Digital Disconnect

The Hearts of the Children

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DID

Program Code: DID210002S

00:19 Welcome again to Digital Disconnect.
00:21 I am your host Scott Ritsema.
00:24 And here we are now in program number 2:
00:26 The Heart of the Children.
00:29 That's the thing I hear the most when I travel around
00:31 and speak at churches, when I meet strangers
00:33 and they ask what do I do: "Well I speak on the dangers
00:36 and effects of media. " "Oh, my grandkids! "
00:39 "Oh, the kids! " So we're going to talk about
00:41 the family, the hearts of the children. Before we begin
00:45 I didn't do much introduction of myself.
00:47 I come from Michigan. My wife and three children
00:50 want to say hello to you, and my wife says "thank you"
00:53 that you're not requiring her to be on camera
00:55 and be a speaker with Scott Ritsema.
00:58 Cami Ritsema, my beloved wife, does a fantastic job
01:01 at a higher calling than a speaker does. But
01:04 they want to say hello, and I have had an experience
01:08 of going around for the past decade or so
01:11 doing seminars on media.
01:14 And the seminar was called Media on the Brain.
01:16 And it's such a joy to be able to adapt some of that
01:20 content here for the 3ABN audience.
01:23 It's an honor really to be able to be here with you.
01:26 Recently the issues of media have not been getting
01:29 less and less... they've been growing more and more.
01:32 In fact, frankly when I started speaking on media
01:35 my hope was that this could be a short-lived thing
01:38 and it's getting so out of control in the 20-teens.
01:42 Maybe people will have the wake-up call
01:44 and we won't need to do the Media on the Brain seminar.
01:47 Well, things only seem to be getting worse and worse
01:50 as the years go on
01:51 as we saw the statistics in the opening session.
01:54 So the second seminar called The Media Mind
01:57 was produced just a few years ago
01:59 to amplify the call and the invitation
02:03 to "Come apart and be separate saith the Lord.
02:05 Touch no unclean thing. "
02:07 So people often say you know when they have an opportunity
02:10 to share with people: "You can find me on Twitter
02:13 at such and such. " Or "You can find me on FaceBook. "
02:16 And I"ll tell you, I'm not big on social media myself.
02:20 I have a FaceBook account. We'll talk about that.
02:22 How can we do these things in a balanced way?
02:24 But the best way to find me is at
02:28 And so you may look things up on social media
02:31 and try to get ahold of me there but that's a challenge
02:34 to say the least because I don't man those accounts very well.
02:37 But I do love to be out in nature.
02:39 We're going to talk a little bit about nature in this session.
02:42 We're going to talk about the design for a Godly family.
02:45 And I'm in the trenches with that right now.
02:47 Not because I'm an expert. You know, every parent
02:50 realizes their own flaws and failings and shortcomings.
02:54 But coming from that perspec- tive, the Hearts of the Children
02:57 session is deeply important to me.
03:01 And so when I think about the opening slide here
03:04 and then we will begin with prayer
03:06 this broke my heart when I saw the
03:11 the fact that a baby, a BABY,
03:16 was left while mom and dad were playing their video games.
03:20 This was in So. Korea. They made a documentary about this.
03:23 This was absolutely horrific.
03:25 Mom and dad were playing their video games
03:27 getting immersed in that. The baby is left
03:29 crying, going 12 hours sometimes without being fed.
03:34 The baby died, and it was an international story
03:38 that "How have we gotten to this point? "
03:41 So I want to get into this session by just reminding
03:44 ourselves that we're not looking at just what not to do:
03:48 excessive media, worldly media.
03:50 It's "What does God want us to do instead? "
03:53 How can we re-discover how to be human again
03:56 in our labor, in our study, in our creative enterprises,
04:01 in business, in ministry outlets,
04:03 service to others, in music, in the arts?
04:08 In reading and writing, physical books.
04:11 Cooking, baking, gardening... I mean the list is endless
04:16 in terms of the beauty and captivating nature
04:19 of the reality God designed for us to live within.
04:22 That is what we are seeking
04:24 in the Digital Disconnect series of programs.
04:27 So let's being with prayer, shall we?
04:30 Father in heaven, we thank you so much
04:32 that we can come before You and ask Your blessing upon this
04:35 session. We pray that this information
04:38 would come to us at the heart level and we would be
04:41 led according to Your path.
