Day with the King, A

Noah and the Flood - Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr John Hammond, Pr Rick Ferret


Series Code: DWK

Program Code: DWK000005

00:02 Hello there. Happy Sabbath. Come on in. We're about to meet with
00:05 the King.
00:07 ¤ ¤
00:52 Hello, I'm Auntie Nat. It's great that you could all join
00:55 us to meet with the King. We're
00:57 about to open the Sabbath. Come
00:58 and join our worship time together. Hello Auntie Cecily.
01:02 It's great that you could join us today.
01:05 Hello Children. It's great that you came here to worship the
01:09 King. Hello Teddy. It's great to see you here to. Auntie
01:13 Cecily, would you like to say a prayer for us before we open
01:16 our worship time?
01:18 Yes. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for keeping us safely
01:23 throughout the past week. And thank you that the children who
01:26 are watching can join with us in worshipping you. In Jesus' name
01:31 Amen. Amen.
01:33 Do you know this is a great time to reflect on our week and count
01:37 the many blessings that God has given us. Ella, you have a
01:41 blessing to share with us.
01:43 We have Teddy because some of our friends found him on the
01:46 the side of the road and they didn't want to keep him any more
01:50 so they gave us a call and said would you want a rabbit? And mom
01:56 said yes so we got him and now he's here with us and he's a
02:00 very cuddly rabbit and very special to us.
02:04 That's great Ella. Thanks for sharing that with us. Auntie
02:08 Cecily, you have something to share with us as well about the
02:10 Sabbath.
02:11 Yes. Later on we're going to read in our Bibles about how God
02:15 asked Noah to prepare an ark for a special day that was to come.
02:22 So God asks us to prepare each week for the Sabbath. As we've
02:26 studied, the Sabbath is on the seventh day of the week,
02:30 Saturday. Friday, the day before is the day on which we can do
02:36 some preparations. Now all week we should be thinking about the
02:40 coming Sabbath. God wants our time and our thoughts to be
02:45 focused on Him on the Sabbath day. So He wants us to prepare
02:50 ahead of time. This means that we need to try to do all we can
02:55 to get ready for the Sabbath. Exodus 16:23 talks about this
03:02 and how the Sabbath day is a holy day. So we need to prepare
03:08 our food and make sure our clothes are ready for church the
03:12 day before and that we've tidied our rooms and help mom and dad
03:17 to clean the house. We want to be prepared to meet with the
03:21 King and spend the day with the King.
03:23 Wow wee! Isn't that great. Thanks Auntie Cecily.
03:27 Do you know another way that we can worship God on the Sabbath
03:31 is to worship Him in song. We've got Pastor Rick here with us
03:36 today to do just that. Please Pastor Rick.
03:40 Hi boys and girls. Let's sing the song Remember the Sabbath
03:43 Day.
04:25 Pastor Rick, can we please sing I've Been Redeemed?
04:28 Yes we can.
05:19 Pastor Rick, can we please sing Be Like Jesus?
05:22 Yes, we can sing that lovely song.
05:43 And again.
06:03 Thanks Pastor Rick. It's great to praise God in song. Luke, we
06:07 discovered a blessing at Sunnyside this week. Will we
06:10 share that with the children at home. Yes. Okay. Let's go
06:13 have a look at that.
06:15 Hello boys and girls. My name is Dr. John Hammond. Welcome to the
06:23 Australian home of Mrs. Ellen White. Come with me. I've got
06:28 some stories to tell you.
06:31 I did say before that Ellen traveled a lot by train. I love
06:42 traveling by train and she had some pretty amazing experiences
06:47 in the train. So have I. I was driving down the road once and
06:52 I saw a train on its side, three engines and 50 trucks
06:58 full of coal. And I walked over to see why it was rolled over.
07:03 And you know what had caused it? A naughty boy had put one of
07:10 these on the railroad track and that was enough to roll the
07:16 trail. Ellen got on the train once with all her bags, her
07:19 husband and some of her workers and when she got on the train
07:24 she suddenly said I feel bad about this carriage. Get off.
