Digital Disconnect

Programs by Request

Available Episodes


Program Code Duration Description Participants
DID210001S Video Transcript NA How to Be Human Again NA
DID210002S Video Transcript NA The Hearts of the Children NA
DID210003S Video NA Media and the Child Brain NA
DID210004S Video NA Antisocial Media NA
DID210005S Video Transcript NA This Is Your Brain On Media NA
DID210006S Video Transcript NA Transformed by the Renewing of Our Minds NA
DID210007S Video Transcript NA Media Manipulation NA
DID210008S Video Transcript NA The High Priests of a New Religion NA
DID210009S Video Transcript NA The Spirit of the Entertainment Industry NA
DID210010S Video Transcript NA People of the Book in the Age of the App NA
DID210011S Video Transcript NA The Lust Trap NA
DID210012S Video Transcript NA Boredom and the Bible NA
DID210013S Video Transcript NA Digital Detox NA


Updated 2024-07-26