04:43 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
04:46 There's a study that was done some time ago
04:48 and it found that parents with small children in the home
04:53 the little children on their devices, the parents doing
04:56 their thing. And they found in this focused study
05:00 on these families in their homes
05:01 that the majority of parents, you know how much interaction
05:03 they had with their children while their children were on
05:05 their devices? Zero... none at all.
05:09 That's not like a little less than we should.
05:10 We're all guilty of that.
05:12 It's not like half the time; it's not barely any.
05:14 It's flat out zero.
05:16 The media mind has become alone and disconnected.
05:20 The mind of Christ, though: connected.
05:23 The digital disconnect can re- connect us with our loved ones.
05:27 Children actually spend today twice as much time
05:32 on their Smartphones as talking to their parents.
05:35 And likewise it goes the other way.
05:37 Parents spend twice as much time just watching Netflix alone
05:42 than all quality time with their children combined.
05:45 Can you believe that?
05:47 We also are dealing with a time when the average child
05:50 will now watch more television
05:52 or on a computer, an iPad, whatever,
05:55 by the age of 6 than all conversation with
05:58 its father in its entire life.
06:01 I don't know what to say at that point other than
06:03 an epic tragedy of apocalyptic proportions.
06:06 But it's interesting that the big tech executives
06:10 seem to do things a little bit differently.
06:12 Have you ever heard the names Steve Jobs and Bill Gates?
06:15 They were interviewed... Jobs before his death
06:18 and Bill Gates when he had teenagers in the home...
06:21 and they asked about these men's homes
06:24 and how they do media.
06:26 And interestingly they both made a comment
06:28 about a specific time of the day
06:30 that is media free and the whole family comes together.
06:34 Now these are secular people
06:36 and this is the world's standard:
06:37 they insisted on mealtime together.
06:40 Isn't that pretty basic? We can start there
06:42 and we can go way beyond that as well.
06:44 But if they can get that - and this is the graphic
06:47 that you want to see at the restaurant down the road -
06:58 Yeah, the good old days when we used to look at each other.
07:01 In the eye... not like Zoom where we're kind of making
07:05 eye contact but not quite.
07:07 Talk to each other; pretend it's 1995.
07:10 Well they actually did a study on people who go on a romantic
07:13 date with their significant other.
07:15 And they wanted to see how many times a device
07:18 interrupts the date. I mean, you're spending the money;
07:21 you're going out to have a good time with your wife.
07:24 And they found in surveys that the majority of romantic dates
07:27 are interrupted by the device
07:29 and somebody feels snubbed... or they have a name for that:
07:32 it's called being "phubbed"
07:34 being snubbed by your phone.
07:35 And they said that there's more technoference
07:38 in such relationships, and technoference is correlated with
07:41 lower relationship satisfaction. Probably no surprise
07:45 there, and it carries on into the home as well...
07:47 not just on the dates.
07:49 Parents, children: you're on your devices.
07:50 University of Michigan study looked at
07:53 how does the social dynamic become affected by that context
07:56 of people being distracted or people being in different places
07:59 or people having their devices right in the same place as you.
08:02 And they found "tension" was their word
08:04 increased markedly when the presence of devices
08:07 came into the communal social context in the home.
08:10 That probably doesn't surprise us either
08:12 'cause God has a better plan. You see
08:14 God always has the answer to all of our media issues.
08:17 When you think about what it says in Deuteronomy 6
08:20 you know, it's the foundational text: "Love the Lord your God
08:24 with all your heart, with all your soul,
08:26 with all your mind, with all your strength.
08:29 Love your neighbor as yourself. "
08:32 Jesus added the second one:
08:34 "Love your neighbor as yourself. "
08:35 And now when I see the rest of the text in Deuteronomy 6
08:39 when you read into that it says:
08:41 "Parents, talk about the Word of God with your children
08:44 as you rise up and lie down. "
08:47 There's morning and evening worship.
08:49 "As you walk by the way,
08:51 as you sit in your house... " Maybe at mealtime
08:54 like Psalm 128 that says: "The children
08:57 will rise up like olive plants round about our table. "
09:00 So God has a plan to restore the family.
09:03 Well today less than 1 in 15 families
09:05 are actually interacting at least half the time
09:08 when they're in the home together.
09:10 And even more tragically we're not talking about
09:12 the Word of God as we rise up and lie down,
09:14 as we walk by the way, as we sit in our house.
09:17 Less than 1 in 10 "born again Christian" families
09:21 ever opens the Word of God together during a given week
09:24 according to Barna Research... less than 1 in 10.