07:31 But we've got all the bags and the trunks and we've got good
07:36 seats and Ellen said off. And they went to the carriage next
07:42 door. And as they were going down the track there was a
07:47 terrible bump. It wasn't a nut. It was a great big bull. Sadly
07:58 there wasn't much left of the bull afterwards but when they
08:03 got off the train their carriage was sitting still but all the
08:09 other carriages, the one that they had been in, was smashed
08:12 to pieces. You see, Satan kept on trying to get rid of Ellen.
08:19 I was driving from Crossford to Cooranbong one day
08:26 here where this house is and I was racing the train. I was
08:29 driving the car and I would stop for a traffic jam and the train
08:34 would keep on going and it got to Wiley before I did and I saw
08:39 a man get off. He was old, he was wearing a black coat, he was
08:45 bent over. He had white hair. I went past him and I felt sorry
08:50 for him and I stopped and I picked him up. And I said where
08:53 do you live and he said, Oh over there in the hills. And I went
08:58 over there. It was off the road, and I went into this hut that
09:03 was made of tin and bark and bits of timber. Well I felt
09:09 sorry for him and the next week I took him some bread. And when
09:14 I walked in I wasn't quite sure what to say and I said, Here's
09:18 some bread from God. Oh boy! Did I say the wrong thing. He went
09:24 don't talk to me about God. I hate Him. And he gnashed his
09:32 teeth, he said you're trying to help me with a present from God?
09:35 I don't need help from God. And you know what he did. He reached
09:40 into his bed and he pulled out a jar full of gold coins. Don't
09:48 you talk to me about God. I don't need God. And he dug in
09:51 the ground and he pulled out another jar full of bank notes.
09:55 really screamed at me and he said, Get out, I hate God. I
10:01 went out and about a year later that old house was bulldozed.
10:05 It's where the power lines go across. But somewhere around in
10:10 there I still think is the gold. He missed the gold of heaven,
10:16 he kept his gold and he died. But Ellen was on a train and
10:23 there she met a man who hated God. He was an infidel just like
10:27 the old man whose name was Jimmy Johnson. This man hated God and
10:33 as he was walking up and down the corridor on the train, he
10:37 saw a little lady holding a Bible. Who do you think it was?
10:41 Ellen White. And he started to shout and scream about God and
10:50 he mocked her. All the people in the train were listening and
10:57 she sat there quietly. Finally he ran out of breath and she
11:04 opened her Bible and she just went like this. She read this
11:10 text. Now this is eternal life that they may know you the only
11:20 true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. And he couldn't
11:27 open his mouth. Everybody in the train started to clap and cheer.
11:36 You know, you can be an infidel, you can hate God, but there is
11:42 nothing stronger than a text from the Bible if you read it
11:46 quietly.
11:49 Hi boys and girls, happy Sabbath Welcome to our Bible study.
11:53 I hope you have your Bible ready so you can read along with us.
11:56 Auntie Cecily can you please say a prayer for us before we start
12:00 reading the Bible.
12:03 Yes. Dear God, thank you for the privilege of owning a Bible.
12:06 Please send your Holy Spirit to be with us as we study your word
12:11 and be with the boys and girls and help them to understand what
12:15 we read. In Jesus' name Amen. Amen.
12:19 Now last Sabbath we studied a story in the Bible. Sarah can
12:24 you remember what we talked about last Sabbath?
12:26 About Cain and Abel how Cain was angry at Abel because he
12:31 was obedient.
12:32 That's right. He was very angry wasn't he? Do you know what, the
12:36 blessings of earth were taken away from Cain because he wasn't
12:39 sorry for his sin. And we're going to study in the Bible now
12:42 about what happened to our world as a result of sin. Liam, can
12:47 you please read for us Genesis 6:5-7.
12:49 Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in
12:55 the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was
13:00 only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made
13:06 man on the earth and He was grieved in His heart. So the
13:12 Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the
13:16 face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping things and birds
13:21 of the air for I am sorry that I have made them.
13:26 Mmm. So what does all that mean? God became so unhappy that He
13:30 had made man because of their wickedness. It made Him so sad.
13:35 He was going to destroy the world and the people and all the
13:38 animals. Nick can you please read Genesis 6:8-10 please.
