Country Wisdom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CW

Program Code: CW000049S

00:00 (light music)
00:04 - Welcome, everyone.
00:05 We're excited to share some country wisdom with you.
00:07 - King Solomon had a thing or two to say
00:09 about the path to wisdom.
00:11 In Proverbs four he wrote,
00:13 "Let your eyes look directly forward
00:16 and your gaze be straight before you.
00:19 Keep straight the path of your feet
00:21 and all your ways will be sure."
00:23 - Join us now for "Country Wisdom".
00:25 (light music)
00:32 (gentle music)
00:36 Can you see this?
00:37 Look at this.
00:38 All of that granite, slowly over time,
00:41 had fallen off of that top of that mountain.
00:44 Millions of years, and after 69 million years,
00:47 voila, this is what we have.
00:50 But wait a second,
00:51 does that really make sense?
00:53 But that's what many scientists would have us believe.
00:55 You just add more time and more time to anything
00:58 and it can happen.
01:01 You know, I had an acquaintance at Dr. Gentry
01:03 who did studies on granite,
01:05 that whole mountain is granite,
01:06 and he found isotope halos of polonium 218,
01:11 in particular halo had half life of three minutes.
01:15 There he found that the granite had cooled so rapidly
01:18 it captured those halos.
01:20 What does that mean?
01:21 Well, it means that the scientist
01:23 can't be right with millions and millions
01:25 and millions of years,
01:28 but God can when he spoke everything into existence.
01:31 (gentle music)
01:42 - I have heard you tell some pretty wild stories,
01:45 but that is just absurd.
01:46 - Well, that's exactly it.
01:48 You have to use the absurd
01:49 to try and get people to stop and think,
01:52 could it really happen?
01:56 Does a Boeing 747 just come together?
01:58 (both laugh)
01:59 - You know, there's completely,
02:01 well not completely a different topic,
02:03 but I can remember at different points in my life,
02:07 like even back in high school Biology,
02:09 realizing there are some major holes
02:12 in this whole Darwinian theory.
02:14 And one of them I, to this day,
02:16 have never heard a decent explanation of
02:19 is how, with the gradual little steps,
02:24 would you ever end up with male and female?
02:27 Because unless you have a conscious nature
02:31 that you just don't wanna call God
02:35 you would have to know as you're,
02:37 you know, over millions of years developing a female,
02:41 somebody has to be aware that there's a male over here
02:44 otherwise what's the point?
02:45 - That is a good point, yeah.
02:48 - The two really have to be fully formed, complete,
02:51 before they're gonna do each other any good.
02:54 So that just never made sense to me.
02:57 That, oh, they just developed.
03:00 And if, according to evolution,
03:03 really our whole purpose in life,
03:05 if there is a purpose to a randomly produced life,
03:10 it would be just to get our genes passed on, right?
03:13 I'm sure you've heard that. - Yeah, yeah.
03:15 - Well, wouldn't it have been much more efficient
03:18 if we were all just hermaphrodites?
03:21 I remember having my first little aquarium
03:23 when I was a kid and my dad said,
03:25 "Well, we need to buy a snail to put in the aquarium
03:28 to help keep it clean."
03:29 And one day, there was a little snail in there.
03:32 And I'm going, "Where did that come from?"
03:34 So my dad explained to me that,
03:36 I don't know if all snails are hermaphrodites
03:38 but this one was, and it's like,
03:40 oh yeah, you only need one and it'll produce by itself.
03:43 Isn't that what evolution should have done?
03:45 Because it's so much more efficient.
03:47 If your whole purpose is reproduce,
03:51 then why should you be dependent on someone else?
03:55 - Because according to evolution,
03:57 everything is always getting better
03:59 and better and better in producing
04:01 some higher form. - Something more
04:02 and more complicated.
04:03 - And more complex.
04:04 - I don't know if you've read this book
04:05 but I remember another big turning point for me,
04:07 Michael Behe's book, "Darwin's Black Box".