09:28 So 90% of families just aren't doing anything spiritual
09:32 together. So God DOES HAVE the answer to this as always
09:35 though. In Psalm 128:3 the children at the table
09:39 like olive plants. And also if you think about
09:43 the studies that have been done on this
09:45 children develop their spiritual and emotional intelligence
09:49 through facial contact, human contact,
09:53 parental love and voice from babyhood.
09:57 And Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair has actually studied this
10:00 in great depth and has interviewed
10:03 childcare professionals, pre-school teachers.
10:06 And one thing she has found is to a person
10:09 these early child development on-the-ground practitioners
10:14 are saying: "Well the children these days
10:16 as opposed to just 10, 15 years ago
10:18 aren't making eye contact like they used to.
10:21 They're not having con- versations like they used to. "
10:24 In fact, I was actually talking to a daycare provider
10:26 who did daycare for 50 years. Now this lady
10:30 had been on this for half a century, OK?
10:33 so she'd seen generations of kids come up.
10:35 And I asked her: "What the #1 thing that has changed
10:37 this generation versus previous generations? "
10:40 And she said: "Oh, by far it's the language,
10:43 conversation, eye contact, and emotional expression. "
10:47 Researchers call that emotional intelligence.
10:50 Or we can talk about it as sociability.
10:53 We can talk about it as love.
10:54 That's how the Bible refers to it.
10:56 Concern and care for others.
10:58 And the children are struggling with this in a major major
11:02 magnitude. But the world has its own "solutions. "
11:06 I was really shocked by this graphic that you'll see here.
11:16 Robots... they call them social robots.
11:19 Now I never thought I'd see the day
11:21 when you would have as the solution to a lack of
11:25 empathy and love artificial intelligence.
11:28 It's artificial. They're going to teach children
11:30 emotional intelligence and how to interact socially.
11:33 That's barking up the wrong tree to say the least.
11:37 But you've seen already the devil has an assault
11:40 and attack on the children, on the home, on the family unit.
11:44 That comes as no surprise to anybody.
11:46 But did you know Biblically this was foreshadowed?
11:48 What were the 3 biggest events in the history of redemption?
11:52 Now you're going way back to the Garden of Eden, OK?
11:55 The three biggest events after the fall
11:57 in the history of redemption. Now some people might say:
12:01 "Well I think that must be the flood.
12:03 That's one of them. " Well, we're going to rule that one out
12:05 'cause that was cleansing the earth.
12:08 I'm looking for redemptive... like the three biggest
12:11 moments of redemption.
12:13 God taking His people out of Egypt.
12:16 Bringing them to Mt. Sinai and delivering the law -
12:19 the Ten Commandments - and taking His people into Canaan
12:22 to start the nation of Israel to be a kingdom of priests
12:26 unto the Most High God.
12:27 The second one? Jesus' first coming.
12:30 Everybody knew that when I asked the question.
12:33 Jesus coming to this earth being incarnated
12:36 as a baby, living a perfect life
12:39 showing infinite and eternal types of love
12:44 in ministry to the lost and hurting.
12:46 Dying on the cross for our sins.
12:49 You can't get more redemptive than that.
12:51 And raising from the dead and ascending into heaven.
12:54 We're going to call all of that one event, OK?
12:57 First event: the taking of Israel out of Egypt.
13:01 The second event being the first coming of Christ.
13:04 The third you could say is the last days
13:08 and the second coming of Christ.
13:10 We'll loop that into one event.
13:13 What do all three of these events have in common?
13:15 Well, there was always Biblically and now
13:19 both God using the children in His redemptive work
13:24 and Satan seeking to assault the children.
13:27 What did Pharaoh do there back in Egypt?
13:29 It was throw the babies in the Nile.
13:33 At Jesus' first coming it was kill all the babies
13:36 in and around Bethlehem... Herod's wicked edict.
13:41 Today you could say there is a similar assault
13:43 on the lives of unborn children.
13:46 But even beyond that: "Fear not he who can kill the body
13:49 but not the soul but He who can destroy both soul and body
13:52 in hell. " Soul is even more important.
13:55 Satan's after the souls of the children in these last days.
13:58 Why? Because God wants to use the children.
14:01 God wants to use the children in a powerful way
14:03 to finish the work. Didn't He use Miriam back there
14:06 in the time of Egypt when Moses was a baby
14:08 and going to lead his people out?