13:43 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. This is the
13:48 genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man
13:51 perfect in his generation.
13:53 Noah walked with God and Noah begot three sons, Shem, Ham and
14:02 Japheth.
14:04 Mmm. So what was the man that found grace in the eyes of God?
14:08 Noah. Noah. He was a just man and perfect. Do you know that
14:12 Noah must have been a very special man indeed that God
14:15 chose him. He must have been praying perhaps a lot. Perhaps
14:19 he was worried about what was going on in the world and he
14:22 would have been teaching the people the truths about God.
14:25 Wow, so Noah loved God and God must have loved him very much.
14:32 Do you think Noah must have been faithful and obedient. Yes.
14:35 I think he was. Let's see what God asked Noah to do because He
14:38 asked him to do a very special thing. Elijah can you read
14:42 Genesis 6:14-17 for us please.
14:45 Make yourself an ark of gopher wood. Make rooms in the ark and
14:50 cover it inside and outside with pitch. And this is how you shall
14:54 make it. The length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, its width
14:59 50 cubits and its height 30 cubits. You shall a make window
15:03 for the ark and you shall finish it to a cubit from above and
15:07 set the door of the ark in its side. You shall make it with
15:11 lower, second and third decks. And behold I myself am bringing
15:15 flood waters on the earth to destroy from under heaven
15:19 all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything that is on
15:23 the earth shall die.
15:25 Mmm. So God asked Noah to build an ark or a boat because He was
15:29 thinking what? A flood. A flood. Do you know in our day
15:34 measurements the ark was 140 meters long, 23 meters wide and
15:40 14 meters high. That is around six stories. So can you imagine
15:45 a house with six stories. That was how high the ark was. That's
15:49 big. And we've got a model of the ark here. Isn't that big?
15:54 That's a scale model and even the animals are scale so, that
15:58 shows us how nice and big the ark was. It had three levels
16:02 with a door on the side and can you see the windows done all the
16:06 way along the top? God was the designer and Noah was the master
16:11 builder. And do you know that the light from the top of those
16:15 windows lighted every single floor of the ark. Isn't that
16:18 special. Now Genesis 6:3 tells us that it took Noah 120 years
16:26 to build an ark. That's a long time isn't it? Goodness, a lot
16:30 of work. Do you think that Noah was preaching to the people?
16:34 Yes he was. He was. While he was building that ark he was
16:38 warning all the people what God was going to do, that He was
16:42 going to bring a flood. Do you think that people laughed at
16:46 him? Yes. I think they did. They thought he was a bit of a crazy
16:50 man building an ark out in the middle of the land where there
16:53 was no water. That would be like building a boat out in the
16:55 the middle of the Australian desert. That's a bit funny,
16:58 isn't it. But do you know what? Noah was a very faithful and
17:02 obedient man and he believed what God told him. Okay.
17:06 So let's read Genesis 6:18-22. Kate can you do that for us
17:12 please.
17:14 But I will establish my covenant with thee and ye shall go into
17:18 the ark, you, your sons, your wife and your sons wives with
17:22 thee. And every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of
17:28 every sort into the ark to keep them alive. There shall be male
17:33 and female. Of the birds after their kind and the animals after
17:39 their kind and of every creeping thing of the earth after its
17:43 kind. Two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive
17:50 and you shall take for yourself of all the food that is eaten
17:55 and you shall gather it to yourself and it shall be food
17:59 for you and for them. Thus Noah did according to all that God
18:04 commanded him, thus he did.
18:07 Okay. So he was going into the ark. Let's think about that.
18:10 So Noah and his family and two of every animal. Can you see two
18:14 of every animal there behind you and enough food for the family
18:21 and to feed the what? The animals. They had enough food in
18:25 to feed the animals. In Genesis 7:2-3 it says two
18:28 unclean animals they also needed and seven clean animals of every
18:34 kind and we'll study about that later, why there were seven.
18:37 Okay, so let's count the people. There was Noah and his wife and
18:42 his three sons and the three wives. So how many is that?
18:47 Eight. Eight people in the ark. It's not many. Let's have a look
18:54 at our Torchlight, Ben, Mrs. White's writing and see what she
18:59 does to shine the light on that verse. Can you read that please
19:02 for us.
