theatrical plays - comedies -
20:47 that would mock Sabbath particularly.
20:51 For example, they would have a camel on the stage
20:54 and they would have him clothed in sackcloth.
20:59 And they say: "Why is he in sackcloth? "
21:02 "Because it's a Jewish camel and it's the Sabbath
21:05 and the Jew doesn't feed the camel
21:07 so the camel is in mourning. "
21:09 And so everybody... the whole audience
21:12 laughs, roars in laughter. That's been documented.
21:15 And so this mockery leads Christians
21:20 who are Judea Christians, many of whom
21:23 joined from the other nations, joined the Judea Christians.
21:27 It leads them to actually push away from the Jewish roots.
21:32 And that's where the problem begins.
21:35 And it's something that progresses on.
21:36 I want to just jump back because we've only got
21:39 just a few minutes left and then Rachel's going to bless us
21:43 with a song. You know, one of the passages
21:46 that Jesus states that I always found very interesting
21:49 when He makes this comment: "Not one jot or tittle will pass
21:52 away. " Sasha, just real briefly what is a jot and a tittle?
21:56 What exactly is that because I know that's not correct.
21:58 Yeah, jot is the Hebrew letter yodh which looks
22:04 like an apostrophe.
22:05 And a tittle is another letter which can be confused.
22:11 It's a letter yodh which you actually draw a little line.
22:14 It's like a stroke. So I guess what He's saying is
22:18 that the letters that even seem to be the least,
22:21 the most nominal of the letters on the scroll,
22:24 even those smallest letters aren't going to pass away.
22:28 What Jesus is talking He is talking about
22:32 the meticulousness of the study of the Torah
22:35 in such a way that when you write these letters
22:39 He will teach you to write it and read it and understand it
22:43 in such a way that you will not confuse that.
22:46 So notice basically in modern English it would sound
22:49 "Not a single word - not a single statement -
22:54 will be confused in My sight. "
22:56 So in other words then to think that in any way that
22:58 Jesus ever spoke against... in any way tried to eliminate
23:04 what we know as Mosaic law, Torah, the Old Testament -
23:07 or His own heritage - right - is absolutely false.
23:10 So I'd love to continue this but Rachel, we want to
23:12 hear from you. You have a song for us today.
23:13 What are you going to sing? Yes me Hoo.
23:15 Yes me Hoo. What does Yes me Hoo mean?
23:17 Yes me Hoo means rejoice.
23:20 Those who keep the Sabbath and call it the delight
23:25 will rejoice in the Lord's kingdom. OK, so Rachel
23:30 and Martin is back with us. Thank you, brother.
23:34 And let's hear this song.
26:34 Wonderful! Rachel, what an awesome song.
26:38 The Sabbath is a beautiful thing to sing about.
26:40 Oh man! That's great. I'd like to sing more.
26:42 That was really good. Well, we want to thank you
26:45 once again for joining us on this program.
26:49 You know, I think it's such an important thing, Rachel,
26:52 that as we draw closer to Jesus we really strive to really
26:55 understand exactly who He is - that's right - in the context
26:59 of all that He was. So we want to thank you once again
27:02 for joining us on Back To Our Roots.
27:04 Rachel, what a pleasure it is to do this with you.
27:08 We want to thank Sasha and Martin again for being with us.
27:12 And we want to thank you most of all.
27:14 We pray that as we bring the Hebraic roots to you
27:19 that God is going to draw you
27:21 even closer and closer to our Messiah
27:24 because that's what it's all about. That's right!
27:26 So I'd like to close today with the Aaronic blessing.
27:31 And I've been saying it to you.
27:32 I'm going to do it in English and Hebrew.
27:34 May the Lord bless you. May He keep you.
27:36 May the Lord make His face to shine upon you
27:38 and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His
27:40 countenance upon you and bring you His peace.


Revised 2022-01-08