Program Code | Duration | Description | Participants |
DWK000001 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000002 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000003 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000004 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000005 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000006 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000007 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000008 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000009 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000010 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000011 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000012 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000013 Video Transcript | NA | No Information Available | NA |
DWK000014A Video Transcript | 0:28:30 | Moses | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000015A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | The Bush that Would Not Burn | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000016A Video Transcript | 0:29:00 | The Plagues and the Passover | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000017A Video Transcript | 0:28:30 | The Exodus | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000018A Video Transcript | 0:29:00 | Bread from Heaven | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000019A Video Transcript | 0:28:30 | The Ten Commandments | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000020A Video Transcript | 0:28:00 | Forty Days and Forty Nights with God | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000021A Video Transcript | 0:29:00 | The Broken Promise | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr John Hammond, Pr Rick Ferret |
DWK000022A Video Transcript | 0:28:30 | Building the Sancuary | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Pr Rick Ferret, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000023A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | Living for God | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Pr Rick Ferret, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000024A Video Transcript | 0:28:15 | Journey Through the Desert | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Pr Rick Ferret, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000025A Video Transcript | 0:28:30 | The 12 Spies | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Pr Rick Ferret, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000026A Video Transcript | 0:29:00 | The Promised Land | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Pr Rick Ferret, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000027A Video Transcript | 0:28:15 | Joshua | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000028A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | Jericho | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000029A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | The Sun Stood Still | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000030A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | Gideon | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000031A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | Samson | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000032A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | Ruth | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000033A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | Samuel | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000034A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | The Stolen Ark | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000035A Video Transcript | 0:29:00 | King Saul | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000036A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | A Rebellious Heart | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000037A Video Transcript | 0:28:30 | David and Goliath | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000038A Video Transcript | 0:29:00 | David in Hiding | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000039A Video Transcript | 0:28:45 | Friendship and the Throne | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Dr. John Hammond, Pr. Rick Ferret |
DWK000040A Video Transcript | 0:28:15 | The Ark on the Move | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000041A Video Transcript | 0:27:00 | The Reign of King David | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000042A Video Transcript | 0:27:15 | The King's Children | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000043A Video Transcript | 0:27:30 | The Wisdom of King Solomon | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000044A Video Transcript | 0:27:00 | The House of the Lord | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000045A Video Transcript | 0:27:00 | The Folly of Solomon | Cecily Harker (Host), Natalee McLean (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000046A Video Transcript | 0:27:45 | Elijah | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000047A Video Transcript | 0:26:45 | Showdown at Carmel | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000048A Video Transcript | 0:26:45 | The Chariot, the Mantle, and the Bears | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000049A Video Transcript | 0:27:00 | Miracles from God | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000050A Video Transcript | 0:28:15 | Naaman and the Little Maid | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000051A Video Transcript | 0:28:00 | Jonah and the Big Fish | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000052A Video Transcript | 0:27:45 | Josiah the Boy King | Natalee McLean (Host), Cecily Harker (Host), Braedan Entermann, Dr John Hammond |
DWK000053A Video Transcript | NA | Four Noble Boys | NA |
DWK000054A Video Transcript | NA | The Forgotten Dream | NA |
DWK000055A Video Transcript | NA | Vision of the Future | NA |
DWK000056A Video Transcript | NA | Thrown Into The Fire | NA |
DWK000057A Video Transcript | NA | The Fall of the Great Tree | NA |
DWK000058A Video Transcript | NA | Babylon's Last Party | NA |
DWK000059A Video Transcript | NA | A Night with the Lions | NA |
DWK000060A Video Transcript | NA | Strange Beasts from the Sea | NA |
DWK000061A Video Transcript | NA | Daniel Sees Our Day | NA |
DWK000062A Video Transcript | NA | A Glorious Prophecy | NA |
DWK000063A Video Transcript | NA | Freed at Last | NA |
DWK000064A Video Transcript | NA | Brave Queen Esther | NA |
DWK000065A Video Transcript | NA | Rebuilding Jerusalem | NA |
DWK220066B Video | NA | God's Law of Love | NA |
DWK220067B Video | NA | Deceived by the Serpent | NA |
DWK220068B Video | NA | God's Wonderful Plan | NA |
DWK220069B Video | NA | God Shares His Secrets | NA |
DWK220070B Video | NA | God's Special People | NA |
DWK220071B Video | NA | Messengers to God's People | NA |
DWK220072B Video | NA | More Than A Prophet | NA |
DWK220073B Video | NA | The Greatest Mystery of All | NA |
DWK220074B Video | NA | Wise Men Follow The Star | NA |
DWK220075B Video | NA | Visit to the Temple | NA |
DWK220076B Video | NA | Jesus Is Anointed | NA |
DWK220077B Video | NA | Victory in the Wilderness | NA |
DWK220078B Video | NA | We Have Found The Messiah | NA |
Updated 2025-03-29