14:10 Didn't God use the children and Jesus' first coming
14:12 to shout "Hosanna! " and proclaim that the Messiah
14:15 had come? The children of these last days
14:18 can finish the work. And this is not some novel
14:22 and new thing. During the Protestant Reformation
14:24 children were endued by the Spirit of God
14:27 and proclaimed miraculously the truth for that time.
14:31 And the same thing during the great second advent awakening
14:34 of the 19th century.
14:36 And so Satan is trying to short circuit God's plan
14:40 to use children and to develop children to grow
14:43 into youth and an army of youth that can finish the work:
14:46 the gospel work in these last days.
14:48 And it starts with things like having meals together.
14:52 I mean that was big picture stuff we were just talking about
14:55 but just doing life in our homes on a daily basis
14:58 in a godly way according to the Biblical standard and model
15:02 is how we're going to develop children who have that love
15:05 for souls. We were talking about love and empathy
15:08 and emotional intelligence and all of those things.
15:10 You might say: "Well, the kids of this generation are
15:13 ruined! The media has totally ruined them! "
15:15 God has the answer to this.
15:17 In fact they've studied getting kids out of their media,
15:20 take them out in nature,
15:22 have them do team-building exercises.
15:24 Have them be engaging in hiking and archery
15:28 and all sorts of fun camp stuff, right?
15:30 They took the kids out of LA for a 5-day nature excursion.
15:34 "You get to leave school but you've gotta leave your media
15:37 behind. Oh, boy! " But they loved it.
15:39 And these kids on emotional intelligence scores
15:43 in just 5 days had improved their emotional intelligence.
15:47 That means they're starting to come alive!
15:49 They're starting to be more interpersonal
15:52 and those things kids are struggling with so much now
15:54 were being resolved in just 5 days.
15:57 Isn't that a beautiful thing? God always has the answers
15:59 to these problems that we face.
16:01 But the problems go beyond those young kids.
16:03 These were pre-teens that they took out.
16:05 When you look at teenage kids
16:08 you look at the researcher Jean Twenge.
16:10 There's a graphic of some quotations from her book
16:13 Igen. And she's the San Diego State University
16:16 researcher who looked at this generation's media use
16:20 and how it's impacting them.
16:21 And she says: "These teens are:
16:32 And this is not some gradual change over time.
16:35 This is something she had said around 2011ish
16:39 like when Smartphones were becoming ubiquitous
16:41 and social media was becoming the big thing
16:43 and everybody's living online now.
16:45 That was the time when the charts & graphs skyrocketed
16:48 this way and this way and massive changes happened
16:51 in "teenagehood... " not GOOD changes.
16:53 You heard there: "totally unprepared for adulthood. "
16:56 Arrested development. We could say the media mind
16:59 is in a state of arrested development.
17:02 But God's program and plan for us -
17:05 the mind of Christ - we are all developing properly.
17:08 Children and youth according to the schedule of development,
17:11 and we are all developing, aren't we?
17:14 Transformed by the renewing of our minds
17:16 even if we're full grown.
17:17 But the struggles of practical living begin early
17:21 in the media age. There's a graphic of
17:24 The Telegraph newspaper which says:
17:31 That was a survey that was done in the UK where 2/3 of teachers
17:36 said that they were concerned
17:38 about the lack of self-help skills that the children have.
17:41 "Five-year-olds know how to swipe a phone
17:43 but don't have a clue about conversations"
17:46 said these teachers.
17:47 Others have pointed out that more kindergartners
17:50 know how to use a Smartphone app than to tie their shoelaces!
17:54 And there are other headlines from prominent news outlets
17:57 saying: "Children learning to tie shoelaces
17:59 later than ever before. "
18:01 Kids use so much tech they can't hold pencils
18:03 like they once could. Study says kids understand
18:06 Smartphones better than real life.
18:09 I mean the headlines are shouting these things
18:11 about the struggle with children just on a practical level...
18:14 children's practical abilities.
18:17 And it's not just the fine motor skills.
18:19 I know holding a pencil is hard for a little kid.
18:21 I know getting down and tying your shoelaces:
18:23 that's hard for a little kid.
18:25 But it's even gross motor skills.
18:27 It's the jumping and playing and running
18:29 and the core muscles are weaker among children.
18:33 And you're like: "Well that's strange. What is going on? "
18:35 Why are playground injuries increased right now versus
18:39 a generation ago when the playground equipment is
18:42 way safer? I mean you remember the playground equipment?