04:12 In that, there were sections I had to read
04:14 two or three times
04:16 because it was meant more for scientists.
04:19 And he wasn't even coming at it
04:21 from a perspective of being a Christian.
04:23 He's a scientist, what kind?
04:26 Microbiologist, something like that.
04:28 And he said, okay, Darwin, back in his day,
04:31 it was easy enough to look under a microscope
04:34 and see these cells look like just little blobs.
04:37 It was easy enough to go,
04:38 "Well, that's just a simple cell.
04:39 It could have arisen from primordial stew."
04:42 But we know now cells are anything but simple.
04:46 He talks about all the systems within a cell,
04:50 including - [Jim] Yeah.
04:52 - [Janice] an entire waste removal system,
04:54 without which the cell would die.
04:56 - Now that we've mapped the human genome,
04:59 Darwin would just-
05:01 - It just keeps getting more and more complicated
05:03 than - Exactly.
05:03 - the deeper you look.
05:05 And he said this could not have happened
05:07 on a gradual step-by-step basis
05:09 because you need that whole system
05:12 for the cell to function.
05:14 - Yeah.
05:15 - And if you were taking millions of years
05:17 tiny little steps,
05:18 how would nature know to select for something like that
05:22 until it was complete?
05:23 - Yeah.
05:24 - It had to be all at once.
05:26 - It's so interesting because everywhere we turn
05:29 there's evidence for creation as opposed to evolution.
05:33 - That's what I meant when I said
05:34 God doesn't just ask us to go on blind faith.
05:38 I know the phrase, "God said it, I believe it,
05:40 that settles it."
05:42 Ultimately it comes down to that.
05:44 If there's something you don't understand,
05:47 rather than saying, "God must be wrong here
05:49 'cause this is not making sense to me.
05:51 This isn't logical."
05:52 I have learned that it makes a lot more sense spiritually
05:56 to go, okay, I don't understand it,
05:58 but there's gotta be a reason
06:00 or God wouldn't have done it this way.
06:02 So you might need to get to that point at some point,
06:05 but there is so much evidence.
06:07 He's not asking us to believe
06:09 that He created everything on blind faith.
06:12 - Very true, very true.
06:13 And I had the privilege one time
06:15 of having Dr. Harold Coffin stay at our home.
06:19 He wrote "Creation: Accident Or Design".
06:21 I can remember in there talking about the human eye,
06:25 - [Janice] Oh, right. - [Jim] that complexity
06:26 of the human eye. - [Janice] Right.
06:27 - [Jim] But an exciting thing he was doing at that time
06:29 was studying Mount St. Helen.
06:31 Many years ago, but you remember,
06:32 Mount St. Helen- - [Janice] Yes,
06:33 I've been there.
06:34 Oh, it's incredible to stand there,
06:36 and years later, to look at the damage that that caused.
06:40 - And he was going year after year and study,
06:42 and he noticed in Spirit Lake
06:43 there used to be this gorgeous lake.
06:44 All of a sudden, here was all this logs
06:47 had washed in the lake and pretty soon their water logging
06:49 because they had their entire root mass
06:51 still intact with the tree with just no limbs.
06:55 They would upright themselves,
06:57 and pretty soon they begin sinking.
06:59 He decided to dive one year, went in there,
07:01 and here's all these successional layers of forest
07:04 laid down over millions of years.
07:06 But wait a second. (Janice laughs)
07:07 - We know when that happened.
07:09 - Yeah, it was only just a few years.
07:11 And then he came back one year
07:12 and all of a sudden this earth and dam kind of mud
07:15 had broken out and here is a mini Grand Canyon.
07:19 The whole thing
07:20 right there. - [Janice] A brand new canyon.
07:21 - [Jim] A brand new canyon with all the strata,
07:22 all the layers, all the levels.