19:03 Animals obeyed the command of God while men were disobedient.
19:07 Guided by holy angels they went in two and two unto Noah in the
19:12 ark. And the clean beasts by sevens.
19:17 So did Noah and his sons have to go out and catch the animals.
19:21 No. No, who brought the animals to the ark? God did. God brought
19:25 the animals or the angels guided them. Were the animals
19:28 obedient? Yes. Were the people obedient and wanted to get on
19:31 the ark? No. They didn't want to get on the ark at all. Okay.
19:35 Sarah you're going to read our next reading for us.
19:38 Genesis 7:16.
19:40 So they entered, male and female of all flesh went in as God had
19:46 commanded him and the Lord shut him in.
19:49 Mmm. So who shut the door of the ark? God. God shut the door of
19:50 the ark? God. God shut the door. He did. Auntie Cecily you are
19:55 going to read for us now Genesis 7:11-12.
19:59 In the 600th year of Noah's life in the second month the 17th day
20:06 of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep
20:12 were broken up and the windows of heaven were opened and the
20:19 rain was on the earth 40 days and 40 nights.
20:21 Mmm. My goodness. All right, how long did it rain for?
20:27 Forty days and 40 nights.
20:29 Forty days and 40 nights. Do you know it had never rained before
20:33 this time, never rained. Do you think that would have been a bit
20:37 scary hearing rain for the first time? We take that for granted
20:40 hearing rain on the roof but for them it was a very scary
20:44 experience. But you know what, do you think Noah continued to
20:47 be faithful. Yes. He did. He continued to be faithful. Okay.
20:52 Let's read Hebrews 11:7. That's our memory verse for today.
20:57 Let's read that together. You ready? Yes.
21:06 By faith Noah being divinely warned of things not yet seen
21:13 moved with Godly fear prepared an ark to the saving of his
21:17 household.
21:18 So he was faithful and obedient. He built a boat on the land
21:22 having never seen rain or a flood before. People laughed and
21:26 ridiculed him yet he remained faithful and kept right on
21:31 that ark. He remained faithful for 120 years. Do you know we
21:37 can pray and ask God for the faith that Noah had. Noah was a
21:41 fantastic witness for us. Thank you boys and girls for joining
21:46 us today in reading the Bible. It was great to have you along.
21:49 Would you like the same faith that Noah had. We can ask God
21:53 for more and more faith. God is faithful in answering your
21:57 prayers. Next Sabbath when we meet again, we will continue our
22:00 study of Noah and the flood and see how God looked after him and
22:04 his family.
22:06 Keeping the Sabbath week by week helps strengthen our faith and
22:11 tests our obedience to God. One way to build our faith is to
22:15 read and study our Bibles. The Bible is filled with wonderful
22:20 faith building stories and it helps us in our walk with the
22:24 Lord. We want to encourage you to read your Bibles not only on
22:28 the Sabbath day but every day. Auntie Nat can you tell us about
22:34 the devotional that relates to our study this week.
22:37 Yes. We have a seven-day devotional available on Noah and
22:43 the Flood that's the first part. We studied this together today
22:47 in our study. It expands on what we have learnt. You can download
22:52 and print it free from our website.
22:54 This will help you to read your Bible every day and spend time
22:59 getting to know God. Auntie Cecily will you go over our
23:02 memory verse that we learnt today.
23:04 Yes. Let's do that. Are you ready to say it all together?
23:07 Yes. Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah being divinely warned of things
23:16 not yet seen moved with Godly fear prepared an ark for the
23:22 saving of his household.
23:25 Auntie Nat you ready to sing our blessing song to the children?
23:28 Yes let's do that.
23:30 ¤May God bless you and keep you and fill your heart with love¤
23:44 ¤May God guide and protect you and watch you from above¤
23:54 ¤And Sabbath after Sabbath we greet the day of rest¤
24:04 ¤The day the King of Glory has sanctified and blessed¤
24:14 ¤Good bye my friend till we meet again¤
24:21 ¤For another day with the King¤
24:24 Bye, good bye.
24:29 ¤ ¤


Revised 2019-03-04