18:44 Look at this graphic. The old- style playground equipment
18:48 safety wasn't a first at that time. Fun was first.
18:52 And now safety is first. Why are playground injuries
18:55 increasing? Well, it's simply kids aren't playing
18:59 enough and they're not learning their boundaries.
19:01 They're not learning how to play safely
19:03 'cause they're not playing enough. So injuries
19:04 actually increase even though the equipment
19:07 has become more safe.
19:08 Others have talked about the lack of good quality
19:12 candidates for surgical students.
19:15 That's a UK Guardian headline graphic there:
19:24 I spoke with an auto mechanics teacher in 2019,
19:28 a number of years ago and I asked him:
19:30 "OK, tell me about how are the young people doing with
19:34 their auto mechanics skills? "
19:36 Here they are in high school; they're learning auto mechanic
19:38 skills. And he said: "Scott, it's quite sobering.
19:42 You wouldn't believe it.
19:44 I used to get the majority of my students proficient.
19:46 Now I'm happy if I can get 15% of them
19:50 up to par where they ought to be after a semester with me. "
19:54 A drastic change in one generation.
19:56 And I'm not saying that to judge or look down on...
19:59 And Jean Twenge isn't trying to be rude when she says
20:01 "the young people today are not prepared for adulthood. "
20:04 And "they are doing at 18 what they used to do at 15"
20:07 and so on. It's a cry for help
20:10 that we need to be helping these young people develop.
20:14 But you might say: "Aren't they learning things?
20:16 Playing video games you're learning a lot of skills. "
20:19 Um... on the graphic you'll see a researcher
20:22 named Maggie Jackson who came out with this statement:
20:33 So that's what we're learning primarily through
20:36 video game play. And the even more important issue
20:39 is what we're not learning, what we're not doing
20:41 when we're playing video games:
20:42 so many wonderful and productive and uplifting things
20:45 that could bring so much richness to our lives.
20:48 When you look at video games just the factor of
20:50 addiction coming in.
20:51 Young adults... not just children and youth
20:53 but young adults checking into rehab
20:57 for video game addiction
20:59 which I discuss in Media on the Brain.
21:02 It's in episode #5, disc #5 of Media on the Brain.
21:06 It's called The Demise of Guys.
21:08 You can watch that at
21:10 I don't have time to get into it all at this particular moment.
21:13 In the Hearts of the Children, but even our young adults
21:16 arrested development... still in that child-like state
21:20 in many ways. You could say the media mind is lacking
21:23 practical skills but the mind of Christ is well rounded.
21:27 Now I want to share with you some other things
21:28 Jean Twenge points out in her book. You'll see
21:31 that there's a bullet- pointed list on the graphic
21:34 that we'll go through.
21:53 In fact, a quarter of them still don't have their
21:55 driver's licenses when they are graduating from high school.
21:58 So this is a dramatic change versus a generation ago.
22:01 And we start young on putting them in this position
22:04 of arrested development. We start with our babies.
22:06 We do what's called... Oh boy! As soon as they have a name
22:09 for it I feel super convicted. They call this
22:11 continuous partial attention.
22:14 So you're paying attention to your children continuously
22:17 but only partly. So you're on your device;
22:19 you're doing your thing and the baby's over here.
22:21 Personal story... shame on me.
22:23 My baby girl is crawling. First thing in the morning
22:26 she's out. I'm out... I'm checking the weather.
22:28 She's crawling toward the cabinets where the dishes
22:32 and stuff are in the kitchen.
22:33 And I'm like: "OK, I'll go see her in a minute. "
22:36 Well I look up and I see she's crawling toward
22:39 mousetraps that my wife had laid the night before.
22:42 And I throw my phone down and I quick run and grab her
22:45 and pick her up. But she was that close
22:47 because of my negligence...
22:48 because of continuous partial attention
22:51 that I pay to my children in my weaker moments.
22:54 Lord forgive me.
22:55 We all want to overcome these things, don't we?
22:57 You know they have another name for it:
22:59 they say when parents are on their devices
23:01 even if you're going media-free with the kids
23:04 it's second-hand screen time.
23:06 The children are actually affected prefrontally
23:09 in a negative way when they're not doing any media
23:13 but the parents are doing the media in their presence.
23:15 It's like second-hand smoke.
23:16 Second hand screen time.
23:18 It's basically what they're not getting from you:
23:21 the attention, the interest, the love.
23:23 Research has shown that when children are
23:27 pleading for attention, they're bidding for attention
23:30 and they don't get it, the amygdala in the brain fires off
23:33 like a fear and anxiety circuit.