07:24 And you think, "Ah, Grand Canyon,
07:27 could it have happened in just a short time?"
07:29 Yes, they could.
07:31 - Because until Mount St. Helen's scientists
07:34 would not have said that could happen in one day.
07:36 - Not at all.
07:37 And it's interesting too,
07:38 because he's got permission to do core samples
07:39 in some of today's petrified forest
07:41 that they say were laid down over millennial time.
07:44 Guess what?
07:46 Not the case.
07:47 All one forest, all one age of forest.
07:49 - You took the core samples and genetically
07:51 all those trees are the same.
07:52 - Same, yeah.
07:53 Same forest.
07:55 - Pretty good evidence.
07:56 - Now, another interesting thing,
07:57 and I know we kinda wanna wrap up this section
07:59 'cause I think you wanted to go do something.
08:01 - Yes! (Jim chuckles)
08:02 So hurry.
08:03 - Okay, but Darwin, he kept saying,
08:05 "Oh, we'll find more links.
08:07 We'll find more things in the future that'll corroborate."
08:10 Well, let me read to you what one fellow says
08:14 from Harvard University taught at John Hopkins.
08:17 He said, "Well, we are now about 120 years after Darwin
08:21 and knowledge of the fossil record
08:23 has been greatly expanded.
08:24 We now have a quarter of a million fossils,
08:27 probably even more now, various species,
08:29 but the situation hasn't changed much."
08:32 - [Janice] What situation?
08:33 - [Jim] "The record of evolution
08:34 is still surprisingly jerky
08:36 and ironically, we have even fewer examples
08:39 of evolutionary transitions than we had in Darwin's time."
08:44 - Still haven't found that missing link.
08:45 - Still haven't found that missing link.
08:47 But let's go check out what you want.
08:49 - We get to go to the zoo?
08:50 - We're going to go to the zoo.
08:51 - All right.
08:52 (light music)
09:01 So, you let me come to the zoo.
09:03 - [Jim] We got to the zoo. - I know, I know.
09:05 Look at these guys.
09:06 Isn't that evidence of evolution?
09:09 - [Jim] You mean because there's a horse and a zebra
09:12 that bred together?
09:14 - Yeah. - [Jim] No.
09:15 - It's a new creature.
09:15 It's still a hoof dam.
09:17 - It's a new creature.
09:18 (Jim laughs)
09:19 - That's a stretch.
09:19 And see, that's the way it is.
09:21 You look at these guys, you can breed cats with cats,
09:24 you can breed a tiger and a lion, right?
09:26 You get a liger. - [Janice] Right.
09:28 - They've done it.
09:29 But you can't breed a dog and a cat.
09:32 - Not the way we've ever figured out how to do.
09:35 - Not the how, because kind,
09:36 which is basically the family,
09:39 kind is this major covering.
09:41 I mean, I could work a long time,
09:44 probably longer in my lifetime anyway,
09:46 and I could get a, what would you say
09:49 from Great Dane to a Chihuahua?
09:53 - [Janice] Well, I don't think that's evolution.
09:55 That would be devolution.
09:57 (Jim laughs)
09:58 - Well now you're just-
09:59 - You know, you're going backwards there.
10:01 - But it's micro evolution.
10:03 If you look at from the standpoint of creating
10:06 a new "species" or whatever,
10:08 it's still all part of it.
10:10 By the way, - [Janice] That's-
10:11 - I've gotta interrupt just for a sec because I-
10:13 - You interrupt me all the time.
10:15 - I do. - What else to do?
10:16 - I caught you on a little something.
10:18 When we talked about the rings or the trees,
10:20 you said something a little bit different
10:21 about genetics of the tree.
10:23 Eh, really in genetics, it's kind of
10:25 the age rings of the tree.
10:26 - Or I was an English major, not a Biology major.
10:29 - There you go. - But as long as we're
10:31 on that pointing out.
10:32 You said a doctor at John Hopkins.
10:35 It's Johns
10:37 Hopkins. - Johns. Yeah okay.
10:38 - So there, we're even.
10:39 - We're corrected and we're even.
10:40 All right, all right. (Janice laughs)
10:42 - But this point is great because when people say,
10:44 I believe in evolution,
10:45 you really need to find out what they mean by that.
10:48 Because all of us believe in evolution.
10:51 I have a little herd of longhaired Doxies at home.
10:54 - That's truth, too.
10:55 Real truth. (laughs) - I know.
10:57 And they're adorable,
10:58 but they were not on the ark.
11:01 Only because Noah, if he'd known about them
11:03 he would've included them because they're so adorable.
11:06 But that's a new breed that didn't used to exist,
11:10 but they're dogs.
11:11 So yes, I believe in microevolution,
11:15 but there's still dogs.
11:16 There's no evidence of macroevolution.
11:19 - It's the dog kind,
11:20 right? - Yes.
11:21 - And that's what God said to take on the ark, the kinds.
11:25 And that's why the ark big enough to fit everything on it.
11:28 - And I've had people say to me,
11:30 "You don't believe in evolution.
11:32 What about the fossil record?"
11:34 And my response is, "What about it?"
11:37 - Yeah. (Janice laughs)
11:39 It wasn't too long ago they discovered
11:41 the Burgess Shale up in Canada.
11:43 - Okay, I've heard,
11:44 okay, Canada. - Burgess Shale.
11:45 - I couldn't quite place it.
11:46 - Massive, massive discovery of all these
11:49 different animals in different layers of rock.
11:52 And guess what?
11:53 After this massive discovery,
11:56 there's still no links.
11:58 A trilobite, through the layers,
12:00 is still a trilobite.
12:02 It just kinda keeps on going and going.
12:04 In China, they found an area way bigger
12:07 than the Burgess Shale
12:09 and everything they've discovered,
12:11 there's no missing links.
12:12 The links are still missing.
12:13 Why? Because there aren't any links.
12:15 The family tree that God created
12:18 is this multi-branch tree here,
12:20 not this one little thing over here,
12:23 some place that goes and then branches
12:25 and branches and branches.
12:26 That didn't the way God made it.
12:27 - Or this branch died out.
12:29 You know, because it was all God's part of His plan
12:32 that most of them would die out,
12:34 is He's working toward creation.
12:36 - And another thing, I know we don't have much time left,
12:39 but a pet thing is God just didn't create stuff
12:42 and then set it on its own, out in eternity,
12:44 and let us fend for ourself.
12:46 - You're not a deist? - No.
12:48 We serve a loving God who cares for us
12:50 and wants to be involved in our life.
12:52 - Very much so.
12:54 - Yeah.
12:55 Glad I got you here to the zork and the zonkies land.
12:58 - Zork? (laughs) - Zork.
13:01 - Read the sign, Jim.
13:02 - Read the sign. - Read the sign, okay.
13:03 (Janice laughs) Well, it's close.
13:05 - Zonky and zorse.
13:06 - Zonky and zorse.
13:06 Yeah, that was close.
13:07 (Janice laughs)
13:10 (soft music)
13:10 During my college years,
13:12 I became a staunch evolutionist.
13:14 I was convinced that we all arose
13:15 from some primordial lose.
13:17 I bought into every argument
13:19 that my professor set before me.
13:21 (chuckles) It wasn't until years later
13:23 that I really realized
13:25 there are actually credible arguments
13:27 for intelligent design.
13:29 I have a pamphlet I think you'll enjoy.
13:30 It's called "Evolution Impossible".
13:33 If your story is like mine,
13:34 go to
13:37 for your free copy today
13:38 and request offer number 104.
13:41 "Evolution Impossible".
13:45 (soft music)
13:46 - I have really loved being here at the Ark Encounter.
13:48 I'm not tired of it yet.