23:35 And that's enhancing the limbic system of their brain
23:38 maldeveloping it in an imbalanced way.
23:41 And even in fact, dogs they say
23:43 can suffer with us being on our devices so much
23:47 in terms of the happiness that a little doggie has in the home.
23:50 So when I was confronted with these things myself
23:53 you remember the bullet-pointed list of all the questions
23:56 that we have that we're asking ourselves in these programs
24:00 one of the questions is:
24:05 Are they with us all the time
24:08 24/7, everywhere we go with our children,
24:11 with our loved ones?
24:12 Or maybe did you see the image of the old telephone
24:15 with the hook to the phone that was off the hook?
24:18 Made that terrible noise but you'd want to put the phone
24:20 on the hook. If there's children watching this, by the way,
24:23 that thing was called a telephone.
24:25 Not tell-a-phone. It's one word: telephone.
24:31 I know you probably have never heard of one
24:33 but you used to pick it up and dial.
24:35 And when you dial if somebody had a lot of 9's and 0's
24:38 in their number it would take forever for you to call
24:41 your friend or your auntie or whatever.
24:43 And the telephone was always stationary, wasn't it?
24:47 It was literally plugged into the wall
24:49 and couldn't be taken anywhere.
24:50 Maybe we need to bring back the concept of having a hook.
24:53 My wife and I did that for a time.
24:55 We said: "We've got to get these things under control...
24:57 not always present with us with the family, with the children. "
25:01 So we developed a place in the house.
25:03 It was a charging station. The phones just stay back there.
25:06 And when we need to use it we use it
25:08 but it's not going to be constantly interrupting
25:10 family time that way.
25:11 That's an idea to consider.
25:13 'Cause when you look at screens & spiritual development
25:16 the number one way that children develop spiritually
25:20 is through warm interaction in the home, parent and child.
25:24 That's the number one factor correlating to their accepting
25:27 the spiritual values of the parents
25:30 is that the spiritual values are taught,
25:32 the trues are taught in an atmosphere or relational
25:35 connectedness and warmth.
25:36 Boy, doesn't that bring prophecy to mind.
25:39 Didn't Jesus say in Matthew 12 that in the last days
25:42 there would be a division in the home?
25:44 That it would be 3 against 2 and 2 against 3
25:47 and a man's enemies would be members of his own household.
25:50 Well, I have good news:
25:51 we can fulfill the good prophecy in Malachi.
25:54 At the end of the Old Testament,
25:56 the very last verse of the Old Testament,
25:58 the last chapter of the Old Testament says
26:00 that in the last days the hearts of the children
26:03 will be turned to the hearts of the fathers.
26:05 And there are bigger spiritual implications there
26:08 but in the home that has a very real practical application
26:12 that we can know that we are connecting with our children.
26:15 Now I want you to hear some of the voices of the children.
26:18 Colin, age 12, when interviewed about this said:
26:22 "There are definitely some parts that make it seem like
26:24 my parents are really addicted to their phone
26:28 and I feel like my dad is with his computer, definitely.
26:32 I mean, if he's like awake at 1, he'll check on the dog
26:35 and then he'll look at his com- puter and be on it till like 5
26:38 and think it was like 5 minutes and then the next day
26:41 he's really tired. " Angela, age 13:
26:44 "What I wish my parents understood is that
26:46 technology isn't the whole world.
26:48 It's annoying because it's like you also have a family.
26:51 How about we just spend some time together?
26:53 And they're like: 'Wait, I need to just check something
26:55 on my phone. I need to call work
26:58 and see what's going on. ' "
26:59 Tyler, age 7, said:
27:01 "My mom is almost always on the iPad at dinner.
27:05 She's always 'just checking. ' "
27:07 Penny, age 7: "I always keep on asking her
27:10 'Let's play; let's play'
27:11 and she's always texting on her phone. "
27:14 Owen, age 9: "Once my dad was ignoring my mom so bad
27:18 for like 30 minutes so I sat on his keyboard. "
27:21 Yeah, this is what happens when we don't find God's solutions
27:24 to these things.
27:26 He says: "I got in trouble. "
27:28 You know, maybe the parents are in trouble.
27:30 Am I in trouble with God
27:32 when He wants to bring forgiveness and restoration?
27:34 Wait till you hear what Anabelle says
27:36 in the next program. God will give you the victory.


Revised 2021-05-04