13:52 I'm especially glad, as we've gone around,
13:55 we keep hearing some great music
13:56 because we happen to be here,
13:58 we picked good timing.
13:59 - We did.
14:01 - Happened to be here during their
14:02 very cleverly named 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music.
14:06 And I know that I either read or someone told me,
14:09 largest gospel music festival ever.
14:13 - I know a lot of times we can hear the music
14:15 while we're filming.
14:16 - I know, I know. - It's pretty cool.
14:17 - It's hard to concentrate.
14:18 You have to keep, 'cause I'm going,
14:18 ooh, that's pretty toe tapping.
14:19 Who's that now?
14:21 And I've really enjoyed that,
14:23 but we're not here just to be entertained.
14:26 We are not here just to have a good time,
14:28 although we are.
14:30 I brought up a text here that I wanted to read to you
14:33 that is just so appropriate.
14:36 It's in Genesis
14:38 and it's Genesis 6:11-13.
14:42 "Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight
14:45 and was full of violence."
14:47 Sound familiar?
14:48 That part's not in there.
14:50 "God saw how corrupt the earth had become,
14:53 for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.
14:56 So God said to Noah,
14:58 'I'm going to put an end to all people,
15:01 for the earth is filled with violence because of them.
15:04 I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth."
15:09 We've talked about before,
15:10 that's why Noah had to build the ark
15:14 because the Earth was full of violence.
15:17 But here's the question,
15:18 might be kind of rhetorical in your case
15:21 but not rhetorical for everybody who's here today.
15:24 Because a lot of people have come just out of curiosity,
15:27 who aren't convinced that it's a real story.
15:31 So it's really important.
15:34 Do you believe in Noah and The Flood?
15:38 - [Jim] It is interesting, Janice,
15:40 when you look at this,
15:41 they built this from the ark.
15:45 From the Bible, this is a pattern that they follow.
15:49 - [Jim] God told them how to build it.
15:50 It just wasn't some idea that Noah had.
15:52 - [Jim] And here it is over 500 feet long.
15:54 Now there's some discrepancy about exactly how long.
15:57 Some of the people maybe looking,
15:59 they're looking in their Bible and said,
16:00 "Well, it was 485 feet or something."
16:03 The difference was, you know-
16:04 - Did you know there were different cubits?
16:06 (Janice laughs) - Yeah.
16:07 - I don't remember that from Math class way back when.
16:09 - Because it's from the tip of your finger to your elbow.
16:12 And that was the length. - And my cubit
16:13 would be a lot.
16:14 My cubit's less than your cubit.
16:16 - [Jim] Unfortunately, I gotta say this, don't hit me.
16:18 It was a man's arm.
16:20 But there was also a royal cubit.
16:22 - [Janice] They were a king's arm.
16:24 - [Jim] King's arm and a little bit different.
16:26 And Moses actually, where did he come from?
16:29 - [Janice] Egypt, mostly.
16:30 - [Jim] Egypt, and his training was royalty.
16:32 So it would believe that probably
16:34 that's where the cubit came from
16:36 because he wrote about it.
16:37 So that's why this one's over 500 feet
16:40 is from that cubit.
16:42 - [Janice] You know, even if it was only 485 feet long,
16:46 it's still impressive.
16:47 - [Jim] Oh, it totally is.
16:48 - [Janice] Those extra few feet, I'm not gonna quibble.
16:51 - [Jim] Now, I've just gotta say this.
16:53 We got the wonderful privilege of going up on the top.
16:56 - [Janice] Oh, you're bragging.
16:57 (Janice laughing) - [Jim] Yeah, I kinda am.
16:58 It was so cool - [Janice] I know.
16:59 - [Jim] to get up on top.
17:01 And you think about Noah up there.
17:02 He didn't get to go up on the roof all the time,
17:05 because for a year this boat is rocking.
17:07 This ship is rocking.
17:08 - [Janice] You would've wanted to be on the roof.
17:09 - [Jim] Yeah. And you think people's come up
17:12 with all kinds of things.
17:12 Well, it couldn't be real?
17:14 And how could it hold all the animals?
17:16 Yet, there's much we'll talk a little bit about that.
17:20 - [Janice] It was one of their purposes in building it,
17:21 showing it could have been done.
17:23 - [Jim] It could have been done, yeah.
17:24 It could hold all the water.
17:25 It could hold all the food.
17:26 It could hold everything.
17:29 But I tell you, the devil doesn't want anybody to know that.
17:33 He didn't want anybody to believe in a flood.
17:35 - [Janice] You know, in fact, I don't know if you remember,
17:37 but when we were touring through inside,
17:40 there was a fabulous sign up there
17:43 and it had this snake wrapped around
17:46 like it was the frame of it.
17:48 - [Jim] Yeah. - [Janice] And it said,
17:50 "If I can convince you that the flood wasn't real,
17:56 I can convince you that heaven and hell aren't real either."
17:58 - Yep, yeah.
17:59 - Yeah, so there is a reason
18:01 why it's important to believe in Genesis.
18:04 Important to believe that if God said
18:06 there was a man named Noah,
18:07 if God said there was a flood,
18:09 if He said, "I saved this family, here's how I did it,"
18:13 that you're not just viewing it as an allegory.
18:16 There's a reason.
18:18 It is important to take that literally
18:20 to understand God wasn't joking around.
18:23 He wasn't telling some little children's story.
18:25 Drives me crazy.
18:26 I know you've seen books like this.
18:28 - [Jim] Yeah.
18:29 - [Janice] Even in Christian bookstores,
18:31 maybe especially Christian bookstores
18:34 where they're appealing to little kids.
18:36 So it's cartoonish and you have an adorable little ark
18:42 and giraffe sticking their heads out this window
18:44 and the elephants out this window-
18:46 - And it's not a boat that could probably
18:47 really float either that they draw.
18:50 - No, no.
18:51 But, there's a danger in viewing Noah and the ark
18:55 in that vein.
18:56 There is a danger if that is your idea of it
19:00 rather than this kind of image.
19:02 - Jan, is the sad thing is
19:04 it's Christian parents buying their children
19:07 this kind of thing to program
19:08 that this is all just a myth.
19:10 This never really happened.
19:13 - Because if you're thinking of it
19:16 in the cutey kind of form,
19:19 it's not real.
19:21 You look at those books,
19:23 cute little story, but not real.
19:25 - It's right back to the devil in the gardens.
19:27 "Oh, you know, God really doesn't mean that.
19:30 Go ahead, take of the fruit.
19:31 It's okay."
19:33 - It goes back to where is your foundation?
19:36 Is your foundation in a real God
19:39 who does real powerful things?
19:43 I asked you, do you believe in The Flood?
19:46 I could just as easily ask you,
19:48 do you believe in a real creation?
19:51 That's just as important.
19:52 - Same thing, really.
19:53 Yeah, it's about God.
19:55 And I was thinking, I'd made a little note
19:57 'cause I didn't wanna forget this fellow.
19:59 But in 1872, George Smith basically was called
20:03 by the British Museum to come to a job.
20:06 What was the job?
20:07 Well, for years they had been doing archeology in Nineveh
20:11 and they found all these pieces of pots and stuff,
20:13 and it was just like, they couldn't make heads or tails up.
20:16 They threw it all in boxes, sent it to England.
20:19 When they got to England,
20:20 they didn't bother really packing it well
20:22 and it was little tiny pieces. - No,
20:22 Archeology has become a science,
20:25 but early on, they were destroying
20:26 some really great things.
20:28 - Oh yeah.
20:29 And so it was little teeny pieces.
20:30 And they finally thought,
20:31 maybe we should sometimes see
20:32 what all those little teeny pieces are.
20:34 So they called this guy,
20:36 he went down in the basement
20:37 and he spent 10 years in the basement.
20:40 (Janice laughs)
20:41 He put it all together and guess what it was?
20:44 It was an Assyrian story of The Flood.
20:47 It talked about The Flood.
20:48 And you and I have been in there
20:50 and they've got this beautiful mural
20:53 that shows all the different flood stories.
20:55 - [Janice] Right, from every continent.
20:57 Every continent has people on it
21:00 who had a version of a flood
21:03 and a man saving some animals and some of mankind.
21:07 - Yeah. - And when you have that
21:09 in cultures that were so divergent in location, in time,
21:16 and they're all have this hint of the same root story,
21:21 then you know there's gotta be a real root there.
21:22 - Exactly.
21:23 There's gotta be a seed in there.
21:25 And these are so blatantly
21:28 right there in your face that there was a flood
21:30 in each of these big, major continents and locations
21:32 that something's gotta be happening.
21:34 - What ties 'em all together? - Exactly.
21:35 - What's the common denominator?
21:37 Noah. (laughs) - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
21:39 Noah and God's truth, right?
21:41 - Yes. - That what it's all about.
21:42 - There's your foundation, though.
21:44 It's real.
21:45 I think I was so struck.
21:47 I already believed this.
21:49 It's why we came, we're already believers.
21:51 I already believed in a literal creation, a literal flood,
21:55 but when you park and you drive up
21:57 and you get the first glimpse,
21:59 it's like, "Oh wow.
22:01 That is not a little kid's story."
22:04 - Yeah. It's a little bit the same.
22:06 Terry and I have had the great privilege of filming
22:09 a lot in Israel and you get to each one-
22:11 - Go ahead, rub it in.
22:12 Rub it in. - I know, just a little more.
22:14 And all of a sudden it's all real.
22:17 The Bible comes alive and that's what it is here.
22:19 All of a sudden it comes alive.
22:21 I mean, they could really do it.
22:23 Noah could really build this thing.
22:25 This one can't float, but that one could.
22:29 Engineers have proven it.
22:31 And so it's pretty amazing
22:32 that we find ourselves here in this situation,
22:34 looking at this, and really asking the audience,
22:37 do you believe?
22:38 Do you believe in this?
22:39 Well, it's right there.
22:41 - And God has given us a lot of evidence.
22:45 He doesn't just ask us blind faith.
22:48 Yes, I believe because you said it,
22:51 but that's the only evidence I have.
22:53 I mean, even if it were,
22:54 if that was all you had, was God's Word,
22:56 that's plenty.
22:57 But He's very kind to us
22:59 and also gives us evidence in the world around us today.
23:03 - Very true.
23:04 You look at years ago when I was a total atheist
23:08 and didn't think anything about God,
23:10 I got to the Grand Canyon and I looked at that.
23:13 The massive Grand Canyon and this teeny river
23:16 all the way down on the bottom.
23:18 And then they said that river formed this whole thing.
23:22 And I think, "Seriously?"
23:23 (Janice laughs)
23:25 I can't believe that.
23:26 I just cannot believe that.
23:28 But that's you add enough time,
23:30 why, anything can happen, right?
23:32 - I think, I honestly believe there are people
23:35 who have not thought about it closely enough.
23:38 It's almost like,
23:41 I remember seeing a cartoon
23:42 with this like Albert Einstein character
23:44 writing on a chalkboard.
23:46 These Math formulas, Physics stuff all over,
23:49 and then there's this gap
23:50 and then there's more of it.
23:52 And in between it says, "and then there was a miracle,"
23:55 (laughs) and then here.
23:57 Because we don't know what's connecting this to this,
23:59 but it had to have happened.
24:01 And then there was a million years.
24:02 - It's like all the old cartographer maps.
24:05 They didn't know what's here so here are dragons.
24:06 Right here are dragons (Janice laughs)
24:08 in the map.
24:09 - [Janice] And there are people who just think,
24:10 "Well, pile on another million years,
24:11 that solves it." - [Jim] Yeah.
24:13 - Or if a million you don't think that was enough,
24:15 put a B on it, billion.
24:17 There, problem solved.
24:18 - But you know, people need to know this was real then
24:23 and it's real now.
24:25 And everything we see,
24:26 all you have to do is go out and look for the evidence.
24:29 The evidence is everywhere.
24:31 Absolutely everywhere.
24:32 - All right.
24:33 (Jim chuckles)
24:36 (soft music)
24:37 During my college years,
24:39 I became a staunch evolutionist.
24:41 I was convinced that we all arose
24:42 from some primordial lose.
24:44 I bought into every argument
24:46 that my professor set before me.
24:48 (chuckles) It wasn't until years later
24:50 that I really realized
24:52 there are actually credible arguments
24:54 for intelligent design.
24:56 I have a pamphlet I think you'll enjoy.
24:57 It's called "Evolution Impossible".
25:00 If your story is like mine,
25:01 go to
25:04 for your free copy today
25:05 and request offer number 104.
25:08 "Evolution Impossible".
25:12 (soft music)
25:13 - I felt like Satan was constantly nipping at my heels
25:15 and I just couldn't catch my breath.
25:18 I was grieving.
25:19 I felt scared, confused, anxious, and depressed.
25:24 My life was literally turned upside down and falling apart.
25:28 I didn't know what to do,
25:30 but I knew who had the answers.
25:32 Can you relate?
25:34 This amazing study guide changed my life.
25:38 Are you ready for a dramatic change in your life?
25:41 This 12-week study guide will guide you
25:44 on your journey of transformation.
25:47 This study is packed with powerful content
25:50 to lead you on an encounter with Jesus.
25:53 Jesus will use this study
25:55 as a tool to change your life
25:57 as He did mine.
25:59 Order your copy today to experience your transformation.
26:03 Log on to
26:09 (light music)
26:15 - Jim, I could go on for the rest of the afternoon
26:18 about evidences for creation
26:20 and evidences for a worldwide catastrophic flood,
26:24 not just a little local event.
26:26 But you told me I can't do that,
26:28 and the audience would probably get tired
26:29 about after a while.
26:31 But at home, my husband and I have a library of books
26:35 because there's so much written on it.
26:38 A lot of those books are from
26:39 these people answers in Genesis
26:42 and just a will foot material
26:44 that will bolster your faith,
26:45 show you what a solid foundation we have for our faith.
26:49 - You know, and it's true.
26:50 Folks, there's many groups, many organizations,
26:54 Geoscience Research Institute, this organization,
26:57 they all have scientists with names,
26:59 with their degrees in behind their name.
27:01 - All those initials.
27:02 - Yeah, that are huge.
27:04 These guys aren't just slackers,
27:06 they have got some good, solid information on creation.
27:09 Don't just believe what everybody out there says
27:11 is the sales line.
27:14 We talk about what they're trying to do
27:16 to convince children that,
27:18 ah, that story isn't real and this isn't real.
27:21 It's real.
27:22 And while all Jesus Christ is real,
27:25 originally, they built a door in the ark.
27:27 That door was to signify
27:29 you can come into the ark of safety.
27:32 The ark of safety, Jesus Christ.
27:34 He said, "I am the way the truth, the light,
27:36 and I'm the door."
27:38 We can come to Jesus Christ.
27:40 So don't base everything on what you hear
27:42 from supposed scientists.
27:45 At least give the creation scientist
27:47 an opportunity to show they're really true scientists.
27:50 They have a lot of science to back this up.
27:53 Come to Jesus today.
27:55 Base your life upon Him and He will change it wherever.
28:00 Thank you for watching.
28:02 Join us again for another exciting "Country Wisdom".
28:04 - See you next time.
28:05 (light music)


Revised 2022-09-06